Genius can open the minds of others, as well as repress human potential by driving a creative people into servitude. It is very telling that worldly wisdom so readily believes in the power of the State to close minds in an Orwellian nightmare, but is totally incredulous should the observation be made that �everything� is reversible �that through the creative arts, the insight-out-look of mysticism can pare a petrified intelligence in-two ..genius.

If you wish to understand this book, you should see it whole � and the place to start is the homepage: Heaven-Words copyright 2005 WEBb1910473801 (All rights reserved by the author) You may view any or all chapters of this very long book simply by clicking on the links below.

Fox News Bill O�Reilly Sean Hannity Savage Double Talk Radio with Their Forked Tongue Tales of Islamofascism in Eurabia

Keys To Heaven-Words: The Art And Science Of Revolution

Gordon Press-ing realities in a surreal world

Cold War origins of totalitarianism in North America and Western Europe

Rise and fall of Roman Catholic Church: revisionist history

Salvador Dali portrays two-timing artists of today: from religious to ideological war with Jewish genius

Quantum theory made easy:  an introduction to the new physics

From String Theory To A Final Theory: Back To The Origins of Nuclear Weapons

Creators of the atomic bomb: debasing nuclear power into a totalitarian order in the new world

Quantum brain theory: splitting classical-physical reality..from the inside-out

Breakdown of madness dawns on genius of collective consciousness

Chaos Theory: gravity bends of spiraling space-time

Emile Durkheim: sacred symbols conceal unholy conviction: believers-in-themselves are sacred..chosen people

Totalitarian science of quantum wholeness -- David Bohm: Krishnamurti or Cusa

The double edge rap of black and white words

In Terror of a Savage Nation - Orwellian nightmare dawns on the West

Human identity is defined by the divine forces in which people believe or disbelieve. The one God of our tradition is the model for the individual, and a key instrument for our enslavement. Before God, the individual is like a tiny child, subject to the absolute authority from above. If God is all-powerful, the individual is ultimately powerless before his Judge. So one seeks to follow God's will and share in His glory. This is the origin of subservience. The cult of personality was used by Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, F.D.R., Churchill and a not so heavenly host of superstars and pop-stars throughout history. God is replaced by the great leader. Monotheism is converted into the tunnel vision of totalitarianism. The names may have been changed, but the under-lying principle is basically the same. Big Brother is everything; I am nothing. Self-consciousness is rooted in fear. Enlightenment is a very fearful awakening and accessible only to those with the courage to stand against the maddening power of the established reality! Everything now appears to be a sham. The whole thing is a lie, the inescapable big lie of totalitarianism. Once one has gained the strength to endure the shocking madness of understanding this totalitarian system, many possibilities open to the liberated mind. This sense for the totality is not evil in itself; it is only our current misfortune that today's established order has chosen to pervert such a vision of brilliance into something horrifying. Genius can open the minds of others, as well as repress human potential by driving a creative people into servitude. It is very telling that worldly wisdom so readily believes in the power of the State to close minds in an Orwellian nightmare, but is totally incredulous should the observation be made that �everything� is reversible �that through the creative arts, the insight-out-look of mysticism can pare a petrified intelligence in-two ..genius. Those demoralized by this slave-State-with-a-beat should know that a dogmatic pessimism is not a position worth defending. On-line virtual dimensions of collective intelligence imply a language of multiple realities and many universes of meaning. The artistry of how we think determines what we are able to think, and thus gives form to our possibilities. The secret of beauty is that it binds together all those it a fair witness to injustice with-stood by every-man blind-sided by the petrifying gays of tyranny. The privilege of a chosen few is procured at the expense of many abandoned to struggle in the raw sewage of a used up planet. Out of this hell, it must be hoped that fallen man will once again arise ....storming the heavens so that he might re-discover paradise now lost ....among the stars.  

The acceptable face of Zionism in every household throughout the roaring 90�s was America's minority elected president: Bill Clinton. People did not much care about Clinton's morality or policies as long as he and his Jewish cabinet created a climate in which gamblers and fighter-bombers could make a quick killing. It is never an easy call telling the Holy Rollers from the high rollers when the good timers are rocking and rolling in their joints ...and this was no exception: Christian conscience was vacationing in Vegas. Americans long wanted J.R. Ewing for president and finally got him: their own made-for-TV-Slick-Willy. However, there does seem to be at least one matter of corruption that appears to penetrate the thin veneer of well-healed souls. It seems that both the Bush #1 league and the Clinton #1 team gave the communist/capitalist Chinese the much needed technology to make their inter-continental ballistic missiles extremely accurate. Even these cynics have been rocked by the realization that they themselves are likely targets of this proliferating ICBM smart technology; such deals were arranged by both parties in the White House and implemented by American technology firms with full encouragement by the strategically stationed Jews involved in such momentous decisions. After all, Israel had been selling high-tech weaponry to China for years, and we all know that nobody out-cons the Jews. Did not Neils Bohr show that the politics of nuclear duplicity is essential for this new open world order? But to everyone�s amazement, it seems that the long reclusive Chinese were not entirely converted to this new age morality, and have proved themselves to be ingrates by out-smarting their new found friends. Just a few short years after the secret deals, the fear is that nuclear missile game-plans have fallen into hacker hands as the remnants of the old world communist order disintegrate; this angst is amplified by the proliferation in cyber-space of stealth tactical reconnaissance technology to peoples sympathetic to anti-Semitic ideologies � and this evolution no more anticipated than the collapse of the Soviet Union. Market watchers did not feel truly threatened by the iron-fisted Soviet bosses, but they now fear renegade Russians fully aware of the role Jews continue to play in their own tragic history. These Russians, brutalized by communists far beyond anything Blacks in America or Europe can imagine, are no more enamored of modern day democratic Jewish rulers like the short-timer Prime Ministers Kirijenko and Primakov than they were of the Jewish Bolsheviks, who mastered them throughout most of the twentieth century. Perhaps equally, Jews fear the spread of militant Islam from the Middle East to Iran's Islamic neighbor: Pakistan �and from there to hundreds of millions of other Muslims throughout Asia. Around the turn of the century, the Pakistanis found pride and a sense of security in parading through living rooms world-wide with mock nuclear missiles emblazoned with the politically incorrect words "Islamic bomb", indicating that they were not unaware of who their adversaries are. Shortly after the Pakistanis tested a nuclear bomb, the Israeli press reported that Pakistani officials warned Israel that their intelligence sources informed them of an impending attack by the allied forces of India and Israel -- not unlike the air raids Israel had launched years earlier against the nuclear facilities of their Arab neighbors. Tension between Pakistan and Israel should not surprise you. Everything makes sense if you think relativistically by imagining a world in which the security of the Jews is the highest of all possible priorities. A serious weakness confronted by the Jews in their effort to rule the world is Asia. These Easterners are racially different, as well as religiously and linguistically far removed. There can be no appeal to the "guilt of the Holocaust" or to Christian ties. The Asians care nothing for the Jews, but Israel desperately needs Asian allies to check the spread of militant Islam.... and once again America has foot the Bill: protection of Israel has necessitated placing America at risk of far more deadly incursions than cyber attacks. The weakness of the West is that we have been foolish enough to see the Jews as being our own people. They have proven that they are not. Because Jews of every nationality are committed first and foremost to Israel, they need Western supporters more than we need their now obviously corrupting creativity; without us, they face a world of hostile neighbors and opportunistic allies who sense their vulnerability -- yet they have betrayed and brutalized our people beyond belief. They love us as wolves dote on the sheep they depend upon for sustenance. Their interest in the White middle classes is like that of a corporate merger, where a majority of millions of our racial compatriots are issued pink slips of social degeneracy, while those select few they have chosen are elevated to the party life. Banishment from America and Europe will be far more difficult for Jews than they believe possible, but this is a morally justified action we must have the strength to enforce. It may have taken us over two thousand years to realize this, but the Jews have finally lost our trust and respect forever. Let them try to ply their trade among the Arabs, Africans, and Asians, but never again among our kind. Unlike Christianity, our faith must teach us religiously that acts of mass murder against the White race are unforgivable. Those who feel greater sympathy for the Jews than their own kith and kin should be encouraged to follow their hearts to the promised land. The media so love to portray rebellious Whites as ignorant racists who falsely judge people by the color of their skin. Our greatest enemy is much the same color as we are; our opposition to them has nothing to do with their appearance, and everything to do with the treachery of their actions. We too can overcome apparent contradiction by finding complementary alliances with other races throughout the world ...common cause in opposition to our common foe: the Jews .....emphasizing racial cohesion among all Whites, while respecting the right of other peoples to their own racial identities and social justice.

The authority of the Zionist World Order did not go unchallenged prior to Islamic attacks on the West in the Fall of 2001. In 1998, the media carried out two campaign blitzes promising the imminent attack of Iraq by an American armada which formed in the Indian Ocean. Clinton�s impeachment extravaganza demonstrated the seriousness of this intent, but a much broader mission was served than the declared protection of Israel and other Middle Eastern allies. More dangerous "rogue states" with far more capability threaten the region ....such as North Korea, Pakistan, or some loose Russian cannons lacking brand names. More important than the attack on Iraq itself was a show of power, a demonstration that "terrorism" would not go unanswered. However, it is considered unwise to directly threaten a deadly adversary, and even more reckless to initiate a pre-emptive strike on those with the capability of responding in spades. A nuclear exchange is too big a risk for those who already have prophets and are looking for Seouls in which to save them. The impoverished majority of Indonesia was emboldened by the increasingly aggressive stand of North Korea. Revolutionary rioting was appearing in the streets of populous Indonesian cities both times American ships converged on the Persian Gulf. More interesting still was an event that immediately preceded the second coming of this armada to Asian waters. North Korea launched a missile which they claimed placed a satellite in orbit. However, the Western media reported that the missile fell into the ocean after over-flying Japan. North Korea was believed to have nuclear weapons and the rockets needed to deliver them nearly anywhere on the globe. In early December 1998, The Drudge Report identified a most disturbing Web site. The North Korean government openly broadcast news reports from their site declaring the Iraqi crisis to be a fabrication, and that the real target of American, South Korean, and Japanese aggression was North Korea. To quote this Web-site: "North Korean news media on Dec. 4 said the country will strike back the U.S. Mainland if the latter provokes another war on the Korean Peninsula..... We have powerful means and capabilities to defeat any armed invasion by a formidable enemy at a sweep. There is no limit to this strike, and on this planet, there is no room for escaping it..." By February 2005, it was clear that this was no bluff. If you check news reports from this 1998 time period, you will find that while Iraq was in the headlines, Bill Clinton and his advisors were in South Korea and Japan �and several months later in Pakistan and India. It is very likely that the purpose of the naval armada in Asian waters was to position anti-missile defenses to protect Israel. It is conceivable that the missile which sailed over Japan may have been intercepted. If world opinion senses that the United States can be held at bay, then revolution could spread like another Asian financial crisis from South Korea and Indonesia to other countries around the world, including China and Russia.....and would be likely to have a distinctly anti-American, anti-Semitic tone. So international stability required a show of force ....leadership and moral inspiration for a world that has lost sensitivity to Bohr�s paradoxical lessons of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. While the submissive support of comfortable viewers in the West may have been assured by American ruthlessness, there are billions of very desperate people on this Earth who are not so easily intimidated, nor so readily impressed by the politically correct piety of the folks on TV or the fire-power of party-line bosses ...they are far more eager to see philanthropic market speculators like George Soros fall than your news-cast reports... especially if you rely on the Jews-media for your reality check. If you believe a secure life-style can be procured merely by feigning love for the destitute multi-racial masses of the world then the dumbing-down of America has claimed another "victim". What is the unmistakable lesson people across the planet have learned from the bombing of Iraq and Serbia? They have learned that North Korea, India, and Pakistan have not been bombed because they have nuclear missiles ...and that they too need such weapons in order to avoid being decimated by the United States. What is a super-power to do? Make a first and decisive strike against all "rouge" nuclear states ...simultaneously? Or show some Albright-style roguish curtsy to those nations who can defend themselves ...or even threaten a first strike of their own? By the summer of 2000, North Korea�s threats had paid off. America removed long standing trade sanctions and quietly agreed not to refer to North Korea as a �rouge state�. In 2002, George W put them back on notice, but they aren't quaking in their boots since China's now on the list too, so everybody knows its just politics as far as Asia is concerned. What we have learned from this historic confrontation is that America�s Jewish war-lords can be made to back off by an opponent with a demonstrated capacity to fight. Another under-reported event of the same period involved Israel�s humiliating defeat, in its decade long war in Lebanon, by Hezbollah. The people of both Iran and Iraq have not failed to notice the implications of these �very minor media events�. For those who are keeping score, does it really matter if some pip-squeak up-starts have only half a dozen long range nuclear missiles and Judeo-Xians have thousands? Where have you gone Neils Bohr ???a lonely nation turns its eyes to you. But hey, lighten up. Aren�t global markets still booming?

There are affluent politically correct "winners" today who ally themselves with the new world order governments of the West not because they love the poor, but because they believe the multi-racial society is a confidence game to camouflage the mass murder of untold millions of Third World people by means of biological and chemical-drug warfare, and that this is done with the aid of local marionette regimes throughout the global village. Do you really believe that these same aggressive main-liners who are willing to betray their White middle-class American countrymen for quick-profit-fixes care any more for the expanding populations of the Third World? They are like the multi-national corporations who love children �cheap labor. If you are looking for modern day profiteers from slavery, you would do well to turn your attention to the wealthy investors in brand names. Skin-heads, Nazis, and even those without the courage to defend themselves, see the situation of Third World peoples and fear the same fate awaits "poor White trash"; impoverished aliens are forced as "equals" upon Europeans and Americans by rulers who pit these out-landish bulls against red-necks, thus attacking both.... supporting two-sides in a no-win war of attrition. How many truly wealthy people can you identify as card carrying racists? Use your head! These city slickers have got their sites set on both "Black racists" and "White racists". It is a party thing, and race is simply the mechanism used to provoke incompatible peoples to destroy each other. It does not take an awful lot of intelligence -- why it might even be taken for Granted that the racism in the news being broadcast on mainstream radio and TV is being used to increase both Black and White racism in this Savage the very same Jews-media that denounces it. In a world where anything goes, there is only one show that must never go on: anti-Semitism -- even though this unspoken law appears to be challenged every sixty minutes. There is a double-play going on that calls "out!" for insight. It is essential to be ambiguous here because there is not merely deception involved, but also a kind of quantum weirdness entangling apparent opposites. Extremists, such as Jews and Nazis become that which they most hate � much as the abused child grows up to be a child abuser. Israelis behave like Nazis, and Nazis dream of usurping the tyrannical rule of the Jews. In many respects, deadly adversaries strengthen each other, and define themselves in terms of those they would annihilate � so much so that one is uncertain as to whether or not they are actually in collusion. My sentiment is that each is fatally attracted to its opposite like matter and anti-matter. Consequently, one turns away from White supremacy for the same reasons one rebels against Zionist oppression.  What is called for is insight, not the unwavering devotion of blind faith in The Party. So let us examine how complex enemies � whether real or imaginary � pursue each other and their common goal. The double-play referred to focuses on celebrity and the betrayal of those desperately seeking their messiah -- their great White hope. The play is staged to set-up a targeted audience � such as white males � while simultaneously antagonizing every other group in society. This results in a back-lash against the ideas championed by the inside-outsider �who is actually a shill � a silent partner of the Media State � an unacknowledged co-conspirator in tyranny. The first clue that should alert patriots to this scam is that such double-agents aspire to absolute power: they are the authoritarian shadow of the Media State! This celebrity endures in the minds of would-be rebels as the embattled adversary of the corrupt system. What is most telling about such double-cross stars is that they endorse the terms of conflict defined by the authorities. The super-stars of the super-state declare themselves to be representatives of love and tolerance, while these anti-heroes preach a gospel of hate. The out-come of all this is that the declarations of Party-line officials are given credibility by the extremism of these State sponsored �terrorists�, thus making the cool tempered professional politicians look moderate � even as measures are taken to �re-educate the public� in the dangers of free speech and possessing guns. It is precisely the extremism of the inside-outsider that justifies the Media State in calling constitutional freedoms into question. Jewish �liberals� from Hollywood and New York create media �entertainment� to shock and horrify �The People� � resulting in popular support for politicians dedicated to restricting First and Second Amendment rights. The Media State players in Hollywood, New York, and D.C. are all following the same game-plan. But this is just a re-run of the cold-war �collaboration of symbiotically linked presumed ideological enemies� described by Wallerstein in Geopolitics and Geoculture. Only as a totalitarian state weakens, do genuine adversaries appear; most of the flag-wavers in the Fall of 2001 were unable to recognize the true enemies of their freedom -- the greatest threat to the survival of the America they love. On June 27, 2001, MSNBC carried an Associated Press �news report� titled: Support ebbs for 1st Amendment �Poll: 4 in 10 think freedom of speech guarantee goes too far.� Ken Paulson of the �First Amendment Center� stated that: �There�s very little question that as the public loses respect for the press it loses respect for the First Amendment..� The article goes on to say that �Seven in 10 Americans said it is important for the government to �hold the media in check��. It is critical to understand that the Media Is The State! �Behind the facade of enmity�, collaborators pursue a common goal: to enhance the power of the Media State �to suppress individual liberty. Genuine revolutionaries are not Media State celebrities. These thoughtful outsiders are ignored, or silenced. A case in point: The complete disinterest of international Media States in bringing to justice those responsible for mass murders committed by communists in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Shortly before the attack on the World Trade Center and the elevation of Osama bin Laden to the rank of Anti-Christ, the world media high-lighted a show trial in The Hague -- the one time leader of Yugoslavia: Milosevic -- was declared to be guilty of the "worst crimes against humanity since World War II" ...and like Saddam before him and bin Laden after him, he was denounced by the Media State as " the Hitler of our time". Those attempting to challenge this Media-States-of-the-World "fact" do so at peril to their own reputations. They are viewed much the same as "Holocaust deniers" and are charged with trying to justify the atrocities of "fascists"-like-Milosevic. The history of the millions of Eastern-Block Europeans murdered by the communists after World War II is never allowed to even be discussed. That's all old news and is no longer relevant. Only "fascists" keep fishing for that Red herring. Questioning White supremacy is not cowardice. There is an alternative to tyranny ...a way to freedom. The moderation of Racial Separatism is understandable to a broad range of people around the world, and is far more difficult for the Media State to oppose than barbarian Nazis advocating the mass murder of all Jews and people of color. All the authorities can do is ignore those who creatively challenge their integrity, and show-case �The Hater� ..the inside-outsider, who makes the Media State look good in opposing his self-proclaimed mission of hate. Breaking-news will fully endorse both �liberal� and �conservative� �people of good faith� leading the campaign to fight hateful messengers of anti-Semitism and racism �leading us all to fall once again ...into the Media State arms of a Savage Nation that so �loves� being its own worst enemy � Big Brother. Was this not exactly the twisted world described by George Orwell in 1984 : Foxy cross-dressing straight talkers getting a Rush on the air waves pitching that old-fashioned no spin Hardball to the inside "left" corner while looking �right� � retiring heavy-hitters to bull pens in Alaska. What?! Gulags in America? No!?! Just giving The �Bill� of �rights� a �fresh look.

