Genius is the process of becoming and not something which already exists --- that's why such thoughtfulness seems so abstract, so impossible to dangerous. Genius is about a struggling immaturity, and not efficiency in structured institutional employment, nor is genius to be confused with what academic institutions measure as high IQ. Many pages ago we pondered the reason the Jews so feared Hitler; now we see clearly why -- They apprehend the contagious quality of genius. They know and dread the potentialities and probabilities concealed within the immaturity of ordinary folk, living in extraordinary times. The battle is over your right as a human being to fulfill your own feelings, for they are the source of immense human promise. The difference between us is not a matter of intelligence; it is about the infinite distance that separates free men from slaves. Our common environment shapes us both individually and collectively.... suggesting that genius arises out of a context and not merely in the head of an isolated individual ....attracting us to one-another, just as love and sex do. There are essential sensitivities we must experience collectively, but which cannot be properly expressed in an all male context. There is a complementary quality to this symphony of souls, meaning that living organizations must be composed of both males and females --- if they are not, then the uncanny intimacy of our collective potential either shuts down or expresses itself as perversion. If we have the desire to release the intensity of shared passion --- this collective genius of ours, then we have to accept the heterosexual nature of power.... to reconcile ourselves to the stirring effect the sexes have on one another in every aspect of the body/mind.

Heaven-Words has ten chapters, seven of which are divided into sub-chapters by repeating the chapter number either once or twice. There is an out-standing chapter numbered 1984. As the themes of this book develop, they become more complex and inter-woven with each other. The links on this page should help you follow those ideas most central to your own research. You will find 22 links and excerpts for all these chapters by clicking on the Heaven-Words homepage link below.

If you wish to understand this book, you should see it whole � and the place to start is the homepage: Heaven-Words copyright 2002 WEBb1910473801 (All rights reserved by the author)

1 Gordon Press-ing realities in a surreal world

11 Cold War origins of totalitarianism in North America and Western Europe

111 Rise and fall of Roman Catholic Church: revisionist history

2 Salvador Dali portrays two-timing artists of today: from religious to ideological war with Jewish genius

22 Quantum theory made easy - Origin of nuclear weapons

4 Creators of the atomic bomb: debasing nuclear power into a totalitarian order in the new world

55 Breakdown of madness dawns on genius of collective consciousness

7 Emile Durkheim: sacred symbols conceal unholy conviction: believers-in-themselves are sacred..chosen people

88 The double edge rap of black and white words

888 Totalitarian science of quantum wholeness -- David Bohm: Krishnamurti or Cusa

9 White separatism: a racial code of kindred kindness

99 In Terror of a Savage Nation - Orwellian nightmare dawns on the West

1984 Waking up to a Savage nightmare in an Orwellian Nation: Michael Savage and Alex Jones compared

10 Spiritual beauty of the fighting Irish - A quest for courage

100 Collective ends of a quantum relativistic beginning: Quantum theory made easy

Collective genius in the common man: Revelation of a savage spirit - 999

We are driven to become racists by the invasion of our White nations by peoples who dance to rhythms alien to our common Soul. The Reformation of Western Civilization, set-off by and distanced from the increasing mixed race masses attendant upon us, is possible in a way that was unthinkable when Christian Churches and Democratic institutions still held the respect of patriots. As important as a sense of unity with our environment is, our independence from an evil world empire is equally compelling. But how are we to think of such abstractions as identity and difference? We can understand the urgency of limits, the boundaries of our physical bodies -- defining ourselves, so that we might not be violated, swallowed up whole by the unacknowledged differences of undefined masses .....streaming colors harbored under the banner of Dame Communism, newly painted red, white and blue. Our national birth-right is sold down brown colored rivers by wheelers, dealers, and ought-ta-be swingers hanging round deserted light posts ....foolishly waiting for boys from the hood ...not ready to crack a smile. Our identity can only be what we are. Instinct defines the boundaries of our community, not cut-rate laws twisted to wind-falls that fill alien sails and Wall Street shelters. The priority here is to preserve our racial instinct and restore the primacy of intuition as the ground of a workable culture in lands once governed by free men. This is accomplished by conveying intense feelings in all that we create, whatever our professions might be. If you think that mathematicians and physicists are not as emotional as poets and musicians, then you have a long road ahead of you. If you imagine that you have no need for rational thought, then you have no road ahead of you at all, only the tangled under-brush of Nature in the wild -- and that's a wandering does not know. If you believe this is a presentation of unwavering racist faith, you have not yet touched upon the contradiction which holds everything together ....the irrational which inter-weaves revolutionary designs with the most solemn of convictions. What is the end of all our confusion? Central to enduring chaos and emerging order is the determination that we can find ourselves only by losing ourselves in the complementarity of our own Nature: male and female ....a reality of passionate racial attraction uncovering the excitement of incomplete quality ....the Miss-ing link to wholeness.

One of the most essential ideas of quantum physics is the wave/particle duality of matter. At its most basic level, everything can be understood as being composed of particles or waves; neither form is sufficient in itself to express the whole nature of whatever it is that always remains partially concealed behind this duality of particle and wave.21 "...subatomic entities are neither fully particles nor fully waves but rather some confused mixture of the two known as a 'wave packet'..."22 It is possible to detect particles or waves, but we have no means of observing this mysterious "wave packet"; "...the exact properties of the duality must always elude any measurement we might hope to make."23 What seems most paradoxical and difficult to grasp is not even knowing if this duality, this complementarity, is itself the fundamental structure of Nature. Zohar refers to this perplexing quantum state of things as "Janus-like", explaining that neither particle nor wave is complete within itself, but rather each is dependent on the other in a relationship whereby the "...whole picture emerges only from the 'package deal'."24 As with male and female,"... each description supplies a kind of information that the other lacks. Whether at any given time elementary being displays itself as one or the other depends on the overall conditions..."25 and among the environmental factors accounted for is the presence of observers. It is this accounting for overall background which has compelled us to see ourselves from the perspective of collective identity �which is nothing "Other" than the wonder of our own multi-dimensional language!

Like so many non-Westerners, I some-how have a kind of dyslexic preference for doing things backwards. What has finally organized my thinking is the discovery of this multi-dimensional writing style so often appearing and disappearing into Heaven-Words. It is not simply an amusing ploy, it is a visual and verbal representation of how "the I" "sees things". In order to make sense of these multi-dimensional passages, one ought to read them aloud, while simultaneously looking at them in printed form, to get a feel for their meaning � to listen to what the spoken words are saying while examining the "letter of the law" �realizing that the written and spoken statements are very different indeed -- disclosing a contradiction of thought and feeling, yet when so paired these expressions have a kind of complementary logic of their own that has the feel of whole-sum-ness about it. I believe this kind of articulation is a more natural thought process than the one dimensional linear logic of this legalistic reality we are all supposed to subscribe to, if we don�t want either our intelligence or sanity called into question. What is most remarkable about this multi-dimensional thinking is that one notices that language seems to have a mind of its own � to speak-through one�s words. One becomes aware of An-Other intelligence that embraces us all within our common language. Honesty is not simply for suckers. Virtue does have its own rewards: we are bound together by this living trust known as language�re-assured that we belong to a vibrant community that is literally concerned with the well-Being of each one of us. We know this because we can feel the truth flowing through our own language �if indeed words can belong to anyone in particular. From this state of mind, collective consciousness is a felt reality, and not a philosophical abstraction. But language is much more than words alone; music is perhaps the most perfect language, and mathematics the most brilliant. Words are simply the language we all share in common �the means by which we either embrace or isolate one-An-Other. The totalitarian State debases our mother tongue and out-laws free speech for the purpose of shattering cohesion in White society; the objective is to make people feel isolated and consequently powerless to resist the "super-power" of "super-stars" that Lord it over those of us still foolish enough to believe in them. The objective then of "hate speech" laws is not so much to protect an invading army forcibly introduced into society by the surreptitious methods of the State, but rather to prevent a compatible people from daring to discover a collective voice that can instill within a de-moralized race the courage to oppose tyrannical reigns of power dead set on gagging them with the rags of alien hit men. A totalitarian regime feels no more shame than a Clinton would in putting a positive spin on mass murder, twisting the fragile bodies of the unborn into "a woman�s right to choose". Those who would define the terms of discussion have made the outcome as inevitable as a "free and fair election" according to the Media-State-Rules of Florida. Unless there is a measure of unpredictability within our words, there will be no wide open spaces left ..nor any rights remaining for any of us � except of course, "the right to choose".

