Those who would truly challenge any ruling order do so by threatening to destroy the illusion ...the holiness that gives the totalitarian world view its magic...its sacred sense of reality. The system is persuasive only so long as people think every reasonable person believes in it, or at least fears it. Those cast under the spell of their true faith always affirm that the current order is absolute and will last forever. Should that "vision" break down, the mighty become visible as vulnerable mortals, and their weakness and corruption painfully transparent to increasing numbers of those once blind visionaries themselves. Seeing through the illusions of power is always the greatest of crimes against the State, or sin against God ...the fabled eating of the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. The crime of heresy is always sedition, the charge for which Jesus was executed. The price of vision is damnation by the established worldly and otherworldly rulers. This highlights an eternal injustice characteristic of established order: the persecution of genius among the repressed, and the forced adulation of infidels in a Savage Nation. But authentic revelation is forever available directly to those brave enough to seek it out the wilderness. This was the revolutionary message of Martin Luther.

If you wish to understand this book, you should see it whole � and the place to start is the homepage: Heaven-Words copyright 2005 WEBb1910473801 (All rights reserved by the author) You may view any or all chapters of this very long book simply by clicking on the links below.

Fox News Bill O�Reilly Sean Hannity Savage Double Talk Radio with Their Forked Tongue Tales of Islamofascism in Eurabia

Keys To Heaven-Words: The Art And Science Of Revolution

Gordon Press-ing realities in a surreal world

Cold War origins of totalitarianism in North America and Western Europe

Salvador Dali portrays two-timing artists of today: from religious to ideological war with Jewish genius

Quantum theory made easy:  an introduction to the new physics

From String Theory To A Final Theory: Back To The Origins of Nuclear Weapons

Creators of the atomic bomb: debasing nuclear power into a totalitarian order in the new world

Quantum brain theory: splitting classical-physical reality..from the inside-out

Breakdown of madness dawns on genius of collective consciousness

Chaos Theory: gravity bends of spiraling space-time

Emile Durkheim: sacred symbols conceal unholy conviction: believers-in-themselves are sacred..chosen people

Totalitarian science of quantum wholeness -- David Bohm: Krishnamurti or Cusa

The double edge rap of black and white words

In Terror of a Savage Nation - Orwellian nightmare dawns on the West

Rise and fall of Roman Catholic Church: revisionist history

 Brothers in Law: St. Paul / Karl Marx -- The Long History of Jewish Subversion in the West

The Jews have been counselors to kings and presidents from ancient to medieval and modern times; they are the infamous men and women behind the scenes, hidden by the masks of smiling politicians. The Gospels describe the Jews as Pharisees.... as shrewd and rich, having a great deal of political influence with the Romans --- as did Joseph and Moses have great influence with the rulers of ancient Egypt. Why are we so forced to take the history of Israel to heart as somehow our own? Is it not our focus on the Bible that so completely shapes this view of history? And who has written the Bible? The less devout among us may point to men such as Paul. I believe that Paul was very much a subversive and revolutionary, placing the myth of the "good Jew" - "bad Jew", as well as the seed of a self-surrendering pacifism, at the heart of a Greco-Roman civilization made vulnerable to cultural invasion by its own corruption.

This hypothesis is consistent with current techniques used by contemporary Jews, who are forever playing their own opponents. We are about to see that Paul was fighting "against" the Jews, as he imposed a Jewish designer religion on the "two-trusting" minds of the "gentiles". His charade turns about the question: "...has God rejected his people?"18B The early Catholic Church of Rome shifted power away from Paul's Bible, which was then confined to the use of the scholarly clergy who could read Latin, Greek and Hebrew; and concentrated all authority in the Church hierarchy -- headed by the Pope, who was declared the legitimate successor of Peter. The Jewish cultural invasion of Europe was high-jacked; the spread of Jewish led Christianity that Paul represented was extinguished. It is largely the Roman Catholic Church that had emphasized for centuries the guilt of the Jews for killing Christ. That tradition died after World war II with the death of the last great Italian Pope: Pius XII. Today we have the guilt of all Whites for the Holocaust. The use of the Holocaust by the Jews is in part revenge against Christian society for the centuries of "guilt" the Jews have suffered because of the Church labeling them "Christ killers" and fomenters of heresy. The Church was the foundation of Christianity until the Reformation, when the center shifted back to Paul's Bible -- thus focusing on the centrality of the "Chosen People". We must challenge not only Jewish power today in the media, culture, government and the financial markets, but confront the deeper influence they have had over us spiritually. Biblical Christianity is a Trojan Horse taken into the heart of Europe 2,000 years ago. The struggle of Europeans with the Jews goes back to the time of the Roman Empire, when the Jews introduced pacifist Christianity, with its Jewish God, into Europe.... for the purpose of subverting and weakening their foes -- us. If we are to ever free ourselves from the Jews, we must begin by emptying our minds of Christianity. It is painful to admit that most modern day Americans and Europeans cannot comprehend or feel the depth of this spiritual illness. Most people with religious sensitivities cannot imagine Truth outside the context of God and Christianity. The extent of their indoctrination can lead one to despair, for these are among our finest people. Yet, I was once a far more sincere believer than most thinking Christians. What always seemed to trouble me spiritually was the centrality of Jesus. He seemed more an obstacle to enlightenment than a Savior. Only by viewing Jesus and Christianity from the wider perspective of totalitarianism has it been possible to make sense of the Jewish incarnation of "God". The "ultimate" truth is experiencing the inter-relatedness of everything, the "living God" beyond symbols; and this "perfect" order incorporates Jesus and Christianity, not the other way around. We must confront Christianity as a totalitarian system, and Jesus as an idol that has occupied the collective Soul of our culture much two long. Freedom from such a deeply entrenched indoctrination will not come painlessly. While we do not live in a Christian world any longer, the same masters who imposed that self-destructive faith upon us so long ago still shape our beliefs, and control our future through new secular religions, such as materialistic democracy: capitalist/communism. Only by awakening to the reality of the danger we have spent our lives denying can we understand the significance of our history, and realize that it is not an epic tale of free men, but rather a struggle for freedom that we have lost.

Before we can rescue our culture from the modern corruption of the "bad Jews", we must first overcome the age-old influence of the "good Jews". It will take us the remainder of this book to appreciate the implications of this statement. By going back to the origins of Christianity we are able to recognize something critical about our modern oppressors. The Jews appear to have a major weakness, one that can be seen if their subversive techniques are examined through the course of history. It seems that they use the same method of attacking societies in modern times as they used in the ancient world. Their primary ploy is playing their own opposition in a tag-team match: billionaire media tycoons vs. communist revolutionaries, Jewish investment bankers vs. Marxist advocates of equality: capitalist/communism ---- rich Jew vs. poor Jew, Biblical Pharisees vs. humble Jesus/Paul: bad Jew vs. good Jew.

Paul of the New Testament was a Marx-like figure rebelling against Judaism, making anti-Jewish attacks that ultimately strengthened the power of the Jews -- just as Karl Marx was to do in more recent times. The Jews could plot to kill Jesus because they would declare in the Gospels that He was raised from the dead, thus making Him a Jewish God for "gentiles" to adore. If we recognize the formula for subversion that has succeeded so well against the West, we can gain a clearer picture of how we can transcend our own history. By bringing our cultural history out into the open, it is possible to discover and remove the racially-destructive elements contained within Biblical tradition .... such as a Jewish God, internationalism, communism, pacifism, and all the other components so central to the modern multi-cultural new world order.

In the book Anti-Semitism: The Longest Hatred, Wistrich affirms that "In his wartime Table Talk, Hitler spoke of the Jew as having 'fraudulently introduced Christianity into the ancient world -- in order to ruin it -- reopening the same breach in modern times, this time taking as his pretext the social question'. Christianity was now compared with Bolshevism (its 'illegitimate child'), St. Paul with Karl Marx, and equality of all believers before God was reviled as a sinister doctrine of subversion of the Roman Empire."19B Christianity was seen by the Nazis as effeminate, and ultimately destructive not merely to masculine values, such as honor and independence, but eventually destructive of the German people themselves. If this sounds like a paranoid belief, consider that Germany is being transformed into a multi-racial society, very much against the will of the German people. The term Hitler is said to have used to describe Jewish cultural invasion is: fraud. Fraud has as many names as faces: duplicity, double-dealing, decoy, front, facade, counterfeit, charade, mask, con, cunning, sting, collusion, shill, Pharisaism...the trickery and illusions of magicians. Now you should be getting an idea of where this book is going, but you will be astonished to discover where the magic of illusion will take us. This is one of the most extraordinary ideas imaginable, and understanding it as an insider, as well as an outsider, will change you beyond belief. So hang on, this side-winding roller-coaster is about to take you on the ride of your life.

Our minds are imprisoned by our fundamental concepts of reality. Our belief in God and self, time and history, seem so deeply rooted that we cannot even recognize them as beliefs that can be questioned. Unless we can see the presence of history in our lives today, we cannot even notice the chains holding us, nor understand that we are in servitude. Let us challenge the absoluteness of our past in the light of what is revealed by the present. We must learn to remember -- to think historically, and understand that the enslavement of today has it's origins in another time, which must be unearthed if we are to ever end this adoration of the Jews.

Wistrich discusses On the Jewish Question by Karl Marx; he states that Marx may have been anti-Semitic to the extent that he wished to rid society of the buying and selling culture so characteristic of the Jews. What place would there be for the Jewish merchant in a society in which money was no longer necessary? " 'As soon as society succeeds in destroying the empirical essence of Judaism -- buying and selling, and its presuppositions -- the Jew will become impossible, because his consciousness will no longer have an object...The social emancipation of Jewry is the emancipation of society from Judaism."20B Thus Marx, another new savior to the "gentiles", shows the way society can free itself from the evils of Jewish commerce: communism. "Though himself born a Jew (his family had converted to Lutheranism when he was six) and in favor of Jewish emancipation as a tactical weapon to undermine the semi-absolutist Prussian Christian state, Marx never disguised his repugnance towards Jews and Judaism."21B I would suggest you not take this conversion of his family to Christianity too seriously in the light of his well know "religion is the opium of the masses" atheism, as well as what another author reports. In Antisemitism in the Modern World, Levy states that Marx was not only a Jew, but "... was descended from rabbis on both sides of his family.."22B Nor should you take seriously this Jewish self-hatred...this "good Jew" who so feels the guilt for his greedy "bad Jew" relatives. I am certain that Marx did disguise his loyalty to the Jews, just as Paul did pretending to be anti-Semitic. It is not so difficult for you to understand Marx's deceptiveness and realize that he may not have been a "good Jew" after all ....because you can see the consequences of communism. If you check the facts yourself, you will discover that the wealth of Russia has been funneled into the Jewish hands of former communist bosses. You will see high rent capitalist/socialist Jews advocating low rent capitalist/socialism for the undifferentiated masses of the world. You do not need to look through Galileo's telescope to see the reality of Jewish wealth; but you do need to understand that Marxism was only half of what it claimed to be: a system in which Jews would live at the same economic level as the "workers of the world". Marxism was a fraud, just as Hitler said. But the likelihood is that you cannot readily see the parallel between Marx and St. Paul, communism and Biblical Christianity.....that you are unable to comprehend how Paul and his predecessors may not have been the "good Jews" you have believed them to be. And it is utterly inconceivable that you can distinguish Hitler from the shadows...even in the light of truth. There is something more fundamental operating in your mind than respect for the truth, and you, with all your scientific "objectivity", skepticism, and refined morality ....would rather not know what that might be.


