Fox News Bill O�Reilly Sean Hannity Savage Double Talk Radio with Their Forked Tongue Tales of Islamofascism in Eurabia

If you wish to understand this book, you should see it whole � and the place to start is the homepage: Heaven-Words � copyright 2005 WEBb1910473801 (All rights reserved by the author) You may view any or all chapters of this very long book simply by clicking on the links below.

Keys To Heaven-Words: The Art And Science Of Revolution

Gordon Press-ing realities in a surreal world

Cold War origins of totalitarianism in North America and Western Europe

Rise and fall of Roman Catholic Church: revisionist history

Salvador Dali portrays two-timing artists of today: from religious to ideological war with Jewish genius

Quantum theory made easy:  an introduction to the new physics

From String Theory To A Final Theory: Back To The Origins of Nuclear Weapons

Creators of the atomic bomb: debasing nuclear power into a totalitarian order in the new world

Quantum brain theory: splitting classical-physical reality..from the inside-out

Breakdown of madness dawns on genius of collective consciousness

Chaos Theory: gravity bends of spiraling space-time

Emile Durkheim: sacred symbols conceal unholy conviction: believers-in-themselves are sacred..chosen people

Totalitarian science of quantum wholeness -- David Bohm: Krishnamurti or Cusa

The double edge rap of black and white words

In Terror of a Savage Nation - Orwellian nightmare dawns on the West

The purpose of this essay is not simply to complain about Fox News being biased. That mission is in danger of over-kill already. Books, news articles, and TV specials have covered this ground repeatedly. The classic expose on Fox News is a 2004 program titled Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism. This Outfoxed outfit has a website, DVD �the works. What interests us here is not all the nasty business they disclose about Rupert Murdoch, Bill O�Reilly, and the rest of the Fox team players. The most important observation the Outfoxed critics make concerns China, and Murdoch�s willingness to suppress information that the Chinese authorities want kept quiet � and Murdoch�s joining the campaign to remove BBC News from the satellite menu in China. But what is far more telling is what this multitude of celebrity �liberal� critics refuses to disclose about Fox News and Rupert Murdoch. There appears to be a curious ambiguity about his parentage, much like John Kerry and some other very powerful people. Official biographies of Murdoch do not mention his mother being Jewish; if that report is in fact true, Murdoch has gone to considerable pains to keep the information secret. Whether Rupert Murdoch is of Jewish ancestry or not, the extremely pro-Jewish orientation of Fox News is unambiguous. The reason his loudest detractors fail to mention this bias, which is far more serious even than his pro-communist/capitalist China orientation, is because as often as not, like Al Franken, they too are Jewish. The fall guys are the charming Irish hired hands and the blond bombshells who run interference for the Jewish operatives and military/government officials who make �guest appearances� on all their programs. What is critical here is to notice that the same tactic of playing both sides that Jews use to conceal their collusion is the very same mechanism as their logic of forced choices �which is imposed on their audience as �fair and balanced� debate. Recall that in our earlier analysis of the final theory pursued by physicists, the objective is to reduce chains of complex events to their simplest origins � to the axioms upon which all of physics is constructed. Our survival depends on understanding that this subversive tactic of playing both sides in an artificial debate, creating a gambit � called �a fork� in chess, is the cornerstone upon which the House of Zion rests. If that double-agent axiom of collusion can be neutralized by the simple light of day, the foundation of Jewish dominion in the West will be shaken. Our aim is to focus on the two-timers engaged in their tag team matches � and how-to not play their game � To turn the tables, we must expose the good cop - bad cop scam that is at the foundation of this liberal � conservative totalitarianism that is turning US in to little more than slaves. Because Rupert Murdoch�s Fox News is so visible and so obvious, we no longer need to speak in terms of theoretical abstractions; all we have to do is point to Sean Hannity and his Jewish partner to see how this �Judeo-Christian� double play works � or watch their hypocrisy when they talk about the cost of freedom. What is most remarkable here is that scores of intelligent people are not fooled by the �fair and balanced� folks at Fox News. Nor are they merely toadies of Al Franken and his ilk. People around the world can begin to see that there is something very seriously wrong with America, and it is not just George Bush II. In time, Americans themselves will recognize what is already painfully self-evident from abroad. The following pages concern changing ..perspectives in a relativistic age of embattled certainties and dying convictions.

American as Organized Crime and punishment of the alienated, intimidated, silenced, and dispossessed 

On November 10 2004, Bill O�Reilly intervirewed Michele Gillen, an investigative reporter for WFOR-TV in Miami. Her website states: �Some 27 million people live in slavery around the world. �Invisible Chains� is a rare television investigation that will show you it�s not only happening overseas. Michele Gillen�s report is a chilling look into our own backyard, which the Justice Department calls an epicenter of modern-day slavery. The story is told through the voices of three women living in hiding from the men they say stole their freedom and so much more. �Invisible Chains� was internationally screened June 17 in Rome, Italy at the International Conference Against Human Trafficking hosted by the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See.� �Optional session: Screening of Lilya 4-Ever�

The O�Reilly interview and the website give the unmistakable impression that human trafficking is a continuation of the slavery we thought had been abolished during the American Civil War. The focus is clearly on young girls from Mexico, while the website for �invisible Chains� presents multiple images of only �people of color� in its coverage of �global slavery�. This media coverage is reminiscent of the investigation into the fifty million Europeans who died in Communist gulags, largely after WW II � It was placed under the guidance of a European Jewish dignitary who transformed the investigation into another installment of the Jewish Holocaust. The issue of White Eastern European girls being prime targets of the slave trade is buried so as not to embarrass the American military, as well as the very profitable �nightlife� industry in European and American cities. The implied conclusion of this �Invisible Chains� campaign is White folks are still guilty of enslaving �people of color� and are bringing these innocents into America for their own enrichment. This campaign clearly shows how the Media-State twists the truth, with the official blessing of the Church. This incident of distorting and whitewashing a volatile issue is not uncommon; it is the ironclad rule that enslaves US.

 Consider the intense focus of government on suppressing �racism�, while simultaneously basing a global economy on cheap Asian labor. Millions of professional jobs in engineering and science will be �outsourced� to India, China, and Asia resulting in Western educated scientists finding less rewarding work. My guess is that many educated Whites will be pushed into the military, intelligence agencies and the defense industry � as was done in the Soviet Union. However racist the conflict may appear to be, it is actually class warfare. The great goal of today�s governments is diversity. What they mean by this is a diversity of talents not color alone. As we have noted, the U.S. and EU must inevitably begin importing substantial numbers of Asians to fill high-tech positions. The rate of taxation in the EU is so high it is proving difficult for some EU countries to attract and hold long-term Asian workers. As an incentive, some authorities are already proposing that Asian employees be taxed at a rate significantly lower than less equal members of this Animal Farm. It is to be emphasized that no American capitalist can turn away cheap laborers from the third world, whether legal of illegal. At last, the aggressive policy in the West demanding a multiracial new world order to replace the traditional nation-state begins to make some sense. The American government is the tool of multinational corporations. These �anti-racist� rulers are so concerned about �people of color� because they are building a non-inflationary economy on cheap labor. Of course they protect the labor force that makes their large profits possible. How can they not love �people of color� who will work for fifty cents an hour rather than the ten or more dollars an hour a White worker would cost them, as well as pensions, health care etc. What you need to do is think of these cut-rate workers as the property of the multi-national corporate state -- The virtual SLAVES of this name brand business, with their chains marketing �goods� in every community throughout the world. The prosperity of the global economy depends on slave wages, and therefore multinational governments are determined to defend �their� workforce, their property, from resentful White workers whose wages and quality of life are being devalued. The objective, as we have all heard, is equality! Think back a few hundred years ago to those big city merchants who bought and sold slaves to wealthy plantation owners in the South. They would punish anyone harming their slaves as sternly as they would a horse thief. Why? Because they cared about the �civil rights� of their slaves? No. Simply because these �people of color� were their stock and trade � their business �their cheap work force. In similar fashion, rich and politically powerful chieftains of global enterprise suppress those who �hate� their multi-racial slaves. And why would anyone �hate� �poor Mexicans� working illegally in America? Because we do not care to be equalized with slaves by this capitalist-communist chain gang. Those opposing a multiracial society based on the servitude of �cheap labor� are therefore a threat to the profits of global investors. If you would like to see some of these Judeo-Christians hawk their trade, tune to �The Cost of Freedom� on Fox News. Someone like Sean Hannity is just a hitman who plays the tune of whatever tyrant is calling the shots -- But this financial gang is infinitely more evil. Hannity may actually believe himself to be a patriot. These Savages have little reservation in selling out America. For them, patriotism focuses on the fortunes of war. A few even admit their greed, while others Neil before a gilded altar of Judeo-Christian self-righteousness, as they �thank God� for the young soldiers who have died or been maimed on their behalf � so they can amass more than money: a Pharisee�s integrity. After all, aren�t they getting short-changed if they can�t feel good about �counting their blessings�? You should not be surprised that the leaders of contemporary liberal and conservative institutions could tolerate White Slavery �much as the multi-national global corporations take advantage of child labor customs abroad and open borders at home. They are the very same �Cost Of Freedom� Foxy Judeo-Christian �patriots� who make their fortunes hawking war after war. While the circumstances may vary, the commodity in which they ply their trade remains the same today as it has been for centuries: �cheap labor�. As with the mass murder suffered by tens of millions of Russians in the Communist Gulags, this real-time tragedy of White Slavery will not merit the epic attention given to �more deserving people�. Consider the massive profits made on Internet pornography, and then imagine the money being made in the business of White Slave trade. The world seems to have very discriminating taste when it comes to the business of sex and women. I suspect that if pornography focused exclusively on women of color, the industry would virtually disappear in the West over night. The White Slave Trade is relegated to the status of non-event by the Media-States of America, along side the darkening of our once majority White nation, and state sponsored torture by that nuclear powerhouse occupying �The Holy Land�. These living temples of greed self-righteously proselytize a gospel of pre-emptive aggression in the name of all that is holy, and profess to be offended when their victims scorn The Good Book these passive-aggressive Pharisees aim to impose on the minds of the innocent � alongside their sacred text of �The Holocaust�.

This issue of slavery we have raised discloses a great deal about ourselves, as well as our lords and masters. Certainly everyone has heard that slavery was America�s greatest shame, and the sin for which middle class Whites should feel guilty. Jews have been compensated many times over for their enslavement in Nazi death camps. But the �fair and balanced� �folks� at Fox News don�t much care to debate the pros and cons of White slavery today �particularly, the Jewish connection. Amazingly, variations on this story are briefly reported on Fox News, and for this they should be recognized. A story on White slavery in Israel was reported (August 16, 2004) by Shepard Smith and Mike Tobin, but in respectful tones, pointing out that this scandal was being corrected by Israeli authorities. If the severity of this matter has not yet struck you, an article from The Jerusalem Post (Friday, May 19 2000) should command your attention. The article is titled �Amnesty: Israel failing to deal with white-slave trade� by Dan Izenberg and Heidi J. Gleit. To the best of my knowledge, the ACLU, NAACP, UN, NOW, and church going Christians have made few headlines in the media demanding a stop to the buying and selling of White women, not only in Israel but around the world. Much attention has been given to the subject of trafficking in Asian children, particularly in Thailand around the time of the Christmas Tsunami of 2004. Almost nothing is ever mentioned in the media about White slavery. To even raise the subject seems �racist�, but that is apparently changing: the veil of racial �guilt� concealing this unspeakable cruelty is being pierced by a few brave souls who have begun to speak on behalf of young White women. One of the most important stories, thus far, appeared on the Fox Report news program about January 24, 2005. The woman reporter told of young American girls being seduced with expensive gifts; the most common place for them to be approached seems to be suburban malls, particularly in cities near the Mexican border. Evidently little is yet known about these girls, except that they tend to be middle class, and up until recently, such cases have been classified as runaways. Now the concern is that they are victims of slavery. It is believed that some of these teenagers are transported to Mexico where authorities from America are powerless to apprehend the pimps who have abducted them. Where they have been taken from there appears to be anyone�s guess. The Swedish movie Lilya 4-Ever gives a tearful insight into a European variation on this horrific matter, but falls short of disclosing the full extent of this atrocity. A broader description of this attack on the young women of Eastern Europe can be found in an important book titled: The NATASHAS : Inside The New Global Sex Trade by Victor Malarek Arcade Publishing, New York, Copyright � 2003 by Victor Malarek  303 pp. First U.S. Edition 2004.1 The NATASHAS is a remarkably revealing book written by an uncommonly courageous investigative journalist from Canada. What is most astonishing is the willingness of the author to follow the facts, even if they repeatedly lead into the torture chambers of Jewish criminals. Yet Malarek does not have an agenda. Back in 2001 or so, William Pierce gave a lecture on the White Slave Trade in Israel; he left the listener with the impression that this horrific practice was largely concentrated in Israel. Because of his focus on the Jews, Dr. Pierce did not convey the magnitude of this atrocity. Victor Malarek does. While he refuses to shy-away from pointing out the brutality of Jewish agents in the Russian Mafia and the role of Israel in harboring merchants of this White Slave Trade, he credits women�s groups and Jewish human rights activists when they merit recognition. Much of the best selling material found in bookstores today is not worth reading, but Victor Malarek�s The Natashas is. This is one book you can judge by its cover; your attention is arrested by the opening revelations on the fly-leaf of this eye opener: �On the worldwide black market, the third most profitable commodity after illegal weapons and drugs is human flesh: women and girls from all over Eastern Europe, sold for sex by the networks of organized crime that became entrenched in the aftermath of the fall of communism. �Natasha� is what they�re called in Israel and in turkey, whether they�re actually from Russia, Moldova, the Czech Republic, Romania, or Ukraine, and whatever their real names may be. They�re lured into vans and onto airplanes with promises of jobs as waitresses, models, or nannies. But when they arrive at their destinations, they are stripped of their identification, and their nightmare begins. They are sold into prostitution as human chattel in a veritable epidemic of modern slavery. Escape is unlikely, for their handlers consider them wholly expendable. Those who resist are beaten and sometimes killed. � As Victor Malarek reveals, their stories are only the tip of a very large iceberg. The trade in women thrives because of a global pattern of institutional corruption, and Malarek�s investigation implicates everyone from immigration officials to police officers and international peace-keepers.�2 We might add: the media! �Conservative� Fox News reports related stories as long as they highlight the abuse of people of color. What is not mentioned is the central role of �merchants� like Ludwig Fainberg in this modern day slave trade. �Ludwig Fainberg is a notorious Israeli mobster with a hair-trigger temper and a penchant for extreme violence.�3 �He settled in the Brighton Beach area of Brooklyn, which had become the seat of the Organizatsiya, as the Russian mob is often called. �In 1990 he moved to Miami to run Porky�s.�4 Victor Malarek writes of a meeting with Fainberg only days before he was arrested by Canadian police and deported to Israel. �After an hour I shifted the conversation to the issue at hand: buying women. With an earnest, businesslike expression, Fainberg said flat-out that it was an easy feat --- he could bring women in from Russia, Ukraine, Romania or the Czech Republic. �No problem. The price is $10,000 with the girl landed. It is simple. It is easy to get access to the girls. It�s a phone call. I know the brokers in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kyiv. I can call Moscow tomorrow and show you how easy it is. I can get ten to fifteen to twenty girls shipped to me in a week.�5 In the event that you have not understood, Fainberg spells out the facts of life: �If it is run the proper way, the clean way, you can have a good clientele and make a lot of money. You can buy a woman for $10,000 and you can make your money back in a week if she is pretty and she is young. Then everything else is profit.� He goes on to explain how easy it is to smuggle women into North America, in spite of all the supposed homeland security. �He went on to hint that certain Russian mobsters have connections with Native gangs whose reserves straddle the Canada�U.S. border.�6 You may wonder how and when the �Russian Mafia� came to plague North America. While describing the origins of two such families in America, I believe Malarek has unintentionally disclosed how and when America began to take on a Stalinist configuration. �The agent, who had been working on the Eastern European Crime Squad, immediately ran a trace on Mishulovich and Gorr. The trace showed that both men, now naturalized American citizens, had emigrated from Russia in the early 1980�s with their parents. �They came at the time there was a huge influx of Russian Jews into the United States,� Brown said. �Both families sought and obtained refugee status, claiming they were persecuted by the Soviets because they were Jewish.� �What bothered him most was that Mishulovich wasn�t the least bit remorseful about the way he had treated the women. �If anything, he acted like he�s almost aristocracy. He�d say �They�re scum. They�re peasants. Spit on them. Don�t take their word for anything. They�re Baltic whores.� That was the term he used to describe them.�7  