People of color, gays, Christians, and the rest who imagine they have a trusted ally in the Jews would do well to realize they are being two-timed by the folks who have a very long history of playing on both sides of the tracks. These AC/DC �Sore-Loserman�s will turn holy on you faster than you can zip a fly. Tune-in to the �right-wingers� on Talk Radio Network. It is composed of �patriotic conservative outsiders� like Roy Masters, �Michael Savage�, and several others, most of whom express a common message: devotion to the Judeo-Christian values of �compassionate conservatism� � and loyalty to the �good Jews�. While they describe themselves as �Judeo-Christians�, the stars of this network appear to be Jews. Like Paul of the New Testament, these Pharisees may sound anti-Semitic in attacking despised �liberal� celebrities of the Media State � who also tend to be Jewish, but they invariably turn our devotion toward the �good cops� of Israel. When listening to the Michael Savage program, you may at times wonder if his home base is the West Coast or the West Bank. Your reaction is likely to be: �Who is this guy!?� It must be emphasized that this escapee from the Bronx Zoo appears to be a real West Coast right-winger; you have to listen to him over a period of weeks to figure-out where this Pied Piper is really coming from ..and more importantly, where he is taking us. Keep in mind that wearing a cowboy hat and loving weiners at Disneyland are not all it takes to convert this shock-jock into an American Patriot. Now and again, he may sound as simple-minded as the idiots on TV talk shows, but neither his intelligence nor ruthlessness should be under-estimated. There have been many newspaper articles about Michael Savage, but the most informative I have seen was based on an interview he gave to Dan Fost of the San Francisco Chronicle. It is dated February 6, 2003. SAVAGE TALK: A former herbalist has remade himself into the vitriol-spewing king of the Bay Area�s afternoon drive time. The article gives more personal information about Michael than one would learn from either his radio program or his best-seller books. While it is not my purpose to discuss his real name or his family�s business, there is one matter mentioned in most articles about him that is of primary importance: he is Jewish. Many people who first start listening to The Savage Nation imagine him to be a Christian patriot, but any long time listener to Michael�s program knows the fundamental importance of Jewish concerns to him � even though he never forthrightly declares why. Ultimately, the program is about propaganda and not his callers. One should not expect intellectual honesty from this scientist who boasts a Ph.D. from the  University of California at Berkeley. As he sees it, his mission is to help America win �the propaganda war�. The term Media-State is a well-established fixture in Heaven-Words. Michael Savage clearly demonstrates why. I am focusing on this Michael Savage �character� not because of any dislike for him personally, but simply to highlight a shift in Media-State emphasis away from the �idealistic� liberal Leninists to the �patriotic� Judeo-Christian Neo-Stalinist conservatives. These inside-outsiders are just as aggressive in their campaigns to disembowel the Constitution as their �bad cop� alter-egos.

Waking up to a Savage nightmare in an Orwellian Nation: Michael Savage and Alex Jones compared

This book has been written over many years, and continues to be under construction: it changes! Because of the ambiguity and complexity of the Media State, most of us will be fooled some of the time, including yours truly. I do my best to learn from the errors of my ways, and hope I have not led others too far astray. The focus here is largely talk radio during the period immediately after the September 11, 2001 event until the end of 2002. I lost interest in Michael and the others because they became too repetitive. In addition, Michael started using a taped delay system that prevents any caller expressing an idea he objects to. To protest, I just stopped listening. From early 2003 into 2005, I have focused my attention on Fox News --just follow the link at the end of this essay to "read all about it". There is far more to this chapter than a discussion of talk radio; all these chapters form a cohesive many dimensional work of art --in progress. I have tried to keep this site regularly updated since August 2000, but it is not so easy now. If these pages fail to keep pace with changing times, it is not because I have lost the will to do so � but because I have been prevented from doing so �like a caller trying to criticize the Jews on The Michael Savage Program, or any other for that matter. It is increasingly difficult to resist the invasive laws and tactics employed by governments in North America and Europe ...a confluence of States out to suppress genuine political opposition. The Media State, on the other hand, is very quick to recognize its' adversaries and take adaptive action. What is done is to mimic the ideas of the opposition ..To twist our thoughts  and symbols into their own service. They live by the rule: "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer" -- lead those most likely to become adversaries by posing as "one of the People". This is a major reason I have emphasized The Michael Savage program � because one is able to follow rapidly changing tactics being road-tested for popularity on the fast track. Consider this: Michael can update his outlook on events, in real time, fifteen hours a week � while broadcasting to nearly five million listeners in a five day period. That is real power. Michael loves saying he is offering only �one man�s opinion�. This is nonsense. He clearly represents the interests of the very powerful people who own his network and pay his very substantial salary �and who remain concealed behind Michael�s �America first� banner. Michael Savage presents himself as �the only voice telling it like it is�. What he does not say is why others are under constant threat of arrest by government agencies in North America and Europe, and how it is that he can express incendiary monologues on race and religion and keep his lucrative position �while shouting down and abruptly silencing any who might try to raise their voices in opposition to the Jewish tyranny he champions. How does he get away with it? He answered that question himself in his famous �I am more powerful than you are you little hateful nothings� speech of June 13, 2002. His �warning� would be understandable if �Nazis� have been threatening him or his family, but he said only that they were spreading slurs and lies about him. If people destroy his career with lies then he is justified in suing them, but his promising to reveal their names to his supporters and hoping the houses of those he names �don�t burn down� sounds like the kind of veiled threat a John Gotti would make, �in my opinion� (as Michael would say). It is truly revealing to recall that only two or so days earlier he dedicated almost three hours to commemorating the mobster John Gotti, and glorifying the mafia. Michael imitated Gotti�s voice in a remarkably talented variation on Brando�s �Godfather�. It is this kind of performance that makes Michael Savage a legend, and irreplaceable. There really should be audio clips of classic Savage characters on Michael's home page. I would suggest the Savage Gotti and his antithesis -- that daffy liberal voice: Doctor Unsavage. On September 20, 2002 Michael declared emphatically that he and the Savage Nation condemned threatening language and behavior. You have to give the devil his due, I suppose � but God help you if you should allow a Pharisee into your soul. But this is the core of our problem: Christian patriots have. Long time listeners know that Soprano �style mobsters� are very close to Michael�s heart � that he seems to push such �family values� himself, although the �family� he most aggressively supports is not Italian. I have emphasized earlier in Chapter II Cold war origins of totalitarianism in North America and Western Europe that the world is governed by mafias and that the central one is Jewish. If Michael�s life is in danger from diehard reactionaries who are understandably enraged by The Savage Nation, he has a duty to speak out; but if he is over-reacting to legitimate criticism of his own fanaticism, then he has gone too far. Once tagged by Matt �Bill O�Really?� has been known to go too far in jesting about Drudge in Savage terms while on the Imus program. But Michael wasn�t joking; he gets genuinely angry on the radio. Rush, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham and the others often panic like a hysterical woman if a caller makes an insightful comment critical of the Jews. But their anger does not reach down into their souls as Michael�s does. The truth is that Michael is a deeper person than the others �he has a collective Soul. That�s why he is more interesting to listen to than ordinary talk radio celebrities. Some are on such a Rush that they don�t seem to even have a soul at all, just �a mind on loan from God�. It�s easy to understand why people like Michael, for all his madness. But don�t take him to heart. Are Americans so foolish as to believe a truly free voice just happened to slip by the media bosses? Apparently so! They appear to be the �consumers� who actually believe their votes �keep America free�. They are the idiots that don�t even realize that we are not free. Michael is too intelligent to fail to recognize the collective nature of his electronic family of listeners � he knows how to tune into their feelings, as does any creative artist. I would love to believe that Michael is sincere �a genuine patriot; much of the time I enjoy his program and agree with him �precisely because his ideas sound disturbingly familiar � but once �taking us� into his confidence, he starts with the snake oil business. The sales pitch that most irritates me is his charge that Liberals are really Nazis in disguise because they have pressed so aggressively for the importation of Arab �Nazis� into Western nations. So this means all the �self-hating� Jewish Liberal intellectuals from New York, D.C. and Hollywood were really Nazis because they have demanded a multiracial New World Order? � Or have they all seen the light and converted to conservative patriotism? Some days later he will say that of course those in power are not Nazis, but then goes on to introduce a new name tag: On August 28, 2002, he declared that Liberals are �left-wing Fascist Nazis�. In the Spring of 2002, he appeared sympathetic to the Turkish and Israeli policy of torturing prisoners for the purpose of gaining information needed to prevent further attacks, but by September 12, 2002 he would justify bombing Iraq because they torture people. Michael relies on his listeners not remembering his arguments from week to week. A �Major Oversight� might be observed: the infidels of a Savage Nation are not weak minded. He changes his views not only regularly, but also fundamentally. One day he is a devout conservative Judeo-Christian taking the �moral high ground� and quoting the Old Testament; the next, he�s suggesting that a little bit of corruption is not a bad thing. Get use to it: Michael is a two-timer, and his favorite restaurant? You guest it: The Forked Tongue. I would encourage you to follow the link on this page to Chapter 2: Salvador Dali portrays two-timing artists of today: from religious to ideological war with Jewish genius. There you will discover why the corruption business is of such critical importance to the Media State.

One of Michael�s favorite themes is anti-Semitism in the media, particularly CNN. Back in 2001, Ted Turner�s net worth was over 7 billion dollars. Then the share value of AOL Time-Warner plummeted. By August 2002, his wealth was estimated to be less than 2 billion. Prior to this change of fortune, he had pledged to give the U.N. a billion dollars before his futures went south. Does this suggest that he was not in the loop with his Jewish partners, or can it really be that the Jews have lost control of the economy? That they are losing their money ..their power? Given this insight, you can understand why CNN has been a bit less sympathetic to Jews and Israel in 2002, why Michael Savage could refer to CNN as the �Crescent News Network�. How many other �gentile� insiders are feeling two-timed by their co-conspirators. Is Martha Stuart going to be left holding a not so fashionable bag? Will she become the Bag Lady of Alcatraz? While she�s no birdbrain, can she learn to talk? Perhaps Ted is ready to listen. Perhaps he's getting fed up with revolting images of righteous Jewish prosecutors heroically battling against corrupt corporate tycoons of the gentile orientation. In June 2002, Ted Turner was bluntly critical of Israel, saying they have one of the most powerful military machines on earth, and the Palestinians have nothing to defend themselves except suicide bombers. Turner said the Israelis were just as much terrorists as the Palestinians. A few days later he turned tale on his own words �under pressure from �you know who�. It sounds to me like the Jews may be turning on their Liberal friends in high places, or is it the other way around? Or does it swing both ways? A real case in point is Jim Trafficant. I suspect that the Savage Nation would have gone into shock if Trafficant actually was allowed to sit in for Michael for a few days to give America a wake up call concerning Clinton, the Chinese, government officials �and treason. It was truly amusing to notice that when it was clear that he was going to be sent to prison for a long time, this former congressman became injudiciously critical of the Jews when speaking to the media. We are all surrounded by two-timers on every side in this barbed and wired Savage Nation ..including the Jews.

Bill O�Reilly, Michael Savage, and many others refer to tyranny in America as being fascist, often referring to those in power as being �like the Nazis�. This is blatant deception. These people are not targeting Jews: they are Jews. The correct comparison is to the Stalinist Soviet Union � to communism, not fascism. But because they fear the rise of fascism, they label any truly unpopular government practice as being �like the Nazis�. These inside �outsiders� are just cross-dressing again -- like homosexual pedophiles preying on the innocent in confessionals. Eventually, we will lean to recognize the twisted pattern of inverted symbols materializing everywhere: in the media, government, Church, legal system, business etc. It�s all Hollywood decadence dressed to kill. But let�s return to the accusation raised and leveled by Michael Savage: Liberals are really Nazis in drag � using multiracial tolerance for Muslims in the West as a cover for attacking Jews. The point being that everyone is paranoid like Dali � trapped within the shifty �eyes� of two-timers. Michael loves to label anyone who disagrees with him a Liberal, a Nazi, or a strange new category he has introduced: a �Liberal Nazi�. Michael dishonors himself and disrespects the intelligence of his listeners when he silences insightful callers by going into a fit of rage. Michael could learn something from Bob Grant: let dissidents voice their convictions if they can do so in a civil manner. More often than not, Michael does not. He lets angry critics speak if it is clear that they are confused idiots; if it becomes evident that an intelligent and persuasive caller is getting the better of him, Michael cuts him off. �You can�t keep a good man down, but you sure can try�, as Michael might say. Drudge usually gives those straying from the party line a bit more time, but does not usually comment much. Rather than expressing outrage like Michael, Matt Drudge over-plays their voices with canned music or applause, and then goes to a more gentlemanly caller. In this respect, �Did we lose him?� Matt is less raw than The Savage, although they are kindred spirits of the ether (Sept. 22, 2002 broadcast). Michael Savage targets the �working man� audience, much as Bill O�Reilly does. Both Michael and Bill have risen to considerable wealth from working class origins. Both operate under the assumption that they are a whole lot smarter than their audience, especially those with racist or anti-Semitic insights to share. I agree with Michael that success as a TV celebrity does not easily transfer to talk radio. O�Reilly has been an effective national TV personality, but has not yet found the kind of devoted local radio listeners that Sean Hannity and Michael have. Many long-time Bob Grant listeners want him back in primetime; they are experienced participants in the talk radio community, and know what they are missing. Bob Grant, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, and Rush set their sites on those with higher IQ�s. The only ones not slavishly devoted to the Jews are Bob Grant and Pat Buchanan, although both certainly know when to cover their assets and their throats. Pat has just plain lost all the �gravitas� he once had, thanks in part to MSNBC. The best woman to keep listeners to the Savage Nation in their place would be Laura Ingraham --but she has her own program. She is smart, witty, savage and Foxy. Why she�s not on TV more seems a mystery. She is one reason I watch Fox. 

Michael needs to notice not only the Nazi links in the Kennedy family history, but also those of conservatives like George Bush. We would be foolish to overlook the Nazi character of the Black Muslims, as well as the Hispanic members of LaRaza (�The Race� in Spanish). Even Alex Jones repeatedly compares America to Nazi Germany, as Michael Savage does. Michael argues that Liberals in Europe and America have encouraged the influx of aliens over the past few decades for the purpose of bringing radical Muslims into the West so they will attack Jews. Are we supposed to believe that the liberal Clintons are really Nazis in disguise? I guess Hillary�s affection for Arafat�s wife should have made that obvious. The Clinton�s sure had me fooled, but imagine how betrayed their Jewish friends, and former cabinet officials, must feel now that Michael has uncovered their �vast right wing conspiracy�? It looks like more Nuremberg trials are in order. Look, these Capitalist/Communist Multiracial Media States of the World have been Ordered by Jews and their Allies since World War II. Their multiracial society is not working so they want to blame the failures of their new �Soviet Union� on �The Nazis� �Thus justifying the war they need to solve all their problems. Germany was obliterated by the Liberal F.D.R., split, and occupied for the better part of the last half-century by Soviet Communists and Liberal Democrats � under the direct supervision of Jews. America is compared to Nazi Germany because people have become fearful of the government; America�s rulers wish to condition the public into associating their fears with �The Nazis�, and not with the actual source of their terror: The Jews. One would truly have to be a fool to buy into Michael Savage�s argument that the Liberals are really Nazis. They are not Nazis, they are Capitalist/Communist opportunists, and the correct comparison to make with modern day America is Communist/Capitalist China � not Nazi Germany. However, Michael sees the greatest danger facing the world coming not from China, but from Islam.

