Rhodes discusses Oppenheimer's emotional troubles, but also compares him to Lawrence, Rutherford, Bohr and other prominent physicists of his time. He refers to a psychological study of scientists carried out at Berkeley. The researcher observed that a kind of over-sensitivity to sensory experiences and an over-alertness to apparently insignificant features in problem solving are often characteristics identified in creative scientists. The researchers made a surprising comparison between this type of creative work and autistic thinking. " 'Were this thinking not in the framework of scientific work, it would be considered paranoid. In scientific work, creative thinking demands seeing things not seen previously, or in ways not previously imagined; and this necessitates jumping off from "normal" positions, and taking risks by departing from reality.' "103 I would suggest that there is a dimension of schizophrenia to both Einstein's and Bohr�s thinking, and this is a primary reason their theories have been both weird and difficult for others to understand. In this light, you may have second thoughts about what A Beautiful Mind is, and reconsider the wisdom of placing so much raw firepower in the hands of geniuses not so unlike John Nash.

If you wish to understand this book, you should see it whole � and the place to start is the homepage: Heaven-Words copyright 2005 WEBb1910473801 (All rights reserved by the author) You may view any or all chapters of this very long book simply by clicking on the links below.

Fox News Bill O�Reilly Sean Hannity Savage Double Talk Radio with Their Forked Tongue Tales of Islamofascism in Eurabia

Keys To Heaven-Words: The Art And Science Of Revolution

Gordon Press-ing realities in a surreal world

Cold War origins of totalitarianism in North America and Western Europe

Rise and fall of Roman Catholic Church: revisionist history

Salvador Dali portrays two-timing artists of today: from religious to ideological war with Jewish genius

Quantum theory made easy:  an introduction to the new physics

From String Theory To A Final Theory: Back To The Origins of Nuclear Weapons

Creators of the atomic bomb: debasing nuclear power into a totalitarian order in the new world

Quantum brain theory: splitting classical-physical reality..from the inside-out

Chaos Theory: gravity bends of spiraling space-time

Emile Durkheim: sacred symbols conceal unholy conviction: believers-in-themselves are sacred..chosen people

Totalitarian science of quantum wholeness -- David Bohm: Krishnamurti or Cusa

The double edge rap of black and white words

In Terror of a Savage Nation - Orwellian nightmare dawns on the West

Breakdown of madness dawns on genius of collective consciousness

Break-Down: re-grouping mind into transpersonal collective genius

Penrose is a particularly original thinker from Oxford University, and has expressed fascination with the insight of creative mathematicians. He recommends a much appreciated book by a French mathematician named Jacques Hadamard; the title is: The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field. This book appears to be similar to The Varieties of Religious Experience by the psychologist William James. Hadamard recounts detailed personal descriptions of profound mathematical inspiration. His most well known story is contributed by the prominent mathematician Henri Poincare. The mathematician explains that he spent considerable time and energy trying to resolve a long standing problem concerning Fuchsian functions. All his efforts seemed futile. In his own words, Poincare tells of leaving Caen on a geological field trip; he evidently was serving as a consultant for the School of Mines at the university. He recalled that the task at hand took his mind off mathematics. During the course of his journey, Poincare notes that he was boarding a bus: "At the moment when I put my foot on the step, the idea came to me.... I did not verify the idea; I should not have had time... but I felt a perfect certainty"61 Poincare later tested his idea and confirmed that it was in fact correct. Penrose then offers his analysis of this important event in Poincare's life as a mathematician. Like so many others described in Hadamard's book, "... this complicated and profound idea apparently came to Poincar� in a flash, while his conscious thoughts seemed to be quite elsewhere, and that they were accompanied by this feeling of certainty that they were correct ...."62 These ideas were not simple concepts and would have been exceedingly difficult to express in words. As a mathematician, Penrose estimates it would have taken about an hour to explain his insight to a gathering of professional mathematicians. What is critical to notice here is that the idea came to Poincare "fully formed", and not gradually. He understood the whole thing in an instant and knew for certain the idea was correct. Evidently his previous involved thoughts on the subject had resolved themselves.63 Not all spiritual experience results in visions of angels. Mysticism can have content, and when it does we call it genius. But there is a link between genius and spirituality: beauty.

Penrose senses the centrality of this feeling of confidence, even certainty, and observes that it is associated with a feeling for the aesthetic beauty of an idea. He notes that an idea which is beautiful has a much greater probability of being right than one which is mathematically ugly.64 He refers again to Hadamard, who states that there can be neither discovery nor invention without desire; but more importantly, an intuitive sense for scientific beauty guides the searching. It is here that we properly meet one of the decisive players in twentieth century physics: Paul A. M. Dirac. He created quite a stir among his colleagues by announcing that it was an intuitive appreciation for beauty that inspired him to "...divine his equation for the electron... "65 which had proved so evasive to his contemporaries. Penrose, then states clearly that a sense of beauty is the essential quality of creative mathematical thought as he has experienced it. He is most curious about the feeling of "conviction" that accompanies the idea. He sees this as more of a guiding influence that keeps the thinker on the right track than as a certainty of a final answer. Very significantly, he does not focus on solutions, but on the searching "as one feels one's way towards some hoped-for goal."66 I cannot emphasize strongly enough how vital this sense for "feeling one's way" is to the ultimate concerns unfolding throughout this book.

Penrose focuses on what is to be the most important feature of "inspirational thought": globality. Poincare's insight involved material that was immensely complex, covering virtually an entire field of mathematics. This is the global aspect of the idea. Penrose refers once again to Hadamard, but this time to discuss Mozart and the remarkable way in which he was able to hold a large piece of music in his mind as one idea. Mozart told of the excitement he felt as thoughts bombarded his mind. Melodies would simply arrive, linking themselves together in proper sequence as though the complete order was already known from the start. He told of his soul being "on fire with inspiration". "The work grows; I keep expanding it, conceiving it more and more clearly until I have the entire composition finished in my head though it may be long. Then my mind seizes it as a glance of my eye a beautiful picture or a handsome youth. It does not come to me successively, with various parts worked out in detail, as they will later on, but in its entirety that my imagination lets me hear it."67 Should you have missed the obvious, Mozart encountered something a little more persuasive than logical deduction or the scientific method. Like Mozart, Beethoven's musical genius sounds rather mystical. "Beethoven, in particular, was able to continue to compose in complete deafness, apparently by generating musical scores and musical sounds in his head. Mozart is reported to have said that music was always in his head; Beethoven said it (music) 'thundered in.' "68 Consider a deaf man composing Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, his Ode to Joy. This is what it means to transcend human suffering, and be "touched" by the miraculous.

It appears that the trademark of scientific genius, as is evident in Einstein, Newton, and Copernicus is also wholeness: they all "...sustained a vision of a unified, harmonious, physically caused world."69 Ludwig makes a comparison between high-ranking and low ranking scientists. Both engage in a medley of activities. The distinction between them is that the low-ranking scientists lack the visionary sense for the cohesiveness of everything, and consequently feel distracted by what they perceive as irrelevant experiences.70 I would like to broaden our focus on this global quality of the creative mind by emphasizing what the prominent psychologist William James described as The Varieties of Religious Experience. It should be understood that even though sensitivities may vary and the medium of expression seem unfamiliar, musicians, poets, painters, scholars, scientists, and creative people of every sort are experiencing different aspects of human Nature, and not some other-worldly encounters. This experience of global wholeness is very exciting and necessitates the intensity of energy we associate with the wild passion of youth, but this ecstasy discloses the frailty of its natural origins.

Genius is invisible, living between words and worlds on the fringes of respectable society, on the borderline between sickness and health. In his book The Price of Greatness, Ludwig observes that "...the upper elite are about twice as likely" (as lower elite) "to be sickly, physically handicapped, or have serious medical illnesses as youths."71 They withstand a roller-coaster of emotions, learning that it is better to flourish on the peaks and dwell in the ponderous valleys than to merely survive in the crowded flatlands of normality. Creative people may intentionally stir-up intense emotions to inspire themselves in their work.72 Others use the emotional hardship of life as their humble inspiration. Some find escape from real misery in creativity. In his book Creative Brainstorms, Professor of Psychiatry Russell R. Monroe M.D. observes that the poet Alfred Tennyson often worried about his health. He feared that he had epilepsy because he was prone to slipping into an entranced state of mind. In his older years he reflected back upon these experiences; he viewed them as ".... 'a kind of waking trance (this for a lack of a better word) . . . I have frequently had quite up from boyhood when I've been all alone, this often comes upon me through repeating my own name to myself silently till all at once as it were, out of the intensity of the consciousness of individuality, the individuality itself seemed to dissolve and fade away into boundless being and this not a confused state but the clearest of the clearest, the surest of the surest, utterly beyond words--- where death was almost laughably impossible -- the loss of personality (if so it were) seemed no extinction but the only true life.'..... In retrospect, Tennyson saw this as a beneficent mystical experience, but as a boy it must have been frightening --- and perhaps an escape from the painful reality of an unhappy family life."73 Monroe goes on to add that there is a strong similarity between the experience Tennyson describes and the reported experiences of many other creative people, such as Virginia Woolf and August Strindberg.

Uncanny experience, and not simply talent alone, is at the heart of truly imaginative innovation. Dali tells of having one real hallucination in his life, but the following experience he recounts twice, once in a negative light in his Secret Life and again years later in Unspeakable Confessions as a joyous event never to be forgotten. It was a Sunday morning and Dali had just returned from using the toilet and chatting with his father; as he entered his bedroom, he literally saw a woman, dressed in a nightgown, sitting on his window-sill. He knew this vision was a hallucination, but was clearly curious about the marvelous capacity of his brain to create such an evanescent image. What undoubtedly made a strong impression on Dali was the feeling of happiness he felt, as he seemed to float off to heaven with his angel. A moment later, the vision was gone -- never to return. In his earlier book, The Secret Life of Salvador Dali, he stated emphatically that he was "in no way impressed"74 by this hallucination. This kind of event shapes a person's whole life, and it is extraordinarily revealing that he would contradict himself so fundamentally on a matter that was clearly of such great importance to him.

Ludwig discusses a "compensatory model" of creativity and mental illness. The idea of a compensatory illness is that a mild case of disease not only protects a creature from the more serious form of the illness, but actually may confer some kind of advantage, such as resistance to related diseases. With regard to schizophrenia: "... though incapacitating to most, this disease, especially in its milder forms, may give some of those afflicted an advantage over others in their creativity and work output."75 In terms of compensatory advantage, Ludwig mentions: rapid thinking, a flood of ideas, and feelings of inspiration. Though he may not have enjoyed many angelic visions, Dali's life was never the less flooded by less tangible weirdness. He speaks of clairvoyance and a strange law of psychic compensation, whereby the more confused he was in practical matters, the more clearly he could see into the future.76 I am painfully aware of the hype surrounding Dali and many others who have claimed to be psychics, but there are also reliable people who have reported equally incredible "encounters".

The historian Arnold Toynbee "claimed to be able to experience mystical encounters with the past."77 He reports his experiences with the precision of a scholar. It is clear that visiting the sites of historic events effected him deeply. One time he was examining the remnants of a former battleground when he "... 'fell again into the deep trough of Time' on seeing abandoned bronze cannons littering the site. There were other 'transports' as well..."78 Toynbee appreciated these strange events in his life because he felt a living contact with the past, " 'a momentary communion with the actors in a particular historic event.' "79 It is this feeling of communion, this collective dimension of his experience which I hope the reader will keep in mind as we proceed. But for now, what I want to emphasize is that there is one common "mystical" experience interpreted in a multitude of ways depending on whether the person involved is a scientist, a poet, a painter, a Christian, a Zen monk, a soldier, a revolutionary, a historian, a neuro-physiologist etc.. While these people appear to have something in common in their experiences, there is most definitely a difference in the degree, the intensity of their genius. While we can perhaps comprehend the creative imagination of a poet such as Tennyson, we are left unable to even imagine the sheer scope of a mind such as Shakespeare's. We are left wondering if perhaps there were several people who together created these master works. The more extraordinary the brilliance, the more global quantum relativistic insight is, the more collective the intelligence seems to be. Eventually we will change this global concept of mind into an understanding of collective intelligence. The concept of self truly impoverishes human potentiality; there appears to be no such identifiable limit to the capability of creative consciousness.

In her article Speculations on the Neuro-anatomical Substrate of Special Talents, Lynn Waterhouse concludes that special abilities involve phenomenal talent that is not comparable to the normal range of talent or even giftedness.80 "The goal of the chapter is simply to argue that special abilities are special. They cannot be explained away by an appeal to hyper-motivated effort or to the upper end of a normal distribution. Special abilities amaze us all. Shakespeare, Mozart, Einstein, and the idiot savant who knows every name in every phone book in every major city in the United States -- these phenomenal minds are exciting and represent a tremendous challenge to those who think about them. The model I have presented is offered in the spirit of enthusiastic interest in the wonderful mystery of the human mind."81 You can understand that when confronted with intelligence of this dimension, people in the past felt that there must be a divine inspiration involved -- that God must be guiding the world of His creation. One might argue that this "mystical" experience is the flip-side of what we call "mental illness". When a person has visions of God and creates a masterpiece beyond belief to prove it, society sometimes treasures such a rare gift; but before a life�s work is realized, struggling genius may be seen as exhausted, confused and useless to society. It is in our common interest to recognize dedicated souls in turmoil, not only those fortunate enough to escape oblivion. Our aim is to account for the totality of experience, both the creative and the depressive halves of this "quantum relativistic" state of evolution, this superposition of schizophrenia and uncertain genius. This is important because if society sets out to cure all "mental illness", society will also cure the "problem" of creativity. By now, I hope you understand that those who govern are far more concerned about "curing" creativity among the plebeians than they are with curing illness. In today's socialistic egalitarian societies, it is not politically correct to dwell too deeply on the issue of genius. The current trend is to deny genius in much the same way that atheists have denied what many have thought-to-be..... God. The legacy of "dead white men" is replaced by the artifacts of equality. The scandal of genius is simply forgotten. The postmodern deconstructionist music theorist may feel the thrill of Mozart's music; "still he understands that genius is a relic of outmoded romanticism. Mozart's listeners are as inextricable a part of the magic as the observer is a part of the quantum-mechanical equation."82 The music theorist, like Dennett, is superficially correct in recognizing that there is no individual self-conscious genius, but wrong to conclude that therefore genius does not exist. We will soon discover what the deconstructionist fails to acknowledge: the collective nature of consciousness implied by quantum physics and felt by genius.

The genius is a Party-pooper, a self-starter, and disturbingly original.83 In spite of all the denials by experts, there are still those who remain fascinated by creative brilliance, who trust their own feelings and intelligence more than the letters following some team player�s name. Gleick finds it peculiar that physicists should be so unrepentant in their admiration for genius, while socialist scholars of so much less stature have long since pitched their idols into the Orwellian memory hole. Ludwig tries to establish a politically safe middle ground, where scientists can be geniuses and poets insane. Before arriving at that astonishing hypothesis, we must first examine how genius comes to be. Ludwig introduces a template for creative greatness. His research leads him to conclude that all of the following components in his pattern for creative brilliance need to be present: " a special talent or ability, the right kind of parents, contrariness, being a loner, physical vulnerability, a 'personal seal,' a drive for supremacy, and psychological 'unease.' Under proper social conditions, fortune favors those who possess this template over those who do not, and adversity does not deter them as much."84 It is easy to misunderstand Ludwig's reference to "the right kind of parents". He is not referring to a well-healed loving family; on the contrary,"...the parents of the upper elite earn less income and are more creative and aesthetically inclined. The mothers of those in the upper elite also have a greater likelihood of being emotionally disturbed."85 We will soon see that genius and mental illness tend to run in the same families, that genius encounters such disturbance from close quarters. As the Freudians point out, disturbed mothers tend to foster homosexuality in their sons. As has been painfully obvious with Dali, genius is vulnerable to perversion; but I am certain that genius has the capacity to overcome corrupting influences. This is the central point regarding genius: the creative individual has the ability to fundamentally change not merely early childhood programming, but the way in which his brain functions. Genius is the self-healing affliction. It is not his madness or his vulnerability to corruption which makes him what he is, but his courage to overcome them. This was the point about Jesus taking on the sins of the world, of descending into hell and rising from the dead!

