The madness entangled chaos of Salvador Dali: genius unifies art, mysticism, and quantum physics in the many universes of illusion and distortion chosen to betray the reality of truth.

If you wish to understand this book, you should see it whole � and the place to start is the homepage: Heaven-Words copyright 2005 WEBb1910473801 (All rights reserved by the author) You may view any or all chapters of this very long book simply by clicking on the links below.

Fox News Bill O�Reilly Sean Hannity Savage Double Talk Radio with Their Forked Tongue Tales of Islamofascism in Eurabia

Keys To Heaven-Words: The Art And Science Of Revolution

Gordon Press-ing realities in a surreal world

Cold War origins of totalitarianism in North America and Western Europe

Rise and fall of Roman Catholic Church: revisionist history

Quantum theory made easy:  an introduction to the new physics

From String Theory To A Final Theory: Back To The Origins of Nuclear Weapons

Creators of the atomic bomb: debasing nuclear power into a totalitarian order in the new world

Quantum brain theory: splitting classical-physical reality..from the inside-out

Breakdown of madness dawns on genius of collective consciousness

Chaos Theory: gravity bends of spiraling space-time

Emile Durkheim: sacred symbols conceal unholy conviction: believers-in-themselves are sacred..chosen people

Totalitarian science of quantum wholeness -- David Bohm: Krishnamurti or Cusa

The double edge rap of black and white words

In Terror of a Savage Nation - Orwellian nightmare dawns on the West

Salvador Dali portrays two-timing artists of today: from religious to ideological war with Jewish genius

By 1900, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion described a Jewish plan to rule the world. It anticipated a Jewish takeover in Russia by 17 years. Levy identifies The Protocols as the most widely circulated work of anti-Semitic literature of the 1920s and 30s. It was created in Europe by a number of people; "the component parts of the myth of a Jewish world conspiracy were contributed by Russian policemen and religious mystics, by a French political satirist and several priests...." along with others who are less identifiable. The bias of Robert S. Wistrich, who holds the Neuberger Chair of Modern European History at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is obvious as he speaks of Leib Bronstein (a.k.a. Leon Trotsky): as a "brilliant Russified Jew" whom he is proud to inform us was leading the Bolshevik Red army that fought so effectively against the Whites, and who alongside Lenin transformed Marx's "idealism" into the reality of the communist State. You see it was the White Russians who were distributing The Protocols in their campaign against the Bolshevik Jews whom they maintained were trying to overthrow their government. Why does one get the feeling that Wistrich, in 1991, still sides with the Reds against the Whites, even after it is common knowledge in academic circles that somewhere in the range of 50 million East Europeans were starved, frozen, shot, or simply worked to death in communist labor camps, many after World War II?

Henry Ford, the famous auto maker, published The International Jew about 1920; this book discloses that The Protocols were accurate in forecasting that Jewish Bolsheviks intended to establish revolutionary communism in Russia. In this book, he explained how rich western Jews financed communist revolutionaries in Russia. Ford's book was especially popular in Germany. By the 1930's, Hitler's Germany understood that they were fighting a war of extraordinary consequence against Jewish world dominion. This was the reason for the German attacks on the Jews through-out Europe, and the Nazi struggle with the Jewish Bolshevism of Stalin's Soviet Union. After WWII, Jewish power became firmly established in the USSR/split-Europe/USA and throughout the world. What many knew of Jewish power in the 1920's and 1930's was effectively repressed by constant focus of the media on the "cold war" and the "Holocaust" -- it was during this time of intense media focus on the Holocaust that a far greater atrocity was being implemented in the communist camp. McCarthyism was crushed by the arrival of TV in the 1950's. In the 1990's, after the breakdown of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of Soviet Communism, that common knowledge of the 1920's and 1930's once again surfaced in popular culture, as the grip of Jewish power weakened in Europe. The Jews have ruled Europe for most of the past 150 years, and have more or less controlled the world since 1945.

It would be very worth while to trace the history of the conflict between the Church and the Jews, particularly the Spanish Inquisition in which the Jews were driven out of Spain. Keep this in mind when we discuss the Spanish painter Salvador Dali. The Protocols seem to have been the Church's last stand against the Jews. Today, all Christian Churches are allied with the Jews. Even Rome lacks the power to resist, especially since the untimely and suspicious death of Pope John Paul I in 1978; the Churches lead the way in the campaign to create a multi-racial socialist world. Pope John Paul II, in 1993, went to the newly freed Baltic states, not to morn the deaths of the fifty million Europeans, many of them Catholics, murdered by the communists over this half century of enslavement, but to instruct these rebellious peasants in the dangers of nationalism and the need to forgive their former communist masters. One might doubt that the pope would be so generous and forthright in teaching the world to forgive the former nazis. For the Whites of Europe and North America, a multi-racial one-world Christian society is no more desirable than a comparable atheistic system. In 1995, the pope gave the moral penance to all Europeans to make a pilgrimage to the former nazi death camps and pray in their hearts that God and the Jews forgive them their guilt for the Holocaust. Some members of the Church fought valiantly over these difficult years, such as Cardinal Glemp of Poland, but for the most part the clergy are model citizens of the new world order. The Soul of the Catholic Church has been lost.

Christianity, particularly Catholicism, failed in a religious war with the Jews that lasted nearly two millennia, but this failure did not mean that resistance to the Jews was ended. The approach of the twentieth century marked not only the decline of traditional religion, but the rise of new secular ideologies. In the explorations ahead, we will examine both Jewish zealotry and nazism; we will find that they have far more in common than either party may wish to concede. Communism and nazism can be thought of as secular religions, as conflicting ideologies. Secular Jews may be atheistic, but they are invariably intensely ideological in their support for Zionism and capitalist / socialism. People believe in ideologies with as much fanaticism as any martyr of Islam, and many millions are willing to fight for or against them, as their ancestors once fought under the various banners of Christianity. "Seen in historic perspective, ideologies have always shown a remarkable tenacity and staying power. They are hard to kill, but may incite to killing dissenters or opponents." Hitler was an ideological leader, and not a mere pragmatic politician or weak tea minister. He believed in his cause, and those who fought along side him knew it. He inspired them. The crucial question we must address is this: why was Hitler so dangerous? What was it about him the Jews fear so much, even after he has been dead more than half a century? The answer to this question will lead us into the central ideas studied in this book: mysticism, madness, genius, and most of all -- collective consciousness. If you hold the opinion that mysticism is an escape from the real world, I guarantee you will change your mind on that matter before too much longer. It is readily understandable that many intelligent people question the need to "waste" so much time and energy on mysticism in this book. A link between nazism and mysticism is far from obvious to the uninitiated. However, be assured that the ruling Zionists of this social order recognize how dangerous spirituality can be. They used religion many centuries ago to gain access to Europe; they came like Paul as missionaries to the gentiles. Hasidism is based on mysticism. As you will learn, the Jews are well aware of the fundamental importance of mysticism to their genius, and in defining their identity as a people. The following discussion should shake up those who still believe that talk of self-transcendence is merely philosophical nonsense.

In The Nature of Fascism, Roger Griffin cites Arthur Koestler, who maintained that the patriotic and ideological wars of nazism and communism were as emotionally engaging as the religious wars that preceded them. The quality of self-sacrificing loyalty is triggered as readily by secular ideologies as by religions. It does not much matter if Jews are being attacked for being Christ killers or for plotting to rule the world. The mysterious force driving men to lay down their lives for nazism and communism was not a sense of self importance, but selflessness, and a willingness to sacrifice themselves for a cause in which they truly believed. What both ideologies have in common is their capacity to represent the intellectual and emotional concerns of the "total man", and that emotional commitment to such an ideology necessitates self-transcendence. Thus, wars are fought by honorable men, and it is their feeling of loyalty to what they believe to be life's highest values, their self-righteous conviction, which drives enemies to embrace one another in mortal combat. What Koestler, Griffin and others conclude from this is that less honorable, more selfish people, are not as likely to engage in war. Thus, peace necessitates the corruption of traditional societies that instill feelings of honor and loyalty within a historically identifiable community of people, such as the Germans. The primary objective is to destroy the feelings of affection and caring people have for those like themselves, and substitute greed and self-interest in their place. Instead of listening to sentimental Irish ballads, people are surrounded by African music that appeals to rhythms alien to the heart and Soul of the peoples of European descent. They are encouraged to feel like Africans and to deny their own ethnic identity, their own feelings. If you have doubts about the wisdom of such a policy, look at Israel to see if the Jews apply it within their own nation. They clearly do not. Therefore, this policy of corruption is intended only for "gentiles". The proper course of action then is to do what the Israelis do, not what the Jewish Diaspora and their media within our own nations tell us to do. The defining characteristic of the Jews is their loyalty to one another: that�s what it means to be a Jew!

It will be some tens of pages yet before we encounter the themes of complementarity and symmetry that were briefly introduced earlier. In a similar way, I will touch very lightly upon a few new themes which will later become central to our thinking: brain research, madness, mysticism, genius and collective consciousness. At this stage, these ideas may seem exaggerated or merely irrelevant, but as this story unfolds you will find that they have far more power and credibility than you can imagine right now. So for the moment, humor me.

The human body is bilaterally symmetrical. This structure is no more evident than in our two eyes. The eyes are the visible extensions of the brain, which is itself composed of left and right halves. The right hemisphere controls the emotionally charged imagery of artistic expression. The left hemisphere focuses on the practicalities and struggles of daily life in the real world.6 Imagination has its physical origins on the right side, but without the discipline and structure provided by the left, one ends up with confusion rather than a creative work of art. The right hemisphere is the "wellspring of the three I's, intuition, inspiration, and imagination".7 My aim is to clarify that genius is a deeply emotional phenomenon. What is of greatest significance here is to recognize that the right hemisphere's encoded information is super-imposed on the primitive area of the brain, which reaches back to our pre-human evolutionary origins. It is this instinctive quality of intuition, that which is most primitive and most natural about us, which traditional belief associates with the supernatural, with the religious. This is a vital matter to recognize. It is the dividing line between traditional mysticism, and the spirituality that will be developed in this book. We will not be appealing to other-worldly phenomenon, but rather turning directly inwards toward our most primitive nature. The way we are doing this is by looking at the brain, particularly the right hemisphere, and examining the amazing potentiality of genius it opens to us. This natural intelligence of the body astonishes civilized man, exposing his mysterious roots in a distant evolutionary journey, which awakens in him instincts that may seem close to miraculous. Ehrenwald observes that the information encoded in our DNA is far superior to the learned skills of modern scientific technicians with all their degrees conferring official knowledge. The right hemisphere draws on the evolutionary wisdom of our own human nature. "It is the repository, on the human level, of the navigational skills of the homing pigeon; of the spawning salmon; of the timetable of the hermit crab; of a flock of migratory birds... "8 While it is too early for you to appreciate this insight, listen anyway: the intuitive half of the brain is mysterious to us precisely because of our conviction that we are individuals, and not governed by the collective instincts so evident throughout nature. Later, we will identify current brain research supporting the observation that man's brain too is hard-wired for feelings of tribal solidarity -- for loyalty to his own kind.