On September 4, 2002, a caller asked Michael why �Islamofascists� sacrifice themselves in suicide attacks? The answer Michael gave is that they act as they do because they have been brainwashed with hatred by their so-called teachers (Imams) at their religious schools (Madrassahs) in Pakistan. �But it is Islamofascism that must be crushed as Hitler was crushed; it must be ripped out root and branch. The children who have been brainwashed in these cesspools called Madrassahs must be rounded up and put in re-education camps and kept there for the next thirty years if necessary, in order for there to be peace on Earth and good will toward men.� Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia �.Where does all this end � in Pakistan? The only army on the face of the Earth capable of doing what Michael describes is Chinese. I don�t know about your Christian conscience, but I cannot endorse concentration camps, and what history has taught us ..repeatedly: that these camps lead directly to mass murder. Sadly, I believe that Michael is the kind of guy who so hates �Islamofascists� that he could advocate the kind of atrocities that occurred in the former Soviet Union. He has Stated emphatically that nuclear weapons should be used against Iraq and other targets in �America�s� war on terrorism. On July 29, 2002, Michael suggested that America might have to use nuclear weapons on the Arabs, particularly Iraq. By September he was noting that the need to use such weapons had increased because of the lack of will on the part of Americans to fight a ground war in the Middle East. The more ruthless his suggestions, the more of a Red, White, and true blue American patriot he professes to be. Can you not understand why I ridicule �gentiles� who allow themselves to be manipulated into endorsing utterly evil tactics in the name of Judeo-Christian patriotism? These are the same kind of devout believers who cheered both Hitler and Stalin � and believed they were virtuous patriots. Assuming the relativistic perspective of New World Order moralists, it is utterly criminal for the International Court in the Netherlands to grant the United States immunity from war crimes charges, even for a year �to ignore far more serious breaches of UN demands by the nuclear weapons States of China and Israel, and punish Iraq selectively �for crimes many others routinely commit on a far grander scale. Why is the �whole world� not demanding that UN inspectors go into Israel? After searching for nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, they might seek out former Communist officials responsible for mass murders in Soviet Gulags. Why are Kissinger and Sharon not put on the �show� Trial Before The World Court? For Christian citizens of the United States to turn a blind eye to campaigns of conquest for oil by their �Christian� leaders demonstrates the totalitarian �orientation� of these morally and financially bankrupt people. What is the �higher principle� these Old Testamentors endorse? Wars of occupation are justifiable if they promise cheap oil and financial recovery for depressed economies around the globe? Judeo-Xian �nation builders� follow the same brute instincts as Durkheim�s most savage primitives: cannibalism. People so bold as to defend their country can be �sacrificed� to satisfy the appetites of over-Lords. The Super State ignores �ethics�, and bows to the rituals of raw power � forcefully demonstrating that the larger the government, the greater the mandate for unchallenged tyranny. Independent neighboring States and trading partners across the globe could challenge a petty tyrant in Iraq, but who is to challenge a global dictatorship above all the laws of Heaven and Earth? Mere mortals of the UK and EU must watch what they say or write for fear of being arrested under new high-tech anti-terrorism laws. Americans can thank patriotic Judeo-Christian conservatives of this Savage Nation for the new surveillance laws making a mockery of our Constitutional rights. And you are �offended� if there are those �insensitive� enough to point out that Christianity is not merely corrupted is dead! Wake up �Rise up! This is totalitarianism, or �friendly fascism� as one author insightfully titled his book about the Media State. One might use similar terms to describe Michael�s Savage Nation: friendly Stalinism! I know that Michael is charming, informative and entertaining to listen to; and that Alex Jones is shrill and difficult to put up with for more than half an hour. But Alex will lead you closer to understanding the Order of things than Michael ever will. Alex offers many worthwhile observations, but his failure to acknowledge the painfully obvious truth of our Times: Jewish tyranny�must be kept in mind when listening to him. The consequence of his non-prejudicial perspective will become evident momentarily. I very much wanted to find an alternative to Nazism � to trust in the integrity of Christian honesty he professes; the problem is that reality compels us to face the fact that the Jews are calling the shots these days, and that if we choose to fight for freedom, we cannot escape standing up to those Lording it over US: If we cannot recognize that it is the Jews who require that Americans fight and die both at home and in the Middle East � for their sake, then we ought to just throw in the towel and start quoting the Bible. Alex fails to confront, or even identify our unseen Lords. But patriots must, regardless of what names we are called. Alex Jones has greater depth and is more informative than most others on talk radio; his reports are generally well documented. I do not dislike Michael Savage because he did not fool me. Anybody can figure Michael out in short order. But Alex makes me angry with myself because he succeeded in fooling me for so many months. I knew Alex is noted for his Infowars on tyranny, and his opposition to The New World Order, and not for racist or anti-Semitic convictions. I did not disregard what he had to say simply because he did not focus on race and the Jews. I realized that Alex might exaggerate the facts, or omit significant information, but found his coverage of current events useful because he was often weeks ahead of others in the mainstream media; in addition, I simply found his program a useful contrast to Rush, Bill, Gordon, and others I monitor. But there was a more profound reason I was willing to overlook Alex�s idiosyncrasies �a reason White patriots often fail to recognize: In assuming that �The Jews� are the cause of all the world�s problems, we can leave ourselves wide open to attack by any adversary who can make use of our rigid expectations. Alex seemed to be a �refreshing� alternative to the predictable message of White patriots. Because he is not easy to listen to, I rarely tuned Alex Jones in for more than half an hour at a time. Ordinarily, he seemed to avoid talking about the Jews when possible, but on occasion would demonize Hitler like everybody else in the Media State does. His protesting against the KKK and opposing anti-Semitism kept me cautious of him, but seemed to be an insufficient reason to reject the rest of what he had to say. After all, how many radio celebrities support Nazism? None. If I wished to hear that message, I could turn to American Dissident Voices. Alex acknowledges that there are bad things Israel has done, such as the attack on the American ship �The Liberty�, but so also have other nations. He argues that there are powerful Jews who do evil things, but the greatest threat does not come from any specific ethnic or racial group � rather he identifies powerful people of many ethnic and racial groups who together are behind the cult of evil out to enslave us. He looks to groups like the Bilderbergers, whose membership includes royalty and political leaders, along with wealthy people of every type, including some Jews. But on September 18, 2002, I happened to hear a caller from England confront him on the role of the Jews in modern tyranny. Alex explained himself in terms I could no longer overlook. His conclusion that the aristocracies of Europe, particularly English royalty, are the ultimate satanic cult concealed behind The New World Order is something more than mere disinformation. Alex is �a thinking man�s Michael Savage�. He introduces his own variation on Michael�s �Liberal Nazis�. Alex Jones goes so far as to acknowledge that some of the most evil tyrants of the day appear to be Jews ..but adds a bizarre twist: in reality, these �bad cops� are really European aristocrats who have taken on Jewish names so that the good Jews will be the scapegoats for their satanic deeds. The truth is precisely the opposite. My own research over the course of several years has convinced me that a long-standing practice of the Jews has been to modify or completely change their names. An especially revealing example of this two-timing tactic was the late double agent media billionaire Robert Maxwell. Do your own research; find out what his original name was, how many aliases he adopted before settling on Maxwell � and check his links to the KGB, British Parliament, and Israel. When you get done with Maxwell, look up Trotsky, Redstone, and half the old two-timers from Hollywood that you haven�t even known were Jews � because they took on stage names to sound �all American�. This is interesting stuff, and can become a hobby in itself; it will help you to see your current interests in a whole new context. Just keep on investigating as long as it takes you to realize that Alex has betrayed your trust. When you understand this, he will not fool you anymore, and I suspect nobody else in the talk radio business will either. What Alex Jones appeared to conclude is that the hidden rulers of America and the multiracial New World Order are Nazis. This astonishing argument made sense of his frequent comparison of America to Nazi Germany. I began to understand why Alex occasionally compares the sum of all fears we have of the Police State in Western countries to Nazi Germany. I known something of how Germans felt about their country during the Nazi years, and have spoken with some who lived through those trying times �and the terror that befell them after Germany�s defeat: one was a leading intellectual of the 20th century with a lame leg, another a crippled biology professor, a brick layer, and others whose names I have never known -- but whose Spirit I will never forget. The American authorities focus their attention on White citizens as readily as they do the multiracial multitudes they have imposed on a once White nation. Representatives of the Media State�s invasive police power can easily be non-white themselves. As in the Soviet Union, the target of the State is the domestic population itself. In Nazi Germany, those targeted by the State were foreigners -- precisely those protected by hate-crime laws in America today. Alex says to his listeners: �Welcome to Nazi Germany�, when describing America; what he has done is to take the perspective of the �Outlander� in Germany, and not the perspective of a native German. However, if Alex should say: �Welcome to the Soviet Union�, he would capture the terror felt by ordinary Russians for the Communist Police State that was hauling their own relatives off to prison camps in the dead of night. Jews held powerful positions in that Marxist State, as they do today in America. If there is one group not being profiled by the American authorities, it is the Jews. They are being protected, and America�s �global war on terrorism� is being fought for their benefit. In Nazi Germany, the Police State was purely German, and those being profiled and arrested were largely Jews and their allies. To better understand the significance of this critical difference in relativistic perspective, please read Chapter II: Cold war origins of totalitarianism in North America and Western Europe.  Alex Jones is brilliant and certainly knows the horrifying realities of recent history. He may believe that by staying within tolerable limits he will be allowed to keep functioning in �polite society�. After all, what good is he if he becomes a pariah? But what good is he if he leads us away from the fury of the obvious into ambiguity and absurdity? Alex seems a bit too excitable, even weird at times � but a lot of very gifted folks are. You might compare him to Michael Savage in that respect. But Michael is basically a likeable personality, even as a two-timer; but Alex is not. With Alex, you tolerate him in spite of the weirdness because he appeals to a spiritual integrity you feel compelled to respect. When you finally realize that Alex is just another Judeo-Christian, you feel that you have been touched by something unholy. Perhaps it was a bug he picked up at Bohemian Grove. I have come to the conclusion that there are no honest voices on talk radio, just as there are no loyal Americans at the upper levels of government defending our nation's borders from hordes of alien invaders. But this does not mean the Truth cannot be disclosed. No one can spell it out for you with any certainty. You have to seek it out yourself, for truth exists only as a revelation. Embrace your chances rather than fleeing from them. There are insights that can hasten you along your way �chief among these is a facility for looking at the multi-dimensional nature of things �from different perspectives. There are critical clues that at least for a time are reliable: the centrality of Jewish two-timers, for example. Yes, there are many others who threaten or betray the West, but understanding them is easier once we know how they are related to the Jews ..for these �lights to the whole world� inadvertently serve as the filter through which we can measure all others. The Chinese get along with Jews just fine, the Arabs do not. This should give us a clue as to who our real enemies are. By juxtaposing Michael and Alex in your own mind, you can gain insight that neither intends to deliver. So keep listening, and learn how Judeo-Christians prey on two-trusting souls. By adding an extra dimension to the problem, as Dali does � you can illuminate that which was concealed. Much as I could not endorse William Pierce�s hard-line Nazism, I must concede that he focused on the source of our oppression. He was not fooled by the likes of Alex Jones. His message may have been too narrow � too one dimensional, but at least Dr. Pierce kept us pointed toward the North Star �and for this he should be remembered. Yes, I was fooled, but by whom? Not by Jews, but by prominent Christian patriots from Genesis. Try to understand how painful a revelation this has been, and the implications -- and why I am so profoundly distrustful of authority, whether political, religious, or revolutionary �and why I am driven to distrust those who collaborate with the Jews ..who condemn any who dare resist them as "Nazis". Hyphenated Judeo-Christians have chosen sides; it is clear where they have chosen to stand -- and against whom. Yes, there are patriots, but they are not talk radio Judeo-Christian celebrities. They are the real outsiders, who dare criticize the Jews and champion a greater cause than self-interest: Racial Loyalty. They are the ones cut-off in mid-sentence -- the aborted voices whose cry for freedom you have not heard ...the intelligent men and women silenced by Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly, Laura Ingraham, Drudge, Rush and virtually all other Media State luminaries in radio and television, who shout down both Black and White dissidents daring to speak-up voice opposition to the inside-outsiders of the broad cast Media State. Professed patriots, like Alex, who are unwilling to acknowledge the treachery of those who have "sold-out" their collective Soul to the Jews will turn against the thoughtless souls injudicious enough to have believed in them. Our loyalty must not be to celebrities, but to one another. You may still disagree, but at least you should now understand how one arrives at these truths we hold to be self-evident �and guard with our lives.

In one fundamental respect I am deeply American: I will not submit to tyranny, whether it comes from Jews, Judeo-Christians, Capitalist-Communists, Chinese, Muslims � or from home-grown Supremacists �whether Black or White. I believe in freedom � in the risk of making mistakes in a gamble that offers the possibility of Revelation. I advocate the very traditional values of White Separatism. In an age of surveillance and invasive government, I believe it is a patriot�s duty to encourage others to protect their privacy � even to forgo financial compensation for one�s labors if necessary to �spread the Word�. I believe a leaderless revolution makes it more difficult for the predatory governments of the West to target ordinary people who dare express their thoughts openly. My intent has been to weave the values of White Separatism into the fabric of the creative imagination � to inspire others to create a White Renaissance of revolutionary ideas. I admire the creative Spirit of Ian Stuart and the short-lived efforts of the original Rahowa. A major reason leaderless revolution is Being highlighted is this: genuine spiritual Reformation can only succeed with the full participation of women. White Power resides in the creative will and love we have for one another, not in the rage of dictatorial warlords. Unless women have a full voice in our future, we will be condemned to relive the past. Revolutionary ideas can spread throughout the network of our collective consciousness: only our shared creativity can inspire us, not the authoritarianism of dogmatic racism. It is easy to become discouraged, but an emotionally charged awareness of the collective nature of who we are lifts our common Spirit � One and All. When you come to realize that there are many Others �out there� really struggling, and learn to respect their efforts � to tolerate their mistakes and take joy in their discoveries, your Depression will be elevated to Revelation. Our strength is in the collective genius of our Race �in the thoughts and feelings we share with one another. Our common mission is to bring Our People together, not to divide White Americans and Europeans by vengeful calls for another fratricidal war. Let�s hope that the �collective nightmare� of �Liberal Nazis� shared by Michael Savage and Alex Jones signals a growing readiness of opportunists to betray Jewish friends. Don�t count on these �Liberal Nazis� living up to their policies of peace and tolerance that Michael hates so much  -- Such sensitive souls cannot help loving war II �and III. The way to defeat the Michael Savages of this world is to deny them the war on �Islamofascists� that Lets the big wheels of Capitalist/Communism Roll.

While I may have had my doubts concerning the wisdom of trusting Dr. Pierce, there is no doubt about Michael Savage or Alex Jones. We cannot trust them. Michael has understood that his popularity decreases when he emphasizes Israel and the Jews; he dreads it when he gets calls from obnoxious Jewish women. What he most appreciates is to hear from Christian policemen, firemen, soldiers, and intelligent young women. Michael becomes Savage if anyone hints at the possibility that he might not be a Christian. By late Summer 2002 he got the word to avoid mentioning Israel when talking about �America�s war� on Iraq. God forbid that anyone might ask if patriotic young Jewish-American men and women will be joining up en mass for �the invasion� of Iraq and other savage nations�Or why Israeli soldiers won�t be parachuting with the first wave of the American flag into Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia �Pakistan? --- The Judeo-Christian two-timers game of �two card Monty� Michael and Alex�s clan at Genesis are dealing us is one of the oldest tactics in �The Good Book�. Please read Chapter III: Rise and fall of the Roman Catholic Church. The link is at the top of this page. If Michael can be discouraged from siding with Israel and �good Jews� like Sharon, and gets the message we aren�t going to fight and die for Jews, then perhaps he can be forced back into American borders, back into a White culture �in the language we want to hear. If he can be encouraged to preach a thoroughly American message that focuses on our own country, and the primacy of preserving the White Race, then Michael might actually be shown some genuine respect. All it takes to unsettle Alex is to ask his position on the Jews. I doubt that either Michael or Alex has it in them to really come over to our side �to abandon the Jews and become all-American patriots. But even if they don�t, we can learn a lot about the latest tactics of the Media State by tuning-in to their variations on a common theme: The Orwellian Nation.