Genius is a hard act to follow. Ludwig's study indicates that it is very uncommon for the children of exceptionally gifted people to be as creative as their parents.86 Evidently, it is the remarkable success of the parent which inhibits the growth of the children. Creative people tend to come from struggling middle class families, where parents have been professionals, but have not quite made it. They are lean and mean, rather than fat cats. "It seems that families that provide 'optimal' material resources -- not too many or too few --- are not as likely to dull their children's need to achieve or discourage them from trying to achieve."87

But it is not the family alone that represses creativity. Society likes to select the kind of genius that enhances the established order, and to brand insane or heretical that kind of imagination which challenges the order of the day. The evidence Ludwig has gathered indicates to him that people in the creative arts are much more prone to mental instability than people in professions such as business, science, the military, and architecture. He raises the question as to why there are so many more unstable people in the arts than in other professions. He concludes that the artistic professions simply are unable to keep mentally ill people out. "It is not that these professions welcome people who are emotionally unstable, but without as many formal training requirements or licensing boards as most non-artistic professions, they are less able to police their professional borders."88 Also, because such a high value is placed on creativity in the arts, there is a willingness to look at the created work without considering the mental state of its creator. Ludwig fails to notice that the creative arts do police their borders very effectively to repress politically 'dangerous' ideas from contaminating the prevailing artistic "idealism": recall how effectively the early Dali was brought into line, and how little you have read of the later Solzhenitsyn's writings, particularly Warning To The West. You don�t even know who Ian Stuart was or Rahowa�s rendition of The Snow Fell. Ludwig seems unaware of the common observation of Griffin and Fields that corruption protects society from nazism. Nor does he realize that those funding the popular arts intentionally select disturbed people as models of decadence to be held up to the youth of America and Europe for emulation. On the contrary, he explains the need for these super-stars. "It is not my intention here to delve into the sociology of power and authority. I simply want to point out that there may be reasons for eminence and elitism other than those of personal achievement."89 Ludwig observes that the institutions of society can support only a select number of trusted leaders who can chart the direction in which a field will develop and be relied upon to ensure that the intellectual, moral, and political standards they have established are operative within each of the arts and sciences. "A 'star system' of this sort provides general stability and order for the field as a whole. The stars in a particular field not only decide which ideas are acceptable and which are not but also exert control over the allocation of scarce financial resources and access to the media."90 It is viewed as essential for the cohesion and integrity of science as a whole that the star system be respected by all scientists. Other fields of knowledge would also lack direction, and fail to fit into the unified social order without the integrating influence of this star system. "Just as too many cooks can spoil the broth, too many authorities can cause confusion. What this quota on eminence suggests is that the eminent not only are select people but they also have been selected for their roles." Selected? Or does Ludwig not mean "chosen"?91

Ludwig's book, like all the others, fails to confront the ultimate power of a totalitarian society, and the impact repression has on the minds of intelligent and creative people. We cannot simply close our eyes to the reign of Zion that defines our reality, that decides who is sane and who is not. But Ludwig does; he supports an official "reality" which is a blatant deception, and labels those who challenge the veracity of that politically-correct hit-parade as mentally ill. Such apologists for tyranny under-score the political nature of all the arts and sciences. While the rate of psychopathology among Ludwig's creative people as a whole approaches 50% as they reach maturity, his figure is unfortunately skewed by the disproportionate instability of poets, whom he maintains have a rate of mental instability approaching 87% -- the highest among all creative types.92 Writers, musicians, artists, composers, actors, directors, and even athletes manifest symptoms of severe emotional problems at rates of about 70% by the age of 40. "Natural scientists, politicians, architects, and business people show much lower rates in comparison (18 to 29%)."93 Politically correct natural scientists like Ludwig are conveniently shown to be more or less normal by their mental health colleagues, and the free speaking poets are sadly discovered to be pretty much all insane. The cold facts just can't be questioned, and what man of common sense would want to?

I would like to seriously question Ludwig's findings, especially with respect to scientists. For poets, mental suffering is proof that they are authentic, genuine spokesmen of the human condition; and they seem to find glory in their misery. For some reason, it seems to me that physicists working on a nuclear weapons project have nothing to gain and everything to lose by volunteering information suggesting that they are mentally unbalanced. If your company psychologist gave you a form to evaluate your mental health and opinions on the multi-racial new world order, how would you fill it out? Ludwig is quite critical of those who are too quick to conclude that genius is hopelessly intertwined with mental instability. He assures the reader that for every raving poet, there are also reasonably sane geniuses such as Albert Einstein, George Washington Carver, Neils Bohr, or Duke Ellington -- who appear to live emotionally stable lives.94 He asserts that as long as there are creative people like Einstein, Carver, Bohr, and Ellington, then it is not correct to conclude that mental instability is a necessary prerequisite for creativity. That seems fair enough. But lets play this game of science and see what other researchers have to say about the mental health of physicists. It is remarkable how sane and intelligent a white lab coat can make anyone look and feel, even Dr. Strangelove.

Let's begin by taking a profile shot of Einstein, and work our way past the popular image of the heroic little Swiss watchmaker who transformed time and space -- to a more identifiable human being. Einstein's creative work during his youth was both brilliant and often riddled with minor mistakes in mathematics. As the order loving left hemisphere of his brain matured, he made fewer errors; but at the same time the original brilliance arising from his right hemisphere was fading. Ehrenwald notes that Einstein's early years were largely under the influence of a remarkably developed and dominant right hemisphere, but that his language abilities lagged far behind his genius for physics. "He lacked the verbal dexterity and sophistication of some who intellectually were far below him."95 As he matured, the more linguistically oriented left hemisphere began to catch up with the right hemisphere. This increased discipline signaled the decline of Einstein's creative imagination. He realized what was happening to him. He was unable to complete his unified field theory. The once youthful rebel became an obstacle to new geniuses who began to see beyond the range of his failing vision. So he took up show-business and politics, and even indulged in the unseemly role of a "Jewish saint". "But he knew full well he was past the peak of his career, all was vanity, nothing but vanity. It was overshadowed by the memory of his broken first marriage, to Mileva Maric, by his sorrow over a schizophrenic son -- and of a mushroom cloud over Japan."96

We have already seen that Einstein had more than enough reason to feel remorse about the bomb. But on a more human level, one begins to see a man emerge from the past who is less lovable than the shaggy dog of media fame. In 1996, CNN published a story on the Internet concerning The Different Sides Of Einstein. It is based on personal letters which show an image of the man very much at odds with the myth surrounding him. These private letters disclose a heartless relationship with his first wife Mileva Maric, whom he treated very badly, and an illegitimate daughter they had given up for adoption. "Christie's manuscript specialist, Chris Coover, said the letters showed 'an image of Einstein a lot of people did not want to contend with.'... 'He has been mythologized, and changing that picture was a difficult thing to do,' Coover said."97 While all of this may be very normal from Ludwig's perspective, the schizophrenia of his son suggests otherwise. In Creating Minds, Gardner reports that Einstein himself was not immune to mental illness. "He worked with notable success but under enormous pressure, conditions that occasioned a nervous breakdown at one point."98 It was during this unstable period that he developed his mathematically rigorous general theory. "Yet, as with the special theory, Einstein worked primarily by developing the implications of his intuitions." I would argue that it was his intuitive sensitivity to his work which necessitated emotional involvement with ideas that transformed his mind in ways even Ludwig would be required to recognize as unstable as relativity. In the British Medical Journal, Edward Hare points to evidence indicating that scientists such as Einstein demonstrate "schizothymic traits". "But genius may occur in appreciably introverted persons -- Newton, for instance -- and Einstein, Bertrand Russell, and James Joyce are all said to have had near relatives with schizophrenia. One controlled study found an excess of schizothymic traits in the group of able people represented by research scientists."99 We will soon see that there are other studies supporting and extending this observation, thus challenging Ludwig's claims regarding scientists being more or less normal.

In a 1994 issue of British Journal of Psychiatry, Felix Post presents some very disturbing evidence resulting from research titled: Creativity and Psychopathology: A Study of 291 World-Famous Men. Post's research had two objectives: the first was to discover how common mental disorders were among people who had gained enduring posthumous international prominence as a result of their creative achievements. His second objective was to prove the hypothesis that unlike many living creative achievers of the second rank, those famous first rank thinkers already mentioned would not have a significant history of mental illness. That is, mental instability would not play an important role in the creative work of first order achievers. Felix discovered that the evidence contradicted his hypothesis, and clearly so. "Thus the case has been strengthened of those who hold that there is a causal nexus between psychopathology and creativity over and above the slant given to their work by merely incidental psychic abnormalities of some creative people."100 On page 26 of this article, Post presents data fairly consistent with Ludwig's argument that writers are more emotionally unstable than scientists, but his study discloses a bias only hinted at in Ludwig's work. On page 25 of Post's article is a table listing the various degrees of psychopathology among people of extraordinary talent. Scientists, composers, politicians, artists, thinkers, and writers are compared on the basis of their degree of psychopathology. Four categories are identified: none, mild, marked, and severe. Among scientists, Heisenberg, Fermi, Plank and others are listed under the none heading; Edison, Einstein and others under mild; Darwin, Pasteur, Rutherford and others under marked; and Bell, Neils Bohr, Boltzmann, Mendel, Michelson and others are listed under the heading for severe psychopathology. This is of critical importance not merely because Bohr was identified by Ludwig as reasonably normal, but rather because he was a primary force in the Manhattan Project, and instrumental in seeing that the bomb was not only "big enough", but demonstrated to the world as an irresistible political power. Bohr's vision of the complementarity of the bomb was strange-love indeed. This is a different category than Ludwig's loony poets. We are now talking about an extremely powerful scientist and statesman, a man at the core of the nuclear terror which has gripped this planet for more than half a century and still threatens us with apocalypse ....a Jewish genius whom Post identifies as suffering severe psychopathology. This little detail just slipped by Ludwig. After all, it's obviously those poets that are the real problem. Right, doctor? Or is it spin doctor? Let's say Post is right and only 33% of creative scientists are mentally unstable and over 70% of people in the creative arts are. Which is the greater danger to humanity, the nut-cases like Dali with the paint brushes and rhyming words, or the Dr. Strangelove types with the biological agents and the multi-megaton nuclear missiles? Are you more worried about the 70% or the 33%? Do you still count? Is calculation all its cracked-up to be?

Virtually all of the writers in Post's study are categorized as either marked or severe. The mild list has five names, including Melville and Orwell. I recall from my own research many years ago, that Herman Melville was immensely troubled by his inability to reconcile the forces he set free in his novel Moby Dick; only after some time in a mental asylum was he able to write a satisfactory conclusion to that masterpiece. My point is that the data Felix Post reports may be somewhat incorrect in the evaluation of the creative people studied. It is very hard for me to believe that the author of 1984 was merely mildly mentally disturbed; his bleak vision of a totalitarian world, and the use of torture to reshape the minds of wayward intellectuals must have tormented him beyond what the framers of this study could measure. Politics is sure to play a role as well, as can be best seen in the last listing: Politicians ....whom you will recall Ludwig identified as being mostly normal. Seven politicians merit the ranking of no psychopathology including, most prominently Franco and Gandhi. The mild category has seven names, including the very politically correct Ben Gurion, Lenin, Mao-Zedong, and Roosevelt(FD). Those with marked psychopathology are 19, most notably Churchill, De Gaulle, Loyd George, Mussolini, and Stalin. Evidently Stalin's responsibility for the murder of tens of millions of Soviet citizens prior to and after WW II in his Gulags did not qualify him for the severe listing. However, as you have already guessed, Hitler does make the severe psychopathology listing along with seven others, including Bismark, Disraeli, Lincoln, and Woodrow Wilson. The author of this study passed up an excellent subject to include among his writers: Ezra Pound. You see Pound favored Germany and Italy during the Second World War and said so pointedly during radio broadcasts from Italy. As an American, he almost died during his captivity after Italy was defeated by American forces. The American government chose to treat such a brilliant but "mentally disturbed" writer "humanely" and quietly confined him in St. Elizabeth's Hospital for the criminally insane where he remained for several years. He surely must have been severely disturbed, as was Solzhenitsyn and countless other dissidents imprisoned in Soviet death camps and "hospitals". The issues of madness, genius, and politics do in fact over-lap, and are relevant to any serious analysis of the power struggle that goes on in this brutal world, which would make any of us mad if we had the courage to see it as it actually is.

Let's look a little more closely at Ludwig's sanitized Men-In-White: coats of scientific sanity. While a student at Cambridge University, Oppenheimer was introduced to Bohr by Rutherford. He then decided to become a theoretical physicist. It was at that time that Oppenheimer's mental world became profoundly unstable. He first consulted a psychiatrist at Cambridge and then saw a private psychiatrist of his parent's choice. The diagnosis was the same: schizophrenia.101 Oppenheimer appeared to recover from this mental illness of his late adolescence, and became a prominent physicist -- the man most widely associated with the Manhattan Project. Richard Feynman underwent a similar experience, resulting in his elimination from military service for reasons of mental abnormality. " .. For most people, to be declared mentally deficient by one's draft board was a more frightening possibility than army service -- far more damaging to one's civilian prospects. ...Feynman repeated his answers to a second psychiatrist. His ability to conjure the voice of Teller was recorded as hypnagogic hallucinations. It was noted that the subject had a peculiar stare....He was rejected."102 While this mental illness may have barred him from military service in 1946, it had not interfered with his being accepted to work on the "top-secret and above" Manhattan Project, alongside Oppenheimer, Bohr, Szilard, and other Jewish geniuses with equally peculiar looks. Rhodes discusses Oppenheimer's emotional troubles, but also compares him to Lawrence, Rutherford, Bohr and other prominent physicists of his time. He refers to a psychological study of scientists carried out at Berkeley. The researcher observed that a kind of over-sensitivity to sensory experiences and an over-alertness to apparently insignificant features in problem solving are often characteristics identified in creative scientists. The researchers made a surprising comparison between this type of creative work and autistic thinking. " 'Were this thinking not in the framework of scientific work, it would be considered paranoid. In scientific work, creative thinking demands seeing things not seen previously, or in ways not previously imagined; and this necessitates jumping off from "normal" positions, and taking risks by departing from reality.' "103

I would suggest that there is a dimension of schizophrenia to both Einstein's and Bohr�s thinking, and this is a primary reason their theories have been both weird and difficult for others to understand. In this light, you may have second thoughts about what A Beautiful Mind is, and reconsider the wisdom of placing so much raw firepower in the hands of geniuses not so unlike John Nash. By the conclusion of this book, it will be evident that intentionally structured chaos can be intelligently embedded in language, thus necessitating, while simultaneously guiding, creative thinking -- much as the complementarity of Bohr's koans force scientific thought beyond classical common sense; but hopefully you too will be out of your mind by the time this many storied fable winds up ...but not bewildered -- only astonished by your mind's capacity to understand perfectly the incomprehensible paradoxes of yesterday's tyranny.

Totalitarianism has its origins in the fusion of genius and paranoid schizophrenia. The ideas of Einstein and Bohr structured the cold war world of illusions my generation has mistaken for reality. "He presented persuasive evidence of Einstein's striking ability to 'actively conceive' two or more opposite ideas or images simultaneously and/or existing side by side 'as equally operative or equally true.' "104 Neils Bohr was deeply involved in this practice of what Rothenberg and others have identified as a Janus type of thought, but which Bohr would baptize with a sanitized scientific name. The complementarity of the bomb was a less than humble beginning to the complementarity of totalitarianism's cold peace, which vanquished our lost ones in frigid Siberian death camps while enslaving us today, and promising to painlessly dissolve the "ice people" tomorrow.

In 1910, Lombroso made the time honored observation that there appears to be some connection between genius and insanity. He referred to well known religious and artistic figures as examples: " -- despising and overcoming obstacles which would have dismayed any cool and deliberate mind -- hasten by whole centuries the unfolding of truth; and how such men have originated nearly all the religions, and certainly all the sects, which have agitated the world. ...The frequency of genius among lunatics and of madmen among men of genius, explains the fact that the destiny of nations have often been in the hands of the insane; and shows how the latter have been able to contribute so much to the progress of mankind."105 Today we must add that mentally unstable scientific genius has been responsible for the twentieth century legacy of bi-polar extremes: immeasurable damage to man and environment, paired with miraculous achievement and the opening of the universe to human exploration. Like Einstein, we must hold these opposites in a balanced focus so that we might see into the depths of a future of our own creation without succumbing to vertigo, without falling into the despair common-place among those who would envision the limitless potentiality of aspiring savages.

It is only the scientist's willingness to test his ideas, and the respect he holds for the insights and opinions of his colleagues, that distinguishes him from the lunatic. The scientific method of testing intuition sets limits to the imagination. Thus, the structure imposed by methodology, which may even seem rigid, is what permits and at the same time protects creative exploration. Without the limiting influence of structure, there would be no boundary to separate genius from madness, science from magic. "When otherwise sober scientists speak of the genius as magician, wizard, or superhuman, are they indulging in a flight of literary fancy? When people speak of the borderline between genius and madness, why is it so evident what they mean?"106 John Maynard Keynes, while lecturing at Cambridge, spoke of Newton as a strange combination of Copernicus and Faustus. He called him a magician because he evidently knew how to read the riddle of nature, and his vision had a mystical dimension to it and encompassed the universe as a whole. Freeman Dyson listened to the elderly Keynes with cautious fascination. He filtered out the mysticism from the image of genius emerging from Keynes' lecture, and tried to deal with the reality of the magicians, the intellectual giants on whose shoulders all scientists rest their laurels. Dyson wrote that it seemed to him a scientist of extraordinary talent probably also would have personal characteristics uncommon among the majority of his contemporaries. He added that the ideas of magicians destroy as well as create; and that the romantic mythology of genius goes to the very human heart of scientific inspiration. Keynes' description of Newton as a magician was modest compared to the nineteenth century romantic image of genius. For them, the heroic rebel defied God and tradition. They recognized the potential for a pathological twist in nature's most gifted darlings. Genius was not only akin to madness, they were one and the same. "That feeling of divine inspiration, the breath of revelation seemingly from without, actually came from within, where melancholy and madness twisted the brain. ... It was a side effect of the change in focus from God-centeredness to human-centeredness."107 Thus, genius is modern man's way of speaking about God, but in human terms that do not necessitate belief in mythological deities. Madness over-powers genius when man perceives himself as God. Consequently, to preserve some semblance of sanity, man's urgent task is to visualize human nature in such a way that it is possible to accommodate divine revelation without either making himself or someone else into God. .... to account for awe-inspiring inspiration without uttering the name of God. This is neither the atheism of the philosophers nor the piety of priestly reverence, for both result in the loss of vision all-together. The aim is to demonstrate that religious language can take on the ordered complexity, the beauty, and the abstract feeling of geometric spatial dimensions that make higher mathematics so engaging --- that human words can hold their own with the mechanistic formulas of scientific wizardry. The knight of faith must have the audacity to tread on holy ground, and the decency not to desecrate it. This holy ground referred to is none other than the Earth beneath our feet. It is this world we must come to believe is sacred; if we do not, we will find ourselves orphans in a universe more unbelievable than Christianity's duplex mansion of heaven and hell.