We are not isolated creatures; only repressive societies make us feel alienated from our collective Nature. Each of us, by our very design, is a living contradiction: male or female ....the one that would be more than itself, that searches creation for the love which alone can make this "one" whole. We are a pair -- and still a unity; "I" do not exist as a solitary being. None of us does. Any successful attack on our race must be sexual because sex is the basic reality of our identity. The reason sexuality is so central to our lives is this incomplete quality of our male-female complementarity. There is a recurring dimension to basic design, and sexuality is as basic as our animal designs get. Nature loves to play variations on this theme of inter-dependent sexuality. The greatest of vulnerabilities is the dependence of the unborn child on his mother. Today, the feminist abortion campaign is not simply a matter of personal choice, it is the crime of genocide when directed toward millions of healthy White babies throughout America and Europe. By isolating us into separate individuals, we loose contact with our complementary Nature, just as a feminist loses touch with her unborn child -- who is indeed a part ....from herself. We are not isolated individuals -- yet we think ...we are. Not only is the newly born baby tightly bound to his mother, but so also is she bonded to him. Can she not see this extraordinary secret of human Nature in the potential of her own image: the pregnant woman? How blind-sided can one person be? The enthusiasm with which the Media-State has undertaken this chosen campaign exposes the well trained arms of a doctored science of death in America, and more routinely still ...born in Eastern Europe -- where the beat goes on. The up-right churchman may offer lip-service to weak kneed supporters of life, but the succor turns tail once the camera men start coming on the scene. One might humbly suggest a passage from scripture, which could grace the chapels of all OBGYN facilities, comforting those women who seek the finest medical care... with holy words that would State clearly that God and Bible bless the sacred rite they have chosen: "O Babylon, Babylon the destroyer, happy the man who repays you for all that you did to us! Happy is he who shall seize your children and dash them against the rock."26 One thing is certain, there will always be those unruly few who will dare mock the religion of murderers, and stand armed against cowards who serve an alien god of tyranny upon their knees.

If we think of sexuality as the bedrock of collective identity, then it is possible to grasp the kind of passion and power available to draw people together into the emotional intimacy of shared consciousness. Racial instincts are at the root of battles over sexuality, particularly involving abortion, homosexuality, and inter-racial "love" of every variation imaginable. Race is all about sex, and racial conflict boils down to the Zionist States� hard drive to pair black men with white women, white women with abortion butchers, and white men with each other. The cohesion of the group is not a private matter for individuals to determine. The gene pool carried by each human being is not her private property, any more than the child in her womb is hers to dispose of as she pleases. We are in-formed by our biology ....perceiving ourselves as collective beings, not as individuals. The gene pool is the physical manifestation of our collective identity. You carry within your sperm or egg the potential of many people, the history of your collective ancestry. Female readers may feel that this book is just more male chauvinism. Their calls for equality are na�ve. We are not talking of equality here --- separate but equal; we are talking about our basic Nature. You are utterly Miss Guided to separate us from one another. We are the left and right halves of human Nature, not merely the mathematical sum of two pieces in a primitive primate puzzle. Think of us as that quantum "wave packet", Danah Zohar's "package deal".

It is necessary to prime the human energy pump to bring pulsating thought to life; but where does that animation come from? Long before the advent of psychoanalysis, it was recognized that sexuality is the source of creative enthusiasm. Sexuality is the excitement of attracting opposites that instinctively know they belong to each other the perfectly matched words of a poet. How important, how basic, is it for the male to fit into the female, not merely mechanically but emotionally and intellectually as well? Through the hauntingly beautiful melody Music of the Night, the Phantom seduces Christine into the genius of musical intensity through the portal of their love -- not for each other, but for Music. Love for one's creative work is a rare privilege. Few of us know this addictive madness which can rebuild the confused mind into the genius of original creation; because it is as powerful a force in one's life as sexuality, there is the intimation that more and more of us must inevitably be entranced by this all consuming love. Collective Mind is not some dull philosophical concept; it is mighty, requiring the immense energy of sexual attraction to forge together a universe of complementary opposites. While all our actions are charged with sexual fever, they need not take the form of physical love. We can love from afar the abstract art of some non-local gravitational force. It is understandable that two people should be engaged in the tenderness and self abandonment of love songs, but not so easy to recognize that thrill when converted into mathematical Platonism or theoretical physics. It is this passionate joy for great ideas which has sometimes led men of rare solitary brilliance out of isolation into the immaturity of their unexplored feelings for "the other". Something is out of whack when genius becomes entwined with homosexuality. What this intimates is that women are called into the highest reaches of the mind to share the intimacy ...the sacred moments of discovery amidst the loneliest peaks of mortal reflection.

Those who are creative tend to be unstable; they are missing something fundamental and very much need a partner whose feet are solidly planted upon the Earth. This marriage of opposites balances the whole pair, and is essential not only for the individuals involved but for the community. One can think the impossible precisely because the individual has a safe and sane context in which to experiment. Without the support of a stable environment, the imaginative person can easily spin off into the chaos of unbounded madness. Risk letting yourself feel the love of your life. This is about as abstract as making love, of being in love.....but not necessarily with a particular person, but with your common-law love: the Music of your knight. There are many wonderful possibilities for a free people. A less materialistic society offers us more than just a life of discipline and self-sacrifice. Morality changes as perception of ourselves decompresses. Once I begin doubting myself, and begin seeking that which is greater than "I am", the heavens can open, rivers of time part, and man step beyond the threshold of mortal reason.

In the past, creative souls often entered the Church, which supported their work and gave structure to their lives -- at a price: celibacy and censorship. That tradition proved catastrophic to spirituality for two reasons. First, it was a systematic method of effectively weeding creative people out of the gene pool. Secondly, by suppressing "heretics", the Church prevented its own creative renewal and opened the way for mechanistic technology to displace the Church altogether. The outcome of these two actions has been to create a society without authentic spirituality; and the consequence of this triumph of the machine is that we are turned into machines ourselves. According to Durkheim, societies worship themselves. If the machine is our god, what does that tell us of our own reflections? Are we not capable of being more than programmed thinkers? Until genetic engineers get around to playing God in the creation of our offspring, what human beings will continue to yearn for is a devotion to instinctive feelings, such as the propensity for men to worship the beauty of everything about women. Man is such a mystery to himself because he mistakenly imagines that he is complete, that he is self-sufficient. It is human Nature to love more than one other person --- just as a man is allured by the beauty of many women. He adores them -- they are the closest he ever comes to really worshipping any kind of divinity. The Greco-Roman custom of worshipping goddesses of beauty and wisdom is a spirituality man can truly understand. This feeling of attraction to many women should give some insight into the collective Nature of human identity. Yet at the heart of all this, the mystery of uniqueness remains. Personally, I have felt that we never recover from the intensity of love endured during adolescence for an enchanting person; and that the yearning of and then for youth is the source of our deepest aspirations. This undying adoration expresses something precious within us ...our complementary Nature, a sixth sense we have come to recognize is spirituality itself.