It is this instinct for tribal loyalty that is today branded racism. Not so many yesterdays past, this instinct ran wild in the world and is most commonly personified in the charismatic legend of Adolf Hitler. "Yet it was perhaps Hitler's very right-hemispheric temperament which was responsible for his mesmeric influence upon his fellow beings. Some of his more critical observers were wondering whether the people around him had the 'sixth sense.' A hard-nosed German industrialist noted, after an encounter with Hitler, 'The Fuehrer has an antenna to tune him in directly to the Almighty.' .....Hitler himself was firmly convinced of his supernatural gifts. We have his word for it that many of his minor and major decisions were guided by his intuitions, hunches, and prophetic visions. There is a much quoted passage in his Mein Kampf in which he reports that while in the trenches during the first World War, he suddenly heard a voice commanding him to leave the site of a grenade explosion that was to kill his comrades a few seconds later."9 Hitler escaped assassination on several occasions by following sudden intuitions, and changing his schedule.

Ehrenwald describes Hitler as having a mystical orientation.10 There was indeed something magical about Hitler, and all generations since the war have been taught to interpret that quality as demonic influence. The cult of personality that was built up around Hitler promised to crown him messiah if the war should turn in Germany's favor. Whether demon or demigod, Hitler seemed to be more than a man. He embodied the spirit of nazism. As today in America, the occult was popular in Nazi Germany. You might want to search on the Internet for links between the occult and Nazism. I do not worship either the occult or Adolf Hitler. My purpose here is not moralistic, but rather to point out the enormous power of a collective human instinct such as racism, and the compulsion modern world leaders have to repress it. But that repression translates into a totalitarianism that is a greater evil than the primitive instincts it seeks to control. Repression is not the only way of coming to grips with man's brutal nature. The creative arts allow human beings to transform raw passion into forms of civilized intelligence that are vital to the survival of humanity. This is my objective: to express primitive feelings in an intelligent manner, to transform savagery into brilliance. This has always been the primary purpose of creative artists throughout human history. Perhaps none better represents the terrifying danger that dogs the artist's mission than Salvador Dali. He was a man strangely reminiscent of another painter: Adolf Hitler. "My crusade was for the defense of Greco-Roman civilization. At the moment when I arrived in Paris, the intellectual elements were rotten with the nefarious and already declining influence of Bergsonism which, with its apology of instinct and of l'elan vital (the life urge), had led to the crudest aesthetic revaluations. Indeed an influence blown over from Africa swept over the Parisian mind with a savage-intellectual frenzy that was enough to make one weep. People adored the lamentable instinctive products of real savages! Negro art had just been enthroned, and this was accomplished with the aid of Picasso and the surrealists! When I reflected that the heirs of the intelligence of a Raphael Sanzio had fallen into such an aberration, I blushed with shame and rage."11

Surrealists, like so many other artists, believed that the creative mind was the realm of the mentally unstable, and not accessible to normal consciousness. They maintained that society defined the range of permissible experience as sane, and that which it did not accept was by default insane. The mission of the Surrealists was to extend the range of acceptable experience beyond socially established limits.12 Dali angered the leaders of the Surrealist movement, such as the French poet Andre Breton, by painting pictures of Hitler and other nazi themes; but to add insult to their outrage, he produced an offensive painting of Lenin, whom they idealized. "All taboos are forbidden, or else a list has to be made of those to be observed, and let Breton formally state that the kingdom of Surrealist poetry is nothing but a little domain used for the house arrest of those convicted felons placed under surveillance by the vice squad or the Communist Party."13 Dali had expressed concern that an increasing Stalinization was becoming evident in the Surrealist movement. In 1934, Dali was forced by the leadership to recant his ideas, which were seen by his contemporaries as sympathetic to Hitler. " 'Dali having been found guilty on several occasions of counter-revolutionary actions involving the glorification of Hitlerian fascism, the undersigned propose -- despite his statement of 25 January 1934 -- that he be excluded from Surrealism as a fascist element and combated by all available means.' "14 Dali confessed allegiance to "the proletariat" and rejected nazism. He was not excommunicated. But Dali continued, never-the-less, to speak his mind and paint images offensive to the cultural vanguard. Years later, Dali proved to be unreformed in his racist sympathies. Andre Breton reported that: " 'Dali even declared to me, ' he wrote, 'in February 1939 -- and I listened carefully enough to assure myself that he was being completely serious -- that the basic trouble confronting the world today was racial and that the only solution was for all the white races to band together and reduce all the coloured people to slavery.'"15 What is most useful to notice here is that Breton was able to determine that Dali was serious about this issue of race. As we will soon discover, no one seemed to take the later Dali seriously. This is why it is so necessary to realize that there was a time when Dali did care about something other than money. He believed that culture has organic origins, and that " A race must find force of expression in its biological and psychological depths...."16 I am trying to demonstrate that Hitler was a recognizable human being, not so unlike the younger Dali.

Among the similarities they shared were: genius, racism, and an artistic disposition characterized by mystical experience that may be viewed as mental instability. Dali described genius in terms of what he called his "paranoia critical method". Dali experienced paranoia "as a 'total and homogeneous idea'.17 Ehrenwald describes Hitler in terms of "a closed, self-sealing system of thought"; he goes on to add an "uncompromising paranoid mind."18 This is an essential point here: genius is like paranoia in that it involves the human being totally in a coherent experience of the world. If you think of genius as a kind of paranoia which makes more sense of everything than existing models of reality then you are getting the drift of the direction in which we are moving. The central difference between genius and paranoia is that for genius the self is not the center around which everything revolves, and to the extent that one falls into that self-centered "I am God" perspective, genius declines into clinically recognizable paranoia. Genius is a balancing act on a high wire, and is always at risk of falling into madness. Remarkably, genius is often able to maintain cohesiveness, even as aspects of personality non-essential to the creative mission become dysfunctional.

Dali speaks of projecting the real which is within us as paranoia. This is a very subtle idea, and will turn out to mean that the world is incomplete, that we must become engaged, totally involved by creating reality in the form of beauty. Reality becomes a projection of the mind. Dali was aware of the intellectual developments of his time, and readily pointed out that reason and practical science have been called into question. "In the end, it will finally be officially recognized that reality as we have baptized it is a greater illusion than the dream world. .... The true real is within us and we project it when we systematically exploit our paranoia, which is a response and action due to the pressure --- or depression --- of cosmic void. I believe my paranoia is an expression of the absolute structure, the proof of its immanence. My genius consists of being in direct contact with the cosmic soul."19 Much later, we will come to recognize this "cosmic soul" as something "real", which Durkheim identifies as the collective consciousness of society.

Dali described himself as a mystic and a genius. A study of his life quickly reveals that his paranoia-critical method of creativity was rooted in authentic mental instability. Dali was not unique among artists or scientists in experiencing the world as a projection of his mind. Richard Feynman believed that science had distanced itself from the wonder that he felt as a child toward the natural world, the sense of fascination with the world around him that had been his inspiration to become a physicist. He described beauty as an illusion which arises from projecting our feelings onto the world, and in the process organizing human perception.20 A more prominent physicist, Neils Bohr, was saying much the same thing when he argued that there is no real world, only our models which we project onto the "external world." I don't expect that at this point you recognize the importance of Bohr, Dali, or Feynman, nor do I imagine that you see the significance of their common idea that the world of human experience is a projection of the mind. But many pages from now, when we have studied relativity, quantum physics, and so much more, we will be thrown back upon illusory stereograms that will reveal this insight to be of staggering dimensions, and easily as astonishing as Dali claimed it to be. I want you to take Dali seriously, and to realize that he was capable of thinking incredibly powerful ideas. It was his fascination with mystical illusions and their relevance to the new physics which re-directed the entire course of my own thinking around 1992.

Dali was a genius not simply because he was a fine painter, but because he was able to express extraordinary ideas through his art. Dali considered the way in which he painted to be mediocre, but he believed that his mystical nature introduced the element of genius into his creations. It is nonsensical to simply talk about Dali. You have to study his paintings. You must go to some of the many Dali sites on the Internet and view his early work, from 1936 to 1940. Be sure you see the illusory nature of the following paintings: The Invisible Man 1929, The Great Paranoiac 1936, Metamorphosis of Narcissus 1937, Woman's Head in the Form of a Battle and Spain 1938, The Endless Enigma 1938, The Slave Market with the Disappearing Bust of Voltaire 1940. In addition, carefully examine The Enigma of Hitler 1937.

The image of woman figures very prominently in Dali's creative work, and the leading lady of his life was Gala, his wife. She entered Dali's life with a mission: to save his sanity. She was able to respond to his feelings in a way that was healing to Dali in his younger years.21 Dali lived from 1904 to 1989, and painted almost continually for close to eighty years. The quality and volume of his work give you some understanding as to what genius actually is. Gala appears in many of Dali's paintings, interestingly as a young woman in one of his later works. At the age of seventy, he created one of his most memorable illusions: Gala Contemplating the Mediterranean Sea which at Twenty Metres Becomes the Portrait of Abraham Lincoln -- Homage to Rothko, 1974. This painting suggests that in the world of Dali's creative genius, the mind experiences the vision of eternal youth. Compare the work of the 1930's and the 1970's, or even 1980s. The beauty of his vision does not fade with age, although we are about to see that much of his personal life does.

