To write a book such as this would have been unimaginable without the magic of technology. The labor of handwriting or typing the volumes of material needed to develop this finished product would not only have been far beyond my physical and intellectual capability --- but more importantly, would have lacked the vital biofeedback exercise made possible by the automated system. The unfolding of human potential has now become linked to the artificial intelligence of computers... creating new states of mind. Working with a computer has forced me to deal with the logical design of things. I am certain that the computer has in fact refined my intelligence by augmenting precisely those functions in which I have been hopelessly weak, freeing the mind to maximize its natural strengths, and conceive thoughts that would have been unthinkable for a common man before the advent of this technology. When a person with some measure of intellectual discontent, who is not accustomed to using logical methods of thinking, employs a computer to enhance the meaning of his existence, the unbelievable becomes conceivable. It is the persistence of religious zeal, combined with some awareness of scientific thinking, that makes it possible to find extraordinary advantage in the use of technology to boost rational intelligence. This "expansion of the mind" resulting from pairing up emotional and artificial intelligences leads us to the resolution of fundamental mysteries. First of all, take note that artificial intelligence is non-conscious. It appears that any true "meeting of minds" involves a situation in which only one is conscious and the other collective ...and non-conscious. The artificial intelligence of computers can make genius a real possibility within the minds of creatively confused wash-outs by allowing a relativistic organization to become visible, which otherwise would have remained concealed the random-dot reflections of an unbalanced quantum non-conscious state ..of simply being. Complementary intelligences can pair up in quantum relativistic stereoscopic vision. This is a very real enhancement to the clarity of mind of schizophrenic mystical visionaries, and can literally be compared to the use of glasses by those who are near-sighted. Through these quantum relativistic complementary lenses of emotional and artificial intelligences, millions of gifted people, who otherwise would spend their lives wandering in a jungle of indistinguishable abstractions and bewildering instincts, begin to see everything in focus ...thus taking on the formidable vision of genius. It is time we start figuring out that Nature has invested a great deal in human evolution. Those who think like machines are not likely to experience this complementarity effect to the same degree as those who approach it with evangelical fervor. This suggests the balance of power is shifting from those who are shrewd programmed thinkers to a more sensitive breed who are currently wandering in the wilderness of emotional and intellectual repression. This also means revolution because a dispossessed people will begin to encounter the Nature of their own creative genius, and this will instill in them the courage to defy their oppressors because they will no longer have reason to believe in the superiority of any chosen people. I am acutely aware of my own failures and reliance on the strength of others, the need for their intelligence to compensate for my short falls. Just as the computer can enhance individual awareness, so also can community appreciate our capacity to think and to feel. We call for each other in more ways than we can calculate. The hegemony of the Jews has its origins in cohesion ...out of which their collective genius has materialized. The creation of a world empire based on the atom bomb is a clear example of their capacity to think one thought, to share a common mind. It was primarily the Jews who developed this Old Testament we call "the new physics"; they were at the wheel from its theoretical beginnings ....their hands were on the controls right up to the physical detonation of the first nuclear weapon. Bohr was critical in this process, but neither he nor Szilard, Oppenheimer, Einstein, or anyone else could have master-minded this satanic creation alone. It was the collective co-operation, this concentration of minds that not only unleashed a nuclear holocaust, but brought into being a totalitarian science of world mastery. The genius they share in common far surpasses the brilliance of any individual Einstein or Bohr. Each and every Jew is able to plug into this network, both profiting from it and contributing to it. It is this solidarity which amplifies the pronouncement of any one of them .....silencing the voice of the un-heard thundering along the plains of this desolate American wasteland. The lone rider is no match for the hot-shots from Hollywood -- but not every lynching can be Billed as a happy ending. There will be one two many. Back-fire sparks the torch of chaos .... kindling a Spirit not set by the super-stars! The setting of another show-down need not be staged at High Noon. In the shadows, smoldering among the tatters and whispers of burned-out souls, a flame of rebellion can bring down a sold-out-House jam-packed and teeming with slap-stick tyranny.

If you wish to understand this book, you should see it whole � and the place to start is the homepage: Heaven-Words copyright 2005 WEBb1910473801 (All rights reserved by the author) You may view any or all chapters of this very long book simply by clicking on the links below.

Fox News Bill O�Reilly Sean Hannity Savage Double Talk Radio with Their Forked Tongue Tales of Islamofascism in Eurabia

Keys To Heaven-Words: The Art And Science Of Revolution

Gordon Press-ing realities in a surreal world

Cold War origins of totalitarianism in North America and Western Europe

Rise and fall of Roman Catholic Church: revisionist history

Salvador Dali portrays two-timing artists of today: from religious to ideological war with Jewish genius

Quantum theory made easy:  an introduction to the new physics

From String Theory To A Final Theory: Back To The Origins of Nuclear Weapons

Creators of the atomic bomb: debasing nuclear power into a totalitarian order in the new world

Quantum brain theory: splitting classical-physical reality..from the inside-out

Breakdown of madness dawns on genius of collective consciousness

Chaos Theory: gravity bends of spiraling space-time

Emile Durkheim: sacred symbols conceal unholy conviction: believers-in-themselves are sacred..chosen people

Totalitarian science of quantum wholeness -- David Bohm: Krishnamurti or Cusa

In Terror of a Savage Nation - Orwellian nightmare dawns on the West

The double edge rap of black and white words

Weinberg reports that most professionals who use quantum mechanics in their work do so without giving a thought to the theory behind it; it never occurs to them to interpret the meaning of quantum physics. The consequence is not that scientists don't think about the meaning of what they are doing as Weinberg claims, but rather that they think about quantum theoretical processes as though they were classical events. While Weinberg acknowledges some uneasiness about no one really understanding the theory behind the quantum mechanics they all use as a tool, he argues it would be counter-productive to focus attention on this mystery of its meaning. He tells of a promising graduate student who became so bewildered by his efforts to understand quantum theory that he was swept away by the paradoxes and had to withdraw from his research program. His problem was that he felt driven to understand quantum physics, and this interfered with his actually doing his work. "So irrelevant is the philosophy of quantum mechanics to its use, that one begins to suspect that all the deep questions about the meaning of measurement are really empty, forced on us by our language...".1 The language he refers to is our familiar grammar of common sense, which was shaped by logical concepts of reality that pre-date twentieth century physics. Like Bohm, many physicists worry that traditional languages are incapable of expressing the ideas of quantum physics and relativity. You can see now why it is necessary that we become involved in the experimental use of poetic language.

My purpose is to offer a vivid model of quantum relativistic thinking through the use of multiple meaning -- quantum super-positioned language ...which simultaneously stages itself in many-sided affective displays of in-depth relativistic dramas. One can conceptualize the new physics using the language of mathematics, but physicists evidently lack the poetic ability to express these ideas in words. They have arrived at the fallacious conclusion that because words fail them, therefore their ideas can only be expressed in the symbolism of the physical sciences. Bohr, Bohm and others have tried to express their thoughts verbally, but they approached the task mechanically, and logically ...they failed. It is these quantum dimensions of randomness and ambiguity that the poet feels; by unifying feelings with an intuitive sense for order, the writer is able to express complex quantum relativistic ideas in forms that are both ambiguous and orderly ...just as quantum relativity requires -- and these mystifying configurations, we recognize as beauty ...just as would be the case if the medium of expression were mathematics. This is an important development because the concentration of quantum relativistic thought is an immensely powerful way of seeing things which one would expect to be inaccessible to those unskilled in the use of advanced calculations. My expectation is not so much that science will become an art, or that artists of every type will discover physics, as Dali did; but rather, that those skilled in language will learn from other creative artists how to think and express themselves in ways that will make sense in terms of the new physics. Eventually, real scientific thinkers with considerable linguistic talent and an appreciation for the arts will begin picking up on this new wave arising from under-ground culture, and start expressing substantial scientific thinking in language that is poetic and in geometric shapes that are beautiful. If there is beauty in scientific creations, others can be affectively touched by what is produced; while we may not understand the technicalities of how the innovation originated, it will become possible to get a feel for the "deep mathematical structure" of natural science where-ever we find it. Imaginative scientific thinkers will turn to people in the arts for inspiration because these creative souls will have finally discovered the excitement of struggling with ideas of interest to scientists. When this happens, society will experience a true renaissance, for up to now the great ideas of this age have, for the most part, been restricted to the language of mathematics. Since World War II, words have served more to indoctrinate than to illuminate the minds of the newly educated classes. Such a radical awakening of the language and imagery of the common man will have revolutionary consequences because ordinary people will learn to think extraordinary ideas. They will no longer be contented with dogma, propaganda or simply not knowing the meaning of their lives. They too will begin thinking in terms of symmetry, asymmetry and mystical theories of everything, just as conspiracy theories have been all the rage since the assassination of JFK ...and the televised execution of his alleged assassin by Jack Ruby, a Jew. Today, popular culture has "pagan" origins, and consequently glorifies those party colored mulattoes who are show-cased as the inspiration for the whole world. What is happening is that the source of creative thought is shifting back up to the White middle class as we fall into the ranks of the dispossessed. As Buffy Sainte Marie used to sing, before she became rich, "Magic loves the hungry". It is only by struggle that genius is awakened, and not by luxury. The way down is indeed the way up, just as Heraclitus the Greek understood long before the rise of Christianity Be-fell US.

A beautiful idea can manifest itself in many different forms, just as the same insight can be expressed algebraically or geometrically. When referring to mathematicians, Penrose notes that for some "...visual images are supremely important...",2 while subtlety, detail and logical analytic reasoning are most critical to others. He finds that words are unnecessary for mathematical thinking. Others would go further, arguing that words are a hindrance to thinking as they understand it. The geneticist Francis Galton observed that thinking takes place in the symbolic images of physics and mathematics. What seemed to bother him the most was that he appeared inadequate to others when speaking, wasting a lot of time searching for words, even though he clearly understood the scientific ideas he was trying to express.3 Penrose adds that most of his mathematical thinking is visual, and translating his ideas into words seems artificial and difficult. "Often the reason is that there simply are not the words available to express the concepts that are required."4 This is the problem we are about to address.

People believe mathematics is true, even though it is not experimentally based. Mathematical elegance supports theory in absence of experiments.5 I wish to re-design language so that it can express the multi-dimensional abstractions of quantum relativistic physics in energized poetic forms, which break open the mind into the visual geometric imagination those of us accustomed to living in the shadow of "The Word" will understand to be genius. To complain that words are an obstacle to mathematical thinking is akin to saying that the self is an illusion. By and large, self consciousness is a verbal phenomenon, a product of the language of one's self reflection. This is no minor point. Recall in the Bible that Jesus is referred to as "The Word". "In the beginning was The Word...". Christianity speaks of the "Logos", which has Greek origins. The Bible is "The Word of God", just as Jesus is. Modern philosophy has been largely focused on linguistic analysis in the twentieth century. It is likely that this sense of self which so limits us is rooted in our own capacity for language. Zen is the art of turning off the mind's verbal interpreter. Mystics have emphasized the centrality of silence to spirituality for thousands of years. Scientists also have mystical experience, but express their insight in mathematical characters and not in religious symbols. If poets find mystical experience beyond the range of words to express, what likelihood is there that the non-verbal types will articulate the source of their inspiration? Most mathematicians are less than adequate in expressing themselves in words, or even connecting their own mental experience with the symbols of religion. Einstein was a truly rare physicist in that he could express himself with real poetic eloquence when the necessity arose. This is not a minor curiosity, as will become evident in an upcoming discussion of the literary character of Bohr, Oppenheimer, and Bohm.

Zohar experiments with language as she recalls her childhood religious beliefs, comparing the stories told to her about angry Greek gods and her image of an Old Testament God who was sometimes "cross with the world".6 On the following page, she reflects on the feeling of emptiness resulting from science and traditional religion being at "cross-purposes".7 Penrose makes a more sophisticated effort along the same line, but does not seem to have realized the necessity of packing puns together into a string of words. "Quantum systems are like poems, always pregnant with as yet unrealized meanings, always begging evocation and interpretation."8 Zohar refers to the different possible associations that words and images can evoke, and suggests that it is this dimension of shifting from one meaning to another which accounts for creativity. The hidden quality of language is the mystery which gives it depth.9 It is told how Monet painted with colorful spots which seemed to lack form when looked at close up, but when viewed from the correct distance produced a scene with three dimensional depth. The nineteenth-century audiences of Paris were inexperienced in seeing such art, and initially rejected Monet's work. In a similar fashion, revolutionary ideas, such as evolution, relativity, and quantum theory can prove too disorienting for people to accept them at first sight.10 The outlook of this book may be disturbing, but I trust you have begun to see things as I do .....that we are inmates in this concentration camp, but that there is a way out of servitude. So how do I get loose from this self centered language through which "I" am enslaved? ...The same way Monet gets out of his flat paintings ....By turning inward toward emotionally charged depths where inside and outside are in quantum suspension ...making a break from this dungeon of repression a whole lot easier than anyone thinks.