If we do not create a new culture, we will continue on course for a two-teared society, where we are lumped together in the gutter with techno-colored gang bangers, while soul-less programmed technocrats look down upon the new minorities --- us ... from their high offices above the wretched refuse of America's teeming shores. European governments have portrayed abortion and homosexuality as symbols of advanced culture for decades; today they point out the need for third world immigrant workers citizens to pay the taxes essential for supporting retirement pensions. Talented Whites are displaced by less capable party operatives who know the dangers of saying one politically incorrect word. But such rigid conformity dulls the mind, making these team players vulnerable to a more agile intelligence. Contemporary society is so corrupted that it is counter-productive to pursue one's dreams through established institutions. Forget the politically correct colleges and the party life -- "drop out". Become an under-achiever. Let the party operatives pay the taxes. Marry young and have many children. The deepest pain many honorable White women and men feel today is the faint call from our collective unborn Soul disclosing to our hearts that we have loved those who count most too little, and have very few children to prove it. This is the source of our weakness, the shame which makes us so vulnerable to invasion by a caste of untouchables from the under-world; but it is still not too late to save our lost souls. We must redeem our cast out line, fouled by doctors unworthy of the title. Foolish youth are a burden only to parents who see no hope of beauty, courage or genius in their progeny. Genius is a companion of those who know the meaning of labor and suffering, and have the stamina to endure, to prevail.... to keep fighting in new and more procreative ways. For those with the Soul of their ancestors, the Spirit of kindness, material wealth and comfort are not the greatest ambitions in life, nor is the promise of paradise. Let us not consume ourselves with selfish dreams of eternal reward, but rather spend our energy on those who now matter most. For those who seek identity, to be someone at last ... encourage your sons and daughters to follow their hearts and have many children..... to live in your bring the extended family back to life. Four to five children are a formidable influence on any community in which they live. The spirit of your family radiates out into the neighborhood and becomes a force to be reckoned with, to be shown respect. Your family's name becomes known. It becomes your neighborhood, and not a war-zone occupied by alien marauders. You are somebody, and not just an out-dated model employee or dependent of the State. What have you got to lose? Is comfort really that important? Do you seriously want to live to be one-hundred years old? Wouldn't it make more sense to become involved with grand-children who would really need and love you? Use your wealth for something more than supporting doctors, hospitals, vacations and retirement communities. In ten years, the meaning of family can be understood again in White nations. You will at last have done something of consequence with your life. If you want to understand this very abstract concept of collective identity, create a big family.

It is a mistake to choose the straight and narrow path of Christian educated White middle class respectability -- it is like fighting the "red coats" on a "level playing field". All that logical civilized business is what made our culture so vulnerable to a self-destructive morality. What is needed is an instinctive intelligence that releases us, the captive audience of this unnatural consumer society. Seek out the unconverted noble-savage within. One might say this is a return to barbarism --- White Savagery can save our race, not more Christianity, not more luxury -- and certainly not a Savage Nation once again led by the tried and untrue. Wild animals are smarter and better able to survive than distant cousins trained to beg, roll over, and in the end play dead. When a domesticated animal returns to the wild, he is said to be feral. Durkheim evidently forgot to teach the barbarians at our gates proper manners. They are guerrillas and we are house-broken Christians ....busted men and washed-up women -- compelled, against our wills, to endure the madness and genius of becoming feral ....finding virtue in being raw boned street fighters capable of controlling the neighborhoods of the North ...ruthless enough to match the JDL27 in games of chance, unkind enough to tag-out the most primitive invaders who would dare steal our home.

Many agree that living in a totalitarian multi-racial society is forcing a xenophobic madness on all races. It is imperative that we approximate undistorted vision so that we might see our way through this chaos, for if we are flying blind, driven only by instinctive rage, then we will surely destroy ourselves along with our nemesis. Collective mind can be as dumb as a lynch mob, or as brilliantly aggressive as Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries. Aggression inspired by intelligence is far more powerful, and many times more dangerous than the brute force of unthinking yeo-men. We must wed intelligence to our passions so that we might side-step both slavery and "apocalypse now!"; we cannot avoid side-swiping both, but we can keep our balance along this edge of history, and emerge with only secondary injuries, if we can discover the turning point of our identity .....Understand the soul purpose for which we are fighting: our racial integrity.

The problem of White separatist movements is the lack of a credible ideology. We hear genocidal warlords on one hand, Christians on the other, and are un-persuaded by either. The danger is that those who are most aggressive in confronting the big problems tend to feel everything with the passion of religious zealots. This is not to say they are necessarily evil, only that we should dare question the wisdom of warriors. In his book, White Power, Rockwell's intent was not genocidal, although he clearly idealized Hitler and advocated white supremacy on a global scale. His primary objective was to reclaim the nation for Americans of European origin, not to indiscriminately kill all Jews and non-whites. Because he paraded around in a nazi uniform and tried to speak the language of the common man, it was easy to misconstrue his ideas and portray him in the media as an insane genocidal megalomaniac. But behind the crassness of his words lay a prophetic Soul no stranger to us than the heroic hearts of our own ancestors. "Liberal (and conservative) cowardice and equivocation are leading the world, and especially the White people, straight to the hell of race war and the nightmare of an irreversible Black Plague. It is going to take bloody violence and killing to solve this problem, just as it was not words which gave us America, but violence and killing of the British. It took bloody violence and killing for the German White Men to stop Genghis Khan. It took bloody violence and killing to win every war we have ever fought, not conservative words and petitions. To stop a plague of bed bugs takes killing, not words. To stop a plague of traitors, agitators and black half-animals is going to take killing not words. Locusts and bed bugs which do not invade your home do not need killing. Inferior humanity which leaves the White Man alone does not need killing, either, and can be left to limit their own numbers by their own stupidity, improvidence and cruelty. But it is forever too late for those colored people who ATTACK the White Man to be permitted to survive. We have no intention of attacking or exterminating those who leave us alone. But let this be a declaration of war upon the savages who dare to shout 'Kill Whitey', and on those Jews and others who dare to encourage, agitate, arm and finance them in this bloody insanity. It's them, or us!"28 Rockwell was neither a stupid nor an insensitive man; he graduated from Brown University and served as a pilot in World War Two, and was called back to train Marine and Navy pilots in the Korean War.29 Decades ahead of the rest of us, he came to regret the role he played in supporting a U.S. military that incinerated German women and children as enthusiastically as it slaughtered the Japanese or nazi Storm-Troopers. Perhaps it was this guilt which led Rockwell to pick up the tattered uniform of the heroic men he helped vanquish. However pained and patriotic, those like him are wrong in portraying very human adversaries as inferior creatures in need of eradication or domination. It is possible to bring about a peaceful separation of the races, to our common advantage, by forming an alliance of all the races against the Jews. Nazis who support exterminating Jews and non-whites do a disservice to all humanity by strengthening the credibility of the Media-State. By being so apocalyptic, these forlorn heroes make opposition to the Jews unthinkable for the rest of us because even those who oppose Zionist dominion cannot bring themselves to endorse an ideology that advocates exterminating hundreds of millions or even billions of human beings. So we are terrorized on all sides ...left nowhere -- unable to choose nazism, and consequently unable to resist totalitarianism. What is needed in this trial of wills is an honorable rebellion that affirms opposition to the rule of wolves in sheep�s clothing ...hounds of war unleashed upon us by the lords and failing profits of world peace. We are not helpless in the face of treason. The middle class has a need to know loyalty ...a custom of betraying con-artists, making life miserable for the criminal-first classes who have been flying high with no thought to those waxed or winged by their soaring profits. If noble efforts fail, then we will find ourselves like cornered animals, and instinct will drive us to fight; and under such duress, historic forces will lead us to take our last stand with William Barrett Travis, Davy Crockett, Jim Bowey, and George Lincoln Rockwell.