The very earthy phenomenon of collective identity, which can be observed everywhere in the natural world, offers us a way out of our spiritual paralysis. The collective mind of one�s group is "greater than myself", but is no God. It is so obvious, yet we cannot see it because it is all around us, even encompassing each one of us within itself. It is like trying to see one's own eyes. But we can feel the collective emotions which unite us to one another, and sense that our ultimate goal is to see through the collective eyes of our whole community. Because reason and science grant no credibility to feeling, we fail to develop this sixth sense for collective identity -- for spirituality. This is the name we give to an intuitive sense for the whole of creation; but for some reason we consider spirituality as somehow unreal and not of this Earth. Feelings have a far more powerful impact on our behavior than logic, and intuition is often times more effective in making sense of the new physics than the dated mechanics of time-worn calculations. We are compelled by our own nature to acknowledge the reality of collective emotion, both human and animal. The well-being of life everywhere depends on our ability to transform brute passion into the creative genius of a new organic culture. It should be evident by now that mental instability is entangled with genius. What is not yet obvious is that this creative instability leads to an evolutionary mysticism of collective mind. Don't dismiss this idea out of hand, for it is not without foundation -- as will be evident when we study Emile Durkheim's analysis of religion. Throughout the course of this book, I will trace the path ahead so that you can anticipate where we are going, and consequently not feel quite so confused by the very abstract and easily misunderstood ideas under study.

As our perception of human nature deepens, we inevitably see man in the collective. Our vision of ourselves becomes biological. We come to not only scientifically know, but to intuitively feel that we are creatures of this Earth. When this happens, one cannot help but take an interest in biology, medicine, the life sciences, and the Earth itself. This marks an important transition from the abstractions of genius and mental illness to something more clearly tangible: the physical origins of genius.

I recall reading somewhere that Einstein donated his brain to medical science; and that when finally examined in the laboratory, it appeared to be surprisingly ordinary. I would guess that the secret of his genius lay outside the brain, associated with some less noble organs, such as the kidneys. This is admittedly speculation, but let's see where it leads. In his 1987 article in the British Medical Journal, Edward Hare states that "Mental illness is only one of several conditions found to be associated with high ability. Gout ... afflicted an extraordinary number of the most eminent Europeans from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century, and recent controlled studies show a correlation between serum uric acid concentrations and such traits as 'range of activity' and 'drive' (though not 'level of responsibility'). Orowan suggested that the high serum concentration of uric acid in man, consequent on the evolutionary loss of uricase in higher primates, has been a stimulant of brain activity and growth and thus a cause of his rapid intellectual development."108 Caffeine is chemically similar to uric acid.109

It seems significant to observe that the adrenal glands are located in the upper portions of the kidneys. Kidney cysts may possibly effect the adrenal glands and consequently the flow of adrenaline, resulting in heightened levels of excitement and consequent depression. Creative genius may have its physical origins in disease. Many people have mild forms of kidney disease and never know it until they are quite old. The existence of less virulent disorders may go unnoticed because the person may die of some other cause such as cancer. Nature may find purpose in sickness as well as in health. Consider the ..."Clinical aspects of uric acid stones. There are great variations in the incidence of uric acid stones. In the U.S. and the major part of Europe, this type of concrement is about 3 - 5% of all kidney stones. This figure corresponds well with findings that among stone formers in the Uppsala region about 3% had uric acid stones. These stones seem to be more common in some countries, notably Israel, Germany, Czechoslovakia and France. In Israel there are reports that about 75% of all kidney stones consist of uric acid. (Atsmon A, de Vries O, Frank M. Uric acid lithiasis. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1963.) Uric acid stones are especially common in patients with gout and particularly in patients with gout coupled with high excretion of uric acid."110 Is this a factor in the genius of the Jews? What would the consequences be if, in the desire for an all too human immortality, they should cure this genetic abnormality? Such an observation may be simplistic, but it is from little bits and pieces of reality like this, from random fragments of this holographic world that we come to see everything.

Among those slivers of reality which disclose nature's mysteries are pills -- drugs. You cannot have failed to notice the similarity between the way uric acid and adrenaline effect a body with certain types of kidney disease, and the drug induced ecstasies which have proliferated throughout our society for decades. In a few moments we will discover a similarity between mysticism and epilepsy. The point is that the body creates its own drugs, and in some cases the exhilarating side effects of disease are of greater consequence than the debilitating symptoms. Some creative people learn to control their bodies sufficiently to convert affliction into inspiration.

Nietzsche suffered from syphilis, which eventually resulted in his delirium and death. Ehrenwald suggests that the disease seemed to function something like a drug in stimulating his brain even as it was slowly killing him. Even though he was becoming confused as he lost touch with reality, much of Nietzsche's "flawed genius" remained to shape his ideas. What Ehrenwald wishes to emphasize is that Nietzsche did not merely suffer from the maddening effects of syphilis, he used that horrendous brain disease as a source of energy. Because he had already learned the process of converting intense emotion into a regulated flow of creative energy, he ".... succeeded in using the deadly toxin of the spirochetes -- the venom of the tarantula -- as a stimulant and source of inspiration, of Dionysian raptures and ecstasies, in much the same way as some experimental subjects may use psilocybin or peyotl for enchantment and uplift to religious or mystical experiences; while others may merely go into a bizarre but otherwise sterile 'altered state' of consciousness -- or plain stupor."111

Hare does not believe that a biological cause alone can account for genius. There is also a social dimension to this phenomenon which we will examine in much greater detail later. "If the evocation of genius depended mainly on chance or on the predisposition to affective psychosis, gout, and myopia then it should be manifested at much the same rate over the centuries. But this has not been so..."112 Some social theories of genius argue that the relation between genius and insanity is as much a product of society as human biology. Some societies tolerate genius, at least for a time, while others effectively suffocate ideas and their advocates which challenge the ruling order of the day. Threatening new paradigms are dismembered ".... and their originators suppressed as heretical or insane."113 Celibacy was not the only legacy of Christianity. The Churches did a pretty good job of exterminating imaginative people throughout much of Europe. On the Internet, William Irwin Thompson is interviewed concerning the book The Science of Myth. Thompson suggests that the Irish and Scottish visionaries survived the heretic burnings and witch trials that ravaged Europe for centuries because they dwelled in the "Celtic hinterland" far removed from the centers of power. Christianity systematically destroyed the vitality and virility of the religious imagination, replacing it with a sexless piety. This is very much out of touch with human experience. Spirituality is passion, it is instinct, it is getting in contact with the evolutionary mystery of one's own nature. Not all of that instinct is aggressive, but it certainly is not the passive piety we are led to believe. "Lange-Eichbaum (p 123) referred to the psychopath's 'hunger for stimulation'; and before modern drugs opened new doors of perception such stimulus may have been sought in the consequences of asceticism..."114 So those holy saints of ancient daze were not simply saying their prayers. They fasted in the desert, went without sleep, took pilgrimages to holy sites and so on, all for very sensual reasons: they were pursuing the rapture of God�s presence. That was very meaningful behavior during a low-tech age of faith.... as long as their revelations supported the authority of Rome.

People seek visions today also, but their ecstasies do not seem to be leading to paradise. If drugs were a reliable source of creativity, America should be enjoying the fruits of that drug-induced genius, and addicts should all be happily making millions like Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, John Belushi ....... Somehow, I doubt that is happening. Medical research suggests that "... use of cerebral stimulants by creative people has not been of special importance."115 It has been noted that athletic performance has not dropped significantly with the banning of drug use in sports events. Ehrenwald asserts that "We know today that psychedelic drugs cannot, by themselves, inject genius or paranormal faculties into personalities lacking their basic prerequisites in the first place."116 While the alcohol and pharmaceutical industries are very lucrative, drug addiction of every type seems to be a central factor in the disintegration of people's lives. Society advocates the use of tranquilizers and other legal drugs to sedate people. In spite of today's drug epidemic, there is something significant which chemistry can teach us about the brain -- unfortunately the cost of that lesson is, more often than not, higher than we can afford to pay. The link between drug use and mental illness is well established. My point is this: we must create a culture that allows people to pass through the emotional changes that are intrinsic to our nature, without pumping the very fragile human body full of drugs, legal or contraband. This book is based on the conviction that mental breakdown has a meaningful and creative purpose: evolution.

There is nothing gained by trashing people who have damaged their lives by foolishly experimenting with drugs during adolescence. If people have the strength to break whatever addiction they may have, it is possible to teach them how to use the human brain creatively without any reliance on chemicals. From this perspective, the ideas presented here may be seen as opening a door of natural perception to those who have been burned by hazardous chemical visions. Our culture needs to heal. To do that, we have to find a way to assimilate the wounded back into productive society. Those who have not damaged their brains beyond recovery can learn to survive the mental instability that is likely to be a long term consequence of their youthful indiscretion. Society can benefit if these humbled veterans from the drug wars can grow up to be creative disciplined thinkers. It is to this fallen youth that so much of the mysticism in this book is directed.

The guides of the past were those who brought culture through the "Holy Word"; but today in the West, we have come to rely on gurus from the East and drug-cult-pop-stars who are little more than short term prophets.117 In some respect, I am advocating a return to the "good" old days. I am trying to replace our cultural drug addiction with an authentic spirituality..... But not the other-worldly paradise-piety of old women. My interest is primarily in the influence of mental instability on creativity. The intent here of pointing out the physical dimension of spirituality is not to discredit one particle of religious sensitivity, but to emphasize that this wave of emotion sweeping through us is "real", and not merely delusion. But more than that, to preserve our sense for that which is natural, to draw on human vulnerability as a source of heroic strength.

Those who are creative often times endure serious illness, but they learn to use that hardship as a taskmaster which drives them to create lasting beauty so that they might mock the face of death which taunts them. "Their chronic illnesses, which heighten their sense of mortality, perhaps stimulate them to perpetuate their identities through their works. For these individuals, creation becomes a defense against physical deterioration."118 The kinds of illnesses being discussed here are not the totally devastating fatal diseases which kill people in short order. I am talking about the second tier, the type that many of us have to endure for as long as we live. One such disorder is epilepsy. It is of particular interest because it demonstrates a clear connection between human illness and spirituality.

The physician Russell Monroe sees the expression "brainstorm" as having two meanings. The first applies to excessive firing of neurons in the brain, which is measurable by the neuro-physiologist and may be associated with vivid symptoms such as nervous body movements. The second meaning of this term is the popular understanding of brainstorm as a bright idea, even having visionary qualities.119 "What characterizes these inspirational thoughts is that a knowledgeable individual has been ruminating about a problem and then in a state of relaxed free association a jumble of ideas, as if in a dream, all fit together."120 He comments that this is a common experience which many people, including himself, can recognize. He next recalls the feeling of drifting off to sleep..... that semi-conscious state between waking and sleeping -- and notes that it is possible to identify sensations such as a sudden jerk in the body, a flash of light, a sound and so on. "These sensations are directly and obviously associated with bursts of excessive neuronal discharges in the brain and suggest that these excessive neuronal discharges could also be associated with the inspirational thought as well. Thus, the most startling thesis of this book is that these inspirational thoughts are associated with bursts of nerve activity. Thus, I propose that at least often if not always, the inspired insights are associated with mini-fits and such mini-fits have adaptive value; hence, the correlation between storms of electrical activity in the brain and 'brainstorms.' "121

Monroe was clearly on the right track. In late 1997, these ideas were picked up by the media, and by 2001 they were headline stories in Newsweek and the The Washington Post. One of the pioneers at the forefront of this increasingly popular area of research is Vilayanar S. Ramachandran, M.D., Ph.D. . He is primarily focused on perception and cognition of the brain, particularly visual studies. He is noted for his basic research into stereoscopic depth perception, and has identified previously unrecognized stereoscopic visual illusions. He is very seriously engaged in research involving patients with brain damage or brain disorders, particularly epilepsy. The research group Ramachandran heads made some astonishing observations. They compared brain activity in epileptic patients with the brain activity of healthy people, and specifically a group of people who were identified as very religious. Epileptics have been known to claim that mystical experiences occur during seizures. To digress from the articles under study for a moment, it may be noted that St. Paul reported seeing a blinding light while on his historic journey to Damascus, and hearing the voice of Christ speaking to him. Paul is believed to have been epileptic. Constantine evidently had a similar experience. What is significant about these researchers from UC San Diego is that they succeeded in locating the area of the brain associated with mystical experience. The neuro-scientists hypothesize that seizures over-stimulate nerves in the frontal lobes of the brain resulting in what is commonly called religious experience. Intensely religious people were found to demonstrate excited brain activity in the frontal lobes similar to that experienced by epileptics.122 This has been Monroe's hypothesis all along: that "mini-fits" are experienced by many healthy people, and that they are caused by electrical storms in the brain, which result in the brilliant revelations he calls "brainstorms". Monroe would not isolate or limit this sensation to what the news-media has tagged the "God-module". He would surely see that its significance extends far beyond formal religion into every aspect of human creative genius, including science. Ramachandran's research team has redefined the terms on which spirituality and atheism will be discussed. The issue now is the brain. Belief or disbelief may be more a matter of frontal lobe nerve stimulation than of logic or dogma. The phenomenon of mysticism has moved from the sideshows of the occult into the arena of legitimate medical science. While the term neurotheology may sound like New Age pop psychology, significant scientific research into religious experience has been conducted by scientists and neurologists such as Dr. James Austin, Dr. Andrew Newberg, Eugene d�Aquili, and David Wulff. They are following in the steps of William James, Russell R. Monroe M.D, and Vilayanar S. Ramachandran, M.D., Ph.D.. You can follow these recent developments in the May 7, 2001 U.S. edition of Newsweek. The article of interest is titled: Religion And The Brain by Sharon Begley. Also, The Washington Post (June 17, 2001) has a front-page article titled: Tracing the Synapses of Our Spirituality: Researchers Examine Relationship Between Brain and Religion by Shankar Vedantam. The neuro-physiological reality of mystical experience has evidently been established, and located in identifiable nerves in the frontal lobes of the brain. Interestingly, the experiments of the researchers disclosed that even after seizures, the brain is particularly sensitive to something associated with religious language, even evoking responses at the involuntary level of brain function. What is particularly remarkable, is that thinking about spiritual matters may stimulate this area of the brain, evidently the way in which thinking about sexual fantasies can stimulate other areas of the body. Considering the importance placed on religious triggering language, you can appreciate that poetry designed to evoke spiritual feelings can have a predictable influence on sensitive people, especially as they gather in a group. The centrality of language in this mystical process begins to emerge as a collective phenomenon. "It is not clear why such dedicated neural machinery . . . for religion may have evolved," the team reported yesterday at a meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in New Orleans. One possibility, the scientists said, was to encourage tribe loyalty or reinforce kinship ties or the stability of a closely knit clan. "123 Crick had hinted at much-the-same insight earlier.

We are getting way ahead of ourselves here, but the implications of the preceding statement will shape our thinking from now on. While not there yet, we are approaching Durkheim's study of religion and collective consciousness. He too was interested in clans, and saw their origins and survival dependent upon collective religious experience. Ramachandran's team seems to offer the possibility of a neuro-physiological explanation for the collective consciousness we think of as spirituality.