But it is not simply a matter of Jewish mafia gangs trafficking in young women from Eastern Europe. They are largely the middle-men in organized crime that is not merely tolerated by the main-stream society, but serves at the pleasure of the military forces of both the United States and the United Nations. Formally the U.S. and the UN are the leading adversaries of trafficking in women, but in practice, both support the forced servitude of young White Eastern European women to service the sexual needs of their soldiers. Victor Malarek examines South Korea as a nation the American State Department criticized in its 2001 Trafficking In Persons Report for seriously failing to control a growing problem in human trafficking. He noted that South Korea is an essential ally of America in Asia and that the authorities of the two nations soon came to see eye to eye. It appears that South Korean officials were good sports, and could not be faulted for just playing ball � for not crying foul and calling for the Yankees to yank themselves home. �A year later, the Republic of Korea was vaulted to the top tier of nations in the 2002 TIP report, which stated that the country �fully complies with minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking.� Just three months earlier, however, the State Department�s own Country Report on Human Rights Practices had noted that �women from Russia are trafficked to the country for sexual exploitation.� So what was really behind the State Department�s 180-degree turn? Well, the answer can be found just outside the gates of some 100 U.S. military bases in South Korea, where 37,000 American troops are stationed to defend democracy and freedom. Down the road from each base is what�s referred to as a camp town or, in more graphic terms, a sexual playground for American GIs.�8 In recent times, local women abandoned the �tourism� industry for more reliable employment in South Korea�s flourishing factories. Foreign sex workers were needed to fill positions liberated Korean women found beneath them. As the 20th century began winding down, Korean bureaucrats devised a special �entertainment visa� which was issued to candidates from abroad. �It was as easy as picking up a phone and talking to someone who knew someone with connections to organized crime.�9 �The E-6 visa is an open secret. The Korean police have acknowledged publicly that it�s nothing more than a cover for prostitution. Korean women�s groups have documented scores of cases in which the visa holders are victims of trafficking for prostitution rings. In other words, these women are not free agents. They�re bought and owned by their pimp, usually the proprietor of the bar, and they�re required to work off their purchase price by servicing American soldiers.�10 Anyone who has served over-seas in any branch of the armed forces knows very well what Malarek is talking about. What is new here is that White slavery is the issue, and not merely prostitution. These crimes against humanity are concealed by the very authorities charged with protecting the innocent from such abuse. ��The U.S. military command has long been aware of the situation. Everyone at the Pentagon knows. The military brass would have to be blind not to see the lines of ramshackle bars as they drive in and out of the camps. Yet the practice is allowed to continue. After all, boys will be boys, and in the eyes of their commanders, they deserve a little R and R. South Korea isn�t the only place where U.S. troops indulge. On another continent halfway around the world, American soldiers---along with combatants from a host of other nations---occupy their off hours in the company of sex slaves held prisoner in scores of brothels and bars in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the renegade Serb province of Kosovo. Many of the victims---mainly from Moldova, Romania, Ukraine and Bulgaria---are mere teenagers. And the soldiers know that most of these young women have been trafficked.�11  But the U.S. is not the only guilty party here; the UN is a major player in this organized crime business �as well as scores of local governments in Western Europe, Israel, and America itself. �The UN�s laissez-faire attitude is appalling. It needs to recognize the problem and take tough, unequivocal action. These men---these �peacekeepers�---are subjecting already victimized women to further servitude and abuse. The irony doesn�t end there. The very aid workers who are mandated to provide assistance are using their paychecks to actually purchase other human beings. They buy these women for themselves and lock them up in their own apartments. The UN must recognize this for what it truly is: an abuse of authority.�12 This is the side of the human trafficking story Fox News has not told, and you can bet all their contributing commentators from the Pentagon and the Bush administration want to keep it that way. Maybe Michael Moore will beat them to the punch-line. Fat chance. Somebody should challenge Bill O�Reilly and Sean Hannity to bring Victor Malarek on their Fox News programs and let this real journalist tell what is happening to these East European girls � and the role of both the United States military and the UN in exploiting them.

Beneath the surface of this tolerated slavery, and man�s weakness for the lure of �the oldest profession�, is a profound disclosure revealing the �deep structure� of what passes for civilization: modern urban societies are not simply inefficient in controlling crime  �the flow of drugs, illegal aliens, and the inhumanity of the White slave trade � the reality is that these criminal activities are consistent with a campaign of genocide sponsored by the Multi-racial Media-States. Like the spoils of war, these underworld ventures are not simply profitable in the short-term, they are built into the economic structure of the social order. The �economy� of the larger society is integrated with and dependent upon its gangland connections. Later, we will discuss The Oligarchs of Russia. They are out and out criminals, yet some are sheltered by Israel, and all are defended by the Western media. If there should be conflict between Russia and NATO, it is ultimately about the struggle between President Vladimir Putin and this Jewish Mob. The task of Media-State-government is to put an acceptable face upon that which is patently wrong in the eyes of thinking human beings. Few have the courage to recognize the pervasiveness of crime throughout society from bottom to top � so much so that if we begin to unravel the deception and injustice all around us, we come to understand that even the clothes on our backs are attached to that very same thread tugging at our collective conscience. Thus we are forced to condemn ourselves should we seek to purge injustice from our community. This State of �affairs� has not come to be by chance, but rather by designs fashioned to corrupt us all. The intent here is not to play Devil�s Advocate, to argue on behalf of a �necessary evil�, but simply to point out the truth: that America and other nations embrace crime out of self interest, and do so in the name of Judeo-Christian justice �thus converting religion into blasphemy. Those who challenge the integrity of this �organized crime� are the real threat to the social order because they know enough to defy not merely �bad cops� who are already out of the closet, but their under-cover �good cop� co-conspirators as well. Our problem is that we cannot see that criminals reign supreme �because they hide behind robes of integrity and operate within a �system� that has been utterly perverted �like Angels in America. Bible-belted believers may see nothing wrong with indoctrinating followers of the crucified Christ into the dogma of pre-emptive war, or the righteousness of �The Chosen People� torturing prisoners in a modern day Passion play, but that is the crux of this God-awful mess --- Americans can no more tell truth from treachery than distinguish an Irish Catholic President from a Jewish billionaire. They are hoodwinked by fall guys like Ted Turner who compare a Fundamentalist President Bush, who is dedicated to serving �The Chosen People�, with the champion of a very different �master race�: Adolph Hitler. The faith of these people is not in truth, but in what they believe to be a �higher power�: the �People of The Book�. They are convinced that by remaining faithful to the Jews, they will be rewarded both in this life and the next. How do they know? The Bible tells them so, or at least The Old Testament does! Such belief is a self-serving distortion of The New Testament they profess. The true Spirit of the Gospels is sacrifice � speaking The Word of truth for the sake of others �with full knowledge that doing the Creator�s Will may well cost you your life. One�s salvation is found in Revelation �truth that passes understanding, as well as expectations of reward either here or �here after�. It is this love of truth, this wisdom, that makes philosophers of us all � that elevates blind faith to creative genius �giving us a prayer, a possibility not simply of surviving, but of passing through the materialism of this particular world on to wondrous waves of potential futures yet to materialize.

We are like people of the Dark Ages who BELIEVED their �Eyes� �that the sun rises and the sun sets around their world � that they are the be-all and end-all of existence. The core of this common delusion, this all-pervasive madness, is your self-centered perspective. That is not to say that the relativistic views of scores of fellow travelers, or even �celebrities�, are any less deluded. What �Other� perspective can �one� possibly take? you ask. The brain exists within the world and is part of the �objective reality� it tries to observe. Consequently, it is imperative that the brain observe itself-within-the-world. From what perspective is it possible to take this inside-out-look �this �God�s-eye-view� of Creation? Become the medium of �The Creator�s� message. The creative artist transcends �himself� by sharing in the desire and despair of others, so much so that �through� his art inarticulate feeling manifests itself in sounds and images that reverberate back and forth in a wave of uplifted spirits that discover themselves to be something more �real� than their own individuality, more tangible than a blinded faith. Genius feels the deep structure of this Collective Consciousness �fully aware that our hearts are entwined �that we are once again Soul Mates! The mystical journeyman has a sixth sense for the emotional flow of music �as poetic Words create themselves. This is what makes all of us tick, the timing that fixes our clock. The sacrosanct Calling of the artist is to respect the integrity of this Hallowed Ground of our Being � but that consecrated trust has been betrayed by Pharisees who lord over US both in �this world� and �the next�. The aforementioned cosmic flow has been spirited away from safe harbor into an illusory mist � a thin film of unreality that mocks all sense and inverts time-honored values -- scattering nuclear families into nothing more substantial than clouds of smoke and the dust of decayed mushroom dreams. The blast is over and �The Crowd� is bombed out of its mind. High Priests of the Media-State know how to mold the hearts and minds of those in tune with �The Times�. It is no secret that everyman can be played by his joy stick; but not everyone knows that senti-mental women are no less vulnerable to the exploitation of their emotions by those in touch with �a higher power�. Because we have failed to reconcile ourselves with the untwisted dimension of our �feminine-side�, we are insensitive to the treachery that is poisoning the hearts of those we love -- we have abandoned our potential to the rigidity of a well intentioned but immature masculinity. We are defeated by the strength of our own convictions. A new social doctrine is laid-down like a lass under the spell of a love song: the fever of the moment leaves the seduced party wide open to suggestion � the prey of ruthless nomads with an agenda that would make commandos cry � turning once free spirits into a captive audience; there is not a dry eye in the house --  a tour de force lays multitudes prostrate before the innocence of an abused child. Heart-felt sentiments are set in stone like the dry humor of initial secrets cementing freshly minted friendships destined for immortality. The �message� of The Programmers hardens into the righteousness of executioners. The trick of this Slave Trade is we have been stripped of our bonds, told we are �free�, yet denied even our right to hang together. This drive to survive has been re-cast as too White �re-packaged and post-dated to subvert our tuning and timing with this damn basic training -- dogged and tagged by fashion hounds of decadence �hired guns of the Media-State persuasion � Slick as a Hannity without his Combs ..sell out crowds of hot-heads and co-eds too young to choose  �too used to know better -- or worse: falling stars burned-out before they hit the ground.

Society, especially the Media-State is structured on the mathematical FORM of complex numbers, which are integral to the new physics informing the vision of social engineers. There are REAL events giving a media report or movie FORM, but superimposed on that broadband REAL FORM is added narrowband IMMAGINARY information � that has unique messages directed to a very select audience, or even individuals. To all others, this imaginary content is merely entertainment, and to suggest it holds specific and directed meaning may sound insane. This imaginary content is ambiguous, but not to the ones to whom it is directed � to the one who is a poet. Consider the film about Veronica Guerin. She was an Irish newspaper reporter in the late 1990�s who pursued the truth about powerful drug dealers �too far�, and was assassinated. Is the film superficially praising her courage, while simultaneously serving a warning to other �poets� that a similar fate awaits them if they go �too far� in their pursuit of truth? Complex words are both real and imaginary. The real part of the message has to be verifiable and logical as we expect; but the imaginary dimension of the message, whether verbal or visual, does not need to follow the laws of reality. As with a problem in quantum physics, there are multiple possible answers leaving us with uncertainty, ambiguity � and the transmitter the ultimate defense: credible deniability. A familiar example of this type of communication is the use of subliminal messages embedded in film and programs advertising specific products. A less familiar illustration may be found in cult films like Fight Club; there is a scene in that film where a performer is having a little fun by pouring coffee into a cup causing it to overflow onto the table � but this is only noticeable if that scene is watched in slow motion. It is this kind of �insiders joke� that makes some media programming so engaging. One can easily understand that political propaganda can be embedded in programming as well. Subliminal messaging can be directed toward a very specific target audience. Complex Words offer a more viable STRUCTURE than the rigid logic governing the grammar of reality. As with the new physics, complex words upgrade language to the age of electronic mass communication, while preserving the intimacy of an earlier generation. In a similar manner, a program builds up tension to the point of emotional release; it is at that peak moment that the social engineers embed their propaganda. For example, the poor abused black man (or Jew) is saved by his forbidden love � the beautiful blonde woman, and the miserable white �Nazi� guy gets just what is coming to him. That is how brain washing works; and tragically, most people seem to fall under its spell. Two flawed but engaging films that attempt to examine this very disturbing unreality of brain washing are: �The Manchurian Candidate� and �The Forgotten�.

What is needed is a change in perspective �a paradigm shift; we must stop being self-centered, but this does not imply empathy for the human race in general, or even the multi-racial masses of Judeo-Christian America in particular. Rather, what we must gain sensitivity to is our �better half� � by this I am not necessarily referring to an existing person, but to a deeper dimension of the heterosexual nature of what we are. If you have read this book closely, you may feel that it is �Miss directed�  ..but that is the essence of what �I am� doing � trying to give you a feel for romancing �The Other�. The reveries of women mystics are revealing to examine because they often disclose experience of �The Other� in very passionate words. They speak of their savior coming to them as a lover. We are all familiar with the Yin and Yang of Taoism, or the reconciliation of opposites as Jung pointed ..�Out�. By feeling the particle-wave dimensions of what we are, we begin to see �Everything� from an Other point of view. More critical still even than this quantum Other is the Everything we now see through caring �eyes�. The enchantment only works when the feelings involved are genuine. Thus, Love is that inside-out ribbon to everywhere, and without it a human being is one-dimensional. The magic is Being able to see through your beloved Other ..passed Imaginary self-images of individuality into the very Real dimension of this �objective� world science can understand -- Back and forth through the Real and Imaginary swinging doors of perception. What we tend to do is localize the love we feel in one person, but this love is fleeting. When we try to lay hold of it, Love fades like the youth of an aging beauty. Thus time doth make mortals of us all, to paraphrase Shakespeare �whoever he, she, or they were. Love is a projection of the creative energy within us, which we experience as Other than ourselves, but is in truth the non-local Imaginary aspect of our own very Real Human Nature. Love is the mechanism for the creative evolution of genius. The calling of artists �is to keep this intimacy alive, not simply within our �selves�, but within those to whom we are non-locally bound through Love ---and we do this by sharing our Soul, which lives through the art that created us � and miraculously, has the potential to continue existing within the Imaginations of Others long after the Real aspect of our personal identity has past �through ..the illusory barrier separating self-consciousness from the collective dimensions of our shared Human Nature. Try to understand the implications of an oppressive multi-racial Global State that outlaws Our Collective Consciousness and �man-dates� that we �love� all �our neighbors� �equally�. By suppressing the intensity of genuine human emotion, the Media-State destroys the creative potential of Human Nature, and replaces this non-local genius with programmed thoughts and feelings dictated by the Court of public opinion polls.  