                    St. Paul's "Two-Faced" Complementarity: Yesterday and Today

Wistrich maintains that Paul was responsible for creating Christianity, and in shaping it as an anti-Semitic religion. "The personality most responsible for the detaching of Jesus from his Jewish background, for shifting of guilt for the Crucifixion from the Romans to the Jews and for their stigmatisation as a God-rejected people was Paul, the true founder of Christianity."23B If this seems strange to you, consider that the people Paul was trying to convert were already anti-Semitic, just as were many of the Europeans of Marx's time....particularly those in whose country he lived: Germany. How likely was Paul, a Jew, to gain the confidence of Roman and Greek "pagans" by telling them they were guilty of killing the Son of God? What did he have to lose by blaming the "bad Jews", who were despised already? What is essential to see is that Paul persuaded the "gentiles" to trust "good Jews". Wistrich quotes Paul, who complains that the Jews, who killed God's Prophets, were preventing him from preaching the Gospel to the gentiles.24 Paul must suffer persecution from the "bad Jews" so that he might save the "gentiles". How could the Europeans not trust someone who was willing to face the wrath of the Jews for their sake? If you recall the movie House of Games, what you learn is that the first thing the con-man must do is build up trust by placing the "suckers" in his debt. Make them feel that they owe you something because of what you have already done for them. Or do them a favor or two. Jesus had died on the cross for each one of them...personally; many apostles had been martyred preaching the gospel to them, and now Paul was being threatened by the "bad Jews" for trying to "save" their souls....which means Paul must be one of the "good Jews". Wistrich observes that Paul explains that the Jews alone orchestrated Christ's execution, just as the Old Testament records that they murdered the prophets because of their hateful nature, and their faithless failure to follow the will of God.25 Paul repeated criticism of the Jews already being made by "pagans", twisting it the best he could to the favor of the much hated Jews; Marx did exactly the same thing, parroting the anti-Semitism of his day to gain the confidence of the secular "workers of the world".

What was Paul selling? Salvation. The deal went like this: the newly converted Christians were to replace the faithless "bad Jews" as the beloved Children of God. Thus the converts profit at the expense of the "bad Jews". The Old Testament served its purpose in preparing the world for the Christianity of the New Testament ....It is only faith in Paul's fellow Jew, Jesus, which can bring all of humankind to salvation. Wistrich blames Paul for sowing anti-Semitism into the fabric of Christianity, completely over-looking the reality of the time.... that Paul couldn't possibly have sold the product of a Jewish Savior at all without something that looked like anti-Semitism. "...... Indeed, in Paul's dualistic vision (which provides the root for centuries of mystical Christian antisemitism) the Gentile Christians -- though only grafted on to the stem of Israel - become the true elect of God."26 Paul was selling the birthright of chosen "bad Jews" to Christian converts, and there were plenty of people willing to believe they were God's much the same way Hitler had little difficulty persuading Germans that they were the master race. When people see themselves as the "elect", they can easily conclude that others are sinners. It is out of this sense of self righteousness that true believers may feel chosen to do God's work. They may initiate a crusade or pogrom to punish the faithless "bad Jews" and "infidels" for refusing to accept Jesus Christ as their savior, for rejecting Christian standards of behavior. This was definitely not Paul's intent or the situation of the earliest Christians, although later non-Jews leading the Church of Rome would preach such a gospel to a society uniformly Catholic, even embellishing on Paul's anti-Semitism by emphasizing the guilt of the Jews for murdering Christ. But as we have said, Paul was not really anti-Semitic; he was simply making the best of a bad situation. His ultimate objective was to save the "bad Jews".

It is clearly true that Paul, like Marx, attacked the Jews of his time, as Wistrich states, but it is not true that Paul was as hostile to the Jews as Wistrich claims; nor was he merely inconsistent. Paul was double dealing -- he was playing a Con-Game and admitted it, as we will see in Romans 11:11-29. Paul criticized the Jews for the purpose of gaining the trust of the "gentiles", and then he switched back to supporting the Jews. He was playing both sides, and this is the same technique used by the Jews today, and the fundamental deception under-lying the totalitarian cold-war games of the second half of the twentieth century. It is painfully evident to those who have the courage to use their own minds that Christianity has been a totalitarian system based on deception, just as democracy is in France, Russia, America and the United Kingdom today! The disclosing of this slight of hand, this deception, magic trick, and illusion .... lies at the center of our concern; it is not only this "holy fraud" of a Jewish Savior that must be exorcised, but more importantly the willingness of Christians to believe the Bible even at the expense of intellectual integrity and simple honesty. The problem we must resolve is this distortion at the very heart of Christian spirituality. Let us gather together what little courage we have and look at what Paul says with a critical intelligence and a sincere respect for Truth..... that ancient Greek virtue that Paul has taught Christians how to twist. "I ask then, has God rejected his People? I cannot believe it! I am an Israelite myself, of the stock of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. No! God has not rejected the people which he acknowledged of old as his own."27 ".... I now ask, did their failure mean complete downfall? Far from it! Because they offended, salvation has come to the Gentiles, to stir Israel to emulation. But if their offence means the enrichment of the world, and if their falling-off means the enrichment of the Gentiles, how much more their coming of full strength!"28 Think about these words for a minute. Please! Do you believe that when the "bad Jews" of the Soviet Union came to full strength they were enriching the lives of "gentile" Christians? Paul compares the Jews to native branches of the vine, and gentiles to wild branches grafted in place of those branches that were cut off for lack of faith. He then warns the "gentiles" that if God is severe enough to cut off the native branches than He surely will cut them off if they also prove faithless. Paul concludes that God must keep His promise to Israel and anticipates that the whole of Israel will finally be saved. "For if you were cut from your native wild olive and against all nature grafted into the cultivated olive, how much more readily will they, the natural olive-branches, be grafted into their native stock! For there is deep truth here, my brothers, of which I want you to take account, so that you may not be complacent about your own discernment: this partial blindness has come upon Israel only until the Gentiles have been admitted in full strength; when that has happened, the whole of Israel will be saved, in agreement with the text of Scripture: ...."29 The Roman world did eventually become uniformly Christian, but that did not lead to the saving of the whole of Israel; but today one world capitalist/socialism may not save us, but it is certainly bringing the Jews to full strength.

Take special note as Paul spells out the fundamental formula that we shall see Jewish missionaries to the "gentiles" repeat over the following 1900 years: "In the spreading of the Gospel they are treated as God's enemies for your sake; but God's choice stands, and they are his friends for the sake of the patriarchs. For the gracious gifts of God and his calling are irrevocable."30 I believe that in the previous citation from Romans and in the following: 1 Corinthians 9: 19-22, Paul discloses the key to how the Jews work today, and how they have operated for thousands of years --- they play their own opposition. They play all sides so as to assure victory: Monotheism. Monopoly. Totalitarianism. Cold-War: U.S.S.R. vs. U.S.A. . Paul states: "I am a free man and own no master; but I have made myself every man's servant, to win over as many as possible. To Jews, I became like a Jew, to win Jews; as they are subject to the Law of Moses, I put myself under that law to win them, although I am not myself subject to it. To win Gentiles, who are outside the Law, I made myself like one of them, although I am not in truth outside God's law, being under the law of Christ. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. Indeed, I have become everything in turn to men of every sort, so that in one way or another I may save some."31

The ideas we are now entangled with are so subtle and so central to the thinking of the very complex argument ahead of us, that substantial clarification must be made. Before we can proceed, we must turn back to the past, for buried there is the key to understanding both the present and our likely future.


                                                Roman History

Legend has it that Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus about 753 BC. From 753 to 510 BC, Rome was ruled by kings, the Tarquins. From 510 to 27 BC, Rome was a republic divided into freemen called patricians, and lower class plebs. A senate, composed of patricians, selected a king from among themselves; together with the senate, he governed for life. The plebeians rebelled, with some gaining increased wealth and representation in the senate. A new order formed composed of an aristocratic party and a popular party; a dictator could be selected from either party during times of crisis, but in ordinary times the senate ruled Rome. That is until 49 BC when Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon River, marched on Rome and in 48 BC became dictator. By 45 BC he defeated his last opponent and declared himself dictator for life. Two years earlier he had recognized his lover, Cleopatra of the Egyptian royal family, to be queen of Egypt. What made Julius Caesar great was not his military victory alone, in a society built on the principle of foreign conquest, but his capacity to govern by administrative skill rather than the sheer force of terror. In addition to being an unparalleled general, he was a cultured man appreciated for his skill in writing and speaking. Under his competent leadership, corruption in government declined and prosperity increased. After several years in power, it became clear to the members of the senate that Caesar expected them to take his declaration of 45 BC very seriously, and did not intend to vacate the position of dictator as was Roman custom. To remove any uncertainty about his intentions, Caesar began establishing himself as king, even designating Octavius, his great-nephew, to be his successor. Julius Caesar's determination to bring the republican tradition of Rome to an end was strongly opposed by those in the senate. In 44 BC, Cassius, Brutus and other senators assassinated him. In spite of their best efforts at orderly succession, the transition of power was sometimes marked by assassination and civil war. Octavian, Caesar's great-nephew, and Mark Antony joined forces in 42 BC to defeat Brutus, one of the chief architects of Caesar's assassination. Octavian took control of the western portion of the growing empire, and Mark Antony the Middle East...particularly Egypt. It did not take Cleopatra long to gain Mark Antony's affection and support for her own independent empire in the East. When Octavian defeated their forces, Cleopatra and Mark Antony committed suicide. By 29 BC, Octavian was the last man standing. As the sole victor of the civil wars, in 27 BC Octavianus became "Augustus", the first emperor of Rome. Amidst all this turmoil, Rome was at the creative height of its golden age of culture.32 Like his great-uncle, Augustus brought competence and prosperity to Rome; and it was during this age of Roman glory that Jesus is believed to have been born. But Jesus' remarkably brief life was presided over by Tiberius, whose rule extended from AD 14-37. Rome's good fortune was not limitless. From AD 54, the incompetent and mentally unbalanced Nero ruled Rome, until driven to suicide by the senate in 68 AD. Nero was significant largely because he presided over the historic rise of early Christianity. After some struggle, reasonably capable leaders governed the empire, but none of special consequence until the arrival of the "five good emperors..... who presided over the most majestic days of the Roman Empire."33 They were: (AD 96-98) the Nerva succession, (98-117) Trajan, (117-138) Hadrian, (138-161) Antoninus Pius, and (161-180) Marcus Aurelius.34 Marcus Aurelius was a noted stoic philosopher who showed uncommon concern for the well being of common Romans and even slaves. He built orphanages, hospitals, and reduced taxes, as well as humanizing the criminal justice system. But there was something else of consequence about this great Roman not often emphasized in school books: "Although he was particularly concerned with public welfare and even sold his personal possessions to alleviate the effects of famine and plague within the empire, he ruthlessly persecuted the Christians, believing them a threat to the imperial system."35 By the time of his own death from the plague in 180 AD, the Roman Empire was on the defensive, struggling to secure its outer borders and internal security, and not always successfully. At its height, the empire stretched as far north as Britain, and encompassed the entire Mediterranean area. The empire, as we shall see, often imported the unrest in its provinces into the heart of Rome itself. By 212 AD, the emperor Caracalla granted Roman citizenship to all those born free anywhere in the empire. This gave those in the provinces a sense of being Roman, or at least having mobility throughout the empire; and this mobility was possible because of the extraordinary system of roads built over the centuries by the Roman legions to facilitate troop movement and trade.36 Not much more than a century after the death of Marcus Aurelius, Constantine joined his co-emperor Licinius in signing the Edict of Milan in 313 AD ending the persecution of Christians. Christianity had spread to every border of the Roman Empire along the relatively safe trade routes protected by Roman soldiers. Sometime between 451-496 AD, St. Patrick was converting the Irish to Roman Catholicism.37 It was to take more than another five hundred years to convert Russia.

