Because Bohm's thinking about quantum wholeness originates in Nicholas of Cusa's Christian metaphysics -- this tells us that these newly baptized "quantum" ideas were initially created by a mathematical Platonist to describe spiritual experience, and therefore we are not being irrational by extending this quantum thought of wholeness back into the spiritual context from which Bohm lifted it. Bohm did not seem concerned about applying spiritual metaphysics to the micro-universe of quantum theory; it seems very likely that the inverse operation of this process is legitimate -- that we can apply quantum relativistic theory at the transpersonal level of collective spirituality. I believe we must ultimately think the same thoughts as physicists and they the same thoughts as the mathematical Platonists, using the language in which we are best able to express our intuitions. Bohm argued that because consciousness is non-local, the energy generated by an especially concentrated mind, such as Krishnamurti's, could be transmitted to another resulting in both people sharing the same quantum state of mind. Furthermore, he thought such an event was so significant that if only ten people could sustain that transformation they would be able to form a creative center from which the entire society would reform itself.30 David Bohm serves as a clear example of a significant modern scientific thinker who held mystical ideas of collective consciousness. "If the group meets sufficiently often, Bohm believed, and if its members are truly serious, then something akin to a group mind will develop."32 While studying with Oppenheimer, Bohm was required to prepare a seminar to report on the progress of his research. Although shy, he was very excited about his work. As his seminar proceeded, "... he had the sensation that he was going beyond physics into something almost mystical, to the point where he felt himself in direct contact with everyone in the room. He was convinced that each individual consciousness had been transcended so that his audience was also sharing his experience."33 One could not ask for a clearer connection to be established between mystical experience and what has been described in this book as collective consciousness. You should understand now why I am saying that mystical experience is a collective state of mind, and why one might readily expect that it should be contagious and amplified through the medium of the emotionally charged creative and electronic arts.

If you wish to understand this book, you should see it whole � and the place to start is the homepage: Heaven-Words copyright 2005 WEBb1910473801 (All rights reserved by the author) You may view any or all chapters of this very long book simply by clicking on the links below.

Fox News Bill O�Reilly Sean Hannity Savage Double Talk Radio with Their Forked Tongue Tales of Islamofascism in Eurabia

Keys To Heaven-Words: The Art And Science Of Revolution

Gordon Press-ing realities in a surreal world

Cold War origins of totalitarianism in North America and Western Europe

Rise and fall of Roman Catholic Church: revisionist history

Salvador Dali portrays two-timing artists of today: from religious to ideological war with Jewish genius

Quantum theory made easy:  an introduction to the new physics

From String Theory To A Final Theory: Back To The Origins of Nuclear Weapons

Creators of the atomic bomb: debasing nuclear power into a totalitarian order in the new world

Quantum brain theory: splitting classical-physical reality..from the inside-out

Breakdown of madness dawns on genius of collective consciousness

Chaos Theory: gravity bends of spiraling space-time

Emile Durkheim: sacred symbols conceal unholy conviction: believers-in-themselves are sacred..chosen people

The double edge rap of black and white words

In Terror of a Savage Nation - Orwellian nightmare dawns on the West

Totalitarian science of quantum wholeness -- David Bohm: Krishnamurti or Cusa

Creativity is the heart of science as well as spirituality, but relatively few scientists are encouraged to view their discipline from the sweeping perspective of genius. Run of the mill scientists apply the calculus of quantum mechanics and do not trouble their impersonal minds with its meaning, any more than they worry about spiritual concerns. They just follow orders. This suggests that scientific objectivity is not exactly as it may appear to be. Recall that these quantum physicists have been the hands-on technicians responsible for the development and construction of the nuclear weapons industry. It is remarkably convenient that these same scientists have been employed for over half a century by governments that do not allow them to question the meaning or morality of their work -- except of course the primary architects of the atom bomb .....sensitive souls like Szilard, Oppenheimer, Bohr, and Einstein -- who served as the vocal, but conveniently unsuccessful Jewish conscience of science. The environmental consequences of these massive nuclear arsenals, and related accidents, have been "top secret" for as long as governments have been able to enforce their rules of national security. Another indication that the silence of these scientific lambs is not entirely innocent bewilderment by the mind-boggling paradoxes of quantum theory is the aggressive insistence of leading Jewish physicists, such as Bohr, Feynman and Weinberg, that quantum theory cannot be understood ....only applied as mechanical laws. As you may guess, the Jews do not have a tradition of humbly accepting ignorance as a virtue for themselves, but do have a history of enshrining it in the hearts and minds of "gentiles". Einstein, Penrose and others have maintained that quantum theory is not complete; but I would argue, that is a misleading evaluation of this paradoxical science. An intuitive grasp of complementarity leads one to suspect that incompleteness is essential to quantum physics, and not an explanation for its being incomprehensible. Without this emptiness at its core, there would be no room for relativity to penetrate quantum physics.

You may expect that a final theory might be interesting, but Weinberg, unlike Hawking, assures us that it will be calculated and reduced to rigid laws of physics that will display an austere beauty only a mathematician can love. He does mention, however, that it will at least reduce the likelihood of any irrationally vicious ideologies gaining credibility in enlightened scientific communities.1 In the very "real world" of power, we find indications that a final theory has been installed, at the "classical level", in the form of totalitarian one world complementary capitalism/socialism. This frightful turn of events was not entirely unforeseen by astute scientific observers during the first half of the twentieth century. Robert Millikan, who recruited Oppenheimer into the highest echelons of physics, feared that government would assert totalitarian control over scientific research and institutions. Until the time of World War II there had been a tradition of anti-Semitism in America's universities. Even prominent scientists were effected by what Weinberg would consider "vicious" prejudice. Robert Millikan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering how to measure the charge of electrons; while director of the physics laboratory at Cal. Tech., "Millikan brought scientific acumen and entrepreneurial enthusiasm to the job. He recruited the best faculty possible (including, in spite of a streak of anti-Semitism that was not untypical among academics of the day, such Jewish scientists as Paul S. Epstein and J. Robert Oppenheimer)."2 Millikan would have found Oppenheimer's involvement in Washington politics destructive to the spirit of independent scientific research; nor would he have endorsed Weinberg's lobbying in Washington for a multi-billion dollar Texas size nuclear accelerator. Millikan was apprehensive about science becoming entangled with the federal government and business. "His distress stemmed not only from his old fear that a system of Federal aid to academic institutions would lead to 'the ultimate control of education by the party in power' but also from his concern about scientists getting into the business of pleading for public support from Washington."3 He warned that science would turn into just another commercial interest. Millikan wanted science to follow the tradition of private funding and not become dependent on the political interests of government. But he stood alone without support from other scientists, most of whom were interested in pork barrel politics. But today, most scientists agree that he was correct to fear the influence of politics on science. "Even if the Federal Government is far from having seized totalitarian control of education and research, it has begun to exercise a degree of control -- some would say excessive interference -- in American universities that many academic scientists find uncomfortable, to say the least. And if the public credibility and authority of the scientific community have diminished in recent years, one reason may have been the rising suspicion that scientists are concerned at least as much with self-advancement as with the advancement of knowledge."4

Nobody dares to think the dangerous ideas that are needed to solve the riddles that confound modern scientific theory. We can discover reality only if we have the fortitude to confront that power closest to us ...dictating the limits of permissible thought. Scientific theory will remain puzzled until we admit that the politics of the real world have an over-powering influence on all-to-human scientists. The key point here is this: it is not only the sub-atomic and astronomical dimensions of this universe that are characterized by an illusory nature. The totalitarian macroscopic world we live in has illusion written upon the face of it! Let us be as insightful when viewing those who hold the power of our employment and career opportunities as we are when observing distant galaxies or sub-atomic particles; but scientists are not -- they turn their minds to creating ever more fantastic illusions and unbelievable theories of multiple universes to justify their failure to confront what is becoming increasingly obvious to us all: freedom of thought is no more possible in science than it is in the "real world" in which we live out our mundane lives. As Millikan feared, science has become just another aspect of a very real world totalitarian system. Everything is consistent; there is no puzzle, only nonsense disguising the subservience of science to raw power.

Let us step back for a moment and take a panoramic view of physical science as it appears to stand today. Physicists behave as though we all live in a world governed by Newtonian mechanics; they even describe their work using images from classical physics. But many are actually using quantum mechanics in their calculations, and this leads to an unacknowledged inconsistency: the mixing together of what are supposed to be separate scientific methods. Newtonian physics describes the daily life we see, hear and feel in the real world of common sense experience. Relativity theory is concerned with distant phenomena which involve movement approaching the speed of light; such events may be on the astronomic scale or at the level of particle accelerators. Quantum theory deals with the world of fundamental matter, such as electrons or even superstrings which cannot actually be seen with any microscope, and are known primarily through mathematics rather than direct experimental observation. Some physicists would go so far as to say that such entities do not actually exist, but are only models of reality we create to make sense of the scientific measurements recorded by high powered machines -- that in fact, there is no reality. All scientists do is calculate mathematical values for large numbers of infinitely small energies. Quantum mechanical statistics is all that counts -- talk of quantum theory and what it all means is not science, but merely philosophy. Science does not concern itself with understanding what the sub-atomic world looks like. It is absolutely functionalist with no place for intuition. This is atheistic materialism with a vengeance, but now applied to science itself. The laws of Newtonian physics are inappropriate when interpreting the data from high energy particle physics experiments. More interestingly, quantum theory is not useful in solving problems at the classical level because it can only give solutions to problems in terms of probabilities -- it cannot predict the behavior of a discreet object, such as a missile flying through space at twice the speed of sound, but much less than the speed of light. In addition, quantum theory and relativity theory have major differences, which decades of effort by the best and the brightest have failed to resolve. So science is fragmented. There is not one physics which describes everything, but three different sets of laws. Depending on which reality you wish to deal with, you must choose the appropriate physics, and not just mix them up. Many scientists think that this must be a temporary situation, that not only is there reality but only one reality, and that ultimately only one physics which will apply at all levels of magnification. It is simply a matter of discovering or creating a physics which accounts for Newtonian mechanics, relativity theory and quantum theory. This is how things are said to be, but there is much evidence to indicate that the established borders scandalizing old and new physics may be more political than scientific.