Most people are like physicists who let the math do the calculating for them; they are program traders. What must be done is to think originally, to create a new kind of mathematical form to solve physical problems, as Newton did. If we are to grasp ideas such as the duality of light, we need to incorporate a corresponding kind of complex infra-structure into the style of writing we use.... embed it into the language through which we think. We need a poetic grammar which encourages us to create new forms to express ourselves because original concepts necessitate fresh linguistic patterns. We get nowhere by trying to force quantum ideas into classical formulas. Internal organization is disclosed in external appearance. It is like the concept of self, "I" , which is built into the language we speak, and not only subtly shapes what ideas we can think, and what concepts we are unable to articulate, but determines a self-centered perspective from which all experience must be interpreted. The relationship between a concept and its form is tremendously important. Bohr noted that there are a limited number of mathematical forms available into which we can customize our theories, but it sometimes happens that a theorist strikes upon a form more enduring than the idea it is designed to elucidate.11 But it is the opposite of this insight which is more extraordinary still. Some very Scientific Americans will aggressively disagree with the convictions presented in this book, but mockingly at first, imitate its form....ripping design and substance off the surface of this tapestry. But enduring art is such that form and content are a match made in some Platonic heaven, so that the ideas evoke the form and the form the ideas. A mystical collective consciousness is non-locally entangled within the poetic grammar of the multi-dimensional language unfolding within these pages, just as romantic feelings are encoded within the melody of a love song. The intensity of this inter-active language entangles thought and feeling ...the non-local mystical state.. and these intelligent emotions re-create themselves in the words through which astonishment expresses itself regarding the implications of this collective ...this non-local awakening. Bohm became enthusiastically involved with language. A notion that fascinated him was Schumacher's idea that a concept could possibly be communicated through its form, that is "... the form of expression truly matches its content."12 Classical concepts of forces or fields are inadequate to account for non-local effects in quantum physics. Space and time are separated by the architecture of our grammar. Bohm was frustrated by the way in which classical physics is embedded within the English language. This makes it extremely difficult to express a concept such as quantum non-locality. "Talking about nonlocality demands the creation of a new language."13 Efforts to re-create language were taken very seriously about the time quantum theory was emerging. The error most often made seems to be the abandonment of form and logic. Without sufficient structure, a creative work is disorienting, or even ugly. Zohar refers to the Dada school and Finnegan's Wake as examples of failed languages.14 My own efforts in this book have been influenced by James Joyce�s exploration into multi-dimensional form and language in that unsuccessful novel. On a philosophical level, Martin Heidegger�s very original use of language has been a more enduring inspiration. Dali�s style of painting succeeded and was similar to Joyce�s disjointed literary failure. Without entangling revolutionary religious and political passion with my own odd sense for words, this book would be as meaningless as Finnegan's Wake. One may not approve of this incendiary flare for writing ...a revolting style of compressed prose, but Orwell would certainly have agreed that free men and slaves do not speak the same language. But free men are not compelled to speak only of ideology. Words have been my peculiar obsession. I believe that energy can be stored in compressed words, wrapped in a multi-dimensional wave which can be visualized as a string, twistor, coiled spring, wave form of language. Like the spiral structure of DNA, the space-time code of this language is embedded within its own curved architecture -- within its implicate order. What is done here is to pass intense emotional energy through this coiled language producing rhythmic properties enabling one to first feel the meaning of complex order ...then understand its context ....then not.

If you go to the foundations of mathematics, philosophy, physics, anything, you discover that everything we believe is based on unproven and unprovable premises. Reason is ultimately stalemated by paradox. Yet here is an interesting phenomenon to consider: logic which arises out of poetry. Even though I studied technical subjects and a host of less mechanical ones, I never learned to think logically, and still managed to survive academically, although it was a different matter in "the real world". Ungodly amounts of time and energy were wasted memorizing everything. Not until nearly the age of fifty, after working on this book for years, did it finally dawn on me how to think in a step by step fashion. What I discovered was that there is logic in the poetry of one sentence, and I could intuitively understand how to write a beautiful line of thought; very gradually I began to see that a poetically written paragraph also has a logical flow to it, which is essential to its beauty. It became obvious that it is possible to write logically without poetic inspiration. But it was especially exciting to notice that when the energy is given to write creatively, those ideas also can be expressed in a logical way that enhances both the beauty of the writing and the complexity of the concepts. It is that insight which has finally made it possible to organize this book. I am sure that if I had been converted to logical thought ten years earlier, this book would have been completed much sooner, but with far less depth and beauty. This business of emerging genius transforming how the brain works is not merely wishful thinking, or some simplistic trick. Profound observable changes in behavior are evident, and that is scientifically significant. I am sure there are Jungian therapists that can confirm the veracity of this phenomenon, although I have been only vaguely aware of this transformation over the years. What may be unusual in my case is not that I have learned to think logically, but that it took me nearly fifty years to do so. My father never learned to organize the complex ideas which flooded his mind with fragments of brilliance .... failing to form the coherent light which illuminates everything; the consequence was that he simply did not structure a book that meant the world to him, and was the meaning of his life. He never found that which was seeking him because his ideas as a whole lacked the design through which a collective intelligence could make itself known. Perhaps he needed a guide, at least for a time; this book is intended for people like him, who go too far out on a limb -- who are caught between worlds and are at risk of perishing in the desolation of it all. But there is no way to make this journey safe. Ultimately, the most interesting journeys are the dangerous ones, where the therapists are left behind to tend to the anxieties of the well healed and the hopeless. All this searching probably would not have had such urgency to it if I was not so confused -- in such desperate need uncover clarity of mind. The moral here is that there must be a considerable number of educated idiots out there, like myself and my father, who still have reason to keep struggling even as the awareness of human mortality becomes inescapable.

This book is not a masterpiece of rational organization. It seems beyond my capability to construct a systematic philosophy. It is certainly my intent to make this material as understandable as possible, and rational order can help in that respect. Yet, in my own thinking, ideas do not arrive on some rational train of thought. They come out of nowhere. I try to organize them so that they make sense to others, and to myself as well. But I know that even if I labored to create a perfect order for expressing these ideas, that beautiful rational structure would never be enough to open the minds of proud men and humble women. Order is concealed everywhere, including in these poor efforts to organize the chaos of my mind. I can see the fragmented structure of my written ideas, and recognize the logical precision in properly constructed philosophical text books, a professional discipline which is sorely lacking here. I readily admit that my work is not scholarly; research is selective and not exhaustive. I may be wrong at times on some matters, but I am certain that the over-all argument of this book is correct. This reminds me of the complaints Penrose and other scientists make about their inadequacy in expressing their ideas in words; of all people, the chairman of the mathematics department at Oxford University acknowledges that mathematicians do not think logically. "People might suppose that a mathematical proof is conceived as a logical progression, where each step follows upon the ones that have preceded it. Yet the conception of a new argument is hardly likely actually to proceed in this way."15 Penrose suggests that mathematical thinking is very much like composing music. He identifies a global sense for the totality of the idea which has its origins, not in logic, but in vague ideas that are the real catalyst for creative thinking. He finds little correspondence between the time and effort involved in coming up with the idea itself, and the formal, well organized proof which is presented for publication. One holds the total idea in mind, but at times can express it no better than a religious zealot speaking in tongues. Like Penrose, I have felt the limitations of language, and would love to create something so much more perfect than this rough draft of reality. But I know that in spite of my own discontent, there is something of value here which does not depend on the logical structure of this text or the sophistication of my arguments ....something which can withstand even my own inconsistencies. It is this mystery which I respect. The logical sequence employed for unfolding the one idea disclosed again and again is a useful technique for aiding the practical mind to understand mysticism, but the organization of these chapters is artificial. However, the intuitive order, which can be found scattered everywhere, lives in the way in which language is used and in the ideas themselves. That is where one might find natural patterns -- a harmony of some interest. There is another order, which exists in this book, that is not entirely of my own design, and is hidden. I notice it from time to time and find it weird, to say: "the least".

The "voice" of the author in this book is an effort to experiment with new ways of describing mind and identity, other than the "objective" style of academics or the "subjective" perspective of common sense. Mystical insight is evoked by giving multiple meanings to words -- so they are coming and going all at once, much as Dali created illusions, or the Jews play their own adversaries in a game of monopoly. This type of compressed writing works best with very complex ideas which can draw on a multitude of self-similar phenomena of which we are only vaguely conscious. Many passages are written much as mathematics would be, in such a way that intimate knowledge and sensitivity to every word is often essential -- so that one might see a transfigured vision of the world .....the totality of thought as one interwoven idea. These very densely packed pages might be thought of as a file on your computer system that has been compressed. What is being done is to make the ideas algorithmically compressible. When this happens, the energy of the ideas increases, and the associations multiply into a many-images universe producing an intensely emotional, beautiful, flow of words which manifest characteristics akin to both the complementarity of quantum physics and the apparent logic of classical thought. What is essential to understanding these ideas is Being .... familiar with the language and feelings contained in the preceding hundreds of pages. It is by pressurizing thought into a concise form, an algorithm of poetry, that we create beauty. This process of compactification is the central mystery in the many dimensional world of string theory; the unpacking and packing of these other dimensions is a process involving a great deal of energy, which can be conceptualized as an emotional excitation of the mind to the high energy state of genius, and its' shadow-side -- disorientation. I would also suggest that compactification is similar to what is mistakenly seen as quantum vector reduction, the measurement process whereby the ambiguity of a quantum event breaks down into the cut and dried dead world of unambiguous classical physics. Living material is much more densely packed than non-living material, so much so that there is a bunching or squashing effect. This is the case with the coherent Bose-Einstein condensate16; both mathematical and verbal languages are inevitably drawn to manifest this same kind of complex organization because it is in our nature to prefer living languages to the dead grammar of legalistic bureaucracies. Most importantly, it is through such beautiful algorithms that we open the mind to a stereogram vision of wholeness, not merely as a logical conclusion of classical thought, but as the ecstatic experience which the new physics seeks under the provocative banner labeled a "Theory of Everything" �an existential shift from random dot quantum chaos to the quantum relativistic stereogram vision Being enfolded-and-unfolded before Our �eyes� as the insight-out-Look of collective consciousness Other name for the collective genius of a shared state-of-mind known as Culture -- The Kind: We-Create-Ourselves! Within the scope of metaphysics these pages survey, their wonder works only if we share common feelings. To unpack these emotionally compressed words one needs to make them "collective" by boosting One's energy level �by reading them aloud just as you would poetry. "Looking at a work of art is a creative act which leads to an order similar to that which the artist had in mind when the original work was created."17 Through the music of language, the poet teaches us how to feel the meaning of his words, to experience the energy of what Bohm called the "generative order"18 which existed during that timeless state when the work was first created. Someone who "hates" the ideas in this book will not have the same access to it as someone who embraces White Culture whole-heartedly. Should you want to get "inside" this Order, you have to enter the collective feelings awakened here; if you don't have the right rhythm, you can't get in, however shrewd may think -- you are. Meaning then is encrypted within the chaos of the human Spirit. But that has been my argument all along: thinking is a totally engaging process which demands your complete attention, and this is only accomplished with the input of emotional energy. But that "complete attention" is something mystical -- it is a heart felt intellectually satisfying sixth sense for everything, the most highly prized of all human experiences.

In mystical vision, everything makes sense; in real world terms this means something roughly like order. This book is intended to be left rough, so there is room for The Other to enter ...become engaged with it -- to make it your own only as long as it is needed. When your time arrives, just forget it ... enter your own unique deliverance to revelation. I am telling you how and why I use language the way I do, not so that you can profit from the blindness of believers ...but so that you can free your mind from the illusions which enslave and impoverish our common intelligence. I wanted so much to make this book perfect, but have come to see that I am not alone in my imperfection, and that we can be misled if we believe that others are to be idolized or demonized -- or imagine that genius always springs ready made from the finest prep schools, and therefore excludes me because I am struggling in confusion. This model of imperfection you are reading is in many ways more helpful than the perfect work of art which leaves no clues as to its beginnings ...God�s handi-work and no product of human creation. Do not become arrested, fixated upon the "sacred" image of some man made god or devil, whether Christ or Anti-Christ -- Such idols must be transcended. The time for imitation has ended; you must become the original. Remember, it is the strain that shapes us into what we are: Mein Kampf.