Dali tried to reconcile traditional mystical themes with Surrealist painting.22 This ambition is nicely portrayed in The Madonna of Port Lligat 1950. As will become evident momentarily, Dali was a mass of contradictions; that is why it is so necessary to be aware of the deeply Catholic tone of some of his best known works. Dali was influenced by the tradition of Spanish mysticism, and this can be witnessed in his painting Christ of St. John of the Cross 1951, which is based on the drawings of the mystic St. John of the Cross.23 Dali felt that Gala had cured the madness of his youth. However, while she traveled to Paris in the luxury resulting from his artistic success, he treasured his time at Port Lligat, in Spain, where he painted in monastic solitude.24 "Port Lligat: a life of asceticism, of isolation. It was there that I learned to impoverish myself, ... A life that was hard, without metaphor or wine, a life with the light of eternity. The lucubrations of Paris, the lights of the city, and of the jewels of the Rue de la Paix, could not resist this other light--total, centuries-old, poor, serene and fearless..."25

If Dali was simply a devout Spanish Catholic, he would not have been such a revolutionary thinker. What made him different from traditional mystics is that he was very interested in science, particularly theoretical physics; he was quick to recognize the mystical themes appearing in this once mechanistic discipline, and tried to integrate them into the sacred images of Catholic mythology. The Vatican took a considerable interest in his efforts, and physicists came to study his amazing insight into the nature of illusion. Dali did not succeed in reconciling Christianity and science, although his paintings reflect a brilliant effort in that direction. "An even more curious merging of the theories of nuclear physics and Dali's brand of mysticism occurs in the Anti-Protonic Assumption (1956). Dali here is drawing on the combination of the theories of quantum mechanics with relativity...."26 which he combines with traditional images of the Virgin Mary. I am sure Dali was serious when he said " 'I love physics..... Today the external world -- that of physics -- has transcended that of psychology.' "27 He declared that Heisenberg was now his father.....This from a man who was deeply committed to a school of art based on the ideas of Freud. Very early in his career, Dali consciously created images, such as limp dripping watches, to describe scientific concepts such as space-time. Among his most prominent works is The Persistence of Memory (Soft Watches) 1931. He was able to understand important scientific ideas and portray them in artistic forms that could be felt and meaningfully experienced by everyone. He helped his contemporaries make sense of the unreal world opened up by the new physics, but failed to salvage tradition and the spirituality encoded there in. His own life would be a casualty of that spiritual failure. We discover from his attempt that it is not possible to fully integrate traditional Christian symbolism with modern scientific thought. New concepts of spirituality are required; it is not enough to manually combine old and new visions. An original creation is needed, a new faith. Worshipping a Jewish God, and being intimidated by "His chosen people", has been a fatal error. But our past has been too deeply inter-twined with the Biblical tradition for us to make a clean break with all memory of the Jews. We must find an alternative to throwing out the childhood of Western culture along with the phony baptismal waters of Babylon we imported from the Middle East. What Dali reveals to us is that the same image can be seen in more than one way. We must learn to adapt the past of our ancestors to the future of our children, and to do so in imaginative ways ..... not merely by erasing all memory of by-gone days, as the Orwellian communists of America would do today, but by opening the mind to yet undreamed beauty.

While Dali and his work are immensely fascinating, they are not the central matter under study here. Consequently, I will not take the time and space to present a balanced picture of his life, but rather focus on those aspects that are most relevant to the concerns of this book, to the silent terror of totalitarianism that is so feared that very few dare even acknowledge that it exists. It is never sufficient to merely firebomb the cities of one's enemies into submission; the soul must be conquered... not only the minds of ordinary folk, but especially the most gifted. The spirit of Europe could not withstand the bombs that would fall, ushering in the new world order... nor could Dali. He left Europe in 1940, while Germany was still in one piece, for the safety of America, and remained there until 1948. I have been somewhat misleading in the way in which I have presented Dali, as though he was a heroic patriotic defender of tradition and race. Dali indeed appeared that way at one time in his younger years, but chose an utterly different philosophy as he gained wealth and fame. Dali may have captured the European mood of the 1930's and sympathized with fascist ideas, but the master of double images proved himself to be a turncoat. He did more than recant his youthful foray into nazi imagery, he became a model of depravity forty years before it was to become common place in American life. We can learn to understand the decadence of the society around us by delving into the details of Dali's secret life, for they are at the heart of our own sickness, as well as at the core of his perversion. We will now begin a detailed study in genius, madness and corruption, with Dali as our model.

Dali was not faithful to the Spanish mysticism that was as much a part of him as his own language. He was not loyal to anything or anyone, save those who could enrich him. He became a man obsessed with wealth and self importance, while trying to remain a mystic. He converted illusion into intentional deception, a magic trick we will see was repeated on a grand scale decades later by the leading scientists and politicians of the world. After the war, he claimed that a monarchy of good willed old men ruled the world. He referred to Stalin, Churchill, Mao, Eisenhower etc. as a "gerontocratic monarchic order, and went on to declare that "Political hypocrisy is on the wane."28 It is very clear that Dali chose to cast his lot with the rich and powerful, and turned away from his middle class origins. Like a faithful socialist, Dali expressed an interest in the very rich and the very poor, but despised the bourgeois. He visited prominent politically correct colleagues, such as Picasso, but avoided struggling young artists. Most of all, he enjoyed the company of wealthy society people, with whom he met almost nightly. Unlike the days of his youth, Dali now no longer resisted the real masters of society. In fact, he joined them; and by doing so willingly limited the scope of his rebellious genius. Dali, the self proclaimed greatest genius of all time, shyly confessed that he never understood the meaning of his painting The Enigma of Hitler.29 He became an artist for hire. Dali the Spanish mystic became a magician, the best Dalian imitator on the drag strip. He declared himself to be no reactionary, and supported no revolution, communist or fascist. He complained that he had been pressed by public opinion to side with either Stalin or Hitler, but that he chose tradition over politics, and above all and always he sided only with Dali, and this focus on self-interest was exactly what the wealthy supporters of this former Don Quixote wanted to hear.30

One such benefactor who could pull his strings was an immensely wealthy cosmetics tycoon who spoke in a Napoleonic commanding fashion: Helena Rubinstein.31 He refers to her as a "Dalian personage", comparing her to himself. She had a "Dalian sense of money" and he was eager to place himself in the service of such a worthy person so able to reward his talents.32 Dali tells briefly of her Jewish character and how "She plastered more than 50 percent of the feminine sex in a carapace of illusions that remade their faces as well as their souls."33 --- But he fails to mention how she remade his soul, evidently by paying top dollar for the three frescoes she commissioned from him. He considered it degrading for those who had achieved greatness not to live in splendor.34 Andre Breton ridiculed Dali in his writings. He announced that the early Dali vanished around 1935 and was replaced by a greedy portrait painter named Avida Dollars, who was fond of quoting complimentary letters he received from the pope; but Andre was perhaps too genteel to criticize Dali's subservience to Jewish patrons.35 Never-the-less he was right about Dali's greed; this was not run of the mill avarice. In his book The Dali Scandal, Mark Rogerson mentions evidence showing that hundreds of millions of dollars in forged Dali reproductions were sold world-wide, and discusses the extent to which Dali and Gala participated in this scandal. But one thing is for certain, if Dali had ever been charged with participating in this forgery business, he had an ironclad defense: insanity.

Dali described himself as the savior of modern art, but evidently did not wish to stop there. "I can say that I am today the man nearest to the existence of God; the least mad of men and the term divine sometimes applied to me expresses an existential reality."36 Contradiction was his trademark, so this savior found no problem in taking pride in his unwillingness to help others in distress. He obviously did not take his Christ complex too much to heart. He described himself as a mystical spirit that governs space-time by his merest whim. Evidently he believed humanity should worship him. That part of the god business did interest the divine Dali. He revealed that each of his paintings is a Mass through which he shares the Eucharist of his knowledge with those devoted to the "Dalinian mystique".37 Not that he was given to exaggeration, but he did think that "A new consciousness of humanity may start with me, Dali."38 He mentioned that the Spanish government declared his home in Port Lligat a picturesque site of special interest to the nation, " ' thereby turning this corner of the world into a Dalinian church '. . . "39 He planed on having his body preserved immediately after death, so that a future society could bring the divine Dali back to life. "I should not be unhappy if some day humanity declared my person to be sacred and that from generation to generation the torch of my body were transmitted as the eternal witness to evolution."40

With Dali, corruption takes on a religious dimension, as he becomes truly satanic. It is significant that this immensely self-centered man could not see the evil nature of his efforts to pervert others. The run-of-the-mill sinner simply "falls", but can be forgiven his weakness. The perverse person who has become malevolent takes upon himself the objective of spiritually destroying others. This is the hallmark of Jewish influence on our people. If you have known any Jews for any length of time, the likelihood is very high that they will have a corrosive effect on you and your family; by this I mean that in one way or other you will be encouraged to engage in self-destructive behavior. Dali was evidently corrupted by society Jews, like the Baron de Rothshield and others, and he in turn took it upon himself to corrupt the young. "We are going to Barcelona, where Serge Lifar, M. Bon, and the Baron de Rothschild will bring the models for my ballet. I hope that the music will be really bad. The story that Rothschild has thought up is nothing. So I can perform Dalinian prodigies quite alone, being assured of the unconditional support of Bon and Lifar"41 There is no ambiguity about Dali's sexual perversion. I do not care to spell out the details, but they are painfully evident if one reads his Unspeakable Confessions.42 Dali had an obsession with watching sexual perversity; he paid people to perform in his "theatre" while he commanded them to carry out his erotic fantasies.43 These orgies evidently occupied a great deal of Dali's time when he was not painting. He mentions how "sensitive" Gala was to his vices. He assures the reader that their passion and love are pure, that they are one, and that "eroticism is for others".44 The double meaning dimension of his words suggests that Gala was not quite as contented in their marital arrangement as he was. "And Dali claimed that his own desires, far from being noble, were solely base and contemptible, and that the desires he himself considered noblest were the most perverse. He declared lust to be humanity's means of defence against the reality principle, and added that the Marquis de Sade struck him as the most suitable role model for the unleashed desires of the young."45 Dali was obviously deeply involved in sexual perversions of many kinds, particularly homosexuality. He wished to make "consenting and willing slaves" out of the players in his games. "My ambition is to make a lesbian out of an enfant de Maries and a pederast out of a cross-country runner."46 The purpose of his "theatre" was to demonstrate the "genius of Dalian authority."

These activities often had a blasphemous dimension to them. He would use the language and imagery of the Catholic Mass and Christian spirituality when directing his "theatre". Dali would spend a substantial sum of money on gifts and entertainment for those he intentionally sought to corrupt. Evidently, the challenge, as he saw it, was to take fairly normal people and pervert them. He obviously would not have been satisfied to merely watch professionals perform. "I invent the most involved perversions, impose my most extreme whims on them, convince each of the participants to do the maddest things, and extract the fullest admissions from them. When each of them is thus perverted, converted, subjugated, exalted, I one day bring the whole Eros Battalion together..."47 It does not take a devout Christian to recognize the satanic aspect of Dali's character. He is not interested merely in the mechanics of corruption; he wants to enslave the spirits of those he perverts, to make them worship Dali. He centers this erotic performance around himself, his desires and power. The self became the focal point of his insanity. The slaves in Dali's "erotic Mass" could never satisfy him. Their roles required that they endure the guilt of having betrayed the divine high priest. Dali's "holy group" would simply dissolve, leaving him alone in absolute bliss "...where only the quality of God reigns: a totally irrational universe in which everything is sublime and transcended, and my joy itself is a mystical delirium."48 It would be a good guess that the sacrament at Dali's erotic masses was likely to have been a hallucinogenic drug. "Eroticism, hallucinogenic drugs, nuclear science, Gaudi's Gothic architecture, my love of gold --- there is a common denominator in all of it: God is present in everything. The same magic is at the heart of all things, and all roads lead to the same revelation: we are children of God, and the entire universe tends towards the perfection of mankind."49 It is very likely that much of Dali's later "mystical delirium" originated in hallucinogenic drugs. Remember: It is never an easy call telling the Holy Rollers from the high rollers when the good timers are rocking and rolling in their joints.