The fragmentation of physics, complicated by confusion within scientific ranks, is reminiscent of the reformation that split Christianity into conflicting Churches. Physicists seem to have simply agreed not to discuss quantum theory; or at least some have agreed not to think about the "reality" quantum mechanics measures, or to think about "reality" at all. "At present physicists tend to avoid this issue by adopting the attitude that our overall views concerning the nature of reality are of little or no importance. All that counts in physical theory is supposed to be the development of mathematical equations that permit us to predict and control the behaviour of large statistical aggregates of particles."5 This is not merely pragmatism; there is a general belief on the part of scientists that their tasks are mechanical and do not involve philosophical concerns, such as the meaning of quantum theory. Such an attitude pre-dates Clintonesque legalisms, suggesting that every aspect of society has been corrupted from the top down. David Bohm believed it is not possible to simply dispense with a world view. It is disingenuous to pretend that no values, opinions and beliefs are influencing a scientist's behavior. A physicist is likely to act upon those attitudes most useful to his current situation without acknowledging his bias. Scientists are not machines and do require some image of what it is they are trying to forecast and manipulate. Reality is a sense for the cohesiveness of things; without it, scientists lack a context within which to understand the implications of their work. F. David Peat has been a colleague of both Penrose and Bohm; it is clear all three men have belonged to the same holistic school of thought, and have been disturbed by the narrowness of physics, and the rest of the sciences ...being made mechanistic. In earlier times, science, religion and the arts were integrated; and now, along with the atom, physics itself has been split. This they have argued is the result of excessive specialization.6 Much as scientists are accustomed to change, and critical of na�ve beliefs, most of them appear to harbor the expectation that one day science will disclose its own "absolute truth". It is for this reason, Bohm suggested, that scientists are so rigid at times in defending, or refusing to discuss, unacknowledged assumptions which are implied by their practical methods.7 The sense of confidence, even faith, many people have in science is not so different than the devotion others feel to religious beliefs. Scientists can be as unwilling to question their assumptions as religious people are to have their cherished beliefs challenged.8 Many physicists believe in a coming final theory that will get them out of their current bind. That is, they believe there is a reality, but it is not yet well articulated.9 The faithful await the arrival of the Final Theory much as Christians await the Second Coming, and racist survivalists prepare for The Revolution. This is very different than the perspective of the Copenhagen school of thought. Bohr and Heisenberg insisted that nature itself is unknowable. All physicists have are their instruments and models, but no firm reality or any hope of ever nailing one down. This philosophy of not knowing struck Bohm as mystical. Like Einstein the mystic, Bohm rejected the "unnecessarily mystifying" dimensions to Bohr's thinking, and wanted to re-instate a more deterministic, causal orientation to quantum physics.10 He did not believe that people can simply fly in the dark. Bohm carried on a correspondence with Kalervo V. Laurikainen, a Finnish physicist who charged that Bohm was too attached to the need for order, that he failed to allow for the randomness which is clearly inherent to natural processes. But Bohm denied the concept of "the irrational", insisting that the universe is penetrated by order through and through.11 However, believers in Bohr�s complementarity have a strange tendency to contradict themselves and each other, and Bohm was no exception. Don't be confused if you notice that Bohm's theories sound a great deal like the very ideas he was rejecting.

Bohm argued that man feels compelled to believe in a complete picture of everything, even if it is inadequate. We seem incapable of doing without a concept of reality, much as the brain automatically fabricates a sense of wholeness out of ambiguous perceptions. Bohm asserted "...that at each stage the proper order of operation of the mind requires an overall grasp of what is generally known, not only in formal, logical, mathematical terms, but also intuitively, in images, feelings, poetic usage of language, etc."12 Bohm played with words, particularly very simplistic puns and paradoxes involving the concept of nothing or no-one.13 He even attempted to create a quantum language, but his approach was artificial because of its grammatical rather than poetic quality. Bohm was correct in recognizing the centrality of language to the sense of wholeness he sought, and even more correct in sensing that wholeness, and not a final theory, was the passageway into Nature's deepest mysteries. Bohm was convinced that the Nature of the universe is always unfolding and thus not given to revealing a final theory. All we have is process and evolution, and nothing final. I would add that evolution does not just happen -- it is something created. Living creatures have a capacity to influence their own development by taking advantage of the endless chances constantly being tossed up to them by natural selection. The reason creativity gets such good press here, repeatedly, is because creativity is the process of evolution. Can you now see the chaos, the uncertainty of the new physics in this uncanny light of creative spirituality? If you can, let me say: this is "my universe and welcome to it."

Scientists like Einstein, Dirac, Bohm and the others, did not always arrive at their ideas through logical deduction, or even experimentation. Rather, their best ideas tended to originate as intensely creative feelings even before the appearance of images or mathematical symbols. Einstein has explained that his new concepts had their origins in ".... vague indescribable feelings" and sensations.14 Recall Archimedes running naked through the streets of Athens shouting "Eureka!" upon having discovered the principle of buoyancy in his own bathtub. Powerful ideas are very exciting, and to discover -- to create -- such ideas involves a great expenditure of energy over a concentrated period of time. That creative energy is feeling, and is directly linked to sexual vitality. A repressed slave fearful of the State-of-his-own-instincts is not able to become a creative firebrand. Rebellion is about the liberation of human potential, about enabling a community of people to evolve together as they choose, rather than being forced into the ranks of equal robots to be programmed by a chosen class of media-masters. Thus, freedom cannot be separated from passionate genius. Intelligence is an expression of energy, and not merely the automated memory of a man made machine. Consider the feeling a musical composer must have to create a powerfully moving melody, such as My Heart Will Go On from the movie Titanic. The composer starts with her feelings, and so also do the poet, painter, physicist, mathematician -- because human feelings are the energy required to create anything. This is not a fanciful or trivial observation. Modern researchers are exploring high energy physics because that is what everything boils down to -- ENERGY. Look at the most prominent of scientific equations: E=mc2...that�s relativity in a bomb-shell. Quantum physics is about tiny differences in energy! You will hear more about this fragile, delicate nature of power as we proceed. But what should be noted at present is that feelings have the peculiar quantum property of being contagious. They can be shared by any number of people who have fundamental relativistic emotional instincts in common.... meaning, there is an authentic quantum randomness involved whereby human beings are genuinely attracted to their "relatives", thus forming a relativistic order of their own choosing rather than being forced together by some external power. Feelings are collective but also relativistic -- they are a quantum relativistic matter ...not, as we shall see Bohm claimed, a quantum One alone. Human instinct reduces the undifferentiated quantum aspect of random collective association to a quantum relativistic dimension of focused emotional intensity recognizable as identity and discernible not only through the sentimental emotions of love songs, but also in more aggressive incarnations as the political passion of unifying incendiary orators like Adolf Hitler and Malcolm X! Feelings are where the power is. What you should understand about the global Media-State by now is this: it is of little consequence what dumbed-down people think, or if they think at all; what matters is how they feel -- because feelings can be readily manipulated by those who control the mass media. Political power is measured in terms of how finely tuned instruments of State are in shaping public sentiment; ....meaning -- there is a science behind all this social engineering playing upon our emotions through the diverse channels of this totalitarian party. The laws of classical physics are not very helpful in making sense of collective feelings, but intuition points us in the direction of quantum theory because of its emphasis on the collective quality of energy! Recall that some researchers studying the brain increasingly suspect that it is a quantum system. The issue now is the collective quality of feelings .....and the implication that feelings are the current through which compatible brains are linked together into a quantum relativistic network of collective consciousness, which is enhanced and made "real" by means of electronic media. The implications of this techno-mystical paradigm, you might think of as Quantum Feel Theory, are so extensive that it is necessary to give a clear sense for the foundation upon which such reasoning is based.

I am not a physicist and do not have the expertise to develop the credibility of this argument further in the language of science and technology. However, I find reading books for laymen written by prominent mathematicians and physicists, like Penrose, Hawking and Bohm, very fascinating. My perspective is that of a poet; and my objective is to enable you to feel the complex beauty of theoretical physics, so that you might eventually understand it better than I do. Real physicists use quantum physics as a method of applying probabilities to the practical measurements they make with very sophisticated machines; they do not sit before computers in rocking-chairs wondering what quantum theory and relativity "mean". They are practitioners of a scientific discipline, not thinkers. A doctor does not usually worry why a specific medicine cures an illness; perhaps no one knows why -- all that is known is that it works. Occasionally, a scientist takes the time to put mathematical and physical ideas into words because society expects some kind of accounting for all the tax dollars used to support scientific research. But as soon as science is translated into literature, it isn't science anymore; it becomes the philosophy of science. The methodology being used here is to draw on theoretical physics to reshape poetic language so that it can express matters of extraordinary substance. Scientists do this sort of thing all the time, borrowing off-the-shelf mathematics to aide in the development of their pet theories. The best known example of this is Einstein's use of Riemannian and Gaussian four dimensional geometry to work out his General Theory of Relativity. Einstein consulted Marcel Grossman concerning the existence of a mathematics that could be applied to curved spaces. He was looking not simply for three dimensional curved surfaces, but four dimensional curved spaces which he could use to express his concept of space-time. Grossman not only informed Einstein that the needed mathematics had already been created by Riemann and other mathematicians, but taught him the geometry of curved spaces which was then interwoven into the General Theory of Relativity. It was as though the mathematics Einstein needed had been tailor made for him half a century earlier by Riemann, Gauss, and the others who gave little thought to the gravity or the revolutionary consequences of what they had created.15 These days it seems that for those of us who are not able to appreciate the beauty of pure mathematics, popular books on theoretical physics are among the few remaining works not totally distorted by the politics of leveled minds. Someone looking to understand the world has a better chance of figuring things out reading about physical theories than in studying politics, history, philosophy, or any of the other verbally based arts. Mathematicians, like Riemann, developed their geometry because they were fascinated by its beauty, as well its logical inevitability. It would take a physicist to find a practical application for their insights, just as it takes a poet to translate physical theories into a felt reality ordinary folk can understand as culture. So you can begin to sense the mathematical entanglements of poetry, and the reason mathematical Platonism must still be taken very seriously.