Think of the brain as the hardware of consciousness, and the mind as the software -- the program, the language of operation. It is difficult to change the language in which one is programmed to think, but it can be done -- if one survives the collapse of the mental wave function such de-programming entails. Freedom is the activity of shaping language rather than being manipulated by it ....pouring enormous quantities of energy into creative work that has the power to free the Soul, rather than remaining in the mechanized service of a system that leads only to material prosperity. The risen people of Society are committed to financial prophets at all costs including war, and those riding on their shirt-tails are willingly brain-washed by party-line education, the right religion, the distorted patriotism of market forces, the virtual reality of mass media hype ....producing a totalitarian utopia and real world prophets. Human Being does have the innate capacity for life in the wild, just as any wolf or primate does. Consider, these creatures that have looked after themselves over the course of millions of years. Do you think human Nature is less endowed than these animals born free of the ring masters who have us jumping through their latest fashions? Mystical genius is a natural state of intelligence which comes into Being only after breaking-down the structures and dogmas of one's initial classical conditioning. Such an under-taking is always dangerous, and for those living in overtly repressive or even materialistically rewarding societies: awakening is both maddening and revolutionary. It is relatively easy to rebel against repressive poverty, but extremely difficult to turn against a totalitarian State when fat profits are being laid outside your boss�s door exchange for your Soul -- your feelings! But how impossible is it for reborn believers to see through the lost virginity of their compromised intelligence? This racket is not something you want to be conscious of�s only a game in which you wish to be an innocent winner. All this bliss requires of you is ignorance. So pardon me if I am not impressed and intimidated by your up-scale equity. This selling-out of your awareness costs more than you have understood -- it is costing you your mind ....your sanity ....reality. And there are those of us who are here to remind you that your slip is showing. There is something more than a feeling of righteousness to be gained in turning against the "Good Life Insurance State". Many secrets are disclosed by enlightenment, chief among them: Being ...that "I" am not actually an isolated individual, but rather an awareness with feelings greater than "myself".

Penrose emphasizes that computers carry out mindless computation, without understanding -- without insight. "Yet 'understanding' is but one of the qualities for which conscious awareness is of value to us. More generally, we conscious beings gain benefit from any circumstance where we can directly 'feel' things; and this, I am arguing, is just what a purely computational system can never achieve."19 The point is that feeling is a form of intelligence, collective intelligence, which is evidently present in other forms of life also. While Nature may be non-conscious, She is not unfeeling. The non-conscious intelligence of Nature communicates with the organic computer of the human brain through an intensity of musical feelings. The task of the brain is to translate emotional energy into a language we can understand -- not only mathematics, but music, art, and yes even words. Genius relies on instinct to both interpret and create beauty. Penrose refers to the creative brilliance of scientists, artists and thinkers throughout history "...who seem to have more of this faculty of being able to 'smell' out truth or beauty than is given to the rest of us. But a unity with the workings of Nature is potentially present within all of us...".20 He is clearly speaking more in terms of sensitivity than academic sophistication. He believes that human consciousness is "interwoven" with the mathematical infra-structure of the universe, and that creative thought opens a passageway, "direct access" to the radiance of Nature's forces which are streaming through all of us.�which we have been modeling on compressing and decompressing random �gravity drops� ..opening-out into a mystical stereogram consciousness ..of cohesive feelings. Penrose argues that it is feeling which allows the creative mind to distinguish between that which is beautiful and that which is ugly, and that because a computer cannot feel, it cannot create beauty.21 The human brain is Nature inter-acting with other aspects of Her own Creation by means of a romantic chemistry rather than mechanical logic. Experimental scientists often showed interest in Einstein's work. Walter Kaufmann declared that he had succeeded in disproving one of Einstein's theories. "Quite revealingly, Einstein almost never responded to such empirically based attacks. Not only had he become less interested in a theory based simply on experimental findings, but he had a sublime confidence that his very generally applicable theories had to be correct."22 This perspective worked for him during his creative years. Einstein confided in friends that concerning his way of thinking, the "gift of phantasy" was more important to his creative thinking than his capacity to absorb facts. He went on to attribute his genius to instinct, to a "sense of smell", which is similar to Dirac's explanation for his remarkable discoveries.23 Weinberg finds it very remarkable that physicists, almost as a group, have backed theories, such as relativity, on aesthetic grounds when experimental evidence has been lacking. He attributes this unexpected behavior to the "... physicist's sense of beauty acting in conjunction with and sometimes even in opposition to the weight of experimental evidence."24

Like the physicists, we all enjoy acquiring new and exciting gadgets. This natural desire to constantly consume new products is however unsustainable from an environmental perspective. But, virtual wealth in the age of the Internet is an environmentally friendly alternative to a trash strewn disposable society. Virtual sounds, images, and information are a limitless form of wealth available to everyone, at a modest cost to society and Nature. The realities of this damaged finite world are driving us into the proximity of the infinite, closer to the spiritual realm of virtual universes and multiple realities ...our modern day incarnation of Plato's world of mathematical forms. We are in search of beauty without knowing it. Many creative types set themselves at odds with mathematics and the technology which is an outgrowth of what most think is an empire of reason. However, we are mistaken to see ourselves in opposition to computers. We, more than the technicians, must learn to respect the implications of artificial intelligence for our own evolution. Virtual reality makes no sense from the old fashioned hard as nails perspective of Newtonian physics. But quantum theory begins to become real as we experience amazing universes of interconnected electronic intelligence ....implying collective consciousness and -- Who knows what else? As we learn the natural rhythms of quantum thinking, we will begin experiencing the world more like mystics and less like lawyers.

For most of my life, I have been utterly incompetent in matters technical, but within the past year or two, my emerging interest in technology seems to be outpacing my passion for writing. You may have the idea that mystical poets are "space cadets" out of touch with the real world. Let me share with you a practical idea that occurred to me while writing this "racist diatribe". The hard-drive in my four year old computer failed. The drive�s disks would regularly make metallic noises, and this dual-boot Windows 95 / NT4 system would crash. The NT emergency repair program reported that recovery of my NT4 installation was not possible because the hard-drive was damaged. This was a shock, since I have always been able to rely on NT4 to fix such problems. The anti-virus program in the machine was reliable, up-dated, and used regularly; it ruled out the likelihood of a virus as the source of this difficulty. Not wanting to invest in a new hard-drive for my aging system, I needed to figure out how to re-install NT4 on a damaged partition and try again. As already stated, the hard-drive has two partitions, one FAT and one NTFS. The FAT partition of this 4.3 giga hard-drive was 1 giga and seemed undamaged. I tried to utilize a disk partitioning program in Windows 95 to isolate the damaged portion of the hard-drive, but to no avail. The challenge was to regain use of this unavailable partition. It was necessary to re-install DOS so as to get a boot menu, and thus make the dual-boot system possible again. I next installed NT on the FAT partition, but it could not see the contents of the NTFS partition. Foolishly or not, I also re-installed Windows 95 along-side WinNT4. After many attempts, it was finally possible to format the damaged partition and re-install NT4 on a new NTFS partition -- three times ...meaning that there were now four separate installations of NT4 on the hard-drive! The hope was that if one failed that another might work and allow me to recover material still locked inside the damaged system. Everything worked at first, but it did not take long before one of the NT4 installations froze up. The machine was immediately re-booted and a different installation of NT4 was selected from the DOS start-up menu; it worked fine. But what was interesting is that when I rebooted again and tried to open the installation that had frozen up, it now worked fine also. Not only that, all the installations of NT4 continued to work perfectly. Because NT4 systems are designed to operate in networks, they can see each other; consequently, the boot record corrupted on one installation can be automatically recovered if there are other installations of NT4 on the same partition, or perhaps on the primary FAT partition. I am uncertain as to the role of NT4 on the FAT partition, however I suspect it is essential. But suppose the system will  not re-boot? Place the NT4 installation cd in the machine and turn it on. The system will then go to set-up. However, instead of re-installing NT4, cancel -- remove the cd and reboot. This often works in repositioning the hard-drive�s read-write heads away from the damaged disk area. Once that is accomplished, recovering the boot record should be automatic.  What I believe we have here is a temporary means of operating a multi-boot system on a physically damaged hard-drive �which may extend the life of a drive indefinitely if you can learn to approach problems creatively, rather than mechanistically.  While this tactic does not guarantee a "crash-proof" system, it can allow you to recover what might other-wise be lost, and perhaps spare you time away from your work. This multiple NT4 installation approach may be worth trying on any system that has stability problems. The objective here is not so much to provide you with technical advice as to persuade religious fanatics and physicists alike that our patterns of creative thinking can change in very unexpected ways. Just as it is possible to get around the problems of a damaged hard-drive, it is also  possible to transcend the short comings of physical disabilities by persistently and intelligently struggling with the hardships that make self-healing evolution a real possibility for those willing �to play� the remarkably flexible human brain.

A culture will evolve which integrates the spirituality of human Nature with the material reality of this quantum physical world, much as human creative skills can be enhanced by high-tech machines. Without a powerful computer system and a sophisticated word processing program, a loser like me could not have possibly organized a book of this complexity � you have to understand that I am not merely engaging in pleasantries here. For well over forty years I have been too scatter-brained to learn the discipline of logical thought ...too fearful of mechanics to even try to use my unsteady hands to fix anything. Consequently, I was distinctly unsuccessful in the science labs I fumbled through � and more importantly, in the real world laboratory of professional employment. I neither understood others, nor was I understood. To write a book such as this would have been unimaginable without the magic of technology. The labor of handwriting or typing the volumes of material needed to develop this finished product would not only have been far beyond my physical and intellectual capability --- but more importantly, would have lacked the vital biofeedback exercise made possible by the automated system. The unfolding of human potential has now become linked to the artificial intelligence of computers... creating new states of mind. Working with a computer has forced me to deal with the logical design of things. I am certain that the computer has in fact refined my intelligence by augmenting precisely those functions in which I have been hopelessly weak, freeing the mind to maximize its natural strengths, and conceive thoughts that would have been unthinkable for a common man before the advent of this technology. When a person with some measure of intellectual discontent, who is not accustomed to using logical methods of thinking, employs a computer to enhance the meaning of his existence, the unbelievable becomes conceivable. It is the persistence of religious zeal, combined with some awareness of scientific thinking, that makes it possible to find extraordinary advantage in the use of technology to boost rational intelligence. This "expansion of the mind" resulting from pairing up emotional and artificial intelligences leads us to the resolution of fundamental mysteries. First of all, take note that artificial intelligence is non-conscious. It appears that any true "meeting of minds" involves a situation in which only one is conscious and the other collective ...and non-conscious. This utilization of the computer to substantiate one�s own vision is similar to what Einstein did when he used off-the-shelf Riemannian and Gaussian four dimensional geometry to give structure to his yet unformed, but intuitively understood, general theory of relativity. The artificial intelligence of computers can make genius a real possibility within the minds of creatively confused wash-outs by allowing a relativistic organization to become visible, which otherwise would have remained concealed the random-dot reflections of an unbalanced quantum non-conscious state ..of simply being. Complementary intelligences can pair up in quantum relativistic stereoscopic vision. This is a very real enhancement to the clarity of mind of schizophrenic mystical visionaries, and can literally be compared to the use of glasses by those who are near-sighted. Through these quantum relativistic complementary lenses of emotional and artificial intelligences, millions of gifted people, who otherwise would spend their lives wandering in a jungle of indistinguishable abstractions and bewildering instincts, begin to see everything in focus ...thus taking on the formidable vision of genius. It is time we start figuring out that Nature has invested a great deal in human evolution. Those who think like machines are not likely to experience this complementarity effect to the same degree as those who approach it with evangelical fervor. This suggests the balance of power is shifting from those who are shrewd programmed thinkers to a more sensitive breed who are currently wandering in the wilderness of emotional and intellectual repression. This also means revolution because a dispossessed people will begin to encounter the Nature of their own creative genius, and this will instill in them the courage to defy their oppressors because they will no longer have reason to believe in the superiority of any chosen people.

I am accustomed to understanding matters of ideology with considerable insight. It is frustrating to no end trying to grasp the many practical matters that rule our mundane lives. I am acutely aware of my own failures and reliance on the strength of others, the need for their intelligence to compensate for my short falls. Just as the computer can enhance individual awareness, so also can community appreciate our capacity to think and to feel. We call for each other in more ways than we can calculate. The hegemony of the Jews has its origins in cohesion ...out of which their collective genius has materialized. The creation of the atom bomb is a clear example of their capacity to think one thought, to share a common mind. It was primarily the Jews who developed this Old Testament we call "the new physics"; they were at the wheel from its theoretical beginnings ....their hands were on the controls right up to the physical detonation of the first nuclear weapon. Bohr was critical in this process, but neither he nor Szilard, Oppenheimer, Einstein, or anyone else could have master-minded this satanic creation alone. It was the collective co-operation, this concentration of minds that not only unleashed a nuclear holocaust, but brought into being a totalitarian science of world mastery. The genius they share in common far surpasses the brilliance of any individual Einstein or Bohr. Each and every Jew is able to plug into this network, both profiting from it and contributing to it. It is this solidarity which amplifies the pronouncement of any one of them .....silencing the voice of the un-heard thundering along the plains of this desolate American wasteland. The lone rider is no match for the Yahoos from Hollywood -- but not every lynching can be Billed as a happy ending. There will be one two many. Back-fire sparks the torch of chaos .... kindling a Spirit not set by the super-stars! The setting of another show-down need not be staged at High Noon. In the shadows, smoldering among the tatters and whispers of burned-out souls, a flame of rebellion can bring down a sold-out-House jam-packed and teeming with slap-stick tyranny.