Political debate in America is based on the premise of duality; either you are liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican etc. While other points of view may be possible, it is generally agreed that such �third party� positions are irrelevant. Being independent simply means a person is a switch hitter, sometimes swinging to the left, and other times having a �preference� for the right � but always accepting the necessity of voting for the �lesser of two evils�. As was the case with �the cold war�, the �two sides� are in collusion. In chess, the knight is an especially valued piece because it can attack two, or even three, enemy pieces simultaneously in a maneuver called a fork. American �voters� are �in a fork�. Republicrats and Demikins form one party. America�s one-party system is like that knight in chess. It does not matter which way they �choose� to move � they lose. A double bind �choice� is a damned if you do, damned if you don�t �no win situation: something the hi-brows call totalitarianism. You can�t win for losing. Another name for a �fork� is bifurcation � a concept central to quantum theory, particularly chaos theory. The job of politicians and the media is to persuade �public opinion� (think �collective consciousness�) that there really is a �clear choice� between dual-ing candidates, and this �choice� proves �we are free�. The tactic is to make it a dogmatic truth that radical changes in society are the living proof of America�s freedom. Clinton was celebrated for championing the sexuality of �choice�, �undocumented workers�, and getting bombed out of our minds on Wall Street and in the Balkans. Under The Bush dynasty, those rejecting the main-lining of �America�s War� �terrorizing the �homeland� and Iraq �for the sake of Israel, ---combined with the �established� multi-racial society itself � those opposing these assaults on America �hate our freedom�, as Lord George II would have it; or we are �un-American�, as the �independent� Bill O�Reilly would say. Hired Guns in the media, such as Sean Hannity and Bill O�Reilly, present themselves as devout Irish Catholic defenders of God and Country. These �gentlemen of the evening� browbeat the dim-witted �folks� to death with both sides of this double-edged blade of tyranny � this Marxist Dialectic of forced choices. We are being hood-wicked by a twisted variation on the principle of complementary. Because we think in terms of �common sense�, we can be out-foxed by over-exposed two-timers who know the ins and outs of quantum duplicity. It is not only the con-artists at Fox News who are �playing us� for fools; double-talk radio personalities on �the left� and �the right� are playing the same game. If you could get an honest answer from someone in the media, such as �Michael Savage�, who actually understands a thing or two about quantum theory, he would let the cat out of the bag on how this �double play� works. But there is no chance he is going to forfeit the game! He is just another �team player� fielding the ground balls of fouled and battered American �voters�. Was this not exactly the twisted world described by George Orwell in 1984 : Foxy cross-dressing straight talkers getting a Rush on the air waves pitching that old-fashioned no spin Hardball to the inside "left" corner while looking �right� � retiring heavy-hitters to bull pens in Alaska. What?! Gulags in America? No!?! Just giving The �Bill� of �rights� a �fresh look�. The function of these �team players� is to set the boundaries of permissible disagreement, while defending the fundamental tenets of faith in the multi-racial nation. The basic deception we are confronted with in America today is an Orwellian dialectic, an illusion of choice � that all disagreements boil down to a simple debate in which �both sides of the issue� are discussed. But we have simply reached a surrealist fork on this road to perdition. If the truth be told, there is no real choice; we are threatened or punished if we dare �air� our convictions. How about a fair and balanced discussion about factual information that Bill is not allowed to cover on �The Factor�? Here are some not so pithy comments for Bill O�Reilly: Do you not find it odd that Israel has not contributed soldiers to the Iraq war effort? Weren�t you the one who acknowledged that one of the main reasons for America being in Iraq is to defend Israel? Given the fact that Israel has not contributed a significant number of soldiers to the war effort, would you then agree with the former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad who said something to the effect: �Jews create wars and then get other people to fight and die for them?� Is it a safe bet that there are virtually no American Jews fighting in Iraq who are not officers?

Allow me to suggest a few other topics for discussion on The O�Reilly Factor: Consider General Eisenhower�s use of military troops, with bayonets fixed, that forced the racial integration of schools in the South ..and how years later �liberals� used similar heavy-handed force with the �Southies� in Boston. What are the odds America�s public schools would be the disaster they are today if integration had not been imposed upon us against our will? Anyone in America today who imagines she is free has either listened to too many old Lennon tunes, or lives in a shelter of wealth shielding her from the school of hard knocks. Here�s a slightly different �spin� on a subject Bill regularly discusses: Americans may overwhelmingly oppose the flood of non-white immigration into the country, legal or �undocumented�, but governmental authorities, in collusion with powerful business interests, enforce this modern day variation on slavery � and those opposed to this �cheap labor� are attacked as �racist�.

Digressing from The Bill under discussion for a moment --- We do not have to accept any King�s �dream�, or the visions of perverted �Angels In America�. White Americans with even a vague sense of their own history should understand how people react to tyrannical government. Some may have the courage to battle the entrenched power of the Jews, but most do not. Our own ancestors responded to the same kind of oppression we face today. While �choice� has become a code word for abortion and homosexuality, there is no longer any real choice in selecting national leaders or determining government policy. Those who dare express their distain of Jewish dominance in America are perceived as �persons of interest� and likely candidates for inclusion on a �terrorist� watch list. America has become an overt totalitarian society. A few hours viewing Fox News should remove any doubts you may still have. It is a stale talking point in the media that Fox News is primarily conservative propaganda, in spite of their claims to the contrary. What is significant is not that Fox News is �right-wing� propaganda; what matters is that Fox News is so intensely pro-Israel � it is at times a mouthpiece and cheerleader for Israel. This would not be of special interest if the �left-wing� opposition they challenge isn�t the well establish �Jewish Media� extending from The New York Times across the Nation to the endless Jewish �Fockers� in Hollywood. You have extremely pro-Israel Judeo-Christian talk radio on the right, and on the left, --- you have more Jews and their hired guns. So if you disagree with the Jewish conservative �Michael Savage�, you can listen to the leading liberal opposition: Al Franken and Howard Stern � both radical Jews! Sure you have Christian voices like Rush, Hannity, and O�Reilly, but they are more aggressive in supporting Jewish interests than is seemly for the Jews to do themselves. Can you say �totalitarianism�? America�s Jews and Israel are the sacred cows of both liberals and conservatives � and even the most devout Biblical Fundamentalists would never think of faltering in their adoration of these golden calves. Michael Savage likes to play the role of the �Anti-Semite� at times, but anyone not himself a Jew making such bitter remarks would have to have a death wish. Not even revered icons of the media can escape public humiliation for speaking irreverently of their �betters� � perhaps you remember the Jesse Jackson or Marlon Brando episodes from years ago. Who could forget Harry? The ruling elite are compelled to neutralize all substantial charges made against them. It is much the same as in political battles we witness in politics every day. The rule is: �Never let an accusation go unanswered. Respond immediately to every charge.� If rapid re-action is not taken, the criticism quickly gains credibility and assumes the stature of �urban legend�. Like-wise, here. When ever significant criticism is made, even by an obscure voice, if the charge is persuasive � the Jews feel compelled to neutralize it by having one of their �inside-outsiders� make the same statement through the Mass Media � this then becomes a point over which �talking-heads� on radio and TV quarrel, finally giving it the kind of spin only an O�Reilly fan could chill out. Once again, you will be amazed how quickly the Media-State appropriates grass-roots sentiments and twists them to the service of the �The Party�: THAT is their job! That is what they do: 24/7� to keep their collective middle-finger on the pulse of America. You may create something of value, but the Jews and their �better-haves� jerry-rig your inspiration into their own latest punch line. This is what these New Yorkers are so highly paid to do: to wrap a genuine cry of rebellion in the mouth of a bad actor.

A final battery of questions for Mister Bill: Why have Europeans abandoned Christianity? How�s this for a debate topic: Some fifty to sixty million East Europeans, many of them Christians, were murdered by Marxists. This Holocaust, as is the case today with White slavery, has however been ignored by Christians, as well as the Media-State. We have all heard a great deal about the Jewish Holocaust; why, Bill, have we heard so little about this Russian Holocaust? Could it have anything to do with the involvement of Jewish Bolsheviks in this mass murder? No way, you say �that�s ridiculous� �kind of like The Russian Mafia being largely Jewish. How about if you try on this bit of suppressed news just to see if it fits The Bill: Harry Truman�s Forgotten Diary: 1947 Writings Offer Fresh Insight on the President  By Rebecca Dana and Peter Carlson, Washington Post Staff Writers. Friday, July 11, 2003, Page A01. �Truman then went into a rant about Jews: �The Jews, I find, are very, very selfish. They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as D(isplaced) P(ersons) as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet when they have power, physical, financial or political neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the under dog. Put an underdog on top and it makes no difference whether his name is Russian, Jewish, Negro, Management, Labor, Mormon, Baptist he goes haywire. I�ve found very, very few who remember their past when prosperity comes.�13 � You might look up a BBC News report for the same date titled Truman Diary blasts Jews. A CBSNEWS article titled Harry Truman�s �Lost� Diary also from July 11, 2003, notes that the diary didn�t look like a diary because it was written at the end of a 160 page list of names and advertisements having to do with the Real Estate Board of New York ---I guess Harry stole a page from the play-book of the Manhattan Project. Not surprisingly, the diary was �mistakenly catalogued� and apparently �undisturbed for 38 years�. Considering how much the �folks� at Fox News admire Harry Truman, I am sure Bill O�Reilly and Sean Hannity would like to carry on a fair and balanced debate about Truman�s candid comments concerning �The Jews�. They might even Rush the word to Michael Savage and the whole talk radio network so they and their loyal listeners can join in this discussion: Why would �give�m hell� Harry write what he did about �The Jews�. Could he have known something about Jewish Bolsheviks and Gulags that he and others dared not mention? Truman�s words are all the more disturbing because Hitler and his Nazis had just been defeated, and in 1947, reports related to the Holocaust were still headline news. What I don�t understand is why President Truman did not simply just keep quiet. What compelled him to put such incendiary words in writing during a time of massive sympathy for the Jews? You see Mister Bill, the problem is how do you change the topic? How do you spin this into a Jewish victim story? Perhaps Truman was a closet Anti-Semite, and who knows what else. He clearly had a dark side. To think we trusted him with �The Bomb�. Speaking of nukes, does Putin not remind you of Truman? Considering the growing tension with Russia, perhaps the right time is at hand for Fox News to run a campaign uncovering the guilt of �The Russians� for the genocide committed against their own people.

The most evil crime committed by any society is genocide. The White race has faced this kind of assault since the Russian Revolution in 1917. The Marxists of the Soviet Union intentionally starved close to twenty million Ukrainians. Tens of millions of industrious East European and Russian bourgeoisie (Middle Class) were forced into Soviet Gulags where an estimated fifty million �enemies of the State� died. The basic tactic was to re-arrange the populations of Russia and Eastern Europe. People would simply be uprooted from their homelands and re-located to another part of the vast Soviet empire. Those who objected to relocation, or the forced ethnic mixing of their communities � �ethnic cleansing� in reverse, were deported to the Gulags. The Communist Chinese did much the same, for example with the Tibetans. The United States and many European countries have installed similar genocidal policies to reconstitute the racial composition of nations historically populated by people of European descent. There have been feminist campaigns to destroy the family for decades. By combining abortion, drug addiction, homosexuality � all epidemic among Whites, as well as unrestrained non-White immigration, and a popular culture of inter-racial breeding � a pattern emerges which is unmistakable: a rapid decline in the White population of North America and Europe accompanied by a meteoric rise in populations of color. Given that the global population, under thirty years of age, is more than ninety percent �people of color�, it is evident that if inter-racial mixing is the policy of Church and Media-State, then the White population must continue its rapid descent. The role of the Churches here is not simply another �minor� matter. This is the unmistakable objective of many very powerful people in America and Europe � just as it was the primary objective of Jewish Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union. The reason we hear next to nothing of the more than fifty million Europeans who died in Communist camps is clear: Western co-conspirators are protecting the identities of these genocidal criminals. Consider the poisoning of the Ukrainian president prior to his election in 2004.  Political analysts noted that it was likely the work of the Russians, observing that poison was suspected not only in the death of Stalin, but also among so many high officials of the Communist State that the assassinations were believed to be an organized Anti-Semitic attack on the power structure itself. If there were an open examination of mass-murder in the Soviet Union, the prominent role of Jews would be disclosed. Comparisons would be noted in the Jewish structure of power and tactics used in that �evil empire� and the methods employed today in Israel, America, and Europe. Consider that most of the contemporary Russian Oligarchs, beloved by the West, are Jews --- but more on them later. It is self-evident that the financial and political interests of Nazi death camp survivors dictate that the involvement of their Clan in this Communist Holocaust business be kept quiet � that both the Nazis and the Communists engaged in genocide on a massive scale �that the Communists murdered close to ten times as many innocent civilians as did the Nazis � and Western leaders have done their damndest to conceal this fact of history. That is why people in some European States are put in prison for attempting to investigate �The Holocaust�. Our survival depends not only on learning what happened to the White Middle Class of Eastern Europe and Russia, but who was responsible for exterminating them and erasing their memory from recorded history. Perhaps we might address this question to that noted expert of Russian history, American Secretary of State, and likely conservative candidate for the presidency: Condoleezza Rice. If the rest of the world is composed of �people of color�, so be it. We have no right to impose ourselves on them. But these people of color are dedicated to invading our territories and drowning our Race in their gene pool. Their �love� for us is genocidal and so also is the intent of Western leaders who seduce these mercenaries into occupying our communities. Christian Churches are every bit as treasonous as officials in government, business, and the media. Most don�t give a damn about history, truth, or morality; they just know how the game is played if you want to score. Well it is time that you know the score: The modus operandi of the Communists in the Soviet Union was to relocate large numbers of people from one area of the empire to another, removing patriots from their homelands and replacing them with incompatible foreigners. This is similar to the tactic being used today in Western nations: repopulating North America and Europe with racially diverse peoples has been the highest priority of both liberal and conservative governments for at least four decades. Thank you General Eisenhower. This is not a coincidence. As noted previously, the mass murders of the Soviet era had collaborators at the highest levels of power in Western nations, and their successors continue much the same genocidal policies today. In our time, as in Marx�s era, the objective is to destroy the White middle class, and replace it with �The Party�. That Party is composed of �protected people� � the usual suspects: Jews, homosexuals, enforcers of the multiracial agenda, Christian defenders of Israel and supporters of an open-ended �war on terrorism� �.and any others The Party declares belong to their Alliance Of The Saved. The children of the faltering White middle class can gain favor with The Party by following one of two designated paths. The one on the right is the pro-military Judeo-Xian �Patriot� posture, and the one on the left is the White suicide posture, which entails following a life-style that will not result in having White children. Thus, Whites are tolerated as long as they remain devout defenders of the Jews. Party celebrities are allowed to join in establishing a new hereditary aristocracy, which is to replace America�s cherished meritocracy � the vehicle of social mobility that has fallen out of favor with the Judeo-Xian Lords of America. The core issue is the abandonment of freedom in exchange for privilege. Both those on the left and those on the right sacrifice freedom for �security�. But this Stalinist-style fundamentalism, this marriage of �The Left� and �The Right�, has lost sight of the most uncompromising principle of an unforgiving scientific age: uncertainty. Sorry �folks�, because there is no certainty, no one�s security can be guaranteed. But we always have a chance-to-transform the chaos of uncertainty into new orders of freedom because there are many more dimensions to all these �things� than meets the �I�. By adopting different models of �reality� than those familiar to �true believers� on both sides of the isle, our behavior can appear one way to them while concealing an order they are unprepared to believe. You see, they live in a universe of �belief� and not one in the process of becoming. This simple difference in perspective, this added dimension is what you seek. It is not �The Answer�, but rather the courage to question. You have heard of �The Big Lie�, but you don�t know how to ask big enough questions � or why it is so essential to do so. In reading this book, some critics may offer the following observation: �Why is everything about �The Jews� with you?� This is a rhetorical question and not one seeking a response. For the most part, people are �alienated� existentialists �living in a world of fragmented �facts�. Each �fact� is the neatly packaged answer to its own corresponding question, only waiting for some famous quiz-show host to give anyone of us the opportunity to correctly respond to a series of unrelated questions in the hope that we can all share in the excitement of a �winner� marching his way to �the grand prize�. Let me �just get to the point�. The questions we ask determine the answers we are able to discover. Ask a stupid question�Your problem is that, like the performers on Fox News, you only know how to ask stupid questions, and so you find yourself surrounded by a world of meaningless answers. But suppose you just happen to notice a common theme appearing in scores of complex questions ..that plague you? --- A multitude of apparently unrelated questions you examine, from ancient history to modern physics � from �God� to nuclear weapons, all share something profound in common. So much so that you begin to hypothesize that all these �facts� may be related. The challenge is to integrate enough of these observations to propose a truly significant question. Raising such an inquiry is considered injudicious; unearthing a resolution may be down right dangerous. Investigate an extraordinary matter, and if you are patient enough, a totally unbelievable spectacle may manifest itself before your �eyes�. By formulating a multi-dimensional question, one may �find oneself� wandering through surreal universes of unreality �something called �a many universes theory of everything�. Totalitarianism is a modern phenomenon based upon a multi-dimensional perspective that Lords-Over and isolates the members of its many universes into tunnel-vision worlds. As long as �you� limit your �self� to a one-dimensional reality, such as homosexuality, you can�t hope to escape the sensual grip of media players that bad-mouth anyone not coming or going your way. �Believers� inhabit an emotionally hypnotic unreality without questions. If you are offended by this unending inquisition of �The Jews�, then articulate your own battery of queries and see if you discover as persuasive a �theory of everything� as unfolds in Heaven-Words. My objective is not to convert you to a new gospel, but to encourage you to question everything, and in doing so spark a renaissance of genius that offers genuine hope to a Race losing ever-more ground to movers and shakers rocking the tube.