We somehow want to believe that intelligence, spirituality, and "goodness" are linked; but reality checks keep reminding us that human beings are still savages, however bright or theoretical we may be. All people are capable of horrendous evil, especially when unforgivable offenses have already been committed. We must be aware of the very real danger of becoming our own opposite, the mirror image of "The Chosen" --- "The Master Race". Nor can we allow ourselves to become angels of death visiting God�s wrath on the traitors of our own kind. Marxists may have been more genteel in the manner in which they orchestrated travel arrangements for cut-rate Russian outings, but nazis certainly had a flare for fashion when the goose-step was camp. While the inquisitions of the Medieval Catholic Church were a holy terror, they remain a far cry from the hellish dreams bedeviling our knights. Regardless of style and the vestments adorning the hallowed rites of retribution, sadism is the common legacy at the root of hatred still burning between the peoples of European ancestry and the out-landish invaders of our soiled empires. Atrocities sanctioned by irreconcilable foes are the reason forgiveness is not possible from any quarter. Our goal can only be White separatism ...not supremacy or submission. Somehow we must abandon pacifism, and learn the ancient virtues of honor and courage, without succumbing to the savage forces within us which we must unleash if we are to hold our ground against a mass of humanity ....colorful new-cumers who would love us to death.

But who is to protect us from White savages should they become a law unto themselves? Suppose they become true criminals, predators upon society? The middle class must be willing to be involved, to participate as a citizen militia at the ground level. If we fail to defend our families, we will become inconsequential in the eyes of those who are willing to spill their blood for this Land. Unless we choose to get our own hands dirty, others will have more than dirt on their hands, for it is a greater danger to flee our responsibilities than to confront hardship. The basic rule is this: those who hold physical power will rule in their own interests. What is needed is a spirituality that touches all of us and binds us together. A White Alliance without spiritual disciple is little more than a party of bandits. There must be honor, or we may as well surrender to the Jews. Such inner values must be instilled within the community to protect us from our own brutality. We must come not only to believe that honorable methods can succeed in liberating us from Zionist oppression, but that only an honorable revolution can result in a free society. If we choose corrupt means to attain our goals, we will become corrupted by our own methods, and be trapped by a brutal despotism of enduring hatred. We have a profound interest in preserving a civilized community, but this need not mean a Christian society. Our challenge is to create a new civilization out of the painful lessons our own weak-minded cowardice and materialism are teaching us today. Austere values of racial loyalty must govern all our actions. While there is a duty to protect the borders of White society at street level, there is a special responsibility to watch over those seeking to permanently occupy the most elevated positions of influence and privilege within the commonwealth. When looking out for liberty, we should not lose sight of the original U.S. Constitution ...formed by men who understood the urgency of protecting individuals from the majesty of kings. But there are no sacred laws protecting a community from the treachery of lawyer politicians who reshape the law itself. Real-time patriots must forever stand watch ....mark time -- Amidst all the treason that has battered our republic, there are still some traditional values not to be over-turned. Cohesion and trust transcend class differences; this unity can only be achieved by sharing wealth and power. This division of resources, combined with respect for the rewards of honest labor, constitute the timeless social contract upon which a just and stable society is balanced.

Primitive instincts can evolve into genius -- if we don't convert them into the clean finished products of sterile institutions. It is exactly this primitive freedom which makes ideas both powerful and dangerous. Making thought harmless is like neutering animals; the creatures are more manageable, but their vitality is lost. They just aren't the same anymore. Making mystical ideas "safe" destroys them. Without revolutionary themes such as collective racial identity, this work would be nothing but another metaphysical abstraction. Recognizing the sexual Nature of mystical racism is the quality of masculinity that makes these ideas stimulating, and it is expressly this kind of intelligent White masculinity that is under such remorseless assault by the Jews. What is most desperately called for is that we have the mettle to be men. But our understanding of masculinity must mature. We are about to discover that instinct need not be synonymous with corporal offensives.

The Soviet Union and its cold-war-Gulags were not forged by a Russian plebeian communist proletarian army of bureaucrats; they were master-minded by people such as: Marx, Trotsky, Rothschild, Bohr, Einstein, Oppenheimer, Bohm, Armand Hammar, Robert Maxwell, and their clones.....along with local comrades Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin and a cast of executioners. To effectively counter the latest twist on their oldest front, we must discover the secret of this cabal. Think of them as occupying the top of a hill, from where they hold a panoramic view of all that is around-them, and from where they rule the world below. The only way to shift their center of gravity is to climb that hill and fight them on their own ground ...until the Earth moves beneath our feet. We must enter their space, invade their temple, going even into the forbidden "Holy of Holies" ...where an unfathomable mystery is as plain as day. We must unmask the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob the holy mind of genius. This is what is most sacred to them, and the eternal spring from which their watch turns. But if we do not even know what genius is, we would merely enter an empty room -- barbarians unable to behold that which is not visible to the rational "eye". Atheists such as Feynman and Weinberg may discredit mysticism publicly, not acknowledging to the "gentiles" the holy collective mind of "the people Israel". Among the politically correct, genius is no more real than God because it is just a secular way of describing revelation. "In part, scientists avoided the word because they did not believe in the concept. In part, the same scientists avoided it because they believed all too well, like Jews afraid to speak the name of Yahweh."30 This is an uncommonly forthright insight into the silence of masters. It is very easy to mistake mystical emptiness for the nothingness of sophomoric materialistic disbelief. Feynman and Weinberg should be seen in terms of this Jewish mystical atheism, which refuses to even conceptualize God....which is consistent with the "no-self"...."no God" spirituality of Buddhism. However, I don't mean to suggest these scientists are hallowed by a long shot. There are hard headed reasons for denying both the reality of God and genius. The free discussion of extraordinary intuition is forbidden in today's "improved" democratic societies, where equality is a sacred law that all must respect ...excluding of course....