The empire had been on the defensive since the days of Marcus Aurelius, about 180 AD. By 410, the Germanic Visigoths were sacking Rome. The Vandals, Ostrogoths, and Huns were to raid Roman territories at will over the coming decades. The last of the Roman emperors, Romulus Augustulus died in 476 AD, and with him the Roman Empire in the West. The Byzantine Empire in the East was to continue for another thousand years, until finally being over-run in 1453 by Muslim Turks.38 Muslims were to take outright control of half of the former Christian lands under Roman administration. The collapse of the Roman Empire meant that control was lost over its boarders and hostile peoples were able to penetrate into the heart of Europe. The most dangerous of these invaders was the Diaspora from vanquished Judea.

The Roman Empire was not the only civilization to have ever suffered defeat. The history of the Jews as a nation appears to be a record of defeat and absorption into larger empires. What is different about the Jews is that they have not allowed themselves to be absorbed by more powerful adversaries, even over a period of nearly three thousand years. The Jews managed to accomplish this seemingly impossible achievement through what is called the Diaspora, which means dispersion of Jewish society distant from the "Holy Land" of Israel. "The Jewish Diaspora began with the exile of Judeans to Babylonia by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BC.".39 The Old Testament is a record of foreign captivity, exodus and wandering; but most of all it is a story of the people Israel, whether they are situated in Judea or in foreign lands. Not all dispersions involved slaughter and slavery. Both Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar not only protected them, but granted Jews special privileges.40 Under Alexander, many Jews were encouraged to help create the cultural center of the Middle East: Alexandria, Egypt. But their success often resulted in wealth, and this inevitably led to resentment on the part of the native community. In Alexandria, Jews composed 40 per cent of the population. "This was the background to the popular antisemitism that exploded into a veritable pogrom in the year AD 38 at a time when Caligula was Emperor in Rome. The Jews were accused of being unpatriotic and even of manifesting dual loyalties...But the real cause was the long-standing resentment at their position of privilege, their wealth and their power....Again in AD 66 Alexandria erupted following news of the Judean revolt against the Romans, and once more the target of hostility was the equal rights and the special religious privileges granted to Jews. ...But the scale and severity of the riots clearly pointed to the depth of popular hatred for Jews and Judaism."41 It is particularly significant to take note that the emperor Caligua, who has been maligned for persecuting Christians, understood the Jews to be a threat to the empire and therefore attacked them. In order to understand the persecution of the early Christians it is necessary to recognize that the Romans associated Christianity with the Jews, and the Jews with subversion and rebellion ......much as the Jews have been recognized as communist revolutionaries in the twentieth century. Even in the ancient world, the Jews had two very distinct faces: that of wealth and special privilege, and that of revolutionary zealotry....and both were rooted in a religion which proclaimed them to be a superior race of people because they were "the chosen" of a God who was above all others. Neither the wealth, the rebelliousness, nor the clannishness of the Jewish Diaspora were well received by either the patricians or the plebeians of the ancient world. This is significant to notice because in modern times anti-Semitism is explained as a consequence of ignorance and unjustified prejudice. Roman literary anti-Semitism included many of Rome's most prominent intellectuals, including: Cicero, Seneca, Juvenal, and most particularly the second century historian Tacitus. "But it is clear, as with Seneca and Juvenal, what especially troubles Tacitus is the spreading of Judaism, its penetration into various levels of Roman society, including even the upper ranks of men and women in the senatorial class."42 Jewish proselytizing was seen as subversive because they preached pacifism to Romans, which undermined the patriotic spirit of their culture, while the Jews themselves were increasingly rebellious. The Jews were not out converting Romans to Judaism, but to Christianity; at the time of Tacitus, about 100 AD, this subtle distinction was far from obvious to "pagans". It would take hundreds of years for Church councils to distinguish the heretics from the true Christians.

The ambiguity of this matter is brought out by Wistrich. He indicates that the Roman authorities seemed unclear as to exactly who the Jews were, and consequently either they or their Jewish mathematical experts in Alexandria, may have significantly over counted them. "Apart from those who loathed Judaism or were indifferent to it, there were also growing numbers who did fully embrace it as converts or else engaged in Judaizing practices. Only thus can one explain how Jews came to number some ten million (10-12 per cent of the total population) in the Roman Empire at the beginning of the Christian era)."43 This would mean that the population of the Roman Empire was about 100 million, which seems highly unlikely. Estimates of world population around this period range from about 170 to 300 million. "By the beginning of the Christian era, 8,000 years later, the human population approximated 300,000,000, and there was apparently little increase in the ensuing millennium up to the year AD 1000. Subsequent population growth was slow and fitful, especially given the plague epidemics and other catastrophes of the Middle Ages."44

Since we will be studying the Jews extensively, it is valuable to have some understanding about where they live and in what numbers, as of mid-1992. Jewish population: Africa 337,000 (particularly wealthy South Africa); Asia 5,587,000 (including Israel); Europe 1,469,000; Latin America 1,092,000; Northern America 7,003,000; Oceania 98,000; Former U.S.S.R. 2,236,000; Total World Population of Jews: 17,822,000.45

The records of the actual Roman census of 48 AD indicate that the population of Rome was 6,984,000 citizens. The population of the entire empire was calculated to be 25,419,000.46A These figures were assuredly not exact, but they seem more credible than a claim of one hundred million. It is generally conceded that accurate census information did not become available until relatively modern times. It is quite possible that people may have tried to conceal the number of sons they had because the State was always looking for more potential soldiers. Because the census was linked to taxation, there is reason to believe that people were cautious of it. Also, it seems unclear how women, barbarians, and slaves would figure in to such an accounting of Roman citizens. It is inconceivable the ancient Romans could actually have kept records on 100 million individuals scattered over many thousands of miles --- one third of the earth's population; and it is almost as difficult to believe they could have kept track of even the 25 million they claimed to count. But modern scholars appear convinced, along with Wistrich, that the Jews numbered from eight to ten million about the time Christianity began. "At the beginning of the Christian era the Jewish population in the ancient world numbered some 8 million, living, outside Judea, mainly in Alexandria, Cyrenaica (northern Africa), Babylon, Antioch, Ephesus, and Rome."46B This would mean that in the ancient world anywhere from 3% to 5% of all human beings on the planet were Jews. If we accept that the Jews were 10% of the empire's entire population about 48 AD, it would be necessary to recognize that their Diaspora was concentrated largely in the Mediterranean area around Alexandria, Judea, Greece, and Rome.... making their population in those cultural centers much greater than 10%. According to Wistrich, the Jews of Alexandria Egypt were wealthy and composed about 40% of the population. It is conceivable that far from being the hapless victims of the ancient world, the Jews actually were Rome's primary cultural adversaries. Regardless of the exact population figures, it is clear that the Jews were relatively numerous and disproportionately influential in the Mediterranean world. From this perspective, it is possible to understand why Roman Emperors saw Christianity as Jewish subversion, and why Church Fathers were so aggressive in their attacks on Jewish Christians for heresy....the Church's religious term for subversion. Wealthy Jews were easy enough to identify and count; the ambiguities arose in identifying those who were less affluent. I am inclined to think that Roman officials had to account for so many different ethnic groups in their empire, which was not limited to Western Europe, that they were not especially precise in whom they identified as Arab or Jew. Because Jews were so dispersed throughout the empire, and influenced those around them so heavily, it seems that it may have been difficult to distinguish Jews from those who had adopted their customs. I would even go on to say that these same Romans may have believed that Christians were "gentiles" who had become Jews. Did these Christian converts not count as Jews? While Paul may have been willing to resolve this ambiguity by being all things to all men, the Romans made a simpler conclusion: Christians were traitors, new Jewish recruits in the internal war against Roman civilization..... and for this reason honorable and intelligent Romans were prepared to treat them as harshly as they did those numerous and most rebellious subjects of the empire: the Jews.

While Jerusalem was a site of Jewish rebellion, it was also growing increasingly important to what the Romans saw as a very troublesome Jewish sect threatening to spread throughout the empire. "As a Jewish sect, the primitive Christian church shared the status of Judaism in the Roman Empire, but before the death of Emperor Nero in AD 68 it had already been singled out as an enemy ....Jerusalem was the centre of the Christian movement, at least until its destruction by Roman armies in AD 70."47 It is especially important to realize that: "Many Jewish prisoners of war were brought to Rome after the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. ...From Italy, Jews migrated to France and Germany, and from there to England, Scandinavia, and eastern Europe, becoming known as Ashkenazim."48 It was Rome's ambition to rule the world that brought them into conflict with the Jews; they brought upon themselves the undying hatred of a brilliant people they would have been far wiser not to try to assimilate. So rather than letting Judea stand, setting natural limits to their empire, they pushed harder and acted more harshly than was prudent. Their error was believing that the brute force of conquest could solve all problems. Persistent efforts by the Romans to fragment the Jewish people and destroy their religion only provoked the Jews to more extreme rebellion. For three years, 132-135 AD, Simon Bar Kokhba led the Jewish insurrection against Roman occupation of Judea. While their fight for independence initially looked promising, the forces of the Judeans were finally crushed by the troops of imperial Rome. Roman authorities changed the name of the defeated land from Judea to Syria Palaestina. "Jerusalem was made a pagan city and the death penalty was decreed for any Jew who entered its gates. Persecution of Jews became common throughout the empire."49 The Jews were not able to militarily conquer Roman legions; but they did try, and repeatedly. The Romans made the catastrophic error of moving these irreconcilable people from their native area to the heart of the empire....seeking to disperse them and thus dilute their zealotry. But over the course of many centuries, the Jews had already learned the lesson of how to overcome defeat: to maintain their cohesion through the Diaspora.... a collective identity that was rooted in their minds as spirituality, and not merely attached to any local "holy" land. There seems to be something in man not attached to the Earth that leads peoples to both the expansions of empire and the creation of a non-tangible "holy land" of collective identity. But such an idea could not be thought by the Romans of 132 AD. The Roman destruction of Judea made life in the Diaspora an inevitability, so the Jews had little choice but to wander through whatever open borders that were available to them. Many chose to follow the Roman roads to the far reaches of a Europe that was rapidly being converted to Christianity. It is especially worth recognizing how rapidly Jews, such as Paul, were able to spread Christianity throughout the trade routes established by Roman civilization. "During the early years, Christianity expanded through the communities of the Jewish dispersion."50 It is relevant to point out that Paul had grown up in Europe, living in the Diaspora. The greatest missionaries of Christianity were not the apostles of Pentecost. It was the man of visions, St. Paul, who was most effective in spreading Christianity to Rome, Greece, and what is today called Turkey. Jewish missionaries from the Diaspora, like Paul, concentrated their efforts on the large cities connected by the Roman roads so vital to commerce51 ... and now to the message being preached by evangelists throughout a network that has come to be recognized as the Jewish Diaspora.