This matter of collective identity is of primary importance in the "second-half" of this book; it should not be forgotten that it is individuals who create, but they always do so in the name of a power greater than themselves -- and the source of that collective intuition evidently is hard-wired into the brain�s frontal lobes. Thus spirituality is directly linked to the cohesion of the clan ...what today is called racism. Consequently, any attack on the integrity of a people must involve the corruption of their spirituality -- and conversely, an effective defense of those same-people under assault must ultimately be spiritual. Authentic spirituality is concerned with the most essential quality determining a community�s survival: the feeling every member of society has of group solidarity. Without that sense of belonging, "God is dead" and everything is lost. The mission of creative artists is to instill awareness of collective feeling, and strengthen that intuition to such a degree that people from every walk of life actually find themselves caring for one-another. But the enthusiasm of creative saviors carries with it untold dangers. What is more telling even than the persistence of the creative spirit, is the "...special way that it is expressed. These persons have a drive for dominance, supremacy, pre-eminence, or power, which goes beyond professional ambition...."124 They experience heroic feelings and creative forces that seem unbounded. They would speak with the voice of prophets and champion the cause of entire nations. Here-in lies the danger of creativity -- power! It is intoxicating. Tyranny also finds its origins in the collective spirit of genius. The power of the Jews is their cohesion as a people. You see, power is this collective loyalty to the clan -- that is why every group selfishly guards its own integrity, and why those with ambitions to conquer try to deny that honor to others ....to corrupt their enemies -- for slaughter then of the wicked brings virtue as well as plunder to those chosen to grace the winner�s circle. What justice is there in murdering the innocent? Thus decadence is the preferred prelude to decimation. While the goals of the individual are not often humble, they usually are not cruel either. But the group is far more aggressive, and fully capable of atrocities the solitary soul may find unthinkable. The more we look at man collectively, the more basically we see him -- as an animal governed by merciless instincts. The purpose of religion is to teach a savage people more noble feelings than greed and fear, without castrating them in the process. Collective consciousness is inherently totalitarian, and would deify itself given half a chance. This is Durkheim's social theory; he argued that a cohesive society projects its collective identity as God. Society can recognize the madness of this assertion when it is made by the individual, but not when it is made collectively by the group itself. Those outside the clan usually can see what the insiders cannot: that such claims to being "the chosen people" or "the master race" are a totalitarian delusion. But that quantum relativistic revelation is what gives the group cohesion, even allowing one clan to impose its own vision of itself on weaker willed neighbors. Many centuries ago, the Jews overcame the primitive self images of our ancestors; they implanted what Nietzsche considered the slave mentality of Christianity within the vulnerable hearts of the culturally corrupted ...conquered Europeans. If the cohesive intelligence of a band of people is persistently creative than they can project the quantum relativistic reality of their collective consciousness for centuries, as the Jews have done so successfully. Jews do not believe that Jesus Christ was God, but it has been in their interest that "gentiles" believe a Jew is God. Adversaries intelligent and courageous enough to recognize the deception are forced to battle the majority of their own people in the effort to overturn the tyranny of the out-landers who have successfully invaded the collective Soul of one's civilization. The only hope of freedom is in recognizing that neither the cultural invader nor the collective identity of one's own group... that neither is God. Where then to locate this very real quantum relativistic experience of mystical collective consciousness? The most honest solution, and the one which appears closest to any enduring reality is: in Nature. Man then sees himself and society as an outgrowth of Nature ...instilled with the creative energy of their organic origins; this makes sense both scientifically and spiritually -- thus the idolatrous madness of deifying either man or his collective image is avoided ... offering the possibility that human beings can create organic societies and not only the totalitarian machines of State so destructive of the Earth and its inhabitants.

We find ourselves as biological creatures and not as metaphysical demigods. It is in illness that we become most acutely aware of our mortality, that we are in fact organic creatures and not disembodied souls or spiritless robots. The existentialists believe that man cannot be himself until he finally accepts that he is not God, that he confronts his own mortality by facing up to the inevitability of his own end. As one approaches death, it becomes less frightful if the self has already ceased to be the center of one's life. Fear of death is largely based on the desire to maintain self-consciousness forever. Yet, we are such contradictory creatures, spending our lives seeking to escape self-awareness. Our fear of death, combined with a desire for immortality, will take on a very physical form as medical science enables man to prolong his existence by substituting artificial spare parts for failing human organs. The danger is that we become machines without a soul, that we cease to care about those that follow us. Spirituality aims to preserve the link between feelings of love and the yearning for immortality -- we seek to find salvation in our creative work and most of all in our children and their future. Science has devastated our physical world; we should think twice before we sell our very human souls to State health care -- offering our undying loyalty to the Party in exchange for promises of a plastic immortality. Is this our goal as we abort our children and increase expensive services for the aged? Use this marvelous technology to give the young a chance to live, and not to keep the old alive forever. In age, we become settled and secure in our wealth and power. Evolution necessitates a changing of the guard. The "not knowing" quality of youth, their own lack of knowledge seems to be an essential element to their creative potential.125 Much later in our exploration we will discover that creative thought necessitates wandering in the wilderness, that the chaos of the mind is a prerequisite to original thinking. The development of potential is dependent upon choosing to explore our unfolding surroundings. For those who would be forever young, let them do the deeds of the young. If age itself can indeed be slowed by decades, then it is time to colonize other worlds, and transport those of us to the heavens who have already lived once, for there is neither the room nor are there the natural resources for everyone to live forever here on this way-station to the unknown.

Today there is much hype in the media about man's increasing longevity, but I believe we are about to witness decades of death beyond comprehension -- not merely the loss of humanity, but the destruction of unknown plant and animal wildlife, irreplaceable and of immeasurable value. We must come to see ourselves as vulnerable as the world around us, for if we do not, then we will break contact with our organic origins. We will learn to inhabit dead worlds without any hope of ever feeling the roots of our own Nature. We can find value in our own mortality. We can discover meaning in sickness, and even see death in the context of Nature's overall perspective. If nothing else, death serves a very human purpose in reminding us that we are neither gods nor machines. Perhaps wisdom is the consolation prize of those who have discovered their own humanity, and it is only when we have drunk from the bottomless well of our own errors that we learn to feel the suffering of others -- both within our own clan and those outside; and only then does wisdom emerge from concealment to guide those willing to see -- along the treacherous trail of our own primitive nature, a path which the merciless ambition of collective intelligence is prone to over-look.

Edmund Wilson's theory of "the wound and the bow" views extraordinary talent as "inseparable from disability". His ideas are based on those of Lange-Eichbaum, who affirmed that human beings " ' will never tolerate superiority unless it is accompanied by suffering' ".126 In my opinion, the most obvious representative for this argument is Jesus Christ. To imagine that society will accept the ideas of an innovator only if such a person is torn and beaten is truly disturbing, and must ultimately be harmful to a people who embrace such a conviction. This dogma is similar to the observation of Griffin and Fields that decadence is necessary to preserve society from the greater evil of nazi inhumanity. Within Judaism: Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David, Joshua and so many others are heroic masculine symbols totally unlike the pathetic surrendering figure of Christ on the cross. It is as grave an error to deify weakness as it is to worship the image of a man made god, as was done with Hitler, Moses and all the rest. Mankind must grow up and be done with worshipping the reflections of tyrants or their victims. Let us turn our eyes to that which merits adoration: the fragile beauty of Mother Nature. Like Nature, we too are vulnerable, but vulnerability is not the same as weakness. Mental instability and genius are part of one and the same process; life is becoming, and not a finished product ....both stupefaction and ecstasy are states through which one passes, and are no permanent "identity" ("Dali the lunatic" or "Einstein the genius"). Such experience must not be condemned or idolized. Genius is neither devil nor "God", and one does us all a great disservice by suggesting either one or the other; nor is the genius a self-conscious individual -- leading us to believe that he maintains such an ordinary state of mind as a permanent identity would be down-right deceptive. The secret of genius is the flexibility to change. This is a natural process which is intrinsic to human Nature. It is called evolution. We must learn to fear this change less, and appreciate more the extraordinary potential compressed within the troubled minds of our kinsmen under siege from a hostile Media-State.

It is understandable that readers may interpret this view of mental instability as just dressed-up apologetics for manic-depressive illness. My intent is to challenge the veracity of our concepts of normality and mental health. Because one must change not just "one" idea, but everything one has learned to believe, the mind must undergo an extraordinary revolution-in-order to perceive a freshly created paradigm. As one encounters a unified vision of wholeness, a multitude of ideas collide like accelerated particles and become indistinguishable from one another ... and this is chaotic to say the least. Unlike Ludwig and his colleagues, I do not see creative thinkers as the unfortunate victims of mental illness. Mental collapse is a quantum pre-requisite for any truly radical change in perspective. Before the new psychic architecture can take shape, the pre-existing mental order must break-down, and this reduction process takes years. With courage and some good fortune, original work is salvaged from a lifetime of confusion. There can be no escaping the emotionally traumatic and intellectually devastating dimensions of this evolution. Our legacy must include an acknowledgment of the legitimacy of questioning our most painfully won and tightly held beliefs, trusting that as long as truth is the foundation of our faith then innovation will not destroy us -- however disorienting it may be for a time.

To speak as Eccles does of the mind controlling the brain is blasphemy in traditional Christian terms, for what these ambitions are saying is that man is in charge of his own salvation, that man redeems himself. While we may have second thoughts about turning to our Jewish savior for enlightenment, theology is not without its wisdom. It would be arrogant indeed to dogmatically declare that mind has limitless power to control man's destiny. What horrifies us so much about mental breakdown is the degree to which we feel we are changing, in ways that appear unpredictable. Over the course of a decade "I" have changed almost beyond recognition to "myself", yet amazingly what has remained to hold consciousness together has been precisely that which is most impersonal about "me": writing ....or better said, transpersonal -- for surely this chronicle of that transformation is far from being "cold and impersonal". Your creative work is all you have to hold on to when your memory and emotions are set for self-destruct. If you have all your energy invested in things, you are left depending on drugs and psychiatrists. That's obviously the way many people adapt, and it may actually help some in a crisis, but such an approach is no long term solution because it fosters dependence rather than creativity. It is creative work that heals this split within us. It�s not easy for others to understand what is happening to someone who is changing fundamentally, but if it is possible to see, hear, and feel what is going on in the voyager�s mind then a life-line between chaos and caring friends can be established. They can recognize that change has direction and that intelligence is not disintegrating. The way one copes with such relentless upheaval is to see One-self as a mystic instead of a psycho fleeing to a shrink for drugs designed to pacify primitive emotions. Accept that within this chaos there is order emerging, that this is simply how human Nature's evolutionary dimensions unfold. The most important new aspect to recognize here is that the mental breakdown that accompanies the emergence of genius necessitates a fundamental change in perspective. Western culture looks at the individual as a self-sufficient, independent human being. Genius takes on a global perception of wholeness, not as merely a complicated idea but as an existential state of mind. Such an "individual" no longer functions effectively in the practical world of common-sense day-to-day life. The bewildered genius, out of touch with the "real world", is a common stereotype. This problem arises because of the classically artificial context in which we are forced to live. It is essential to recognize the vulnerability and fragile nature of genius, to realize how intimate inter-dependence becomes. This is why genius needs a non-threatening compatible community, permeated by authentic feelings of trust and caring. Today's genius is always living on borrowed time, susceptible to paranoia ....a modern-day illness of fear characteristic of totalitarian societies. It is a mistake then to see the genius as simply a loner or a loser; he may be out of his element when surrounded by Party-line operatives and particularly unimpressive when acting like a "professional", but when many people of like-mind and shared feelings play together in concert they gain a strength far beyond the arithmetic sum of their numbers ....they form a quantum relativistic Soul with an intelligence and functionality immeasurably superior to the capability of solitary soul-singers "outside the body" of an organized Bund. This makes sense of how the Jews can portray themselves so persuasively as amiable, harmless individuals "scattered over almost the entire earth", yet act so "pushy" as "Jews". They make a strength of their weakness by the magic of complementarity: aggressively reinforcing loyalty among themselves by appealing to feelings of persecution, while wailing about that same spirit of clannish solidarity among the gentle "gentiles". Israelis are intensely racist, yet they attack all others for being anti-Semitic. The devotion of Jews to one-another is not seen as an inconsistency in this "new world order" but as an ancient living covenant ordained by God; and among the "gentiles", the straight as well as the crooked bow to the double standard of complementarity, to the time-honored hypocrisy of the Pharisees .... to the magicians of tyranny.

So where is the solitary soul to turn when confronted by these merciless adversaries from another time? Without a group to sustain him, he is an out-cast, an alien in his own land. Understandably, a human being feels very threatened when cornered by high rollers, and the unlucky strike-out blindly without a sense for the source of the terror that is burning them up ....or a coherent means of smokin �em out. The difference between genius and madness is found in the ability to change one�s brand ....to cross-out worn symbols. There is the flexibility to "snap out of it", turn a wrapped gaze inside out -- to look through one�s own reflection. We will soon return to chaos theory; there we will focus on self-organization. The basic belief held by spiritual and scientific folks alike is that there is an organizing force which is more significant to human consciousness than "self-control". The creative human being is not mastering the mind in a mechanical way, but is rather sensitive to natural changes which are recognized as simply happening, like some primitive metamorphosis. One can adapt to evolutionary changes, even influence their direction and momentum, but there is no meta-physical power to cause them or command them to cease.

Eccles argues with some credibility that it is the "self" that controls its own brain; the very structure of our language and customs of thought make it self-contradictory to contend otherwise. But our thoughts must not be pre-determined by the grammar of past philosophies. Eccles' concepts of God and self are simplistic, however ancient and revered they may be. We have reason-to-believe that there is some quality more basic to human Nature than self-consciousness ....operating deep within this camouflaged world of appearances ...guiding our evolutionary foot-steps. This is the same instinctive intelligence that has stood with us as we first learned to walk and talk in those distant days of primordial ape-men. It is the primary purpose of spirituality to establish contact with this phenomenon of Nature that not only lives through us, but IS what we are ....in a far more basic way than the simple-minded "selves" that we pretend To Be. We expect that as we "evolve", we will become far "kinder and gentler" than our fore-bears were. On the contrary, as we discover that we do have a choice in our own evolution, we will begin thinking and making decisions more as flesh and blood human beings and less as programmed robots. We will cease acting like greedy consumers and make hard choices as real men and creative women ....rebelling against a surreal empire designed for Dali-like desperadoes.

The mystic may be contented with doing "nothing", but the seal of genius is creativity. Under the duress of tyranny, creativity becomes an act of rebellion. To resist the machine of State, genius must have a human touch of madness, an obsessive quality ....one's thinking must be personalized -- made intimate ....unique. Thought becomes sterile when it is detached from passion. The mis-step in which the path to genius is lost is the movement toward the impersonalized mysticism of the East or the drug addiction of the West: no-self ...thought thinking itself into the "no thought" of oblivion. It is essential not to settle in that peaceful state of ecstasy because creativity dies there. So how does one keep the creative spark alive? One must be madly in love with one's work. The genius is a lover, completely committed to his missing soul-mate ....the way Romeo and Juliet are passionately obsessed with one another. It seems that "divine madness" is the secret of burning torches. The chaos of struggle is the bridge between genius and madness, and must not be burned. Like some legendary Greek, one plants a foot in each dimension, holding the passageway open between these fearful symmetries, for the sake of the others who are already on their way. Would that you could bring your "self" to listen now to the 1970�s version of God Is Alive, Magic Is Afoot sung by Buffy Sainte Marie (words by Leonard Cohen, 1970).

The genius is passionately personal and touches others in an unexpectedly intimate way through her labor -- to overcome the impersonal distance that society creates in order to separate a class of slaves from their masters. Genius always has a uniqueness about it, which is the signature of its creator -- a stamp upon it which is unmistakable, and far more ingrained than any mere name.127 This personal identity described here is not the egocentric self of the socially adjusted member of society. A natural temper is cast through purgatorial flames ...out of the searing awareness that One�s own race is at stake -- the passion that burns when one realizes that Race is the collective name for our children ....for ourselves ....our identity is an instinctive sense of uniqueness, an endowment that each living being yearns to discover, a birthright that separates one from the many ...disclosing the unmistakable standard of One�s own breed.

Think of the emotional feeling you have when listening to a beautiful song that tugs at your heart strings, such as Everything I do, I do it for you, or My heart will go on; then notice that this feeling which cries out from within you is not entirely contained within your "heart" but is everywhere, including in your head. That is exactly the mystical sense that is the focus of our contemplation. Now use this feeling to find the excitement of romantic love in that which you do best ...however simple or complex it might be. That non-localized feeling can become more powerful and swell into a whole world of emotion-filled sensation. The phenomenon might be compared to the opening of a rose or the male member coming to attention. Mystical experience has often times been compared to orgasm. Mysticism is the human mind-breaking into the openness of a radically unexpected life; it is not merely a state of retirement from "this world". It is one of the masks of genius. There is something unique about each transformation ...fulfilling instinctive potential ....discovering talent outside the categories of law and morality, and exercising one�s own biology to the fullest. (This primitive dimension to genius is crucial to understanding the concluding section of this work: to be free means to be wild, to be feral.) A transformation is possible whereby the center of stimulation shifts from the sex organ to the brain. The "expansion of consciousness" is satisfying because it fulfills natural potential so completely, including one's sexuality not repressing it. Evolution moves in a spiral -- changing, yet amazingly returning to its organic roots. When excited, atoms can "puff up" to more than a thousand times their ordinary sizes.128 Surely the brain must also be capable of such stimulation. The brain is the organ of primary interest, and our objective is to learn how to arouse attention by thinking seductive thoughts that touch us as sensitively as our sexuality. We have seen earlier that for some of the faithful, spiritual discourse animates nerve circuits in the frontal lobes of the brain. Our mission is to discover the symbols of spirituality that set our common Soul alight. This is an on or off, all or nothing situation ....like love. Either it is there or it is not, and if it is, it becomes your whole life. No one has the energy to be "on" all the time, anymore than anyone can be awake forever. We are thinking in quantum bursts of energy, not in the even-tempered mode of programmed robots. Things definitely don't work like we may expect them to. Your self-conscious mind is not where the power is. Consciousness gravitates toward networks, both organic and electronic. Quantum relativistic consciousness is driven by cycles, just as your sexual appetite is, and is easily as powerful. What you need to do is learn to listen to that haunting melody, the one you know by heart ...the sweetest of sorrows from adolescence -- the love of your youth that just won�t let go ....that refuses to be forgotten. At times this inspiration is as overpowering as heart-break, and at others seems as exhausted as your once lost faith. You haven't got a prayer of healing if you pump your body full of pills ...dulling the primitive edge of genius by silencing instinctive promptings from a distant love that longs to feel again. If natural intuition is corrupted, we waste energy wrestling with madness in this purgatory of our most intimate creation. One needs strength to persevere for the many years this atonement consumes. We can much increase our chances of outlasting this mortal combat by finding like-minded souls who have a good sense for the battle we are waging -- who care about the outcome of our common tribulation. On your own, in a hostile world, your odds of making it are even money. If you surround yourself with pop-cult diversity folks who are pimping to pervert you, as Dali did, then the likelihood is you will become as corrupt and disposable as a junky. Such are the wages of sin, as we used to say. But there is also hazard in substituting morality for revelation. The aim of all our efforts is to synchronize two vital forces: instinct and intellect, for it is this split between spirituality and science which has so under-mind our civilization and brought us to the ends of the Earth.