The Independent Michael Savage is loyal to neither the left nor the right. It does not matter what brand of Media State rule is empowered, only that Jews prevail as the perennial inside outsiders. If he occasionally sounds like the late William Pierce, don�t get all shook up. You know how show business is. He can�t keep it up indefinitely; eventually reality calls and he has to salute -- And on February 25, 2002 he did salute ..even sounding for a time like a supremacist of some sort. He stated unequivocally that the lives of �our people� are of greater value than the lives of those living in the third world. Since his outrage was sharply focused on the torture and beheading of Daniel Pearl and the attacks on Israelis by Palestinian �nazis�, I suspect the superior people he was referring to are the �Chosen People�, and not African-Americans, Mexican illegals, or White �nazis�. For years Michael has ridiculed both Bill and Hillary Clinton, which has gone over well with his White Christian conservative audience. But on February 25, 2002, Michael Savage had a near death experience. He is a creative person, and as might be guessed, vulnerable to losing his head at times � as you should well understand if you have read about creative genius. In the world of patriotic talk radio, Michael committed the most unforgivable of sins; he declared unambiguously that he preferred Hillary Clinton as president because of her aggressive support for Israel. He said that he knew that she was an opportunist, but that did not matter as long as her policies would be favorable to Israel. Michael admitted that he went too far, but the pain he felt for Jews in peril was too much to be contained. The Savage Nation was turned inside-out on that �blue Monday�. Damage control was not be easy. He took a few days off. Pat Buchanan came in and tried to cheer him up, but neither he nor Michael�s comic alter ego �Dr. Unsavage� could turn this baring of his soul into a joke. I respect Michael for revealing how he really feels and what he really thinks. But it is imperative that his �Gentile� audience understands where his loyalties lie �that we not sacrifice America for the sake of Israel. Michael Savage is not wrong in speaking on behalf of the Jews and warning of the genocidal hatred that threatens them. But the Jews have done their part in creating much hatred in the world. He acknowledges this, but is far more forgiving than those who have been their victims. I believe it is essential to speak openly against Jewish tyranny in Western societies, but this should not be interpreted as support for those who advocate the extermination of Jews. I utterly reject the use of torture by any group of people � especially the Jews, and appose genocidal ideologies � particularly those of the anti-White variety. I side with St. Augustine and not Hitler. My perspective is that of separatism and not supremacy. We must separate ourselves from the Jews � and this can be done only with Arab cooperation, by establishing a secure nation of Israel exchange for Western nations disengaging from the power politics of Middle Eastern oil, allowing Islamic nations to shape their own spiritual and material destiny in this inter-dependent world. We cannot buy into Michael Savage�s suggestion that America may have to import the entire population of Israel to save the world�s Jews from another �holocaust�. Refusing to turn our nation over to them is not genocide. There is an alternative: it is called sharing the wealth. This may be a difficult concept for Jews to understand, but it is one all the peoples of this Earth must come to accept if we are to avoid a global holocaust. Re-born patriotic Christian Americans have resigned themselves to a blind faith in the leadership of the �Chosen People�. This reference to blind faith is not merely rhetoric. We are evidently being ushered into an Orwellian �Age of Faith� over reason. What you will discover more and more in the coming years is that it will become less and less possible to reason with people. The facts will not matter. Take the Bin Laden tape for example; it may seem that it is of questionable credibility on the face of it, but it is a fool�s argument to question whether it is real or not. The Media State defines reality; they provide all the information available for discussion. The years of media-mind-washing, from O.J. to the Bill and Monica soap, have prepared the way for an unquestioning acceptance of the unreality of rigged elections, sacrificed rights, and un-ending war. The bombing of the World Trade Center is in much the same category as the Presidential election of 2000. It is not simply about knowing the facts. The truth does not matter anymore. It is not a question of the integrity of �free elections� or a government conspiracy to bomb New York and Washington to justify their Orwellian rules of perpetual war. The issue at hand is �everything�. Time and again, we all fall into the trap of debating the specifics, while forgetting that we are encompassed by surreal events a virtual reality that defies belief, yet compels our compliance. This inverted order now defines genuine patriots as traitors, while wrapping itself in the symbols of our lost liberty. While listening to �The Savage Nation�, you will discover that those appealing to their Constitutional rights and freedoms are labeled �liberals�. In a surreal manner, genuine American patriots are saddled with the sins of the �Bad Jews� and their twisted side-kicks, much as the original Jewish Christians were maneuvered into the ungodly ranks of heretics by a Roman Catholic Church resurrected from the ruins of a collapsing empire. So just as the decadent Roman Empire was transformed into the �Holy� Roman Catholic Church, the treasonous liberal establishment will be converted into a patriotic �all-American� player in the game-plan of global tyranny. If you need proof, look at Michael Savage, who has many times spoken of Pat Buchanan's astonishment in first encountering his liberal incarnation as a Berkeley hippie. Michael has even confessed to experimenting with "herbs" in his younger days as a botanist. He gets very unpleasant should anyone raise the subject of military service -- his! By 2005, Hillary Clinton rocked the Democratic Party --- moving from the Left to the Right. It is critical to understand this tactic: decades of treason have been tolerated in the name of constitutional rights for the UN-Stated aim of turning US against our own culture of �freedom, justice, and the American way�; today, public opinion follows the lead of this very same Media State ..which now charges that those questioning their Capitalist-Communist Chinese style are lacking in patriotism. Appeals to our traditional Constitutional rights now border on treason. What has happened is that these Red Stars have hi-jacked the symbols of their adversaries ..US. The Media-State inside-outsiders are now the patriots and their real foes are re-named �liberals� even as �patriotic conservatives like Bush �press ever forward with their New World Order agenda of opening our national borders. There are a few dissident voices still courageous enough to challenge �reality� ..and they aren�t likely to be found on conservative talk radio, although the lords of this Savage Nation may appear to do just that. We may want to believe in Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, Bill, Rush and the other double-cross stars of the Media State, but in the long run we will all be better served by honorable men of fallible intelligence, who are struggling to learn the truth of �this world� in our own communities, rather than by trusting men of wit and intellect who have elevated devotion to Israel to the level of the sacred: our patriotic duty. These hosts portray themselves as patriotic voices from the wilderness struggling to be heard. Really ..with daily three hour coast-to-coast live radio or TV broadcasts? They are what you call inside �outsiders�. Who do you imagine is bank-rolling these con-artists, fairies from Disneyland? And what is their �all American� patriotic message? War against Israel�s enemies is America�s duty! Some patriots! Sadly, White Americans keep on falling for this double-talk, much as did early �gentile� converts to Paul�s Christianity. You don�t think these savages are two-timers do you? ..that they will start screaming for �Nazi� blood the second radical Islam has been crushed worldwide � Wake-up! In the �mean time�, they adopt Stalin�s tactic of feigning nationalism ..until all their external foes have been vanquished. Then, God help us all. 

When a spiritual rebel discovers "this world" and questions its Orders, he is invariably seen by fundamentalist believers as satanic. For well over a thousand years, pacifist Christians have identified spiritual rivals as heretics, and have felt little guilt in the systematic torture and immolation of those who challenged their simple faith. The slave is always indoctrinated to believe that the greatest evil is spiritual rebellion. We would be dishonest not to acknowledge our own capacity for evil, and foolish not to recognize this same capability in pious advocates of tolerance and love. So truth is all we have to distinguish ourselves from countrymen who would misjudge and condemn us in the name of an alien justice their own intolerant ancestor�s would not have stood for. A man's honor, his word, has always held value in a healthy society. Without truth, there can be no trust; and without trust, there can be no social cohesion. But Americans trust only the Jews and those who wear their yarmulke. Take a moment to look at history. Where on the face of this Earth have the Jews lived, for any length of time, where they have not declared themselves victims of persecution by the majority who gave them a home? Were all these people from varied nationalities and times evil, and only these Good-men innocent? The enduring characteristic which has led every people they have lived among, over the course of their tortuous history, to turn against them is this: only a Jew can trust another Jew, for they evidently feel no enduring loyalty to any others: Certainly not to the Egyptians who saved them from famine, nor to the Spanish who were among the first to give them refuge, especially not the Germans who tired of their presence and fortunes, nor even the English who surrendered their freedom of thought, expression, and masculinity ... willingly. Could anyone imagine Jews being loyal to Russians, who engaged in Spartan battles under their tutelage ..only to become their sacrificial lambs ???Or sympathetic to Poles barely aware of the outstanding charges yet to be Levi-ed against them? But the gays, along with the displaced Africans, still believe the Jews have taken them under their stealth wings. What suckers they are to assume that these elevated positions, in which they are currently held aloft, are fixed. Perhaps after all these thousands of years there is still hope that the Americans, who fought at least one world war for their sake, and a cold peace with the Soviet Union ...for a piece of the action, can be lucky in love !!!won�t be two-timed by those they have allowed control of the media, financial authority, and all branches of government at all levels. Over-statement? On the contrary, I have under-stated our jeopardy and their treachery. But you learn every day from radio and television that to speak of the Jews in an unflattering manner is "hate", so how can a Solzhenitsyn can anyone Pierce the heart of darkness Savaging your mind ...warn you of our common peril?

Prime-timers like the Clintons and the Bushes ..will bomb the Blacks, Browns, and Yellows of this world until they are all black and blue -- and do so with record approval ratings from their Party colored-allies in America. When it is time to mend fences for the sake of Israel, Arab tempers can be cooled by bombing the hell out of Christian European nations the deepest sympathy for ancient rivals easily manipulated in this monopoly game called Divide and Conquer. All it takes is media spin and the White House will be tops with suckers who can�t say no to a soap Oprah tear jerker that always manages to turn the trick. Anyone today who does not fear the American-Media-State is a fool. Democracies in the West pretend to love the multi-racial masses of the world .."setting-up" TV pageants lionizing the heroic and sympathetic refugees taken into Western homelands over the centuries, and increasingly in modern times; this serves to create hostility toward other races, making a high-tech assault on billions of unwanted people not only acceptable in the West, but a popular political move by the most ardent advocates of the multi-racial society ....requiring no more consciousness of White American Christians than the nazis required of German public awareness concerning their death camps.... or communists demanded of their "idealistic" supporters in the West as they gave "reactionaries" in the East Block the cold shoulder. The multi-racial masses in Western countries need to keep their profile down, to pretend that in fact they love the Western countries that have "taken them in"....that are making them the majority of color; their presence in the West serves as moral proof of the innocence of the established new world order. This is not to say that power brokers in New York, Brussels, and Moscow do not fully intend to press the multi-racial society to the extreme. Their tactic is to use racial divisiveness as a mechanism to divide and conquer ...the whole world, not create secure borders in America or Europe. You have to look toward those with a global perspective like George Soros for "moral leadership". What matters a nation or a race when fortunes are to be made? World mastery is what counts, and that means the elimination of borders and the merging of populations. In theory, its all just business and nothing particularly racial. Whatever it takes to boost profits for share holders in this Party rocks the balls of these movers and shakers. God help you, however, if you haven�t been invited to this gay affair. As these mergers proceed, the bottom line of those outside the Party will be debased to levels witnessed in communist/capitalist China and the former Soviet Union. It is urgent for us on the West-side to remember the mass murders on the communist East-side. The once sacred Slavic Land�Mother Russia was devastated by Bolshevik wounds time has not healed. This forth-coming passive killing of count-less souls in the Third World will no doubt be accompanied by the feverish dispatch of belated medical aids and sisters of mercy unable to contain the spread of an apocalyptic plague ....All so reminiscent of other times and colder places. While the Media-States report that Bill Gates has given billions to fight AIDS, primarily in Africa, and George Bush has directed three-fold as many billions for much the same purpose, I doubt that promises made in 2004 will materialize in the following years of budget cutting. But I think that it is a safe bet when amounts of public money of this magnitude are involved, a scandal can not be far off. On rare occasions, large scale financial assistance has helped; most notably, in Western Europe and Asia after WW II. I suspect Asian tourism will recover from the Christmas Tsunami of 2004 -- because all of these recoveries serve the interests of business. But Africa continues to be a very different story. Until recently, another tragically neglected area of the world has been Eastern Europe and former Soviet territories. There is a sameness and a difference between the tragedies of Eastern Europe and Africa. It is not simply a matter of willingness to help or not help, it is a matter of who is doing the helping. Asia could be helped because Asians ultimately helped themselves, and the same for the Western Europeans. Prior to the collapse of the Soviet Block and the advent of the European Union, the people of Eastern Europe and Russia were imprisoned in a communist police state, and could not be helped, nor were they allowed to help themselves. Africans have been abused by colonialists from Europe, especially during the era of apartheid in South Africa --as well as by Jews claiming ownership of their gold and diamond mines, but the Blacks of this world have known nothing of genocide on the scale committed by Marxists against the middle class and aristocracies of Eastern Europe and Russia. Africans have a responsibility to grow up and realize that they are not the only ones in the world that have ever been mistreated. As long as Africans wait for foreigners to solve their problems, there will be no economic cure for what ails them. I do not believe that Black Africans today have the ability to solve their problems, even with the help of Whites or Asians. All that results from such efforts is colonization. Whites are sick to death of all this "guilt" being dumped on us for the failures of Africans. We have elevated millions of former African slaves, over the course of a few centuries, to "a mountain top" where they are free to fulfill their potential. It is high time they thank us, and return home to save their own relatives in Africa. Westerners and Asians can help them save Africa, but the cause is hopeless if Americanized Africans insist on remaining in the West as a "protected" class of champion race horses put out to stud with White chicks. While we are talking about reality here, where are the brilliant dark skinned professional men and women of India, Pakistan, and elsewhere in Asia and the Middle East? Why are they not giving of their substance and essence to their racial cousins in Africa? I have to confess: I do not hate Africans, but I am damn angry with the way people of color have refused to take responsibility for their people. If these talented Blacks from America, Europe and around the world would settle through-out the entire continent of Africa, in a generation they could establish not a middle caste ..but a thriving Middle Class opening up a real future for all Africans -- turning the Dark Continent into a shining light on the world stage. The rest of the world would be falling all over itself to invest in the Black miracle --- just as they are today in China, India, and elsewhere in Asia. Attitudes toward globalism can change if multi-nationals change their spots. Africans can more easily accept people much like themselves helping them than they can condescending foreigners of another race. But this subversive fast-track tactic of "genetically enhancing" Africans by a racial program of inter-breeding Whites out of existence is a policy of genocide. If Blacks want to engage in selective breeding, they should consult the Jews, who are experts on the subject. Perhaps they can even be engaged in a joint venture. No, Jews have little interest in fiddling with cats on African roofs, but media tycoons, like MTV's owner --the very Jewish Sumner Redstone, do want to see Blacks hooking-up with Whites -- in a big way. This is a passive variation on the campaign of extermination carried out by the communists against the people of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. People of color are not only  allowed, but encouraged to assault White nations. By whom? By the criminal governments occupying Western nations, much as the Stalinists held the people of Russia and Eastern Europe in their grip. Africans may be manipulated by the Jews and their "Allies", but Blacks participate in this rape upon White nations enthusiastically. These people of color aim to be The Majority in America, and are every bit as genocidal in their intent as are the Jews and their Stalinist co-conspirators -- past and present. Rapists may "love" their work, and even get something going with their "Stockholm syndrome", but there can never be acceptance or forgiveness for the sins of these fathers. Crimes of this Nature always carry with them the scarlet letter of collective guilt. Keep in mind that the former Soviet Union collapsed, and that Islamic peoples in the West may find themselves at odds with both The Jews and unforgiving locals on both sides of the Atlantic. Those who would trust that modern merciless Media States are their allies must be forced to understand that Russia is the disaster it has been for close to a century precisely because of this politics of unacknowledged genocidal co-operation. The main reason peoples of the former Soviet territories have been unable to solve the problems of their societies themselves is equality.... and how they came to be so equally incompetent. Jewish vengeance necessitated not merely the random killing of Europeans in reprisal for past pogroms, but the extermination of the most gifted "terrorists" at hand, for only they could provide the full measure of justice the spilling of Jewish blood demanded. So through world markets and the media, Jews manipulated resentment among the "workers of the world" toward the "bourgeois" ...the middle class and the aristocracy... in order to gain popular support for the decimation of the most noble of Eastern European blood. We have seen similar campaigns in White nations dressed up as the right to choose and rigged-passive-wars on illegal immigration and drug trafficking that always result in our defeat by the latest wave of "Vietcong" in our midst. Whites and non-whites alike who trust in the shrewdness of the Jews have sided with the satanic market forces of Wall Street, and will remain winners only as long as their masters have use of them. One time allies who think they are going to outsmart the Jews are greater fools than those who do not fear them. The only option is unconditional surrender .... the sacrifice of your soul --- the betrayal of your own kind and the loss of your collective mind. The Jews require Whites to betray their own families; do you think they will demand less of non-whites? What are the consequences when the multitudes of world-class players realize their sports-hero-politicians have sold-out every suit -- to the Chinese ...rigging the game against their own home-boys? �failing to deliver the Party ..the long awaited: �Big Deal�. What is being implied here is that the Jews set-up one-time partners to take a fall when they find it expedient to do so ��fleeing� into the alms of strange bed-fellows. Some Blacks are injudicious enough to believe a Jewish God is on their side. With cautious support from inside traders, Blacks are given the O.K. to press their demands for Holocaust style reparations �seeking compensation for the slavery and general mistreatment of their race by �Whites-Only� over the course of history. Why would Jews let Blacks pursue such a Marxist agenda, knowing full well that mafia extortion tactics will turn Whites mercilessly against them, as a long term future of hard knocks is bearing down on so many of us? The Jews plan on being the loudest voices against reparations �show-casing themselves as loyal defenders of the compassionate conservative middle-class tax-payers. Sometimes I may miss the Mark, but on this issue I have been right on the money! Consider Michael Savage�s campaign against reparations, or what he calls �Rape-a-nation�. But why betray their Black �Brothers�. You see, the Brothers have split, as always happens to any group of people befriended by the Jews. Wise guys are quick to sell-out their over-valued options --- they know enough to take �their place�, and let "The People" who don�t ..take the Fall. Jews have been in the Holocaust business for more than half a century; the image of the greedy Jew is cutting in to their sympathy vote and making it more difficult to carry on with new crusades, and what is worse � shady folks of every persuasion are muscling into choice territory. Back in the days of the Soviet Union,  high visibility Show-Trials were used to manipulate public opinion. Similar methods have been in place now for decades in America. Since race is a proven crowd pleaser, the odds-on favorite for the next soap is always a media-wash on reparations -- allowing Black Fall guys free reign to hang themselves in prime time � leading Whites to forget all about greedy Jews and center their resentments on those they instinctively �hate�: Blacks. Racial separatists may not pretend to be dedicated to serving the suffering masses of the Earth, but it is not their intent to enslave or murder them either. The irony is that the only ones willing to break this conspiracy of silence are those already under the same sentence. As Islamic Anti-Semitism grows in Black communities, Jews have got �nothing� to lose �playing the role of defense attorneys for patriotic Americans, with the righteous display of true colors contrasting the off-color jokes taking the rap for this hit. It�s a good thing homosexuals, feminists, "undocumented workers", and non-whites-in-General don�t have to worry about a two-timing Hillary siding with prime-movers and salt-of-the-earth shakers deploying Fall �guys� out on a limbo ..dropping them the nasty end of some media-shtick. Trying to predict the next media soap is sarcasm and not soothsaying. But what is not a joke, and requires no guessing, is the certainty that one TV show-trial will be followed by another All we know is what the media tells us. Evidently some soaps have been pre-empted by America�s Orwellian "War On Terror�. It is pretty clear that the Reverend Jackson will have to take his campaign for big time reparations for slavery to the back of the bus. Perhaps he will feel called by a �higher power� to register Blacks for military service to demonstrate his patriotism. The media has been saturated with a patriotic call to arms. A lot of people are getting pretty tired of liberals and conservatives joining hands in voicing their "love" for America. But they are out of luck, along with their civil liberties. Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice are just joining The Party ...and folks out in the "Red States", get to choose which of these Reds will be America's first Big Sister.

If you find this book to be racist, anti-Semitic and hateful, you are half right and wholly wrong! For if you are honest, you must recognize the presence here of modern Jewish scientific thought and ancient Asian "non-thought". By now, you know being half right is only one aspect of complementarity. You must acknowledge both images: Buffy Sainte Marie's 1970�s rendition of Leonard Cohen's God Is Alive, as well as the forbidden ballads of Ian Stuart and the original Rahowa -- Our reality today is strung between these opposite ends of the same guitar string ...repelling poles of the same sphere. Do not tell me the positive end is the "right" one, and the "negative" ... "wrong". We must account for the totality of our experience, which makes the openness of a shared future possible ...the multiple possibilities -- the fearful probabilities. You assuredly find the proposal to restructure the world along racial borders unrealistic, if not offensive. But try to understand that these ideas are not built upon your principle of planned obsolescence. This book will last, and in time take on meanings and realities not yet persuasive to those who have failed to pick-up the strain of human desperation and exaltation ...still to be born. Just as 1984 may have been a bit late in arriving, so also will the implications turning this new millennium warp our sense of time we run out of space. There are many universes to choose from, including that of apocalyptic annihilation. The dangers are all two reel ...and about-facing these perils honestly -- or defaulting to the deadening unreality of Armageddon.