Dali would take symbols of depth that convey powerful feelings, and treat them superficially. Dali might well be a symbol of our age. His technical brilliance takes on the appearance of spirituality, using the language of religion and psychology to make a virtue of perversion. He lived Freud's psychology, not Heisenberg's physics. He certainly didn't repress his sexuality; but he did manage to repress his racial instincts, and found no difficulty submitting himself to the money and authority of the Jews. Dali was not a man of principle; he saw himself as the greatest good, and went about proving it by never tiring of work. Many people are as selfish, perverse, and uncaring of others as Dali was; yet we manage to live with this fact. It scandalizes us that a man of such remarkable genius should be so immoral, so unprincipled, so spiritually corrupt --- because it belittles our most sacred values. "But despite all the love of corruption and the perverse paranoiac-critical logical (or illogical) ways of doing things, when it comes to the character of Salvador Dali today, anyone's first feeling must be one of regret. In looking at Dali one seems to be perceiving him more and more in a perspective of history. One is watching him go from the man who would meet the glitterati and have a drink with them at the St. Regis Hotel in New York and the Hotel Meurice in Paris or the man who would twirl his moustaches and roll his eyes at the mere hint of a camera, to the sick, querulous, cantankerous recluse that he is today. To see the decline and fall of this giant is a genuine tragedy. The intellectual world should be sad to lose touch with this great mind and to see it fading into the distance and becoming first more and more corrupt and then perhaps more and more unstable, and finally just unable to cope with things."50

The nature of evil is that it is deceptive, illusory; truth is not the simple clear-cut matter we want it to be either. It never comes ready made. One always has to fight for any truth worth knowing. Dali is like a dual image of angel and devil. Our task is to break the hypnotic trance that has enchanted us, and learn once again to distinguish good from evil; for if we continue in a world where evil is indistinguishable from good, then we ourselves will become the damned. We must discover the primacy of an authentic spirituality, not just the appearance of spirituality Dali created, which was so capable of deteriorating into insanity. We must not recklessly abandon the wisdom of our religious tradition; there is much more there than we may see in our passion to free ourselves from it. Likewise, with Dali, we must salvage from his paintings that which is un-perverted, with the understanding of the danger that may await us in the duality of his paranoia-critical vision. Dali seems to take in both good and evil. The duplicity of his insight and outlook plays both sides, has two faces, like the method used so effectively by the Jews. I believe that the Jews have an interest in demoralizing people who may feel spiritually inspired by his Christian paintings. We must have the strength to appreciate Dali's work with full awareness of his genius, madness and the evil he chose to import into his soul. We must also have the faith to trust that not all genius, mysticism and madness is overwhelmed by evil. Let us be simple enough to see the beauty in children and the goodness that truly lives in the souls of decent people. If we seek moral inspiration, then we ought to turn to Solzhenitsyn and not Dali. Learn from him the curious lessons he can teach us, but do not make him into something greater than he was, in spite of all the overblown things he has written about himself.

We have much to lose if we discard his work because he betrayed his own earlier Spanish mysticism and sided with the satanic, for the sake of wealth and fame. In spite of what Dali has said, he does seem to be a Faustian character who has sold his soul to the devil and then proceeded to create a large volume of truly beautiful paintings, and not merely the decadent images he fed to the media and wrote about in his books. Dali was a genius, but the degree of his corruption could not be as extensive as it may appear. He simply worked too hard and was too prolific to be the decadent and avarice eccentric he portrayed himself to be; to some extent, I believe this decadence may also have been an illusion used to isolate himself from the responsibility for others imposed by wealth.... so that he could devote himself to the only thing that really mattered to him -- painting! Let us judge the beauty he has created knowing full well the troubled mind out of which it arose.

Dali continues to be a scandal to everyone: communists, fascists, Christians, and most of all to his own memory. Yet, the talent and extraordinary volume and quality of his work leave us all embarrassed that much as we disapprove of his politics, religion, corruption, everything about him .... never-the-less we are left with his many masterpieces which will outlive all of us. The beauty of his religious works will stand alongside his Freudian dreamscapes, both enduring long after the moral issues that burn so fiercely today are forgotten. We can condemn Dali, but we cannot match his achievement. Our problem is that we must ....because this is the same problem, on a much grander scale, which we face with the creative brilliance of the Jews. There is evil entangled with the beauty of their creations -- and this is the subversion at the heart of Christian socialism so many of our people devoutly believe today. This is the ancient paradox of the tangled heart strings, and its resolution is always something never dreamed of before. Only deeply felt melodies of incredible beauty can re-tune our hearts and restore our Soul, and the promise of our salvation resides in the creative Spirit of those with the courage and sensitivity to compose the future....... our children will sing.

The primary issue here is this: why do the Jews and their converts, such as Dali, seek to corrupt decent people? The Jews wished to destroy self-transcendent spirituality by building up the self, but why has it been so essential for them to corrupt Western civilization? Is profit their main motive for transforming healthy societies into decadent ones? No, personal enrichment is only a fringe benefit in the corruption business. Without doubt the central purpose of subverting White middle class societies is to make them safe for the Jews to occupy. It is the intelligent, incorruptible, and self-sacrificing heroes that are the greatest threat to them; and it is these good people whom the Jews seek to compromise and manipulate. For once the defenders of a community's most fundamental values have been bought off, there is no one left to protect the children from Jewish predators. The strategy of the Jews is to weaken the people whose society they invade by corrupting the most creative of the young, transforming them into degenerates: getting them addicted to drugs, making them into white collar criminals whose sole interest in life is material wealth gained by investing in world-wide casino markets, encouraging them to become homosexuals and then making pathetic heroes out of them when they are spreading an incurable disease to innocent members of their own community --- and above all, forcing the long term restructuring of society by mandatory inter-racial mixing, so as to prevent a cohesive group of people forming which could effectively resist enslavement. Whites, Blacks, Browns are not expected to get along; all they are expected to do is to fight among themselves. This is why America has lost its cohesion -- because the Jews want it to. It is precisely this Zionist decadence the nazis resisted, and why any who choose to resist the internal corruption of their nation must ultimately be "nazis". Resistance to the Jews is forbidden.

Why are the Jews so determined to enforce this multi-racial new world order? Why should they want to subvert and corrupt America and the European nations? What motive can they possibly have in seeking to mongrelize the White race? Why take a decent society, and make it a decadent one? This is the question we must keep asking until we truly understand the answer. What was the shortest book ever written? As a boy, going to a Catholic school in an Irish and Italian neighborhood, I learned the amusing answer to be: The History of Italian War Heroes. Poverty, laziness, corruption, inefficiency, disrespect for social institutions, and lack of cultural cohesion may seem unattractive in a society. "However, Steinberg argues that these 'secondary vices' coexisted and facilitated the persistence in Italy of a 'primary virtue', namely humanity."51 Griffin argues that because the Italian society lacked the tradition of self sacrifice for noble causes, the Italian people did not hesitate to betray Mussolini or Hitler when it was to their own advantage, and safe to do so. Because of their history of corrupt government, Italians did not internalize, did not feel, the values of their leaders. In fact, people became quite clever in evading demands made upon them by the State. So when the Fascists tried to round up the Jews, it was second nature for the Italians to help the Jews escape the despised authorities.

In Germany, there was a long tradition of respect for authority, and doing one's duty. This appreciation for orderliness was evident in the military, the educational system, the civic culture itself. German intellectual discipline was made legendary by Hegel. Concern for orderly thinking translated into a kind of puritan instinct which much preferred cleanliness to the messiness of self-indulgent behavior. In contrasting the Germans with the Italians, Griffin observes that the German character demonstrated a devotion to ".... 'secondary virtues' such as efficiency, obedience, sense of duty, incorruptibility, but at the expense of the primary virtue of humanity. This is why 'messy' ethical considerations did not arise for most Germans when carrying out genocidal orders...".52 It was the impersonal efficiency of German society that transformed Hitler's dream into a reality that could run on auto-pilot. Everyone was just doing his duty, following orders; no one was morally responsible for anything. The Italian fascist "...even in uniform, retained a deep link with his 'private', off-duty, human personality. By contrast, not just the Nazi, but most members of the German army who had never been converted to Nazism, tended to suppress their individuality when the validity of state policies and doctrine were involved, even when not on duty."53

Believers in a self-sacrificing ideology fight wars of extinction against adversaries they see as evil incarnate. Once defeated, how can the resurgence of that fighting spirit be prevented? What is the source of such fanaticism? The strength of such a people originates in a self-transcendent identity exemplified among the Germans by Adolf Hitler --- the charismatic soldier. Nazi militarism was rooted in a racial spirituality idealizing the mercilessly efficient self-sacrificing warrior. The solution offered by the Jews to this dangerous combination of racial spirituality and efficient militarism is selfishness. Build up self-importance at the expense of everything else. Pragmatism, materialism, and greed oppose the idealism of self-sacrifice. "Ironically, it is the perversion of self-transcendent emotions, not self-assertive ones, which has been largely responsible for the chronicle of atrocities which human beings have inflicted on each other down through the ages: they allow the perpetrators of 'inhuman' deeds to act not on their own behalf but as subordinate parts of a hierarchy, whether human or metaphysical, which absolves them of personal responsibility and invests their actions with the sense of fulfilling a 'higher' purpose or mission."54 Consequently, the greatest danger to world peace is the moral, upright, honest, hard working citizen. The task, then, of the cultural elite is to corrupt the children of such self-righteous fanatics.