It is not enough to simply criticize a hostile occupying government. There must be something meaningful we can do to undermine this Jewish tyranny. I do not believe fighting the Jews and their multiracial allies is a shooting war we can win. Even a majority of White Christian Americans are too brainwashed to fight on their own behalf. They side with their own executioners because they believe it is the patriotic thing to do �their Christian duty � just as patriotic Russian Orthodox Christians, like Alexander Solzhenitsyn, fought for the Stalinists only to end up in Communist Gulags after the war. Jews are able to use the Media-State�s levers of power to manipulate White Americans to fight other White Americans in an undeclared civil war that is self-destructive. We must exploit internal weaknesses of the current social order that can lead this �diverse� society to become so divided that genuine conflict forces the Media-State to remove its mask of �equality� and declare itself to be what it has been all along: a Judeo-Xian oligarchy. But how are we to depose America�s ruling class when we cannot even engage them in conflict? The problem is they hide behind proxy armies of misguided Christian supporters, who are our own relatives � just as the former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad observed. How do we weaken the Jews without fighting among ourselves. What non-violent action can we take that can change the balance of power both in America and in Europe?

White Flight Back to the Future of Our European Dissent: Returning the Hands of Time to Fix America�s Clock

For years I have failed to see how Whites can effectively resist the Jews, other than through the creative arts. What I have not yet done is to present a tangible way for ordinary people to escape this new American tyranny. What we inherently understand is that the totalitarian war machine, whether in the former Soviet Union, modern day America, or any other empire throughout history, functions because the people support it. They work for these institutions, pay taxes to support �the war effort�, and most of all submit to the authority they fear. One of the shortcomings of those who demonize the Jews is they often imagine that they can only be overthrown by a supernatural event. Our task is to find a way to subvert their power that does not rely on apocalyptic thinking. What follows is a means of �low intensity warfare� that can truly change the world. All our ancestors came to America from Europe. In many cases they left to escape tyranny, war, and famine. Today, the people of European descent in America are terrorized by a totalitarian Media-State engaged in perpetual war � against us. Throughout history, people have fled from tyranny when they could. That is our own history. The challenge is to find many alternatives to armed conflict that allow us to resist the genocidal policies of the multi-racial Media-State. I cannot encourage the youth of America to take up arms in another civil war. It is precisely such wars that have devastated our race. But I can encourage young Americans to begin looking to Europe for their future. Some people may feel it is unpatriotic to leave America, but it is the American government that has dispossessed us. Our loyalty must be to those like ourselves, not to simply those who call themselves Americans �not to the Africans, Mexicans, Chinese, and most of all -- not to the Jews and their co-conspirators in the Judeo-Christian War Party. As they used to say during the Vietnam war: �love it or leave it.� We may be best able to love America today by leaving �for the lands of our European descent! America is facing a massive financial crisis. If making enormous personal sacrifices to support a multi-racial military Media-State dedicated to Jewish interests just doesn�t strike your fancy, than why kill your self for people that don�t give a damn about you? Earlier generations of Americans have lived beyond their means by creating enormous debts that they left for future generations to pay; but we are rapidly discovering ourselves �going back� to that future of inherited debt. The burden of a massive national debt, personal debt, Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, illegal immigration, the perpetual �war on terror�, fighting Israel�s battles �just cannot be pawned off on �a greater fool� anymore. We have become a nation of debtors, and it�s getting to be time to pay the piper. If these aging Americans had lived nobly and left an honorable legacy, they would command your loyalty � but the America they bequeath to you is little more than a house of cards. You don�t have to gamble your life away playing a rigged game. The best way to save America is to bring that house down. If you have figured out the scam dialectic of forced liberal and conservative �choices� -- there is still one vote that can make a difference: the one you make with your feet. You might check Google for an article titled: Some in U.S. voting with their feet By Rick Lyman, The New York Times, February 7, 2005. It was reprinted in the International Herald Tribune Online. Call it what you may, concealed behind all that anti-Bush rhetoric is good old fashioned White Flight --- from California and scores of American cities where Whites are now the minority. 

On November 5 and 6, 2004 Fox News ran stories about Democrats leaving America for Canada to escape Bush, reminiscent of the draft dodgers fleeing to Canada during the Vietnam war. Recall that America and Canada are both countries of immigrants. The Puritans, Catholics, Irish, Jews, Germans, Poles and millions of others fled to America to escape oppression in �the old country�. Only recently has the migration begun to go the other way, as America becomes a more fearful place to call home. What is interesting about the Fox News coverage is that it not only gives a sense that other countries, such as Canada, Australia, and New Zealand would welcome young Americans, but carried an unstated visual message: �marry an American�. An Internet search quickly turns up the address: The apparent purpose of the site is to �hook up� young singles from America with Canadian singles. Canadians are encouraged to �take the pledge� to liberate an American through a legally binding marriage. The tone of the site is clearly �liberal�; their objective: to escape �cowboy conservatism�. That site may in fact be intended as a joke, but there is no reason the idea should be dismissed or limited to Canada or liberalism. Another website you may find interesting is: It seems to focus on a more middle class audience with job skills and sufficient assets to purchase a home. This site encourages dual-citizenship for interested Americans. There is a clear political agenda ranging from gay rights and abortion to gun control and cultural diversity. Canada is presented as a liberal paradise. But it also describes some very practical reasons for potential taxpayers to settle in Canada, most importantly: �NO Federal Deficit�. Publicly funded health care is a very big deal with the Canadians. They take pride in their humanitarian foreign policy and environmental activism. What is significant is that this is not just �pie in the sky� failed socialism. Canada is a real place, and what is even more unbelievable -- Western Europe is much the same, and with the help of the EU � life is being breathed back into Eastern Europe as well. One problem. Thanks to decades of evangelical abortion, birth control, and homosexuality, there are relatively more older people than youngsters. That�s where you come in. It�s either you or the Africans and Asians. In spite of all the government talk about diversity, the locals much prefer distant cousins to alien invaders. The one thing you must understand about Europe is that there is an infinite distance between what people actually believe and what they are allowed to say. As long as one maintains the appearance of being a �liberal� seeking to escape �conservatism� it is likely one will be tolerated. What you are fleeing however is not �conservatism�, but a multiracial one party system controlled by Jews that presents itself as a surreal facade with two faces -- one liberal, the other conservative.

If America�s ambitious youth choose to �flee� this Orwellian nation and seek refuge in our ancestral homelands, the balance of power will be changed by the power of the purse they bring with them�by their simple willingness to work and pay taxes. If you think this through, you will come to realize that your life has value, that this is the passageway out of servitude we have been seeking. It is not merely that everything is wonderful in Europe, but rather by moving in the numbers very much needed by aging Europe, we can ally ourselves with the youth of Europe and create a viable future for all of us. While our objectives are peaceful, such historic action will not be easy. Most assuredly we ourselves must endure hardship in this struggle, but this exodus from America offers far more promise of long-term success than engaging in armed struggle with the police state America has become. If you still hold a belief in the superiority of America over Europe, you have not yet seen enough of either America or Europe �or spied into the future of a once ravaged continent being reborn! In The European Dream: How Europe's Vision of the Future is Quietly Eclipsing the American Dream, Jeremy Rifkin argues that the unification of Eastern and Western Europe holds the potential of supplanting a wavering American dream with the European dream. However, the primary challenge threatening Europe�s promising future is an aging population. Rifkin concludes that if Europe cannot solve its problem of under-population, and soon, it will be unable to take the lead from an already faltering America.14 I had considered writing a substantial chapter on Rifkin; but his techno-Marxism paradigm is little more than the ideas of David Bohm revisited: In place of quantum wholeness, Rifkin offers a system view of a global network commonly referred to as �global consciousness�.

The people of Russia and Eastern Europe were enslaved, and tens of millions murdered, by global criminals who have recently lost their footing in much of Europe, and sought greener pastures in America and the Middle East. These organized crime families dictate America�s pre-emptive strike foreign policy and paranoid regime of �homeland security�. But their return to Europe is inevitable unless the youth of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand beat them to the punch �save this European continent for all our people of European descent. Be assured, the European people themselves will prefer you to the Africans and Asians their governments tell them they so desperately need. Europeans are told they have two options: increase their birth rate, or import millions of new tax paying workers who can support and care for the aged Baby Boom generation. Should some slow learning old �Nazis� disapprove, they are reminded that population imbalances can also be dealt with by decreasing the population, not of the new arrivals from Africa, but them � euthanasia. Government sponsors of abortion on demand and protectors of the rainbow flag have just the solution: import millions of people of color from around the globe to repopulate Europe. In practice, large numbers of these new arrivals remain unemployed, a drain on social services, and to make matters worse � once admitted bring their aging family members to join them. The practical solution that will be chosen by the abortion States of the world is euthanasia. Nations that have passionately endorsed infanticide will be even more aggressive when it becomes an insurmountable financial problem supporting sickly old white folks. Social security, pensions, health care, Medicare etc. will threaten to bankrupt industrial nations across the globe as the post WW II generation retires. I am not arguing on behalf of baby-boomers here; I am simply observing that what goes around comes around. The multiracial Media-State is not �looking out for you� �.Unless you are a Jew, the Media-State owes you nothing. Baby-boomers have betrayed loyalty to their own and should not be surprised when the tables are turned. Our task, as Americans, is to give the European people a choice; their task is to compel their own governments to honor the will of the people ...and recently at least, Europeans have had more success than Americans in holding government in check. Everyone agrees that Europe needs immigrants, but not everyone agrees that only �people of color� need apply. The unanswered question is: Will there be a de-facto EU policy of �Whites need not apply�? It is imperative that we not allow them to do that. I cannot go into the mechanics of how to get settled in Europe, but I can say this: it is much easier if you are young and educated, eager to work, and willing to learn a new language. However, English is widely spoken in many areas of Western Europe, especially in the larger cities. Ask your grandparents if they know the names and locations of your relatives in Europe. There are a multitude of sites on the Internet that describe in detail how to �escape from America�. Consider becoming an American expatriate. You might start by participating in a student exchange program, or taking a year off to work in Europe. Either way, you will meet European friends in the process, possibly even the love of your life. It is that personal contact that can change everything, not writing to bureaucrats in a foreign immigration office.

You will probably not get rich doing this, but you will have helped change the world. Here�s how: America needs talented young Whites to make the multi-racial society work. Whites are also needed by this State-of-Diversity as breeding stock to be mixed with people of color. After all, how is the Media-State to create beautiful and gifted women of color like the Foxy Lauren Green without white genes? Does anyone really doubt that America�s global oligarchs plan on turning America into a �diverse� society, and use our children to make this multi-racial mix work? People often express the fear that America will revisit the history of Nazi Germany, but what is far more likely is that America will become a new Soviet Union ..based not on the inefficient model of Russia, but rather capitalist/communist China � a partner in  tyranny of the intensely pro-Jewish media mogul Rupert Murdoch. The pro-China bias of the Fox News business block �The Cost Of Freedom� is consistent with the politics of the networks owner. If Rupert Murdoch is not your idea of a patriotic American, then perhaps it is time to re-think what patriotism is because Murdoch�s Fox News is the �channel of record� when it comes to defining American patriotism today. Just ask George Bush � or better yet, Ted Turner. If large numbers of talented Whites succeed in escaping from this evil empire, it is inevitable that the Jews will be compelled to import large numbers of Asians and Indians to replace us. These changes are likely to occur because of global population shifts already well underway. Populations in Asia, Oceania, India, Africa, and Latin America are rapidly expanding, while White populations in North America and Europe are declining. This is not happening by chance, or miscalculation. This is an intentional policy of genocide being orchestrated by �democratic� governments in the West, under the watchful eye of some very old test-a-mentors. Feminism has made the holocaust of abortion into a Democratic value, although that may change as Hillary woos a drop of southern comfort from Reds of the conservative persuasion. Remember, Stalin was no liberal, but he sure was Red. Let's not be coy here: a Leninist Leftist can convert to a Stalinist "Right Winger", and still remain a Communist. Who was more Red, the Liberal Lenin or the Conservative Stalin? Please do not take comfort in Hillary and Bill becoming "Conservative" Democrats. Trust me, you will like their Stalinist incarnation a whole lot less than then when they were blowing Lenin's tunes with "The Brothers". Which is not to say they did not reap a whirlwind of horror when Slick Willy was in season. Thanks to their policies, our children are flooded with models of homosexuality in the popular culture. Inter-racial sex is hot! Oh yes, they did their part to see that the training schedules for recalcitrant Whites ran on time. The question for US is what can we do to help a hard reign fall? If America�s younger generation returns to Europe, this disrupts the global game plan of the Jews in a critical way. White migration does not simply enable the people of European descent to survive, but also makes it more difficult for Jews to move from Israel back to the Diaspora in Europe; in addition, immigration of Africans and Asians to Europe becomes more difficult for the authorities to justify.