While creative rebellion is a giant step closer to where we are going, it is not actually the central experience seeking us. There is something more than insurgent inspiration, for artistry can just as easily be the experience of a corrupt nature as the presence of the Holy. Above and beyond individual creative genius is mystical experience -- an unmistakable encountering of "Otherness": the Collective Mind of the Creator. Only when we understand this complementarity at the heart of things will we discover that it is human Being�s destiny to join minds with the non-conscious one-eyed Creator, the asymmetric Organizing Principle of Nature; only when the human "eye" is opened can God and man be aware of each other through the shared vision of complementary eyes. Not until then can we find our proper place in Creation, and truly know not only who we are, but why we exist! Only when we have re-calibrated individual consciousness to account for complementary intelligences, will we realize that the non-conscious emptiness we dread within ourselves is that everything we are so greedily pursuing with such savage devotion. There is a very urgent human need for an inner Spirit which guides one to distinguish between the radiant light of heaven and the flames of nuclear hell. That intimate escort is the Ordering Principle of Nature Herself, dwelling within and giving life to the extent we can endure Her presence .... this same Ordering Principle we observe "outside" in the world --- the ground... wiring reflective-intelligence with collective awareness -- the two poles of a shared consciousness that truly staggers the Mind and makes us all reel.

The creative imagination is a passageway ...a projector focusing the bewildering multiple frames of our quantum dreams through a well of collective feeling, transforming that energetic confusion into the coherent light of quantum relativistic stereoscopic ...collective vision: renaissance. What we will discover about the excitement of this resurrection is that it will change our minds. Renaissance is a mystical paradigm and not the product of private unconnected intelligences. We can now understand why it is so vital to the future of our kind that strong cohesive communities evolve, and how we can use both the human brain and technology in tandem to transmit primitive feelings of racial solidarity. Our Nature defines us by feelings of racial attraction and repulsion. These are universal instincts for survival, and we barely understand their significance as it slowly dawns upon us that the galaxy is calling.... "home!". There is a kind of reality that is seeking us, but it is not the common sense of bygone days. It lacks the certainty of scientific dogma or the authority of a last will and testament; it is only a theory, a theory of everything --- and it bursts into our lives like a canon from heaven. It is the vitality of eternal youth and will carry human Being to the far reaches of the galaxy, if for no other reason than simply White flight from planet Earth.

Not only are our nations endangered by population explosions spreading from the third world, but we are engulfed by a flood of information from that technology we are relying upon to save us. How do we cut down the volume of data spit out by unthinking machines, and focus on that which has enduring value? Our love of beauty can save us. If we direct our attention to irresistible design, the volume of our output will decrease but the quality will increase. In order not to be consumed by the debris of automated productivity, commercial society is driven, like science, to incorporate within itself its apparent negation -- the creative arts. A theory of everything is not a complete picture of the universe, "The Whole". Rather, this completeness expresses itself in everything we create. We do not see, nor could we be aware of the quantum universe in its entirety... printed out before our uncomprehending eyes; but rather we sense the whole within everything.... ourselves included. The imperative is that we come to see "the whole" through individuals ....that is, that we see through the illusion of individuality. Individuals should be recognized for their continuing achievements, but society must be compelled to allow fresh creative genius to continually renew our collective Spirit, rather than establishing a class of political super-stars who have "made it", forcing the rest of us into the repression of re-living their glory days for the rest of our lives. Rather than pursuing or idolizing wealth and fame, we would be better served by turning our eyes toward the more natural stars that adorn the heavens.

Mathematicians and physicists are legendary for noting the uncanny way in which their two abstract fields of thought interpenetrate one another to describe the physical world in which we live. They may be solitary in thought, but the discipline in which they are engaged is not isolated or unique to themselves. The remarkable quality which gives math and science such mysterious power is that any number of players can participate in a given game where complex problems are introduced without the certainty of solutions. These disciplines are the creations of centuries of genius .... brainstorming ... pooling ideas over-time for a common creative purpose. It is this capacity to join with timeless thought which the solitary thinker finds so exhilarating. Such a person is in contact with something which is very real, and clearly greater than himself. He too thinks great thoughts; inevitable ideas, as ancient as civilization itself, live again through him ...evolving in complexity, power, and beauty -- and he is very much drawn into them, not as a cog in a machine but as a creator..... one of the immortals. These phenomenal worlds exist because of the natural capacity of the human mind to join with other intelligences to create Platonic heavens. It is this same sense for a collective reality which enables a shy musician to participate in the immense energy and booming presence of the orchestra .......or the soccer player to inter-weave his own moves into the life of his team and their common goals. Human beings do not come alive until they engage in common activity, whether overtly in a socially observable sense, or more subtly still in the tangled worlds of uncertain feelings and unformed associations. This is what it is to be human belong to the collective Spirit of one's natural calling.

The imaginative human being feels an energy which inspires thoughts that are much grander than his own reflection. This experience of a wider awareness is accompanied by a unique intensity of feeling that is often personified as God; but it is more faithful to the experience itself, and our own Nature, to think in terms of a collective feeling ...a felt intelligence which draws the world of one�s deepest concerns together. There is a sense of one�s common Nature; one simply begins seeing things from the perspective of a felt community, much as creatures within Nature string along with their own pack. This instinct for collective feeling, enhanced by intuitive understanding, is the "missing" link to our own human Nature. There is an emptiness within us which makes it possible to pair-up with collective intelligences of both artificial and organic origins. This emptiness is hidden within our thinking, is integral to it ....much as the sleep of unconsciousness is embedded within our Nature so that we might Find The Rest essential to Our Being.

In our pursuit of that which is missing, it is necessary to look at "Everything" in unexpected ways ....much as Einstein did. Einstein created equations when developing his theory of general relativity. One was unbalanced from an aesthetic perspective. He described the half accounting for gravity as being majestically carved from marble, and the half representing matter as being constructed from ordinary wood -- he found it homely.25 While Einstein was able to come up with the marble half of his equation, society in general is fully committed to the wooden half. If the human mind is to have a significant place in the future of science, then man must distinguish himself from the logical structures and instruments of his own invention. Computers are valuable to us, but we must have an awareness of how we are different than these machines. Consider doing a data-base search on a given question. In a fairly reasonable amount of time, you will gather most of what is to be found from your investigation. But there may be critical information you know to be missing, even though you do not know what it is -- you will know when you see it. Its that kind of "thing". Searching for no-"thing" can take a life-time, as scientists like Einstein have long understood. Our expectation that the logical order of things must be complete is classical thinking at its worst. What we need to be able to do is approximate what we do not know. This can be accomplished by adding multiple dimensions to the structure of our language create expressions that are open-ended! Let�s return to the relativity equation carved in marble and wood. The logical frame of the equation is only part of the solution. There is another dimension which is not classical, not logical -- which is essential for completing natural problems, not merely artificial ones. The equation should be written in such a way that the logical side made of wood has multiple dimensions which are not visible at first sight, but when seen in-depth necessitate the chaotic dimensions of insight ...making this half of the equation fully as beautiful as the half that seems carved in stone. Our problem is that we try to fit "Everything" into regimented scientific technique -- the wooden logical structure of class-room reasoning. Our aim is two-"figure"-out how this missing matter can be contained within what we create, even though we may not be conscious of it. But how? The way it is to be done is similar to Neils Bohr's logical attempt in writing both a statement and its antithesis into every argument; but he used a classical methodology to solve a quantum problem, and as we shall see, such an approach leads into a world of distorted images.

Bohr believed very deeply in the principle of complementarity, and he acted on that insight in his experimental efforts to design a new methodology for physics. Bohr's colleagues report that for this man, who chose the symbol of Yin and Yang as his coat of arms, opposites held a special fascination -- that "...while the opposite of truth is an error, the opposite of a great truth is another great truth."26 Bohr had trusted friends, and one of them was Leon Rosenfeld, whom Peat refers to as his "collaborator". Rosenfeld maintained that this innovator who believed so completely in complementarity translated that principle of duality into a most curious style when writing scientific papers: " Bohr would agonize about the best way to express a particular idea in a given sentence; then, when he had written it down, he would attempt to express its exact opposite in the sentence that followed".27 Classical physics is based on real numbers. Two real number solutions to a quantum problem do not add up to complementarity, but rather to the reduction of quantum physics to classical physics. What should actually be done is to incorporate the two "opposites" into the same quantum relativistic representation of chaos and wholeness, rather than splitting them up into a classical logical duality of unambiguous order. With only slight variation, the language being introduced in this work follows the same form as the mathematics of complex numbers... which are the soul and body of an incomplete quantum physics in search of relativity.... of Platonic abstraction reducing itself to incarnate reality. Relativistic words approximate classical order while simultaneously preserving the ecstatic chaos of quantum illusory multiple meanings.....of the unheard. The quantum state of super-position, represented by psi y , is described mathematically using complex numbers: one aspect of the number has order and is real; the other is an imaginary representation of the randomness that complex number must take into account. The weirdness of quantum physics has its origins in this inter-active architecture of Cardano�s complex numbers.... which imply relativity as well as quantum physics. The configuration Bohr should have sought would need to manifest not merely the complementarity of quantum physics, but a not yet imagined quantum relativistic vision high-lighting the interpenetrating nature of relativistic orderliness and quantum randomness ....both essential to the structure of these mystical complex numbers. What all of this boils down to is that physical structure is the incarnation of mathematical Platonic form. Form is meaning, or as Marshall McLuhan would have it: "The medium is the message." Consequently, the quantum relativistic language created in this book is the message!

In explaining quantum vector reduction, Penrose introduces a procedure he refers to as OR, which stands for objective reduction. OR also functions as the humble conjunction or.28 He is trying to enable language to operate much as the real and imaginary numbers do in mathematics so that the complexity of quantum physics can be understood in words. Like Bohr, Penrose apparently is making use of the Danish theologian Kierkegaard's "Either Or" complementarity. Penrose wants objective reality preserved; to do this, it is necessary to reconcile relativity and quantum theory. He hypothesizes that this can only be accomplished by restructuring the familiar languages we use as tools for describing our physical world. He thinks "... we should seek, instead, something that looks very different, though (initially at least) it would be mathematically equivalent to the familiar descriptions."29 As an example of the kind of transformation he anticipates, Penrose refers to the way in which Einstein's space-time expands upon the already existing flat space of Newtonian physics. I have based my thinking on Penrose�s hypothesis, and find that poetry can accommodate apparently conflicting languages and visions simultaneously, using a form similar to Cardano's complex numbers. Poetry becomes a means of expressing the creative depth of human perception ....a geometric language necessitating the quantum relativistic stereoscopic vision-of-insight into the depths of collective awareness. You will recall from the discussion of chaos and self organization, as well as computer technology, that this collective awareness can become entangled with inorganic organization also. As we have seen with Dali, art is the poetry of vision. More extraordinary than Dali�s illusions are the stereograms which pull us like a gravitational force into an unfamiliar state of consciousness ...but not unknown in the many universes of the new physics. For example, this visual sensation of depth encountered through the stereogram enables one to get a sense for the very abstract phenomenon Einstein called space-time. The creative arts then enable the scientist to gain an intuitive human feel for concepts he may otherwise know only in a mechanical sense. The purpose of the imaginary arts is not to provide the technical expertise of real science, but rather something less tangible -- a feeling of reality for a very complex science of complementarity that seems to have lost its excitement along with its innocence.

This practice of including the missing material ....that which is not ...within the creative work isn�t actually the same as what the Jews have done, either in Bohr's time or over the centuries. For them, there is a classical consideration which has always taken priority over the need to solve quantum or moral paradoxes. Modern society is based upon a very classical-physical reality: money. The accumulation of large amounts of real hard cash is an implied priority which supersedes all other considerations because it is linked directly to power. This book would never have been written or released if it necessitated the approval of an established university professor, father confessor, superior officer, or publisher. There is no way a theoretical problem of quantum weirdness is going to overthrow the money principle because of the vested interest of those who regulate scientific research. Because we lack the collective-quantum relativistic insight and outlook essential to recognizing the complex nature of things-entangled by the quantum physics of non-local complementarity, this imaginary enigma has spilled over into our real world environment in endless forms of contamination. However, from the vantage point of those raking in the profits: that's acceptable "collateral damage" for doing business. Just stamp it all top-secret, bribe some key senators, make a well publicized donation to the National Cancer Society and keep pumping out the sludge. Opposition is not allowed to actually be itself; it is manipulated by a distorted hybrid intelligence. The Jews more or less controlled the communist/capitalist power blocks during their cold war game of tag-team tyranny. A classical mind is behind and controlling the quantum relativistic paradigm used by social engineers, and this is not kosher. The high rollers in the markets are not really taking quantum chances because the classical control of central governments steps in to bail them out when chaos gets the better of them. A real quantum system, much like an "above Bohr-ed" stock market, must leave room for the consequences of uncertainty. The outcome of a classically manipulated artificial quantum relativistic system is predictable -- distortion. In such an artificial scheme, the complementary pairing of the male is not with a natural matching female, but the female from another race, or the homosexual drag queen. All is warped, and Nature is being destroyed -- as we can witness by the extermination of endangered species by the putrefaction of this common environment we share with them. My intention is to recover this natural principle of complementarity and allow it to be expressed authentically, introducing not the classical control of totalitarianism, but the natural balance of intelligence and instinct.... to encourage people to know and be what they are --- to re-introduce the radical concept of freedom.