This was the lesson we learned in studying Salvador Dali's rise to fame and fortune, and his obligatory fall into decadence. Dali tells of drawing a Spanish cross in a book intended for Hitler. He concludes that this action led to the defeat of Germany because its mystical quality had a disturbing effect on Hitler, who was very vulnerable to such spiritual warfare. This is the same Dali who had once been sympathetic to Hitler. "The whole difference between Spain and the Germany of a masochistic Hitler is that we Spaniards are not Germans, and that we are even rather the opposite."55 In Dali's eyes, Spain would be more akin to Italy than Germany. Thus, we can begin to understand Dali's decline into perversion as a shrewd business decision by a friend of Helena Rubenstein and Baron de Rothschild, and not merely an unfortunate character flaw. So today, when the Jewish owned Disney World enforces an aggressive pro-gay policy, and a pederast, such as "the king of pop", is held up to the multitudes of the whole world as an idol and perhaps even a savior, we ought not to be confused. The Jews have known for thousands of years that they are "safe" living in decadent societies, but in great danger dwelling among uncorrupted people. This certainly is not the whole reason for Jewish subversion of the nations they invade; their ultimate dream is to rule the world and enjoy the spoils of their victory forever. There is much money to be made by collaborators as well, by those willing to place personal profit above loyalty to their own kind. Dali sold his manhood, for a very good price, and took on the guise of a clown. He could have revealed a far deeper truth, cluttered with much less rubbish, but he lost something of equal value to his technical talent and paranoia critical method -- Dali lost his courage. It is courage that is the universal mark of kings and patriots, and above all our other prized qualities, including the self -- for it is only courage that can save a people from extinction. Intellect and artistic skill are ultimately impotent without the mettle that fills a man's soul ...enabling him to stand against the whole world if necessary to protect his children from those who would "love" them.

We find Our "selves" turning back to the study of relativity theory, this time to emphasize that illusion is a pivotal concept in contemporary scientific thought, and becomes increasingly so the more sophisticated our thinking becomes. Let's look more closely at the illusion of relative motion. You are sitting in a railway car. There is another train next to yours. The other train starts moving and yours remains at rest. Your senses perceive that you are moving; a sensitive no-body could even experience the motion sickness of madness in this illusory situation. The same illusion of motion occurs in a car wash, a media-wash, or along the side of a quickly moving stream... of consciousness --- your senses tell your brain you are moving when in fact you are still. Of course, relativity theory would emphasize that everything is actually in motion as the Earth orbits the Sun, and so we cannot even speak of being "still"; we can only imagine ourselves from fleeting perspectives. Common sense fails us, not only in scientific observation, but in the world of electronic media. Hollywood is the land of make-believe, and so is the contemporary info-tainment we call "the news". We are totally surrounded by a make-shift reality; we are "inside" a media generated soap-bubble and don't know it. We are like passengers on that stationary train who believe they are on their way, when they are still sitting in the station -- like a theater audience entranced ...enslaved by the magic of a moving picture fantasy on the screen of Plato's newly renovated cave. The essential matter to recognize here is that there is only one reality; and that in spite of denials, the same principles used in modern science are applied everywhere -- so the architects of this totalitarian world will think much the same way in social engineering as they do in relativity theory. I would like to suggest that you consider for a moment the terms relativity and illusion as inter-changeable. Would you not expect the geniuses running this world-State to use the most sophisticated ideas available to co-ordinate and control their empire? Would you not expect them to use the powerful insights and outlooks of quantum theory and relativity in designing a totalitarian power structure? People like Einstein and Bohr were very much involved in politics; Einstein aspired to hold a unified view of everything. It was only with the greatest reluctance that he declined being drafted as the honored first president of Israel. But a multitude of other Jews did take the reins of power throughout much of the world, and you can be certain they listened to Einstein when he spoke a language they could understand -- the language of power, politics, revenge, and the survival of the Jews. Illusion is the hallmark of today's totalitarian world structure. It has its' origins in Jewish mysticism, just as relativity theory does --- and in some fundamental way, the distortions we are attacked by on every side in this surrealist media side-show, are a practical application of the physics of unreality to the "real world"..political objectives of social engineering! Modern science has long since become very mystical. The man of common sense can no more understand the political world than he does mystical philosophy or the weirdness of quantum physics. What he needs is some way to translate both ancient and modern ideas into his own identity ....a racial identity which is mystical and which he can understand --- so that he might somehow adapt to the rapidly changing, expanding, multiple universes crowding round us, which make light of our belief in reality, truth, and our own sanity. Spirituality has the capacity to give emotional meaning to impossibly abstract physical concepts like chaos, relativity, and quantum theory. Our problem is not merely that there are some tricky illusions out there which we need to learn about ...that the brain cannot make sense of the high technology world which increasingly plays violent games with our common sense of decency. What most terrifies us is that our entire world ..that reality is breaking down ---- we are all going crazy! Is that not the message of troubled school boys who shoot their classmates? Or is it? Consider Dylan Klebold: he was one of the boys executing fellow students at Columbine High School in Littleton Colorado. According to the Reuters-AP news-wire, around April 25, 1999, Dylan Klebold was the son of a Jewish mother! Something more horrifying than madness is going on here. Augmenting this evil barreling down upon our children is the perverse propaganda of the Media-State ...drilling into our heads that "nazi racists" are responsible for the insane desperation ...for the violence of youths possessed by the Hollywood horror culture of mass murder that has taken us in to its sights ...nightmare weavers eager to impress the symbols of White rebellion into the double-play of their own ends -- much as the Church of Rome twisted the symbols of a subversive Christian sect into its own service ...thus striking upon divine sanction for endless pogroms against Christ-killers ...Jews collectively condemned for eternity by a Roman Church ..for murdering a Jew, who was actually crucified by the Roman State hundreds of years earlier. Turn-about is fair play as the Jew�s might say today. Consider the contradictory self-hatred of "nazi racist" mass murderers: having an odd preference for targeting the White middle class, and not Jews or communities of color -- consequently serving the ends of the State ...not only punishing racist communities by engulfing their children in the suicidal illusions of a deadly psychological warfare, but doing so in the name of nazism -- thus giving the Multi-Racial-Media-State a moral man-date to compound its disarming aggression against these same people. The intensity and unreality of this assault upon the integrity of White society is driving us one-and-all out of our media-shocked wits. We require a new sense of reality, a many dimensional consciousness that can see into the depths of distortion, and out of its many other sides ..arming us with a brilliant sight sharp enough to bring into focus this time-warped futuristic world of 1984. Can you see yet the urgent need we have for a language virile enough to identify and respond to our executioners? Do you realize that Heaven-Words can reshape the way you see everything ...and how you think ???by changing the structure and meaning of the language through which "you" exist. This book is about an ancient Spirit, an unconquered Soul, a timeless Collective Mind. It is hoped that you can put aside prejudices against your own kind, if for only a thoughtless moment, and consider the possibility that all this talk about totalitarianism, mysticism and anti-Semitism might actually have more gravity, more perception, than you have anticipated. When ascending this evolutionary spiral wave, one must go "backwards" in order to advance. This is the origin of the contradictions so characteristic of mysticism, relativity, and quantum weirdness. Don't get stuck at the back-side of the spiral simply because you feel racism is too retrograde for your highly evolved morality; keep moving upwards and forwards, in spite of the relativistic illusion we are back ..sliding in the wrong direction. One should have anticipated that we would need to return to the sexual source of our energy and bond heterosexuality to racism so that we might complete another revolution.

If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there to witness the event -- is there a sound? Yes. However, the question is biased because it assumes that without a human witness, nothing has happened. But the creatures of Nature hear and otherwise participate in such events with senses that are far more keen than our own. They are participating observers and they do matter. We are wrong to dismiss this wildlife as inconsequential, and then proceed in destroying their habitats and driving them into extinction. My aim is to re-awaken a sense for the sacredness of Nature which used to exist in our civilization before we deflowered this once garden paradise. If you are following the drift of this argument, you realize that I am not advocating the mastery and subjugation of Nature to the supremacy of man. Likewise, I am not claiming the superiority of any race over any other, only that people of every race, like ourselves, will fight without reservations in order to maintain cohesion, so as to go on living among One's own kind, in a world where there is kindness left as not to end up in some Eastern European style refugee camp the remnant of some endangered White species. The individual does count, not as a self-important consumer credited with unwarranted merit, but as a creative genius; and this Spirit is as much a matter of courage as it is native intelligence. This has been one of our primary objectives: to re-establish the worth of human Being in realistic terms, and not merely on the quicksand of idealism or on the worn out planks of morality. This sea-change is the quest for salvation, to find ourselves... to land ...even among predators lurking in the under-growth, aching to fall upon our young --- leaving nothing but the brown leaves of a faded mourning glory.

Gleick considers genius to be the capability of an individual to find his way through the thick jungle of information entangling all of us, and out of this "messy" world " ... to see his science whole, to assemble, as Newton did, a vast unifying tapestry of knowledge....".56 The challenge of post-modern physics is to discover the quantum totality non-locally present in each electron .....or eternity in an hour. So many problems are actually the same if one looks deeply enough into them. So in solving one, we solve many. Our problem is we don't see the common rhythm that moves everything, fusing science and spirituality into a concentrated reality. How can collective consciousness disclose itself through each of us? If "I" am not limited to being this helpless "self", then it is possible to plug into a greater power. But how? You may feel that you are no-body, but should you recognize the subtlety with which we interact with one another -- the faint expression on a face, which is evident for less than a second ....thought, but endures and touches us deeply; this communication is genuine and timeless precisely because we have unexpectedly endured an instant of common identity with another human being, whom we suddenly care about. It is this maturing of "love at first sight" which allows a society to be at peace with itself. It is intimacy which touches the depths of our common Nature, and moves us to heights greater than self interest! We find this intimacy through that which we love. Love is an energy drawing us into an intensity of feeling painful to endure, with the seductive promise of emotional fulfillment beyond understanding. Love expresses itself creatively, and most importantly through the conception of our own children. This feeling gives us the courage to protect those whom we know to be part of ourselves. We live in a society that intentionally threatens the well being of the innocent ones we love. Everything that is not politically correct is attacked -- corrupted, perverted. We are petrified by those who have such power over our lives. Much of what the Jews touch today turns to gold for them, but stone for us ....Escape into the unreality of drugs, only to be hounded by the same corrupt police agencies implicated in this two-faced attack on our lost innocence. What hope have the powerless got of standing against this tyranny of duplicity? How can a lost soul find a voice which can be heard above the party lines praising the meaningless vote of mass media produced elections? What happens if we begin creating literature, music, art and science -- a culture that challenges the integrity and intelligence of this decadent multi-racial society? What are the consequences if we create not propaganda and lies, but the brilliant beauty of truth? Our own capacity for creative spirituality is an effective means of over-turning the magicians of tyranny. To do this, we must unearth that lost Spirit of the fighting Irish.