But the heart of Christianity was not on the road, it was located in Jerusalem because that is where Jesus had started His Church. "Believing that it had been his will and command that they should band together in a new community, as the saving remnant of the people of Israel, these Jewish Christians became the first church, in Jerusalem. There it was that they believed themselves to be receiving his promised gift of the Holy Spirit and of a new power."52 James, martyred at Jerusalem in 62, was the primary authority for the Christian Jews, especially those made anxious by Paul's custom of being "all things to all men", which resulted in "bitter charges that he was an unprincipled trimmer."53 Clearly, Paul's Christianity appealed far more to "gentiles" than to Jews; it even seemed to find consolation in the misfortune of Judaism. While the temple that had been destroyed around 70 AD was of critical importance to Jews, its destruction was a fulfillment of Christian belief and no reason to leave the sacred Christian sites where Jesus had been crucified and raised from the dead. Surely this was seen as a land of miracles and not to be abandoned. Many Christians still feel irresistibly drawn to Jerusalem, and believe it to be a holy place like no other. From a spiritual perspective, it was truly a shock to the early Church to find the center of their faith shifting from the city of God to the center of worldly power, persecution and decadence. What caused this shift to Rome as the site of the "Holy See"? We are obligated to recognize that the earliest Christians were largely Jews; they were affected not only by the pacifism of Jesus� teachings, but also by the apocalyptic themes evident in early Christianity. Anticipation of Jesus� imminent triumphant return to "this world" to replace the earthly empires of mortal kings with His kingdom certainly sounded much like the Jewish zealots awaiting a military messiah to establish his earthly kingdom for the Jews. It was this mixing of Judeo-Christian signals that led Romans to associate Christians, who initially were all Jews, with Jewish zealots .....who periodically engaged the legions of Rome in open insurrection.54 At times Jewish Christians were called upon by zealots to revolt against the empire. "There were four major stages in the final break between Christianity and Judaism: (1) the flight of the Jewish Christians from Jerusalem to Pella across the Jordan in 70 and their refusal to continue the struggle against the Romans; (2) the institution by the patriarch Gamaliel II of a prayer in the Eighteen Benedictions against such heretics (c. 100), and (3 and 4) the failure of the Christians to join the messianic leaders Lukuas-Andreas and Bar Kokhba in the revolts against Trajan (115-117) and Hadrian (132-135), respectively."55 For the Jews, their defeat and exile from Judea was calamitous, but many Christians saw this historic event as a sign that the Jews had fallen out of divine favor, leaving them as God's most beloved children, just as Paul had promised.56 The Christians found spiritual justification for distancing themselves from Jews in a dangerous situation, where they were clearly the prime targets of Roman attack.

It is very likely that Christian "gentiles" and the earliest Christian Jews separated over pacifism in the face of Roman persecution. The Jews were notorious for an apocalyptic messianic zealotry in their aggressive rebellions against Rome. Some Jewish Christians evidently sympathized with this messianic militant vision and wanted "gentiles" to join their ranks; but the gentle Christians did not, even though they too were awaiting the apocalyptic return of their messiah. The difference was that their expectations were passive and other-worldly.......spiritual rather than practical. They were waiting for God to act. The Jewish zealots were not quite so patient. Many of the early converts to Christianity were slaves. Some were willing to die for their other worldly faith in expectation of eternal glory, but it is highly unlikely they were willing to die for the sake of a Jewish military rebellion. Christianity did not yet preach instant salvation for military martyrs, as would be done during the time of the Crusades, a thousand years later. Christians were the conscientious objectors of ancient times, and generally refused to join the Roman army; it is hard to believe that they did not feel that such an appeal to revolution was inconsistent with the Christianity Jesus had preached. It is likely that their pacifism was the ultimate reason they distanced themselves from Jewish Christians, who very likely were associated with or even related to Jewish zealots with a more earthly messianic and apocalyptic faith.

But not all opposition to Rome was militaristic. Many Christians simply wanted a different culture than was being forced upon everyone by an empire they saw as decadent. We today must certainly be able to sympathize with their situation. In some respects, the ambitions of Trajan and Marcus Aurelius were similar to those who would impose today's unified world culture. Christians were seen as unwilling to blend into the "new world order" of their time, much as racists are today. The Roman State tried to force these religious fanatics to conform, but produced only more intense opposition. As Tertullian put it, "The blood of martyrs is the seed of Christianity." "By the beginning of the 4th century, Christianity had grown so much in size and in strength that it had to be either eradicated or accepted. Emperor Diocletian tried to do the first and failed; Emperor Constantine did the second and created a Christian empire."57 The conversion of Constantine assured the Church a privileged place in society and it became easier to be a Christian than not to be one. What is truly telling is that: "After 313, when Constantine I, emperor of Rome, accepted the new religion for himself and his empire, Christian antagonism and, later, persecution of Jews became widespread."58 This means that Constantine was able to play on the disaffection that had grown-up between Christians and Jews, turning it from antagonism to hostility.

The dislocation of Christianity from Jerusalem to Rome also had a very practical reason: multitudes of fresh converts found it easier to follow all roads to Rome as the center of their Church than a less accessible Jerusalem. In short the hearts of these new Christians were more Roman than Jewish. " An important source of the alienation of Christianity from its Jewish roots was the change in the membership of the church that took place by the end of the 2nd century (just when and how is uncertain). At some point, Christians with Gentile backgrounds began to outnumber Jewish Christians. Clearly, the work of the apostle Paul was influential."59 But the Church of Rome, which consumed itself with matters of doctrine and heresy, was not Paul's Christianity of "all things to all men". It is evident that much of what these Roman churchmen determined to be Christian heresy had its origins in Jewish Christian sects. By attacking heresy, "gentile" Christians forced Jewish Christians out of their Church. Among the early Jewish Christian sects to arise in the area of Jerusalem were the Nazarenes, Elkasites, and Ebionites. These Jewish Christians often found the city of Jerusalem itself to be sacred. While they believed in Jesus as the promised messiah, they did not break with the tradition of Jewish Law. Reference to the Ebionite sect was first recorded in the writings of the early Church theologian St. Irenaeus, namely in "Adversus haereses" ("Against Heresies"), written about 180. "They rejected the Virgin Birth of Jesus, instead holding that he was the natural son of Joseph and Mary ....Jewish Christianity declined and became the faith of a very small group without links to either synagogue or Gentile church."60 While not a historian, I am never-the-less convinced that the early Church Fathers intentionally dogmatized ideas that were antithetical to those held by Jewish Christians. For instance, the dogma of Virgin Birth served a vitally important purpose in the early Church since it justified declaring Ebionite Jewish Christians to be in heresy since they rejected that irrational doctrine. In this light it is possible to make sense of an early Churchman believing a doctrine because it is absurd. For over a thousand years the Church was to justify Inquisitions against Jews throughout Europe on the pretext of heresy, and to do this with the enthusiastic support of local communities of Europeans who did not really care what irrational reasons were given to justify the necessary ....keeping the Jews from gaining financial and cultural control of European society. The virtue of employing religious charges for aggressive action is that these "spiritual" reasons, however irrational, enable people to feel righteous in carrying out the most merciless of actions .....something not unlike the revolutionary actions witnessed in today's martyrs of Islam and tomorrow's heroes of.....! It is likely that this tradition of using spiritual justification for anti-Semitism goes all the way back to the very early Church when "gentile" Christians separated themselves from Jewish Christians. "Already in its very beginnings, therefore, Christianity manifested a dual relation to the Jewish faith, a relation of continuity and yet of fulfilment, of antithesis and yet of affirmation. The forced conversions of Jews in the Middle Ages and the history of anti-Semitism (despite official condemnations of both by church leaders) are evidence that the antithesis could easily overshadow the affirmation."61 While treating Jews aggressively, the Church would preach the Gospel of love, in much the same way modern democracies use "love" as a pretext for the forced inter-racial mixing of society. Governments prefer to put on their nicest finery when they are closing in for the kill; and afterwards they claim innocence... denying all responsibility. The Roman Church was giving the Jews a taste of their own medicine....attacking under the guise of piety. The defenders of Roman culture, whom the Jews had been subverting with their Christianity, were now attacking Jewish Christianity in the name and form of that very same Christianity. The men holding authority in the Church of Rome were not the naive Roman slaves and sentimental patrician women converted by the Jews, but educated Roman free men who knew exactly what they were doing. Wistrich confirms that there was indeed anti-Jewish sentiment in the Roman world, and that this ancient hatred was very much evident in some of those former pagans who helped shape Christianity. "Nevertheless, it is undeniable that Christianity would appear on the stage of history as a negation of Judaism in a much deeper sense than its pagan predecessors; that its theological polemics against Judaism were to be vital to its own identity far more than was the case for any other religion or culture."62 The Jews have often complained that the Church of Rome is the antithesis of the very Christianity it proclaims to be. Wistrich too complains that Christianity is inherently anti-Jewish; he attributes this new kind of anti-Semitism to Christian theological beliefs that did not exist in the pagan world. From the time of Constantine onwards, the Church was to actively "marginalize" the Jews from Christian society; most importantly, this was an "institutionalized oppression" which pervaded virtually all aspects of professional and cultural life in Christian Europe. "The Christian theology which had usurped the Divine Promises to the Jews and proclaimed the Church as God's Chosen Elect, cast Israel in the role of God's forsaken, rejected and abandoned people -- condemned to wandering and exile."63 This is exactly the point: educated Romans, such as the Emperor Constantine, usurped the subversive slave religion created by the Jews, and took control of its symbols and history: "in hoc signo vinces" .....claiming it as their own, much as the Jews have taken control of Christianity and Western democracies in the twentieth century ....while preserving the appearance of continuity. Early Jewish Christians and their naive "gentile" converts who objected to this takeover were themselves branded heretics and excommunicated from the one true holy Roman Catholic Church... much the same way those who today would appeal to the democratic ideal of free expression are charged with hate crimes and sued for millions. Just as today's "racists" see themselves as patriots, heretics saw themselves as the true Christians..... and the Church of Rome as a satanic impostor: The Anti-Christ, or as patriots today would say --- ZOG, the Zionist Occupation Government. It is this kind of understanding that lay at the foundation of the religious wars of the past, and the suspicion that has continued right into the present time. But Churches and universities are not eager to acknowledge the legitimacy of this distrust of institutions, this deeply disturbing sense of spiritual betrayal millions of religious people feel. The Catholic Church publicly begs the Jews for forgiveness, hoping the details of the past will not be exposed too aggressively in the media. And the Jews use this threat as a means of keeping the Churches silent about Jewish tyranny today. The sentiment is that the Church is in no position to criticize the duplicity of the Jews, and the Jews take special delight in modeling their current inquisition on the same patterns from the past that were used to torment them. It's all a matter of poetic justice. So it is to the mutual benefit of past and current tyrannies to conceal the secrets of a dead religion, just as the "national security" of all nations requires minimizing the implications of communist "eye for an eye" retribution in the gulags of a now defunct Soviet Empire. All agree to let dead ideologies lie. The reason nazism is attacked so fiercely is obvious: It's not dead.