Getting entangled with consciousness goes-by many names, among them biofeedback. We can use machines to teach us how to feel the human body inside and out.... how to boost the power of awareness. To a very real extent, my interaction with a computer in writing this book is biofeedback. It could not have been created without a state of the art system because I just wouldn't have had the ability to structure such a complex document by hand or typewriter. Not only that, but ten years ago, I could not possibly have even thought the ideas expressed here because I could not have organized them all in my own memory. Creative intelligence is augmented by a machine serving a human purpose. We will later ascertain that collective consciousness has a similar link to the electronic media. But the most important dimension of creative intelligence is still the human mind. Our vocation in life is to learn how to gain access to it. By way of method, I would like to clarify that it takes a routine involvement with one�s creative practice for the mind to open. This is much like the discipline of Zen monks sitting for hours religiously in meditation, day after day, year after year. But that approach never worked for me. It was simply too mindless. Writing everyday for hours is how I am able to build up and sustain this mystical concentration. I write for the same reason long distance runners have to run, whatever the weather: I am addicted to the flow ...of ideas ...to the "natural high" of writing-itself. If you stop, momentum is lost and it is extremely difficult to regain your stride. There is a biological rhythm to it all; but once inside, it will carry you along like a wave out of the blue.

A basic function of self-consciousness is to take responsibility for a human being's actions -- to give a person control over his or her life. While it must be recognized that "I" actually have very limited control over the unpredictability effecting "my" existence, we so much want to believe that someone else does, namely God. The issue of self control and accountability is important to society. Eccles, Ehrenwald and others maintain that a human being has the capability of changing the way in which his brain is coded to operate. Man needs to feel responsible for his own actions. But there are greater forces than self-consciousness affecting our lives, and to such a large degree, they are inter-active forces. Neither destiny nor tyrants totally determine my fate. I still have a hand to play in this game. It is this influence on our own lives that we so desperately seek, that civilization requires. Mysticism is a process whereby the human being re-sets the brain's autonomic control instructions by means of creative biofeedback exercises, such as writing. This creative growth is spirituality, and may also be viewed as evolutionary change .....as human beings learn to super-charge their own intelligence through the imaginative use of technology. What Eccles emphasizes is that mental events can influence the functioning of the physical brain ....that emotional energy matters. The plasticity of the cerebral cortex makes it possible for human beings to physically improve the quality of their mental lives, just as athletes can change their bodies through physical exercise. This process of mental gymnastics is an art not so different than body building. But there is a deeper process operating beneath and within this evolutionary creative biofeedback. Within the inorganic physical world there is an organizing principle made evident through the new physics, particularly chaos theory. Inorganic nature manifests properties suggestive of intelligence without consciousness. Organic life seems to mimic and modify the complex chaos of the inorganic environment out of which it emerges. If organization within the world of living things is awe inspiring, order in the world of non-living things is more miraculous still. What kind of universe has order where there is neither life nor consciousness? "......Those who make such models quickly see structures that replicate themselves, compete, and evolve by natural selection. 'Evolution is chaos with feedback,' Joseph Ford said. The universe is randomness and dissipation, yes. But randomness with direction can produce surprising complexity. And as Lorenz discovered so long ago, dissipation is an agent of order."129 Something as fundamental as the direction outward of an expanding universe can shape the order of things to come all down the line. Ford went on to correct Einstein, who stated that God does not play dice, by saying that He does -- but with loaded dice. The challenge before science is to determine the principles under which this loading has taken place. The message of the new physics is that randomness is not blind luck; it is the weirdness of order where none is expected ...and this truly disturbs the most hardened of scientists. It would be so much easier for them if the universe was not such a fascinating locality in-two which one can hang-out. " 'When I came in this game, there was a total absence of intuition. One had to create an intuition from scratch. ...The old intuition was misleading. ...'Intuition is not something that is given. I've trained my intuition to accept as obvious shapes which were initially rejected as absurd, and I find everyone else can do the same.'"130 This is the whole ball of wax: consciousness is a creative inter-active process. If you create no intuition ...if you assume your environment is "cold and impersonal", you will make it so ...into a polluted and meaningless wasteland. Like Bohr and Feynman, Dali insisted that the world of human experience is a projection of the brain, that reality is an emerging creation of an inter-active intelligence .....uncertain of its own nature ....forming contact with "everything" so that it might re-shape itself ....into a reflection of real time consciousness.

Collective genius in the common man: Revelation of a savage spirit 

Genius is the process of becoming and not something which already exists --- that's why such thoughtfulness seems so abstract, so impossible to comprehend....so dangerous. Genius is about a struggling immaturity, and not efficiency in structured institutional employment, nor is genius to be confused with what academic institutions measure as high IQ. Many pages ago we pondered the reason the Jews so feared Hitler; now we see clearly why -- They apprehend the contagious quality of genius. They know and dread the potentialities and probabilities concealed within the immaturity of ordinary folk, living in extraordinary times. The battle is over your right as a human being to fulfill your own feelings, for they are the source of immense human promise. The difference between us is not a matter of intelligence; it is about the infinite distance that separates free men from slaves. Our common environment shapes us both individually and collectively.... suggesting that genius arises out of a context and not merely in the head of an isolated individual ....attracting us to one-another, just as love and sex do. There are essential sensitivities we must experience collectively, but which cannot be properly expressed in an all male context. There is a complementary quality to this symphony of souls, meaning that living organizations must be composed of both males and females --- if they are not, then the uncanny intimacy of our collective potential either shuts down or expresses itself as perversion. If we have the desire to release the intensity of shared passion --- this collective genius of ours, then we have to accept the heterosexual nature of power.... to reconcile ourselves to the stirring effect the sexes have on one another in every aspect of the body/mind.

One of the most essential ideas of quantum physics is the wave/particle duality of matter. At its most basic level, everything can be understood as being composed of particles or waves; neither form is sufficient in itself to express the whole nature of whatever it is that always remains partially concealed behind this duality of particle and wave.131 "...subatomic entities are neither fully particles nor fully waves but rather some confused mixture of the two known as a 'wave packet'..."132 It is possible to detect particles or waves, but we have no means of observing this mysterious "wave packet"; "...the exact properties of the duality must always elude any measurement we might hope to make."133 What seems most paradoxical and difficult to grasp is not even knowing if this duality, this complementarity, is itself the fundamental structure of Nature. Zohar refers to this perplexing quantum state of things as "Janus-like", explaining that neither particle nor wave is complete within itself, but rather each is dependent on the other in a relationship whereby the "...whole picture emerges only from the 'package deal'."134 As with male and female,"... each description supplies a kind of information that the other lacks. Whether at any given time elementary being displays itself as one or the other depends on the overall conditions..."135 and among the environmental factors accounted for is the presence of observers. It is this accounting for overall background which has compelled us to see ourselves from the perspective of collective identity �which is nothing "Other" than the wonder of our own multi-dimensional language!

Like so many non-Westerners, I some-how have a kind of dyslexic preference for doing things backwards. What has finally organized my thinking is the discovery of this multi-dimensional writing style so often appearing and disappearing into Heaven-Words. It is not simply an amusing ploy, it is a visual and verbal representation of how "the I" "sees things". In order to make sense of these multi-dimensional passages, one ought to read them aloud, while simultaneously looking at them in printed form, to get a feel for their meaning � to listen to what the spoken words are saying while examining the "letter of the law" �realizing that the written and spoken statements are very different indeed -- disclosing a contradiction of thought and feeling, yet when so paired these expressions have a kind of complementary logic of their own that has the feel of whole-sum-ness about it. I believe this kind of articulation is a more natural thought process than the one dimensional linear logic of this legalistic reality we are all supposed to subscribe to, if we don�t want either our intelligence or sanity called into question. What is most remarkable about this multi-dimensional thinking is that one notices that language seems to have a mind of its own � to speak-through one�s words. One becomes aware of An-Other intelligence that embraces us all within our common language. Honesty is not simply for suckers. Virtue does have its own rewards: we are bound together by this living trust known as language�re-assured that we belong to a vibrant community that is literally concerned with the well-Being of each one of us. We know this because we can feel the truth flowing through our own language �if indeed words can belong to anyone in particular. From this state of mind, collective consciousness is a felt reality, and not a philosophical abstraction. But language is much more than words alone; music is perhaps the most perfect language, and mathematics the most brilliant. Words are simply the language we all share in common �the means by which we either embrace or isolate one-An-Other. The totalitarian State debases our mother tongue and out-laws free speech for the purpose of shattering cohesion in White society; the objective is to make people feel isolated and consequently powerless to resist the "super-power" of "super-stars" that Lord it over those of us still foolish enough to believe in them. The objective then of "hate speech" laws is not so much to protect an invading army forcibly introduced into society by the surreptitious methods of the State, but rather to prevent a compatible people from daring to discover a collective voice that can instill within a de-moralized race the courage to oppose tyrannical reigns of power dead set on gagging them with the rags of alien hit men. A totalitarian regime feels no more shame than a Clinton would in putting a positive spin on mass murder, twisting the fragile bodies of the unborn into "a woman�s right to choose". Those who would define the terms of discussion have made the outcome as inevitable as a "free and fair election" according to the Media-State-Rules of Florida. Unless there is a measure of unpredictability within our words, there will be no wide open spaces left ..nor any rights remaining for any of us � except of course, "the right to choose".

We are not isolated creatures; only repressive societies make us feel alienated from our collective Nature. Each of us, by our very design, is a living contradiction: male or female ....the one that would be more than itself, that searches creation for the love which alone can make this "one" whole. We are a pair -- and still a unity; "I" do not exist as a solitary being. None of us does. Any successful attack on our race must be sexual because sex is the basic reality of our identity. The reason sexuality is so central to our lives is this incomplete quality of our male-female complementarity. There is a recurring dimension to basic design, and sexuality is as basic as our animal designs get. Nature loves to play variations on this theme of inter-dependent sexuality. The greatest of vulnerabilities is the dependence of the unborn child on his mother. Today, the feminist abortion campaign is not simply a matter of personal choice, it is the crime of genocide when directed toward millions of healthy White babies throughout America and Europe. By isolating us into separate individuals, we loose contact with our complementary Nature, just as a feminist loses touch with her unborn child -- who is indeed a part ....from herself. We are not isolated individuals -- yet we think ...we are. Not only is the newly born baby tightly bound to his mother, but so also is she bonded to him. Can she not see this extraordinary secret of human Nature in the potential of her own image: the pregnant woman? How blind-sided can one person be? The enthusiasm with which the Media-State has undertaken this chosen campaign exposes the well trained arms of a doctored science of death in America, and more routinely still ...born in Eastern Europe -- where the beat goes on. The up-right churchman may offer lip-service to weak kneed supporters of life, but the succor turns tail once the camera men start coming on the scene. One might humbly suggest a passage from scripture, which could grace the chapels of all OBGYN facilities, comforting those women who seek the finest medical care... with holy words that would State clearly that God and Bible bless the sacred rite they have chosen: "O Babylon, Babylon the destroyer, happy the man who repays you for all that you did to us! Happy is he who shall seize your children and dash them against the rock."136 One thing is certain, there will always be those unruly few who will dare mock the religion of murderers, and stand armed against cowards who serve an alien god of tyranny upon their knees.

If we think of sexuality as the bedrock of collective identity, then it is possible to grasp the kind of passion and power available to draw people together into the emotional intimacy of shared consciousness. Racial instincts are at the root of battles over sexuality, particularly involving abortion, homosexuality, and inter-racial "love" of every variation imaginable. Race is all about sex, and racial conflict boils down to the Zionist States� hard drive to pair black men with white women, white women with abortion butchers, and white men with each other. The cohesion of the group is not a private matter for individuals to determine. The gene pool carried by each human being is not her private property, any more than the child in her womb is hers to dispose of as she pleases. We are in-formed by our biology ....perceiving ourselves as collective beings, not as individuals. The gene pool is the physical manifestation of our collective identity. You carry within your sperm or egg the potential of many people, the history of your collective ancestry. Female readers may feel that this book is just more male chauvinism. Their calls for equality are na�ve. We are not talking of equality here --- separate but equal; we are talking about our basic Nature. You are utterly Miss Guided to separate us from one another. We are the left and right halves of human Nature, not merely the mathematical sum of two pieces in a primitive primate puzzle. Think of us as that quantum "wave packet", Danah Zohar's "package deal".

It is necessary to prime the human energy pump to bring pulsating thought to life; but where does that animation come from? Long before the advent of psychoanalysis, it was recognized that sexuality is the source of creative enthusiasm. Sexuality is the excitement of attracting opposites that instinctively know they belong to each other ....like the perfectly matched words of a poet. How important, how basic, is it for the male to fit into the female, not merely mechanically but emotionally and intellectually as well? Through the hauntingly beautiful melody Music of the Night, the Phantom seduces Christine into the genius of musical intensity through the portal of their love -- not for each other, but for Music. Love for one's creative work is a rare privilege. Few of us know this addictive madness which can rebuild the confused mind into the genius of original creation; because it is as powerful a force in one's life as sexuality, there is the intimation that more and more of us must inevitably be entranced by this all consuming love. Collective Mind is not some dull philosophical concept; it is mighty, requiring the immense energy of sexual attraction to forge together a universe of complementary opposites. While all our actions are charged with sexual fever, they need not take the form of physical love. We can love from afar ....like the abstract art of some non-local gravitational force. It is understandable that two people should be engaged in the tenderness and self abandonment of love songs, but not so easy to recognize that thrill when converted into mathematical Platonism or theoretical physics. It is this passionate joy for great ideas which has sometimes led men of rare solitary brilliance out of isolation into the immaturity of their unexplored feelings for "the other". Something is out of whack when genius becomes entwined with homosexuality. What this intimates is that women are called into the highest reaches of the mind to share the intimacy ...the sacred moments of discovery amidst the loneliest peaks of mortal reflection.

Those who are creative tend to be unstable; they are missing something fundamental and very much need a partner whose feet are solidly planted upon the Earth. This marriage of opposites balances the whole pair, and is essential not only for the individuals involved but for the community. One can think the impossible precisely because the individual has a safe and sane context in which to experiment. Without the support of a stable environment, the imaginative person can easily spin off into the chaos of unbounded madness. Risk letting yourself feel the love of your life. This is about as abstract as making love, of being in love.....but not necessarily with a particular person, but with your common-law love: the Music of your knight. There are many wonderful possibilities for a free people. A less materialistic society offers us more than just a life of discipline and self-sacrifice. Morality changes as perception of ourselves decompresses. Once I begin doubting myself, and begin seeking that which is greater than "I am", the heavens can open, rivers of time part, and man step beyond the threshold of mortal reason.

In the past, creative souls often entered the Church, which supported their work and gave structure to their lives -- at a price: celibacy and censorship. That tradition proved catastrophic to spirituality for two reasons. First, it was a systematic method of effectively weeding creative people out of the gene pool. Secondly, by suppressing "heretics", the Church prevented its own creative renewal and opened the way for mechanistic technology to displace the Church altogether. The outcome of these two actions has been to create a society without authentic spirituality; and the consequence of this triumph of the machine is that we are turned into machines ourselves. According to Durkheim, societies worship themselves. If the machine is our god, what does that tell us of our own reflections? Are we not capable of being more than programmed thinkers? Until genetic engineers get around to playing God in the creation of our offspring, what human beings will continue to yearn for is a devotion to instinctive feelings, such as the propensity for men to worship the beauty of everything about women. Man is such a mystery to himself because he mistakenly imagines that he is complete, that he is self-sufficient. It is human Nature to love more than one other person --- just as a man is allured by the beauty of many women. He adores them -- they are the closest he ever comes to really worshipping any kind of divinity. The Greco-Roman custom of worshipping goddesses of beauty and wisdom is a spirituality man can truly understand. This feeling of attraction to many women should give some insight into the collective Nature of human identity. Yet at the heart of all this, the mystery of uniqueness remains. Personally, I have felt that we never recover from the intensity of love endured during adolescence for an enchanting person; and that the yearning of and then for youth is the source of our deepest aspirations. This undying adoration expresses something precious within us ...our complementary Nature, a sixth sense we have come to recognize is spirituality itself.