Modern physicists agree on at least one very important matter: their object of study is not the single entity, but an array of figures displayed in an uncertain number of dimensions. For modern science, clusters are real; isolated entities do not compute. Quantum theory measures things in the context of the whole -- it can see only the whole. David Bohm came up with a theory of wholeness he called the implicate order. It is significant to recognize that this concept was not originated by Bohm, but by Nicholas of Cusa about 1450 A.D. In an interview, Bohm was asked if his ideas are not very similar to oriental spirituality, possibly Zen. It is then suggested that his idea of the implicate order may encourage the study of Asian mysticism. He agrees that his ideas may, but adds that ideas of an enfolding and unfolding universe also have Western origins. "You see, Nicholas of Cusa proposed a similar idea several centuries ago. He had three words: implicatio (enfolded), explicatio (unfolded) and complicatio (all folded together). And he was saying that reality has this enfolded structure: that eternity both enfolds and unfolds time."16 He explains that this way of seeing things makes sense of some of the more peculiar aspects of quantum physics, such as the ..."wave-particle duality of matter". The finite is penetrated by the infinite, the explicate carries within it the implicate order. If you think in terms of the random dot stereogram, all this metaphysics will be easy to understand. According to Cusa, the relation between God and the world must always become ambiguous when viewed rationally. One encounters truth "... only when it is grasped in knowing non-knowledge." In this way, the infinite lives through the finite while remaining separated from it by our unconsciousness of its presence. This is suggestive of the non-conscious collective intelligence of Nature mentioned earlier, but in this traditional view it is man who lacks consciousness and not God ....and consequently this is a model of quantum consciousness that is absolute and not quantum relativistic consciousness which is limited. Bohm supports the view that this quantum totality conceals and reveals itself as wholeness, as the inter-relatedness of everything; I do not. So in this respect, Bohm�s reasoning is closer to Cusa�s than my own. As we proceed, notice the technical precision of Cusa's thinking, and how Bohm need do little more than plug Cusa's theory of the implicate order into twentieth century quantum physics. (1)" Complicatio and explicatio. -- Regardless of the gulf, Cusanus conceives the relation between God and the world as a relation between enfolding (complicatio, also implicatio) and unfolding (explicatio)."17 Notice the way in which Cusa describes God, and try to determine the origins of his metaphysical thinking. The underlying patterns of thought are surprisingly compatible with quantum theory. "The infinite oneness is the enfolding of all things (complicatio). The world is unfolding (explicatio). God is enfolding in so far all things are in Him; He is unfolding in so far as He is in all things (De doc. ignor., II, 3). The world of the finite makes explicit in multiplicity what is implicitly one in the infinite. The notions of enfolding and unfolding occur in several analogies. One is the number from which all numbers are unfolded; the point is the one from which lines, surfaces, and bodies are unfolded; rest is the enfolding of which motion is the unfolding; the now is the enfolding of time, from which the successive moments in time are unfolded; identity is the enfolding of difference (ibid.)."18 What is exciting here is to notice that Cusa is writing in very mathematical and scientific terms. These ideas do not originate from Biblical Christianity. We should be able to recognize their source by now, and understand why they would be relevant to quantum physics. As has been noted, there are two kinds of physicists: those who admit they are Platonists, and the rest who deny they are -- but act as though mathematical Platonism is true. Catholic metaphysics is based on ancient Greek thought, which means primarily the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle. So Cusa was a mathematical Platonist, and Bohm, having made the remarkably unoriginal discovery of Platonism, went back to Cusa to find innovative ideas for quantum physics --- much as Einstein borrowed four dimensional geometry from the mathematicians who preceded him. If you have a cultural inferiority complex which tells you that the Jews created the best of Western science and civilization, you have another think coming. Now, Plato was a real genius. After more than 2300 years, that Greek's ideas are still at the core of today's most revolutionary mathematical and scientific thinking, while simultaneously serving as a continuing source of spiritual inspiration. Would that we could say as much for today�s faltering Judeo-Christian tradition. Bohm was to a considerable degree a Platonist.19 His thinking evidently influenced a younger colleague: the mathematician Roger Penrose. But Bohm goes further in his Platonism by attempting to make Socratic dialogue central to his philosophical thinking. When discussing Krishnamurti shortly, it will become evident that Bohm is clearly aiming to connect Plato's other-worldly ideas with collective consciousness through a kind of mystical Socratic dialogue.

Peat describes Bohm's animated expression when explaining ideas in the process of forming. What is extremely telling is that Bohm would speak in a very excited manner, as people in the literary arts do. It has been my understanding that physicists do not tend to express themselves in words, so much as in images. Peat emphasized that " was never a good idea to interrupt him, even when he seemed to be going in the wrong direction. In the grip of a global idea, he could make sweeping statements..."20 that were exaggerated, inconsistent or even unintelligible. "He saw things in a gestalt and needed to unfold his ideas as fast as possible before that vision was lost."21 Recall how the spiral twists back on itself, and then compare Bohm's contradictions with Bohr's deliberate effort to do the same in his writing. The reason Bohm became upset if he was interrupted was that such interference threatened to inhibit the expansion of his spiraling ideas. It is clear that for Bohm, significant thinking was an emotional process and not merely a logical, professional dialogue. During such creative times, he did not hesitate to shift his perspective, turning against his own previous statements. This is how significant thought evolves, and not in the logical party line dialogue of boring philosophers! It is in the intensity of solitary poetic confrontation -- "dialogue" with one's own Nature, that creative order comes into Being. If speaking, it is likely to be a monologue of the orator and not a dialogue, although the creative speaker is inspired by the presence of his listeners, and may even feel a mystical bonding with them and they with him. The creative product of that solitude in the midst of the crowd is actually shared with others in a meaningful way; intuitive ideas are transmitted whole along a carrier wave of emotion that is more like music than logic. The crowd feels the meaning of the orator�s words; they share a common emotionally charged non-conscious collective intelligence .....which is passionately struggling to become aware of itself -- to become collective consciousness. Penrose commented to Peat, that when excited Bohm was like the quantum wave in that his thinking would seem to become scattered or "...spread out and 'delocalize' over a vast range of subjects..".22 Eventually he would collapse like the wave function focusing clearly on one particular idea. Basil Hiley, who worked closely with Bohm, compared his creative thinking to a helix. Bohm himself used Cusa's image of mind unfolding, only to fold back much like the alleged quantum vector reduction.

It is curious that Bohm's contemporaries should have seen this theory of the implicate order as so radical because Nicholas of Cusa was an utterly orthodox thinker, a cardinal and second in command only to the Pope of Rome. He was a German churchman who had a deep interest in mathematics, as well as theology and the politics of worldly power. Today, such a man's Church would be situated at Princeton, Cal. Tech., Cambridge, or Oxford, not in any department of theology, but in mathematics or physics. Cardinal Cusa's ideas were devoutly classical .... Roman Catholic; he lived in a time immediately preceding the rise of science, when people saw Heaven and Earth as one harmonious whole held in perfect order by God. As science established its pre-eminence, that vision of wholeness was replaced by a mechanics of fragmentation, which was very good at dissecting everything into bits and pieces. Educated people looked at "everything" as composed of isolated objects which could be manipulated according to the laws of physics, chemistry ...and ultimately the laws of logical reason. That is the old reality as we still know it, but not as the men of the new physics saw it nearly a century ago. They re-discovered wholeness, but could not bring it into a recognizable focus ....nor find acceptable words to describe it, so they contented themselves with doing physics and not worrying about what it all means. Bohm has maintained that a meaningful quantum theory is essential not only to physicists, but to a world threatened by technicians who just "do physics" without worrying about the meaning or consequences of their actions. So Bohm went back to a metaphysics which made sense of everything before the advent of fragmenting Newtonian physics. He reworked Cusa's theory of the implicate order and transformed it into his own brand of quantum physics. Quantum theory does not operate according to the logic of Newtonian mechanics. What Bohm evidently realized is that there was a time when intelligent people did not rely entirely on a fragmenting mechanistic logic of fission, and that now-a-days science itself is in search of the mathematics of fusion. Rational intelligence can evidently fail us in our efforts to make sense out of the depth of Nature's secrets. There was another aspect to this metaphysics that must have interested Bohm: it reinforced his conviction that beneath the superficial appearance of randomness lay not only order but a perfect order encompassing the universe in its entirety. Bohm takes this medieval model of absolutism and updates it for modern use, substituting the symbolism of the new physics and the new world order for Cusa's Christian language, which in turn was baptized Platonism. It is similar to finding an old Gregorian Chant music score, with Latin lyrics praising God and Church; the lyrics are changed to modern words, but the melody is preserved, with some modifications. Bohm evidently was using "off the shelf" metaphysics in a somewhat less sophisticated way than Einstein employed "ready for use" mathematics. Newton created the calculus integral to his mechanics; he did not just plug his ideas into a ready made system. We have been taught to worship the Jews for a long time; perhaps someday we will understand that like Plato, Newton was far beyond the genius of Einstein, whose celebrity has as much to do with the politics of Hollywood as with his own achievements in physics. The reason I say this is that truly original ideas are created along with the language through which they are expressed. In much of this book, I am doing the same thing that Bohm and his clan have done, except I am using the ideas of the Jews to disclose, rather then conceal, the intellectual architecture of the post-war order. This is something akin to what Ulrick Beck calls reflexive modernization, and which I humorously think of as Ju-do reality. It�s all a matter of how you accentuate the dimensions of language, and the reason why linguistic structure must have poetic depth to convey the emotional potential which makes these multiple meanings possible.