Talk of genius is too close to the ideas of nazism, which claimed the intellectual superiority of the Aryan race. There must be a genetic component to genius, just as there is for any talent.... such as the ability of draw; however, democracy demands non-genetic explanations for great ability, as was the official dogma in the Soviet Union; or better yet, denies genius all together. It is important to understand that this book is not saying that "genetics is everything", however racist the perspective of the author may appear to be. While genetics may be prerequisite for creativity, it is by no means certain that high IQ is the most valuable quality in that hereditary mix ...nor is it likely that heredity in itself is sufficient for genius. While it may be the case that talent has a genetic component, "...What is notable, however, is that extremely superior talents are not repeated across generations."31 Other relations may demonstrate talent, but not comparable to that found in the member who is exceptionally creative. It seems that persons with special abilities have not worked harder than other members of their family who share much the same environment and genetic ability, yet lack special talents. While an enriched cultural environment may foster creativity, hard work does not create special talent.32 This is similar to the traditional theological argument that man is saved not by his own good works but only by God's grace. There is something mysterious that happens which distinguishes two equally endowed people, resulting in one developing into genius where the other does not. So what is this act of God which calls one to the service of revelation? We have seen that there is a connection between mental illness and creativity. It appears that early on, the normal maturation of the individual is arrested, perhaps by illness or trauma. The result of this experience is most peculiar. A person of perhaps slightly above average intelligence finds himself struggling to keep up with his equals...and failing to do so. But he stubbornly persists unaware of his own potential. His life is like a roller coaster, a wave of creative excitement and maddening depression. Given this instability, it is understandable that such a human being doesn't fit well into a society designed for even-tempered normal folks. What results is a contradiction: the low IQ genius! Ludwig lists several creative people who failed academically, including: Steven Crane, John Lennon, Paul Gauguin, Leo Tolstoy, Frank Lloyd Wright, Pablo Picasso, Henri Matiss, Eugene O'Neill, and George Orwell. "In general, artistic types were most likely to get poor or below average grades."33 Academic achievement and creativity are very different activities and success in one has little to do with success in the other. This phenomenon appears to apply not only to the local geniuses of our time, but to the big guns of history as well. According to Ehrenwald, it was the right hemisphere of Beethoven's brain that was the source of his creative genius, while it was the developmental immaturity of the left which accounted for his weakness in academic skills. Even though less gifted, his left hemisphere was critically important in the organization and transcribing of the music created in the right hemisphere.34 "In short, Leonardo would have received poor marks in the three R's from a schoolmaster of our day. It will be recalled that in this respect his shortcomings resemble those of Ludwig van Beethoven described in an earlier chapter or of Einstein whose occasional trivial errors in calculation had been a source of much merriment among his admirers."35 Ehrenwald quotes Santillana who describes Leonardo's spelling as " ...that of a servant girl or the recruit...".36 Leonardo acknowledged that he was "unlettered" by comparison with the gentlemen of his day. You may recall Shakespeare�s acknowledged ineptitude regarding Latin and Greek.

What is even more extraordinary is that the remarkable creations of genius are as often as not amazingly unsophisticated. You have certainly heard of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto, but have you ever read it? It is little more than a pamphlet which any literate high school graduate could understand. Imagine another revolutionary work of equal simplicity within the field of physics: "Einstein's special relativity paper is written with disarming simplicity and directness. There is little scholarly paraphernalia -- no citation of the literature, only one acknowledgement (to his friend Besso), no debate with other experts who had been toying with ideas of relativity."37 This is not a minor point; his extraordinary paper did not meet the standard of scientific form and sophistication required by the scientific journals of his time. You see Einstein was working as a patent clerk, instead of as physicist at a university, for a very practical reason: he was not a very good student! Einstein "...failed the entrance examination in another institution in Switzerland and had to return to the classroom. He failed to obtain an assistantship at the Zurich Polytechnic Institute."38A Because of his repeated difficulties obtaining a teaching position in physics, he resorted to working in the Swiss patent office. That job was obtained primarily through the help of a family friend. Initial efforts to publish a paper on relativity failed. Up to his mid twenties, Einstein had made few achievements society could recognize. "What is to account for such an inauspicious start for one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century? Here, again, the conjecture of a relative developmental lag of the left cerebral hemisphere is strongly suggestive."38B Genius is about a struggling immaturity, and not efficiency in structured institutional employment, nor is genius to be confused with what academic institutions measure as high IQ.

While technical skill makes society work, this functionalist approach may not be the wisest course for the future of a civilization determined to be free. In an age of super computers, it is foolish to emphasize the kind of technical expertise high IQ measures because ordinary people can readily make use of computerized technology to enhance their own meager calculating and mechanical talents. Being-a-walking-computer now-a-daze is no big deal. With the help of the right model, anyone can beat the world chess champion. It is evident that raw intellectual power is not the great social asset it used to be. Creativity is the type of enterprise which human beings excel at because it originates in the energy of sexual passion .... something computers lack. A fundamental intelligence is necessary for creative genius, but what is easily as important is motivation. A persistent person, who feels driven by a cause, can often outperform many others who have considerably higher IQs.39 "Undoubtedly the most important qualities of genius are high intelligence and a special aptitude (the latter may override the former, as in the case of Turner, who was almost illiterate). But modern studies have indicated that other qualities --- persistence, adventurousness, intellectual courage -- are also characteristic of creative people."40 Solzhenitsyn recognized an absence of courage among educated people in the West, and warned of our vulnerability to the same despotism which overtook the Russian middle class. People with high IQs, but failing in courage, are likely to support rather than resist an oppressive order chose affluence over the risks of rebellion. But genius is generally not that way; it is fanatical. This book would never have been written without the motivating influence of racism and anti-Semitism. The genius is not merely an industrious worker or a very shrewd operator; he is obsessed, driven by a revelation that commands his life, compelling him to carry out some foreordained mission. Psychological tests are more likely to register mental illness rather than high intelligence -- but the problem is with the manipulative mechanistic tests, and not human Nature. "The most remarkable people -- the truly great --- are not simply celebrities, champions, gold medalists, highly successful professionals, or winners of important prizes. ...They are one-of-a-kinds.."41 Genius restores sacred value to human Being through the originality of an extraordinarily unique perspective on everything.

What made Einstein's 1905 special relativity paper On the Electrodynamics of moving bodies so revolutionary, and difficult for his contemporaries to grasp, was not its intellectual complexity, but the originality of how he saw everything. Understanding Einstein was not a question of logic and reason; they were the problem. It was the failure of classical intelligence to measure up to the imagination and intuition of science-fiction become reality.... and later: four dimensional geometry become the space-time of the new physics. Eugene Wigner, one of the Manhattan Project's "Hungarian conspiracy", wrote concerning " 'The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics' " in anticipating forms needed by physicists to express theories about the physical world. It was the miracle of Riemannian and Gaussian four dimensional geometry that made Einstein's General Theory of Relativity possible. Physicists, for their part, often rely upon an aesthetic sixth sense when evaluating physical theories, "... sometimes in the teeth of contrary experimental evidence...".42 "What others might have been willing to accept only if demonstrated through experiments, Einstein instead took as his starting premise and simply reasoned therefrom."43 You can understand that Einstein did not do science according to the rules most scientists follow. Whether by chance, design or the package deal of both, genius makes an art of science.

Genius has to do with imagination .....being able to feel ideas, whether they are musical, technical, artistic, literary, athletic, military or what ever. Genius is as much an issue of freedom ...choosing to be consumed by a mania -- a fantasy it is a matter of intelligence. Both are necessary, but not necessarily in equal measure. There have been those rare individuals in history, such as Plato, who were gifted with both high IQ and extraordinary creative instinct, but I would suggest we could account for all of them using simply our fingers and toes.... and neither Einstein nor Bohr would make the cut. Our concern is with collective genius, with the scientific and cultural renaissance which we can create together. The solution to this world's problems is not up to any Savior, but to our own collective Spirit..... our complementary Nature.