If we do not create a new culture, we will continue on course for a two-teared society, where we are lumped together in the gutter with techno-colored gang bangers, while soul-less programmed technocrats look down upon the new minorities --- us ... from their high offices above the wretched refuse of America's teeming shores. European governments have portrayed abortion and homosexuality as symbols of advanced culture for decades; today they point out the need for third world immigrant workers ...new citizens to pay the taxes essential for supporting retirement pensions. Talented Whites are displaced by less capable party operatives who know the dangers of saying one politically incorrect word. But such rigid conformity dulls the mind, making these team players vulnerable to a more agile intelligence. Contemporary society is so corrupted that it is counter-productive to pursue one's dreams through established institutions. Forget the politically correct colleges and the party life -- "drop out". Become an under-achiever. Let the party operatives pay the taxes. Marry young and have many children. The deepest pain many honorable White women and men feel today is the faint call from our collective unborn Soul disclosing to our hearts that we have loved those who count most too little, and have very few children to prove it. This is the source of our weakness, the shame which makes us so vulnerable to invasion by a caste of untouchables from the under-world; but it is still not too late to save our lost souls. We must redeem our cast out line, fouled by doctors unworthy of the title. Foolish youth are a burden only to parents who see no hope of beauty, courage or genius in their progeny. Genius is a companion of those who know the meaning of labor and suffering, and have the stamina to endure, to prevail.... to keep fighting in new and more procreative ways. For those with the Soul of their ancestors, the Spirit of kindness, material wealth and comfort are not the greatest ambitions in life, nor is the promise of paradise. Let us not consume ourselves with selfish dreams of eternal reward, but rather spend our energy on those who now matter most. For those who seek identity, to be someone at last ... encourage your sons and daughters to follow their hearts and have many children..... to live in your home....to bring the extended family back to life. Four to five children are a formidable influence on any community in which they live. The spirit of your family radiates out into the neighborhood and becomes a force to be reckoned with, to be shown respect. Your family's name becomes known. It becomes your neighborhood, and not a war-zone occupied by alien marauders. You are somebody, and not just an out-dated model employee or dependent of the State. What have you got to lose? Is comfort really that important? Do you seriously want to live to be one-hundred years old? Wouldn't it make more sense to become involved with grand-children who would really need and love you? Use your wealth for something more than supporting doctors, hospitals, vacations and retirement communities. In ten years, the meaning of family can be understood again in White nations. You will at last have done something of consequence with your life. If you want to understand this very abstract concept of collective identity, create a big family.

It is a mistake to choose the straight and narrow path of Christian educated White middle class respectability -- it is like fighting the "red coats" on a "level playing field". All that logical civilized business is what made our culture so vulnerable to a self-destructive morality. What is needed is an instinctive intelligence that releases us, the captive audience of this unnatural consumer society. Seek out the unconverted noble-savage within. One might say this is a return to barbarism --- White Savagery can save our race, not more Christianity, not more luxury -- and certainly not a Savage Nation once again led by the tried and untrue. Wild animals are smarter and better able to survive than distant cousins trained to beg, roll over, and in the end play dead. When a domesticated animal returns to the wild, he is said to be feral. Durkheim evidently forgot to teach the barbarians at our gates proper manners. They are guerrillas and we are house-broken Christians ....busted men and washed-up women -- compelled, against our wills, to endure the madness and genius of becoming feral ....finding virtue in being raw boned street fighters capable of controlling the neighborhoods of the North ...ruthless enough to match the JDL137 in games of chance, unkind enough to tag-out the most primitive invaders who would dare steal our home.

Many agree that living in a totalitarian multi-racial society is forcing a xenophobic madness on all races. It is imperative that we approximate undistorted vision so that we might see our way through this chaos, for if we are flying blind, driven only by instinctive rage, then we will surely destroy ourselves along with our nemesis. Collective mind can be as dumb as a lynch mob, or as brilliantly aggressive as Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries. Aggression inspired by intelligence is far more powerful, and many times more dangerous than the brute force of unthinking yeo-men. We must wed intelligence to our passions so that we might side-step both slavery and "apocalypse now!"; we cannot avoid side-swiping both, but we can keep our balance along this edge of history, and emerge with only secondary injuries, if we can discover the turning point of our identity .....Understand the soul purpose for which we are fighting: our racial integrity.

We are driven to become racists by the invasion of our White nations by peoples who dance to rhythms alien to our common Soul. The Reformation of Western Civilization, set-off by and distanced from the increasing mixed race masses attendant upon us, is possible in a way that was unthinkable when Christian Churches and Democratic institutions still held the respect of patriots. As important as a sense of unity with our environment is, our independence from an evil world empire is equally compelling. But how are we to think of such abstractions as identity and difference? We can understand the urgency of limits, the boundaries of our physical bodies -- defining ourselves, so that we might not be violated, swallowed up whole by the unacknowledged differences of undefined masses .....streaming colors harbored under the banner of Dame Communism, newly painted red, white and blue. Our national birth-right is sold down brown colored rivers by wheelers, dealers, and ought-ta-be swingers hanging round deserted light posts ....foolishly waiting for boys from the hood ...not ready to crack a smile. Our identity can only be what we are. Instinct defines the boundaries of our community, not cut-rate laws twisted to wind-falls that fill alien sails and Wall Street shelters. The priority here is to preserve our racial instinct and restore the primacy of intuition as the ground of a workable culture in lands once governed by free men. This is accomplished by conveying intense feelings in all that we create, whatever our professions might be. If you think that mathematicians and physicists are not as emotional as poets and musicians, then you have a long road ahead of you. If you imagine that you have no need for rational thought, then you have no road ahead of you at all, only the tangled under-brush of Nature in the wild -- and that's a wandering ..one does not know. If you believe this is a presentation of unwavering racist faith, you have not yet touched upon the contradiction which holds everything together ....the irrational which inter-weaves revolutionary designs with the most solemn of convictions. What is the end of all our confusion? Central to enduring chaos and emerging order is the determination that we can find ourselves only by losing ourselves in the complementarity of our own Nature: male and female ....a reality of passionate racial attraction uncovering the excitement of incomplete quality ....the Miss-ing link to wholeness.

The problem of White separatist movements is the lack of a credible ideology. We hear genocidal warlords on one hand, Christians on the other, and are un-persuaded by either. The danger is that those who are most aggressive in confronting the big problems tend to feel everything with the passion of religious zealots. This is not to say they are necessarily evil, only that we should dare question the wisdom of warriors. In his book, White Power, Rockwell's intent was not genocidal, although he clearly idealized Hitler and advocated white supremacy on a global scale. His primary objective was to reclaim the nation for Americans of European origin, not to indiscriminately kill all Jews and non-whites. Because he paraded around in a nazi uniform and tried to speak the language of the common man, it was easy to misconstrue his ideas and portray him in the media as an insane genocidal megalomaniac. But behind the crassness of his words lay a prophetic Soul no stranger to us than the heroic hearts of our own ancestors. "Liberal (and conservative) cowardice and equivocation are leading the world, and especially the White people, straight to the hell of race war and the nightmare of an irreversible Black Plague. It is going to take bloody violence and killing to solve this problem, just as it was not words which gave us America, but violence and killing of the British. It took bloody violence and killing for the German White Men to stop Genghis Khan. It took bloody violence and killing to win every war we have ever fought, not conservative words and petitions. To stop a plague of bed bugs takes killing, not words. To stop a plague of traitors, agitators and black half-animals is going to take killing not words. Locusts and bed bugs which do not invade your home do not need killing. Inferior humanity which leaves the White Man alone does not need killing, either, and can be left to limit their own numbers by their own stupidity, improvidence and cruelty. But it is forever too late for those colored people who ATTACK the White Man to be permitted to survive. We have no intention of attacking or exterminating those who leave us alone. But let this be a declaration of war upon the savages who dare to shout 'Kill Whitey', and on those Jews and others who dare to encourage, agitate, arm and finance them in this bloody insanity. It's them, or us!"138 Rockwell was neither a stupid nor an insensitive man; he graduated from Brown University and served as a pilot in World War Two, and was called back to train Marine and Navy pilots in the Korean War.139 Decades ahead of the rest of us, he came to regret the role he played in supporting a U.S. military that incinerated German women and children as enthusiastically as it slaughtered the Japanese or nazi Storm-Troopers. Perhaps it was this guilt which led Rockwell to pick up the tattered uniform of the heroic men he helped vanquish. However pained and patriotic, those like him are wrong in portraying very human adversaries as inferior creatures in need of eradication or domination. It is possible to bring about a peaceful separation of the races, to our common advantage, by forming an alliance of all the races against the Jews. Nazis who support exterminating Jews and non-whites do a disservice to all humanity by strengthening the credibility of the Media-State. By being so apocalyptic, these forlorn heroes make opposition to the Jews unthinkable for the rest of us because even those who oppose Zionist dominion cannot bring themselves to endorse an ideology that advocates exterminating hundreds of millions or even billions of human beings. So we are terrorized on all sides ...left nowhere -- unable to choose nazism, and consequently unable to resist totalitarianism. What is needed in this trial of wills is an honorable rebellion that affirms opposition to the rule of wolves in sheep�s clothing ...hounds of war unleashed upon us by the lords and failing profits of world peace. We are not helpless in the face of treason. The middle class has a need to know loyalty ...a custom of betraying con-artists, making life miserable for the criminal-first classes who have been flying high with no thought to those waxed or winged by their soaring profits. If noble efforts fail, then we will find ourselves like cornered animals, and instinct will drive us to fight; and under such duress, historic forces will lead us to take our last stand with William Barrett Travis, Davy Crockett, Jim Bowey, and George Lincoln Rockwell.

We somehow want to believe that intelligence, spirituality, and "goodness" are linked; but reality checks keep reminding us that human beings are still savages, however bright or theoretical we may be. All people are capable of horrendous evil, especially when unforgivable offenses have already been committed. We must be aware of the very real danger of becoming our own opposite, the mirror image of "The Chosen" --- "The Master Race". Nor can we allow ourselves to become angels of death visiting God�s wrath on the traitors of our own kind. Marxists may have been more genteel in the manner in which they orchestrated travel arrangements for cut-rate Russian outings, but nazis certainly had a flare for fashion when the goose-step was camp. While the inquisitions of the Medieval Catholic Church were a holy terror, they remain a far cry from the hellish dreams bedeviling our knights. Regardless of style and the vestments adorning the hallowed rites of retribution, sadism is the common legacy at the root of hatred still burning between the peoples of European ancestry and the out-landish invaders of our soiled empires. Atrocities sanctioned by irreconcilable foes are the reason forgiveness is not possible from any quarter. Our goal can only be White separatism ...not supremacy or submission. Somehow we must abandon pacifism, and learn the ancient virtues of honor and courage, without succumbing to the savage forces within us which we must unleash if we are to hold our ground against a mass of humanity ....colorful new-cumers who would love us to death.

But who is to protect us from White savages should they become a law unto themselves? Suppose they become true criminals, predators upon society? The middle class must be willing to be involved, to participate as a citizen militia at the ground level. If we fail to defend our families, we will become inconsequential in the eyes of those who are willing to spill their blood for this Land. Unless we choose to get our own hands dirty, others will have more than dirt on their hands, for it is a greater danger to flee our responsibilities than to confront hardship. The basic rule is this: those who hold physical power will rule in their own interests. What is needed is a spirituality that touches all of us and binds us together. A White Alliance without spiritual disciple is little more than a party of bandits. There must be honor, or we may as well surrender to the Jews. Such inner values must be instilled within the community to protect us from our own brutality. We must come not only to believe that honorable methods can succeed in liberating us from Zionist oppression, but that only an honorable revolution can result in a free society. If we choose corrupt means to attain our goals, we will become corrupted by our own methods, and be trapped by a brutal despotism of enduring hatred. We have a profound interest in preserving a civilized community, but this need not mean a Christian society. Our challenge is to create a new civilization out of the painful lessons our own weak-minded cowardice and materialism are teaching us today. Austere values of racial loyalty must govern all our actions. While there is a duty to protect the borders of White society at street level, there is a special responsibility to watch over those seeking to permanently occupy the most elevated positions of influence and privilege within the commonwealth. When looking out for liberty, we should not lose sight of the original U.S. Constitution ...formed by men who understood the urgency of protecting individuals from the majesty of kings. But there are no sacred laws protecting a community from the treachery of lawyer politicians who reshape the law itself. Real-time patriots must forever stand watch ....mark time -- Amidst all the treason that has battered our republic, there are still some traditional values not to be over-turned. Cohesion and trust transcend class differences; this unity can only be achieved by sharing wealth and power. This division of resources, combined with respect for the rewards of honest labor, constitute the timeless social contract upon which a just and stable society is balanced.

Primitive instincts can evolve into genius -- if we don't convert them into the clean finished products of sterile institutions. It is exactly this primitive freedom which makes ideas both powerful and dangerous. Making thought harmless is like neutering animals; the creatures are more manageable, but their vitality is lost. They just aren't the same anymore. Making mystical ideas "safe" destroys them. Without revolutionary themes such as collective racial identity, this work would be nothing but another metaphysical abstraction. Recognizing the sexual Nature of mystical racism is the quality of masculinity that makes these ideas stimulating, and it is expressly this kind of intelligent White masculinity that is under such remorseless assault by the Jews. What is most desperately called for is that we have the mettle to be men. But our understanding of masculinity must mature. We are about to discover that instinct need not be synonymous with corporal offensives.

The Soviet Union and its cold-war-Gulags were not forged by a Russian plebeian communist proletarian army of bureaucrats; they were master-minded by people such as: Marx, Trotsky, Rothschild, Bohr, Einstein, Oppenheimer, Bohm, Armand Hammar, Robert Maxwell, and their clones.....along with local comrades Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin and a cast of executioners. To effectively counter the latest twist on their oldest front, we must discover the secret of this cabal. Think of them as occupying the top of a hill, from where they hold a panoramic view of all that is around-them, and from where they rule the world below. The only way to shift their center of gravity is to climb that hill and fight them on their own ground ...until the Earth moves beneath our feet. We must enter their space, invade their temple, going even into the forbidden "Holy of Holies" ...where an unfathomable mystery is as plain as day. We must unmask the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob ...as the holy mind of genius. This is what is most sacred to them, and the eternal spring from which their watch turns. But if we do not even know what genius is, we would merely enter an empty room -- barbarians unable to behold that which is not visible to the rational "eye". Atheists such as Feynman and Weinberg may discredit mysticism publicly, not acknowledging to the "gentiles" the holy collective mind of "the people Israel". Among the politically correct, genius is no more real than God because it is just a secular way of describing revelation. "In part, scientists avoided the word because they did not believe in the concept. In part, the same scientists avoided it because they believed all too well, like Jews afraid to speak the name of Yahweh."140 This is an uncommonly forthright insight into the silence of masters. It is very easy to mistake mystical emptiness for the nothingness of sophomoric materialistic disbelief. Feynman and Weinberg should be seen in terms of this Jewish mystical atheism, which refuses to even conceptualize God....which is consistent with the "no-self"...."no God" spirituality of Buddhism. However, I don't mean to suggest these scientists are hallowed by a long shot. There are hard headed reasons for denying both the reality of God and genius. The free discussion of extraordinary intuition is forbidden in today's "improved" democratic societies, where equality is a sacred law that all must respect ...excluding of course....

Talk of genius is too close to the ideas of nazism, which claimed the intellectual superiority of the Aryan race. There must be a genetic component to genius, just as there is for any talent.... such as the ability of draw; however, democracy demands non-genetic explanations for great ability, as was the official dogma in the Soviet Union; or better yet, denies genius all together. It is important to understand that this book is not saying that "genetics is everything", however racist the perspective of the author may appear to be. While genetics may be prerequisite for creativity, it is by no means certain that high IQ is the most valuable quality in that hereditary mix ...nor is it likely that heredity in itself is sufficient for genius. While it may be the case that talent has a genetic component, "...What is notable, however, is that extremely superior talents are not repeated across generations."141 Other relations may demonstrate talent, but not comparable to that found in the member who is exceptionally creative. It seems that persons with special abilities have not worked harder than other members of their family who share much the same environment and genetic ability, yet lack special talents. While an enriched cultural environment may foster creativity, hard work does not create special talent.142 This is similar to the traditional theological argument that man is saved not by his own good works but only by God's grace. There is something mysterious that happens which distinguishes two equally endowed people, resulting in one developing into genius where the other does not. So what is this act of God which calls one to the service of revelation? We have seen that there is a connection between mental illness and creativity. It appears that early on, the normal maturation of the individual is arrested, perhaps by illness or trauma. The result of this experience is most peculiar. A person of perhaps slightly above average intelligence finds himself struggling to keep up with his equals...and failing to do so. But he stubbornly persists unaware of his own potential. His life is like a roller coaster, a wave of creative excitement and maddening depression. Given this instability, it is understandable that such a human being doesn't fit well into a society designed for even-tempered normal folks. What results is a contradiction: the low IQ genius! Ludwig lists several creative people who failed academically, including: Steven Crane, John Lennon, Paul Gauguin, Leo Tolstoy, Frank Lloyd Wright, Pablo Picasso, Henri Matiss, Eugene O'Neill, and George Orwell. "In general, artistic types were most likely to get poor or below average grades."143 Academic achievement and creativity are very different activities and success in one has little to do with success in the other. This phenomenon appears to apply not only to the local geniuses of our time, but to the big guns of history as well. According to Ehrenwald, it was the right hemisphere of Beethoven's brain that was the source of his creative genius, while it was the developmental immaturity of the left which accounted for his weakness in academic skills. Even though less gifted, his left hemisphere was critically important in the organization and transcribing of the music created in the right hemisphere.144 "In short, Leonardo would have received poor marks in the three R's from a schoolmaster of our day. It will be recalled that in this respect his shortcomings resemble those of Ludwig van Beethoven described in an earlier chapter or of Einstein whose occasional trivial errors in calculation had been a source of much merriment among his admirers."145 Ehrenwald quotes Santillana who describes Leonardo's spelling as " ...that of a servant girl or the recruit...".146 Leonardo acknowledged that he was "unlettered" by comparison with the gentlemen of his day. You may recall Shakespeare�s acknowledged ineptitude regarding Latin and Greek.