We have heard so awfully much from Leonard Cohen�s camp and almost nothing from those condemned to silence by the omni-present media. So please abide with me as attempts are made to give a voice to the unspoken terror felt by grown men betrayed and horrified by inside traders importing out-landish armies of women and children to bury America. On June 13, 1998, President Clinton gave the Portland State University commencement address. I became aware of the significance of this event while listening to William Pierce's weekly Internet broadcast American Dissident Voices. The central theme of Clinton's presentation was the announcement that within fifty years America will be a nation without a racial majority. This is similar to looking at abortion in terms of a woman's right to choose, and not as the killing of the unborn. Everything depends on your point of view in a relativistic world without truth or reality. Put another way, Whites will be an ever diminishing minority among an increasing majority of multi-colored invaders. For Clinton and his cabinet of "minority" Jewish appointees, this treason was portrayed as America's "Good Deal". The following lines from his speech would have been unthinkable for an American president to express publicly, even as recently as during the Vietnam War; but among America's new non-white arrivals crowding our delivery rooms, such a prospect is their American dream. "Within five years there will be no majority race in our largest state, California. In a little more than 50 years there will be no majority race in the United States. (Applause.) No other nation in history has gone through demographic change of this magnitude in so short a time....... Let me state my view unequivocally. I believe new immigrants are good for America."1 A decade or two ago politicians and presidents, along with the media, were not so blatant in declaring the moral superiority of an America without a White majority. They pretended to be concerned with protecting helpless minorities from a Little-Rock-solid White citizenry. The failure to win the drug war, like the Vietnam war, and the battle with illegal immigration was all just beyond us ....the policemen of the world and punishers of Iraq and Serbia. Today, even a fool can understand that the American government has been fighting a war against America's White majority, that these internal wars were not lost, but like World Wars I and II were actually won...not by us, but by our Over-Lords. Clinton-"lovers" and Bush-whackers are of one mind: an America without a racial majority is compassionate. It suggests that the world is finally approaching Bohm�s long dreamed of goal: a mixed-race-world of equals. If you consult the count-less voters of Florida's panhandle or the impoverished relatives of un-mourned millions who disappeared in the dead of night, they may inform you that, as in Russia, the Jews are a bit more equal than everyone else in this American edition of Orwell's Animal Farm -- a novel about Communism that should not be seen as limited to the tragedy historians naively attribute to �the damn Russians� -- as having occurred in the past �in the now forgotten USSR. One can begin to see that it is not merely exaggeration to say that the Jews have plans in the works to lay waste to all White nations, much as was done in a land that spilled its blood by the gallon to protect these very same Jews from the nazis. But you, in your mock Christian morality will chide wayward Russians for any hint of anti-Semitism in their voices..... You, the hip co-conspirators in mass murder. But opportunists would rather not see past evils returning within the haunting light of those time-warped stars to which they injudiciously hitched their wagons ....or know for the first time atrocities that will never be forgotten, or those who cannot be forgiven. By the time uncanny light frozen in space befalls us, people holding different loyalties, or none at all, know full well that the reign of silence has lost its majesty. No one any longer believes that rational debate can forestall the expression of more intimate sorrows. Events take on a character of inevitability ....and we are dragged into historic times by instincts far more cardinal than greed. Given such a horrific vision of the future, you can see that some Whites feel called upon to take meaningful action to avert the unspeakable. For them, the breakdown of this capitalist/communist Mixed-Race-World-State is something to be prayed for. While they may find encouragement at signs that "things fall apart" in financial markets and on the streets of distant capitals, they feel despair in realizing that our Earthly environment sickens. Such a turn of events is tragic beyond any words they know; but as Bohr would espy in Donne's poems, there is also a way in which these traumas are liberating. The breakdown of the environment weakens the established order; most importantly, it doggedly challenges their claim to absolute command and control ....just as persuasively as long range Chinese, Korean, and Islamic nuclear missiles. It declares that their reign has fallen out of grace with Heaven. People feel that there is a power greater than that of even this world totalitarian State. As world order comes undone, we can understand for the first time how this modern society was put together; we can see the hidden ideology of our time exposed, as this clock-work society lies broken open for all to see, like some ghastly accident. Previously shrouded rulers become visible as their sheltering walls of wealth, power, and public image lose substantiality. Common folk may be thrown into disarray as bedlam threatens to break loose; however, amidst this confusion, we begin to catch sight of real events. Chaos washes clean our tortured minds and corrupted souls, offering the possibility of reconciliation with European relatives we unwisely helped ravage for close to a century.

There is a potential for real chaos in former Communist territories. You would be well served to turn your attention to an article appearing on �My Way News� February 13, 2005. I found the link on Drudge Report. The article is by Alexandra Hudson and is titled: �Neo-Nazis March as Dresden Remembers War Dead.� What was significant about this Dresden memorial was not that there were foreign dignitaries attending, but that locals were, and they were not there commemorating Jews, but the many more than 35,000 Germans --innocent women, children, and old people who were incinerated when in the closing days of WW II that cultural Mecca of Central Europe was reduced to ash by Allied bombers. �Official ceremonies began with a wreath-laying ceremony at a mass grave for 20,000 victims while neo-Nazi marchers elsewhere in the city carried balloons saying: "Allied bomb terror -- then as now. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden and today Baghdad. No forgiveness, no forgetting."� This article speaks for itself; it is up to you to understand the implications buried within it --or you can simply slide right over The Big Story like a Sean Hannity or a Bill O�Reilly. Think of the services Russians could hold if they were even allowed to commemorate their dead, or even remember who murdered them. Anti-Semitism is taken very seriously in many unlikely places because locals have understood, as Wallerstein explained, that world rulers conspired to create and maintain a symbiotic communist/capitalist order --- and that whether new or old, it has served the same purpose: wealth for the Jews ......and nothing for a Russian people at heel all their lives. For them, this is no intellectual abstraction. Russians, like Solzhenitsyn, did not want the foreign aid of America that supported the prisons of the Eastern block, but in our Christian Democratic generosity we always offered a helping hand to those who held the Jew's share of wealth in once proud lands. Should tyranny in the West falter, we can rest assured that an ascendant "Democratic" China would extend that same helping hand to "our" government. After-all, one good turn of the screwed deserves another, doesn�t it?

You have to understand that capitalism and communism are not in conflict, but are rather complimentary States. Just as the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. were in collusion, so are America�s Republicrats today. Conservative Bush Republicans were the socialist Democratic Clinton administration�s most aggressive pushers for China�s permanent free trade status. Americans are told the West must be engaged with China in order to convert that oppressive State into a freedom loving democracy � what is actually happening is the reverse! Independent peoples are being forcibly merged into multi-national corporate States. America is taking on both the color and configuration of Red China � becoming overtly communist and capitalist � this is where we are "being taken", and why all our Constitutional rights must be subverted by the Media State. The price of �peace� and your prosperity is the loss of our freedom � the right to speak our minds ...the right to have minds at all. Party members will enjoy the perks of capitalism and the rest of us will be leveled to the lowest of global multi-racial denominators: equality �with the most diverse mass of humanity new world potentates can order.

The world faces historic geo-political change. It is difficult to believe that the bombing of the World Trade Center was anticipated, that the devastation of New York City and its long-term financial future was intentionally placed at risk. Even so, lets look back before the Clinton years to the first coming of George Bush. Over the course of the past decade, there appears to be one clear beneficiary of America�s fall from grace �something both George 1st and W share in common with the Clintons ...not the appearance of corruption � but a treason of historic dimensions �sleeping with the enemy. Even before the collapse of the Soviet Union, another Red Star was rising from the East. I suspect that the opening of America�s borders to the �Whole World� Order has served the same purpose as tolerance for nuclear espionage at Los Alamos. Global trade is creating a new structure for the world economy, to be led by an emerging geo-political super-power: China. Let us hypothesize that there is a transfer of power taking place, as significant as defeat in war. The Jews and their allies know that they are losing control in key nations around the globe, and perhaps even in North America and Europe. The consequences of revolution could be fatal for Jews and their surrogates. Given that the decline of Pax Judaica is inevitable because of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the challenge has been to orchestrate an orderly transfer of power to a global entity led by an iron fisted society with no history of animosity toward Jews ..who also feel threatened by radical Islam and the re-emergence of Nazism in the West. The ruthless expansionism of the Chinese would protect Jews from their enemies in Multi-racial States no longer our homeland. Pat Buchanan seems to have recovered his dignity after a quixotic campaign for the presidency in the year 2000. His book The Death of the West appears very much on target. His observation that China is becoming the de-facto occupying power of eastern Russia is of critical consequence for all of Europe. Western patriots should realize that the Chinese are rapidly growing into a greater threat to the West even than the Jews and their traitorous mercenaries, who have rolled out the red carpet for the Chinese global imperialism now at hand. What could be done to counter this threat, if the tyranny of the Jews should be over-turned? One possible course of action for the West is to sever all ties with China, then establish a real military alliance with Japan � much as Germany did in World War II. The Japanese fear China as much as we do, or more so; yet, they have competed very effectively with this rival throughout their very long history. The West would be wise to give Japan a free hand in Asia. Western military forces would be strong but genuinely defensive, and remain located entirely in the Western hemisphere. Asian nations would be required to remain within the Eastern hemisphere. The objective of this separatist policy would be to prevent the formation of global imperial power. China would be seen as a distant threat, but not engaged in conflict unless they might challenge the integrity of the Western hemisphere.

In spite of the claims of Christian righteousness made by long-standing friends of communist/capitalist China like George 1st and now W, we live in an age without faith. We are unable to believe in tomorrow.....frozen in the headlights of an oncoming apocalypse. This time-warped millennium descends upon us, settling in as an ever intensifying premonition that the "last daze" ..maybe imminent. A materialistic utopia pairs up with the world class brutality of a totalitarian State. Being-without-a-future shapes our way of seeing things. The growing fear of these "last days" is not a simple-minded delusion triggered by a change in the calendar�s date. People are ready to embrace such fatalistic beliefs because they fear the totalitarian world closing in around their faltering Garden of Eden. While afraid of even identifying the fearful source of their consternation, these unquestioning believers safely articulate their anxieties in the socially acceptable form of off-the-shelf-worn biblical revelations. Traditional religions do have a means for coping with the mind-searing conflagration that is barreling down the broad ways and narrow alleys of America like four horsemen: Judgment Day. Recall that the latter pages of the New Testament were written by visionaries who could see that the Roman Empire was collapsing, while others thought it merely tyrannical. Confidence in the good life, provided by the consumer society, becomes less persuasive as that materialistic machine runs into the inescapable consequences of its own waste, fraud and some failed classical physical reality. Fundamentalist religion triumphs by declaring that the end of the world is at hand. This does integrate a person's inner panic and outer realities into a meaningful whole; now, in the end, everything is understood. The feelings of alarm subside. All that one needs to do is prepare for eternity, which will be ushered in by the triumphal arrival of the Messiah astride a white stallion. Revelations describes it all; one's faith is finally fulfilled. There is a certainty of divine justice. There is salvation for the faithful, and even the Jews will fulfil prophesy by converting to Jesus. The blistering road to one's final reward may seem like hell in this world, but at any moment those who truly believe, and live their faith, will be drawn into the divine rapture. And so, this mortal trial has run its course. God will take charge now, reaching from the inner mind to the outer-limits of human belief and despair. The kind of finality blind faith seeks may eliminate anxieties about the future, and bring peace in travail, but the price of certainty is total. The good fight is forsaken amidst sheepish prayers that our children will accompany us into a Magic Kingdom of wishful thinking. The escapism of religious delusion is no salvation, nor is patriotism, when intelligence is sacrificed on the altar of perceived security.

I doubt that you any longer believe that one-time or �short-time� Iraqi or Iranian friends are the only people of color who find themselves at odds with America. While Pakistan may not have chosen to threaten nuclear confrontation with America for the sake of Islam, they did learn the lesson of North Korea: those holding long range nuclear missiles don�t get attacked: not only that, they can squeeze America for a big chunk of change by choosing not to threaten the security of Israel. Thus the Taliban could be sold-out for a tidy sum and Pakistan spared bombing ..thanks to their nuclear deterrent. Would you be surprised to find America's "War On Terror" leading them in to a dozen Asian, Middle Eastern, and African countries that don�t have long-range nuclear missiles? You're not really expecting an American attack on North Korea are you? Do you think threats from Washington will deter nuclear proliferation? Don't count on it. Do you think their multitudes of relatives in Western countries would take kindly to being profiled in the name of patriotism? How about being assigned to detention camps for their own protection from enraged gun-loving Americans? Guess how popular the Bush League would be with White sports fans from New York to Los Angeles for putting potential hell raisers �in their place�. The Jews can maintain popular support for their war on �terrorism� by appealing to White racism � and they will do so as long as it serves their purpose. Blacks and Asians living in the West should learn from the experience of the Arabs that they cannot trust a Media State controlled by Jews. Certainly the Black Muslims in America understand the implications of living in a Savage Nation. They don�t need to listen to �White� talk radio to figure-out who is two-timing them once again. These people of color are no longer fool enough to trust the Jews. But millions of others still do �still believe in the illusions of the Media State. Who are America�s enemies? And for whose sake is our Constitution being sacrificed? Consider this clue: Israel will not be contributing ground troops to the war effort, although Jews around the world are the most vocal and �patriotic� supporters of �America�s War� on �global terrorism�.

The reason Serbia was bombed was not to defend Albanian Moslems, but to destroy a White government practicing the Nazi policy of �ethnic cleansing� � and more so, to prevent that ideology from gaining credibility in neighboring countries in both Eastern and Western Europe. Reverse engineering was tolerated when enforced by Stalinists both before and after World War II, and today by American multiracial tyrants. However, ethnic cleansing is O.K. when directed toward Whites by Blacks in Africa. Cleaning house in Zimbabwe did not meet with moral outrage in the Media States or with the UN �nor was there talk of bombing the �Black Hitler�: Mugabi. But calls for ethnic sanity have spread to major countries throughout Europe. Le Pen�s surprising performance in the French elections in 2002 may not have resulted in his being elected to the presidency, but it does signal the possibility that such a candidate could win in an even more disgruntled country than France. One nation where real Nazis could take power is Russia. Skinhead gangs are proliferating at a rate that has shocked observers in the West almost as much as the mainstreaming of racism in France, Holland, Austria, Denmark and �everywhere. What can the Jew-World-Order do if they lose control of Russia? They have to attack! They could not allow other nations to join in an alliance with such a hostile force. But conflict with a powerful �rogue state� could easily turn nuclear. The problem then is to choose the battlefields carefully. NATO certainly does not want to risk a nuclear exchange in Central, or even Eastern Europe. So NATO must follow in Hitler�s footsteps: attack Russia, particularly St. Petersburg, from Nordic territory. The population of the Nordic area has been moving to the south and the west since the end of World War II. As a result, this area is lightly populated. In NATO�s view, it should be possible to limit nuclear confrontation to tactical battlefield nukes. Consequently, the Nordic countries are of major strategic interest to NATO a staging area, much as Macedonia served that purpose in the war on Serbia. It should be evident why the US and Israel would need China in their New World Order. The profits of global trade and stock market fortunes would be acceptable to Western populations. But why give China nuclear weapons missile technology that can target Western nations? Why allow them to steal nuclear weapons secrets from Los Alamos? Make no mistake about it, the intent was to strengthen the enemies of those who might threaten revolution in the West. The worst of all possible worlds -- the sum of all fears, from the perspective of the Jews and their �Allies�, is one in which a major nuclear power could fall into the hands of anti-Semitic revolutionaries. China recognizes that Russia is losing control over oil-rich Asian territory that was once under its� domain. China would have much to gain in joining with NATO in attacking Russia. Thus, European Russia would be flanked on the West by American �NATO� forces and on the East by China � a truly formidable threat �and credible explanation as to why the Jews would give China nuclear weapons technology and accurate missile delivery systems. The hope would be the Russians would realize they couldn�t win and would submit to the dictates of the New World Order � rather than face certain destruction in an all-out nuclear war. This irresistible alliance between NATO and China would redefine the geo-political order of the world � elevating a vastly expanded China to the rank of a global military and economic super-power �with the Judeo-Christian blessings of New World Order governments in the West. The scenario described here should not be understood as a fixed plan, but as an example of a new perspective on �peace making� taking center stage in the minds of global investors. Global strategy is now reoriented toward nuclear attack and defense. Local strategy is shaped by the reality of proliferating weapons of mass destruction. Thus, a nuclear NATO in Nordic territory is just part of a re-aligned geo-political reality, where the use of nuclear weapons has become not only �thinkable�, but an apparent inevitability.

But that Orwellian nightmare is not preordained. Recent history suggests that America and Britain are NATO, and that �patriotism� lasts only so long as war brings prosperity to the nation, without widespread suffering on the home front. Popular support for war will most likely dissipate if the cost exceeds the benefits � if taxes are collected in blood ...if the sons and daughters of church-goers understand that they are making grave sacrifices fighting Israel�s many enemies, and that Israel itself is a non-combatant in �America�s War�. It is important that the focus of White patriots not be directed toward hating Americans or Russians, but rather toward persuading people of every color that they need not sacrifice their lives and well being, that they must avoid the Armageddon of biological, chemical, and nuclear warfare � and that the Jews in the West and the Middle East can be compelled to abandon their Orwellian dreams of ruling the world ..through perpetual war �ordered by secret leaders of a shadow government. Unfortunately, we are inclined to think that any people who oppose America and Israel must be righteous; this may not always be so. The problem of the Jews and their Media States is they have lost people�s trust �and deservedly so. Where does that leave US? ...Stuck with alien Lords at our back, while facing new world orders from China. To resist the external threat, we must free �our nation first � and this can only be done when we have the courage to call a spade a spade and a Jew a Jew. The one over-riding fact we must come to realize is that America�s horrendous problems are a consequence of those governing our nation over the past half century. It is mind-blowing to imagine that we should trust these Savage celebrities simply because they profess to be reborn patriots, washed in the blood of martyred firemen � or to allow Jews or their altar-egos to lead the opposition to war In Our Name. 