You may have come to the remarkable insight that not only do I sometimes have a "self", but that I am very angry. Mad. Traditional Christian mystics and modern New Age gurus have one thing in common: they love everybody. I do not advocate hating people, but I do believe it is very difficult not to be enraged by the corruption of modern society. My personal anger stems from the realization that one can create something of enduring value -- and such efforts will be punished by society, while those who mass produce the official decadence, who corrupt and deceive their fellow men -- will find ready employment. I am not only referring to the jaded pop-star politicians of tinsel-town and their temples of power inside the Beltway; I am referring to professors, ministers, scientists, businesswomen, lawyers, journalists and the rest of respectable society that knowingly make deception their livelihood ....who have hollowed-out our time honored professions to fulfill their dreams of becoming tinsel stars. I am angry about the evil that good people do, hiding behind their ignorance and cowardice as though defending virtue. But I have found a way of expressing the madness tormenting my soul which is both destructive and constructive: I have become a writer. I have chosen to burn rage as fuel for creativity rather than allow it to consume me in its flames. It is through this purgatorial fire that we must all pass, for it would be damnation to perpetuate our fury beyond the absolute bounds of necessity. In spite of all our vicious stupidity, the evidence of human history indicates that most of us have the potential for nobler feelings than fear, hatred and greed. However difficult, we must somehow bring ourselves to realize that this insight also applies to the Jews.

It is evident that the leading scientists of the twentieth century have knowingly implemented a mysticism of their own making, a fearful mind without a soul, or perhaps more accurately -- with a Zionist soul. My purpose now becomes to clarify what mysticism is so that we might recognize how it is used by those who rule, so that we might understand their genius -- for we are foolish indeed if we under-estimate the spirituality of adversaries such as Albert Einstein. "The individual feels the futility of human desires and aims and the sublimity and marvelous order which reveal themselves both in Nature and in the world of thought. Individual existence impresses him as a sort of prison and he wants to experience the universe as a single significant whole. ...The religious geniuses of all ages have been distinguished by this kind of religious feeling, which knows no dogma and no God conceived in man's image; so that there can be no church whose central teachings are based on it. Hence it is precisely among the heretics of every age that we find men who were filled with this highest kind of religious feeling and were in many cases regarded by their contemporaries as atheists, sometimes also as saints."57

No ONE is God. No one is the entirety of collective mind, but human beings have the capability of connecting to a limitless intelligence that is not productively thought of as an individual's mind. To use an example from electronic communications: we could observe that someone can surf the Internet going where-ever he is drawn, but never encompass the entirety of cyber-space. It is a collective intelligence, as Durkheim would surely note. Recall Penrose's fascination with mathematical Platonism; then consider Dali's strange mind and remarkable hands.... and all the marvelous worlds such gifted human beings have failed to discover -- or, how much brilliant mathematics is missing from this discussion. You can experience the infinite -- taste it, but you are not all of quantum infinity. We are not masters of the universe. Collective mind is experienced by human beings as a quantum relativistic energy surge, but must not be appropriated as any one individual's identity, for that implants within a society the seeds of madness and tyranny. Belief in the incarnation of God as Jesus has profoundly distorted our perception of what human identity is. The merciless enforcement of this dogma, for well over a thousand years, is a disgrace to our intelligence and integrity as a people. The Jews know better than to deify a man's image; among themselves, it has always been forbidden ...but for the "gentiles", such an incarnation of God as a Jew is the turning point of history.

The source of our alienation is this idea of "one thing". The vision of mystical unity was debased into its opposite, the fragmenting idol of the one god. Belief replaced religious experience. It is not possible to make spiritual revelation democratic by simplifying it; all that succeeds in doing is destroying our collective intelligence, and replacing it with a reflection vain worshippers can adore. From the concept of god, atom, self ... a fractured, cubist portrait of alienation betrayed our false steps ...the ones destroying an intuitive sense for our relationship to the land. This "one thing" was ripped out of the fabric of Nature's interwoven pattern. But the oneness concealed by what appears to be a duality is fundamental to Nature, and is not merely a trick conjured by Jewish magicians. The creation of illusion is integral to the struggle among competing creatures who share what is largely a collective experience. Because all living things participate in this sensational inter-play of consumers, survival necessitates hiding among the multi-dimensional shadows of a poorly defined world, concealing prey from predators and predators from their prey. The Jews have modified a natural model of complementarity in order to subvert independent nations. Our task is to disclose this multi-dimensional reality, not conceal it as the Jews have done.... to unseal the secrets of illusion by displaying the hidden as beauty, and not using quantum relativistic vision-as-a-weapon-of-repression utilize ambiguity to enhance our collective intelligence, not diminish it. We are about to see that so much of the enlightenment we attribute to the Jews has its origins within our own culture. We must not reject principles of Nature, such as complementarity, simply because the Jews have used them against us. We must turn to a primitive order for solace, and seek direction from those very mysteries that have led man into confusion from his earliest daze upon this Earth.

There appears to be an internal guidance system that enables one to instinctively change. This internal control is vital, and it is the loss of this intuition which results in corruption and the eventual enslavement of the human mind. It may help some to name this instinct God; others may be contented to think in terms of their human Nature, or as the ancient Greeks would see it, their genius. There is a connection between spirituality and creativity. It is no minor matter to distinguish between natural imagination and the hallucinations so common-place in this age of wonder-drugs. Through mystical disciple and intuition, one is able to shape the process of this artistic evolution to a significant degree, or at least to hear the promptings of one's muse -- that quiet voice from within ....and follow its distant melody until faint whispers become an all-embracing presence thundering into one�s life like the music of the deaf Beethoven�s Ode To Joy. The measure of one's success is the originality and quality of creative work under construction. Drugs can easily lay waste to human physiology, resulting in a complete loss of control, which is inevitably destructive to the body-mind. Given the right breaks, the rashness of youth will hopefully not destroy us. I suspect that drugs played a contributing role in Dali's corruption and periodic insanity. "Eroticism, like hallucinogenic drugs, like atomic sciences, like Gaudi's Gothic architecture, like my love of gold, comes down to a common denominator: God is present in everything...."58 Despite millions who re-live the decadence of Dali�s life without a trace of his genius, and the horrendous drug war that has plagued generations of Americans and Europeans, we must still avoid becoming absolutist and moralistic .....To remain open to the possibility that within a stable society, a brief and medically supervised treatment with drugs may be of value to some troubled individuals. It must be emphasized that dependence on any drug is in conflict with the essence of this work. The focus here must remain on spirituality and not be interpreted as an endorsement of any kind of drug culture. It is imperative that we are aware of our extraordinary vulnerability to corruption once self-consciousness is lost. Our guiding genius is far more precious than the self-consciousness within which it is imprisoned; and should one lose sensitivity to that inner Spirit, then the fragile thread of delicate feelings bonding one to community is broken .... and without it, powerful men and brazen women care nothing for those weaker than themselves. The alternative to sensitivity is the merciless money society that allows us the comfort of luxury while turning a blind " I " to the misery of our cousins in Eastern Europe. Our self indulgent guilt is shrewdly directed toward pathetic millions in Africa for whom we feel little empathy, while we are barely aware of the desperation of those whose suffering could break our hearts. Betrayal, in its myriad forms, distinguishes the damned rich from poor white trash. Without the intelligent sensitivity of our common Soul, we are lost to the pious greed of self-righteous church-goers. Our problem today is that for most Americans and Europeans, that inner voice which we listen to is not the spirit arising from within our own Nature, but the voice of Israel. The Jews have placed their seal upon our souls. It is at these profound depths of emotion that they hold power over us, not merely on the surface as superficial back slapping preachers would lead us to believe. "Totalitarianism is never content to rule by external means, namely, through the state and a machinery of violence; thanks to its peculiar ideology and the role assigned to it in this apparatus of coercion, totalitarianism has discovered a means of dominating and terrorizing human beings from within."59

Not coincidentally, the leading authority on totalitarianism in the post-war decades has been a Jew: Hannah Arendt. But there have been other voices that have managed to get a word in edge-wise, before being silenced. One such man was George Lincoln Rockwell. He also knew a thing or two about totalitarianism from his encounters with the powers that be. In his book White Power, he cited the following passages from the 1924 publication You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel: "You gentiles are essentially polytheists and to some extent idol worshippers. We Jews are essentially monotheists ..... Monotheism is a desperate and overwhelming creed. It can be the expression of none but the most serious natures. It is a fundamental creed which engulfs individual and mass in an unfathomable sea of unity. In monotheism there is no room left for individual prides and distinctions, no room for joyful assertiveness. Monotheism means infinite absolutism, the crushing triumph of the One, the crushing annihilation of the ones."60 Samuel goes on to add in a later passage that: "A Jew is a Jew in everything, not merely in prayers and in synagogue. . . . Our Jewishness is not a creed -- it is ourself, our totality."61...... and we might add: their collective identity.

Monotheism is totalitarianism! The belief in God is a totalitarian state of mind. This is too overwhelming a reality for us to think about, so we occupy ourselves with less devastating thoughts. This is the kind of impediment that has paralyzed the minds of good men and women for thousands of years, for this matter is so profound that it is never sufficient to merely disbelieve or ignore it. Ultimately, it is necessary to resolve the question so that thought might advance. And advance it will into renaissance when we reconcile ourselves with a matter of this magnitude. There is an error in our basic understanding of human Nature which reaches back to the origins of our culture a virus which was planted during the time Greco-Roman civilization collapsed. It was during this ancient encounter that Europeans fell prey to Middle Eastern spirituality, to the Jews and the religion they tailor made for us --- Christianity. The mind is so much more than these anachronistic concepts of God and self. More than just new metaphors for barren ideas is called for to heal this worn out madness, for we cannot continue worshipping at the altar of this petrified god of old women. We become as superficial as the god we worship. We must go back into timelessness before the thought of God arises, and stare in star-struck wonder beneath that spaced-out canopy of stars and ask fundamental questions ---- that have been waiting for too long. Distant memories and an uncanny feel for the future will re-mind us of our long forsaken feelings, if we are but honest enough to acknowledge the whole truth that burdens our intelligence.