What needs to be done is to develop the art and science of incorporating complementary opposites into everything we design. This is how we "implicate" the missing information into our work -- by creating a quantum relativistic vision out of a super-positioned State, which is faithful to natural harmonies. Examples of this inter-active order include the camouflage of plants and animals in Nature, as well as quantum relativistic stereograms. Apparently, everything and every process in creation has this complex design that is both real and imaginary. By changing the way we use language, this model of complexity will instill within us as a society not only a sense for reality, but an authentic feel for spirituality. We must mean what we say, but also something else -- which appears to be its opposite. But it is not merely a logical contradiction, it is the poetic paradox, the koan, which discloses a passionate "truth beyond understanding". You might notice this quantum relativistic poetry appearing here and disappearing throughout these pages; but my objective is to teach you to identify this natural phenomenon in your own words, and to recognize it in the writings of others. It is imperative that one have flexibility of mind when confronting the volatility of thought disclosed within these passages. Incendiary themes of race and revolution boost the energy level to such an intensity that this quantum relativistic state of both super-positioned ambiguity and relativistic Order can be created and sustained. What is involved is not merely a few words with multiple meanings, but entire landscape drafts of reality ...super-imposing one on ..The Other, producing not merely two images as Dali does, but the depth-dimensional-world effect of the stereogram. Imagine curved or jagged surfaces, which together shape a world whose dimensions are determined by the energy of feeling which opens this mind-scape of quantum relativistic thought. Great ideas make an extraordinary shift from the rigid structure of verbal logic to flexible visual images, as an array of colossal concepts move us into a field of unsoiled beauty. This is not some kind of marketable technique because emotion is the essential chaotic ingredient inherent to the beauty of words. There is a very real change in thinking, where the mind ceases to focus on what the words appear to be saying and moves about in something like a chaotic self-organizing rhythm among the multitude of crossed-words -- so much so that one feels an ecstatic shift toward a non-verbal visualization of everything, which is akin to the kind of thinking physicists, artists, mathematicians, and musicians experience. The intent is to evoke mystical genius, much as the koan is used for the same objective in Zen. We are not just creating art either; we are passing through the Platonic world of formed ideas into the quantum pressure cooker of unformed intuition that is as often as not too bitter for the cultured palate to relish. These revelations naturally gravitate toward a quantum relativistic form we recognize as complementarity. Thesis and antithesis, the logic of reality and the Spirit of imagination co-exist in the same space-time. It is in this way that the incompleteness of thought is fulfilled, and what is missing is woven into the tapestry of our individual bodies and our common Soul. And yet, the writer constructing such complex form is not necessarily aware of all the multiple dimensions which inhabit the collective mind of his own creation. Because language and feeling are collective in Nature, they are prone to transcending the consciousness of individuals, who are the fragile reeds through which these immense forces play-out the immortal melodies that turn the Heavens and the Earth.

Pagels argues that Bohr's quantum theory requires that we choose one reality at a time, quantum or classical. I would argue that we must see things in depth, and that requires the duality, the complementarity of stereoscopic vision ....which is based on expansive quantum energy inter-acting with the limiting focus of relativity. A deeper reality opens through this duality. It is not merely a matter of two perspectives, one quantum and one relativistic. What is being drafted here is similar to the in-depth visual projection of our own two eyes too are the multiple meanings of language and splitting images of toned-down reflections. Stereo vision sees into the depth of everything, and peering into that well opens up the spiral design of Nature, from the helix structure of DNA to the winding energy of whirlwinds and spiral galaxies looking like hurricanes spun off into space. Energy is being emphasized, but it seems to have a form, whether it be the cosmic spiral or the metaphysical spring of string theory. Ultimately, we are discovering how to visualize traces of this wave-aspect of our galaxy re-cycling itself at every level of magnification. It seems possible to stare down this wave dimension enveloping us; doing so is exhilarating, and in turn exhausting. This hypnotic wellspring is the source from which everything is renewed in what some have called "the eternal return". Poets too have been known to repeat themselves. A theme may be introduced, developed and reach a persuasive resolution, only to emerge many pages latter in a more elementary form, and follow a different evolution. It is this returning to the place where we started which creates the spiraling motion discussed over and over again in passages like this. Your disciplined thought necessitates a clean, linear, horizontal progression from beginning to end. You want to deal with an issue and have it done with, but I feel that old ideas keep reworking themselves, re-emerging like ancient history trying to reveal some timeless secret that has been over-looked again. Arguments may appear contradictory from time-to-time, but one can live with that because behind the buckling logic of the good old daze, glimpses of eternity break through. This roughness of thought is quite natural, if not chaotic; it mixes up our illusory sense of time and makes it necessary to re-think the unthinkable, without abandoning the over-all course of thought to mere distraction. Visualize this repetition as a spiral wave turning back on itself, while still ascending ...traveling light, wrapped only in words. In more poetic than physical terms, think of a wave not as an entity in itself, but a collective array of particles like infinite drops of water swirling through the oceans of a topsy-turvy world. Imagine the fluid feeling conveyed by the sensation of a spiral wave expressing both the ecstasy of being pulled into the ascent heaven-words and the gravity we feel of falling into the alluring vortex which motions to us from below. Everything is flooded by waves, and we too are swept along by a force we hardly under-stand. The challenge facing the unsuspecting is the startling discovery that great ideas are dangerous, urgently compelling ultimatums calling on us to balance the science and art of collective consciousness so that we might ride the perilous swells of over-lapping realities rather than be swallowed up by the under-tow of lost identities. The fearful revelation of this emerging Order is that the dry land of classical reason is no refuge from these waves which take hold of us from within as feeling, and draw us into collective action without thought for ourselves.

Pagels refers to an illusion popular among psychologists. It can be seen as either an ordinary vase or as two faces, a typical Dali image of duality. This is important because it is not merely just another idea; it is the best formula Bohr, Pagels and other main stream physicists can come up with as a livable compromise to an impossible paradox which has resulted in the splitting of physics into two distinct realities: quantum and classical. "Arguing whether the micro-world is local or objective is like arguing over whether the picture represents a vase or profiles. They are two mutually exclusive ways of speaking about the same reality. You must pick one if you are going to describe quantum reality. But within the framework of material possibilities your reality is a matter of choice. Once your mind accepts this, the world will never be the same again. The material world actually imposed this way of thinking on us."30 But this call to make a choice in good faith is the core of Jewish deceit. They set up an illusion which allows them to play both possibilities, and then through the media persuade society that it is essential to freely choose one interpretation or the other. There is no real choice, anymore than selecting a Democratic or Republican presidential candidate will make any real difference in the ultimate actions of those who manipulate all career politicians. To justify tyranny in the public mind, the individual is forced to choose communism or capitalism, liberalism or conservatism, science or religion etc.. Every con-man knows the in and outs of the double-cross and the turn-coat, playing both sides against the middle-class. The deception of tyranny lies in failing to disclose how to creatively deal with the con-game: the paradox of duality, of complementarity. It need not be the forced choice logic compels us to accept. There is a more all-encompassing perspective which balances reason and imagination: genius. Both realities can be preserved and implemented simultaneously. One can express contradictory arguments in one poetic statement. The basic thrust of the idea is that intense feeling is communicated along a beautifully organized line of reasoning. That feeling may or may not contradict the logic of what is apparently stated, but deep within the context of words there are multiple meanings, and it is feeling which allows one to distinguish truth from illusion --- Your feelings, not necessarily those of the composer. The beauty of this quantum ambiguity is that the statement defaces itself; it discloses truth indirectly and in spite of itself. It leaves open room for an imaginary number to be revealed, not knowing what that might be! Poets associate words on the basis of both reason and emotion; they listen to the cadence, the feel of the music which carries them along on a wave of enthusiasm -- this emotion introduces a randomness into sentences which a low energy logical pun cannot match because the poet can create string upon string of linked words and images evoking a multitude of associated emotions and notions so subtle that he himself cannot identify them all. Creativity is so exciting because it entangles the artist with the concentrated energy of collective intelligence, enabling him to escape the confines of his own personality by creating something more enchanting, more captivating than individual understanding. This is possible because language is something collective, and is more than any person who would set it in motion. When the artist overcomes his own self-consciousness, he takes on the dangerous panoramic outlook of a strangely non-conscious collective intelligence, "seeing things" from many different perspectives which most of us would find too painful to know. The measure of artistic and intellectual genius is the range of perception, the capacity of creative instinct to bring the unknown out of its myriad hiding places by compressing a multitude of irreconcilable passions into one voice -- holding opposites in a tension of beauty that achieves the impossible and defies understanding. A powerful symphony releases intense emotion, but does so by unfolding feeling in a logical pattern that draws us along, as if by a wave, toward its inevitable conclusion. Energy and structure reflect and reinforce one-another synergistically. There is a sense that we are driven along a predetermined track, but not one of an other's choosing -- a deeper Platonic logic, which is borne within us, discloses itself with such persuasion that we find ourselves letting it run its own evolutionary course. In the light of this primitive brilliance, logical contradictions that might have puzzled us now seem simple-minded, like the elementary error computer viruses use to paralyze artificial intelligence -- the more simple, logical and unassuming the error implant, the more impossible it is to detect. "The real mystery of the physical world is why there is no mystery -- nothing seems to be ultimately hidden. That we may not always know reality is not because it is so far from us but because we are so close to it."31 It is for this reason that we must question our most basic assumption: logic itself; and turn toward that which is closest to us: natural instinct. It is the resolution of apparent contradictions which creates the beauty and excitement we feel as an intuitive awareness -- and it is especially this capacity for intelligent feeling which distinguishes man from machine.

We are our environment. What I want you to understand is that we start with the collective consciousness of the infant bonded to his mother ....not to the whole universe. It is the self-consciousness instilled in us by society that confuses and sets us at odds with our environment. It is our mechanistic programming that leads us to imagine that we can "tune-out" the noise, pollution, and distractions around us. Such is life in the fragmented mind-scape of normality. Quantum relativistic awareness filters much of the chaos ...out of which consciousness emerges, but it is sensitive and therefore fragile; it cannot just tune-out the disorienting environmental stimuli characteristic of this urban techno-jungle --- everything crowds in; this is what causes so much confusion to the "mentally ill" --- they cannot stop the influx, the bombardment which is too much for self-consciousness to endure. Under such circumstances it is easy to tell that people mean the world to us; unless we can find comfort and stability in our community, we live in bewilderment and fear. Your state of mind is a product of your context. This collective mind can be destroyed by those in society hostile to us. The society in which "I" live determines who "I" am. One's State-of-mind is not a personal matter; we are collective creatures, and group identity, or lack there of, is all important to each of us. This is the ideal of the middle class: to live in pleasant surroundings among a class of peers who are not the equals of the multitudes of the world. If I am surrounding "myself" with hostile people who are racially different, this is my state of mind. If some guy, who is no "brother" of mine, is shouting so loudly that I can't hear myself think, he and the emotions he transmits are much of what I experience: "our" collective "culture" --- and this can be the maddening torture of an MTV gansta-State. However, if a beautiful woman with real intelligence should enter the picture, I am changed by her presence: physically, emotionally -- totally, and so are all the other men present. She is the center of our collective attention. She effects our experience -- our collective mind through our commonly felt physiology -- simply by being "there" .....whether she is conscious of the emotionally elevating effect she has on every-man or not. It is the custom of self-contradicting city dwelling individuals to ignore others in public spaces. Contact is implied simply by sharing the same space-time; eye-contact can be powerful and instantaneous. Should a group be sensitive to collective instinct, it would be very easy to establish remarkably close relationships, particularly with complementary members of the opposite sex. Intimacy is the life blood of collective identity, and the love song just a hint of the intensity our emotionally starved intelligence will enable us to share. It is amazing to see how we are all here pretending to be unaware, uncaring and detached from one another. We are not only physically but emotionally attracted by those of our own kind, and repelled by those who are fundamentally different because they break our concentration, preventing us from concentrating ourselves into a cohesive intelligence that is shared through the many forms of cultural genius. It is the destroying of our collective awareness, as Griffin and Field might see it, that is the objective of the multi-racial society. The intent is to isolate like-minded people from one-another, to make them individual, disposable workers: dependents of the corporate slave state. A mechanical model of identity issued by the multi-national State is too artificial: identity must have an emotional charge, such as race, and be linked to sexual instinct. Human Being must be allowed to be what she is at his most primitive level, so that together those who belong to one another have the instinctive energy basic to ascending this spiral of collective passion. One does not awaken alone; what each of us seeks is to be at the heart of everything. Collective consciousness is known as an intangible feeling which inspires, which pairs-up non-local partners like an imaginary number homing in on real individual awareness. You can recognize that because we are social creatures, genius must ultimately be associated with sexuality; however, what you are not yet able to acknowledge is that because the sensitivity at the nucleus of our collective genius depends on a yearning for soul-mates of unmatched beauty to whom the heart is fully committed, the multi-racial society threatens our potential for common genius by attacking this deepest dream which guides the evolutionary course of our romantically entangled genius. If White men do not feel sexually and emotionally inspired by Black women, while Black men are attracted to White women, then the multi-racial society must inevitably be repressive from the bottom up. While the rational mind can be readily fooled, your heart can not be cheated; you can't fake the love that haunts your dreams. A White woman may be attracted to a Black man, and perhaps feel love for this individual. But as anyone who is married knows, you marry into a family, a circle of friends, extended relatives and a community of shared loyalties with a common history. This multi-racial mix is a formula for alienation; it fails to open the pair to a genuinely inspiring spiritual heritage of deeply felt culture they can share with their children and ages of others like themselves. On the contrary, these levelers equate the wisdom of the past with racism because it is does not reflect their likeness -- they find their glory in dancing among the ruins of a once great civilization, with no understanding for the millenniums of thought they are more than eager to bury. Wanna-Be-Blacks may make it on MTV, but the politically correct orchestrated success of the party players is a far cry from the authentic mystical state of collective genius. The chief casualty of this forced State of "love" is your intelligence, as must be evident by this "dumbing down" of American society. While the Men In Black may wipe out your memory with their latest hits, this equality through media-washing is very much in conflict with your own Nature. It is the problem of your having forgotten what you are missing. It is this "not knowing" with which you must come to grips before it is possible to establish contact with all that is "missing". And if you don't yet know the secret of the obvious, gaze into the mirror and start with the visible; feel your face with your hand, and then notice your reflection. Go back and forth, repeating religiously: this is my form, that is my reflection --- go into that reflection and out of your mind. Each person needs to be "in the know", to see through the high-energy eyes of quantum relativistic stereoscopic-vision .... to plug into the net-work of witty excitement catching-on all over the place -- such is the Nature of evolution. Its all very sexy. You must see that Nature is repeating the same sensation in the brain as with the sexual organ which attracts each one of us to the social intercourse essential for procreation. The mystical feeling of transcendence is as gratifying as sexual arousal, and like sexuality can only be satisfied by creative activity ...joining relativistic individual awareness with the quantum whole from which all consciousness proceeds. We will recognize our collective reflection in the artificial intelligence of machines, and become aware of how a natural collective instinct can exist yet be as blind as sexual desire.... or love. While we may be entranced by the brilliance of high-tech toys, we are strung along by an impulse to play these instruments of power in an orchestra conducted through the artistry of our common touch.