The capabilities of America�s nuclear weapons, and the policies governing their use, are both complex and largely secret, so let me preface the following comments with some factual sources. The first article is dated Feb 02, 2005. The source is Title: Rumsfeld Asks For Restoration Of Nuclear 'Bunker Buster' Program. The report states: �US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has asked for restoration of a supersecret research program designed to create a new class of nuclear weapons capable of destroying hardened underground targets, a Pentagon official said late Monday. The request came in a letter Rumsfeld sent to then-Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham on January 10, in which he insisted that funds for studying the feasibility of the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator be restored.� The brief report concludes: �Rumsfeld assured Abraham and his successor, Samuel Bodman, that they could count on his support for "your efforts to revitalize the nuclear weapons infrastructure and to complete the RNEP study."� If you want more technical details on various types of �bunker buster� bombs you can visit: ��. It should be pointed out that these depleted uranium bunker busters are currently under debate. For more detail still, consult the American Institute of Physics (AIP) Internet site. One relevant item is titled: Controversy Continues Regarding "Bunker Buster" Nuclear Weapon FYI Number 50: April 15, 2004. The basic justification for these weapons is stated as follows: �Administration concern that hostile nations are hardening targets by deeply burying them underground led to its request last year for initial funding for research on the RNEP. The RNEP would adapt an existing nuclear warhead to "hold at risk" deeply buried or hardened targets. This proposal was very controversial, with considerable congressional debate in both the House and Senate.� What is most significant about this new class of tactical nuclear weapons is they are not being presented as a �nuclear deterrent�, but rather as battlefield weapons that can be used pre-emptively. It is highly probable, in my opinion, that Israel will be among the first to deploy and use this new �low-yield� nuclear weapon, along with the latest anti-missile defense technology � thanks to the generosity of American tax payers.  America�s Prime-Time-Christians have been selling something the Clinton crowd tried and failed to deliver: war �a very real one involving Arabs, oil, and charges of recently acquired weapons of mass destruction � targeting primarily Israel, the United Kingdom, and the United States. America has genuine enemies and faces grim dangers, but we must not blame Iraq, Iran or any other Arab people for our tragic situation. The world already faces a more grave nuclear threat from Israel than from any weapon Iran may or may not plan on building. There is a far higher probability of a nuclear assault on Europe resulting from the aggression of The Jews than there is of unprovoked attack from Iran. What worries me is that The Jews, either directly or through their American proxy, will attack Iranian nuclear facilities. What if beneath those facilities is a lake of oil. Suppose the site is hardened and Americans feel the need to use a "low yield" nuke to get the job done. The Iranians have warned that they will retaliate, perhaps by counter-attacking Israeli nuclear facilities. Where such a confrontation ends is hard to imagine, but the possibilities are horrifying, not only for Iran and Israel, but the entire region of the Middle East and much of Europe as well. America's hints that it may include "low yield" nuclear bombs in its' arsenal of weapons for pre-emptive use with unyielding adversaries is beyond belief. One has to hope it is only saber-rattling. If they are serious, then nuclear war will become not only "thinkable", but glorified. Christians, like Sean Hannity, who can support such a blatantly criminal regime now have their answer as to why so many in Europe have lost faith in Jesus. All He seems to represent today is war, and a pretext to cash in on sadism -- just ask Mel Gibson. America and Europe are in such danger today for one overwhelming reason: The Jews and their determination to rule "The New World Order�. We are vulnerable because the governments of the West have forcefully imported incompatible peoples into White nations, while aggressively pushing a policy of abortion on US. In North America, our borders are left unprotected. Such inaction is not merely incompetence, it is treasonous. Like so many genuine Americans, I am extremely angry about what has happened to my country � and feel that forgiveness is not the order of the day. I have a very strong intuition that time and events are turning in our favor. While we must avoid fratricidal wars in the West, it is our duty to remove all multiracial New World Order enforcers from every branch of government ..charging them with refusing to defend America from invasion �and attack from within by multiracial aliens. But enough White Rage, let�s get back to the present: "America's new war". It has in fact materialized, and would have been forced upon the world even if the nightmare of September 11, 2001 never saw the light of day. Why? Because America clearly has an oil problem, and needs to find a large, reliable supply. Or wishes to use oil as a means toward an even grander objective: world mastery through oil. I have tended to over-estimate the size of the supply available from former Soviet republics in Central Asia, and consequently the significance of an Afghan oil pipeline. More importantly, I failed to recognize that America was not merely seeking independence from Middle Eastern oil, but only beginning its� campaign of conquest in Afghanistan; this much is clear: the war in the Middle East is about oil, and has nothing to do with human rights ..except of course those of the Jews. While there are a number of oil-rich territories on the planet, it appears none can match the vast supplies available in the Arab territories of the Middle East, especially Saudi Arabia. Michael Savage argues that America must invade Iraq and take over their oil fields. Others in the Media State have included Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the remaining Arab nations they judge to be threatening to either Israel or �the world�s� supply of oil. It is suggested that the oil of the region doesn�t actually belong to the accidental occupants of that priceless real estate, but rather, at least in part, to global oil companies that discovered the black gold and marshaled it to markets around the world. Because oil is the lifeblood of modern civilization, globalists insist that it cannot be entrusted to local tyrants like Saddam. It is evident to many that the United States is looking to its� own long term oil needs and is using conquest as a means to solving urgent economic problems back �home� and throughout the empire. Global imperialists have concluded that cheap oil is essential to grease the palms of America�s big wheelers and backroom dealers � and this necessitates taking control of the entire Middle East. The intent is clearly conquest: the prize would not simply be �the world�s� oil supply � but mastery of the world. Such an objective is criminal. Americans and Europeans must reject such reckless aggression in a world gaining the chemical, biological, and nuclear means to defend itself from Judeo-Xian �crusades�. Should America�s occupying government be forced to stand down in its campaign in the Middle East, one might suspect that the next likely targets are closer to home, and just south of the border. A war on Mexico and Central America would make a big hit back home for obvious reasons.

America�s rulers need a war of conquest to solve the economic mess their corruption has gotten us into. Our situation is similar to that of the Soviet Union in the 1960�s and 1970�s when that �Super Power� was unable to keep bread in the shops. Soviet bosses would hug and kiss American presidents in exchange for gifts of American grain. Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote that it would have been better for Russians if Americans did not co-operate with the Communist bosses, did not give the grain. Why? Because he believed that it was better to let Russian discontent spill over into the streets where real political change had a chance of breaking down the established order. It is better for Americans to deny the machine of State to be oiled by the prophets of war Michael Savage and the others on talk radio. Better to let corrupt rulers suffer the implications of their own �initial conditions� then to let them turn themselves into �war heroes�. They are vulnerable. They need war. If we can stop their wars, we can weaken them further. The strength of �The People� rises with the level of their unwillingness to support Media State sponsored terrorism. It is truly amusing to hear Judeo-Christians condemn anti-war �haters�. All we are saying is �Give peace a chance�. Now that�s a catchy tune. Patriotic Americans feel no loyalty to celebrity politicians who betray this country by failing to defend our national borders, while placing our lives at risk for the sake of "the chosen people"; but doing so is turning America against the Jews. No amount of "patriotic" talk radio is going to change that -- all these Savages will accomplish is to turn us against them.

I am convinced that Jewish hegemony is faltering and that they will do their damnedest to prevent their American capital from falling into a real panic -- that they will shift from a high-tech "power to the people" popular economy of prosperity to a defensive "all power to the State" military based economy  -- linking both profiling and anti-racism to the profits of opening Chinese markets ...and increasing aggression toward Whites both at home and in Europe �giving folks betting on a roll a real reason to fight �racism� �- because it imperils their potential status as market-millionaires. Well �healed� American flag wavers believe in money and only money, but their handlers know they cannot beat around "the Bush" without creating discontents ..that the time has arrived when the "love" of a "material girl" can no longer be bank-rolled by Wall Street ...when public "needs" must go unsatisfied. Belief in the �good life� has been short-lived. The basic problem is that the market boom was based on the fraudulent illusion that everyone had an equal share of the market pie. The �paper wealth� of investors was inflated. People were encouraged to �live large� based on the unrealized value of their shares. As key insiders cashed out of the game, they took more than their �share� of the market. The market pie cannot be divided into millions of equal pieces. As shares are sold, the value of the remaining shares falls. The unacknowledged principle of the gamble is that only a fraction of investors can possibly enjoy short term profits � the rest are forced into the much less sexy status of being �long term investors� �meaning you may need to hold onto your shares for twenty years or more to recover your investment. As the believers in �the good life� lose their salvation, they become damn mad. Consequently, the elect are prepared to protect their safe havens. So they plant well-manicured Bushes around their compounds, and place cameras everywhere ��setting-up� a million Orwellian private eyes to focus on potential hell raisers. The Police State demands �the Right� to protect America �while compelling us all to live in the fear of perpetual war. America is addicted to war. Marx observed that capitalism requires war to function, and America has certainly demonstrated the correctness of that assertion. The established Jewish Order faces several major problems; the most urgent of them is debt. The hell fire and damnation spirituality of militant Islam fuels the Great Depression of global materialists. But the rock bottom foundation of our horror is the decimation of our Earthly environment. The fourth horseman is invariably war. It appears that by attacking Iran, as well as occupying Iraq, and possibly other Middle Eastern nations, Judeo-Xians can lay claim to the vast oil wealth of the Arabs. Once stripped of their resources and economic punch, the devotees of Islam would be mere chattel. A chemical or biological war could sweep the land clean of unruly paupers. Those chosen to inherit the Earth would be blessed by the windfall profits the spoils of war provide to faithful Old Testa-mentors.

In an age of nuclear warfare, shields are the name of the war game. There was an informative discussion on Fox-News-Watch about February 13, 2005. They observed that prior to 9/11, both government and media had no interest in Osama Bin Laden. They went on to say that both media and government are as disinterested in a potential threat from China as they were from Al Qaeda. While this is not headline news, there actually is low-level coverage of the �yellow peril� in the press. On the same day as the Fox discussion, Time Online ran the following article: China�s Big Export: When it comes to spying, Beijing likes to flood the zone. By Brian Bennett. The article points out that �..The number of Chinese snoops is staggering, if only because average civilians are enlisted in the effort. FBI officials say state security agents in China debrief many visitors to the U.S. before and after their trips, asking what they saw and sometimes telling them what to get.� Time sites �a senior FBI official�; He is quoted as saying: "China is trying to develop a military that can compete with the U.S., and they are willing to steal to get [it]." Back in the Clinton era, Chinese espionage at nuclear weapons research facilities was gaining public attention. As stated elsewhere in this book, I am convinced Clinton�s Jewish team was ordered by the Chinese authorities to bomb the Chinese embassy in Serbia to silence this espionage criticism of China. It seemed to work. Clinton appeared twice on Chinese television begging for forgiveness for bombing China's embassy. It was the public humiliation of an American president on Communist Chinese television � an important event the American media has ignored. Instead they went 24/7 with the Clinton apology for "lying about sex" on American TV. So you think you saw the "Clinton apology"; odds are you didn't catch the real one. Slick Willy's apology for lying was itself a distraction from his real humiliation: failing to protect his Chinese partners in treason from em-bare-ass-ment. Eventually, Americans will be hit with the flip-side of �diversity� � meaning, The Jews may meet their match in the Chinese -- just as Clinton 1st did. The Jews have no problem betraying America to the Chinese, as long as they can maintain the upper-hand in this under-handed game of treason. The problem is that the Chinese are equally determined to be top-dog in this dog-eat-dog rat-race. The ultimate conflict is between China and the US-Israeli alliance, but before they reach that end-game they both want to polish off the Muslims first. If they start going at each other before disposing of mutual adversaries, there could be complications. For the immediate future, they will both be posturing for position on the global chess board. Everything would be so much easier if they could trust each other --if the Jews could "be" The Chinese the way they were "The Russians" in the Cold War, -- or one side would submit to the leadership of the other, but the stakes are too high. There can not be two Gods. The Jews are not able to play their own adversary in this game. Both the Chinese and the Jews appear to be two-timing each other. I believe there has been a secret military alliance between the Jews of the West and China. The Jews and the Chinese have a common fear of global Islamic revolution, combined with a rise in a racist Anti-Semitism in Europe and even in the USA. So Jews gave China nuclear missile technology to join with NATO in an East West axis attack on Russia, should that country of many weapons move in the direction of an Anti-Semitic government. However, America faces crisis on many fronts, economic, social, as well as globally --that could result in wide-spread discord with an Anti-Semitic flavor. I suspect it is this kind of concern that has necessitated America�s turn toward Stalinism. In order to maintain popular support, the current leadership must assure �voters� that prosperity is here to stay. What war could produce enough plunder to refill the coffers of America? Middle Eastern oil: all of it. Not just Iraq�s oil, but Iran, Saudi Arabia .. the entire region. The objective is to control oil as a means of gaining control over all the countries of the world. Any country unwilling to submit to American orders would not need to be bombed, they would simply be denied the oil necessary to function. But this unilateral power grab evidently breaks alliance agreements with China, which has been forbidden to take over other countries, Taiwan for example. China does not want the US-Israeli alliance appropriating so much power. So China is using N. Korea to threaten the US. As you see from any map, North Korea is on the fringe of China, and on the border with an American ally � South Korea .. and a stone�s throw away from Japan. China is able to launch a full-scale nuclear attack from N. Korea � however the American-Israeli response must be small, so as not to harm Seoul South Korea which is only a few miles from N. Korea�s military hardware. Thus China is using South Korea and Japan as a shield. The US intends to use the oil fields of the Middle East as its shield. The worst imaginable catastrophe would be the igniting of Middle Eastern oil fields in a nuclear inferno that would burn for months � spewing out nuclear pollutants around the Earth and contaminating the largest energy reserves on the planet. This would lead to the destruction of the global environment, the collapse of industrial civilization, as well as the deaths of billions of people. So the American-Israeli alliance needs to position its heaviest military hardware in the shielded area of the Middle East oil fields � which also shield the Jewish people from attack � while America is left open for direct assault. This US-Israeli alliance wants a secure military position in oil fields on the border of Asia � making it more difficult to simply wipe them out with nukes.  China could decimate the US, which is on the other side of the world, but the Chinese would not want to attack the Middle East with a nuclear bomb because it is so close to Asia. Nuclear war is strategically possible only when using shields. Granted the US could be obliterated by a nuclear attack, but a much expanded Israel would be near enough to the shielded area of the Middle East to avoid large scale attack. All that matters from this relativist perspective is that The Jews prevail. Remember: Heaven-Words is written from a many universes perspective, and not from the point of view of reality as you know it. If you assume we are engaging in poetic license, you won't be confused by the apparent contradictions and all the quantum weirdness. 

The world faces a significant threat of massive economic and political instability. I doubt that this was anticipated, that the devastation of New York City and its long-term financial future was intentionally placed at risk. Yet strange things happen as this surreal world of illusion twists back upon itself. How did America become so vulnerable to the turning of such events? Let us go back to the period immediately preceding this millennial change ...this turning point in history -- back to the Clinton years. By October 2000, the Green-backers spanning the globe understood that the Clinton prosperity had run its course � that growth has its limits in a fragile environment of finite resources, and that a way had to be found for accommodating a �no-fault� recession. American consumers deal with problems only when there is urgency about them. The �current� energy short-fall in California and else-where comes and goes from time to time, but there is an underlying problem that will persist: the earth�s natural resources are being depleted -- our shared environment is not merely being desecrated, it is being contaminated. There are enduring consequences for problems of this magnitude. Such basic weakness in the infrastructure of modern civilization can only be solved by some revolutionary innovation being introduced, such as the advent of a fundamental technology or the opening up of a new frontier. Lacking genuine solutions to severe problems, all we get from the Media State is WAR. Re-call this One-Party Media State �loves� posing as Democrat and Republican, yet actually is but two-ends of the same shtick: �idealistic� Leninist revolutionaries and �patriotic� Stalinist militarists. Whether labeled liberal �love� or conservative �compassion�, the faithful of both Words differ only in how they accentuate themselves: the multiracial Communist-Capitalism of the Democrats or the multiracial Capitalist-Communism of the Republicans. The choice, as they say, is yours: the New-Republicrat Bush-men of Amexica

Governments, like the markets, dread uncertainty. It will be necessary to keep the agenda of the multi-racial society on track by something more permanent than market share, by a more stable form of government than their stock market lottery -- and the Neo-Stalinist strong-man held in reserve by the Jews for establishing this "peculiar institution" is a stand-in stand-up type-character Colin Powell. The political theater in America is orchestrated by inside players, and has little connection to the traditional White �silent majority� that is supposed to elect them. But the team players in this drama can often times modify the script if they are determined enough. Because the Media State operates by the rules of a many universes virtual reality, there is the possibility for superficial change � but we must not lose sight of the underlying reality: totalitarianism. It does not matter who the current super stars are in this theatre of the absurd, the result must always be terrifying. The script is flexible -- the objective is not. One rising star in the late 1990�s was Colin Powell. The Jews had chosen him to lead America, but other more or less charming Machiavellians have proved more aggressive. Two permanent �leading families� that have embedded themselves in the body politic are the Bushes and the Clintons. George W apparently appeals to simple-minded Christians who are foolish enough to trust him and the twice-repentant Billy Graham. But he is little more than a bad actor. A figure I have tended to under-estimate is Hillary Clinton. She apparently has dictatorial ambitions. Her problem is that conservative men �hate� her. But as Michael Savage noted, she will twist herself into exactly the tool the Jews require � so she is clearly in the running for the White House when �her time� comes. By 2005, Hillary was showing every sign of "moving to the center" on volatile issues from abortion to protecting the nations borders. The real problem is likely to be rehabilitating Bill for the role of �first lady�. However, it is possible that the cum-back-kid will join the cast with many fresh BILLS. Given this insight into the American political scene, I hope you will forgive me if that trial balloon doesn�t fly. But things do get messy as we navigate our way through virtual reality. Please take the following alternate universe in good humor. Remember, the names may change, but the outcome will always leave you feeling like you�re in the middle of a dump. 