Virtually all White groups that purpose overthrowing the Jewish controlled totalitarian power structure in the West base their ideologies on messianic or apocalyptic expectations. They await �The New Hitler�, economic collapse of the dollar, race wars in the cities ---and perhaps now, tidal waves decimating the West Coast of Amexica. But these beliefs are likely to be wishful thinking. My advice has been a bit more practical. I use chaos theory, an extension of quantum theory and relativity, as a model for revolution. I do not believe that young people should sacrifice their lives in a no-win symbolic resistance to Jewish tyranny. What can be done is to fail to defend the America of the Jews. It is possible to remain within �The Game� without disqualifying yourself. Learn to betray the trust and confidence of Jews and their assortment of allies � including both Fundamentalists and Gays, -- �Play them� against one another to your own advantage �just as the Jews do. Be a sunny-day friend! Because the Jews need to represent their adversaries, and secretly endorse under-handed tactics, that gives considerable flexibility to anyone with a good sense of humor. You cannot avoid failure if you adhere to a consistent Christian ethic while �forgiving� those who �outsmart� you because your behavior is completely predictable. Remember Chaos Theory, and not the logic or morality of forced choices, is your model in this surreal Chess Game of unreality. This is not to say you should have no honor, that you should betray all trust, only that you have an intuitive sense of who your real friends are � where genuine loyalty belongs. A Christian who sincerely �believes the Jews� are �God�s Chosen People� does not merit either your respect or fidelity. Being brainwashed is not a state of �innocence�; a kid has an excuse for not understanding the world in which he grows up �- a grown-up does not. Speak honestly to those who have the depth to share in genuine discourse; don�t waste your energy on the thoughtless. By figuring-out the Rules of this quantum-relativistic match, you can help create a reality worth defending. In the past, some revolutionary artists have been known to have the courage to create emotionally powerful works of beauty that challenge the reality of their time. They are usually punished for their efforts, but sometimes their �dangerous� ideas spread and the world changes. By interweaving revelations concerning the treachery of Jews within the design of our art, we aim to not merely embroider this work with racist symbols that are uniquely our own, but to prevent The Jews from twisting our own creations back upon themselves �thus turning our genius to the service of their Imperium --- as we saw The Church of Rome was able to do with the primitive Christianity of the Jews. In modern times, the Renaissance in Europe signaled the decline of Christianity and the rise of science. Physics has undergone its own revolutions, and to our misfortune, that resulted in a relatively small group of Jews orchestrating the creation of nuclear weapons, resulting in their ascent to world power. The problem is how can their empire be over-thrown without destroying ourselves and this good Earth in the process? -- Thus, the apocalyptic expectations that haunt this post modern age, this era of nuclear weapons proliferation. The tactic for this world in conflict is to avoid direct military confrontation and use low intensity means of warfare instead. One method threatening to annihilate the White Race is migration. People of color from around the globe are in the process of swallowing the youth of America whole. But this genocidal assault is being enforced by the established institutions of the West; as Michael Savage points out, the enemy is within. Actually it is a collusion between internal and external enemies of the White middle class. America�s wealthy elite are using people of color in what is basically class warfare. This is very similar to the methods employed by the Jewish Bolsheviks in the Russian revolution. The demon they attacked was �The Bourgeoisie�, a sophisticated Marxist catch phrase for the middle class. Communist Party rulers professed to be ordinary folks much as Democratic �Irish Catholic� billionaire John Kerry professes to be. It is of critical importance to draw this parallel between the communist take over of Russia and events in America today � because it enables us not only to understand what is happening today and anticipate what is in store for us, but discloses the limits to Jewish genius. Their need to revert to predictable patterns of subversion indicates that we have correctly identified their objective, namely � to replace the White middle class with a new multi-racial Party controlled primarily by Jews ...not so unlike what was done in the Soviet Union. More importantly, because we understand their genocidal objectives, we must never trust anyone who supports the Jews whether they are Irish Catholics like Bill O�Reilly and Sean Hannity, or �Marano Jews� like �Michael Savage�. Both liberal democrats and conservative republicans have the same objective: to establish a capitalist/communist �new world order�, with a hereditary aristocracy giving the orders. The Jews do not intend to be a visible and vulnerable upper crust; their tactic is partnership with the established elite. John Kerry is their American dream. If you do even the briefest research into his family history, you will quickly discover what the Media fails to mention. He is a Jew on his father�s side, with not a trace of Irish ancestry. However, on his mother�s side he is related to America�s blue bloods. The Jews then plan on doing what they have always done best: �marry well�. But not all Jews can be billionaires or related to them. Wherefore then is there an enduring place for the rank and file Jews of this world? This is the critical question that shapes the future of the West, if not the entire planet.

One may observe that the Jews control Europe as well as America, that they are the hidden hand manipulating media, governments, finance etc. on both continents. But there is a critical difference between Europe and America, a difference we must exploit if the White race is to survive. There are several million Jews living in North America; they provide hands-on managerial control of America�s primary organizations. Where ever you turn, you don�t have to go far up the chain of command to encounter a Jew or one of their fundamentalist partners. Jews are the �friends in high places� you have heard so much about. But Europe is different. Yes, there are harsh laws punishing those who deface, or even challenge, the symbols of �The Chosen People�; and yes, there are Jewish elite sitting in powerful seats of government, manipulating the media, education � just like in America. But there are not six million rank and file Jews controlling the nations of Europe, nor are there millions of fundamentalist Christians ready to go off to war to fight and die for them. Fox News is despised on the European continent, and so is Israel. Think about this: in a number of European countries, White Europeans face heavy fines and prison time if they simply upset Jews, homosexuals, or people of color with their words, for example by questioning the historical accuracy of facts associated with The Holocaust. You don�t hear either Fox News or the European media pointing out the Stalinist configuration of the pro-Jewish governments in both North America and Europe. What you hear is that Europeans are Anti-Semitic, and something has to be done to put a stop to it. Nobody in the media, either in Europe or America dares criticize these special laws protecting Jews. Bill O�Reilly might make fun of such special laws protecting homosexuals, but he knows the limits to �free speech�. If challenged, Bill would get all righteous about the Nazis; but there is no way he would bring up the mass murder of tens of millions of East Europeans by the Communists and the role of Jewish Bolsheviks in that atrocity � unless of course he was defending the Jews, with a �Holocaust Survivor� from Israel by his side. To even suggest such a �fair and balanced� debate would assuredly be a �hate crime�, whether in Europe or America. All this talk of �defending freedom� is a lie. This is the core of the distortion and injustice that plagues America, and everyone agrees: �we don�t want to go there� -- So much for �the no spin zone�! Europeans don�t hate Americans individually, any more than they hate �Russians� -- but rather America�s politics of perpetual war. They have seen it all before with both the Nazis and the Stalinists. It was not Ronald Reagan who brought down Communism; it collapsed along with the horror that could not be concealed: Chernobyl. Perhaps Marxism could have succeeded if it had not turned into a murderous Stalinism, devouring �The Bourgeoisie�. But class warfare is the life-blood of Marxism, just as it is in �democratic� America and Europe today. However, �The Marxists� in America do not plan on repeating the same mistake made in Eastern Europe. Rather than the outright murder of the middle class, their tactic is to mix them with American Africans, Mexicans, and Asians -- Genocide by any other name. Considering the role played by the Jews in the mass murder of some fifty million Europeans carried out by the Marxists, you can understand why Jews need harsh laws to protect them from criticism in Europe. Since the end of World War II, Jews have migrated from Europe to Israel. As the Soviet Union began to fail, a new wave of migrants fled to �the promised land�. But as the Communist bosses, such as Anatoly Chubais, became �democratic capitalists�, the wealth (oil) and instruments of power (media) were placed safely in the hands of Jews such as Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Roman Abramovich, Boris Berezovsky, and Vladimir Gusinsky etc. These men quickly concentrated the wealth of Russia�s capitalist democracy in their own pockets � becoming multi-billions in a land of impoverished people; they came to be known as The Oligarchs � or more accurately termed: The Jewish Oligarchs. There are few topics that can give you as deep an insight into the world in which you live as this one. You might start with contrasting perspectives: A good place to begin is with a Washington Post writer named David E. Hoffman; his book is called The Oligarchs: Wealth and Power in the New Russia. You should be able to find information about it at: A second website, with a very different perspective, is also worth your attention � it is called �NEWSCOMPASS�. It focuses on international news and current affairs. The objective here is for you to do your own research: use your head and stand on your own two feet.

The departure of about five million Jews from Europe after the war, and the loss of millions during the war, resulted in problems controlling Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union � thus the need for �The Cold War� and military occupation of Europe. Combine this with the outbreak of militant Islam within former Soviet republics, and you can understand that the shine is off Jewish Bolshevism in Europe. The disintegration of the Soviet Union and the unification of Germany was unstoppable. In order to control Eastern Europe and Russia, it has been necessary to unify them as quickly as possible with Western Europe; and place as much of the Warsaw Pact as possible under the flag of NATO. This surprises no one who understood the �Cold War� was an illusion, that NATO and the Warsaw Pact nations were in collusion with one another -- to split and suppress Germany after the war. But this �new world order�, this European Union, cannot be trusted by the Jews. They are proving to be less than faithful allies, as is suggested by their reluctance to support �America� s War� on Iraq. More troublesome still than the newly formed EU is Russia, under President Vladimir Putin. He has been in conflict with both the Muslims and the Jewish Oligarchs -- Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Roman Abramovich, Boris Berezovsky, and Vladimir Gusinsky. Putin has taken bold steps to separate the Jewish Oligarch�s from the wealth of the nation, forcing some into exile, and even putting Khodorkovsky (Yukos Oil) in jail for fraud. In 2004, Russia is the second largest oil producer in the world, after Saudi Arabia. These are fortunes the Jews cannot afford to lose. Something has to be done, but what? Patience. This brings us back to our question: Wherefore then is there an enduring place for the rank and file Jews of this world? I would suggest that a slightly expanded Israel should be the home for all Jews, but I am certain the Jews themselves do not see it that way -- First and foremost because they are simply too vulnerable there. In August 2004, an Iranian official responded to a most important question during an interview with Al-Jazeerah. The reporter asked if Iran would retaliate if that Muslim  nation�s nuclear power facilities were destroyed by either America or Israel. You will recall that in 1981 Israeli war planes destroyed Iraq�s nuclear power plant in a �pre-emptive strike� applauded by the media. The Iranian official responded by saying that America and Israel are inextricably linked and Iran would indeed respond; they would destroy Israel�s nuclear power facilities with Iranian long-range missiles. Shortly there after, the media reported that Russia continues to assist Iran in building a nuclear power facility for the peaceful use of generating electricity. Given the likelihood that a nation hostile to Israel will eventually gain the means to attack them with WMDs, they simply have to spread out.

In the near future, Europe will face a population bust, and the people of the EU will much prefer White immigrants to being flooded with Africans and Asians. Two key questions shape our future. The first is: will America and Australia allow large numbers of Whites to go into exile -- in Europe? Recall that the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe were prisons where only Communist Party members were allowed to travel. Occasionally, Jews were allowed to migrate to Israel, or possibly America. The second question is: will European governments restrict Whites from immigrating to the EU, or only accept �deserving� Africans, Asians and most significantly: Jews? �Michael Savage� once suggested that the solution to America�s problem with illegal immigration could be solved by allowing all the Jews in Israel to migrate to Southern California. They would put the illegals in their place in short order. That of course could not work because there is no way Israelis would replace Mexicans as America�s cheap labor force. The Israelis have something very different in mind. Their �promised land� is Europe. After World War II, millions of Jews made their grand exodus from Europe and established the State of Israel. Today, the key word in the EU is expansion. Public sentiment is currently critical of Israel, but that has not prevented the media raising the suggestion on occasion, and EU officials suggesting the time is not quite right. It is inevitable that EU authorities will select Israel for inclusion into the European Union, most likely shortly after admitting the Muslim nation of Turkey. Once admitted to the EU, Turkey�s conflict with Islam becomes the EU�s problem. The aim would be to get the EU committed to an all out war with Islam. The EU would need to seek allies in �Europe�s war� with Islam. European leaders would humbly call upon Israel for help, after diplomatic prompting from America; so Israel would enter the EU as a �white knight� coming to the aid of a friend in trouble. Once included, Jews would be free to travel, work, and live anywhere they choose in Europe. Jews from America have automatic Israeli citizenship and would therefore be de-facto citizens of the EU. But timing is everything! As the European population ages, many professional jobs will open up. Even if service jobs could be filled by third world immigration, what about the leadership positions in finance, industry, the media, education etc.. There will be a shortage of qualified African and Asian applicants for these high profile positions. Who will fill the places of the departing old timers? And here we have the answer to our question! Millions of Jews will migrate back to Europe from Israel. They will do this first pushing their way into the EU. Once admitted, they will be eligible for preferred employment in any EU nation. As Europe is flooded by millions of new arrivals from Africa, China, and elsewhere in the Third World, public sentiment will be more accepting of the Jews because �at least they are white�. The expectation is that as Europe is flooded with new arrivals from the global village, younger Europeans will be more accepting of Jews than were their grandparents. Israel would remain as a symbolic homeland for Jews, and also serve as a military outpost for the NATO alliance -- but the world would be their oyster. To understand the relativistic perspective of the Jews, we must view the world through their eyes, and realize that the Diaspora, and not the nation state, defines their history � their identity. The small state of Israel cannot provide the wealth and privilege they aspire to. Wealth on a grand scale can only be attained at the level of empire. Empires know no limits. The objective is to concentrate all wealth in the hands of a ruling elite, and the Jews see themselves as partners of all global lords in their common quest for world mastery.

The Jews will never give up America. Our homeland has been converted in to a State of War. The same tragedy befell the Russians nearly a century ago as Jewish Bolsheviks ushered in a Communist regime that would terrorize, enslave, and murder them by the tens of millions. Young American Whites face a bleak future in a �diverse� America. Left as individuals, people are powerless to resist the police-state America has become. Our loyalty must not be to any government or institution, but only to one another � to our race, where ever we may be. We are stronger if we unify as a people, and it appears that our best chance of survival is in Europe, the birthplace of all our ancestors. Americans may move to the U.K. and central Europe. I believe young Whites in Australia and New Zealand should seriously consider moving to Europe; they are situated in an area of Asia and Oceania with one of the highest rates of population increase on the planet. We cannot forget the tragedy that has befallen Whites in Zimbabwe and South Africa, who were determined to co-exist with those bent on their destruction. Apartheid Israel is in a similar position, but with a difference: Israel is able to survive today because it is protected and supported by American taxpayers and Jews from around the world. Israel consumes fortunes; it creates very few. Great wealth, as John Kerry can confirm, is the fruit of empires. A small class of people can become immensely rich by gaining control of government, and re-writing the tax laws to their own advantage. It is all about collusion, not individualism. But Jews will return to Europe for more than just the perks of managerial positions. Political analysts anticipate that a Unified Europe may prove to be America�s greatest competitor in a decade or two. Remember, it took two world wars for the American Imperium to replace the empires of Europe. Given the Anti-American, anti-Israel sentiment of much of Europe today, some worry that Europe is shaping up to be not merely a competitor, but as has been the case too many times in the past: an adversary. The Jews cannot allow this to happen now that they control America. So by �joining Europe�, the Jews can transform the EU into a clone of America. By doing this, the Jews not only gain wealth and position for themselves, but strengthen their hold on America by transforming their potentially greatest adversary into their closest ally. Finally, the realization of the new world order! There would be still more upside to this merger, and you know how much the multi-nationals love mergers. As a symbolic homeland for Ultra Orthodox Jews, Israel would keep the door open for a take-over of the entire Middle East. The Arab world would no longer find a sometime ally among European nations. Europe would march in lock step with the American perpetual war machine. Keep in mind that Russia borders Asia, and Europe the Middle East. So once Europe has been whipped in to line, globalization would mandate the integration of Asia with Europe, and so on. By controlling the European and American continents, the Jews could assure senior partner status in their alliance with China. While I don�t want to make this idea too simplistic, I would suggest you familiarize yourself with a children�s board game called RISK. My point is not quite as simple as you may think. In order to understand Jewish strategy, you must imagine yourself looking through their relativistic �I�s. The history of the Jews is not that of a people bound to any �Holy Land�. Their reality for thousands of years, predating even the Roman Empire, is the Diaspora. The Diaspora is the Real aspect of Judaism; Israel is the Imaginary dimension of these Complex people. Thus, it is inevitable that the Jews in Israel will move in Numbers back to the Diaspora. Israel cannot exist without the Diaspora, but the Diaspora only requires that the memory, the IDEA, of Israel exists. If all Jews could be compelled to live in a real-world Israel --- in a profoundly fundamental sense, the Jews would cease to be Jews. That magical non-local dimension that has defined them for thousands of years would no longer exist. They would simply be a gifted group of people not so unlike the Japanese. Just as it is urgent that we understand the objectives of the Jews, it is equally vital to know that our own objectives are not genocidal: but simply to contain all Jews within the livable boundaries of a self-sufficient real-world-state of Israel.