What you don't understand, which the Jews do, is that people like myself are not boisterous hell-raisers; we are like them: devoutly thoughtful, apparently harmless eggheads ... with a difference -- we aren't Jews .....we are the kind of folks Griffin and Fields have warned you are far more dangerous than the perverts. We are people of European descent not so unlike Nicholas of Cusa. Now Cusa was what I consider a mystic, a kind of ordinary genius.... as contrasted with the extraordinary type like Plato, Leonardo Da Vinci, Shakespeare, Newton and so on down a very short list. Cusa denied having religious visions, meaning that he did not see God as for example Dali literally saw a woman sitting at the window in his bedroom. During his time, such visions were highly regarded, and he believed mistakenly so. Cusa may have denied having mystical visions, but "...he called the experience of his thinking 'a kind of mental trance' (De vis. dei, op. cit., p.87)."23. Some people hear music in their heads, as did Beethoven; others see the mathematical Platonic images reported by Einstein and Penrose, or become enchanted by the melody of T. S. Eliot's words, while still others are blissfully wrapped in the concentrated reflection of the Zen monk -- this is The Varieties of Religious Experience of which William James wrote, and the secret concealed behind Joseph Campbell's Masks of God and Hero with a Thousand Faces. But they are all manifestations of the same phenomenon: mysticism. Cusa discusses religious experience in a letter to some monks. He refers to the rapture some people have experienced, but warns that "...those who 'regard self-produced images and visionary illusions as true vision' are mistaken. The truth is 'an intellectual object' and can only be seen 'without seeing.' "24 The ecstasy of authentic vision cannot be spelled out clearly, but one who has actually made the journey can give directions which are more reliable than the intellectual hearsay of well intentioned authorities. Cusanus asserts that he has not been blessed with the kind of spiritual rapture that would help him lead others to salvation. "Thus Cusanus himself denies having had mystical experience, though he does not deny its reality."25 Consider that Cusa was the Pope�s closest associate, and was well skilled in the art of politics. Such a man does not challenge "His Holiness" and friend Pope Pius II by claiming direct instructions from God. Cusa was not Martin Luther; he was a prince of the Church, perhaps even the kind of churchman Luther was to rebel against half a century later. Cusa was pragmatic enough to look to his Italian superior for spiritual wisdom in a very worldly Church, and in doing so became the Pope's most trusted advisor, his right hand from Germany. But this was soon to be a time when popes would have children of their own and military divisions to impress the Stalin's of their day..... a time before popes needed to claim infallibility or felt compelled to beg forgiveness from the Jews. The Spanish Inquisition would be in full swing within twenty year�s of Cusa�s death .... and we are told that this was an age of spiritual corruption. In this post-modern period we in the West have been taught that only Asian spirituality has any depth, that the East is spiritually superior to the West. Someday this doctrine will be challenged, and we will discover our own past -- for Jews such as Bohm and Bohr know the secrets that are enfolded there.

Because Bohm's thinking about quantum wholeness originates in Nicholas of Cusa's Christian metaphysics -- this tells us that these newly baptized "quantum" ideas were initially created by a mathematical Platonist to describe spiritual experience, and therefore we are not being irrational by extending this quantum thought of wholeness back into the spiritual context from which Bohm lifted it. Bohm did not seem concerned about applying spiritual metaphysics to the micro-universe of quantum theory; it seems very likely that the inverse operation of this process is legitimate -- that we can apply quantum relativistic theory at the transpersonal level of collective spirituality. I believe we must ultimately think the same thoughts as physicists and they the same thoughts as the mathematical Platonists, using the language in which we are best able to express our intuitions. It seems that there is only one melody we are all trying to play, though we may each assign different lyrics to our own variations on this symphony of everything. A basic unified pattern will emerge, but only power will determine whose version of this beatific vision will prevail. Wholeness, and not the fragmentation of the self-centered mind, was the hallmark of Christian thought before the rise of Newtonian physics, and it is wholeness again which is the coat-of-arms of modern scientific thinking. To speak in a spiritually meaningful way to modern man, one must not merely utilize the language of science, but disclose its deepest insight.... for the natural world is in essence spiritual. This is mathematical Platonism in a nutshell, and until these dimensions of insight are realized, it is not productive to proceed in our quest to bring bodies and souls back together. We are not selves so much as feelings, and these feelings have a collective dimension to them, which makes a great deal of sense from what we know of quantum physics. Above all, it should be remembered that mystical experience is intensely emotional, and akin to both the high-energy states of madness and genius. Quantum theory is often times described as being mystical, and its founders have occasionally sounded as much like poets as physicists. When combining the creative arts and physics, we instill meaning into this quantum relativistic world, thus offering the possibility of a resolution to the centuries old conflict between spirituality and science.

Rhodes reveals the shared interest Bohr and Oppenheimer had for religious poetry, in particular the writings of John Donne. In one of his Holy Sonnets, Donne begins by appealing to God to batter his heart, and concludes paradoxically that unless he is ravished and imprisoned by God, he will never be chaste and free. Another poem they felt captured the sense for complementarity they sought was Hymne to God My God, in My Sicknesse. " ...Among its subtleties it construes a complementarity that parallels the complementarity of the bomb..."26 that Bohr and Oppenheimer were pondering. The idea was that the bomb would paradoxically bring death but also the promise of resurrection in that it could possibly put an end to war, thus saving mankind from the greatest of evils. Donne was a 17th century Anglican priest, most noted for the mystical paradoxes of his metaphysical poetry. It is worthwhile observing that physicists are not famous for long and involved discussions of English metaphysical poetry. Nor are they noted for appealing to Catholic theology in creating their latest theories. But the division between impersonal physics and transpersonal spirituality is not as clearly defined as today�s scientists believe. Bohm was not the only one influenced by Cusa. Whether directly or indirectly, Bohr evidently made an Asian variation on Cusa's complementarity the centerpiece of his brand of quantum physics. "A. Beyond the coincidentia oppositorum. -- We repeat Cusanus' most cherished idea: God is inconceivably conceived in the coincidence of opposites. His infinite abundance is attested by the infinite differences which become one again in the coincidence of opposites. Being and nonbeing, the greatest and the smallest, Being and Potential Being, past, present, and future, all coincide. The speculative 'hunt for wisdom' -- or for God -- is unsuccessful so long as the rational principle -- 'Everything either is or is not' -- is observed.... (De ven sap., p.13)."27 I am convinced Bohr intentionally and inappropriately established Kierkegaard�s Either-Or ethic as an ultimate reason for man, while knowing full well the existence of a transpersonal awareness of greater consequence than the choices of rational men -- he affirmed the pre-eminence of reason for the undisclosed purpose of concealing the depth of insight built into both his Copenhagen version of quantum physics and the post-war world order. Bohr knew, just as Cusa and Bohm did, that an either-or logic would prevent a genuine revelation to the mind of this most dangerous of ideas: complementarity. Bohr was too brilliant, too mystical a man to be boxed in by the simple-minded structure of either-or choices, but a shrewd enough politician to use a mechanistic paradox to ham-string all those without "a need to know" the real order of things. When scientists are told to just do quantum mechanics without thinking about the meaning of their work, they are required to operate on the basis of faith and not reason, for the rational mind is forever questioning "why?". It is what remains unsaid that is most telling about the current order of things. Bohr rejected reality as an assumption he did not need, and could have readily under-scored his reasoning by citing Occam�s Razor. In a similar manner, those discarding spirituality as irrelevant and unrealistic find it convenient to quote Occam's razor, which basically says that among all those explanations which account for the available facts, the simplest of them is likely to be the correct one. But there was something very simple about William of Occam himself, and his famous fourteenth century razor, which is concealed by anti-Catholic university professors: "Occam was a ferociously ascetic Franciscan, so ascetic he actually led a revolt in favour of poverty, when Pope John XXII threatened to end it as a monastical principle."28 Bohr noted that the opposite of a great truth is not falsehood, but another great truth --- complementarity. When insight is deep enough, it becomes its opposite. Out of the uncertainty and emptiness of science, spirituality materializes --- within the heart of mysticism ....the clarity of mathematical precision, the foundation of scientific imagination. Occam, like Cardano, discloses spirituality to be concealed within the core of modern materialistic thought, and the discovery of this unreality at the heart of things will not leave our materialistic age unshaken.

It has been the custom for more than half a century in secular universities to suppress relevant facts relating to the depth of Catholic thought, just as today people of color aim to bury the ideas of White classical scholars like Plato. While mathematical Platonism and Cardinal Cusa�s theory of the implicate order were the inspiration for his own innovative alteration of quantum theory, Bohm declared himself a devotee of the Indian mystic Krishnamurti --- in much the same fashion as Bohr and Oppenheimer represented themselves as deeply attuned to the spirit of Asia... although they found it expedient to appeal to Christian mysticism when justifying the bombing of Japan. Bohm was distressed about politics and science, and particularly that he could find no physicists willing to speak about the social and spiritual implications of modern science. Asian spirituality certainly could be construed to support silence on such sensitive matters. Silence, however, was not Bohm�s trump card, even if it had become the mystical dogma of Bohr�s quantum physics of not knowing. Bohm was drawn into a quest for self transcendence that occupied much of his life, but for him rising above individual identity materialized politically in the form of undivided wholeness: a collectivism called communism. He was a communist intellectual who saw the same mathematical order shaping both his scientific and political ideas; for this apostle of wholeness, it was unthinkable that his religious ideas would not be in perfect harmony with his scientific and political patterns of thought. Consequently, one ought to be skeptical of claims that not only did he allow the value of his scientific research to be challenged, "... he even contemplated abandoning physics in favor of a total commitment to the Indian teacher."29 We shall soon see that there was never a possibility that Bohm would have truly submitted his mind and soul to any Asian avatar, for his intelligence was already married to the political goals and genius of Jewry. Whether deceiving himself or only "gentiles", Bohm claimed to seek the most intimate of life�s wonders in the companionship of strangers. He argued that because consciousness is non-local, the energy generated by an especially concentrated mind, such as Krishnamurti's, could be transmitted to another resulting in both people sharing the same quantum state of mind. Furthermore, he thought such an event was so significant that if only ten people could sustain that transformation they would be able to form a creative center from which the entire society would reform itself.30 Bohr, on occasion, was compared to Moses because an uncanny cohesiveness seemed to form among those enfolded within the genius of the contagiously exciting thoughts he inspired. This Platonic catalyst-of-men Bohm imagined sounds very similar to the New Testament account of the Holy Spirit inspiring the Twelve Apostles to convert the whole world to Christianity, or the political-scientific-spirituality of Szilard's bomb "Bund". "According to Nichol, 'Bohm suggested that the potential for collective intelligence inherent in such groups could lead to a new and creative art form, one which may involve significant numbers of people and beneficially affect the trajectory of our current civilization."31 David Bohm serves as a clear example of a significant modern scientific thinker who held mystical ideas of collective consciousness. "If the group meets sufficiently often, Bohm believed, and if its members are truly serious, then something akin to a group mind will develop."32 Bohm must have suffered deeply in having been excluded from direct participation in Oppenheimer�s Manhattan Project. His loyalty to Marxism would jeopardize the cover of this capitalist-communist bid for Jewish world mastery; and so, as we shall soon see, he was called upon to play the fall guy.... the traitor -- Judas. But belonging to the group was an obsession with this man who spent so much of his life in exile from the spiritual and intellectual camaraderie of his equals. So he sought to find this intimacy he missed among aliens. In his youth he had known the mystical secrets of being enfolded within the collective genius of trusted friends. While studying with Oppenheimer, Bohm was required to prepare a seminar to report on the progress of his research. Although shy, he was very excited about his work. As his seminar proceeded, "... he had the sensation that he was going beyond physics into something almost mystical, to the point where he felt himself in direct contact with everyone in the room. He was convinced that each individual consciousness had been transcended so that his audience was also sharing his experience."33 One could not ask for a clearer connection to be established between mystical experience and what has been described in this book as collective consciousness. You should understand now why I am saying that mystical experience is a collective state of mind, and why one might readily expect that it should be contagious and amplified through the medium of the emotionally charged creative and electronic arts. It should also be obvious how such experience can easily lend itself to occult interpretations such as mind reading, ESP, clairvoyance, and all the rest. Because mysticism can so readily deteriorate into nonsense, thus discrediting something of immense value, it is essential to encourage those with such dispositions to engage in the creative arts, so that they might capture extraordinary vision in recognizable forms of brilliance. Our response to those with incredible tales to relate should be: "show me the beauty!"