Dali was a dreamer. He knew about dark nights too. In his Unspeakable Confessions he reflects on the proximity of madness to truth. The secret of genius is maintaining a clear head while maneuvering between the "... waves of madness and the straight lines of logic. Genius consists of being able to live while going constantly from one frontier to the other, grasping handfuls of the treasures of mystery that one then, like an athlete, holds at arm's end to make them shine before the eyes of contemporaries whose imaginations suddenly recall unknown beaches they had forsaken."62 He warns that the price of such vision has too often been one's sanity. He describes spiritual exploration as "... the most terrible of navigations, with the death of the mind as the punishment for failure."63

We cannot free ourselves from the material and intellectual control of the Jews without first declaring spiritual independence. If we have no faith of our own, then we are condemned to worship an alien god. Courage and inspiration are the Spirit of a people. If we lack these qualities, then we are indeed suited for subservience. There can be freedom; we are not destined for slavery. In the past, Christians thought in terms of controlling their basic instincts because that was "God's law": "Thou shalt not eat of the tree of knowledge....". Control in that context meant repression, as in "control yourself". Here, we are speaking of taking control of one's body-mind, as in being the one in charge of this quantum relativistic stereoscopic-vision we call MIND --- learning how to make creative use of instinct rather then simply following brutish impulses, or repressing human Nature out of fear of punishment. While sensitive to quantum randomness, human consciousness is bounded by the relativistic limits we ourselves create. If you should have the energy to hold this book in sharp focus like some crystalline stereogram, then the touching limits of this creative intelligence may be felt. While far beyond the borders of what we experience today as self-consciousness, it is not Hawking�s limitless "Mind of God", nor is it the unbounded quantum collective intelligence of which Bohm speaks. For his understanding of collective mind to make sense, Bohm must assume the universe is orderly through and through. I am convinced that he has denied something inescapable: randomness. There is a certain irony in discovering that chaos leads us to the resolution of our differences, that we come to see ourselves whole by discovering limits pressed upon us by the uncertainty of everything; yet these boundaries are like bonds of loyalty we choose to create, which make it possible to contain and somehow understand the infinite beauty we feel. Hopefully, by now, the masculine reader of this book no longer scorns the spiritual sensitivity here, and understands the fragile origins of power. .... affirms that a new faith based on White European and North American culture is called for. Spirituality does not have to be a synonym for the Judeo-Christian religion. For many decades now, there has been an attack on traditional Christianity in academia and throughout the pop culture..... even to the extremes of idolizing evil and satanism. Durkheim observed that God is actually the collective spirit, the force which holds a society together. For those aiming to break down the cohesion of community, it is necessary to destroy the fundamental collective feelings which bind people to one another. Believers in the same faith have an emotional closeness, a loyalty not unlike "my country right or wrong" patriotism. The problem is that Christianity has sacrificed truthfulness for the sake of community feeling. What is needed is a spirituality based on an honest appraisal of our situation in the world. This kind of faith will be stronger in that it will nourish not only the emotional needs of community, but our common intelligence as well. The chaos in the world around us opens the opportunity for fundamental cultural change, a chance which has rarely arisen in the past two thousand years. Let us unearth the pale burial shrouds of our past, so that we might rise up and declare to an unbelieving world that White civilization is not dead!

What can unify a people against the despotism of the international Super-State? Our response is already determined by the multi-racial materialistic machine attacking us. We can only create a cohesive resistance on the basis of what we are. We have something more subtle than race in common: mental illness is gripping more and more of us, both individually and collectively. Durkheim would have readily recognized xenophobia to be a collective illness, something politically correct societies, other than Zionist occupied Germany, incorrectly identify as an individual crime of the heart they brand as racism. Most of the time, when speaking of madness, I have referred to "divine madness" ...the God intoxicated creative energy of genius. But we all know there are other kinds, dangerous and destructive types of insanity. It is this horrifying death of the mind of which we must beware. In such "real madness", creative vision is replaced by terror. As self-consciousness weakens, a person becomes unaware of the aberrant behavior that turns him into a maniac. This angry, inflexible, and unconscious rage scalds delicate human feelings within a tortured mind. The fact that a person may be justified in being upset is not sufficient in itself to protect the mind from being swallowed-up-whole by the self-destructive wrath which makes a wild-man hazardous to his imperfect neighbors. This matter is further complicated by life in a tyrannical state, where paranoia is the reality. As designed, those being attacked, enslaved, and exterminated by the most friendly and pleasant methods known to the Super-State, do not have any civilized options for defending themselves. .... no democratic spokesmen to articulate the terror they feel. On the contrary, all agree... it is they who are the "terrorists". Peaceful non-resistance is submission, how-ever-much the popular media may declare it is the only legitimate form of protest. Real rebellion is required for real freedom. How can intelligence guide passion so that revolutionaries do not fall into the collective madness of mass murder? Madness sees only one way, the extermination of all non-whites and Jews. It is extremism to the max: apocalypse. Mysticism is able to convert such remorseless fury into a religious paradigm for redemption. Because revelation sees the multiple dimensions of a many-storied universe, doors to the future keep opening before us. Consequently, we do not become trapped by the tunnel vision of our truly devout apocalyptic faith. We must release our animosity creatively to rebel effectively, but to survive we need to integrate the reasoned discipline of science with the Soul of the common man.

The only way to deal with a society that cannot be subverted is war. While the ideas of a people may not be corrupt, they can have inherent weaknesses in them that can be overcome by a more powerful vision of this physical world. As we shall see, noble as the Germans were, they did not measure up to the collective genius of their adversaries. These adversaries were not the English, the Russians, or even the Americans. These people of the European family barely had a clue as to why they were fighting Germany again, and who had required that they do so, nor do their children understand today.

  White separatism: a racial code of kindred kindness

That inspiration which is closest and most uniquely "mine" is "my" bond to kindred kindness. The discovery that "I" do not exist as an independent creature reveals "my" absolute dependence on others. "I" am incomplete in "myself". In order to be what I am, I must be in the context of community. Without this collective identity, a society must be bound together by force, using fear as the primary instrument for maintaining "law and order". It is unrealistic to imagine that this multi-racial Super-State, governed covertly by Jews, can be anything other than a ruthless totalitarian system. Human Nature is tormented by the artificial friendships of professionals, and cries out to be touched by genuine feeling ...long standing friends in whom "I" can entrust the survival of my children -- Our children. Whom can you trust to shape the future of your sons and daughters? The Chinese? Who loves them? UNICEF? Love has been so overburdened with solving all the world's problems that we are almost hesitant to draw upon love in our own ideals, as though the current rulers hold a monopoly on that, the most deeply yearned for of human emotions --- and have left us only "hate" to define ourselves. Love, like other ideals, has value when not inflated into the cheap currency of one world capitalist/socialism. The weakness of today's liberal "idealism" is that it requires a forced "love" of those who repel us instinctively. We must stop using love in the sterile way Christian Socialists use it to justify welfare programs for hostile invaders who increasingly populate our sacred White nations. We prostitute our deepest emotions living in a multi-racial society where "love" is a compulsory virtue; we cannot develop our potential as long as genuine instinct is alien to us --- this is precisely Nature�s plight, and is now our purpose for existing: to overcome this absence of intelligent feeling in Nature. Let us start talking about how we really feel, about those whom we truly love .....the women we adore. We are not attracted to all other peoples, whether or not they may be attracted to the beauty of our daughters. This force of Nature living through us is also the ordering principle which created us as a race, and seeks to preserve us not only as an intelligent people -- but to enhance our capacity for insight and foresight create a common Mind out of the repression and madness that so threatens every last one of us ....To give us an identity, to make U.S. realize that we are kinsmen, and must care what happens to one another. If we fall into the batter of the multi-racial melting State, what will be lost will not simply be the physical beauty of the White race, but more importantly -- our gene pool ...our very physical collective identity, our racial code which is the source of what we are. Other races have their own dreams, of equal importance to themselves; the Asians, along with the Jews, appear to be our greatest competitors, and in some respects well ahead of us on this ascent to the frigid mountain peaks of the Mind. Unless we participate in this race, our beloved children will disappear into the multitude of also-rans that litter the race-track of human history, and fill the ever expanding slums of third world cities that span America from New York to Los Angeles.

 A hard reign falls ..out of market forces ..races on the street ..wise backers to the wall

Racists are portrayed as alienated losers, but the time is approaching when it will be undeniable that large numbers of Whites in America and Europe oppose multi-racial Christian Democracy, and this will make it painfully evident to all why non-white military and police forces are essential for the defense of the Media-State from the one time voters it claims to still represent. Black sports heroes are needed because couch potatoes do not have the stomach or heart to kill millions of poorly cast Whites for the sake of Jews, their gold, and more floods of unwashed invaders; on the contrary, those filled with revolutionary zeal are lily white. These people do not have a crisis of faith. They know exactly what they believe and are willing to fight for their forbidden loyalties. For as long as anyone can remember, Americans have felt morally obligated to champion the welfare of Jews and non-whites, to stand against Europe or even their own compatriots for reasons once believed to be noble. But that old world "idealism" is being rocked by a see-change, for there is fear of mutiny spreading to the State rooms of the new world order crew ....jammed at bay windows looking-out for waves of genius a-rising from among the rafts of the forsaken. Readers may be put off by many of the radical ideas expressed here, but it should be understood that the philosophy of rebellion is nothing new or especially shocking. George Washington, Ben Franklin, Tom Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, and many of our own ancestors, from the North as well as Dixie, were heroic revolutionaries. Albert Camus is one of the better know philosophers of the 20th century who wrote essays on rebellion. In modern times, revolution has been the sacred right of communists (Lenin and Mao), Jews (Karl Marx), and people of color such as Malcolm X; all that is different about this book is that I am extending that option to the White race as well. Such literature has been in disfavor since the defeat of Germany and Japan in 1945; the classic in White rebellion literature is obviously Hitler's Mein Kampf. More recent examples would include White Power by Rockwell, and Turner Diaries by Pierce. In this electronic age of TV and the Internet, revolution has become a high tech business. Many of the young are more influenced my music than by books. Around 1998, the hottest names in White Power music were Screwdriver and Rahowa, and the lead distributor was Resistance Records. Not only did they advertise their many racist albums on the net, they provided a treasure trove of free downloads access to many of their best songs to those unable to purchase them. Those were the gold-rush days for free music. As you surely have noted, our freedom is under attack -- and not just on the Internet. Resistance Records was shut down by a secret police raid around 1999. The white supremacist lead singer of that White Power label had been arrested earlier as a consequence of his own aggressive entanglement in a brawl with multi-culturalists. Once released from prison, this former inspiration of Rahowa renounced politics and joined a multi-racial group. Resistance Records was purchased by William Pierce around the turn of the century. Since that decisive turn of events, the flow of free music downloads from Resistance Records seems to be history. But more importantly, the best recordings of Rahowa appear to no longer be distributed; considering the rare quality of that band�s music, the disappearance of those songs is truly our loss. This once free spirited out-fit has been converted into a business. The for-profit orientation of Resistance Records may in practice limit the spread of White Power music. In my opinion, the original spirit of resistance music struggles to survive through the efforts of less celebrated voices, such as Micetrap: �Recently, there has been a lot of talk about mp3s and how they "damage" the sales of record labels. It is my personal stance that this claim is utter and complete bullshit! I completely support mp3s and any other form of electronic song reproduction. I have absolutely no problem with people creating and distributing mp3s from any albums my label ever releases. The same people who cry about how mp3s are hurting their cd sales are the same retards who claim to be interested in spreading the Pro-White and skinhead message. There are many people, who due to their country's strict laws against hate material, are unwilling to possess or order this material. Why shouldn't they have access to the music?�� Micetrap. What is essential to understand about racist groups is that they vocalize what the rest of us are too cowardly to admit: there is an undeclared war going on. Given this insight, their behavior does not seem so incomprehensible. It is in the interest of all Americans and Europeans to provide the essential support needed to prevent those dissident voices from being silenced by a clan that has a very long history of shouting down upstarts. Rebellion has been a highly honored Old Testament tradition; Moses and David head a pantheon of Jewish heroes. They were victors, not sacrificial victims. Hand to hand struggle has always been the price of freedom, and wisdom forever finds courage as the only virtue able to stand by its side when all others side with the tyrant. But somewhere in the beginning, when rebellion is still unthinkable, there must be inspiration -- a vision which arrives as a feeling long before reasonable men understand its meaning. Reasonable men preach that only peaceful protest, and of course the meaningless vote, are acceptable means for opposing the all powerful State. Boots, baseball bats, skin heads, bravado, and beer are no match for a military dictatorship based on the principle of superior fire power. What non-suicidal alternatives do people have should they find the courage to resist burns in their hearts? Renaissance! Create powerful sounds and images that set the world of ideas aflame; cast light upon the shadows in which tyranny lies -- openly oppose the multi-racial society .....with honor. Instead of expressing rage by going out and attacking Jews and non-whites, create something beautiful that expresses your feelings, lyrics which make others hear our voice and respect our concerns. The objective is to rebuild our White society, and the creative arts can do that; but if we are waiting for Hollywood to beat down our doors, we may be disappointed and shocked to discover that the men in blue coming to call are bad actors. It is up to us to act. There is power from above which falls into free hands; the measure of our worth is how we handle such a wind-fall ..... Do we squander that energy on blind rage, or convert it into prophetic beauty?