What we know of complementarity, as well as this low IQ genius phenomenon, should at least lead us to be cautious of those who would argue that women are simply not as capable of genius as men for biological reasons. There are notably more men than women exhibiting special talents. This difference has been accounted for in terms of the lower social status and restricted opportunities of women in society, but Lynn Waterhouse suggests there may be a biological explanation. She argues that "...there may be more biological opportunity in male variability, allowing more males than females to develop special abilities."44 From the quantum perspective of Zohar�s "package deal", it is inevitable that the entangled emotions of men and women contain far more potential than the current level of civilization knows how to deal with. I know what I am talking about ...a person whom society has found little use for, an all to common oddity and nothing more. I know what it means to be under-estimated ....under valued -- not taken seriously ....not to be a Jew! If you have doubts about the capability of women for creative genius, acquaint yourself with Gone With The Wind. Hard as it may be to believe, a story of this power and pathos, and one of the greatest novels of all time, was written by a White woman some may consider racist..... Margaret Mitchell of the once great Confederate State of Georgia. While you are at it, you might study Elizabethan England. I understand a daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, named Elizabeth, can claim some credit for ruling England during its golden age of greatness -- she was arguably the finest ruler in England's long history; sadly, she was also one of the most ruthless. Recall the critical influence of Marie Curie and Lise Meitner in the development of nuclear physics. It is not my intent to patronize "Little Women", but to call on women to embrace the hardness of masculine reason without losing Nature's feminine touch. In a complementary fashion, men need to become more sensitive without becoming effeminate. Eventually you will figure out how creativity works: the interaction of the brain's left and right hemispheres, Cusa's complementarity of science and spirituality .....Jung's reconciliation of opposites: the mind-bending discovering that the opposite of a great truth is another great truth .......that superficial inconsistencies are a pale reflection of the incomparable contradictions that are the concealed passion of an intelligence that has transcended all known means of expression.

The Jews are full of mystical contradictions. You have certainly got the message that they are ruthless, but have you noticed the sensitivity at the heart of their creative genius? Bohm and Peat comment that Einstein was not insensitive to mathematical beauty, particularly during his younger and more creative years. But what proved most important to his original thinking were "...unspecifiable feelings and a succession of images out of which more detailed concepts eventually emerged."45 These feelings are initially very mixed up, chaotic. The creative process is a matter of untangling these emotionally charged knots. What is hard to endure is that these intuitions are haunting variations on a melody playing itself out like some lost-love song. One keeps humming a tune; the more you sing it, the more sensitive you become to the evolution of your own human energy. Others may pick-up this strain which is in the air, for they too can "catch it", and in some Platonic fashion even anticipate its inevitable direction. "A powerful clustering tendency seems to be at work in all fields, which brings talented people together, not only after they are famous but often long before."46 This symphonic arrangement is what Ludwig refers to as a "powerful 'organizing principle' "47 which seems present within our common environment, shaping us both individually and collectively.... suggesting that genius arises out of a context and not merely in the head of an isolated individual ......attracting us to one-another, just as love and sex do. There are essential sensitivities we must experience collectively, but which cannot be properly expressed in an all male context. There is a complementary quality to this symphony of souls, meaning that living organizations must be composed of both males and females --- if they are not, then the uncanny intimacy of our collective potential either shuts down or expresses itself as perversion. If we have the desire to release the intensity of shared passion --- this collective genius of ours, than we have to accept the heterosexual nature of power.... to reconcile ourselves to the stirring effect the sexes have on one another in every aspect of the body/mind.

Genius is dangerous in the same sense that one single flame has the potential of kindling a fuse ...enlightening the down-trodden steps of those falling under-foot. But what exactly is this over-charged live wire? It is not the high voltage metallic hue and cry, nor is it the cheap scent of mawkish hits. There is a rare quality in voices touched by the awareness of shared pain, which lightens the common Soul of the oppressed ....elevating them to the dignity of their own heart-felt intelligence. The totalitarian State broadcasts jamming signals to flood us with feelings of fear and greed. Our exposure today arises from the corruption and cowardice of the middle class ...mistaking indoctrination for understanding, or even righteousness -- willingly substituting affluence for freedom ...Too busy raking in Greenspan greenbucks from an unending boom resist the consequent loss of freedom resultant from the indignity of an interminable presidential election. They have too much to lose; and we, nothing to gain. It would be foolish to assume "winners" want to save North America and Europe. It's just too profitable for them to keep going one-world, what-ever it costs us. They have accepted the bait of internationalists who have designed stock market profits and prosperity as a mechanism for destroying national cohesion. Revolutionaries turn therefore to the dispossessed, those who have fallen through the cracks, and to those stubborn folk of the down-sized and under-employed classes who dare challenge the beguiling high IQ profiteers systematically eroding this Land of our birth. It is in the anguish of the betrayed and traumatized that the potential for genuine struggle to genius lives. A century ago, creativity's mark was the liberation of repressed sexuality. In our media fantasy-world, sexuality is "used" exploit all of us. Those instincts now repressed and under wraps are the racial forces of attraction and repulsion ...which are ultimately sexual. Consequently, in order to draw on the instinctual energy essential for real innovation, it is necessary to break the most fearful of taboos ...commit the most sacrilegious of sins -- expose the dogma that has commanded us to turn a blind eye to the secret of our own potential: genius concealed within the common man! This is the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil which slaves ..can not know -- Nature�s gamble: double or nothing odds on us ...discovering the quantum-relativistic-revelation of "everything". Those choosing to side with the certainties of the established order default to the wages of their own fear ...unaware of the State of enforced ignorance to which they bend their knees. But the high and heavy rollers using State-of-the-art fire-power to shake us down are "wise-guys". "Liberation", affluence, and protection for the Party of changing colors have been bought and sold-out at the cost of our liberty. Those choosing and chosen to stand against us must be compelled to understand this fact, and forced to recognize that we will not be slaves in our own Land for the sake of their rank celebrations. Only the separation of the races can allow all of us the potential for freedom which racial solidarity alone can make a reality. Reasoned intellect cannot break through the apprehension and bail-outs destroying our stock in America and Europe, but the emotional cohesion generated by the contagious collective voice of genius can.

To speak of 90% of the brain's potential not being utilized is similar to a celibate priest of the Middle Ages suspecting that there is some mysterious potential associated with sexuality which woman has not yet uncovered. Nature repeats primitive patterns as evolution advances. The brain is more like the male sex organ than a computer. To "expand consciousness", the brain must become excited by hormones, and these are released in passionate response to the creative sounds and images of beauty to which we are exposed. Creativity is the discipline by which a human being learns how to stimulate the brain, and this is a very addictive kind of excitement ... similar perhaps to the "natural high" many marathon runners report keeps them going. The implications of a society hooked on Nature's own creative beauty are nothing short of miraculous: renaissance. The catch is that only free people have the courage to feel the intensity of energy needed for the hardness of their own natural genius to stand out. This is why it is mandatory to lay open that which is concealed by totalitarian repression. Seeing the secrets of one's world unveiled is about as disturbing and compelling as the beauty of a naked Greek goddess would have been to that sexually repressed priest of the Middle Ages.

Some kind of intuitive art and science is developed by a human Being who is able to modify the way in which the brain works. This activity is not dependent on an especially high IQ, but rather on a facility for sensing the logic of how others feel. Instead of thinking of the self-conscious individual controlling the brain, we would be far closer to what we are by tuning in to kindness amidst the tribulation that has befallen us. But this is the strain of an unspoken and still enchained melody. Feeling becomes more central as we focus on collective mind, for feeling is the force that holds people together or drives them apart. We are tuned to the same channels through common emotions. The world State preaches an unnatural gospel of forced love. But different racial groups are in tune with their own instinctive channels of communication. There is indeed a common channel we share with all beings, but the broader the band-width of the channel, the less intense, precise, compressed and compacted it is -- the less conscious it is. Our instinct is to maximize awareness not minimize it. It is critical to understand that the self-conscious mind Eccles idealizes cannot be placed "back in the driver's seat" .. controlling "the whole world" as the Jews have done. It is essential to respond to a more refined awareness, re-act to dimensions of pain and exultation --- to keep in step with the beat of the eternal rhythms of our own collective reveries. This is some kind of order, something like "control", but it is not a function under the command of any self-conscious high IQ programmed intellect; that programming of the mind is now only a weak remnant of the towering authority it once was. A new organizing principle other-than self-consciousness guides our intuitive steps along a plane traversing past and future memories.