As noted, the general impression one gets concerning quantum theory and its links to mysticism is that this spirituality comes from Asia, and is not really western; but it is very clear that the theme of the implicate order is precisely the kind of Platonic mysticism compatible with quantum theory, rather than the aphoristic "Tao that can be spoken is not the true Tao" type of mysticism characteristic of the East. So why ignore the western origins of the intellectual mysticism influencing scientific thought? Beyond establishing an artful means of concealing powerful ideas in silence, Asian spirituality builds an impression of the East and West coming together in a new world order which is whole -- multi-cultural; but equally important is a matter of science saving face. As Hawking will readily remind you, there was a major conflict between the Roman Catholic Church and the astronomers Copernicus (his uncle a bishop and he himself a Church administrator) and Galileo. This was the turning point at which intellectual credibility shifted from the Church to Science. It would be embarrassing for hard nosed Jewish physicists to acknowledge that they were implementing the metaphysics of a leading Vatican cardinal (Cusa: 1401-1464),who had pre-dated Copernicus (1473-1543) and Galileo (1564-1642). You will recall that the Jews and the Catholic Church have not had the warmest of relations since the Spanish Inquisition, which charged Jews, more so than others, with subverting Christian society. So the intellectual mysticism influencing modern science must appear to be from the spiritually superior Asian tradition, and not from the anti-Semitic Catholic tradition of Cusanus (the Latin name of Nicholas of Cusa). In order to get a feel for this critical point, it is necessary to think again about who this Nicholas of Cusa actually was. "Right down to his death he continued to work for the papacy, the last six years in the post of vicar general in Rome, the highest ecclesiastical office next to the papacy itself. During these last years he acted as the most trusted adviser of Pius II (Enea Silvio de' Piccolomini), who had been his friend for decades."34 The conflict between Catholicism and the Jews originated from the earliest days of the Roman Church... around the time of Emperor Antoninus Pius and Pope Pius I (150 A.D.) and did not end until the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958. The German reformer Martin Luther was especially outspoken in criticism of the Jews. At least in this matter he agreed with the Vatican. Cusa was a far more conventional churchman than Luther, and no radical in holding anti-Semitic ideas. It was not uncommon for the Church to order Jews confined to ghettoes. You can be certain that a man of such diplomatic caution as Cusa expressed Church teaching on this matter of the Jews, and not merely personal animosity. " 'The Jews are afflicted with the same diabolical blindness (eadem diabolica caicitate), for they, too, deny the godhead of Christ' (De doc. ignor., III, 8)."35 Jaspers finds it necessary to express astonishment that a man of such intellect and spiritual sensitivity could also be plagued with the ugly disease of anti-Semitism. Jaspers is "...shaken with indignation..."36, and can only conclude that hatred of the Jews is inherent to Christianity, going back to the Gospel of St. John, in which "..the author has Christ (who is not the historical Jesus) say to the Jews: Ye are of your father the devil (John 8,44)."37 The author of John's Gospel is supposed to have been the disciple John, called the beloved. Why would his account of events have been less credible than those of the evangelists of the synoptic gospels? Actually, I suspect that anonymous early non-Jewish churchmen modified the Gospel to vilify the Jews in order to justify forcing them out of positions of Church leadership, and ultimately out of the Church altogether. The Church of Rome is not much appreciated by the Jews because pious men like Augustine and Cusa took a religion created entirely by Jews, from Jesus and the Apostles to Paul, and within three hundred years turned it into an intensely anti-Semitic European religion based largely on Greek philosophy and a doctrine of Jewish guilt for murdering the Son of God.....that is, until Luther shifted the focus of Christianity from Rome to the Bible, and from there inevitably to the "Chosen People" and their Holy City: Jerusalem. Since losing World War II, there has been a change of heart and soul in Rome --- the Jews have finally brought the Vatican to its knees.

It is worth noting that The Great Philosophers by Karl Jaspers, my source on Cusa, was edited by the designated Jewish authority on totalitarianism, Hannah Arendt. Jewish political power shapes scientific thought, just as it does everything else. That is a totalitarianism Hannah Arendt failed to notice. She wrote very sympathetically about Jewish identity, while fellow Jews such as Bohm, remain to this day deeply committed to one another while preaching that group loyalty is the source of tyranny and therefore must be suppressed. Duplicity is the trademark of the Jews --- and might easily be mistaken for complementarity. One is indeed a fool not to recognize that Bohm, like Oppenheimer, Einstein, Bohr, Feynman, Marx, Trotsky, Durkheim, Freud, Spinoza, Nostradamus, Paul and all the other Jewish "secular saints", geniuses and con artists, had a common time-honored agenda undisclosed to their gentile followers, but well understood by fellow Jews: the appearance of integrity to be trusted. Consider the most celebrated figure in western civilization, a man of sorrows obedient unto death. I am not referring here to Moses, David, Joshua or any of the many messianic Old Testament military heroes, I am referring to the meek and surrendering model for your life. But aggressive Jews and Israel are seen by many Christians today as living proof of their faith, the on-going saga of God's Chosen People. By now the reader should be noticing that most of the highly regarded physicists we have been studying have not only been implicated with a secular mystical intelligence, but many happen to be the same aggressive and highly honored men from Manhattan we encountered at the beginning of our investigation of nuclear physics. What in the world could be more evil than nuclear weapons? Yet damn fool Christians hold Jews like Einstein and Bohr in much the same high esteem as they do Solomon and Moses. Peat reports that in spite of Oppenheimer's formal denials, many knowledgeable people believe that he had great sympathy for communism and the Soviet Union both during and after World War II. In his book, Special Tasks: The Memoirs of an Unwanted Witness -- a Soviet Spymaster, Pavel Anatolievich Sudoplatov maintains that "... Oppenheimer, Enrico Fermi, and Neils Bohr actively passed information on the design and construction of atomic weapons to the Russians."38 Even though all the appropriate authorities in academia and elsewhere have criticized the book, the loyalty of Oppenheimer is a burning question still glowing in the minds of those who dare to think. There seems to be little interest in exploring Bohr's agonizingly obvious involvement in what is seen as merely an embarrassing scandal. It is conscious oversights like this which have set me implacably at odds with the Jews, and make it impossible for me to respect believers in the established Christian Democratic order. You may know of the treason of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Alger Hiss, Bohr's involvement with nuclear weapons, his support for Stalin and that tyrant�s Jewish in-laws, the mass murder of millions of Europeans by the Jewish lead communists, but it is all somehow inconsequential from the perspective of your righteous Christian hypocrisy. This is why I am often scornful of readers. I know these same respectable "people of conscience" will condemn me as a criminal guilty of inciting others to anti-Semitic hatred, while intentionally overlooking mountains of evidence so that in their "innocent" ignorance they might totally fail to comprehend the obvious, and remain untouched by the misery of un-mourned millions who silently suffered the inhuman atrocities perpetrated on them by the highly respected Jews of Christian and socialist societies. It is extremely painful to witness the intellectual and spiritual treachery of Jews like Bohm, Einstein, Bohr, Szilard, Oppenheimer, and a cast of thousands from Hollywood and the Bad Apple. Their objectives and methods are simply too horrifying for people to either comprehend or even believe. Mankind wants to imagine that terror has its origins in ignorance, in some unconscious savagery. It traumatizes the Spirit to acknowledge that truly brilliant people can be utterly evil. This is the reason why the nazis saw the Jews as being sub-human, why Jesus of the Gospel of John, along with churchmen such as Augustine, Cusa, and Martin Luther, condemned them in the strongest terms as children of the devil. What has so horrified those familiar with the tactics of the Jews is the way in which they appeal to spirituality and integrity as a preferred means of concealing the guilt of the most merciless of men. It is truly maddening trying to miraculously heal Christians, born deaf, dumb, blind and guilty, who cannot understand their own New Testament faith.... are still unable to see through the illusory righteousness of modern day Pharisees. The chosen technique is to attack, or subvert, while feigning the deepest intellectual and moral concern for those under siege. Manipulate diehard patriots in a scam to "defend democracy" by splitting Europe, enslaving one half in a phony cold war while enriching and perverting the other; or market sexuality, and then fight for every White teenage girl's right to choose abortion as a convenient means of disposing of healthy unborn children she hasn't the maturity to treasure. It is this solicitous executioner that stalks our children's every move and makes it imperative for us to face the painful reality that Christians will not-to-see: we cannot distinguish "good Jews" from the bad eggs. Today's special is the double-play: Whites are tagged out for being off base racists, while "brothers" from south of the border are aggressively waived to steal home in a game these made-for-TV sports heroes can't lose in "our" newly established homeboy league. Local Whites just have to learn how to take a fall, and most will when they figure out the score. All we really need is a little help from our chosen friends, like David Bohm, and it'll be a whole new ball game. Earlier, we examined the life and ideas of Salvador Dali, and concluded that he was a model for the corruption and betrayal of western man. In contrast, we can now view David Bohm as a figure who is increasingly being admired as a model for the new multi-cultural age. Like Dali, he integrates the central themes of this book in a remarkably cohesive way: physics, nuclear weapons, mental illness, mysticism, genius, collective mind, one world socialism, multi-culturalism, communist subversion carried out by socially elite Jews, and totalitarianism.