George the Baptist is preparing the way for one who follows ..Orders: Condoleezza Rice. Those who bought into the Clinton decadence should understand that the Jews are AC/DC "lovers" not loyal even to them �that the plan all along was to take a righteous turn toward the integrity of a �good Jew� or a righteous patriot. Whichever game ..plan voters might "choose", the out-come of forced choices must always be the same: Jewish tyranny. America has been governed by greed over the past decades, but a time weighs upon the White race when fear will grip us ...strip bare our creature comforts along with the environment of freedom we once knew -- compelling that we endorse the permanence of our willing surrender not merely to the self-aggrandizing enticements of corrupting market forces, but to the leveling olive-drab armed forces of naked savagery cloaked by the rags of saviors.

Governments in both America and Western Europe need conservative support to fight an effective war against White malcontents. During World War II, the Stalinists discovered religion as they appealed to traditional Russian patriotism and spirituality, and the Orthodox Church confirmed this avowed conversion. But both acted in bad faith merely to maintain the support of Slavs in defending their country from Germans who were desperate to remove the Jewish Bolsheviks from their European control center: Moscow. Is there any doubt that �America�s War� will turn back on Whites in the United States, Canada, and Europe � turn into a war on �hate�? Why is such an about-face inevitable if the Jews vanquish their Arab adversaries worldwide? Have not Israel and America shown their true colors � that they are really racists? Launching an aggressive assault on White racists in the West would profoundly weaken popular support for the war effort both at home and abroad. Stalinists fell all over themselves glorifying Russian Orthodox patriots fighting to defend what they believed to be their �homeland� � Mother Russia. After the shooting war was over, communists did not hesitate for an instant to take Christian defenders of the faith, such as Alexander Solzhenitsyn, and cart them off to Siberian Gulags for a long deserved Holiday On Ice. We can expect the same. The Jews will tolerate racism because it serves to motivate Americans to shed their own blood in fighting Israel�s many battles. Should that war be won, it will be necessary to reassure China and people of color across the globe that America is not racist � and what better way to do that than by rooting out the �haters� in our midst. Just as a global war against anti-Zionist Muslims is required for the security of Israel, an internal war against �Nazis� will be required to guarantee the security of Jews occupying the banks of the West. The outcome of such a campaign would be global Stalinism.

There was no doubt in the minds of Westerners that they were engaging in a war against racism when scouring those ethnic cleansers in Serbia �.a just cause for Europeans to once again engage in slaughtering each other ....compelling morally bound Americans to join in the fray ..bombing "the old country". The central target of Nato�s strategic action was not merely wayward Serbia. If that were the case, peace could have been bought in the region simply by following the Egyptian-Israeli foreign-aid formula for good neighborliness America granting both parties the billions of dollars a war of such caliber always costs the price for peace -- Or to have invested billions upon billions of dollars in the Balkans as was done in Korea, Indonesia, Brazil and most recently in Africa. But peace in the Balkans was not the objective. Do you really imagine that America�s Zionist Occupation Government was willing to pay tens of billions of dollars obliterating Christian Serbia to support a million of the poorest Muslims on the face of this over-populated Earth ...for the ostensible objective of further fragmenting one of the most unstable areas of Eastern Europe? Do you have any sense for how frustrated the Jewish Secretary of State Albright and the Jewish Defense secretary Cohen were in having to end their war before they could even get it started on the ground? They wanted a real war, but why? Conflict with the former Yugoslavia was a consequence of the break down of the Cold War Order. With the former Soviet Union in shambles, the lives of ordinary people became even more miserable than they had been under the rigid bureaucracy of communism; there was fear in the West that revolutionary sentiments were growing against the admittedly corrupt administrations of Eastern Europe. Because of the anti-Semitic and anti-American tenor of Slavic discontent, rebellion in lands of countless nuclear weapons could pose a real threat to Israel and America. The logic of past and current historic events in both America and Europe must lead one to suspect that there is a time-worn option awaiting execution, that there are standing orders designed to maneuver Russians into a forced alliance against Western bad-cop trans-dressers, thus entangling the low-rent losers of Eastern Europe in a new world order that only war can support. A strategy much like this may be tried in the Middle East first; but in any case, it should be tried in The Hague ..if there is any justice Left in �this world�. Such a war would bolster the credibility of absentee Jewish Land Lords like Boris Berezovsky and Vladimir Gusinsky .. along with their latest Global-Media-State "dream" of a "fledgling Russian democracy" or reborn Communist State �imposing order on ethnic communities eager for genuine revolution. A Great War would also serve Western interests in that it would justify tighter control over internal dissent ...if tempers could be made to flare. I doubt that reactionaries opposed to another war will enjoy the aggressive sympathy and militant "moral support" of either congress or the media indefinitely Clinton�s hell raising comrades did for so long back in the 1960�s and 70's. Rather, it is most likely that retiring �Donou-who?�s will be Left to champion a losing Savage words. It is probable that a larger than life war against Islamic and European Nazism will be programmed to unify all humanity literally dedicated to brotherly-"love" ...except of course those traitorous anti-war-haters. Orwell noted the centrality of perpetual war to the totalitarian State. Marx argued that war is an essential component of the capitalist machine. By shifting to a war based economy and mentality, it would be possible to keep the multiracial patriots of the West employed, and investors in the East out of the Red ...and consequently the whole world contented with its chosen leaders. As long as the Jews can call the shots from the side lines and bylines of the Media State, war in Arab holy lands can spread like an oil slick through the East into the West by way of central Asia�s former Soviet States ...just the elixir for this world�s global headache: WW III. The ultimate objective: a war of attrition -- a skin-game, another set-up: down to Earth martyrs in an air-war with unacknowledged allies from East and West buttressed by their new found NATO ground troops from Eastern Europe...directing the frustrations of embittered believers safely away from all concerns Jewish ...towards each other. The pay-off from years of endless atrocities ???the burn-out of patriotic Spirit and the loss of Faith....the loss of will to resist new world Orders intended to put an end to racial and religious loyalties by forcefully integrating once cohesive peoples into American-style decadent multiracial States. This could be readily achieved by relaxing border controls in both the Middle East and Europe ..opening the flood gates to an expanding and diseased Africa. Americans have already seen a similar loss of command over their southwestern frontiers, so much so that it is generally acknowledged that within half a century America will be governed by its "democratic" non-white majority; and this is accepted as either a blessing or inevitability ...with not a word of opposition from Bush-League switch-hitters. If you have any doubts about "Conservative Republican" endorsement of an utterly multiracial State, consider another �Look�-for Bush's �all American� cabinet �and see where that gets you. 

The basic mechanism of the multiracial New World Order is to link open borders with global trade �particularly with communist/capitalist China. The expectation is that as new Asian markets open, global investors will engage in a perpetual boom �as long as the Fed�s chosen �chair-men� can keep the dragons of inflation and racism from burning-up paper prophets. The social and political implications of top-secret international agreements to open borders may even necessitate a changing of the guard from Time to Time to cool tempers of �down" home-boys and girls. But the flow of �illegals� from south of the border will not be reversed; this modern day underground railroad enables Blacks and Browns to join the Party �.to eventually become our �Kings�. With the Clintons out of the White House for the time being, America�s hereditary ruling class is stretching its Wings .. from the West to the East. It may be prudent to recall that Mafias have been known to "love" Family values -- enforcing the rules of a Party-Line-of-Dynasties. They can "score" the same multiracial goals using "compassionate conservative" Republicans and Christian patriots from Bush country Texas as they have with "idealistic liberal" Democrats from "Clinton county" New York and that Kennedy Compound: Massachusetts. On this matter, Patsy Buchanan was Right: America has a one party system --Left�Gore-Tex capitalist-communist Republicrats: foreseeable Revelations of a re-formed Judeo-Christianity befalling US. With a �good Jew� not being chosen among the elect, shadow cabinets and changing wardrobes will not mask the old-fashioned �General rules� governing diverse peoples stripped even of the awareness of once honored freedoms.

It is depressing to see family men compromise their fragmented intelligences, putting the well being of their own children�s future in jeopardy for the sake of those who know how to yank the chains of Yankees. These brave-hearts will turn a blind eye and accept the Abortion-State as it miraculously espouses fundamentalist family values and devotion to the Bible.....bonding these traditional icons to the anti-racism of a Stately figure like Condoleezza Rice. The aim of American and European rulers has been to establish the multiracial society in the minds of Westerners as a conservative conviction � as a compassionate Christian ideal conscience demands we defend. Such a fatal predicament results when a people surrender their intelligence to other worldly religious beliefs, and resign their common will to popular super-star messiahs of Church-State celebrity. The "pacifist" revolutionary Leninism of John Lennon and "the early Clinton" matures into the conservative patriotic Stalinism of war-heroes like John McCain and the "Promise Keepers", who are willing to fight World War II again in a spirit of anti-racist Christian patriotism. If Western Europeans and Americans turn decidedly in this direction, another fratricidal conflict will bleed what is left of heroic blood from our race. Such a war is not inevitable; stopping every campaign designed to ignite this holocaust would indicate a weakening of control over those people unwilling to slaughter their not so distant relatives. One ray of hope is that public sentiment in the West turned against the 1999 British and American bombing alliance flying under the European banner of Nato. Broad public disgust with the anti-racist campaign against Serbia has made it more difficult to initiate another World-State sponsored war in Europe. But that can be changed by �events� spreading from the Middle East. If MASS Christian opposition to pre-emptive wars, particularly against Iran and Syria, can prevent America from attacking other nations, the likelihood of eventual nuclear war in Europe will diminish. Much as the World-Media-State tried to portray Austria as a criminal society for electing leaders opposed to increasing multiracial immigration, public sentiment throughout Europe at the turn of the century compelled Western officials to accept the outcome of that democratic election in Vienna. By 2002, populists in Denmark, Holland, and other European countries would successfully appeal to anti-immigration sentiments much as Austrian leaders did. Consider that Western countries are vulnerable to terrifying assaults from alien enemies forcefully imposed upon Europe and North America by an unacknowledged policy of open borders. Today, the Congress and the White House have taken advantage of this situation -- those very same Media State politicians who tormented critics of their forced immigration policy demand that we trust them, so much so that we surrender our civil liberties   �to enhance their own power -- to enhance the power of the Media State at the cost of our Constitutional protections from government itself. In this respect, the �compassionate conservative� Christians of the Bush administration are a more urgent threat to American freedom than was the treasonous Clinton administration. We have a right to defend our nation against Judeo-Xian tyrants. The most effective way of resisting Judeo-Xian crusaders is to deny the Media State the spoils of oil wars it so desperately needs to continue living large. Without the stimulus of war, the economy will spiral more deeply into stagnation � shattering the peaces of internal �diversity� �destabilizing urban jungles ..exploding into uncivil disruption � something America�s Zionist Occupation Government dreads. To modify Vladimir Lenin�s revolutionary dictum ever so slightly: an authentic conflict in either Europe or North America would not be one characterized by State-sponsored fratricidal war uniform Black&White-on-White violence, but rather by a civil rebellion against the international Zionist Occupation Government itself. The most effective way of resisting a world Capitalist/Socialist-State based on the force of alms is by nourishing the intelligence starved people of Eastern Europe and supporting those drowning in 500 Western channels -- by sharing the high tech prophets of collective-racial-consciousness taking on substantial form via the non-local properties of the Internet �.before the magicians from Manhattan can install their latest Project in cyber-space. The disclosure of Gordon.zon should serve as a mere warning ..for far more sophisticated traps and barbs lie in store for us on this wired Net.

  Seeking out the Truth is a matter of unraveling knots, of making sense of a concealed order which is "for eyes only", and not for prying fingers ..on a keyboard. Once one is untangled, we are back again fooling with the next. Try to be patient as we pick our way through strings of tangled locks. Because many knots have already been loosened, there is a momentum that carries this process along; the more we get straightened out, the easier it is to proceed. We are free to ponder ideas now that would have been unthinkable by the generation before us. Like a detective following his best leads, we are compelled to return to the bad actors, to the scene of their crime...which continues to be played out in our own lives to rave reviews. There is a fundamental conflict at the core of the New World high-tech Order-economy. The remarkable prosperity of the late 90�s was based on telecommunications and particularly the Internet. Real freedom on the Internet was an unfortunate price that had to be tolerated for the sake of the new electronic world economy. Efforts were definitely made to censor the Internet, but with astonishingly little success. Not until nearly the Y2K year 2000 did it dawn on market players in the West that the astounding profits of their technology investments concealed an unforeseen risk -- that the Internet had become a major threat to the international security of the New-World-Order-States. When a lone sophomore prankster from anywhere on the planet can hack havoc in commerce, government, and military operations around the globe, costing billions in dollar terms alone, then even the most power-hungry of men have to re-evaluate the vulnerabilities of their barbed wired-world-prosperity. This situation is not unlike the proliferation of weapons within America and around the "global village". The contradiction is this: the Media State depends on the wide-spread proliferation of technology to function, but as with weapons � it is imperative for the New-totalitarian-World-Order to prevent a citizenry from holding in their own hands the means to decisively challenge the command and control functions of the Super-State. Not so long ago, a lord�s armored knights on horseback were an irresistible force to peasants armed only with pitchforks �but the advent of the long-rifle changed all that. Today, the keyboard is mightier than the gun: simply because weapons of this kind of warfare can be used, whereas the detonation of nuclear weapons would be so devastating that their use evokes apocalyptic nightmares of World War III and massive environmental destruction. "White-collar" cyber-attacks can be launched without restraint, often without either the assault or the assailant being detected. Technology then makes a David vs. Goliath cyber-war feasible. It has taken market profiteers too long in awakening to the realization that the high technology responsible for the wealth they have been amassing is a threat to the security this prosperity is supposed to guarantee them. The oversight was this: power does not flow only through the barrel of a gun! Knowledge is power, and when it is broadly shared it is just as great a threat to a World Police State as an armed citizenry. As with guns, it then becomes imperative for the Media State to disarm the public of their intelligence � adding to the burden of maintaining popular faith in their one-world technology boom. It appears that the Media State is re-tooling its� computer technology around a 64-bit code ..leaving the little people in the silicon dust of a 32-bit code. The aim is to restrict the powerful new encryption capabilities of super computers to the elite, thus re-establishing the technical superiority of The Media State over the privacy of �The People�. But thanks to AMD, by 2003-- 64 bit technology has become accessible to all having the "sense" to adopt it. Combine that AMD 64 bit chip with a 64 bit Suse Linux operating system and you have gone a long way toward leveling the playing field with the Techno-State. As of February 2005, Intel is in the process of rolling-out a new 64-bit processor for the desktop pc. By mid-2005, Microsoft has promised that their new 64-bit XP operating system will finally be ready for prime-time. My suggestion is that you think dual-boot -- if XP allows it. If not, I would go with Linux and AMD simply because of security and stability -- most viruses and attacks have been directed toward Microsoft products in the past. If you are a gamer and use multi-media applications a lot, you may be happier with Microsoft. 

Even as far back as the summer of 2002, word had gone out that the best and brightest are being redirected from wall street, the universities, and the professions into the FBI and CIA �which is precisely the same structure established in the former Soviet Union. During the glory days of Stalinism, you weren�t anybody unless you were in �The Party�, and preferably a KGB operative. The inside track for inside traders always entailed insider information only intelligence wise crackers could grasp. The Media State may feel compelled to cast its� net on the Web. Already, intrusive laws in Europe and America make it evident that harsher measures are possible �even Chinese style government sanctions on the Internet itself if top-secret whiz kids can�t get cyberspace under control. Invasive laws attacking your freedom and mine weaken commerce. As the �Patriot act� demonstrates, when the time comes to repress our Constitutional rights, such actions will be taken in the name of Christian ethics, family values, and freedom. Efforts in 2001 to reign-in "The Music" on the Internet may serve the interests of Media State security and boost the bottom-line of its prophets, but as with the Microsoft case, assaults in the high-tech domain are not quite as cut and dried as legal judgments against big tobacco. There are always risks, even for a totalitarian Order. But this siege mentality stifles economic prosperity. Why buy into high technology if it will be used to enslave you? Do you really want a high tech identity chip implanted in your body? How about your children? As long as technology increases personal freedom, we love it, and are eager to support its� expansion; but as we learn to fear it � we are less enthusiastic about surrounding ourselves with ever more Orwellian innovations � or taking stock in companies that profit from our loss of freedom. Many patriots are inclined to believe that The Jew World Order is more powerful than it actually is. First of all, in spite of appearing unaware of the genuine concerns of White Americans, Media State Savages are remarkably quick in detecting and measuring popular feelings. They are aware of changes in sentiment before many ordinary folks are. The function of celebrities and politicians is to try to stay out front, to �lead�. If efforts to shape popular opinion fail, the two parties need to grant credibility to at least one of them, allowing the other to take the fall for a risk that did not pay off. The point is that both plans remain likely possibilities, that multiple realities are programmed, and only when public opinion lets the cat out of the bag, does it become apparent which strategy is alive and which one is DOA. When looking at The New World Order and future developments, we should understand that there are many possibilities sown into the course of current events. Alternative realities are implied by the uncertainties that govern events �and our relativistic rulers, who measure our worth in the light of these "Principals" of duality. I am convinced that this complementarity approach to a multiple universes political theory is far more accurate than one that assumes genuine political adversaries with Either-Or cut and dried choices. While the ball is always in motion, it has spin on it � or spit out another way, the dice are loaded. One probable outcome is more heavily weighted than other possibilities. Established leaders must represent all relativistic perspectives; however, some causes are championed for the purpose of subverting them. If a much-needed war still fails to materialize, then at least some benefit must be harvested from the failed attempt. Somebody has to �win�, and it cannot be the latest �Hitler of our time�. Two over-riding lessons should be learned: first, never trust the leadership of Jews, especially when they are fighting against other Jews or known Jewish interests. Second, popular fear, distrust, and anger toward government can compel the Media State to change its tune. 