Fox News has run a series of reports about Eurabia. This term is similar to what talk radio inside-outsiders like �Michael Savage� have termed �Islamofascism�. The basic idea is that since 1973, France and other European countries have belonged to a secret alliance with a number of Islamic nations. The motivation for this collusion is their common hatred of Israel and America. The basic agreement is said to be a promise on the part of European nations to import large numbers of Muslims into Europe for the purpose of transforming Europe from a Judeo-Christian civilization into an Islamic culture. In order to make this possible, it is necessary for the European and Islamic peoples to merge. The Islamic nations, particularly of the Middle East, would provide a ready supply of oil to Europe in exchange for the latest in technology and medicine. This alliance would be overshadowed by an undisclosed agenda: to destroy Israel and undermine America. Their primary propaganda tactic would be for European States and Media to endlessly criticize Israel and America for mistreating the Palestinians. As European nations become more heavily populated with Muslims, these nations will become part of a much larger Islamic civilization that extends well into Asia. Eurabia thus would become an empire too vast for even America to conquer. �Although the vast majority of Europeans today are not Anti-Semitic or anti-Israeli, they are immersed in a culture of demonization of Israel, fomented by a European political entity in which nearly everything that is written and said on the Middle East conveys this anti-Israeli mentality. ...Reactivated during the past four decades, this Judeophobic conditioning, indirectly, and almost subliminally, is being implemented by the willing heirs of the genocidal fathers. They transmit and spread this Anti-Semitism in a new political and ideological construction, different from Nazism: the Euro-Arab war for the delegitimization and destruction of Israel. �Clearly, a project that was so compromising for Europe could not be set forth in written documents and treaties; the Europeans chose the formula of �dialogue.� �Proceedings and decisions took place in closed sessions, with no official minutes. Sessions were jointly directed by two presidents, one European and the other Arab.�15 (Eurabia and Euro-Arab Anti-Semitism By Bat Ye�or | April 5, 2004)

This story of Eurabia is a conspiracy theory being fielded by the Jews, most notably by a Jewish scholar, living in Europe, who goes by the pseudonym Bat Ye�or ..meaning �Daughter of the Nile� in Hebrew. This conspiracy theory identifies a sympathy many Europeans have for nations around the world that have been bombed and occupied by America, but the theory never seriously explains why. The reason for the claimed European hatred of Jews is attributed to an almost organic transmission of Anti-Semitic prejudice from mean spirited predecessors of the WW II Nazi era. No mention is made of the role of Jewish Bolsheviks in the mass murder of some fifty million �bourgeois� Russians and East Europeans during the era of Lenin and Stalin. Although, we can be sure that when those responsible have aged and died, faded memories will reconstruct a �second holocaust�, and we can be certain the story of victimized Jews and demonic Russians will be revealed by the Jewish media in the West. No, hatred of the Jews in �Eurabia� simply stems from ignorant beliefs that Jews engage in the ritual murder of innocent gentile children for the purpose of drinking their blood. If only the misguided peasants of �Eurabia� could abandon their primitive superstitions and see the Jews as they really are � then we could all just get along, as the much abused Rodney King has taught us by his saintly example. But where believers in Eurabia see conspiracy, a less devout eye may spy unbounded greed and institutionalized corruption. One could as easily construct a theory of U-SAbia as Eurabia.  After-all, a precedent has been set in Amexica.

Recall Clinton�s J team: William S. Cohen of Maine as defense secretary, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, General Wesley Clark � three Jews �bombing Christian Serbs, supposedly on behalf of the Albanian Muslims. Going back a few decades in Iraq, I believe it was Dick Cheney who chummed around with America�s hand picked Stalinist mobster: Saddam Hussein. And even before that fearless hunter of �killer-rabbits�: President Jimmy Carter, we may recall that America�s number one ally in the Arab world was the Shah of Iran. Fast forward to Michael Moore�s film Fahrenheit 9/11; I believe he reports that the Bush family has been intricately involved with the power brokers of Saudi Arabia, particularly the family of one Osama Bin Laden. As I am sure you recall, the CIA worked side by side with that Reagan era �freedom fighter� in Afghanistan as they fought the Soviets. My point is that America has easily been as involved in alliances with �Arabia� as the Europeans, often with precisely the same �Hitlers� they claim are their enemies today. I believe the Eurabia conspiracy theory was invented to counter charges, widely believed in Europe, that America and Israel conspired with Saudi Arabia in �burning the Reichstag�: i.e. the 911 attack on the World Trade Center (All these coincidental codes kind of remind you of the 007 spy plane caper of the 1980�s involving Korea.) If you examine any of the governments of Europe, you will notice Jews and their allies in powerful positions -- especially France, in spite of all the bad press it gets from Fox News and talk radio. Consider the likely successor of French President Jacques Chirac: Nikolas Sarkozy, a pragmatic center right party leader who is the son of �immigrants�, at least one of which is of Jewish ancestry. If the ambitions of this young party favorite and darling of the media are not immediately fulfilled, a suitable pro-Jewish standard bearer will be �elected� until he is ready to fulfill �France�s� grand destiny. To suggest that the Jews either remained oblivious to �Euabia� for thirty years or were unable to prevent it from forming is unlikely. But let�s say the Bat Ye�or charges are correct, that the leadership of Europe has conspired for decades to surrender Europe to the authority of a global Muslim empire that has as its primary goal the destruction of Israel. Is this not criminal behavior on a massive scale? Perhaps a treachery as evil as leaving the borders of a nation one has sworn to defend unprotected � as both Presidents Clinton and Bush have done. It seems clear that if these capital offenses are indeed true, the most powerful leaders of Europe should all be removed from office; and, along with their predecessors and likely successors, placed on trail for treason. If owners of the media refuse to inform the people of what government authorities have been conspiring to do, then these media moguls should join the accused politicians they have shielded. My intent is not to bring back the guillotine, but simply to point out that the last thing the Jews want is to discredit the governments of Europe en mass. On the contrary, the Eurabia story is intended to boost the popularity of European leaders. You see the multiracial society has become unruly, even revolutionary at times -- and White Europeans are blaming the political leaders and the media for forcing millions of non-Western immigrants upon them � who are now becoming a threat to their lives. They do not want Muslims from Africa, and all over the third world, repopulating Europe. They blame the political leaders who have demanded that they politely accept these hordes of hostile peoples as their fellow citizens, that they pay astronomical taxes to support the enormous families of this unending flood of new arrivals. Sound familiar yet? So the task of the media is to play on the prejudices of the people to persuade them that �their leaders� brought these outlanders to their shores to protect them from the greatest of all evils: �The Jews� � consider again the fictitious reports in the French media of Africans attacking a woman the gang �believed� to be a Jew. The tactic used is to play on the Anti-Semitism and racism of the European populations � what American politicians call �playing the race card�. (Does the name Willy Horton ring a bell? Does the NAACP think either Bush is �really� racist?) This gambit has added weight if the charge is made by the much disliked war mongers from America. If Bush fundamentalists and their Israeli Lords �hate� the European leadership, than they can be trusted, i.e. �elected�. Remember, these days, Anti-Americanism, with the slightest hint of Anti-Semitism, is the ticket to election in France, Germany, and Russia. The Stalinist leadership of �Eurabia� seeks the same objective as their Judeo-Christian Allies in America: a stable multiracial society. So when authorities remove mean spirited Muslims, native Europeans approve; when new ones arrive, Americans complain they are Nazis, thus leading Europeans to accept them. The European bosses are trying to play it both ways, but have no more intention of deporting significant numbers of non-Whites from Europe than America�s savvy politicians intend to deport third world illegals from the mega-cities of the USA. European power players merely want to domesticate Muslims from Africa and the Middle East, but these aliens are proving to be an em-bare-assing problem: a surprising number of them are quite vocal in their very real Anti-Semitism. What has happened is that the multiracial society has backfired. The leaders of Western Europe no more anticipated this situation than the leaders of the former Soviet Union anticipated the collapse of their Communist empire. What do you think the European opinion makers are going to say when all hell is breaking loose in liberal countries like the Netherlands, Denmark and even remote Sweden? -- That they are at fault because their protected class of color, imported against the will of �racist� locals, is proving not merely a burden on society, but an imminent danger to the public safety. Should politicians who aggressively stripped citizens of the newly formed EU of their liberte�, equalite�, fraternite� be held accountable for betraying the very laws and principles they swore to defend? Of course not! As in America, these �principals� are above the law. Whether in �the new world� or �the old country�, the same �Golden Rule� applies.

Both the Islamofascism of Eurabia and the Fahrenheit 9/11 hype of U-SAbia are self-contradictory theories, simply serving to protect the interests of Jews in America and Europe. By way of mockery, I propose that Ms. Bat Ye�or might want to get together with Michael Moore and collaborate on a �unified conspiracy theory�: The Bush family and the Clintons have conspired with the Saudis and other Muslims to overthrow the Jews in America. These presidential families have enforced a policy of unprotected borders precisely to allow Al Qaeda into America. Patriotic Marano Jews (a two-timing Jew who appears to be �Christian�), like �Michael Savage�, want the borders closed and illegals, especially Muslims, deported � but will Bush do this? No! Because Bush is the new Hitler and is using the Islamofascists to do his dirty work, just as he did on September 11. U-SAbia-Eurabia is much more insidious even than Ms. Bat Ye�Or realized � it has already spread to the White House. In the event you thought jolly old England was out of the loop, don�t forget Princess Dianna and her obvious connection to Eurabia. Notice how the media over there and over here no longer dote on the memory of this British royal and her ill-fated love from the Arab half of this Eurabia alliance. Were they assassinated by Media-State Judeo-Xians? Could such suspicions trouble Princes William and Harry? What would the implications have been for the Jews if a future king of England should have a powerful Muslim sibling? As sons of a beloved martyred parent, William and Harry have something in common with the late JFK Jr. � enormous public sympathy and affection. After the Nazi scandal, do the Jews now see Prince Harry as a future threat � a political wildcard they have to deal with? Is his life in danger if he does not cower to the Jews or become their champion? Or was the entire media-event staged, serving as a pretext to establish a Europe-wide law against the display of Nazi symbols? Does this hullabaloo over swastikas remind you of the Christian symbol controversy in America, particularly around Christmas � a word some have tried to ban from public discourse? Are Jews in the media orchestrating a common agenda in both America and Europe, or are Islamofascists about to unleash their spring offensive? Is Schrodinger's cat alive, or is it just a dead cat bounce?

But enough of all this nonsense. Not all events appearing in the media conform with �reality as we know it�. You will recall that some pages back we mentioned another prominent Harry who made untimely headlines for contradicting the dogma of his time and ours. The former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad caused an uproar when he stated that the Jews manipulate other people to fight and die for them; what was important about the event is that scores of prominent leaders from around the world were not only in the audience, but gave his statement a standing ovation. While the media could not suppress the story, they did their best to minimize it � to make it �surreal� or even a joke. The vast majority of the Time, the media choreographs the events it reports, but occasionally it is in damage control mode � and is less than persuasive in its efforts. Because the electronic Media-State is governed by quantum principles of unreality, viewers rarely know, with any degree of certainty, what is �really� going on. Our task is to view these media-events from different relativistic perspectives, and then wait to see if anyone lets Schrodinger's cat out of the bag.

The cat has been out of the closet for a long time now. It is too late in the game to claim that you just have not noticed the odd favoritism toward Israel and the Jews in the Media-States � that you have not noticed the increasing presence and influence of Jews every where you look  -- and the consequences for any who offend them. Certainly the �fair and balanced� debaters at Fox News haven�t noticed any such thing, nor have social iconoclasts like Michael Moore and the endless menagerie of rappers. All these inside-outsiders like Bill O�Reilly and Sean Hannity understand the primacy of Jewish interests at Fox News and throughout Judeo-Xian America, but there is no way on earth they are going to tell you. On the contrary, they are paid big bucks to suppress the truth. How can you trust them when you know they are lying to you? People believe what it is safe to believe, even if they know it to be a lie. Truth is simply not that big a deal with them, compared to social acceptance and prosperity. Right? You would support mass murder, torture, even a genocidal State targeting your own race, if the price was right; and, you had Judeo-Christian Fundamentalists quoting scripture declaring God to be �on your side�. You might want to read �The Good Book� some time and check out how ruthless this God of The Old Testament is. He just backs His Chosen team; it is not a matter of right and wrong � it�s a matter of winners and losers � as Neil and Brenda know so well. You just want to be in the winner�s circle of friends �. a Judeo-Xian �patriot� like Bush. Yet, you condemn the Germans for having supported Hitler, while even today you are very �conservative� in your criticism of Stalin. There may be a few courageous Blacks and �extremist� Whites who dare speak, but both Church and Media-State condemn them. They are the damned: �haters�. Serious people, �the main stream�, ignore them; all �fair and balanced� discussions are like the presidential �debates� -- The game is rigged because �both sides� in any �election�, in any debate, must always shill for the Jews. Just ask Sean�s sparring �partner�. Does anyone really doubt Bush�s allegiance to Israel and the Jews? Bush may very well be in collusion with the Saudis, as Michael Moore argues in Fahrenheit 9/11; but if he is, so are the Israelis. Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Pearl are generally identified as the �advisers� that steered Bush into war with Iraq. These Jews were calling the shots before 911, most probably in collusion with the Saudis and curious George. The timely appearance of the  Osama Bin Laden tape on the eve of Bush�s re-election further strengthens my suspicions that the September 11 attack would have been better planned for April 1, for we are indeed MAD to take Alfred E. Bush at face value. Unsurprisingly, Michael Moore treaded very lightly on the toes of Jews-like-Wolfowitz and Pearl, and stuck to protocol by keeping Israel entirely out of the discussion of Iraq. To his credit, Bill O�Reilly has acknowledged that the defense of Israel was a significant Factor leading to �America�s War� on Iraq. But I digress. If Bush is a shill for both the Jews and big oil, what about the Democrats? Consider the leading candidates for the Democratic nomination of 2004. John Kerry is a Jew on his father�s side (who simply changed his name to Kerry so as to appear Irish and not Jewish). Obviously, Senator Lieberman is a Jew, but not so obviously so also is General Wesley Clark, and the wife of Gov. Howard Dean. That leaves only two out-laws (Edwards and Gephardt) who were still possible contenders �who were not among the in-laws of �The Chosen�. One gets the impression that the Jews were extremely well represented in the race for the Presidency, but oddly, nobody seems to have noticed. Wouldn�t you say so? It�s just a matter of time before whistle blowers-like-Michael-Moore figure out which way the wind is blowing and put the big chill on cool coincidences drafting in from both wings of the White House. I�ll bet we�ll be seeing Moore of that movie about hell freezing over the day after tomorrow.  The �big lie� in America and Europe today is that �we are free�. In some countries, like Sweden, a Christian minister can be sent to prison for preaching that the Bible condemns homosexuality. In late 2004, conservative French President Jacques Chirac was sponsoring an anti-gay �hate speech� law that could result in a year in prison and a 45,000 euro fine for simply using a gay slur when speaking in public. In Germany and elsewhere in Europe, questioning �The Holocaust� is a serious crime. In France, one may receive a life sentence in prison for destroying Jewish property, even if the damage is relatively small and no one is injured. It�s the thought that counts. What has happened is that corrupt governments have betrayed the Western tradition of equal justice under the law. In place of that once honored promise of equality, there are designer laws for protected groups. To even suggest that we may not be free smacks of �terrorism� because it implies that governments installing Orwellian laws, such as America�s �Patriot Act� and Anti-free-speech laws in France and elsewhere in Europe, are unjust and therefore illegitimate. Consequently, all �patriotic Americans of both parties� are expected to wave the flag and profess an uncompromising determination to �defend freedom�. Orwell�s point was that enslaved people would not simply say they were free, but would be so brainwashed they would actually believe they were free �.that they would �love� Big Brother. America�s brand of totalitarianism is a State-of-Mind every bit as rigid, as fanatical as fundamentalist Judeo-Christianity or Marxist atheism. Recall the glory days of �The Savage Nation� right after 911 � before all calls were put on time delay --- that was freedom, and the reason the program became so popular. Or, tune in to Fox News if you need to reload your Matrix. Remember Black Folks, �we� must all defend Zion ..regardless of the cost. The one question that seems to be tormenting all the big guns and big heads at Fox News is: �Why haven�t �we� attacked Iran already?� As seems to always be the case, people living under tyranny are fearful of their own shadow � for that is what they are really fighting �with hammer and sickle: the projected image of the red star rising on all the polls �alien colors camouflaged by friendly stars and bars firmly planted in what were once the backyards of America.