What is even more extraordinary is that the remarkable creations of genius are as often as not amazingly unsophisticated. You have certainly heard of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto, but have you ever read it? It is little more than a pamphlet which any literate high school graduate could understand. Imagine another revolutionary work of equal simplicity within the field of physics: "Einstein's special relativity paper is written with disarming simplicity and directness. There is little scholarly paraphernalia -- no citation of the literature, only one acknowledgement (to his friend Besso), no debate with other experts who had been toying with ideas of relativity."147 This is not a minor point; his extraordinary paper did not meet the standard of scientific form and sophistication required by the scientific journals of his time. You see Einstein was working as a patent clerk, instead of as physicist at a university, for a very practical reason: he was not a very good student! Einstein "...failed the entrance examination in another institution in Switzerland and had to return to the classroom. He failed to obtain an assistantship at the Zurich Polytechnic Institute."148 Because of his repeated difficulties obtaining a teaching position in physics, he resorted to working in the Swiss patent office. That job was obtained primarily through the help of a family friend. Initial efforts to publish a paper on relativity failed. Up to his mid twenties, Einstein had made few achievements society could recognize. "What is to account for such an inauspicious start for one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century? Here, again, the conjecture of a relative developmental lag of the left cerebral hemisphere is strongly suggestive."149 Genius is about a struggling immaturity, and not efficiency in structured institutional employment, nor is genius to be confused with what academic institutions measure as high IQ.

While technical skill makes society work, this functionalist approach may not be the wisest course for the future of a civilization determined to be free. In an age of super computers, it is foolish to emphasize the kind of technical expertise high IQ measures because ordinary people can readily make use of computerized technology to enhance their own meager calculating and mechanical talents. Being-a-walking-computer now-a-daze is no big deal. With the help of the right model, anyone can beat the world chess champion. It is evident that raw intellectual power is not the great social asset it used to be. Creativity is the type of enterprise which human beings excel at because it originates in the energy of sexual passion .... something computers lack. A fundamental intelligence is necessary for creative genius, but what is easily as important is motivation. A persistent person, who feels driven by a cause, can often outperform many others who have considerably higher IQs.150 "Undoubtedly the most important qualities of genius are high intelligence and a special aptitude (the latter may override the former, as in the case of Turner, who was almost illiterate). But modern studies have indicated that other qualities --- persistence, adventurousness, intellectual courage -- are also characteristic of creative people."151 Solzhenitsyn recognized an absence of courage among educated people in the West, and warned of our vulnerability to the same despotism which overtook the Russian middle class. People with high IQs, but failing in courage, are likely to support rather than resist an oppressive order ...to chose affluence over the risks of rebellion. But genius is generally not that way; it is fanatical. This book would never have been written without the motivating influence of racism and anti-Semitism. The genius is not merely an industrious worker or a very shrewd operator; he is obsessed, driven by a revelation that commands his life, compelling him to carry out some foreordained mission. Psychological tests are more likely to register mental illness rather than high intelligence -- but the problem is with the manipulative mechanistic tests, and not human Nature. "The most remarkable people -- the truly great --- are not simply celebrities, champions, gold medalists, highly successful professionals, or winners of important prizes. ...They are one-of-a-kinds.."152 Genius restores sacred value to human Being through the originality of an extraordinarily unique perspective on everything.

What made Einstein's 1905 special relativity paper On the Electrodynamics of moving bodies so revolutionary, and difficult for his contemporaries to grasp, was not its intellectual complexity, but the originality of how he saw everything. Understanding Einstein was not a question of logic and reason; they were the problem. It was the failure of classical intelligence to measure up to the imagination and intuition of science-fiction become reality.... and later: four dimensional geometry become the space-time of the new physics. Eugene Wigner, one of the Manhattan Project's "Hungarian conspiracy", wrote concerning " 'The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics' " in anticipating forms needed by physicists to express theories about the physical world. It was the miracle of Riemannian and Gaussian four dimensional geometry that made Einstein's General Theory of Relativity possible. Physicists, for their part, often rely upon an aesthetic sixth sense when evaluating physical theories, "... sometimes in the teeth of contrary experimental evidence...".153 "What others might have been willing to accept only if demonstrated through experiments, Einstein instead took as his starting premise and simply reasoned therefrom."154 You can understand that Einstein did not do science according to the rules most scientists follow. Whether by chance, design or the package deal of both, genius makes an art of science.

Genius has to do with imagination .....being able to feel ideas, whether they are musical, technical, artistic, literary, athletic, military or what ever. Genius is as much an issue of freedom ...choosing to be consumed by a mania -- a fantasy ...as it is a matter of intelligence. Both are necessary, but not necessarily in equal measure. There have been those rare individuals in history, such as Plato, who were gifted with both high IQ and extraordinary creative instinct, but I would suggest we could account for all of them using simply our fingers and toes.... and neither Einstein nor Bohr would make the cut. Our concern is with collective genius, with the scientific and cultural renaissance which we can create together. The solution to this world's problems is not up to any Savior, but to our own collective Spirit..... our complementary Nature.

What we know of complementarity, as well as this low IQ genius phenomenon, should at least lead us to be cautious of those who would argue that women are simply not as capable of genius as men for biological reasons. There are notably more men than women exhibiting special talents. This difference has been accounted for in terms of the lower social status and restricted opportunities of women in society, but Lynn Waterhouse suggests there may be a biological explanation. She argues that "...there may be more biological opportunity in male variability, allowing more males than females to develop special abilities."155 From the quantum perspective of Zohar�s "package deal", it is inevitable that the entangled emotions of men and women contain far more potential than the current level of civilization knows how to deal with. I know what I am talking about ...a person whom society has found little use for, an all to common oddity and nothing more. I know what it means to be under-estimated ....under valued -- not taken seriously ....not to be a Jew! If you have doubts about the capability of women for creative genius, acquaint yourself with Gone With The Wind. Hard as it may be to believe, a story of this power and pathos, and one of the greatest novels of all time, was written by a White woman some may consider racist..... Margaret Mitchell of the once great Confederate State of Georgia. While you are at it, you might study Elizabethan England. I understand a daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, named Elizabeth, can claim some credit for ruling England during its golden age of greatness -- she was arguably the finest ruler in England's long history; sadly, she was also one of the most ruthless. Recall the critical influence of Marie Curie and Lise Meitner in the development of nuclear physics. It is not my intent to patronize "Little Women", but to call on women to embrace the hardness of masculine reason without losing Nature's feminine touch. In a complementary fashion, men need to become more sensitive without becoming effeminate. Eventually you will figure out how creativity works: the interaction of the brain's left and right hemispheres, Cusa's complementarity of science and spirituality .....Jung's reconciliation of opposites: the mind-bending discovering that the opposite of a great truth is another great truth .......that superficial inconsistencies are a pale reflection of the incomparable contradictions that are the concealed passion of an intelligence that has transcended all known means of expression.

The Jews are full of mystical contradictions. You have certainly got the message that they are ruthless, but have you noticed the sensitivity at the heart of their creative genius? Bohm and Peat comment that Einstein was not insensitive to mathematical beauty, particularly during his younger and more creative years. But what proved most important to his original thinking were "...unspecifiable feelings and a succession of images out of which more detailed concepts eventually emerged."156 These feelings are initially very mixed up, chaotic. The creative process is a matter of untangling these emotionally charged knots. What is hard to endure is that these intuitions are haunting variations on a melody playing itself out like some lost-love song. One keeps humming a tune; the more you sing it, the more sensitive you become to the evolution of your own human energy. Others may pick-up this strain which is in the air, for they too can "catch it", and in some Platonic fashion even anticipate its inevitable direction. "A powerful clustering tendency seems to be at work in all fields, which brings talented people together, not only after they are famous but often long before."157 This symphonic arrangement is what Ludwig refers to as a "powerful 'organizing principle' "158 which seems present within our common environment, shaping us both individually and collectively.... suggesting that genius arises out of a context and not merely in the head of an isolated individual ......attracting us to one-another, just as love and sex do. There are essential sensitivities we must experience collectively, but which cannot be properly expressed in an all male context. There is a complementary quality to this symphony of souls, meaning that living organizations must be composed of both males and females --- if they are not, then the uncanny intimacy of our collective potential either shuts down or expresses itself as perversion. If we have the desire to release the intensity of shared passion --- this collective genius of ours, than we have to accept the heterosexual nature of power.... to reconcile ourselves to the stirring effect the sexes have on one another in every aspect of the body/mind.

Genius is dangerous in the same sense that one single flame has the potential of kindling a fuse ...enlightening the down-trodden steps of those falling under-foot. But what exactly is this over-charged live wire? It is not the high voltage metallic hue and cry, nor is it the cheap scent of mawkish hits. There is a rare quality in voices touched by the awareness of shared pain, which lightens the common Soul of the oppressed ....elevating them to the dignity of their own heart-felt intelligence. The totalitarian State broadcasts jamming signals to flood us with feelings of fear and greed. Our exposure today arises from the corruption and cowardice of the middle class ...mistaking indoctrination for understanding, or even righteousness -- willingly substituting affluence for freedom ...Too busy raking in Greenspan greenbucks from an unending boom ..to resist the consequent loss of freedom resultant from the indignity of an interminable presidential election. They have too much to lose; and we, nothing to gain. It would be foolish to assume "winners" want to save North America and Europe. It's just too profitable for them to keep going one-world, what-ever it costs us. They have accepted the bait of internationalists who have designed stock market profits and prosperity as a mechanism for destroying national cohesion. Revolutionaries turn therefore to the dispossessed, those who have fallen through the cracks, and to those stubborn folk of the down-sized and under-employed classes who dare challenge the beguiling high IQ profiteers systematically eroding this Land of our birth. It is in the anguish of the betrayed and traumatized that the potential for genuine struggle to genius lives. A century ago, creativity's mark was the liberation of repressed sexuality. In our media fantasy-world, sexuality is "used" ..to exploit all of us. Those instincts now repressed and under wraps are the racial forces of attraction and repulsion ...which are ultimately sexual. Consequently, in order to draw on the instinctual energy essential for real innovation, it is necessary to break the most fearful of taboos ...commit the most sacrilegious of sins -- expose the dogma that has commanded us to turn a blind eye to the secret of our own potential: genius concealed within the common man! This is the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil which slaves ..can not know -- Nature�s gamble: double or nothing odds on us ...discovering the quantum-relativistic-revelation of "everything". Those choosing to side with the certainties of the established order default to the wages of their own fear ...unaware of the State of enforced ignorance to which they bend their knees. But the high and heavy rollers using State-of-the-art fire-power to shake us down are "wise-guys". "Liberation", affluence, and protection for the Party of changing colors have been bought and sold-out at the cost of our liberty. Those choosing and chosen to stand against us must be compelled to understand this fact, and forced to recognize that we will not be slaves in our own Land for the sake of their rank celebrations. Only the separation of the races can allow all of us the potential for freedom which racial solidarity alone can make a reality. Reasoned intellect cannot break through the apprehension and bail-outs destroying our stock in America and Europe, but the emotional cohesion generated by the contagious collective voice of genius can.

To speak of 90% of the brain's potential not being utilized is similar to a celibate priest of the Middle Ages suspecting that there is some mysterious potential associated with sexuality which woman has not yet uncovered. Nature repeats primitive patterns as evolution advances. The brain is more like the male sex organ than a computer. To "expand consciousness", the brain must become excited by hormones, and these are released in passionate response to the creative sounds and images of beauty to which we are exposed. Creativity is the discipline by which a human being learns how to stimulate the brain, and this is a very addictive kind of excitement ... similar perhaps to the "natural high" many marathon runners report keeps them going. The implications of a society hooked on Nature's own creative beauty are nothing short of miraculous: renaissance. The catch is that only free people have the courage to feel the intensity of energy needed for the hardness of their own natural genius to stand out. This is why it is mandatory to lay open that which is concealed by totalitarian repression. Seeing the secrets of one's world unveiled is about as disturbing and compelling as the beauty of a naked Greek goddess would have been to that sexually repressed priest of the Middle Ages.

Some kind of intuitive art and science is developed by a human Being who is able to modify the way in which the brain works. This activity is not dependent on an especially high IQ, but rather on a facility for sensing the logic of how others feel. Instead of thinking of the self-conscious individual controlling the brain, we would be far closer to what we are by tuning in to kindness amidst the tribulation that has befallen us. But this is the strain of an unspoken and still enchained melody. Feeling becomes more central as we focus on collective mind, for feeling is the force that holds people together or drives them apart. We are tuned to the same channels through common emotions. The world State preaches an unnatural gospel of forced love. But different racial groups are in tune with their own instinctive channels of communication. There is indeed a common channel we share with all beings, but the broader the band-width of the channel, the less intense, precise, compressed and compacted it is -- the less conscious it is. Our instinct is to maximize awareness not minimize it. It is critical to understand that the self-conscious mind Eccles idealizes cannot be placed "back in the driver's seat" .. controlling "the whole world" as the Jews have done. It is essential to respond to a more refined awareness, re-act to dimensions of pain and exultation --- to keep in step with the beat of the eternal rhythms of our own collective reveries. This is some kind of order, something like "control", but it is not a function under the command of any self-conscious high IQ programmed intellect; that programming of the mind is now only a weak remnant of the towering authority it once was. A new organizing principle other-than self-consciousness guides our intuitive steps along a plane traversing past and future memories.

The brain needs to be part of a network, but not as a mechanical machine. The human brain is different than a computer in that it deals with limitless quantities of information by converting all that maddening stuff into pure quantum energy, and expressing it in the form of beauty, which has a feeling component as well as slightly ambiguous information content. People want very much the intellectual power that emanates from the newest, most sophisticated TV, car, or other high-tech instrument. Yet our calling is not to become robots, but rather performing artists who intuitively play the collective mind with Soul. You see, feeling is what the brain does best. Feeling, like music, is a common language understood by man and beast alike --- by collective bodies. The music of one human voice can be felt by millions of soul-mates in a timeless moment touching memories of generations joined together by their common convictions ...a collective identity born out of time -- the shared affections radiating from the Platonic beauty of enduring thoughtfulness.

The emotional weakness of philosophy is the impersonal aspect of the Creator so often portrayed ...if such Being is appealed to at all. A human being needs to have a sense of innate contact with the context, the source out of which he arises. But how does a person know the boundless forces of Nature in a manner that is not just belief or an intellectual model? The religious yearning is to really encounter Supreme Being. Our mistake is seeking to know the Creator as an object. But awareness is something shared by fulfilling the creative will of one�s own Nature. While losing one self in the simplicity of a solitary flower blossoming on the frontiers of Creation, one ought not fail to also notice expansive fields of kindred flowers in the back-ground ...arrayed in the radiance of their collective glory -- stretching beyond the visible horizon. Polarity points in the direction of the alternating or shifting quality of energy, like the reversible nature of magnetic fields. One sees two shifting images, but it is the space between the images through which mind turns into the field of collective awareness ....a reversible passageway shifting back and forth -- the opening and closing of both collective consciousness and individual awareness. This digital duality is an exchange of alternating potentialities that includes a future in which there is space for all of us to survive. There is not one correct final solution -- nor two, because complementarity is not any number of things. It is an illusion the brain creates when confronted with multiple dimensionality ...a chaos of which human mentality must make some kind of representation. The expectation that a logical structure, much like a rigid law, can unambiguously contain a theory of everything is na�ve, if not down-right deceptive. The local perspective of the self-conscious observer is at odds with everything. But Creation is also non-local, concealing as well as revealing ...a collective energy field of intelligence, not simply the flickering quantum of some local self-consciousness. We seek both this quantum expansiveness as well as relativistic cohesiveness in our collective identity. Non-locality suggests that wave-particle entities are not isolated things, but rather plugged into a network.... a field; and consequently, the whole is potentially present in each work-station of awareness. We are easily deceived in our efforts to examine "one" photon because the nature of what it is ...is collective. It is like trying to figure out what a human being is by looking only at the male or female member of this pairing ..separately. Which ever it is, wave or particle, always implies not only the other -- but others, a whole field ...the context in which it is the whole. Because we ask the wrong kinds of questions, we end up with peculiar ideas about multiple universes and cats that are both dead and alive. Our confusion arises from seeing one isolated photon and failing to notice the whole field surging through it.