The brain needs to be part of a network, but not as a mechanical machine. The human brain is different than a computer in that it deals with limitless quantities of information by converting all that maddening stuff into pure quantum energy, and expressing it in the form of beauty, which has a feeling component as well as slightly ambiguous information content. People want very much the intellectual power that emanates from the newest, most sophisticated TV, car, or other high-tech instrument. Yet our calling is not to become robots, but rather performing artists who intuitively play the collective mind with Soul. You see, feeling is what the brain does best. Feeling, like music, is a common language understood by man and beast alike --- by collective bodies. The music of one human voice can be felt by millions of soul-mates in a timeless moment touching memories of generations joined together by their common convictions ...a collective identity born out of time -- the shared affections radiating from the Platonic beauty of enduring thoughtfulness.

The emotional weakness of philosophy is the impersonal aspect of the Creator so often portrayed ...if such Being is appealed to at all. A human being needs to have a sense of innate contact with the context, the source out of which he arises. But how does a person know the boundless forces of Nature in a manner that is not just belief or an intellectual model? The religious yearning is to really encounter Supreme Being. Our mistake is seeking to know the Creator as an object. But awareness is something shared by fulfilling the creative will of one�s own Nature. While losing one self in the simplicity of a solitary flower blossoming on the frontiers of Creation, one ought not fail to also notice expansive fields of kindred flowers in the back-ground ...arrayed in the radiance of their collective glory -- stretching beyond the visible horizon. Polarity points in the direction of the alternating or shifting quality of energy, like the reversible nature of magnetic fields. One sees two shifting images, but it is the space between the images through which mind turns into the field of collective awareness ....a reversible passageway shifting back and forth -- the opening and closing of both collective consciousness and individual awareness. This digital duality is an exchange of alternating potentialities that includes a future in which there is space for all of us to survive. There is not one correct final solution -- nor two, because complementarity is not any number of things. It is an illusion the brain creates when confronted with multiple dimensionality ...a chaos of which human mentality must make some kind of representation. The expectation that a logical structure, much like a rigid law, can unambiguously contain a theory of everything is na�ve, if not down-right deceptive. The local perspective of the self-conscious observer is at odds with everything. But Creation is also non-local, concealing as well as revealing ...a collective energy field of intelligence, not simply the flickering quantum of some local self-consciousness. We seek both this quantum expansiveness as well as relativistic cohesiveness in our collective identity. Non-locality suggests that wave-particle entities are not isolated things, but rather plugged into a network.... a field; and consequently, the whole is potentially present in each work-station of awareness. We are easily deceived in our efforts to examine "one" photon because the nature of what it is collective. It is like trying to figure out what a human being is by looking only at the male or female member of this pairing ..separately. Which ever it is, wave or particle, always implies not only the other -- but others, a whole field ...the context in which it is the whole. Because we ask the wrong kinds of questions, we end up with peculiar ideas about multiple universes and cats that are both dead and alive. Our confusion arises from seeing one isolated photon and failing to notice the whole field surging through it.

The fundamental paradox is this: how can it be that one can have a clear sense of wholeness without knowing all the facts? How can you find completeness from that which is incomplete, perfection from that which is imperfect, relativistic order from quantum chaos? The whole includes within itself that which it is not. Not simply its opposite, but its negation -- it is that which does not yet exist. The whole includes its own potentiality; that is the lesson of quantum mechanics, and the mystery which we must learn to express through the forms of our creative work beauty -- for in doing this, we shall have overcome the split between consciousness and the "external world"! Beauty is the middle-ground between Heaven and Earth -- the manifestation of instinctive feeling within this realm of the physical, the collective within the individual ....the infinite worth and uniqueness of human consciousness within a sea of unconscious passions. By restructuring language, it is possible to disclose the inconceivable through forms so beautiful they appear ordinary --- expressing the rapture yesterday's tongues could not utter sensible words. Boosting vitality ..enhances rather than diminishes comprehension. Consider an added energy ...much like the imaginary half of a complex number, a quantum unreality Durkheim labeled sacredness -- but which we choose to make a collective-cohesive-reality in the form of Beauty a quantum-relativistic vision of context: a multi-dimensional in-depth perspective which science itself must embrace if the rift between the old physics and the new is to be healed. The measure of this whole-sum originality is that it opens everything up ...into brilliant revelation ....into the collective genius of Renaissance!

Genius is the process of becoming and not something which already exists --- that's why such thoughtfulness seems so abstract, so impossible to comprehend dangerous. It is something fluid within the brain, and not found in a fixed cranial architecture. In many respects, high IQ fosters stability, even rigidity.. and not change. Being short-changed is a losing hand. It is becoming increasingly evident that there is far greater advantage to Being-creative than being-a-programmed-intelligence. The "... genius, under favorable circumstances, is capable of transcending his genetic or cultural programming and early childhood conditioning."48 The genius makes effective use of his native talent and simultaneously rebels against the role he is expected to play. He is able to fulfill his innate potential by overcoming deterministic limitations which seem insurmountable. Ludwig mentions that some animals, such as rogue elephants, are "born mavericks". Pavlov discovered that some dogs could not be trained by classical conditioning. There seems to be a "streak of wildness" which cannot be removed from them. "In a related manner, it may be the case that many of those who achieve true greatness have a feral outlook in their work, which resists attempts at domestication and social programming. While this wild streak may have irrational roots, it is not necessarily misguided. What distinguishes these individuals from others is that they do not simply rebel. These are not people who just see that the emperor has no clothes; they offer their own brand of attire for him to wear."49 They turn to Nature....their own Nature ---- when faith has been lost in popes and presidents. A society can have promise ...sharing a collective will which is based on an instinctive attraction like-minded folk feel for one-another, and that bias can be refined into the intuitive intelligence of creativity. The source of genius, as Durkheim would be obliged to agree, is the mystery of our own collective Nature, just as the gene pool is the fountainhead of a human being's biological composition. It is individuality which collapses in mental breakdown, and the collective mind of one�s own clan that rises from these ruins of self-conscious isolation. This is the way in which the Organizing Principle of Nature contacts us, through our collective genius! As quantum theorists like Neils Bohr and song writers like Leonard Cohen have known full well, "mind itself is magic"....Collective Mind is a Revelation ....the illumination of this world by the complementary light of Platonic reflection. "When people manifest this degree of originality or inspiration, it is little wonder that some attribute almost divine powers to them. People who break out of traditional thought patterns and ways of interpreting reality achieve what should be impossible."50 What is most interesting is to note the "epidemics" of genius which have occurred throughout history, particularly in ancient Greece, Renaissance Europe, and I would add modern scientific societies, particularly among Jews like David Bohm who sought the secret of collective consciousness. What this flourishing of creativity shows is that living genius "... can become contagious"... it can spread to contemporaries and inspire "...generations to come. Thus genius is poised at the growing edge of civilization. Where he goes, his generation and succeeding generations are likely to go. This is why the genius is both the most precious and potentially the most dangerous representative of our species as illustrated by Christ and Anti-Christ, by Jesus and Adolf Hitler..."51 Many pages ago we pondered the reason the Jews so feared Hitler; now we see clearly why -- They apprehend the contagious quality of genius. They know and dread the potentialities and probabilities concealed within the immaturity of ordinary folk, living in extraordinary times. The battle is over your right as a human being to fulfill your own feelings, for they are the source of immense human promise. Uneasy dreamers of Anti-Christs and tempting serpents call out to be awakened. The difference between us is not a matter of intelligence; it is about the infinite distance that separates free men from slaves. How do totalitarian systems function? The basic premise is that "The People" are expendable, interchangeable, standard, equal --- that all are just parts of a machine with no innate individual value. It is called materialism. What I have tried to convey earlier is that Blacks who side with the Jews may find materialistic rewards and Party favors, but they will never find freedom in the shadow of any master. Only by taking charge of their own destiny, can Africans come to know the possibilities of genius that they alone can care enough to liberate in each other.