Wistrich wants to conclude that anti-Semitism originated with a Roman Catholicism that is now questioning its own past and correcting errors in earlier doctrines; he needs to prove that opposition to the Jews is a matter of simple misguided religious belief, and not continuous with conflicts from the ancient past. "Thus the notion that Gentiles brought with them a deep-seated antisemitism from the pagan world into Christianity would be difficult to sustain."64 But as he admitted earlier, a non-institutionalized anti-Semitism could be found in the Roman world, as well as the Middle East, prior to the advent of Christianity. If anti-Semitism can be confined to institutional religion..... a safe religious argument of mistaken theology, than the problem can be solved by "educating" people...rather than confronting the very dangerous comparison of the Roman Church's tactics with current Zionist practice. Moreover, Jews wish to avoid the suggestion that they were persecuted by the Catholic Church out of vengeance because they were subversives who ultimately succeeded in bringing the Roman Empire down. Associating the Jews with both the modern-day media messages of an unpatriotic pacifism of non-resistance ....advocated for Whites; and an "idealistic" messianic rebellion encouraged in non-white "slaves" and barbarians drawn to the porous borders of North America and Europe, might suggest itself to comparison with the missionary zeal of Jews converting "gentile" under-classes to a Christianity designed to subvert, weaken and topple imperial Rome.... leading some to suspect that modern Jewish methods have changed little since Rome fell into ruins. So anti-Semitism must be seen as rooted in some medieval religious irrationality, and not in the passionate tragedies of history.

Wistrich's argument that anti-Semitism grew out of irrational Christian beliefs is true in that the stated beliefs justifying attacks on Jews were usually irrational, particularly the intensely inflammatory charge that they murdered the Son of God. It is extremely important to understand the emotional power of the Church doctrine that the Jews were "Christ killers", and no less important to realize that just as the Church used this kind of psychological warfare against the Jews for well over a thousand years, the Jews will keep their weapon of "The Holocaust" fresh in the "guilty" minds of Whites for as long as we exist under Jewish dominion. What is being argued is that the absurd religious doctrines were only a pretext for attacking the Jews, that the Church intentionally created a "via negativa" Greco-Roman mystical style theology which was the antithesis of both Jewish materialistic realism and the world denying Christianity they created for "gentiles", thus guaranteeing their constant vulnerability to charges of heresy, and ensuring the consequent real world punishment that implied. "In the writings of the Church Fathers the negation of the Jews' religious and cultural values became a central motif.....This hostile collective stereotype of a Jewish people bearing the mark of Cain, a nation of Christ killers and infidels in league with the Devil, became deeply embedded in the Western psyche following the massacres of Jews during the Crusades."65

It is my belief that a fundamental purpose of this Christianity of the Roman Church was to fight the very same Jewish revolutionaries from Jerusalem who had plagued the Roman Empire ...that Christianity was specifically re-designed by Church Fathers as an ideological response to the subversive influence of its founders, transforming that religion from an instrument portraying Jews as a holy and chosen people into a weapon legitimizing the implementation of divinely ordained punishment. This is not such an outrageous assertion if you consider that the Church of Rome was the primary successor of the Roman Empire. The Germanic barbarians of the time were generally illiterate, not only in the civilized languages of Greco-Roman culture, but in the tongues of their own ancestors. "Moreover, the very survival of that learning is owed to the Christian Church, itself a Roman institution which was to outlive the Empire that produced it.....It was the Church, more than anything, that was the real heir of the Empire, and which was able to provide a measure of continuity after the collapse of temporal power and civil administration. The papacy continued to be based in Rome and to exert enormous authority over most of Europe..."66 It was the Church that kept much of "pagan" civilization from being completely lost. Because intellectuals of the Roman Empire could infiltrate the early Christian Church, they could claim its history as their own. Not only is it evident that the Church of Rome was continuous with the Roman Empire, but that the papacy was the successor of both the apostle Peter and Roman emperors. Take for example the pope during World War II who was much criticized for his co-operation with fascism and lack of compassion for Jews: Pope Pius XII. But who was this "Pius", and why did eleven, (or is it twelve?) popes name themselves after him? "Antoninus Pius, full name Titus Aurelius Fulvus Antoninus (86-161), Roman emperor (138-161), born in Lanuvium (now Lanuvio, Italy), of a distinguished Roman family .....Antoninus acquired the name Pius (�dutiful� or �conscientious�), probably because of his insistence that divine honors be accorded his predecessor"67...Hadrian. Antoninus Pius was a strong and honorable Roman, much like Hadrian who preceded him and Marcus Aurelius who followed him. They were among Rome's best emperors, concentrating power in their own hands rather than in a senate. Like Marcus Aurelius, he was a decent man. He was not known for leading pogroms within the relatively peaceful years he ruled the empire, but he did put down rebellions when they arose. Assuredly, the Church maintains that the predecessor all these Pius popes chose to honor was the saintly Pope Pius I, which seems quite unambiguous .....until you notice the years during which Pope Pius I headed the Catholic Church: 140-155 --- paralleling almost exactly the years Antoninus Pius governed the Roman Empire: 138-161. Not until 313 AD would Constantine put an official end to the persecution of Christians. My objective here has been to show the complex manner in which the identity of pope and emperor became entangled with one another. I do not have a definite answer to explain this curious pairing of names and dates, but as we proceed, the significance of such ambiguity will increase until it reshapes our entire way of thinking. For now, it is sufficient to realize that Pope Pius I was a man named Venetia Aquileia, a Westerner and not a Jew.68 He is best known for fighting heresy. In my opinion, that long line of Popes who would take the name Pius was just as likely to be appealing to the memory of an honorable emperor who presided over legendary years of peace and prosperity as they were to a man dedicated to forcing heretics out of the Roman Church.

Christianity was already associated with Rome long before the military and economic vitality of the empire fully collapsed. But the cultural leadership of Europe was to survive in the form of the Church of Rome. This was not the humble spirituality of Christian slaves or the zealotry of rebellious Jews, it was the bureaucratic hierarchy of Roman authority headed by a semi-divine emperor, who still had a few legions under his command. "In the West the position of the papacy was enhanced by the decline of state power, and this prepared the way for the popes' temporal sovereignty over parts of Italy (which they retained from the 7th to the 19th century)"69 This may not have been obvious by the time of Augustine and the sacking of Rome, but it was undeniable a thousand years later during the age of Pope Alexander VI (1492-1503). You probably recognize this pope by his family name: Rodrigo Borgia. You might see some relation between this pope from Spain and the Church's support for the Spanish Inquisition, which began in his homeland 14 years before Borgia became Pope. In the event you don't recognize the name Borgia, they were among the most ruthless and corrupt people to ever hold power in Rome. Rodrigo's uncle was Pope Callistus III (1455-1458). The year after Rodrigo Borgia was elevated to the papacy, his son "...Cesare, then barely 18 years old, was made cardinal."70 Cesare Borgia found murder to be a particularly effective political tool. This prince of the Roman Church also served as the model for Machiavelli's Prince (1513).71 It would be barely 18 years later that Martin Luther would rebel against the Anti-Christ in Rome. Just as there were terrible Roman emperors, there were also ungodly popes and cardinals; but so too were there noble emperors and popes both before and after the Borgias. The aim has not been to vilify the Vatican, but only to demonstrate the undeniable link between ancient Roman authority and the Roman Catholic Church.

The hierarchy of the Vatican was clearly not merely the Church of Jesus and the earliest humble Christians; it was also its opposite .....a Roman institution more concerned with preserving the civilization of the West, under attack from within by Jewish spirituality, than the self sacrificing spirit of the historical Jesus. To accuse the Church of hypocrisy would be utterly naive, failing to understand that this Roman authority, under new management, took the appearance of Christian piety only to more effectively attack the subversives they failed for centuries to defeat by direct military means. The Church could now do what Roman emperors never could: gain the popular support of Christians in attacking Jewish subversion. The way in which the Church targeted its enemies was by means of councils that clarified Church doctrine and declared all deviation from that dogma to be heresy. "The principal architect of Western theology was St. Augustine of Hippo, whose literary output, including the classic Confessions and The City of God, did more than any other body of writings, except for the Bible itself, to shape that system."72 Some years after Jesus, Paul was the virtual head of Christianity .....many, like Wistrich, would argue -- the actual creator of Christianity ....Perhaps Biblical Christianity, but it was men like St. Augustine who created the Roman Catholic Church. It is easy to believe they are worlds apart. One could even argue that Augustine created Paul. "It has been a widely held view that Paul's thought was soon virtually eclipsed by other theological teachings and was recovered only by St. Augustine of Hippo in the 5th century and again by Martin Luther in the 16th century (and by them only in part)".73 This was possible because the Church, and not the Bible, was the center of Christianity for most of its history. It is very significant to notice that the Christianity of the Bible was founded entirely by Jews; and Paul states clearly that he seeks to convert Jews to Christ. It is truly astonishing that Jesus, Paul and all their Jewish disciples, who were inspired by the Holy Spirit of God Himself at Pentecost, could have succeeded so remarkably in this divine mission to convert "gentiles", and yet have failed so miserably to save the souls of "God's Chosen People" who were the very one's who were spreading that religion throughout the Roman Empire. Does it not seem strange that Jewish missionaries should fan out through the Diaspora, converting millions to a religion worshipping a Jewish God, but which Jews, other than the missionaries themselves, stubbornly refused to join?74 The issue that has always been at stake is power, not theology. The Jews would have been happy to lead the Church, but rejected the role of being humble followers of Rome. Modern churchmen feel so much guilt that their predecessors would have carried out Inquisitions to compel Jews to participate in the religion their tribe created for "the gentiles". And you wonder why the intellectual and spiritual integrity of our contemporary Christians is so often called into question! In the Old Testament, there are always the corrupt Jews whom God punishes for having rejected the prophets He has sent to them, but so also is there the remnant whom He spares. The Old Testament is the history of that remnant: the "good Jews". There were some Jews who chose, or more likely were forced, to convert to Christianity ...ceasing to be Jews. They mixed with Europeans, especially among the aristocracy. The Spanish mystic, St. Teresa of Avila, came from a family of Jewish converts. But Jewish saints after the time of Paul are rare indeed ....until of course today. There appears to be no enduring remnant of faithful Jews who heard God's Word from Jesus and Paul two thousand years ago -- Biblically oriented Christians are still waiting for them to convert in the "last days". Once Christianity was established -- then, in a rather remarkable way, there not only were no thriving communities of Christianized Jews, there were no Jews controlling Christianity. Somewhere along the papal line, the power shifted from the spiritual city of Jerusalem to the Church of Rome. Many Christians still debate the issue of the true City of God, tormented by images of a crucified Christ and a victorious Anti-Christ. Anti-Semitic themes can be readily found in the New Testament, particularly in the Gospel of John. The demonizing of the Jews became a powerful motif in the writings of Church Fathers, such as Gregory of Nyssa, St. Ambrose, St. Jerome, St. John Chrysostom, and most of all St. Augustine.75