The fundamental paradox is this: how can it be that one can have a clear sense of wholeness without knowing all the facts? How can you find completeness from that which is incomplete, perfection from that which is imperfect, relativistic order from quantum chaos? The whole includes within itself that which it is not. Not simply its opposite, but its negation -- it is that which does not yet exist. The whole includes its own potentiality; that is the lesson of quantum mechanics, and the mystery which we must learn to express through the forms of our creative work ...as beauty -- for in doing this, we shall have overcome the split between consciousness and the "external world"! Beauty is the middle-ground between Heaven and Earth -- the manifestation of instinctive feeling within this realm of the physical, the collective within the individual ....the infinite worth and uniqueness of human consciousness within a sea of unconscious passions. By restructuring language, it is possible to disclose the inconceivable through forms so beautiful they appear ordinary --- expressing the rapture yesterday's tongues could not utter ...in sensible words. Boosting vitality ..enhances rather than diminishes comprehension. Consider an added energy ...much like the imaginary half of a complex number, a quantum unreality Durkheim labeled sacredness -- but which we choose to make a collective-cohesive-reality in the form of Beauty ....as a quantum-relativistic vision of context: a multi-dimensional in-depth perspective which science itself must embrace if the rift between the old physics and the new is to be healed. The measure of this whole-sum originality is that it opens everything up ...into brilliant revelation ....into the collective genius of Renaissance!

Genius is the process of becoming and not something which already exists --- that's why such thoughtfulness seems so abstract, so impossible to comprehend ....so dangerous. It is something fluid within the brain, and not found in a fixed cranial architecture. In many respects, high IQ fosters stability, even rigidity.. and not change. Being short-changed is a losing hand. It is becoming increasingly evident that there is far greater advantage to Being-creative than being-a-programmed-intelligence. The "... genius, under favorable circumstances, is capable of transcending his genetic or cultural programming and early childhood conditioning."159 The genius makes effective use of his native talent and simultaneously rebels against the role he is expected to play. He is able to fulfill his innate potential by overcoming deterministic limitations which seem insurmountable. Ludwig mentions that some animals, such as rogue elephants, are "born mavericks". Pavlov discovered that some dogs could not be trained by classical conditioning. There seems to be a "streak of wildness" which cannot be removed from them. "In a related manner, it may be the case that many of those who achieve true greatness have a feral outlook in their work, which resists attempts at domestication and social programming. While this wild streak may have irrational roots, it is not necessarily misguided. What distinguishes these individuals from others is that they do not simply rebel. These are not people who just see that the emperor has no clothes; they offer their own brand of attire for him to wear."160 They turn to Nature....their own Nature ---- when faith has been lost in popes and presidents. A society can have promise ...sharing a collective will which is based on an instinctive attraction like-minded folk feel for one-another, and that bias can be refined into the intuitive intelligence of creativity. The source of genius, as Durkheim would be obliged to agree, is the mystery of our own collective Nature, just as the gene pool is the fountainhead of a human being's biological composition. It is individuality which collapses in mental breakdown, and the collective mind of one�s own clan that rises from these ruins of self-conscious isolation. This is the way in which the Organizing Principle of Nature contacts us, through our collective genius! As quantum theorists like Neils Bohr and song writers like Leonard Cohen have known full well, "mind itself is magic"....Collective Mind is a Revelation ....the illumination of this world by the complementary light of Platonic reflection. "When people manifest this degree of originality or inspiration, it is little wonder that some attribute almost divine powers to them. People who break out of traditional thought patterns and ways of interpreting reality achieve what should be impossible."161 What is most interesting is to note the "epidemics" of genius which have occurred throughout history, particularly in ancient Greece, Renaissance Europe, and I would add modern scientific societies, particularly among Jews like David Bohm who sought the secret of collective consciousness. What this flourishing of creativity shows is that living genius "... can become contagious"... it can spread to contemporaries and inspire "...generations to come. Thus genius is poised at the growing edge of civilization. Where he goes, his generation and succeeding generations are likely to go. This is why the genius is both the most precious and potentially the most dangerous representative of our species as illustrated by Christ and Anti-Christ, by Jesus and Adolf Hitler..."162 Many pages ago we pondered the reason the Jews so feared Hitler; now we see clearly why -- They apprehend the contagious quality of genius. They know and dread the potentialities and probabilities concealed within the immaturity of ordinary folk, living in extraordinary times. The battle is over your right as a human being to fulfill your own feelings, for they are the source of immense human promise. Uneasy dreamers of Anti-Christs and tempting serpents call out to be awakened. The difference between us is not a matter of intelligence; it is about the infinite distance that separates free men from slaves. How do totalitarian systems function? The basic premise is that "The People" are expendable, interchangeable, standard, equal --- that all are just parts of a machine with no innate individual value. It is called materialism. What I have tried to convey earlier is that Blacks who side with the Jews may find materialistic rewards and Party favors, but they will never find freedom in the shadow of any master. Only by taking charge of their own destiny, can Africans come to know the possibilities of genius that they alone can care enough to liberate in each other.

We live in a world where there are no final solutions, short of the total destruction of life on this planet. We cannot eliminate every people that challenge us, whether they be Jews, Chinese or those of mixed race who have no identity at all. However, the Jews are an enemy like no others we have faced; they have successfully invaded not only our territories, but taken command of our societies and occupied our souls, subjugating us with the "idealism" of their Christian Socialism. We must drive them out of our hearts. They must understand that we are done worshipping them, that as long as they are Jews they have no place among us... that neither Europe nor North America are their "promised land". Our hostility to the Jews is based upon what they have done and intend to do, not upon their genetic composition. We must not pervert science by creating politically motivated doctrines "proving" the inferiority of the Jews. The fact is undeniable: they are not inferior to us; if they were, they would not be our wealthy oppressors, and we would not be praying in our Christian hearts to a Jewish God. I believe that if the Jews are willing to abandon one another and join us by intermarrying en mass with the struggling lower middle class of Russia, that we can solve our differences. Let the Jews enrich our gene pool, and rebuild the people and the environment they destroyed. This is a way in which the Jews can make retribution for the harm they have done our race. Such action makes more sense than tearing out their hearts, although I can understand why many may want to. ....and that too can be done through the merciless eternal beauty of poetry. Those Jews not chosen by our people to join us could "flee" to Israel, where no "foreign aid" would be forth coming from any White nation. I am not optimistic such a modest proposal is likely to materialize, but it sure beats the hell out of nuclear holocaust. Who knows, perhaps we can find humane ways of treating wounds that will not heal, while also evading Armageddon. In the event you have failed to notice, these ideas are not consistent with nazism, Christianity, or democracy. We must find a new inspiration to solve age-old problems which favor re-runs of the past in place of an authentic future. It is not enough to idealize Hitler and resurrect the ruined policies of the Third Reich. It is not my intent to "fight" nazism, or to recommend that the Jews be awarded the justice they so richly deserve; but rather to search out inspiration among the still smoldering ashes of Dresden and Berlin.... to listen for the faint cries of those little voices frozen in time by flames of injustice, to cradle them in my soul so life might still have meaning. Our objective is not to attack the Jews, but neither is it our mission to defend those who persist in preying upon unborn angels who hauntingly sing to us from eternity. Revisionist history can take us only so far; finally we must create our children a real future for they cannot relive the 1930's. It is the brain's capacity to re-program itself, to break-down.... and out of the chaos of human suffering create an intelligence with Soul, which enables a people to outlast the horrors that traumatize collective memory.

It is my belief that genius may be triggered by some kind of traumatic experience in childhood or early adolescence which is sufficient to destabilize normal development, but not severe enough to produce devastating psychosis -- a borderline state of arrested emotional and mental development. Such a trauma would be the antithesis of what we understand mystical experience to be; the child would experience the world closing in and becoming fearfully dark. The devastation of a firebombed city like Dresden is only the external manifestation of the shadow, the horror that has befallen a people, many of whom never recover from the shell-shock of this hellish Hollywood hit ....premiering in one�s own hometown theater of war. Genius is that flower which blossoms decades later in the midst of still hallowed rubble, bringing hope like holy water to the bombed out souls whose lives remain torn open like the unhealed ruins of East Berlin half a century after the war. Bohm spent much of his life searching for the secret of contagious genius. What he failed to understand is that such experience must be greater than the intellectual mysticism of some eccentric holy guru. Just as genius has its origins in an emotionally torn mind, so also does the collective consciousness of a people. They share a common sorrow; but the contagious grief of their endured mental and physical agony does not vanquish them. From among their numbers, some creative souls fall by chance instinct upon Nature's hidden mercy: genius. Because of a people's shared vulnerability, they too are sensitive to this saving non-local grace, which unfolds in a revelation softer than the sheltering wings of guardian angels, and no less overwhelming than the bombshell that blinded them.

Chaos Theory: gravity bends of spiraling space-time

                                   END NOTES

61.Penrose, The Emperor�s New Mind , pp.418-19

62.Penrose, The Emperor�s New Mind , p.419

63.Penrose, The Emperor�s New Mind , pp.419

64.Penrose, The Emperor�s New Mind , p.421

65.Penrose, The Emperor�s New Mind , p.421

66.Penrose, The Emperor�s New Mind , p.421

67.Penrose, The Emperor�s New Mind , pp.422-423

68.Waterhouse, Lynn, Speculation on the Neuroanatomical Substrate of Special Talents in the book The Exceptional Brain: Neuropsychology of Talent and Special Abilities (Loraine K.Obler, Deborah Fein, Eds.) � 1988 Guilford Press, New York, p.500

69.Gardner, Creating Minds , p.130

70.Ludwig, The Price of Greatness, p.114

71.Ludwig, p.178

72.Ludwig, p.167

73.Monroe, Russell R., Creative Brainstorms: The Relationship Between Madness and Genius � 1992 Irvington Pub., New York, p.231

74.Dali, Salvador, The Secret Life of Salvador Dali � 1986 English edition, DASA Edicions, S.A. (original Spanish edition 1942) Spain, pp. 221-2 ; compare with: Parinaud, Andre (Translated from the French by Harold J. Salemson), The Unspeakable Confessions of Salvador Dali (as told by Andre Parinaud) � 1973,1976, 1981 Quill, New York, pp.87-8

75.Ludwig, The Price of Greatness, p.127

76.Dali, The Secret Life Of Salvador Dali , p.369

77.Ludwig, The Price of Greatness, pp.122

78.Ludwig, pp.122-3

79.Ludwig, pp.123

80.Waterhouse, Speculation on the Neuroanatomical Substrate of Special Talents in the book The Exceptional Brain: Neuropsychology of Talent and Special Abilities (Loraine K. Obler, Deborah Fein, Eds.), p.508

81.Waterhouse, p.510

82.Gleick, Genius: Richard Feynman and Modern Physics , p. 323

83.Ibid. , p.323

84.Ludwig, The Price of Greatness, p.181

85.Ludwig, p.178

86.Ludwig, p.77

87.Ludwig, p.182

88.Ludwig, p.5

89.Ludwig, p.19

90.Ludwig, p.19

91.Ludwig, pp.22-3

92.Ludwig, p.148

93.Ludwig, p.132

94.Ludwig, p.3

95.Ehrenwald, Anatomy of Genius , p.129

96.Ehrenwald, p.129

97.CNN --Internet , The Different Sides of Einstein, Nov. 25, 1996

98.Gardner, Creating Minds , p.122

99.Hare, Edward, Creativity and mental illness, British Medical Journal, Volume 295 19-26 December 1987, p.1587

100.Post, Felix, Creativity and Psychopathology: A Study of 291 World-Famous Men � 1994, British Journal of Psychiatry (1994, 165, 22-34), p.33

101.Rhodes, Richard, The Making of the Atomic Bomb 1988 Simon & Schuster, New York, p.125

102.Gleick, Genius: Richard Feynman and Modern Physics , p.225

103.Rhodes, The Making of the Atomic Bomb , p.151

104.Ehrenwald, Anatomy of Genius , p.123

105.Lombroso, Cesare, The Man of Genius � 1910 London, p.361

106.Gleick, Genius: Richard Feynman and Modern Physics , p.313

107.Gleick, Genius: Richard Feynman and Modern Physics , pp.317-8

108.Hare, Creativity and mental illness, p.1588

109.Hare, Creativity and mental illness, p.1588

110.Backman, Ulla et. al., Renal Stones: Etiology, Management, Treatment � 1984 Almqvist, Wiksell International, Stockholm, p.98

111.Ehrenwald, Anatomy of Genius , p.52

112.Hare, Creativity and mental illness, p.1589

113.Hare, p.1589

114.Hare, p. 1588

115.Hare, p.1589

116.Ehrenwald, Anatomy of Genius , p.53

117.Ehrenwald, Anatomy of Genius , p.245

118.Ludwig, The Price of Greatness, p.188

119.Monroe, Creative Brainstorms , pp. 2-3

120.Monroe, p. 268

121.Monroe, p. 268

122.Connor, 'God spot' is found in brain , Nov. 2 1997 � Sunday Times, Britain,

123.Hotz , Brain region may be linked to religion , Oct. 29, 1997 � Seattle Times

124.Ludwig, p.190

125.Gleick, Genius: Richard Feynman and Modern Physics , p.326

126.Hare, Creativity and mental illness, p.1589.

127.Ludwig, The Price of Greatness, p.189

128.Herbert, Nick, Quantum Reality: Beyond the New Physics � 1985 Anchor Books, New York , p.126

129.Gleick, James, Chaos: Making a New Science � 1987 William Heinemann Ltd. London, p.314

         130.Gleick, Chaos, p.102

131.Zohar, The Quantum Self , p.9

132.Zohar, The Quantum Self , p.11

133.Zohar, p.11

134.Zohar, p.9

135.Zohar, pp.9-10

136.Oxford Univ. Press and Cambridge Univ. Press, The New English Bible with Apocrypha � 1961 and 1970 Oxford Univ. Press and Cambridge Univ. Press Psalm 137, p.735

137.Jewish Defense League

138.Rockwell, George Lincoln, White Power , no copyright, no publisher indicated, first edition 1967, later editions in 977 and 1983, pp. 291-292

139.Dobratz, Betty A. and Stephanie L. Shanks-Meile, White Power, White Pride! The White Separatist Movement in the United States, (Simon &Shuster MacMillan, Prentice Hall)Twayne Pubishers � 1997, New York, pp.57-58

140.Gleick, James, Genius: Richard Feynman and Modern Physics � 1992 Little, Brown and Company (UK) Limited, London, p.322

141.Waterhouse, Lynn, Speculation on the Neuroanatomical Substrate of Special Talents in the book The Exceptional Brain: Neuropsychology of Talent and Special Abilities (Loraine K. Obler, Deborah Fein, Eds.) � 1988 Guilford Press, New York, p.504

142.Waterhouse,Speculation on the Neuroanatomical Substrate of Special Talents, p.508

143.Ludwig, Arnold M., The Price of Greatness: Resolving the Creativity and Madness Controversy � 1995 The Guilford Press, New York, p.52

144.Ehrenwald, Jan, foreword by Jules H. Masserman, Anatomy of Genius � 1984 Human Sciences Press, Inc, New York, p.34

145.Ehrenwald, Anatomy of Genius , p.57

146.Ehrenwald, Anatomy of Genius , p.57

147.Gardner, Howard, Creating Minds:An Anatomy of Creativity Seen Through the Lives of Freud, Einstein, Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, Graham, and Gandhi � 1993 Basic Books (Harper Collins Publishers) New York, p.109

148.Ehrenwald, Anatomy of Genius , p.118

149.Ehrenwald, Anatomy of Genius , pp.118-19

150.Ludwig, The Price of Greatness: Resolving the Creativity and Madness Controversy , p.60

151.Hare, Edward, Creativity and mental illness, British Medical Journal, Volume 295 19-26 December 1987, pp.1587-1589

152.Ludwig, The Price of Greatness: Resolving the Creativity and Madness Controversy , p.176

153.Weinberg, Dreams of a Final Theory, p.125

154.Gardner, Howard, Creating Minds:An Anatomy of Creativity Seen Through the Lives of Freud, Einstein, Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, Graham, and Gandhi � 1993 Basic Books (Harper Collins Publishers) New York, pp. 112-13

155.Waterhouse,Speculation on the Neuroanatomical Substrate of Special Talents, p.504

156.Bohm, David and F. David Peat, Science, Order and Creativity � 1987 Bantam Books, New York, p.7

157.Ludwig, The Price of Greatness: Resolving the Creativity and Madness Controversy , p.61

158.Ludwig, p.58

159.Ehrenwald, Anatomy of Genius , pp.261

160.Ludwig, p.186

161.Ludwig, p.110

162.Ehrenwald, pp.261-62