The fundamental distinction between classical physics and quantum physics is this: classical physics examines and predicts the behavior of discrete, individual entities, such as the velocity of a speeding bullet. Quantum mechanics does not concern itself with predictions about individual things, such as one electron. It focuses on predicting the behavior of groups of entities, and the mathematics used for this calculus is probability statistics. My point is that modern science is only interested in collective phenomena which can be interpreted statistically. Perhaps you have noticed in your real world life that individual opinions have no more meaning than a vote for some corrupt politician. It is the Gallop poll of collective opinion that captures the attention of advertising executives of multi-national corporations and their subsidiary nation-states. Only group behavior matters to those who count. Scientists know the collective nature of life and use statistical mechanics in every discipline from physics to political science, economics, and on down the line, to predict future activity. Any suggestion of collective intelligence is laughed at as mystical nonsense and unscientific. A reality based on the impersonal individual observer, the robot, is the only acceptable identity utilitarian scientists can "choose".

"I think therefore I am". Who is it that creates this self? Durkheim�s society. Who chooses that "I" continue to exist? Not some simple-minded self-consciousness instilled in the unthinking child by the totalitarian State. I exist only by creating a self-conscious state of mind; when such a self is created, then "I" exist ..."I am." The objective is to lose this mental State implanted by society without sacrificing the capacity for reflective consciousness. The intelligence behind reflective thought is the mysterious genius of the feral human animal. If we take away civilized identity and leave only the unbroken human savage, there is still intelligence. It is this "noble savage" who chooses to be reflective or not. The skill we must learn is to control our state of mind -- learning to utilize self-consciousness as it is necessary, without defining it as absolute reality, as something permanent. A totalitarian system programs "the public", and defines significant change as mental illness. In madness, the mind is out of control. "Mental illness" need not be something that merely "happens" to you; it is possible to shape this process creatively. The objective here is to "play the mind" -- to make consciousness an art. Human Being can learn to influence how the brain functions. Such change is a major alteration in human equilibrium, something we might think of as mystical metamorphosis. Mysticism and genius are nowhere near as mysterious as we are led to believe; they are as accessible to us as our own susceptibility to mental breakdown -- a reality most of us dread, but some have the nerve and mentality to recognize as the source of our evolution. This is not a trivial activity. There are real risks involved, but success at this art is what we call genius; failure is madness. One learns a basic respect for truth during this ordeal because one quickly discovers how easy it is to become lost in illusory deception and unable to find one's way --- all you have to hang onto in this surreal world is truth. For those tough minded scientists who wish to inform us that all truth is relative, let them try challenging the integrity of claims made by relatives of Holocaust survivors, or question the democratic dogma that all races and ethnic groups are intellectual equals. Oh yes, there is truth -- for example, this scientific principle of relativity itself. Right? Any truth worth knowing is an agonizing and ongoing process of discovery ...and not merely half of an equation carved in stone. Your survival depends on the clarity, accuracy, and timeliness of your quantum relativistic-vision; piety, sentimentality, and cowardice will not sustain you in this frigid wilderness. Nor will logic alone. A person is able to change so fundamentally that one is no longer identifiable. By saying there is "no self", one means that there is no fixed identity, just as truth is living and does not lend itself to being either carved in marble or elevated to the stature of the sacred. We recognize that a human being can "lose his mind" and become so bewildered he no longer knows who he is. What we have not yet learned is that you, like the actor or actress of many identities, can "lose your mind" without becoming insane, that the person you once thought --- you were! --- can disappear forever. What you are seeking is not what you think! Intuition must be sculpted by hand. The language we USE TO think is obsolete, unable to contain the insights ...we must discover -- just as classical physics is not equipped to express the concepts of the new physics. We must re-shape the grammar of our minds so that out-dated forms do not jam in the place of shifting mentalities. Only when "I" cease to be the center of "my" world of experience can collective consciousness come into Being ....and truth make itself known for as long as we can with-stand its presence.

The neuro-psychologist Richard Gregory maintains the centrality of the mathematician Kurt G�del's conviction that all logical systems must rely upon unprovable assumptions. Logic cannot even guarantee consistency within a mathematical system. Uncertainty is present at the most fundamental levels of Nature, including within the operation of the human brain. When ambiguous signals are discerned by the brain, illusions are perceived. This cryptic information may be assimilated as though it were precise, distinct data. "Perfectly reliable checks are not possible, for they require assumptions; and the neural mechanisms are not completely reliable."32 What is to be done to avoid utter confusion, or even madness? Gregory offers a solution I find personally very persuasive: ". . . It seems that to maintain sanity we have to adjust our sights for 'truth' and what we demand as evidence over an enormous range, according to the situation that we are in (or believe ourselves to be in!)".33 Truth is not the same as certainty. Sometimes, our best efforts to express the truth can be complex rather than simple. When describing complex numbers we noted they contain both real and imaginary components....and so also does truth. Gregory suggests that much of mental illness results from rigid adherence to a fixed "reality" in a world that is by no means free of illusions. It does not take much to persuade many sensible people these days that our society is spiritually and mentally ill. Gregory makes a very curious comparison between society's current state of mental break-down and the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly. "This is like a caterpillar going through its profound reorganization in the chrysalis, when even head and tail are reversed, to emerge as a quite different creature, perhaps even without memory of its past."34 He says we are still within the cocoon, or as I prefer for poetic reasons to say -- within the shell. Gregory is deeply troubled by the practice of separating scientific reality from the reality of human sense perception. Somehow, mind, as created by the human brain, and our way of presenting scientific information must become compatible. A single coherent sense of reality must be established, which allows us to see not only scientific facts but a human face behind them. He does not seem to see the way ahead for accomplishing this urgent task. The danger appears to be that in attempting to reconcile human consciousness and scientific knowledge, a kind of unifying mysticism, implied in the new physics, "...might just possibly be dangerous; even to the disaster of annihilation. We might with a unifying account disappear as objects of perception. ....Just possibly, as understanding grows we shall become transparent, invisible: so that we shall not know ourselves or exist, without returning to ignorance, and this may be impossible because the gaining of knowledge is virtually irreversible."35 Gregory seems to speak as an apologist for the intellectual repression we face today, under the guise of political correctness; he suggests that it may be necessary to protect society from a fearful evolution free thinking might precipitate. "One can imagine a Priestcraft of Deliberate Ignorance, organized to conceal truth, to preserve Minds as objects against the destroying light of the 'speculations' of science and philosophy!"36 Gregory may sound like a bishop from the Dark Ages-- just another one of "The Men In Black", but repression goes down well in a totalitarian society with a beat. However, there are still throw-backs sliding among us who won't be licked, turned into suckers.... sitting ducks in line for the next hit from the Hollywood Brothers. Easily tens of millions of our people alone... in their mental anguish... have tremendous potential; but it is in the interest of those who have already established themselves to prevent wide spread fulfillment of that creative talent yearning to be born.... because competition from ambitious upstarts challenges their claim to authority and the wealth it justifies. In order to over-turn "the chosen" order it is first necessary to increase the intelligence of these "potential" revolutionaries. People must believe in freedom and have the temper to declare they don�t have it. These have knots must cast their lots with one another and not into a new brand of consumerism. Imagine the brilliance of numberless stars which increases exponentially the more broadly it spreads ...wildfire in the heavens. Just as your identity is so largely determined by society, so also is your intelligence. You have no idea the price you are paying for submitting to the existing order. I know because I have lived with you in the shadow world for well over forty years. It is as though you have found being neutered an acceptable initiation rite to the protected status of victim. Unless freedom is your life, you are passionless; but as with sexuality, creativity is an instinct inherent to what you are. My objective is to put you in touch with your own Nature, to move you to confront your own reflection ...because the quality of your life enriches our common genius.

My mistake for so many years has been in trying to see the world without myself being there. I am illusion so I do not exist. Gregory�s fear that "we shall not know ourselves or exist" fails to anticipate a quantum relativistic stereoscopic perspective which can sustain the consciousness of relativistic cohesion within and out of the depths of a chaotic intelligence. What should be done is to see into this world stereogram not as an observer but as an absorbed intelligence. Notice that the stereogram creates a whole into which consciousness seems to fall. This total perspective includes me; it need not annihilate awareness in a holocaust of insanity. Think of a Zen painting in which there is a tiny figure on a hillside surrounded by the wildness of Nature as it appeared before the industrial age. A more current way of imagining this collective whole is to look into the electronic media as an absorbed intelligence; understand that this high-tech experience is more than "my" personal sensation, and most importantly, that the emotions being broadcast through radio and TV are not merely "my" private feelings -- they are a collective sensitivity! --- But now the collective aspect of human Nature is experienced in a context difficult to localize. One is taken in as a trusted insider -- unless, of course, the programming being broadcast into your home is hostile to your family, in which case you-all are prime candidates for paranoia. Thus, context is everything when encompassed by the surround sounds of the media, and the reason that in our space-time it is imperative we find common ground for loyalty to one another. Without the support of a trusted community of broadcasters, there is no enlightenment for us, no genius -- only "mental illness" �madness, or as the Media-State loves to say: "Hate"! You see, the self is a shell, a defense against a predatory environment, but an intelligent human being is constrained by the suffocating screens of this self-made fortress. Enlightenment involves abandoning that "mind under siege" mentality ....choosing freedom and vulnerability. A new defensive shell must be created, but not around any individual because the technology of mass communications so blatantly contradicts self-consciousness that it is driving us out of our minds; this new electronic shell is created around a wider, more open identity --- a group of trusted people, who have become so close they now love and belong to one-another. It is this electronically enhanced INTIMACY which can bind us together and make us strong enough to stand on alien worlds. We will perish if we remain a race of people alienated by wealth, language, nationality, religion and superficial differences of appearance. We must learn to be far more tolerant of those like ourselves before we can effectively protect all our people from those who are truly different. The community benefits from this perspective, just as the individual does. But most importantly, we learn as a culture to see this world in which we live in a less destructive manner by overcoming our long standing problem of subject vs. object -- self vs. God -- man vs. Nature -- us vs. them; and this enhanced vision increases the likelihood that we can avoid the suicide of another fratricidal war.