While betraying the trust of the ordinary peasants of America or Europe did not deeply disturb Oppenheimer, Bohr, Szilard, Teller, Einstein, Feynman, Bohm or the rest of the "brothers", the thought of themselves being betrayed by trusted "gentiles" was not well received. Bohm suffered from depression. A particularly difficult time for him was the disclosure that his friend and guru, J. Krishnamurti, had deceived him in a very serious way. He had claimed to be celibate and taught others the importance of celibacy to the spiritual advancement of the mind. It came to be known that Krishnamurti had a sexual relationship for twenty years with the wife of his financial manager. In addition, he allowed his mistress to undergo repeated abortions. At least for a time, Bohm came to see his guru as an impostor.39 But the humiliation was not Krishnamurti's alone, for Bohm had once again poorly chosen a father figure to idealize. Bohm had been set-up... sacrificed by Oppenheimer to cover his own hide; an expedient decision, by the man Americans most associated with the bomb, forced Bohm into a life of exile. Being type-cast in the role of traitor did not fail to trigger depression in a man so vulnerable. Turned away from a promising career starting with an appointment at the upper tiers of Princeton University, Bohm was forced into the ranks of second rate physicists because of his support for communism. What does a first rate mind do when exiled from the community of his peers? He was in no position to advance the cause of experimental physics, so he focused his energies on the three primary passions of his life: theoretical physics, the communist ideology for which he had been "persecuted", and spirituality. The Soviet tanks rolling into Eastern Europe in 1956, along with rumors of mass murders in the Siberian Gulags demoralized even Bohm and challenged his faith in international socialism. More than that, he "lost his faith" in science, and even his trust in reason was placed in doubt. He was forced to confront a flaw in human Nature that neither science nor Marxism could heal. Out of this disillusionment, he began searching for a deeper reality.40 All these old wounds were re-opened by Krishnamurti's betrayal. Questioning the authenticity of his Asian transpersonal guide to enlightenment was thrust upon him. This was not merely a personal matter. At this level of involvement, he believed that personal interests had been transcended. Bohm had committed his own ideas to their relationship. It is clear that Bohm hoped his guru could enable him to re-capture that uncanny space-out-of-time which befell him in his seminar daze with Oppenheimer. If Krishnamurti proved false, how could the Indian guru's teachings, which Bohm had long ago incorporated into his own thinking, be true? Bohm had believed that Krishnamurti's consciousness was profoundly different than the mind of an ordinary man. "The creative moment of an Archimedes, Newton, or Einstein involved the same transformation of consciousness of which Krishnamurti spoke. Yet enlightenment, for these scientists, occurred only in momentary flashes of genius and did not embrace the whole of their lives. They rapidly fell back into an ordinary state of consciousness that Bohm described as rigid and brittle. Krishnamurti, by contrast, spoke of something radical and total."41 Or was it all just show-business? Bohm carefully studied his writings looking for inconsistencies indicating deception, but he could find none and was compelled to conclude that his less than perfect guru was genuinely enlightened as he declared himself to be. But even this analysis did not explain why those close to the holy man had not experienced a transformation of mind. Bohm believed that mind is non-local and this would imply that consciousness over-laps with other minds.... is shared... is collective. Had no one been effected over so many years? Clearly Bohm had not, and he was himself sensitive to mystical experience. Something was wrong and it was not likely to be all of Krishnamurti's followers who were at fault.42 While unspoken, the disgrace of Krishnamurti did spread to his partner in spiritual double dealing: David Bohm. Their relationship had not been that of guru and devotee as Bohm liked to pretend; some felt it was actually the other way around. Nor was Bohm quite as fragile as his vulnerability to mental illness may lead one to imagine. In a joint publication, Bohm appeared to be less than the devout follower that fellow travelers expected. He spoke more than "the master", and those responsible for publication were concerned that "...readers would believe that Bohm was instructing Krishnamurti."43 So release of the book was denied. Bohm recoiled from his spiritual journey eastward to the hearts of those he felt safer trusting; he re-turned to the fold of more conventional thinking. No longer able to cloak himself in reflected Asian glory, it became necessary for Bohm to finally inherit Einstein's mantle as the "Jewish saint". Many years earlier, Bohm had been close to Einstein and the sentiment in their mutual circle of friends was that Einstein ".. looked upon Bohm as his 'intellectual son.' "44 Einstein sometimes even spoke of Bohm as his "intellectual successor".45 David Gross described Bohm as being a "secular saint".46 It was this sacred mantle of integrity which the martyred Bohm so sorely needed to cover the painful injuries he had sustained while on the fringes of scientific, political, and religious respectability. While aging and sickly, Bohm found comfort in the growing adulation that resulted from the increasing popularity of his holistic philosophy of physics. You will recognize Bohm's idea's throughout many of these pages, but you must understand that I have changed the lyrics to his tune, as well as absorbing his ideas into what I am convinced is a more authentic perspective Being-disclosed through our insight-out "look-on" everything. It is perhaps strange that someone you may consider to be a "nazi", should draw so heavily on the thinking of Jewish communists; but this is no stranger than Bohm's building his quantum theory on the spirituality of a medieval cardinal. There are obvious similarities and subtle differences between my thoughts and those of the Jews; but it is subtlety that makes all the difference. If nothing else, you should learn that delicate shades of meaning have the power to move Heaven and Earth. This is the secret known by many women, which drives men out of their minds, first in madness.... then in love.

Like Einstein, Bohm played the role of the saintly old genius very persuasively, but beneath the superficial halo of universal love there was an intelligence still quite able to justify the breaking of a few more egg Whites to make a new world socialist omelet to order. Like so many of his fellow prophets, Bohm proclaimed that despite its creative achievements, the West is in decline, and the East has substantial problems of its own.47 The obvious solution to the decline of the West is a unified world, creating a planetary dialogue.48 Bohm sounds mystical when referring to problems having their origins in a "...tacit infrastructure of the entire consciousness of humanity."49 Bohm�s sense for the mathematical perfections of physical theory converted itself very handily into a Marxist twist on Durkheim's collective consciousness, which focused on group transformation rather than gradual individual change.50 All this ties in with the common theme of Jewish mysticism which can be identified just as readily with communism as with Christianity, atheistic social science, or the new physics. "So it will be ultimately misleading and indeed wrong to suppose, for example, that each human being is an independent actuality who interacts with other human beings and with Nature. Rather, all these are projections of a single totality."51 This all sounds so academic, doesn't it? But like John Lennon, try to imagine how these ideas play out in our own lives. They translate into the classless State structured around the welfare of the engulfing mixed-race majority in a world without borders ....which is all very well, I suppose, if you have John Lennon's money; but in the years ahead, money may not buy love or security the way it did in John-John's day. But that's tomorrow; Bohm's quarrel was with yesterday. According to his view of history, it has been necessary for human society to break itself up into simpler components, such as nations, races, religions, economic groups and so on, in order to make the solving of urgent issues of survival more manageable. "Nevertheless, this sort of ability of man to separate himself from his environment and to divide and apportion things, ultimately led to a wide range of negative and destructive results, because man lost awareness of what he was doing and thus extended the process of division beyond the limits within which it works properly."52 As can be anticipated, Bohm takes his communist philosophy of wholeness "...beyond the limits within which it works properly." Bohm�s political ideology reflects his ideas on quantum wholeness, and is troubled by the same assumptions: borders -- there aren�t any ....everything is perfectly integrated into the wholeness of a very real implicate order. Bohm referred to the mythical beliefs, within different cultures, of a golden age when everyone lived together harmoniously in Nature ....before "The Fall". Throughout history, man has been striving for a return to this idyllic state of wholeness, not only spiritually but physically and socially as well. The word holy, in English, originally refers to a sense of wholeness.53 However, making the world whole "again" is a tricky business. So the paradoxical apostle of totality found himself preaching that belief in ultimate truth is the source of the world's greatest problems. This advocate general of wholeness argued that belief in the absolute fosters rigid adherence to the passionately held convictions upon which one's eternal salvation rests; with stakes so high, there is no possibility of compromise. On the contrary, fanaticism encourages the devout to launch crusades battling the forces of evil, even embracing the glory of martyrdom for some greater good.54 To complicate matters, it is no more possible to simply do away with beliefs altogether then it is for physicists to abandon a need for reality; belief is also fundamental to the trust which is needed for any society to function. Bohm looked for a middle way between the na�ve unthinking faith of religion, and the out and out skepticism, even cynicism, of science. Taking his cue from Durkheim, he concluded that values should hold the trust of the society without being sacrosanct; since they would be open to discussion and change, there would no longer be a barrier separating scientific and religious attitudes.55 Through dialogue people learn to be flexible and non-confrontational, and hopefully, like Socrates, come to realize that wisdom is not discovering the totality of truth, but rather coming to the realization that one does not know final answers..... Thus, Bohm's implicated variation on the strangely modern theme of mystical not-knowing, which he found so unacceptable when it was Bohr�s conclusion and not his own Platonic discovery of the forgotten.