We live in a world where there are no final solutions, short of the total destruction of life on this planet. We cannot eliminate every people that challenge us, whether they be Jews, Chinese or those of mixed race who have no identity at all. However, the Jews are an enemy like no others we have faced; they have successfully invaded not only our territories, but taken command of our societies and occupied our souls, subjugating us with the "idealism" of their Christian Socialism. We must drive them out of our hearts. They must understand that we are done worshipping them, that as long as they are Jews they have no place among us... that neither Europe nor North America are their "promised land". Our hostility to the Jews is based upon what they have done and intend to do, not upon their genetic composition. We must not pervert science by creating politically motivated doctrines "proving" the inferiority of the Jews. The fact is undeniable: they are not inferior to us; if they were, they would not be our wealthy oppressors, and we would not be praying in our Christian hearts to a Jewish God. I believe that if the Jews are willing to abandon one another and join us by intermarrying en mass with the struggling lower middle class of Russia, that we can solve our differences. Let the Jews enrich our gene pool, and rebuild the people and the environment they destroyed. This is a way in which the Jews can make retribution for the harm they have done our race. Such action makes more sense than tearing out their hearts, although I can understand why many may want to. ....and that too can be done through the merciless eternal beauty of poetry. Those Jews not chosen by our people to join us could "flee" to Israel, where no "foreign aid" would be forth coming from any White nation. I am not optimistic such a modest proposal is likely to materialize, but it sure beats the hell out of nuclear holocaust. Who knows, perhaps we can find humane ways of treating wounds that will not heal, while also evading Armageddon. In the event you have failed to notice, these ideas are not consistent with nazism, Christianity, or democracy. We must find a new inspiration to solve age-old problems which favor re-runs of the past in place of an authentic future. It is not enough to idealize Hitler and resurrect the ruined policies of the Third Reich. It is not my intent to "fight" nazism, or to recommend that the Jews be awarded the justice they so richly deserve; but rather to search out inspiration among the still smoldering ashes of Dresden and Berlin.... to listen for the faint cries of those little voices frozen in time by flames of injustice, to cradle them in my soul so life might still have meaning. Our objective is not to attack the Jews, but neither is it our mission to defend those who persist in preying upon unborn angels who hauntingly sing to us from eternity. Revisionist history can take us only so far; finally we must create our children a real future for they cannot relive the 1930's. It is the brain's capacity to re-program itself, to break-down.... and out of the chaos of human suffering create an intelligence with Soul, which enables a people to outlast the horrors that traumatize collective memory.

It is my belief that genius may be triggered by some kind of traumatic experience in childhood or early adolescence which is sufficient to destabilize normal development, but not severe enough to produce devastating psychosis -- a borderline state of arrested emotional and mental development. Such a trauma would be the antithesis of what we understand mystical experience to be; the child would experience the world closing in and becoming fearfully dark. The devastation of a firebombed city like Dresden is only the external manifestation of the shadow, the horror that has befallen a people, many of whom never recover from the shell-shock of this hellish Hollywood hit ....premiering in one�s own hometown theater of war. Genius is that flower which blossoms decades later in the midst of still hallowed rubble, bringing hope like holy water to the bombed out souls whose lives remain torn open like the unhealed ruins of East Berlin half a century after the war. Bohm spent much of his life searching for the secret of contagious genius. What he failed to understand is that such experience must be greater than the intellectual mysticism of some eccentric holy guru. Just as genius has its origins in an emotionally torn mind, so also does the collective consciousness of a people. They share a common sorrow; but the contagious grief of their endured mental and physical agony does not vanquish them. From among their numbers, some creative souls fall by chance instinct upon Nature's hidden mercy: genius. Because of a people's shared vulnerability, they too are sensitive to this saving non-local grace, which unfolds in a revelation softer than the sheltering wings of guardian angels, and no less overwhelming than the bombshell that blinded them.

                10 Spiritual beauty of the fighting Irish - A quest for courage


                                                END NOTES

21.Zohar, The Quantum Self , p.9

22.Zohar, The Quantum Self , p.11

23.Zohar, p.11

24.Zohar, p.9

25.Zohar, pp.9-10

26.Oxford Univ. Press and Cambridge Univ. Press, The New English Bible with
     Apocrypha � 1961 and 1970 Oxford Univ. Press and Cambridge Univ. Press
     Psalm 137, p.735

27.Jewish Defense League

28.Rockwell, George Lincoln, White Power , no copyright, no publisher indicated, first
     edition 1967, later editions in 977 and 1983, pp. 291-292

29.Dobratz, Betty A. and Stephanie L. Shanks-Meile, White Power, White Pride! The
     White Separatist Movement in the United States, (Simon &Shuster MacMillan,
     Prentice Hall)Twayne Pubishers � 1997, New York, pp.57-58

30.Gleick, James, Genius: Richard Feynman and Modern Physics � 1992 Little,
     Brown and Company (UK) Limited, London, p.322

31.Waterhouse, Lynn, Speculation on the Neuroanatomical Substrate of Special
     Talents in the book The Exceptional Brain: Neuropsychology of Talent and Special
     Abilities (Loraine K. Obler, Deborah Fein, Eds.) � 1988 Guilford Press, New York,

32.Waterhouse,Speculation on the Neuroanatomical Substrate of Special Talents,

33.Ludwig, Arnold M., The Price of Greatness: Resolving the Creativity and Madness
     Controversy � 1995 The Guilford Press, New York, p.52

34.Ehrenwald, Jan, foreword by Jules H. Masserman, Anatomy of Genius � 1984
     Human Sciences Press, Inc, New York, p.34

35.Ehrenwald, Anatomy of Genius , p.57

36.Ehrenwald, Anatomy of Genius , p.57

37.Gardner, Howard, Creating Minds:An Anatomy of Creativity Seen Through the
     Lives of Freud, Einstein, Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, Graham, and Gandhi � 1993
     Basic Books (Harper Collins Publishers) New York, p.109

38A.Ehrenwald, Anatomy of Genius , p.118

38B.Ehrenwald, Anatomy of Genius , pp.118-19

39.Ludwig, The Price of Greatness: Resolving the Creativity and Madness
     Controversy , p.60

40.Hare, Edward, Creativity and mental illness, British Medical Journal, Volume 295
     19-26 December 1987, pp.1587-1589

41.Ludwig, The Price of Greatness: Resolving the Creativity and Madness
     Controversy , p.176

42.Weinberg, Dreams of a Final Theory, p.125

43.Gardner, Howard, Creating Minds:An Anatomy of Creativity Seen Through the
     Lives of Freud, Einstein, Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, Graham, and Gandhi � 1993
     Basic Books (Harper Collins Publishers) New York, pp. 112-13

44.Waterhouse,Speculation on the Neuroanatomical Substrate of Special Talents,

45.Bohm, David and F. David Peat, Science, Order and Creativity � 1987 Bantam
     Books, New York, p.7

46.Ludwig, The Price of Greatness: Resolving the Creativity and Madness
     Controversy , p.61

47.Ludwig, p.58

48.Ehrenwald, Anatomy of Genius , pp.261

49.Ludwig, p.186

50.Ludwig, p.110

51.Ehrenwald, pp.261-62