Augustine lived from 354-430 AD, which means he witnessed the collapse of the Roman world. The ruin of the Roman Empire did not go unnoticed by its occupants. Even unrepentant pagans were finally brought to their knees by the apocalyptic events that flew down upon them. They began to see something more than their own corruption as responsible for the end of civilization. Augustine was the best known writer of this tragic period; he typifies the conversion of the pagan Roman into the repentant confessor and defender of the faith..... the Church of Rome. What is difficult to appreciate is that culture and learning were largely lost from society; and in the West, it was only the Church that preserved the memory of ancient wisdom rapidly fading into the unreality of forgotten languages. Given these circumstances, one can respect Augustine's total devotion to the Church, the last remnant of intellect from an age of genius. "Augustine's City of God attempted to answer the most painful event of his century: the fall of Rome. Augustine responded to the existential shock and dismay his contemporaries experienced with the collapse of their world by a literary demolition of their nostalgic paganism. From Augustine's perspective the "splendid vices" of the pagans had led inexorably to the fall of an idolatrous world."76 In place of failed materialism he described a life of spirituality that the Catholic Church opened up to those disillusioned by the new poverty of their mundane lives.

In his City of God, Augustine responds to the charges of his contemporaries that Christianity was largely responsible for weakening traditional militaristic Roman spirit, and that this resulted in a lack of internal cohesion in the face of external attack. Augustine attributed the fall of Rome to the decadence of pagan culture itself, and not to the lack of commitment or loyalty of Christians to the worldly kingdom in which they lived. This self-critical view may have been pius, but it led to hypocrisy, and centuries of suppressed realities finally called Augustine�s dogma into question. The historian Edward Gibbon caused a scandal around 1776 when he wrote his very lengthy History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. The first two volumes, particularly chapters XV and XVI, treated the Jews and early Christians with an irreverence that was shocking to the sensibilities of his English contemporaries. Gibbon's authoritative analysis attributes Rome's decline to several inter-acting forces: among them, the inter-play of external attacks by barbarians and the internal division caused by the success of Christianity in spreading popular other-worldly beliefs. Gibbon clearly rejected the popular image of Christian martyrs, arguing that the emperors were far more tolerant of religiously intolerant Christians than the Catholic Church would prove to be ....that the Roman authorities generally acted with moderation, even when provoked by Christians actively seeking the divine glory of martyrdom. Such moderation was not to be the strong point of Christian fanatics, who for centuries sought out heretics to torture and execute. While not sufficient in itself to have produced the fall of Western civilization, Christianity clearly played upon the natural weaknesses and faults of a Roman culture in which many were far more interested in their own personal well being than in sacrificing their lives defending an over extended empire.

As stated earlier, this matter of blame for the fall of Rome was a very sensitive issue among the Church Father's of Augustine's time. While unwilling to acknowledge that Christianity was partially responsible for the folding of Western civilization, Church councils were willing to discuss blame on a metaphysical level --- and in the domain of their court of spiritual justice, guilt fell upon the Jews. Wistrich cites Augustine's Contra Judaeos, in which the crime of the Jews is described as being of cosmic proportions.77 While the killing of Christ, a Jew, is generally understood to be this unforgivable offense, Augustine was too intelligent a man to advocate such perpetual hostility toward all Jews on the basis of a theological event that occurred almost four hundred years earlier. This former pagan intellectual understood well that with the decline in learning, his fellow Westerners were not equipped to understand the complex reasons for opposition to the Jews infiltrating their society. The Church's pretext for persecution must be simple to understand and intensely emotional in nature. The charge of "Christ killers" would need to be divine justification for vengeance. But anyone with a sense of history must understand that the only event of cosmic proportions that could account for such total condemnation of the Jews was the destruction of Western civilization that was the central reality Augustine's generation witnessed throughout the entirety of their adult lives. "The Jews might deserve to be eradicated for their crime, but St. Augustine prefers that they be preserved as 'witnesses' to Christian truth until the end of time..... Their crime being of cosmic proportions merited permanent exile and subordination to Christianity."78 When tormented by plague, barbarians, and the disintegration of order, some identifiable group had to be to blame; it was not going to be Christianity because that was the best hope society had of re-establishing some semblance of civilization. So the holy men of the Church led the charge in the search for heretics ...spiritual criminals, and those they found generally were the same "haters of Christ" these newly baptized Romans were more than willing to blame for the hardship that had befallen them in "this world".

It is a sad reality to admit, but as in Augustine's time, the majority of people can still be moved only by simple emotional messages. This has led churchmen, as well as diplomats, to conceal the complex reasons for their actions from a populous unwilling, and perhaps unable to understand the truth. But such deception must inevitably lead to the corruption of even the finest of institutions. My efforts in this book are directed toward finding a way around this problem. A poetic language, based on quantum relativistic theory, will be created. Emotionally charged strings of words will be designed to contain multiple meanings so that they can be felt as well as understood at many levels of intensity. Faith, much like common sense, is illusory in that one believes in it at an intensely emotional or sensory level. One believes what one sees with one's own eyes, never questioning the veracity of one's own perception. The sun appears to move in the sky. Reason is often times powerless when one's very perception has been manipulated. People are weak; they seem able to live only in illusion. Those in power play on this vulnerability by creating illusion. Totalitarianism is illusion on a grand scale. Not until the closing passages of this work will it be fully evident how and why this is true. For those impatient with history or unable to find the relevance of Church Fathers to modern thought, consider that we will later discover that Augustine's understanding of time, as appears in Confessions, will re-emerge in the twentieth century influencing Einstein's theory of relativity. While this book is assuredly radical, it is also very thoughtful. It is more accurate to compare the anguish and insight unfolding here to the Spirit of Augustine than to that of Adolf Hitler.

It is my opinion that the early Church fathers were authentic in their opposition to the Jews. They were also pragmatic men who sought to transform this rapidly spreading Jewish created cult for Europeans into an authentically Roman Church. They restricted common access to the Bible by institutionalizing the Latin Vulgate about 550 AD, although the translation was first completed by Saint Jerome about 405. While the Church forced Jewish Christians out of positions of leadership by concentrating power in "gentile" hands, it is clear some of these Jewish Christian sects continued to exist and hold considerable influence among the biblical scholars of the Church. St. Jerome is reported to have consulted Jewish Christians, the Nazarenes, in 378 ".... to examine their copy of a Hebrew gospel purporting to be the original Gospel of Matthew."79 The spiritual integrity of Christianity rested on a Jewish pedestal, much as the Church tried to minimize this weakness. How did it come to be that the creators of Christianity could continue to influence "gentiles" even after they were forced out of the Church? Were not Jesus, Paul, the Evangelists, and the prophets of the Old Testament exerting a continual influence on the people of Europe through Their own divine instructions in the Holy Bible? Was it not sufficient to occupy the souls of the "gentiles" and leave the technical details of Church administration to local clerics and contemporary imitators of Christ? The power of Christianity was in the "Holy Word". Those who would truly challenge any ruling order do so by threatening to destroy the illusion ...the holiness that gives the totalitarian world view its magic...its sacred sense of reality. The system is persuasive only so long as people think every reasonable person believes in it, or at least fears it. Those cast under the spell of their true faith always affirm that the current order is absolute and will last forever. Should that "vision" break down, the mighty become visible as vulnerable mortals, and their weakness and corruption painfully transparent to increasing numbers of those once blind visionaries themselves. Seeing through the illusions of power is always the greatest of crimes against the State, or sin against God ...the fabled eating of the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. The crime of heresy is always sedition, the charge for which Jesus was executed. The price of vision is damnation by the established worldly and otherworldly rulers. This highlights an eternal injustice characteristic of established order: the persecution of genius among the repressed, and the forced adulation of infidels in a Savage Nation. But authentic revelation is forever available directly to those brave enough to seek it out the wilderness. This was the revolutionary message of Martin Luther. He avoided burning at the stake because he had the support of powerful German nobles who wished to take over large expanses of German property owned by the Church of Rome; so Luther was the hero of the Reformation, and not a heretic.... only because the will of the German leadership was stronger than the authority of the Vatican. Luther and the Germans were surely correct in recognizing the corruption of power; however, the Protestant Reformation was to have severe consequences for the West by shifting the center of spiritual authority from the Church to Biblical Christianity, from Rome back to Jerusalem. For a thousand years, ordinary Christians had not been able to read Holy Scripture themselves; they went to church, where a priest who was one of their own people told these unlettered believers only what they needed to know to find salvation. The destiny of one's eternal soul was in the hands of the local franchise of the Roman Church. Not until Luther rebelled against the corruption of Rome did the Bible gain direct influence over the minds of Europeans. Despite its corruption, the Catholic Church had stood between the collective Spirit of European peoples and a Bible that portrayed the Jews as God's sacred gift to humanity. Protestantism stripped away the protection that Roman Mafia provided, making people of the West vulnerable to a self-destructive religion that instilled in them a belief in the divine right of Jewish mastery, and an acceptance of their own servitude. "The fateful loss of continuity with Judaism has, however, never been total. Above all, the presence of so many elements of Judaism in the Christian Bible has acted to remind Christians that he whom they worshipped as their Lord was himself a Jew and that the New Testament did not stand on its own but was appended to the Old."80 No longer did all Christians turn to Augustine's Church of Rome governed by fallible, even corrupt men like themselves, they sought inspiration directly from what they believed to be an uncorrupted Bible. They placed their trust in the authenticity of the first Christians, such as the Apostles.....who were largely the Jewish Christians centered more in Jerusalem than in Rome. Built into the New Testament is the constraint that anyone who challenges the primacy of Jesus in the hearts of faithful Christians is the Anti-Christ, an incarnation of Satan himself. It is self-evident to many that the Vatican has been full of deception for centuries, but it is inconceivable to believing Biblical Christians that they have been deceived by the likes of St. Paul. Because they lack the courage to focus the same critical intelligence they direct toward the Roman Church the Bible itself, Biblical Christians fall for the same "good Jew" - "bad Jew" con-game again and again.