Once rulers have popular support, they can do what ever they want -- which usually turns out to be: sending the little people back to war ....or bringing an Orwellian war home to them. War is the art and science of deception, and because the Media State is riddled with illusion, all we can do is look at the outcome of events. Who died in the World Trade Center bombing? Were thousands of Israeli and Jewish executives mysteriously absent from work as some have rumored, or have the high-risers of Hymie-town, as the Reverend Yasir Jackson once dared say, simply under Written their losses? Evidently, we will never know how many really died in the twin towers. Estimates at the time of Hollywood style telethons easily exceeded six thousand, but when it came time to dole out compensation to the beneficiaries of this horrifying event, those numbers miraculously collapsed to half of what was originally claimed ..leaving a vast amount of money to those who know how to appreciate the spoils of war once the glare of media floodlights has dimmed. Patriotism and sympathy for working class firemen was converted into Green-bucks for �The Family� of the fallen high risers. The heavy equipment used for clearing the site made it impossible to recover all of the dead, many of whom were incinerated beyond recovery. Only ashes from a wasteland fill the souls of those assaulted and betrayed. The true horror of this very real event is that intelligent people around the globe find it believable that America and Israel were at least to some extent co-conspirators in this act of mass murder. A year after 911, we are still �on hold�. I am strongly inclined to believe that Muslims were directly responsible for the execution of this American tragedy � but that Israel and the United States were indirectly responsible because they knew it would happen, but chose not to stop the attacks because the Judeo-Xian leadership believed such an assault on America would serve their purposes: pardoning the political elite of this multi-national corporate Media State �for economic hardship that was an inevitable outcome of the roaring 90�s � shifting all accountability to radical Islam for a �global war on terrorism� �while simultaneously justifying a permanent invasion of the Middle East and the seizure of their oil resources, thus setting America on an irreversible course to becoming a Neo-Stalinist Orwellian State. The bombing of the World Trade Center, like the bombing of the Oklahoma Federal building, could be allowed � the nation could be Left defenseless, just as The State has refused to defend America�s borders -- if the pay-off should far exceed the cost. The question is: what is the pay-off? Or is it: who is getting paid off? Given what we know of the scandals surrounding executive salaries, these questions are consistent with the established practice of Washington and New York inside-outsiders calling the shots today. A society has long sense lost its freedom when it can tolerate officials announcing that a �Shadow Government� of secret leaders is already in place at undisclosed locations, and ready to take absolute command at a moments notice. This is a mandate for The Super State to declare war on any it declares to be �enemies of freedom�. When such Orwellian Rules are in play, anything is possible. Attacks can be launched and blamed on foreign aggressors. The preferred tactic for assaulting a domestic population would be biological weapons �because The State alone has the means to immunize those it chooses, and to simply allow those not chosen perish. It is this method of passive killing that the current Masters of the Universal State have used previously in the Soviet Union, and will most likely use in the future. It is difficult to believe that even the American government would unleash such an indiscriminate and merciless affliction on its own population, even using mass inoculations as a pretext for subduing widespread disaffection toward authorities; but all bets are off if social stability falters. If a strike should occur, involving an agent such as smallpox, which authorities are prepared for and able to treat effectively in less than a week � with minimal casualties, it is likely that the government is behind the attack and using it to create panic and public support for a merciless assault on that nation toward which the Media State directs public fury. If, however, America is caught off guard by a nuclear, chemical, or biological weapon for which authorities are unprepared to respond � and there are massive casualties, including scores of Jews, then one is compelled to conclude that the assault is coming from an external foe, most probably from the martyrs of Islam. The West would be stricken not so much by fear as blind rage, and the response to such a horrifying assault would be apocalyptic �because suspicions would turn not only toward the Islamic world, but also in the direction of former Communist States once part of the Soviet Union �and toward North Korea�s long-standing military ally: China! Tragically, a nation so primed for panic is vulnerable to manipulation by a hidden enemy to find advantage in triggering a holocaust of hatred between unwitting combatants. As events become more desperate, it is no longer possible to question the truth or legitimacy of Media State warnings � the lives of our children are at stake. We become absolutely dependent on the masters of deceit. It is decisive that we anticipate where we are heading: the collapse of critical thought. My aim is not to be a soothsayer, but simply to keep the creative mind alive �to keep asking questions when the unthinkable becomes our reality.

It is so easy to discredit intuition in our own eyes and in public opinion by playing the role of prophet injudiciously. Logic has come under much criticism in this book; but the dangers from uninformed and unquestioned beliefs, especially if they are our own, must not be under-estimated. Nothing justifies abandoning our intelligence ..or supersedes the primacy of truth. One's foe must not be painted all pink. What is truly difficult is learning how to appreciate beauty even in the creations of those who would destroy us. Most likely, the depth of insight disclosed in this book will be missed by those who can see only shades of Anti-Semitism and racism here ....refusing to acknowledge that advances in thought entail breaking through mental blocks which have there origins not merely in social taboos, but in aggressive repression. What is required of us is the courage to battle with ideas so powerful they threaten to shut down critical intelligence. There is no escape from confronting the strongest of our adversaries; they must be engaged without closing our minds or silencing our tongues in the Stoicism of Heisenberg�s submission to Bohr. No one can think this far without confronting the political realities that govern this world of ungodly Caesars. We have much more to gain by openly defying the intimidation forcing us down into the world of "lovers" partying round us, than we do by betraying our own feelings and choosing to "dance with the devil in the pale moon light".2

In a long internal war of subversion, instinct which can predict the movements of the opposition, while remaining concealed to the enemy's intelligence, will take the upper hand. What is valuable about the style of writing in this book is that it teaches you how to think like the Jews without re-lying on their profits. The weakness of the Christians is that anyone can easily anticipate their behavior; but much the same can also be said of the neo-nazis, who wood-march in Hitler's footsteps -- in ruler-like fashion. To with-stand this apocalyptic millennium, we must become something new which has not been anticipated, a non-linear force -- a chaotic nightmare stalking the air-waves like a starless knight. Powerless as we may seem to be, if we intentionally shape our fundamental revolutionary ideas along the jagged edges of chaos theory, our behavior will become unpredictable to our adversaries. More importantly, the minor instabilities we may create in today's Zionist world order can increase exponentially, resulting in overwhelming chaotic social disorder in a future far closer to us than the comfortable middle class dream. The Jews recognize the vulnerability of their established order to uncertainty and chance, which are inherent to the Nature of all things; from their history as nomads of the desert, they understand how that last straw can break the camel's back. Those with wealth and power do not like playing chaotic games of chance with "white-trash" who have nothing to lose. Consider the out-rage when a be-knighted teenage nobody in rags spray paints a provocative message onto a building well situated for public viewing by the collective mind of White society. Apparently insignificant actions can grow exponentially, unleashing a storm of protest with unpredictable results. This is what the chaos theorists call "the butterfly effect". Understand this: the Jews fear creative thought in the minds of their adversaries and imaginative action by the weak, such as TV savvy Palestinian boys slinging Old Testament stones at well armed Israeli giants. We must not assume the predictable racist role scripted for us by the Jewish media. The most basic purpose of the multi-racial Super-State is to set people against one-another so that they cannot come together with unified revolutionary force. Rather than encouraging racial conflict, separatists hope to find common cause with other racial groups in rebellion against those who have declared themselves chosen to rule. We must develop a flexibility that will allow us to engage in limited alliances with other races for a commonly held objective -- to defeat the Jews, to break their hold on the enormous wealth which rightfully belongs to the many peoples of this world. Case in point: the Jews rely on the wealth of South African Oppenheimer gold, diamonds, and other strategic materials. It is to all our advantage to support Black African control of this wealth, and real Arab control of Middle Eastern oil. Because we do not want to marry into other races, or even share our homelands with them, does not mean we don't want these decent people to succeed in their own rite, or that we would be unwilling to associate with them in a natural and peaceful way once racially secure borders are established. A group of African businessmen, students, or tourists would be just as welcome to visit White America or White Europe as Indian, Mulatto, or Asian visitors ....because the integrity of White nations would be respected. Today there is no such respect, but there will be. Someday, racist Whites will have to do business with Africans, Arabs, Indians, Asians, South Americans, and the rest of humanity. We cannot set absolute ownership of everything as our manifest destiny. A decentralization of power strengthens us and weakens the Jews. It also strengthens these other peoples. We are all better off with several moderately powerful racial groups than world mastery by the Jews. While we do not have to love the majority of color sharing this over-populated planet, we only serve the Jews by hating them; and they should understand that, like them, our greatest adversaries are the Ashkenazi Jews who look like us, and share many of the same genes. The Jews have lived among us for thousands of years, and have inter-bred with our "better people" to the extent that we cannot distinguish them from our own brothers and sisters when we watch them on television, in the movies, or on Capitol Hill. Mixed-blood Jews and their opportunistic partners will be under immense pressure from their hard core seniors, the one's with ancient devotion to unwritten laws, to prove themselves to be real Jews ....super-troopers: for it is they who will be called upon to take the most merciless action, as our designated executioners. Allow me to explain this outrageous statement.

Hollywood propaganda movies are a useful source for observing Jewish thinking. In 1997, Harrison Ford, whom Internet rumor has -- is half Jewish -- along with William Shatner(Captain Kirk), Leonard Nemoy(Spock), and half of all the big names in Tinsel-town (The Ultimate Jewish/Israel Link Launcher: Famous Jews--Entertainers). Harrison Ford and Brad Pitt made a movie called Devil's Own. Pitt was an IRA "terrorist" trying to transport stinger missiles from New York to Northern Ireland. Ford played an over-the-hill NYPD honest Irish cop who is ready to retire. Pitt's character was young and deadly, with more notches on his gun than Billy the Kid. Ford's character drew and fired his gun four times in fifteen years on the beat. In their climactic encounter, guess who wins? The Irish cop. You see the IRA man couldn't bring himself to kill the father of Irish daughters ...children he had become very fond of. And it pains Ford's character so much to have to bring the young kid down -- to kill him. The moral of the story was that the only way to deal with these charming Irish is to get another charming Irishman to do the job. Divide Ireland, divide Europe..... require the "East" Germans to be enemies of "West" Germans ...Divide and Conquer. The most difficult adversaries to face are those most like ourselves because Our Heart is not in the battle. We don't want to win. This is why the Ashkenazi Jews are so dangerous to us, not because they are so much smarter -- but because they are so ruthless and determined to win. They have proven again and again that they will betray us and murder our people without remorse, all for the sake of power and the wealth it guarantees. Our weakness is our humanity, but that is not the weakness of the Jews. Their weakness is mercilessness, for it turns all the peoples of the Earth against them.

I have agonized over this kinship of ours with the Jews for many years. They have indeed worked their way inside of us, but how can it be that they feel no loyalty to us? There are many devout Christians who believe that some Jews do, and readily admit that others are truly "the devil's own". Christians must not lose sight of saving our people amidst all their missions to convert the "chosen"; but their devotion to the Jews and dreams of heavenly rewards splits their loyalty, and taxes our faith in them. We cannot take it upon ourselves to save the good Jews as a unilateral action. They have something to say in this matter. Up to now, all we have heard is Shindler indoctrination that commands us to "save the Jews", as though they were some innocent whales. But who had mercy upon our kinsmen whose lives were aborted in the communist Gulags? Who saved them? And who will save us should our own efforts fail? There is a way to save the good Jews, if indeed our Christian brethren have not been deceived, and that is the way of bilateral action....complementarity. Because Jews aim to play their own adversaries, the only possible measure for distinguishing two-timers from genuine allies is success. If a �good Jew� is consistently instrumental in clearly defeating many dangerous Jewish adversaries, both the established and their likely successors -- then we can accept him or her as a trusted friend. Without the �goods�, we assume we are dealing with an inside-outsider -- just another �Goodman�. Americans must finally come to understand the inordinate influence the Jews have, and the unholy toll they take on all our lives. Those Jews who would remain among us must save us from their own less merciful cousins. Those who wish to live in a White America and White Europe must stand with us during these "last days", for we cannot later build a society in which there are un-trusted members. We will not create a police state so the Jews can persist in war games they have played, at our people's expense, for the past two thousand years. The Jews with their liberal and conservative allies are not stupid people. They are more shrewd than we are. But for too long they have taken up arms against us, their own brothers and sisters. They know full well what they have done, and the consequences of their actions for our children, just as an educated feminist professional realizes what abortion actually is -- and what it has done to our people the once unquestioned White majority of America and Europe. We are being lead to the slaughter-house just as surely as these millions of White healthy babies were. And where is the Jewish Shindler when we and our sacrificed children cry out to him? If there are in truth good Jews, then for God's sake help us! Join with our Christian kinsmen and take up the arms of your choice against those who out-gun us a million to one. Risk everything--- come down, stand with us -- and after the war is won with the unmistakable help of your intelligence, we will trust you, enshrine you within our hearts as true heroes of this our Second American Revolution. Complementarity means that the coin has two sides, not two faces � one turned toward us while the other remains focused on Israel: we can only save our kindred Jews if they are willing to save us -- not as Saviors, but as vulnerable human beings�to stand on our side without linking American patriotism to Israel as is done by radio talk-show inside out-siders like Michael Savage and all the other Media-State �conservatives� cheering Americans on to fight Israel�s wars --To become one of us and cease to be Jews �to disavow that predatory clan without reservation. Without such a commitment to one-another, there can be no trust. This is the call of the wild -- the test of blood loyalty. Our kindred Jews will hear the call coming from two directions, and only they can know which cry rings true in the deepest canyons of their souls. The great unwritten love story, which can save our children's generation from horrors past, entangles a beautiful woman, half Irish half Jewish, with a White separatist. She discovers she is searching for more than another person; she seeks the origins of feelings that have set her apart from those dedicated to wealth and intrigue, apart from the Jewish families alien to her intuition. The man she loves shares her feelings, but cannot trust her. It is the struggle to reconcile love, trust, and family loyalties which brings the pair to realize that love is not an individual matter, but a collective passion. What they finally understand is that their love goes on embodied in the loyalties of their own children, and the felt commitments to others in their community this new generation forms. They discover how brief, how fragile individual existence is, and feel the timeless wave of generations flowing through them. Their relationship changes from the romance of a morality play into a revelation of unexpected intensity, drawing them together into the collective identity they have both sought in their love for each other.

Enshrined in my thinking is the conviction that unless one makes unexpected turns, there can be no revelation. Creativity is the process of regularly recognizing the error of our ways, without losing intuition for the overall direction of our common evolution. Because of our belief in "reality", it is essential that at some cross-roads, we choose the "wrong answers", follow "wrong directions", make profound errors ...get lost. For only if we are truly searching, can we ever find our way out. It is not enough to just rely on algorithms run through super computers to do our thinking. That is not thinking! This is the goal we seek: becoming naturals at finding our way� solving problems without always relying on formulas. We must come to accept that we are like animals in the wild who must fend for themselves, live by their wits or perish ...."to live free or die" as New England patriots of an earlier time once dared declare to the reds and turn-coats occupying their homes. When cast out of those institutions our ancestors built, we can find consolation in being strangers in our own land. There can be advantage in not knowing the area of one's immediate interest with professional detail, to being an amateur ...a beginner, an outsider among the in-side traitors. One can learn to adapt to new, once familiar, terrain quickly. One learns just enough to recognize recurring patterns in an alien order ....but not settle into the comfort of any fixed structure, or believe in any permanent reality. Unless continually challenged, creative genius will vanish without our knowing it. We must become frontiersmen of new worlds, so tuned to Nature that we might find many ways through uncharted territory. We must learn to serve as guides to places we have never been. By never settling down, we learn to never surrender. As explorers, we discover how not to become locked into the trap of specialization or true belief. There is no absolute fixed reality. Adapt to change, for it will eventually get the better of us if we don't. Discover that this change is an evolution which is not the province of youth alone ...but an exhilarating freedom unbounded by the ages; our mission in life is to learn how to travel light and endure living in an incomplete make-SHIFT reality. Risk is the chance Nature offers us for freedom. Unless we are willing to take that chance, we have only the assurance of servitude. There must be resurrection and transfiguration in this world inspired intelligence with sufficient strength to adapt to a dark and frightfully complex time of quantum uncertainties and relativistic realities. Courage, born of very real suffering, will light up the morrow in a magnificent miracle of science instilled with a human Soul. We must find reason for hope in ideas that may seem beyond our comprehension. Our rising star is so brilliant we are not yet able to see by its light. Consider that little more than a century ago, most of our ancestors lived on farms and traveled by horse and carriage, if not by foot. Today, plans are being made for establishing permanent colonies on the moon, and that as a mere stepping-stone to the planets beyond. We cannot fail to recognize the potential our future holds out to us. If we can be more realistic and less fatalistic, we will find the courage to transcend our own depression; and come to know that a power greater than our fears is taking on flesh in our time.... in our our collective Mind.

Fox News Bill O�Reilly Sean Hannity Savage Double Talk Radio with Their Forked Tongue Tales of Islamofascism in Eurabia

                                END NOTES

1.Internet: News from the Oregonian, July 15, 1998. Select text version of President Clinton's commencement speech at Portland State University, June 13, 1998

2.The Joker's kiss of death trademark sound-bite in the movie Batman.