Gregory's insight is neither superficial, nor crazy. In a real sense, the self-conscious individual does disappear ....falling into some quantum relativistic whole. This is indeed just as dangerous a process as he expects. What he doesn't anticipate is an extraordinary increase in creative intelligence, which is Nature's gamble in this metamorphosis every step of the way. However, if today�s multitudes of alienated viewers are left in isolation, there is no telling the consequences of such radical change on individual behavior. Society cannot afford to risk madness on a grand scale. In order to "allow us to see ourselves", it is vital that an evolving human identity, consistent with scientific innovation, should take shape -- and that this relativistic form should be a coherent collective identity embodying a contagious intelligence emerging out of the quantum chaos of revolutionary times. Stability is shifted from the realm of individual self-conscious ideas and beliefs to a more stable biological level. If human beings belong to a group with an enduring physical identity, they will not feel threatened by those around them, and consequently avoid the catastrophic consequences of paranoia rampant in today's violent multi-racial societies. People living in a homogeneous society can find comfort and security in each other, and this environmental stability will enable them to withstand the immense degrees of change occurring at more abstract technological levels. Because there is a firm racial foundation to human identity, attention can be shifted to the super-structures of the mind, which science and spirituality are very able to re-design in tandem.

Consider the rudimentary conflict between quantum flux and relativistic stasis. Too much innovation and there is chaos, too much stability and there is paralysis. Where is there a living space in which we may breathe... A cave with enough depth to provide shelter? What are the limits which can reduce quantum randomness to relativistic order? This is similar to the problem with which Newton wrestled in his Calculus. He discovered limits that prevent mathematical functions from proceeding into the emptiness of infinity. The chaos of Nature sometimes creates patterns; only when this occurs, does the randomness of "Everything" take on the identifiable form of order. Patterns have boundaries, limits. Much of the time we witness the non-conscious groping of Nature in unproductive directions, and this terrifies us to no end. There is direction to our lives, but we must realize that Nature gambles, but not senselessly -- Nature is always giving us a chance. We have a say in all this; we can improve our odds in this never-ending game of adaptation, but there is no certainty -- no pre-destined glory, not even for the Jews. ...only forms under construction trying to work their way out in more than one direction. Think of beauty as a fascinating chaotic design like a strange attractor. By introducing attractiveness into our community, into everything we create ...we open-form to "the missing" ... chaos, the uncertainty which quantum theory requires of all relativistic scientific expression. The artist tries to express this intuitively felt organization-under-construction by identifying natural boundaries which place dynamic form in a more stable context. Genius is the wisdom, the instinct to know where to set limits, the boundaries beyond which lie corruption and madness. He knows this because every thought of consequence necessitates testing the bounds of established sanity. Life is the process of seeking unattainable stability. So we consciously risk becoming trapped by the splendor of our own creations. The borders of beauty are relativistic, transforming a mystical vision of eternity into some variation on totalitarian order. We are caught by our mortality, choosing time over timelessness. Yet the alternative of non-action, so characteristic of established mystical traditions, idealizes a pacifist submission to the Caesars of "this world". Inaction is also a choice having an impact on the natural flow of events. We must enter the dance, but it is critical that our steps be in time with the eternal rhythms which guide not a one dimensional destiny, but an entire galaxy of perplexing choices spaced-out before us.

The moment at which ultimate identity or the lack of it, God or Godlessness, enters human awareness, so also does weakness. It is essential that the foundation on which "reality" is built be of sufficient strength and intelligence. The ultimatum is that some limiting identity must be defined or we limited human beings will be besieged by unbounded forces that strip us of all our choices. Nature is non-conscious and impartial. There are no chosen people unless they choose themselves, unless they are attracted to one another. It is only when human beings instill consciousness and caring into this incomplete world in which we dwell that life becomes meaningful. As Durkheim noted, we place ourselves at the center of our own deepest concerns. This is a relativistic perspective whereby we choose one-another. But today our survival, and any hope of freedom we might cherish, depends on taking this stand. Other groups, such as the Japanese, assuredly are driven to this defensive position just as we are -- and most of all, the Jews who demand that all others renounce their identities. In practical terms, this means we must stand our ground and fight, knowing full well that the vision we share is not the absolute and final truth, for truth is forever disclosing itself anew, as revelation. We are mortal human beings seeking to be what we are, and what our Nature wills us to be. We demand the freedom -- the independence -- to follow our own instincts, to set our own limits, to go on changing in the direction we choose, and not have limits imposed upon us by the over-lords of some other race, who would enslave or absorb us into a new mixed-race order that is not dedicated to our survival. The limitless craving for change of the liberated mind is held in check by bonds of devotion to one's people, a love as human and sensual as the irresistible attraction a man feels for a woman. One is not free to betray one's children or act as a predator toward one's own community. Thus, it is love and not repression that limits the boundless expansion of the human mind.

Gregory sees promise and disaster both arising from the creative mind. He argues that the mind must have structure in order to restrain the darker side of human potential. But a structure must allow those living within it to breathe. He draws on a theme of "tolerance spaces", which are widely used in mathematics and engineering. Just as tolerance spaces are needed in the construction of machines, so also are they required in the fashioning of society. Structures designed to tolerate expansion and contraction, within carefully engineered limits, can breath and are stronger than those which are inflexible.37 He concludes that imagination should be allowed free play within these tolerance spaces built into the flexible frames of society. "Perhaps where tolerance limits are set provides the basis of personality, as also of the structure of societies. If so, surely the setting of the limits within which we are free of the physical world and yet able to survive within it, distinguishes sanity from madness.. "38

The core confusion experienced by many schizophrenics is the loss of identity; they are plagued by their sense of "the others" in this rat-race society. They can no longer identify the limits, the boundaries which distinguish them from "they". But hold this thought for a moment, and turn with me back to the peculiarities of the spoken word. I strongly suspect that the multiple meanings of words is an integral feature of schizophrenia, and that the mentally ill hear an alternate interpretation to what people say, a concealed meaning the speaker himself is unaware of. A therapy for schizophrenics could involve showing individuals their relationship to the group by disclosing how language seems to speak in spite of what the person using biting words intends. Bring these imaginative people to realize they have good reason to feel confused, that they are correct in sensing that sanity is not all that it is cracked-up to be. Once the ambiguity of language has been admitted, explain that "normal" people listen to the logical flow of a discussion. They filter out ambiguity by choosing that meaning which is consistent with the context of a step by step exchange of information. What the schizophrenic person does is to feel individual statements, without any sense for the chain of reasoning connecting the flow of ideas being expressed, either by himself or other people. His short attention span seems linked to an emotional tension which short-circuits the mental stability needed for logical communication. The problem is not intelligence, but anxiety, even hallucination -- being unable to distinguish inside from outside. One can learn to think logically when given good reason to do so, and the immeasurable fortune of a nurturing environment. If the confused soul understands how essential logical reasoning is to life in sane society, there may be more of an incentive to develop this social skill -- however legalistic, artificial, and even untrue it may seem at times.

Confusion is the heart of humor. There was an old Abbot and Costello comedy routine, made famous in Dustin Hoffman's movie Rainman, about a Chinese baseball player named Hu. The joke arises from a hopeless misunderstanding by the fat funny-man who is entangled by the question "Who's on first?" . The answer is "Hu", "Hu's on first.". The answer sound's almost the same as the question, so the straight man carries on a very logical exchange with the funny-man ...who only becomes increasingly upset and confused by the intonation of the repeated "question" he receives in answer to his question. This joke is funny because the audience has figured out that "who's" is being entangled with "Hu's", which sounds the same. It is this kind of mix-up that confounds many people as they try to learn any language, even their own. English is especially full of such potentiality for ambiguity. I have suggested that a dimension of mental illness is expressed through Freudian slips. Christian intellectuals have appreciated the spiritual potentiality of "The Word". They sense that sometimes God speaks to us, enters into our dialogue with others through "His Word": Out of the mouths of babes truth makes itself known. The focus of modern philosophy for decades has been language. Physicists have argued that the complexities of quantum theory cannot be explained in simple words. Bohr made a logical effort to allow his language to contradict itself, thus embedding complementarity within his own apparently contradictory statements; Bohm tried to restructure the English language to enable it to contain the mysteries of his explicate/implicate order. Both efforts failed. Penrose, Zohar, and many others, in both the sciences and humanities, have tried unsuccessfully to resolve this paradox of ambiguity which gives language the potential of transmitting the complementary ideas of quantum theory. A poet with a feel for science, and a passion for this particular enigma may see language in a way physicists do not. Language is allowed to become entangled within itself. This is done by writing essays that are intended to be read aloud and heard in the context of others, just as humor implies participants. However, when read, the ideas have a different logical meaning than what is conveyed emotionally when the same words are preached. Depending on intonation, and the context of surrounding sentences, a string of words can have three or four meanings. Some words are especially rich in their implications, and can convey even a dozen different interpretations depending on context and voice inflection. If a writer were as precise as a mathematician, it would be possible to design many sentences that allow for them to collectively express perhaps as many as ten dimensions of meaning. This may all seem to be a very amusing game, but why string somebody along with such nonsense? What is the point of a multi-dimensional language? How can it be applied in practical terms? When a language has many dimensions to work with, it is possible to express ideas that cannot be elegantly contained within standard language. Consider: Was this not exactly the twisted world described by George Orwell in 1984 : Foxy cross-dressing straight talkers getting a Rush on the air waves pitching that old-fashioned no spin Hardball to the inside "left" corner while looking �right� � retiring heavy-hitters to bull pens in Alaska. What?! Gulags in America? No!?! Just giving The �Bill� of �rights� a �fresh look. Please analyze the following sentence very carefully and try to determine what it means: It is never an easy call telling the Holy Rollers from the high rollers when the good timers are rocking and rolling in their joints. In figuring-Out all possible meanings, one is compelled to start thinking terms of mathematical permutations. Try to imagine practical applications for this multi-dimensional language. I am certain that just as Cardano�s imaginary numbers eventually proved useful, this kind of thinking will someday serve a noble purpose. What has been proposed here is truly revolutionary: to re-form the language through which we communicate with one anOther � re-turning the depth of meaning to all our lives. Paradox is a consequence of running out of dimensions, of trying to fit a four-dimensional idea into a two-dimensional logical structure. We extricate ourselves from the confusion surrounding this knot in our thinking by creating a many-dimensional language capable of translating concepts as complex as Einstein�s space-time from a muddle to the artistry of the stereogram. Many times the complexity of the ideas in this book left me at a loss for words. To deal with this paralysis, it was necessary to modify key words so they would lend themselves to multiple meanings -- pack sentence after sentence without knowing exactly where all these multiple meanings might lead. They always led to both greater beauty and a clear insight into ideas that had previously appeared "only through a glass darkly". This is an eminently practical reason to engage such an ostensibly fanciful style of expression ...much as quantum methodology is far more effective than classical mechanics in a Variety of Scientific Experiences. Multi-dimensional patterns have remarkable properties. Non-locality for example! By creating such complexity it is possible to not merely modify the understanding of a few sentences, but to enhance the meaning, and consequently the beauty, of hundreds of pages already written that are entangled by these highly charged words. These multiple depth dimensions introduced effect the work as a whole, and not just the local sentences directly involved. A literary work can become visual, taking on the kind of geometric depth encountered in a stereogram .....disclosing a mystical "presence" no less engaging than the startling artistry of the random dot stereogram. Poetry lends itself remarkably well to encryption. Imagine that all the different interpretations are inter-related and convey a coherent collective meaning of their own that is of extraordinary complexity. Some ideas are simply like that. Not everything can be reduced to a logical statement, or even two. Sometimes it is necessary to intentionally make mistakes, but oversights made by those who know what they are doing can disclose a truth deeper than grammatical, or political, correctness. You might want to go back a dozen or so pages and take another look at the context surrounding a "sold-out-House jam-packed and teeming with slap-stick tyranny." Our logical society requires that a correct meaning be selected, so that illusion and the "error" of ambiguity are broken; this is the same mistake made by those requiring quantum vector reduction. What is being done here is to maintain the ambiguity. The quantum super-position does not collapse! Multiple meanings and much more are implicated in the language, which is both individual when read, and collective when spoken. But this is not the ambiguity that hurdles blindly into chaos. This requires that we know the rules so that we can change them in a meaningful way. What is special about these words is that they are intentionally designed to lead those who participate in them together "into the open". That is why this quantum relativistic stereoscopic-language can only succeed when expressed with commonly felt passion. It never works when reduced to two "Bohring" logical statements. You may or may not like the ideology introduced into this work of philosophy; or you may not appreciate the philosophy of science super-imposed upon a perfectly fine piece of racist literature -- but one thing is for sure, the subject matter of anti-Semitism has raised the level of your emotions and increased the potentiality of these words accomplishing what they are supposed to do: open your mind. Such a quantum relativistic event is truly fundamental and can only occur as a confounding experience. To express this idea, it is necessary to not only break the laws of grammar and logic, but the politically correct laws of society as well. One must become a "thought criminal", a heretic and revolutionary to comprehend what is being felt as well as understood. You have failed to get hold of this book unless its emotional force has moved you to both outrage and insight. You cannot express an idea of this magnitude otherwise. Great ideas are always dangerous, and the task of intellectuals, priests, and lawyers is to make them safe for a polite stable society, to convert the quantum relativistic vision of oneness into the classical idol of the one god. But sometimes the dangers facing a people are so fearful that only heroic quantum relativistic stereoscopic-revelation can stand in the breach between beloved children and certain death. Should we succeed in creating an enduring future, it will not be one dominated by turncoats and bonded double agents; it will be characterized by familiarity with images of complementarity, multiple meanings, and transforming mechanisms that toy with common sense. Double vision will make everything appear as though projected through the manifold facets of diamond windows on a stellar night, as shooting stars of a Tunnel Vision tyranny fall-out of fashion. The music of the knight will awaken the day so that we might see clearly through the crystalline lenses of our collective "eyes". It is not so much that new ideas need to be introduced, but rather that we come to understand the scientific theories which have been turned and twisted to torment us. As we become acclimated to quantum relativistic awareness, we will feel fascinated, nourished, and inspired by the complex nature of our new reality, which has brought us closer to the mystery of our own Nature's way of seeing things. We will also be less vulnerable to deception because it will be our custom to think in terms of complementarity. Life will become a whole lot rougher for con-men when mystical insight becomes the touch-stone of religious devotion.