Rigidly held unacknowledged assumptions, embraced by society as a whole, are compared by Bohm to a virus which exchanges the DNA of one's creative nature for distorted information; and this results in the cancerous growth of contaminated notions.56 The sources of misinformation in society, which are destructive of scientific creativity, are primarily firmly held traditional values; while not saying so directly, Bohm implies patriotic and religious convictions are the culprits. It is these unchallenged assumptions, particularly the revered wisdom inherited from the past, which contaminate the modern day atmosphere, paralyzing creative advancement in areas most urgently requiring imaginative solutions.57 This is similar to the arguments presented by Griffin and Fields that righteous, hard working people are a greater threat to society than those who just like to party. I believe this was the kind of thinking that led Marxists to target industrious Christian intellectuals and successful farmers for mass extermination. It is often said that communism is unlike nazism in that it does not advocate the destruction of any group of people. From what we are hearing from a variety of sources, modern social democratic rulers seem far more worried about devoutly religious, intelligent, patriotic loyalists than those who could be generously described as amoral opportunists. It is predictable that modern democracies are far more likely to wage aggressive police state campaigns, or even massive bombing assaults, against White middle class patriots than the multi-racial invaders trafficking in drugs along the borders of suburbia. Bohm is saying that traditional values are a malignancy in the vital organs of the collective body of humanity. Unlike the theories Griffin and Fields discuss, Bohm does not see ego-centrism as the antidote for the pre-fascist personality. Recall that Fields is aware of Durkheim's sociological view of collective man, and acknowledges the need for an alternative to self-centeredness as a means of regulating group passions. Bohm seems to fit the bill. His appeal is to the communist "idealism" of self-sacrifice for the good of all humanity. He was preaching what patriotic Americans of the time called bleeding heart liberalism. The error of our ways is that we are fixated upon our own self-interest, instead of looking out for the whole of the human race first. Bohm argued that an important factor in why peoples of the planet set themselves in opposition to each other in terms of race, nationality, religion, and all the rest, is their tendency to see things in a fragmented way. Because man sees himself and everything around him as independent and self-sufficient, he becomes egocentric and defensive; "... if he identifies with a group of people of the same kind, he will defend this group in a similar way. He cannot seriously think of mankind as the basic reality, whose claims come first."58 Bohm argued that this problem of fragmentation starts at the level of self interest, and extends up a ladder of racial, economic, and nationalistic dividing lines; and man's belief in these values creates a world reflecting his own prejudices. Bohm built his communist utopia on the untenable assumption that the universe is a perfectly ordered mystical whole, even though the totality of this implicate order is for the most part outside the range of human consciousness. Most scientists are not impressed by Bohm�s appeal to a primordial universal harmony which alternately conceals and reveals itself; they are very much aware of the randomness that the perfect-order-loving Bohm refused to acknowledge. They see uncertainty in nature as Bohr and Heisenberg did, and not the handiwork of an implied but unacknowledged Swiss-watch-maker God of medieval theology. It should now be apparent why it is imperative to reconcile ourselves with the randomness of quantum physics within the limiting focus of relativity a quantum-relativistic-stereoscopic-vision of wholeness which is as persuasive as any reality you can imagine ....but is not the absolute God of Cusa or the perfect symmetry of Bohm�s implicate order. We have already recognized the limitations of the human brain and accepted Crick�s observation that the universe is not as it appears to be. There is a critical difference between the Plato-Cusa-Bohm absolute wholeness of objective reality and the quantum relativistic perception of wholeness, which is an inter-active creation of the brain within ambiguous surroundings. Illusions of wholeness may be persuasive to the human senses, but both Bohm and the Platonists are mistaken in concluding they perceive an absolute objective reality. In this respect, Bohr was correct in saying that the quantum world is unknowable. While Bohr may have reached the end of the line, the spectacle of our panoramic vision now spirals backwards ....returning to the insight-outlook of the left-handed God of Creation the broken symmetries of our chaotic beginnings. In another several pages we will strike upon the actual and more awkward beginnings of this book, so that you might better understand where we have been.

Totalitarianism claims to be a complete and ultimate reality. Cusa�s Church exercised this kind of final authority. Bohm appealed to the perfect symmetry of this time-worn implicate order, but denied that his holistic attitude was absolutist. It is undeniable that communism is an authoritarian ideology aspiring to absolute power, and that Bohm�s claims to open dialogue and genuine flexibility were insincere. Bohm did not much care to focus on the relativistic nature of human perception, any more than he was willing to accept randomness at the empty center of this spiraling chaos that surrounds us which-ever way we turn. Themes of chaos and relativity are not popular with the totalitarian-world-Order-crowd as long as they are calling the shots. Top guns prefer the absolutism of perfect control cloaked in secrecy, and represented in the media as idealism. Socialized man cannot attune himself to this perfectly concealed Order on his own. Instead of now turning to Cusa�s Church for salvation, the man-of-the-world must conform to the rule of scientific world government ...just as Durkheim would have advocated. Society cannot rely on idealism alone to raise man beyond himself. Laws are needed forbidding information that may "...engender hatred, anger, and prejudice from being spread about various races, religions, and groups."59 What idealists like David Bohm, John Lennon, and Martin Luther King failed to tell us is that the price of the dreams they were imagining would be our freedom -- and this inauspicious over-sight is the flawed foundation upon which the Media-State rests its laurels. But we dare not complain. Bohm goes on to mention how artists, such as film makers, serve as the moral conscience for society by alerting ordinary folk of their unconscious prejudices. He suggests that maladaptive attitudes can be treated through psychotherapy and group therapy. Even all these heroic efforts by society's most sensitive social critics have only partial success in curing misinformation because there are subtle "... pressures within society toward colluding to defend one's own group and its ideas."60 Bohm concludes that intolerance has its roots in the family.61 This is understood to be standard communist dogma when spoken directly as Bohm does, but somehow we fail to see communism in action --- when it is Billed as a Techni-color MTV extravaganza, with rap-around sound and a star studded CASTE. We don't see a communist attack on the family when republican and democratic politicians link arms with gay clergy in moral campaigns championing "alternative life-styles" in the name of God, human rights, tolerance, and Christian love. Reactionary fundamentalists, who are intolerant of the diversity of choices available in a free society open to the whole world, inhibit social and economic progress. As with abortion and the recreational use of drugs, the high divorce rate is an unacknowledged social objective, and a problem only from the perspective of those retrograde fanatics failing to keep pace with the latest in-your-face models ....cuming to you ....directly from that hip capital of world-class morality: Hollywood!

If this reasoning sounds like the political correctness of the 1990's, consider that in the 1950's ideas like these sounded like treason; and it was this kind of communist "idealism", along with Oppenheimer's decision to testify against him, that landed Bohm before the Senate Committee on Un-American Activities, and from there packing for Brazil.62 While your great-grandparents may not have been ready to buy his saintly advice, my generation and yours have. Back in the 1950's when the communist gulags were still cool, Nikita Khrushchev headed the USSR. Back then, a Soviet leader was taken very seriously; so it was a TV show-stopper when the fat bald man from the Kremlin pounded his shoe on a UN table informing American viewers that their grandchildren would grow up under communism. Do you think there might have been something he knew about the post-war power structure in "the free world" that American voters didn't? Bohm was a man ahead of his time, if ever there was one; and in that respect, he was a genius. He was a man of our time. He wondered if society has a natural "immune system" to protect it from misinformation such as racism, anti-Semitism, and nationalism. If there is such a self cleansing mechanism, he questioned, why doesn't it work more efficiently?63 All Bohm did was to take the obvious defense mechanisms of human Nature, such as tribalism, and twist them around to the distorted perspective of his doctored Jewish science -- and then pose questions concerning the viruses within individual races that inhibit peoples of various ancestries from spontaneously gravitating to the "natural" mixed-race world social order from which they all "originated". In short, he starts by assuming the correctness of his conclusion, which is something those enamored of Kant�s pure reason are not supposed to do ....but is permissible for advocates of undivided wholeness. He then considers how society's many complex elements can all be effectively manipulated so as to make prediction and control possible. It was this problem of maintaining classical control which led Bohr to split physics into old and new schools. Bohm wanted only order and control in a unified physics, and tripped over the same rock that has petrified the thought of most theoretical physicists this century: uncertainty. He was forced to acknowledge that the complexity of problems faced seems to make control of human behavior impossible. But the question continued to present itself: "How do scientists propose to control hatred between nations, religions, and ideologies when science itself is fundamentally limited and controlled by these very things?"64 Peat speaks of the advances in chemistry, biology, and the behavioral sciences, and suggests they may offer a means for preventing the mutual annihilation of nations, which the proliferation of nuclear weapons seems to have made an inevitability. There is not one word of criticism for Bohm and his peers for unleashing such evil on humanity. Bohm confesses that in the past science was a greater benefit to man than a liability; and that in recent decades, it has become necessary to reconsider the value of a technology with such unlimited destructive power. Amazingly, Bohm seems to have forgotten his own contribution to the development of Oppenheimer�s bomb! He fails to acknowledge the concealed cause of this futuristic nightmare plaguing humanity, which is not so much one of science as the determination of his own tribe to control the assets and peoples of the whole-world. Human Nature will be truly controllable only when man has been "neutered" genetically; and it is inevitable this modern brave-new-world-government will aspire to that ultimate power ...transforming men into machines.

The equilibrium of Nature is better served by a competitive relationship among the tribes of humanity, rather than by a global policy of managed slavery. Specifically, it is urgent that humanity have the strength to resist that same tyranny oppressing all of us. The greatest danger threatening the human race is a unified global State so powerful that it can enforce its murderous will without opposition. At some quantum level, every living thing shares in the whole of creation; but this does not translate into Bohm's multi-racial one world socialism, with its official dogma of equal love for "all God's children", with an extra helping of course for the "children of Israel". Nature has been fundamentally damaged precisely by the implementation of Zionist genius for close to a century, and we are supposed to trust these same people with absolute power? We are quickly reminded by the two-faced candidates of choice that on this matter we have no choice but "peace" in a world threatened by nuclear war, pollution, and "terrorism". That is, no choice but submission to the World-State. This is the conclusion of rational men and church-going women. Who do we thank not only for creating the atom bomb, but for the massive nuclear weapons arsenals of this planet? We might start by turning our eyes toward the official heroes of society: people like Bohr, Oppenheimer, Feynman, and Saints Albert and David, enhanced by a host of other Jews, who either actually created the technology or implemented it politically -- while simultaneously leading the opposition as pacifists. But the Jews have lost exclusive control over their "ultimate weapon" which brought "peace" to the world for more than half a century, as the Stalinists so righteously remind us. We are left with the consequences of nuclear proliferation, thanks not to the nazis, but to the capitalists, communists and their common-law lords of strange-love. Who maintains "nuclear superiority" today, along with massive stockpiles of chemical and biological agents, while simultaneously championing "human rights" and crushing any "rouge state" that defends itself? Who? The "good guys", right? It would be more honest to say the "wise guys". David Bohm is considered by some to have been a secular saint, but he should be understood to have been just one of the guys. As we all have heard in church, God is a big fan of one-world multi-racial totalitarianism. That ought to tell us something about the State of Christianity. It is not a matter of giving either Christianity or Bohm's ideas of wholeness a chance; it is precisely against this "idealism" we are rebelling. We are living the consequences of the undifferentiated oneness championed by both Church and State .....ushered in by men like Bohm. He was an intellectual and spiritual apologist for the communist terror during the Cold War days of Siberian torture, yet we are supposed to be grateful that this confidant of Einstein�s was so kind as to contribute his doctoral research to Oppenheimer's Manhattan Project. What a misunderstood patriot he was. ...a man forced to "flee" from his beloved American homeland to "escape persecution" by the McCarthy Committee that was linking him to international communist subversion in the United States. With all his cunning political insight, Bohm failed to notice that we have been living in a totalitarian world long after the dreaded McCarthy was driven into disgrace by the rise of the fourth and most powerful branch of government: Jewish television. This chaos gripping our lives is a consequence of the undeclared quantum State. What is required in resolving some muddles is not a logical solution, but rather a biological one. What is needed is not a new and final formula, but old fashioned courage.