There is a major difference between America and Europe. After World War II, millions of Jews left Europe and established the State of Israel. As the Soviet Union began to falter, many Jews from those regions migrated to Israel and America. Yes, there still are Jews entrenched in powerful positions in Europe, but they are missing the legions of lawyers, media celebrities, government officials, business managers, bankers, brokers, professors, doctors, artists, writers, scientists, and on and on that it takes to effectively control a society. In there place, many European countries have harsh laws, including fines of about 45,000 euros and a year in prison, punishing �Anti-Semitism�, �racism�, and �homophobia�. In Germany, it is a criminal offense to display a swastika, salute like a Nazi, question The Holocaust, or generally do anything offensive to the Jews. In August 2004, a Jewish community center in Paris was destroyed by fire. The facility was empty at the time, so no one was injured. Never-the-less, French authorities announced that those responsible for the fire would be sentenced to life in prison. It was later disclosed that a Jew was behind the arson. Somehow, I doubt he will be sentenced to �life in prison� --- So much for equal justice. Even rumors of Jews being assaulted are enough to cause the French government and media to go into fits of hysteria, as was demonstrated by falsified reports of a woman who claimed she and her baby were mugged on a train by a gang of Africans who thought she was Jewish �- and none of the other passengers came to her defense: Front page news for an event that never occurred. If you were really attacked in any European city, neither authorities nor the media would give a damn. As the officials say in Amsterdam: �This isn�t the first time such an incident has happened, and it won�t be the last.� Harsh laws were imposed on the German people after World War II, along side the occupying American troops. The Germans, French, and other Europeans have good reason to dislike �America�, the U.K., and �Russia�. You may have �patriotic� memories of American pilots incinerating hundreds of thousands of defenseless women and Children in Germany at the close of WW II, but strangely enough Europeans don�t. These poor people had no more power to remove Hitler and his Nazis than the Russians had to remove the Stalinists, or you feel that you have to �recall� the Jewish oligarchs who are selling out our country left and right �from over and under us. Europe was decimated and occupied by the military arms of the USA and the USSR. Many people in America today find virtue in occupying Iraq, and are impatient to solve �the Iran problem�. How can anyone be proud of killing millions of our own not so distant cousins? Some fools like Billy O�Really, and his side kick Sean, pontificate about all the Jews the Germans killed, but want to hear nothing about the multitudes murdered by the Jewish-led Communist Bolsheviks before, during and after WW II. Should anyone question the wisdom of �The Greatest Generation� �well you know what happens � shock and outrage that you have forgotten the lessons of �The Holocaust� .. jada jada jada. In short, everything always relates back to the history of the Jews, whether it be in �Biblical times� or modern day USA � in the end, everything is about �The Chosen People�. This intimidation works in America because there are millions of Jews to make sure the beat goes on. But in Europe devotion to the Jewish �God� is waning. However willing European politicians may be to follow the dictates of their over-Lords, they still fear their own people. Remember that social unrest had a significant role to play in the disintegration of the �Eastern Block�. More recently, popular rejection of the war on Iraq made it necessary for major American allies in Europe to turn down the call to arms. Public revulsion of the bombing of Serbia made it necessary for NATO to end that war prematurely, and since then NATO has been distrusted by many Europeans. Europe has a significant Islamic population that is extremely hostile toward Israelis, and domestic populations from Russia to France that do not �love� The Jews. Not all surviving �Bourgeoisie� of Europe have forgotten the toll taken on the lives of old friends and relatives by Jewish Bolsheviks. These memories are not merely abstractions to them. In addition, it has become fashionable to criticize Israel and America. This is most evident in France, where Muslims outnumber Jews ten to one. Oddly enough, the only ones who get away with making the Jews nervous are the Muslims. The reason this can happen is that there are a large number of Muslims in France and the government appears to fear them, but seems powerless to either deport or even prevent more from entering the country. The Jews have a problem in France: anti-racism trumps Anti-Semitism. There is a critical contradiction in the logic of the multi-racial new world order; it assumes that all discord in Western societies is the consequence of White racism. It fails to account for a protected racial or religious class being fanatically Anti-Semitic. The Jews assumed they had allies in all people of color, that they shared with them the ambition to bring guilty White folks down. Keep in mind that Arabs may have a dark complexion; but like the middle classes of India and Pakistan, many of them have advanced technical and scientific skills. But more importantly, the Arabs understand the Jews, and know how to resist them. These Muslims do not oppose the Jews because the French, Germans, or anyone else tells them to do so; they fight for their own reasons. Whether or not Anti-Semitism will spread to Muslims in Asia, or those living in the West, such as the Pakistanis, is unclear but seems possible. I do not believe this awkward State of affairs was orchestrated; the Jews were and are the ones demanding the importation of varied racial groups into the West. Consider Muslim involvement in the mass-murder of Orthodox Russian children, as well as the Spanish and other non-Jews. No, I do not believe that the �Islamofascists� are the creation of Europeans. Note the conflict in the Netherlands between the Dutch and the Muslims over the murder of a film producer, related to Vincent van Gogh, who criticized Islam. I believe that the Jews simply miscalculated, just as they did not intend for the Soviet Union to fail, or Germany to unify.

The collapse of the Soviet Union has been a major problem for the Jews. Because of pending chaos, many Jews had to migrate to Israel, America, and to a much lesser extent to Western Europe. As the Soviet Union disintegrated, powerful Jewish �communists� in the Boris Yeltsin government transferred the wealth of Russia to a new generation of �Capitalist� Jewish Oligarchs: most notably men such as Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Roman Abramovich, Boris Berezovsky, and Vladimir Gusinsky. These men were sold the crown jewels of an empire for a pittance. These �inside traders� gained ownership of the newly �free press�, massive oil and mineral resources, and anything else worth having. In short order, these �shrewd investors� became multi-billionaire tycoons: Russia�s �new� Oligarchs. However, to everyone�s astonishment, the Jewish Oligarchs have fallen on hard times. It appears that President Vladimir Putin has won broad popular support in attacking The Oligarchs, forcing Boris Berezovsky, Vladimir Gusinsky and others into exile, and even arresting the richest of them all: Mikhail Khodorkovsky .. and virtually reclaiming the oil wealth of the nation for the Russian people. The Jewish media in the West have complained bitterly, but Russia and most of Europe, both East and West, have become less comfortable places for Jews to occupy; even so, they are compelled to reign in their Diaspora, and this means concentrating on securing themselves in Europe as well as America and Israel. But events are fluid, and politicians, including Putin, pragmatic. By mid-2004, America has needed to begin implementing plans for pulling occupying troops out of a newly unified Germany. Some are predicting that Europe will prove to be America�s greatest rival, or even -- adversary. If Jewish interests, particularly in Russia, are sufficiently threatened, it is likely the Jews will use China and NATO to put the kibosh on Putin. But America�s secret military, and not so secret economic alliance, with Communist/Capitalist China is risky business, and not the sure thing those forecasting �the cost of freedom� have led many Americans to believe. The Israeli/American Oligarchy has not yet figured out how to gain popular support for a military alliance with China. As a consequence, the cost of war has begun to outweigh �the cost of freedom�. To my surprise, continental Europe has largely dodged the draft issued by the Israeli/American war machine. The question is will young Americans be confronted with a new draft to fight a perpetual war on terror, and will they be willing to pay �the cost of freedom�? Michael Moore out-foxed O�Reilly by demonstrating that the children of �patriots� in the media and government will not be paying �the cost of freedom�. What are the odds that Michael Moore�s next documentary film will focus on �the Jewish connection�? He is far Moore likely to turn his sights on France or Russia than on Israel or China. The purpose of Fahrenheit 9/11 was to get conspiracy theorists away from linking Israel to the bombing of the world trade center and focus public attention on Saudi Arabia � a war that should finally make cents for both liberals and conservatives. In spite of difficulties in Iraq, America�s Israeli/American Oligarchs will do what ever it takes to extend their war on terror into Iran, Saudi Arabia, � until they can �liberate� all the oil fields of the Middle East, transforming the entire global village into �the free world�. Short of enlisting the Chinese army, I don�t see how such a war could succeed. As far gone as America is along this road to tyranny, I doubt that public opinion would endorse an overt military alliance with China in a war of this magnitude. I doubt that even �patriots like Michael Savage� Sean Hannity, or even Neil and Brenda, could sell overt Chinese militarism. The duplicity of these two-timers no longer fires up the convictions of �the faithful�. People are fed up with both the liberals and the conservatives. Where will they turn for a genuine alternative?

In spite of periodic pogroms in Europe, the Jews held a special status in Christian nations; they were the people of The Book .. �God�s Chosen People� � a conviction held by many of the very same fanatical �fundamentalists� liberal allies fought tooth and nail. Jews decided to jettison their �Old Testament� identity as �God�s Chosen People� in favor of the more deconstructionist secular status of �Holocaust survivors�. But the center could no longer hold, things began falling apart for �the children of Israel�. What will be argued here is that a strange thing happened on the way to the global forum: the multi-racial new world order of inverted morality hit a road-block, or more specially -- a road-side bomb: not only in the Middle-East, but globally. What is happening in the new millennium is that the multi-racial new world order is being hi-jacked by �Islamofascists�. As people of color arrive by the millions in western nations, they bring with them values they believe are superior to the inverted morality espoused by the power brokers of the West. These new arrivals have brought with them the missionary zeal of Islam, whether they hail from Asia, the Middle East, or Africa. Islam has declared itself the self-evident religion of the new multi-racial world order. Judeo-Christian �Crusaders�, whether conservative or liberal, have little more to offer the world than a legacy of oppression and hypocrisy. What make all of this so strange is that the aim of the post war order in the West has been to neuter the rabid dog of religious fanaticism, and this effort has largely succeeded in most urban areas of North America, Australia, and Europe. For example, when preparing to write a constitution for the EU, special effort was made to avoid evoking the name of God, to say nothing about Judeo-Christian traditions. Christian fundamentalism still exists, but is largely confined to the �Bible belt� of America �and is more Protestant than Catholic. Protestantism was a rebellion against the authority of Rome; in its place, Protestants turned to Luther�s Bible, and there they learned to believe in the sacred status of the Jews. With the rise of Islam on the global stage, the Jews wish to unleash their true believers; but like �Michael Savage�, the Jews are discovering a fundamental contradiction in their formula for a multi-racial West: they need to draw on the fanaticism of religious and racial hatreds to marshal popular support for a major war on Islamofascism�, but their own rigid laws of anti-racism and tolerance make such a move in racially and religiously diverse western nations virtually impossible. The enemy is already well established inside western nations, and it was the Jews and their liberal allies who demanded White westerners accept them. What enrages them even more is that long time liberal allies have now become schizophrenic: half the time supporting Muslim people of color, whom they have long learned to believe are the innocent victims of evil White imperialists and fascistic Israelis, who employ torture, maintain one of the largest arsenals of nuclear weapons on the planet, and are regularly compared by Muslims, and their supporters around the world, to Nazis. Because of the harsh methods Israel has chosen to employ in dealing with Palestinian suicide bombers, all Jews have lost the status of �victims� in the eyes of the world. World sympathy decidedly favors Muslims. In order to regain the status of victim, the Jews need some kind of atrocity that will shock the world even more than the much over-played events of 9/11. Like Hitler, they need to �burn the �Reichstag� and blame it on the Islamofascists. Personally, I strongly suspect variations on this tactic have already been used a few times: at the Waco siege, Oklahoma City, Chinese embassy in Belgrade, and possibly the World Trade Center itself. In September 2004, there was a bizarre tragedy in a southern province of Russia; hundreds of school children were murdered in an atrocity reminiscent of September 11. Everything we do know about this event is suspicious. What most disturbs me is that the leader of the hostage-takers executed those members of his team unwilling to kill children. It is reminiscent of events in America such as the Columbine School shootings, where one of the �Nazi� executioners turned out to be a Jew. The outcome of this mass-murder appears to have been an increase in cooperation between Russia and both Israel and the United States in fighting �terrorism� on a global scale. We cannot ignore the possibility that the Beslan atrocity was orchestrated to re-establish Jewish influence over Russia. Anti-American and anti-Israeli sentiment throughout Europe has been substantial; it appears the objective of political leaders is to figure out ways to shock public opinion into accepting unpopular alliances. The Jews in the West are in an impossible situation; in order to be victims and have real credibility, Jews must be the primary causalities of any major atrocity attributed to Islamofascists. People in western nations so distrust America and Israel they are unlikely to be persuaded that Muslims are behind an attack effecting primarily non-Jews. But thanks to global media, it may have been possible to orchestrate the needed atrocity without resorting to Jewish casualties to establish credibility. White Westerners are largely ignorant non-combatants, destined to become �collateral damage� ..caught in the cross-fire as Muslim people of color challenge the Jews for global power. But it is not only the liberals who find themselves sympathizing with Muslims, but very strangely indeed: conservatives. Christian churches have embraced homosexuality and other inverted values ordinary White families find revolting, but the only ones to unambiguously stand up to the politics of perversion are the Muslims. My intent is most definitely not to serve as an apologist for Islamic invaders. I believe that Westerners are caught between Islamic insurgents and their Jewish adversaries, who are our current rulers. What we must not do is make the mistake of the Russian people in WW II, who supported Stalin to defend their country from invading Nazis. We must find a way to avoid supporting either side. Whether you see Muslims or Jews as the hidden hand, the power behind the thrown, the peoples of the world seem to be charged with taking sides: supporting the Judeo-Christians led by Israel and America, or the Muslims that find their strength in a de-centralized grass-roots organization with many faces. But this choice between the Jews and the Muslims is like the choice people faced in WW II: Stalin or Hitler. Both were mass murders � America sided with �Uncle Joe� Stalin, who turned out to be far worse than Hitler. But today I do not believe we need to choose either The Jews or radical Islam. I believe there is another way, an alternative to both: an alliance between Western Europe and Eastern Europe, particularly Post-Communist Russia.

As during the time of the Nazis in Germany, people in Europe today seek the safe ground usually staked-out by the rich and powerful: �credible deniability�. Today, Jews suspect many �liberals� both in America and Europe, are playing the Anti-Semitism card while sporting poker faces as the Germans did after WW II: �we didn�t know what the Nazis were doing�. More specifically, liberals import large numbers of Muslims from around the world into western nations, and sympathize with them in their war against Israel. Jews have been among the loudest voices advancing a multi-racial world-order without borders � excepting Israel. Yet, today it is beginning to appear that the two-timers, Jews and liberals alike, are discovering that a new twist � a third dimension is taking shape ..transforming a very time-worn game into something very unexpected: the rise of a fanatical Anti-Semitic �Islamofascism� from both within and without. Jews accustomed to betting on both sides are finding themselves trapped in a �fork� by chess players skilled in the art of double dealing. Given the faltering fortunes of Jewish billionaires in Russia, and the rise of Islam on its borders, Europe faces two adversaries that are deadly enemies of each other. Europeans seem to feel it is best to try not to get involved. Americans are involved, whether they choose to be or not. The Media-State demands it. We are caught between battling tyrannies: Judeo-Christianity and �Islamofascism�. With whom do we side: Stalin or Hitler? The �choice� is unacceptable, but what alternative do we have to sacrificing our lives for either the Jews or their ancient enemies? We have sought to understand the Fox News logic of forced choices precisely so that we might discover a way around this lesser of two evils dilemma. While being freed from Jewish oppression sounds like paradise, �conversion by the sword� to multiracial Islam is no salvation for US. So where are we to turn? How are we to free ourselves from both Over-Lords? There is an Exodus from this ancient hatred that has hijacked America, this war between Arabs and Jews �if enough of us see our destiny --- hear the call to our ancient homelands. America is an invaded and occupied nation. We freed ourselves once before from such tyranny, and that first American Revolution succeeded thanks to the help of a European ally: France. While our Media-Masters have little good to say these days of the French, Germans, Russians, or Europeans in general, they are still our friends �our best hope for saving America.

A deadlock is a problem of perspective; change your relativistic out-look and the impasse may well change into a surrealist image more to your liking. There is no moral imperative for siding with either Islamofascists or The Jews; we do not have to always get stuck with �the lesser of two evils� �if we can see past the either-or logic of forced choices. What is significant today is not merely that The Jews are entangled in a Guerrilla war with non-local Islamofascists scattered throughout the world, nor is it a critical likelihood that Jews have lost their hold on former Soviet territories -- and not even �The News� that �new money� �Russian Oligarchs� are finding themselves out in the cold the last straw. We do not have the power to simply turn The Jews right-side-out, but what is possible is to recognize that Jewish hegemony is under siege from many sides. We can understand that The Jews need our help if they are to prevail ..again. Without �Allies� fighting and dying for them, the Jews are more or less on their own. Young Americans hold the key to the future of the Judeo-Christian Imperium. There is finally a real choice: support �The Empire�, or strike back � just leave. European sentiment toward the Jews is sour � both in the East and the West, and harsh laws punishing any who offend them only serve to increase resentment toward �The Chosen�. This state of affairs may indeed be surreal, but it beats the pants off the reality of America�s remorseless �War On Terror�.