The Existentialists say that man is a useless passion because he aspires to be God. While man cannot be God, he never-the-less yearns for communion with the Almighty. Technology has become a mystical heir ...apparent and appealing to the brain�s instinctive desire to be plugged into "Everything". Like rebellious angels, we discover ourselves unable to wield the power we would usurp. Flooded by a deluge of facts and mocked by unfamiliar emotions, we find ourselves losing control of this natural kingdom that has never actually been under our domain. Falling from grace is more frightening than we imagined possible. Undreamed of fears leave us disoriented, unable to distinguish reality from imagination ...unclear as to what is inside and outside our own minds. Maintaining command over one's behavior is vital for the individual, and an even more urgent concern for society. Damage control forces us to focus on the basics: at least gaining the discipline to regulate our own actions. So where is all this (self?)-control suddenly going to come from? Our tendency is to see everything as permanent, including mental breakdown. This need not be the case. The mystic remains sensitive, perhaps overly-sensitive, to his instincts because he has been willing to endure this mental collapse without a lot of external assistance and has avoided mind numbing remedies of every kind. His body has begun to establish a new equilibrium naturally. During the "dark night of the soul", the mind's momentum favors disintegration; you lose faith in everything and everyone -- even "God". It is very depressing, distant, and dreadful as the Existentialists might say. But even this burnout of despair is a limited and temporary state; this fragmenting fission of nerves need not lead to the destruction of the mind if one has the courage to persevere, to never give up. The universal spiritual message from centuries past consistently affirms that resurrection from this "sickness unto death" is possible. There is a new life after self-consciousness is lost for those who have not chosen the course of deception. When the dust of confusion settles, human intelligence begins re-organizing the mind, and the momentum of change shifts toward integration -- toward order, but not in the same self-conscious structures that existed in one's "former life". The brain re-wires itself. It is not possible to re-establish the "simple faith" of one's "innocent" youth, or the same kind of self-control that was once imposed upon the mind. The old world stands before you like a bad joke, which so many still take seriously, as they na�vely go on being deceived by shrewd professionals. New and more honest approximations of an eternally changing reality are created by a mind that aspires to wisdom incomplete order which makes perfect sense to someone who now knows something about distinguishing truth from deception. The mental architecture of common sense is in ruins, and a clear-headed intelligence discovers the wondrous way in which everything just keeps on coming together -- endlessly into what appears to-the-mind ..To Be: perfect wholeness: FUSION -- REVELATION! One now experiences the flip-side of mental breakdown --- genius! Remember our riddle? How do we find that which changes, yet the more it changes the more truly it becomes itself? Some riddles do have spectacular answers, but only in the struggling can these resolutions be realized. It is this quantum relativistic fusion that is the on-going timeless dimension of spirituality which tradition has sought to "capture" in the name of divine revelation .. now the source of our very physical salvation as that energy materializes in the very persuasive form of a fusion-state-of-mind. Mental breakdown is the fission which precedes this remarkable fusion of mental clarity. Without this schizophrenic fragmenting of the mind, there could be no miraculous re-structuring of mental chaos into a new ever-changing approximation of order. The genius of fusion is the inverse operation of mental fission -- they are part of one process that we may more profitably think of as evolution rather than as illness. As the repentant sinner is released from his solitary cell of purgatorial self-consciousness, his eyes gradually adjust to the light of Plato's new day. He now knows what those who are walking the same path he is traveling most need to hear; he understands human Nature inside and out be collective. His mission is to disclose the obvious: a field of flowers, the beauty of your own children.

Science and religion both want to bring to light the inter-relatedness of the heavens and the Earth; but people don't want to deal with complexity, with the wholeness of Creation. Scientists and believers alike prefer solving isolated classical problems piece-wise. We are confronted by an environmental crisis.... a multitude of tribulations that are not being solved. Perhaps the best we can do is learn from those who have solved complex problems in the past. Weinberg mentions that he has felt "mystified" at times when trying to understand some of the more brilliant papers by physicists such as Heisenberg, Plank, Einstein, and we might add the Bohr of Copenhagen as well. Remember that Weinberg is himself a first rank Nobel Prize winning physicist, prominent among those seeking a vision of totality. He admires the magic of their genius, and obviously has felt something of that creative urge in his own work; this is why he is so enamored of the beauty he senses must be present in the final theory. Beauty is like an enchanting song -- it appeals to a wisdom more fundamental than consciousness. "Then there are the magician-physicists, who do not seem to be reasoning at all but who jump over all intermediate steps to a new insight about Nature."39 The writers of textbooks have to organize the work of such magicians so that cryptic forms will somehow be intelligible. "It is usually not difficult to understand the papers of sage-physicists, but the papers of magician-physicists are often incomprehensible. In this sense, Heisenberg's 1925 paper was pure magic."40

For too many intelligent people, science is technique; it is like cooking -- it simply requires the following of a step by step procedure in a clearly defined recipe. It is this standardized professionalism which allows science to be practiced uniformly by people everywhere. "Nature uses the same basic idea again and again in different situations. The hallmark of these re-applications is their mathematical character. The search for the Theory of Everything is a quest for that technique whose application could decode the message of Nature in every circumstance. But we know there must exist circumstances where mere technique will fail."41 Science is not only technique; it is also insight. My argument is that a theory of everything is possible, but when presented it will appear to be incomprehensible the mystifying works of Weinberg's magicians. The theory of everything will be observable, but only as a revelation of such beauty and power that we will be able to endure it solely when we have the energy to feel the genius of all the entangled dimensions. Because of the intensely emotional quality of this theory of everything, science will be compelled to reconcile itself with spirituality. The nature of that spirituality will inevitably focus on collective intelligence because the shared excitement generated by the group will prove to be the most accessible and intimate passageway into the heart of that new revelation. As individual scientists feel the reality of their group, they will understand that the observer of quantum relativistic physics is a collective intelligence which is created by and includes each one of them. But this wondrous new science will not work unless the people involved really feel engaged not only with their common ideas at a Platonic level, but with the men and women pre-occupied with this exhausting process. A manipulative science of bomb makers would have us be robotic slaves with no interest in the meaning of what we do; but our human Nature is organic and our intelligence creative. If we want to advance scientifically, we have to accommodate ourselves to that reality. If we chose the path of least resistance, and remain on the course set in for us by the bombardiers of Manhattan, we will blow ourselves to kingdom cum, where clouds of pink and lavender shower tears of remorse upon those who have fallen-out of grace with Heaven.

The arts at the beginning of the 20th century were unanimous in conveying nightmarish images of fragmentation, of fission; and that premonition heralded two world wars. The military, business, government etc. of this "great society" all use human beings as though we are machines. Human Being is strung-out upon a cross between his biological Nature and the price on his head ....the price compromise to society takes out of his hide ....the price of her body-soul as she is forced to sell herself out hole-sale a machine to be burned-out and discarded ....with no "off" spring of her own delivered for all her labors. Christianity views us as discrete spirits that are ultimately independent of our bodies. As spirituality and the new physics fuse into quantum relativistic science-with-a-human-face, there will be a release of energy that will transform this unworthy civilization into something wondrous ....undreamed of by those decadent geniuses now falling out of favor. We will cease the disintegration characteristic of a fading 20th century abortive cultural wasteland, and feel a holy momentum of unifying mysticism fully capable of converting our spent energy into a miraculous form of power we never believed possible. The 21st century will be characterized by arts that convey a vision of fusion, and a rejection of the fragmenting multi-culturalism-of-the-Jews in favor of the unifying society based on racial solidarity. The rise of racism proclaims the failure of self-consciousness and the recovery of collective identity. One world socialism has taken up arms against the primary forces of this age: the collective consciousness inherent to computer networks, and the more basic sexually charged nature of racism. The common man makes the very uncommon discovery that he is human Nature, and not merely a "no-body". The transpersonal Nature of mysticism is precisely the dimension of experience we need in order to make sense of our technological advance into cyber-space, but this is only a prelude to what awaits us. Collective mind begins to make sense to spirited folk whose lives are linked through electronic networks. This collective mind can easily tap into powerful racial instincts for a shared identity. It is inevitable that a "techno-spirituality" will appear on the screen. A spirituality dedicated to White separatism is required which can find a sustainable balance between technology and human Nature: these two over-lap in the area of intelligence expansion. By designing a creative spirituality, we can readily hack and tap our way into the beat of the multi-media world. Our aim is to convert "intelligence" into the spirituality of the new millennium: genius; and couple this newly freed energy to its origins: madness (or as the media would put it: "hate") and mysticism. Looked at another way --- mysticism is traditionally viewed, in both East and West, as empty, impotent, harmless ...without content: "The Tao that can be spoken is not the true Tao". "Those who know do not speak and those who speak do not know." If speech fails us, than we will find a way around this tongue tied silence. Neither Wittgenstein nor Schr�dinger's cat have any longer got our tongue. There is an original language in the process of creation that arms the empty Samurai mind, enabling human Nature to fulfill itself through the expression of quantum relativistic ideas ...breathing intelligent content into the souls of hollow men ....endowing individuals with the collective Spirit of a mysticism with something worth thinking about on our common mind, and the courage to shatter the silence which has petrified centuries of thought.

In Terror of a Savage Nation - Orwellian nightmare dawns on the West

                            END NOTES

1.Weinberg, Dreams of a Final Theory , p.66

2.Penrose, Shadows of the Mind , p.146

3.Penrose, The Emperor�s New Mind , pp.423-424

4.Penrose, The Emperor�s New Mind , p.424

5.Davies and Brown, The Ghost In the Atom , p.134

6.Zohar, The Quantum Self , pp.198

7.Zohar, pp.199

8.Zohar, p.193

9.Zohar, p.193

10.Bohm, David and F. David Peat, Science, Order and Creativity � 1987 Bantam Books, New York, p.170

11.Weinberg, Dreams of a Final Theory , p.121

12.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , p.248

13.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , p.222

14.Zohar, p.191

15.Penrose, The Emperor�s New Mind , p. 445

16.Zohar, The Quantum Self , p.205

17.Bohm and Peat, Science, Order and Creativity , p.171,

18.Bohm and Peat, Science, Order and Creativity , pp.188-9

19.Penrose, Shadows of the Mind , p.399

20.Penrose, Shadows of the Mind , p. 420

21.Penrose, Shadows of the Mind , p.400

22.Gardner, Howard, Creating Minds:An Anatomy of Creativity Seen Through the Lives of Freud, Einstein, Picasso, Stravinsky,Eliot, Graham, and Gandhi � 1993 Basic Books (Harper Collins Publishers) New York, p.117

23.Ehrenwald, Jan, foreword by Jules H. Masserman, Anatomy of Genius � 1984 Human Sciences Press, Inc., New York, p.119

24.Weinberg, Dreams of a Final Theory , p.103

25.Weinberg, Dreams of a Final Theory , p.108

26.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , pp.184-185

27.Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm , pp.184-185

28.Penrose, Shadows of the Mind , p.350

29.Penrose, Shadows of the Mind , pp.388-389

30.Pagels, Heinz R., The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics and the Language of Nature � 1984 Pelican Books, Great Britain, p.175

31.Pagels, The Cosmic Code , p.175

32.Gregory, Richard L., (Professor of Neuropsychology and Director of the Brain and Perception Laboratory, University of Bristol), Mind In Science: A History of Explanations In Psychology and Physics � 1981 Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, p.556

33.Gregory, Mind In Science, pp.557

34.Gregory, Mind In Science, p.557

35.Gregory, Mind In Science, p.557

36.Gregory, Mind In Science, p.557

37.Gregory, Mind In Science, p.547

38.Gregory, Mind In Science, p.547

39.Weinberg, Dreams of a Final Theory , p.53

40.Weinberg, Dreams of a Final Theory , p.53

41.Barrow, Theories of Everything , pp208-9