Spinoza, like Paul, Marx and other Jews over the centuries, played the role of the Jew who has left his own community to serve as a shining light for the secular ("gentile") world. I would go even further in saying that this technique became fairly standard practice by the twentieth century, as we shall later see with Emile Durkheim. The poor abused Jew seeks refuge among affluent foreigners who take pity on him; he quickly rises to success and becomes their guiding star. Spinoza(1632-1677) was a Spanish Jew. His family was forced out of Spain by the Spanish Inquisition, so they moved to Holland. Spinoza was well versed in the Talmudic tradition. "At the age of fifteen, he was looked upon as a future light of the Synagogue. Later he came into conflict with Jewish scholars, stayed away from the synagogue, and at the age of twenty-four was expelled from the Jewish community."81 He was to become one of the most influential of European philosophers. What is implied here, but surely too offensive for devout Christians to endure, is that this method precedes Paul. This was the same infiltration technique used by the "good" Joseph, who was sold by his "bad" brothers into slavery in order to enter Egypt; Moses, the defenseless Hebrew child was planted, by his mother and sister, in the royal family of Egypt, .... and on and on, onward to the Christian era. But of course we are too "deeply religious" to think much farther along this "good Jew" -- "bad Jew" line of thought, so I will abruptly drop such cross words ---- But must add a word of warning, that we will face this same "good man" - "con man" pattern again when the time comes to decide whether or not to allow "God's chosen people" to live among us or be deported to Israel.

Throughout history, Europeans have inevitably figured out the Jewish scams and forced them either out of their countries or into ghettoes to live among themselves. The most famous of such pogroms was the Spanish Inquisition. "...the Spanish Inquisition was established with papal approval in 1478 at the request of King Ferdinand V and Queen Isabella I. This Inquisition was to deal with the problem of Marranos, Jews who through coercion or social pressure had insincerely converted to Christianity... ....The Inquisition was finally suppressed in Spain in 1834."82 The Spanish Inquisition had become institutionalized and concerned itself with heresy, especially as the Protestant Reformation spread throughout much of Europe. With the advent of the religious wars between Catholics and Protestants, both sides were to make use of such courts, employing interrogation, torture, and terror ...more often for reasons of self enrichment than for spiritual fanaticism.

The Reformation began in 1517 with the publication of Luther's Ninety-Five Theses attacking the Church of Rome for the selling of indulgences to build St. Peter's at the Vatican. It did not take long, in the short span of a lifetime, for Luther to realize that the Reformation produced very serious complications he had not anticipated. "By 1537, Luther's health had begun to deteriorate, and he felt burdened by the resurgence of the papacy and by what he perceived as an attempt by Jews to take advantage of the confusion among Christians and reopen the question of Jesus' messiahship. Apprehensive about his own responsibility for this situation, he wrote a violent polemic against the Jews, as well as polemics against the papacy ......"83 Pogroms were to become common place in Europe, not only on the part of the Catholic Church, but also in Lutheran Germany and Orthodox Russia. While less focused than the unified Church of Rome had been, the warring factions of Christianity carried on their own local campaigns against the Jews. Luther's anti-Semitism has proved an embarrassment to modern day Protestants; some have gone so far as to disavow the founder of their own religion because of his hostility toward the Jews. If the devout understand the history of their own faith, they must do the same regarding the Church Fathers. In a very real sense they may need to disavow contacts with all of non-Jewish Christianity and themselves become "the good Christian Jews". But that is a small price to pay in atonement for the suffering inflicted on these wronged and vengeful Middle Eastern invaders by the "bad Roman Christians" of European decent.

While the reasons and those doing the persecuting have changed since Luther's day, the principle remains. In our time, White heretics and witches are hunted by Zionists carrying out their own inquisitions in Western lands. The invaders once persecuted by Christian soldiers have turned the tables and found few White knights left after Europe has been bled red by revolutions, world wars, cold war, and now the abortion war and race war of non-resistance. But when did this tragic turn of events first become evident? The Protestant Reformation resulted in an increased tolerance for Jews in many parts of Europe, and even the new world before there was much order. In 1650, Oliver Cromwell was first to encourage Jews to exercise a new measure of liberty by settling in England. Somewhat later, the English philosopher John Locke and Roger Williams, the Puritan expatriate from England who founded the colony of Rhode Island, encouraged Jews to settle in the English colonies. "In France the Jews were enfranchised by the National Assembly in 1791, as part of the democratic concepts of the French Revolution, and Napoleon, during his military campaigns, opened ghettos and emancipated the Jews as he marched across Europe."84 For centuries, the Jews were restrained by Church/State pogroms. They were forbidden to enter many professions, and did not own newspapers and publishing houses, however rich they may have been. They needed to act indirectly through the kings and aristocracies of Europe. The Catholic Church was their great adversary. In the 1850's, the Rothshields of Europe consolidated their wealth and power. Between 1867-1871 the Jews were emancipated throughout Germany, Austria and Hungary. They quickly moved into finance, culture and the media in Germany. By 1879, Wilhelm Marr, who first introduced the term anti-Semite, could write The Victory of Jewry Over Germandom. He conceded that Germany had lost an 1800 year struggle with Jewish conspiracy. He concluded by resigning himself to Jewish mastery. "In my opinion, it has been an honorable war that has been waged for 1800 years. ....He would not or could not assimilate to us. This left only war. And after his first decisive victory in 1848, he had to exploit it fully. Today he has no choice but to strive after the destruction of the Germanic and Western world. This decomposing mission of Jewry (already evident in antiquity) will provoke a counterblow only after it has reached its pinnacle-- that is, after the Jewish caesar has been installed. ... We have proceeded so far into Jewification that we can no longer save ourselves. ...Jewish caesarism is only a question of time, of this I am certain. Only after this caesarism has reached its apex will we perhaps be helped by that 'unknown God' to whom altars were built in Imperial Rome."85 Nearly two thousand years ago, Paul persuaded Greeks and Romans that this unknown god was the God of Judeo/Christianity. Today, that totalitarian vision of duplicity is being realized as a Capitalist/Socialist new world order....but it has been thousands of years in arriving. Just as Marx's communism did not lead to the disappearance of the Jewish mentality, but rather to the physical decimation of Christians in a Marxist Soviet Union.... Paul's Biblical Christianity will teach "gentiles" to kneel before this ascendancy of all Jews to the fulfillment prophesied by an ancient faith we are discovering is not our own --- the realization of the unbroken promise of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to His Chosen People. Just as the Jews were not the equals of their fellow communists, they will not be the equals of Christians who imagine that they two have been chosen.