Consider the consequences of a U.S./Israeli strike on the Iranian nuclear power facilities. Iran has promised to retaliate against Israel�s nuclear power facilities if attacked. Rumors are that Iran already has some type of nuclear device. The main point is that the Jews are being challenged in the Middle East and Russia. In addition, Anti-Semitism is increasing in Europe. The likely tactic of the Jews is to initiate a war between Russia and the rest of Europe using NATO. As stated in an earlier chapter, NATO would follow in Hitler�s footsteps by attacking Russia from Scandinavian territory. But there would be no intension of invasion. The �pre-emptive strike� would involve an attack, with battlefield nuclear weapons, along an east-west axis. The other pole of this axis of nuclear fire would be China. It has been awkward for America�s �leaders� to disclose their military alliance with China; but as we have seen in Chapter 99, American rocket technology was sold to China precisely to deal with the possible future threat a nuclear Russia might present to the ruling elite of both America and China. In September 2004, tensions between Russia and America, along with its NATO allies in Europe, have intensified because Putin has evidently chosen to concentrate power in his own hands, rather than follow the lead of America and Israel in their �global war on terror�. Combine this move toward authoritarianism with Putin�s aggressive campaign to oust the Jewish Oligarch�s from power in Russia, and you have what looks to the Jews like a de-facto Nazi State with nuclear weapons. A country with nuclear weapons that is not an ally of the Jews cannot be tolerated. You will recall that that the Stalinists were in collusion with America, that Jews were calling the shots at the upper levels of both governments. It is likely Americans would be told that Russia had reverted to their bad old ways of Communist dictatorship. I doubt the media would notice the inconsistency of having Communist/Capitalist China as an ally while fighting Communist Russia. The real reason ---that Russia is a threat to the Jews, could not be admitted because such a fact would raise dangerous questions, such as: What is it about the Jews that leads two warring groups, radical Muslims and Russians, to both be in conflict with the Jews, while still fighting each other? Or, why would the Russians have died by the tens of millions fighting the Nazis, only to turn around about half a century later and embrace Nazism themselves? It would be much safer to simply reheat the leftovers from the cold war and watch some old Ronald Reagan movies �unless of course the Japanese now own them, in which case we can switch back to Fox News. The hope of the Jews is that if they initiate an east-west line of fire extending from one end of the Russian Republic to the other, retaliation by the Russians would be made toward the sites from which the attacks would be launched � and not toward Israel, the U.S. or the UK. Again, the outcome of such a �blitzkrieg� would be the expansion of China into what is currently the very large Asian sector of eastern Russia. With a newly expanded China on their doorstep, Russians, Europeans, and neighboring Muslims would all have a new �ally� breathing down their necks � a force none would dare challenge for fear of military occupation, as happened to Germany after WWII. I doubt that either the Iranians or the Russians would simply roll over if attacked.  Such expectations of �limited nuclear war� are profoundly unrealistic. It is hard to see how a multi-national super-power dead-set on �globalization� and a policy of pre-emptive attack, is not going to set off a global war consuming both itself and many of its adversaries. But strategists may find a way around this problem of retaliation: conceal the assault as a natural catastrophe. One cannot help but wonder if the Israeli/American alliance had caused the Asian earthquake and resulting Tsunami of Christmas 2004; a submarine could have conceivably placed a sufficiently powerful device along a known fault line near the heavily populated Muslim islands of Indonesia and triggered the earthquake remotely. Proving such a hypothesis would require that a competing power have the technical sophistication to track such a submarine and the know-how to distinguish some new high energy weapon from a naturally occurring earthquake. It seems the Russians are the most likely candidates for having such information. If the Russians and other interested parties see no evidence of such an attack, but are also unable to rule out the possibility of foul play, then perhaps we should not be too quick in concluding that the disaster was an act of God.

The Indian holy book BHAGAVAD-GITA recounts the enlightenment of a warrior on the eve of a great battle, one in which he will most likely die. We have noted earlier that mystical awakening is a fearful vision of this world. As Rilke observed,and the film Veronica Guerin under-scores, being a poet is the most dangerous of professions. We flee into a world of illusions to escape the truth that terrifies us. Our illusions may be other-worldly, or just as easily �worldly fantasies of unending pleasure in the here and now. Our basic conviction is that if we do not know what we are �not supposed to know�, than we are safe � James Bond will not be licensed to kill us. But as Plato would argue, we must already know this unacknowledged truth in order to suppress awareness of it �to flee from those who would compel us to realize that we are not as �innocent�, as stupid, as we pretend to be � that in truth we have long ago eaten fruit from the tree of knowledge � and that it is this awareness that makes us a threat from the perspective of the all seeing sensors ..of our lords and masters. I am not speaking in metaphorical terms. I say directly and unambiguously that the truth of the human condition today is this: our world is governed by criminals�.and we bow our heads to them. Naked aggression conceals itself beneath robes of Christian righteousness. Hypocritical Judeo/Christian Pharisees use The Bible to justify a criminal dogma of pre-emptive war, occupation and exploitation. Deuteronomy 19: 1-3 �When the Lord your God exterminates the nations whose land he is giving you, and you take their place and settle in their cities and houses, you shall set apart three cities in the land which he is giving you to occupy. Divide into three districts the territory which the Lord your God is giving you as patrimony, and determine where each city shall lie. These shall be places in which homicides may take sanctuary.�16 �The Holy Word� is replete with visions of conquest as well as prophesies of imminent destruction. Ruthless opportunists carry out their brutal campaigns with �The Good Book� in one hand and their weapon of mass destruction in the other. Some people don�t bother with the finery of hypocrisy; they are upfront and in your face with sex and violence. Americans have learned to admire and emulate all that is �bad� �assuredly Black rappers, and their White imitators, have. Those offended by gangsta-rap, never-the-less love to watch the latest antics of their favorite mafia family: The Sopranos. Beneath the superficial righteousness of Christian integrity, there lies a more primal instinct: greed. For many Americans, Judeo-Christianity is simply a passive-aggressive tactic used to negotiate �their way� to a wealth of �blessings�. Both Catholic and Protestant Churches have long since made their piece with raw power, and found advantage in giving their �spiritual� blessings to Mafia Godfathers. The Godfather films are now among America�s �best loved classics�. In the �real world�, Americans love nothing more than a lottery, whether it be on the Jersey Boardwalk, the Vegas strip, or in an Indian Casino. Legend has it that Las Vegas was established by the Mafia, inspired by the vision of a Jew � Bugsy Segal. Gambling is too big even for small time hoods to organize. Truly organized crime operates at the level of the lotto government itself. The open secret everyone fears to speak is that the crooks are running the show �the only show in town. We do not have to turn to a fictional Orwellian novel to envision a totalitarian world. More than one such hell has existed within the last sixty years. But let us focus on just one: Stalin�s Soviet Union. You see Stalin was an ally of Churchill and Roosevelt in WW II. The fact that scholars have long understood that the Communists of the Soviet Union murdered some 50 million Europeans in their Ukrainian and Siberian labor camps reveals this fundamental reality of our time: atrocities committed against people of European descent are no big deal. Consider the lack of outrage in the Media-States concerning the modern day White Slave Trade in young women from Eastern Europe. It is these �non-events� that have led to �the silence of the lambs� � to the fear fostering our chosen ignorance. While it is truly demoralizing to recognize that perversity now reigns in our churches and criminals write our laws and �defend� our borders, we must still pray that we might be delivered from the evil of �this world�; but this can only be done by staring down evil itself; unless we honestly face-up to the harshness of our situation �the despair that drains our energy -- we cannot create an effective means of overturning the magicians of tyranny. My intent is not to moralize, but simply to point out the primitive aspects of contemporary religion, with the hope that through insight we might find our way to a more noble Spirituality. As I reflect on why I have felt obligated to write this book, I find my thoughts turning again and again to the nuns and priests who shaped my earliest years. I remember the stories they told of Polish Catholics who would not submit to communism: One old story remains while so much else I have read or heard in the media is forgotten. It is a short story from one of our grade school readers titled: The Broken Note. Perhaps there one might find the source of my sentiments. Ultimately, I believe I would like to be loyal to the Roman Catholic Church, but feel despair in witnessing what has happened to that once great religious institution. I feel sorrow at the decline and fall of Catholicism, but anger toward fundamentalist Protestantism, because it is these biblically fixated people who have brought an even greater tragedy upon us: they have surrendered White civilization to the Jews. It is not only Protestants, but turn-coat Irish Catholics like Ted Kennedy, Bill O'Reilly, and Sean Hannity that have shown greater loyalty to Israel than their own people-- and for what? Power and money. I know this �own people� comment sounds quaint at best to �these people�; but more likely, it �offends� their recently acquired �sensitivity� for the virtue of �diversity�. Oddly enough, among Blacks and virtually every other racial and ethnic group, there are plenty of harsh words for �sell-outs�. Does the charge of being an �Uncle Tom� go unanswered by a Black politician or celebrity? On the contrary, they are available for a photo op at the very next Sunday�s Soul Service in the Hood where they grew up -- �giving back to the community�. Yo! Mister Bill, The Brother got any Oreos? �Ooh man�, turning on your own Sisters is O�Really bad voodoo. It is the success of fundamentalist Protestantism and the opportunism of traitors that is at the heart of our servitude to the Jews. I believe that those of us with vision must strive to create a more persuasive spirituality than the one that commands their self-serving devotion to �the chosen people.� 

Americans today may endorse pre-emptive wars in the names of Jesus and George, but ultimately what we are fighting for is far from righteous; this battle royal is all about wealth � the American standard of living �materialism, whether atheistic or Judeo-Christian materialism. Devotion to the �things� of YOUR WORLD17 is a flawed faith, and a fundamental weakness in this Judeo-Christian style tyranny �because the expectation of unending riches is rooted in the unrealistic assumption that nature�s resources remain plentiful and uncontaminated. As the world�s urbanized populations expand, even as our own White population contracts, demands on natural resources such as oil, fresh water, and an uncontaminated food supply increase. As consumption intensifies around the globe, so also do the waste products of materialistic societies just now coming online in a big way � I am primarily referring here to China and India, but lesser known population mega-centers are already in the pipeline. The Earth itself is limited by some kind of Malthusian conundrum, and the greed of those dead set on living as irresponsibly as we do. If any of us on this planet are to escape the proliferation of mutually assured destruction, new forms of limitless non-polluting energy must be discovered. Short-term profits are based upon the pragmatic �solution� of massive long-term debts that the �Baby Boom� generation plans on willing to the �Baby Bust� generation. This younger generation is then instructed that they can shoulder this inherited burden by importing a new majority of color to pay the taxes needed so the boomers can continue their retirement at the standard to which they have become accustomed to living. Such a multi-racial �dream� is State sponsored genocide �a �final solution� by any other name. If America is to survive, we must call for an end to this two-faced Judeo-Christian doctrine of perpetual pre-emptive war and focus our attention on defending America and Europe from invasion, even if that entails unbearable sacrifice by the retiring Baby Boomers. It is time we shift our focus of attention away from ourselves toward our children! This is a many dimensional turning point, not simply in terms of morality and patriotism � but a revolution in how we think. In order to solve the daunting problems resulting from our failing materialistic utopia, it is necessary to turn away from material �things� toward the abstractions of a new physics based upon the reconciliation of the real and imaginary dimensions of our collective existence �that common identity we are forbidden to utter � our race. This �existential shift� in perspective might be compared to an illusory painting by Dali, or a stereogram. This shifting of the �center� away from our �selves� is not only spiritually significant as self-sacrifice, but scientifically meaningful as well. This has been our �objective� all along: to reconcile the science of the �real� with the spirituality of the �imaginary�, so that we might resolve the complex paradoxes baffling us �threatening our existence in �this world�. We must shift our perspective away from un-ending war toward the creation of an un-ending supply of non-polluting energy. The core of modern physics is energy. The essence of religion is spirit �a psychic energy greater than �myself� that lives through each one of us. It is that energy that holds us together, that is our collective spirit. The �point� of our focus on Cartesian �reality� and the science of classical common sense is this: the physical principles upon which a society is constructed, the rules that govern the practicalities of one�s daily life in the �real world� determine what people actually believe. If people confront mechanical problems and deal with them using logical methods � day in and day out �what they come to understand is that materialism �rules�. The new physics is not about the practicalities of material �things� we can nail down and clearly define. Quantum theory is the electronic science of energy �ambiguity and uncertainty; and is based upon the mystical mathematics of complex numbers and probabilities. Both revolution and revelation are implied by this shift from a pragmatic materialism to the unreality, the virtual reality, the surrealism of a society based upon electronic communications. The physics upon which our thinking is now based is no longer the three dimensional Cartesian geometry of common sense, but a many dimensional physics we have not yet made �sense� of, common or other wise. As new dimensions are introduced into our understanding of this world within which we dwell, we are compelled to abandon the simplistic materialistic model of reality in which we once believed, and turn toward a higher dimensional phenomenon to make sense of our newly expanded unreality �the imaginary aspect of our complex existence. Quantum relativity is that very science of energy from a human perspective � an inside-out look on �things�. Through this common energy of science and spirituality, man discovers himself in-the-world! Given this altered perspective, this �God�s eye view� of Creation, the chances of not trashing this precious Earth are much improved. The concluding lines of this passage have already been written �but our future has not. Shall I say it again? Our salvation is found in Revelation �truth that passes understanding, as well as expectations of reward either here or �here after�. It is this love of truth, this wisdom, that makes philosophers of us all � that elevates blind faith to creative genius �giving us a prayer, a possibility not simply of surviving, but of passing through the materialism of this particular world on to wondrous waves of potential futures yet to materialize. There is something about beautiful ideas that ennobles them so they might escape suffocation by the eminent scholars of each new generation. When multiple images are sewn into words, at least some dimensions of meaning survive the passage of time ....for it too is but a dimension concealed within an even greater mystery. Look at Plato's writings, which originated long before Christianity befell us, and show every sign of outlasting it. There is living energy in the depths of artistic splendor. Seeking personal immortality in the beauty we participate in bringing into this world is not the crudest form of human vanity. That vainglory is held in check by the challenges we continually take upon ourselves.

            Keys To Heaven-Words: The Art And Science Of Revolution


1.The NATASHAS : Inside The New Global Sex Trade by Victor Malarek Arcade Publishing, New York, Copyright � 2003 by Victor Malarek  303 pp. First U.S. Edition 2004.

2.Fly-Leaf of The NATASHAS.

3.Malarek, p. 51

4.Malarek, p. 52

5.Malarek, p. 54

6.Malarek, p. 57

7.Malarek, p. 63

8.Malarek, pp. 224-225

9.Malarek, p. 226

10.Malarek, p.227

11.Malarek, pp. 227-228

12.Malarek, p.182

13.Harry Truman�s Forgotten Diary: 1947 Writings Offer Fresh Insight on the President  By Rebecca Dana and Peter Carlson, Washington Post Staff Writers. Friday, July 11, 2003, Page A01.

14.The European Dream: How Europe's Vision of the Future is Quietly Eclipsing the American Dream by Jeremy Rifkin, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, New York, Copyright � 2004 by Jeremy Rifkin 434 pp.

15.Eurabia and Euro-Arab Anti-Semitism By Bat Ye�or | April 5, 2004

16.The New English Bible with Apocrypha � 1961 and 1970 Oxford Univ. Press and Cambridge Univ. Press, P.217 (Deuteronomy 19: 1-3)

17. Your World With Neil Cavuto on Foxnews --Most popular business program on cable.