If Jews like Bohm were presenting their models for an "open world" in good faith, then a book like this would be tolerated because it would be no threat; it would be possible to engage in a public dialogue about charges that the American and European societies are totalitarian, with their primary purpose being to enforce a mixed-race global multi-culturalism ...guided by the genteel conscience of Jews faithfully reminding all of us of how indebted we are to them: calling for endless reparations from Germany, France, Switzerland, and all other nations collectively guilty of Holocaust crimes.... and eventually Poland, the Baltic countries and all the rest ...even Russia, should they ever come by the means to pay with something of more value than their own blood. With Bohm�s open dialogue, an honest public airing of all facts and grievances would correct whatever misinformation is responsible for anti-Semitic convictions, and everyone would be contented that finally this troublesome centuries old issue has been brought out of the shadows into the light of day... justice served, with appropriate apologies all around for having contaminated society with distorted information. But we are not going to be seeing any such open dialogues dedicated to the memory of David Bohm�s Platonic spirit, any more than we will witness scores of communists, including Jews among them, being dragged before the International Court of Justice to answer for the mass murder of millions of Europeans in Soviet Gulags. All we are going to see are scandalous show trials, bombing campaigns, and constant reminders of the evils of White racism and the shining hope that multi-culturalism will finally embrace and unify the whole world. And this is news?....night after night, month after month, year after year? Intellectuals, ministers, creative types, and just plain common folk will not be jumping on any banned wagons. Reason, justice, and integrity are all in the service of the highest principle: power. However, to preserve the appearance of Justice, Clinton and Reno have been show-cased on the news spot-light, grilled on the Hill along side endearing Media-State celebrities Monica and Elian �but only for minor improprieties -- their apparent adversaries encouraged to over-charge these Miss-judged officials in order to create a back-lash of sympathy for those extinguishing our freedoms �while the real charges of treason and mass murder have never been Stated. Only a Wacko could fail to forgive and forget bad news from so many Saturday-Night-Special reports passed. Made for TV-Show trials subvert our once honored judicial system, thus destroying any hope we might have once had of equal justice before the law. By exposing themselves to be willing participants in these scripted for prime-time trials, Conservative Republicans have played the role of straight-men: setting us all up for the punch-lines their stand-up partners have been bound to spike �leaving us ..stuck with the rotten end of this shtick. As long as the Jews hold the military arms of nations, they will stand as our judges in the court of last resort. So if I appear slightly biased in my analysis of Bohm and his kin, please understand that I don't hold them in quite the same high esteem as you may. Perhaps you are one of the devoutly religious Americans so very sure to be blessed by prosperity considering the billions of tax payer dollars being tithed to Israel each year to guarantee its military and spiritual superiority over its neighbors .... But I am not. I believe we must oppose the tyranny of Jews, that it is a grave error to fail to understand the basic ideas and methods of "secular saints" like Paul, Marx, Durkheim, Einstein, Bohr and Bohm; understanding them is vital so that we might never again allow the shrewdness of Pharisees to program our collective intelligence, however highly regarded and inoffensive they may appear to be. We are obligated to come to grips with ideas that seem beyond us, so that we might disentangle our "educated" minds from the predatory genius of an ancient foe. We cannot simply become anti-intellectual, or revert to 19th century Newtonian thinking. It is not so impossible to exorcise the demons from Jewish creations, and evaluate the resultant patterns using our own considerable faculties. It is possible to see through the group mind of Bohm, Einstein, Bohr, Oppenheimer, Feynman, Weinberg, and the "whole-gang" because they are all basically saying the same thing: one-world multi-cultural equality for "gentiles", with special compensating sympathy for those chosen to lead. They may dress up as different kinds of woolly-haired sheep, but beneath their natural curls they are all wolves with the same objective: taking us in... or... out to lunch. While we must be the equals of a blood thirsty intelligence, we cannot match the unbridled appetite and loathing which have sacrificed all links between us. But forgiveness is not an option for those under the knife ......for there will be no virtuous souls left to toast our kosher butchers if we remain the Christian sheep we have been so well bred to be.

Rather than thinking in terms of a final theory or final solution, we must come to see things as being in process. At the human level, evolutionary struggle expresses itself in the form of creative adaptation to chaotic surroundings. Pragmatism cannot solve the kinds of problems that fail to produce quick profits in their resolutions. A maddening quantum unreality has been leaking into the reservoir of our common experience through both the high tech successes of the media, and the devastating environmental failures of a hybrid mix of the old and the new physics... a turn of events which those who made the grade failed to anticipate could lead to such hazardous implications that are rarely acknowledged as more urgent than the slick copy of yesterday�s camp news from the West Bank. As Durkheim would note, we are being driven out of our minds collectively. The electronic media appeals not to self consciousness, but to a collective consciousness that is not our own, and this is central to why America�s multi-mix jam is going haywire. Television is used as a weapon in psychological warfare, and our children are the prime-time targets. This high tech assault on our basic instincts is more powerful than the fundamentalist mentality can believe. The devout are appalled, unable to even acknowledge the horror felt in witnessing the manipulation of their faith by slick and sleazy politicians ....Billed as moral leaders. They are shamed by the hype, caught off balance by the spin the multitude of players who cannot withstand the evil that has leveled nations under the banner headline of equality. Sanity is no sure thing among the righteous. There is fear at the end of the line. The educated have not yet heard of a fusion process taking a life-time to unfold into a real-time collective genius unspoken of by those who should know. Materialists have mistakenly concluded that spirituality is dead because the language of past centuries fails church-goers while TV babble is hot to trot. Primitive instincts still exist, debasing Judeo-Christian Democratic values ...turning the very symbols that once united society against divided peoples. The same failure of language has bitten into the physics of old and new forms, as programmed final theorists are stone-walled by an unreality that betrays the emptiness of unfulfilled dreams ..defaulting into the high-tech nightmare of their final solution. The implications of failure remain ...unspoken ...coming to light only by chance. Believers and disbelievers alike are constrained to reshape the deep structure of a common language desperately needed to express what is troubling us. What can give depth to our shared intelligence and credibility to words we have so long been unable to utter? The answer to a question of this magnitude arrives with the subtlety of an earthquake, and makes fanatics of those who dare hear dissident voices wringing truth from the stone walls of Jerusalem.

The double edge rap of black and white words

                                  END NOTES

1.Weinberg, Dreams of a Final Theory , pp.191-192.

2.Gingerich, Owen (Introduction, p.vii), Readings from Scientific American: Scientific Genius and Creativity � 1987 W.H.Freeman and Company, New York, Chapter: 11 Robert A. Millikan by Daniel J. Kevles (1979), p.87

3.Gingerich, Owen (Introduction, p.vii), Readings from Scientific American: Scientific Genius and Creativity � 1987 W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, Chapter: 11 Robert A. Millikan by Daniel J. Kevles (1979), pp.92-3

4.Gingerich, Readings from Scientific American: Scientific Genius and Creativity , Chapter: 11 Robert A. Millikan by Daniel J. Kevles (1979), p.93

5.Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order , p.xiii

6.Bohm and Peat, Science, Order and Creativity , p.10

7.Bohm and Peat, Science, Order and Creativity, p.25

8.Bohm and Peat, Science, Order and Creativity p.24

9.Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order , p.xiv

10.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , p.219

11.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , p. 301

12.Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order , p.xiv

13.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , p.171

14.Bohm and Peat, Science, Order and Creativity , p.262

15.Weinberg, Dreams of a Final Theory , pp.122-123

16.Davies and Brown, The Ghost In the Atom , p.122

17.Jaspers, Karl, edited by Hannah Arendt, translated by Ralph Manheim, The Great Philosophers � 1966 Harcourt, Brace & World, New York, p.180

18.Jaspers, The Great Philosophers , p.180

19.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , p.279

20.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , p.294

21.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , p.294

22.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , p.294

23.Jaspers, The Great Philosophers , p.139

24.Jaspers, The Great Philosophers , p.139

25.Jaspers, The Great Philosophers , p.139

26.Rhodes, Richard, The Making Of The Atomic Bomb 1988 Simon & Schuster, New York, p.572

27.Jaspers, The Great Philosophers , p.166

28.Woolley, Virtual Worlds , p.7

29.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , p.200

30.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , p.225

31.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , pp.321-322

32.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , p.288

33.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , p.46

34.Jaspers, The Great Philosophers , p.118

35.Jaspers, The Great Philosophers , p.228

36.Jaspers, The Great Philosophers , p.228

37.Jaspers, The Great Philosophers , p.228

38.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , p.57

39.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , p.305

40.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , p.179

41.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , pp.225-226

42.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , p.300

43.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , p.231

44.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , p.172

45.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , p.1

46.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , p.74

47.Bohm and Peat, Science, Order and Creativity , pp.258-259

48.Bohm and Peat, Science, Order and Creativity , p.259

49.Bohm and Peat, Science, Order and Creativity , p.235

50.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , p.286

51.Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order , p.210

52.Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order , p.2

53.Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order , p.3

54.Bohm and Peat, Science, Order and Creativity , p.264

55.Bohm and Peat, Science, Order and Creativity , p.264

56.Bohm and Peat, Science, Order and Creativity , p.236

57.Bohm and Peat, Science, Order and Creativity , pp.238-239

58.Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order , p.xi

59.Bohm and Peat, Science, Order and Creativity , p.239

60.Bohm and Peat, Science, Order and Creativity , p.239

61.Bohm and Peat, Science, Order and Creativity , p.239

62.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , pp.160-161.

63.Bohm and Peat, Science, Order and Creativity , p.239

64.Bohm and Peat, Science, Order and Creativity , p.13