Like the Jews, the Media-State so �loves� being its own worst enemy � Big Brother. Was this not exactly the twisted world described by George Orwell in 1984 : Foxy cross-dressing straight talkers getting a Rush on the air waves pitching that old-fashioned no spin Hardball to the inside "left" corner while looking �right� � retiring heavy-hitters to bull pens in Alaska. What?! Gulags in America? No!?! Just giving The �Bill� of �rights� a �fresh look. People of color, gays, Christians, and the rest who imagine they have a trusted ally in the Jews would do well to realize they are being two-timed by the folks who have a very long history of playing on both sides of the tracks. These AC/DC �Sore-Loserman�s will turn holy on you faster than you can zip a fly. Tune-in to the �right-wingers� on Talk Radio Network. It is composed of �patriotic conservative outsiders� like Roy Masters, �Michael Savage�, and several others, most of whom express a common message: devotion to the Judeo-Christian values of �compassionate conservatism� � and loyalty to the �good Jews�. While they describe themselves as �Judeo-Christians�, the stars of this network appear to be Jews. Like Paul of the New Testament, these Pharisees may sound anti-Semitic in attacking despised �liberal� celebrities of the Media-State � who also tend to be Jewish, but they invariably turn our devotion toward the �good cops� of Israel. When listening to the Michael Savage program, you may at times wonder if his home base is the West Coast or the West Bank. Your reaction is likely to be: �Who is this guy!?� It must be emphasized that this escapee from the Bronx Zoo appears to be a real West Coast right-winger; you have to listen to him over a period of weeks to figure-out where this Pied Piper is really coming from ..and more importantly, where he is taking us. Keep in mind that wearing a cowboy hat and loving weiners at Disneyland are not all it takes to convert this shock-jock into an American Patriot. Now and again, he may sound as simple-minded as the idiots on TV talk shows, but neither his intelligence nor ruthlessness should be under-estimated. I am focusing on this Michael Savage �character� not because of any dislike for him personally, but simply to highlight a shift in Media-State emphasis away from the �idealistic� liberal Leninists to the �patriotic� Judeo-Christian Neo-Stalinist conservatives. These inside-outsiders are just as aggressive in their campaigns to disembowel the Constitution as their �bad cop� alter-egos. This much is clear: the Independent Michael Savage is loyal to neither the left nor the right. It does not matter what brand of Media-State rule is empowered, only that Jews prevail as the perennial inside outsiders. If he occasionally sounds like the late William Pierce, don�t get all shook up. You know how show business is. He can�t keep it up indefinitely; eventually reality calls and he has to salute -- And on February 25, 2002 he did salute ..even sounding for a time like a supremacist of some sort. He stated unequivocally that the lives of �our people� are of greater value than the lives of those living in the third world. Since his outrage was sharply focused on the torture and beheading of Daniel Pearl and the attacks on Israelis by Palestinian �nazis�, I suspect the superior people he was referring to are the �Chosen People�, and not African-Americans, Mexican illegals, or White �nazis�. For years Michael has ridiculed both Bill and Hillary Clinton, which has gone over well with his White Christian conservative audience. But on February 25, 2002, Michael Savage had a near death experience. He is a creative person, and as might be guessed, vulnerable to losing his head at times � as you should well understand if you have read Chapters 5 and 55 on creative genius. In the world of patriotic talk radio, Michael committed the most unforgivable of sins; he declared unambiguously that he preferred Hillary Clinton as president because of her aggressive support for Israel. He said that he knew that she was an opportunist, but that did not matter as long as her policies would be favorable to Israel. Michael admitted that he went too far, but the pain he felt for Jews in peril was too much to be contained. The Savage Nation was turned inside-out on that �blue Monday�. Damage control will not be easy. He took a few days off. Pat Buchanan came in and tried to cheer him up, but neither he nor Michael�s comic alter ego �Dr. Unsavage� could turn this baring of his soul into a joke. I respect Michael for revealing how he really feels and what he really thinks. But it is imperative that his �Gentile� audience understands where his loyalties lie �that we not sacrifice America for the sake of Israel. Michael Savage is not wrong in speaking on behalf of the Jews and warning of the genocidal hatred that threatens them. But the Jews have done their part in creating much hatred in the world. He acknowledges this, but is far more forgiving than those who have been their victims. I believe it is essential to speak openly against Jewish tyranny in Western societies, but this should not be interpreted as support for those who advocate the extermination of Jews. I utterly reject the use of torture by any group of people � especially the Jews, and appose genocidal ideologies � particularly those of the anti-White variety. I side with St. Augustine and not Hitler. My perspective is that of separatism and not supremacy. As discussed in Chapter 9 on White Separatism, we must separate ourselves from the Jews � and this can be done only with Arab co-operation, by establishing a secure nation of Israel exchange for Western nations disengaging from the power politics of Middle Eastern oil, and by allowing Islamic nations to shape their own spiritual and material destiny in this inter-dependent world. We cannot buy into Michael Savage�s suggestion that America may have to import the entire population of Israel to save the world�s Jews from another �holocaust�. Refusing to turn our nation over to them is not genocide. There is an alternative: it is called sharing the wealth. This may be a difficult concept for Jews to understand, but it is one all the peoples of this Earth must come to accept if we are to avoid a global holocaust. Re-born patriotic Christian Americans have resigned themselves to a blind faith in the leadership of the �Chosen People�. This reference to blind faith is not merely rhetoric. We are evidently being ushered into an Orwellian �Age of Faith� over reason. What you will discover more and more in the coming years is that it will become less and less possible to reason with people. The facts will not matter. Take the Bin Laden tape for example; it may seem that it is of questionable credibility on the face of it, but it is a fool�s argument to question whether it is real or not. The Media-State defines reality; they provide all the information available for discussion. The years of media-mind-washing, from O.J. to the Bill and Monica soap, have prepared the way for an unquestioning acceptance of the unreality of rigged elections, sacrificed rights, and un-ending war. The bombing of the World Trade Center is in much the same category as the Presidential election of 2000. It is not simply about knowing the facts. The truth does not matter anymore. It is not a question of the integrity of �free elections� or a government conspiracy to bomb New York and Washington to justify their Orwellian rules of perpetual war. The issue at hand is �everything�. Time and again, we all fall into the trap of debating the specifics, while forgetting that we are encompassed by surreal events a virtual reality that defies belief, yet compels our compliance. This inverted order now defines genuine patriots as traitors, while wrapping itself in the symbols of our lost liberty. While listening to �The Savage Nation�, you will discover that those appealing to their Constitutional rights and freedoms are labeled �liberals�. In a surreal manner, genuine American patriots are saddled with the sins of the �Bad Jews� and their twisted side-kicks, much as the original Jewish Christians were maneuvered into the ungodly ranks of heretics by a Roman Catholic Church resurrected from the ruins of a collapsing empire. So just as the decadent Roman Empire was transformed into the �Holy� Roman Catholic Church, the treasonous liberal establishment will be converted into a patriotic �all-American� player in the game plan of global tyranny. It is critical to understand this tactic: decades of treason have been tolerated in the name of constitutional rights for the UN-Stated aim of turning US against our own culture of �freedom, justice, and the American way�; today, public opinion follows the lead of this very same Media-State ..which now charges that those questioning their Capitalist-Communist Chinese style are lacking in patriotism. Appeals to our traditional Constitutional rights now border on treason. What has happened is that these Red Stars have hi-jacked the symbols of their adversaries ..US. The Media-State inside-outsiders are now the patriots and their real foes are re-named �liberals� even as �patriotic conservatives like Bush �press ever forward with their New World Order agenda of opening our national borders. There are a few dissident voices still courageous enough to challenge �reality� ..but they aren�t likely to be found on conservative talk radio, although the lords of this Savage Nation may appear to do just that. We may want to believe in Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, Bill, Rush and the other double-cross stars of the Media State, but in the long run we will all be better served by honorable men of fallible intelligence, who are struggling to learn the truth of �this world� in our own communities, rather than by trusting men of wit and intellect who have elevated devotion to Israel to the level of the sacred: our patriotic duty. These hosts portray themselves as patriotic voices from the wilderness struggling to be heard. Really ..with daily three hour coast-to-coast live radio or TV broadcasts? They are what you call inside �outsiders�. Who do you imagine is bank-rolling these con-artists, fairies from Disneyland? And what is their �all American� patriotic message? War against Israel�s enemies is America�s duty! Some patriots! Sadly, White Americans keep on falling for this double-talk, much as did early �gentile� converts to Paul�s Christianity. You don�t think these savages are two-timers do you? ..that they will start screaming for �Nazi� blood the second radical Islam has been crushed worldwide � Wake-up! In the �mean time�, they adopt Stalin�s tactic of feigning nationalism ..until all their external foes have been vanquished. Then, God help us all.

The trademark of Jewish subversion is complementarity: Judeo/Christian, Capitalist / Socialist, East Germany / West Germany, USSR / USA. While attacking the whole, the Jews encourage division...even playing on both a war-game of "good Jew" / "bad Jew". Seen from this light one can better understand the mystery of Jewish anti-Semitic self-hatred found in Paul's New Testament, as well as the covenant style linkage between Jews and Biblical Christians. This duplicity is the con-game we call divide and conquer: The Chosen vs. the losers. The "better half" of the "gentile" community will join forces with the "children of Israel", and together they will attack the "fallen" half. Christians will not be chosen by the Jews unless they show undivided loyalty to all these belated converts to the true messiah. Those who side with either the "good Jews" or the "bad Jews" will confront exactly the same dilemma presented to the earliest "gentile" Christians: the only way to "the good life" is by joining in war against "the haters", just as Christians were called upon to commit themselves completely to Jewish messianic zealots in their religious war against Rome. But today's conflict will not be a matter of simple Christian righteousness. Believers in these "last days" will find themselves allied with all Jews and their long standing partners, unable to distinguish "the good" from "the bad" or the ugly. Imagine this. Woody Allan was seen as a harmless comedian for decades. Like everybody else from Hollywood and Allan's Manhattan, he had to pay his dues playing the real life role of a perverted child predator. So was he a "good Jew" or a "bad Jew"? Such minor distinctions will not matter when it comes time to separate the Christian sheep from those lacking in apocalyptic faith. Old-fashioned honesty and simple decency will definitely not cut it with any Jews as they come together in full strength. Those Christians looking to be chosen need to be prepared to cut an Old Testament ritual deal demanding not the slaughter of a mere sacrificial lamb, but the blood sacrifice of their own kin.

Salvador Dali portrays two-timing artists of today: from religious to ideological war with Jewish genius


                                     END NOTES 


18B.Oxford Univ. Press and Cambridge Univ. Press,  The New English Bible with Apocrypha � 1961 and 1970 Oxford Univ. Press and Cambridge Univ. Press, Romans 1 1: 1-36 .

19B.Wistrich, Robert S.,  Antisemitism: The Longest Hatred   � 1991 Thames Mandarin, UK, p. 68   

20B.Wistrich, p. 52   

21B.Wistrich, p.51   

22B.Levy Richard S., Antisemitism in the Modern World: An Anthology of Texts � 1991 D.C. Heath & Co. Lexington, MA. U.S.A., p.65  

23B.Wistrich, pp.14-15   

24.Wistrich, p.15 (1Thessalonians2 : 15-16).

25.Wistrich, p.15    

26.Wistrich, p.15   

27.Oxford Univ. Press and Cambridge Univ. Press,   The New English Bible with Apocrypha, Romans 11: 1-2   

28.Ibid., Romans 11: 11-12   

29.Ibid., Romans 11: 24-26   

30.Ibid., Romans 11: 28-29   

31.Ibid., 1 Corirthians 9: 19-22   

32.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia.,  Roman Republic 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 

33.Britannica CD 97, Five Good Emperors, � 1996 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. 


35.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia,   Marcus Aurelius  � 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.    

36.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia,  Roman Empire  � 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 

37.Britannica CD 97, Patrick, Saint  � 1996 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.  

38.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia,   Roman Empire � 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.   

39.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia,  Diaspora � 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved    

40.Wistrich, pp.7-8, and p.10  

41.Wistrich, p.6  

42.Wistrich, pp.8-9

43.Wistrich, p.7

44.Britannica CD 97, Population, Trends In World Population � 1996 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.

45.Bookshelf 94 CD, Population world-religious, Jews, The World Almanac and Book of Facts 1994 is licensed from Funk and Wagnalls Corporation. Copyright c 1993 by Funk and Wagnalls Corporation.

46A.Third Millenium Trust, Timechart History Of The World, � 1997 Chippenham England.

46B.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia, Jews....Christianity Appears � 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

47.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia, Christianity 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

48.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia, Diaspora � 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

49.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia, Jews � 1993-1996 Microsoft
     Corporation. All rights reserved.

50.Britannica CD 97, Mission, in Christianity, an organized effort for the propagation of the Christian faith. � 1996 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.


52.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia, Christianity 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

53.Britannica CD 97, Christianity, The Gentile mission and St. Paul � 1996 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.

54.Britannica CD 97,Christianity: Relations Between Christianity and the Roman Government and the Hellenistic Culture -- Church-state relations � 1996 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.

55.Britannica CD 97, Judaism, Origin of Christianity: the early Christians and the Jewish community. � 1996 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.

56.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia, Jews � 1993-1996 Microsoft
     Corporation. All rights reserved.

57.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia, Christianity � 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

58.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia, Jews � 1993-1996 Microsoft
     Corporation. All rights reserved.

59.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia, Christianity � 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

60.Britannica CD 97, Ebionite (Christianity, The Gentile mission and St. Paul) � 1996 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.

61.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia, Christianity 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

62.Wistrich, p.xviii

63.Wistrich, p.xix

64.Wistrich, p.10

65.Wistrich, p. xix

66.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia, Roman Empire 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

67.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia, Antoninus Pius � 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

68.Britannica CD 97, Pius I, Saint � 1996 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.

69. Britannica CD 97, Christianity, The Alliance Between Church And Empire � 1996 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.

70.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia, Borgia, Cesare � 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


72.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia, Christianity 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

73.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia, Paul, St, influence 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

74.Britannica CD 97, Judaism, Origin of Christianity: the early Christians and the Jewish community � 1996 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.

75.Wistrich, p.16

76.Britannica CD 97, Christianity, The views of Augustine � 1996 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.

77.Wistrich, p.19

78.Wistrich, p.19

79.Britannica CD 97, Jerome, Saint � 1996 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.

80.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia, Christianity 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

81.Jaspers, Karl, edited by Hannah Arendt, translated by Ralph Manheim, The Great Philosophers � 1966 Harcourt, Brace & World, New York . Spinoza: I. Life And Works p.273 . Spinoza(1632-1677)

82.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia, Inquisition 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved

83.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia, Luther, Martin � 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

84.Microsoft � Encarta � 97 Encyclopedia, Jews � 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

85.Levy, pp.91-2