What hope is there for those of us still imprisoned within media-washed minds? Do we sit down together and logically analyze the circumstances of our indoctrination, resting assured that logic will set us free? The secret understood by genuine revolutionaries is that reality is a creation of a prevailing order, and has no absolute existence. Agnosticism has spread from Christianity to the decadent culture at large. Reality is only another model we employ to make sense out of an impossibly complex array of ambiguous sense data. All that can stand against the brute force of this totalitarian world of unreality is -- beauty ....nor must it be real for beauty re-creates reality on its own terms; it is as self-verifying as a clean mathematical proof. The creation of beauty is the secret to everything, and the power-source of our shared feelings; it is insufficient to appeal to rational intellect alone, especially when struggling to reach out to the millions of our kind in desperate need of hope. The creative arts combine emotion and intellect, and it is this mystical combination which has the intensity to awaken courage in the timid soul of socialized man. So to challenge the mastery of a totalitarian State, we must create a White culture, making it expressive of our unruly collective Spirit. Given the corrupt condition of modern societies, it is not enough to simply preserve the past -- it is imperative that we create the future. Only freshly composed music, literature, oratory, spirituality....can appeal to real-time feelings and move a people to creative action. What must be done is to allow our collective quantum relativistic Nature to govern through us; let us become neither gods nor robots, but feeling human beings, capable of creating a livable future, not only for the sake of our children, but for Nature Herself -- for She is the only inheritance which they truly need.

Human identity is defined by the divine forces in which people believe or disbelieve. We can preserve spirituality and avoid centuries of confusion if we learn to think in terms of Mother Nature, rather than God. Such a suggestion may seem light-weight; but you see our problem is that we need to lighten-up, so that we might upset the tyranny which hangs over us like an all knowing big "eye" in the sky. The one God of our tradition is the model for the individual, and a key instrument for our enslavement. Before God, the individual is like a tiny child, subject to the absolute authority from above. If God is all powerful, the individual is ultimately powerless before his Judge. So one seeks to follow God's will and share in His glory. This is the origin of subservience. The cult of personality was used by Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, F.D.R., Churchill and a not so heavenly host of superstars and pop-stars throughout history. God is replaced by the great leader. Monotheism is converted into the tunnel vision of totalitarianism. The names may have been changed, but the under-lying principle is basically the same. Big Brother is everything; I am nothing. Self-consciousness is rooted in fear. The self is a tiny cell in which the human mind is imprisoned. A totalitarian system encompasses every aspect of life in society. The big lie is everywhere. However, it is possible for anyone to understand one area of interest so well that he discovers a fundamental contradiction in his particular discipline. He notices unacknowledged bias and the consequent distortion ---- illusion. This is a real vulnerability of totalitarianism: if one unmasks the ideological dogma in a single field of knowledge, the hypnotic spell of totalitarian enchantment is broken. One examines other disciplines: psychology (Jewish analysts--Freud...), Sociology (Durkheim), physics (Jewish geniuses -- Einstein, Bohr... ), business and banking (Jewish billionaires -- Soros, Rothschild ....), Politics (Jewish communists who are capitalists - Robert Maxwell, Armand Hammer...), media-entertainment (Jewish dominated -- AOL-Time-Warner-Turner, Hollywood, New York Times, Washington Post... ), government (centrality of Israel to American foreign policy), Religion (Jewish God -- Jesus; Jews and their vassals in the Vatican...) --- and on and on ....... One quickly discovers the same iron rules, and leading authorities, governing every field of activity. There is no sanctuary, only disillusionment. An inversion takes place, as though one's mind has been turned inside out. Enlightenment is a very fearful awakening and accessible only to those with the courage to stand against the maddening power of the established reality! Everything now appears to be a sham. The whole thing is a lie, the inescapable big lie of totalitarianism.

Once one has gained the strength to endure the shocking madness of understanding this totalitarian system, many possibilities open to the liberated mind. This sense for the totality is not evil in itself; it is only our current misfortune that today's established order has chosen to pervert such a vision of brilliance into something horrifying. Genius can open the minds of others, as well as repress human potential by driving a creative people into servitude. It is very telling that worldly wisdom so readily believes in the power of the State to close minds in an Orwellian nightmare, but is totally incredulous should the observation be made that �everything� is reversible �that through the creative arts, the insight-out-look of mysticism can pare a petrified intelligence in-two ..genius. Those demoralized by this slave-State-with-a-beat should know that a dogmatic pessimism is not a position worth defending.

Imagine a broad circular coliseum with hundreds of doors that all give access to Mandala sports stadium. One may enter the arena of collective intelligence through any of a multitude of doors: mathematics (chaos theory), physics (relativity and quantum theory), biology ( study of evolution, viruses), religion (mysticism), art (Dali's use of illusion), psychology (Jung), the composing of music, sports (Zen and the martial arts), computers (virtual reality ...on the net), literature and philosophy (Plato, Heidegger, T. S. Eliot) ....through the culture of the arts and sciences. If some tin-men of science ever wonder what good has ever arisen from the arts and religion, let them measure the worth of genius. It does not matter a great deal through which door you have entered what may have appeared to be a terror-dome; all that counts is that you are surviving the transformation, even though you may seem to be losing your mind. Once one passes through the illusion of separateness and develops a feel for the choir of angels that grace this place, there is a definite preference for the collective identity of this dream world -- rather this madness than the superficial reality of the practical self-centered life one has out-grown. The physicist discovers an interest in mysticism and poetry; the spiritual man becomes fascinated with computers and theoretical physics.... . Unless one recognizes the inter-relatedness of everything, one has not truly entered into the stereoscopic vision of Jung's Mandala. Prior to enlightenment, people are imprisoned in cells of individual self-interest; yet, our instinctive passion for collective identity is as fundamental to our human Nature as our need for a mate. This timeless journey to mystical union is guided by the twin heralds of our destiny: intelligence and inspiration. The promise of spirituality is to partake in the beatific vision, to share in the joy of Handel's heavenly angelic choir as they proclaim, in one voice, the glory of God and the immeasurable love which has saved sinful humanity from the torment of being separated from Him. The point is clear: salvation is found in collective identity.

The Judeo-Christian tradition will cease to be the cultural foundation of White communities in Europe and America. All these Churches have absolutely discredited themselves by betraying their sacred duty to nurture spiritual life above and beyond the dictates of earthly tyranny. The coming millennium, with its futuristic technology, will not be dominated by the worship of some man's image, particularly not Jesus, Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, or the latest Zionist messianic superstar. We must grow beyond the cultural artifacts of our forefathers, just as we have surpassed their technical achievements. Profound problems are built into a culture when it is based on distortion. I am convinced that Christianity is such a misrepresentation of reality. We set our highest value, belief in God, to hold our picture of all that is -- in focus, so everything might be comprehensible. Without such a fix, we are forced to confront the flux of reality; this change is constantly threatening our survival, and the stress from this awareness can be crushing, even to the point of making some dysfunctional. So we choose to approximate reality with what we believe to be a benevolent illusion of stability. We all desperately need a caring God who looks after us, yet fear such may not be so. Thus self-deception must be established as the highest reality. Any who challenge this sacred belief are evil. Deception masquerades as the purest truth, like the horror of Melville's white whale. Rather than idolizing some demigod, let us turn our "eyes" toward complementary images with the power to pull us together. The love of Romeo and Juliet is so all-consuming that they would rather die than to exist without each other. As separate individuals, we are not likely to survive the maddening days ahead which portend a very real self annihilation. Our wisest course of action must be to accept the truth, to play Nature's game ....dealing ourselves into the apparent arbitrariness of an uncertain universe. We must devote ourselves to one-another at all costs, for if there is no conscious God looking after us, then we must look after our own. This is the lesson the Jews learned after the Holocaust. Why is it the European people cannot understand this as well, in the midst of our Holocaust at the hands of communist / capitalists still ruling from Wall Street.

There is only one idea that can be thought during this age: the reflection of duality which conceals a revelation of oneness twisted into a totalitarian tunnel vision of servitude. Until that idea is brought into the open, we will never advance beyond this entrenched tyranny. From every vantage point in modern society, we are confronted by the same paradox, whether in politics, culture, the media, advertising, the military, medicine infinitum. Our thinking is caught in a loop by the ambiguity bombarding us; we are trapped in our own reflections. This suspension of thought is a direct consequence of living in a totalitarian system that is based on the technique of subterfuge. The protein shell of a virus allows it to subvert its host as a Trojan horse. Until we figure out how to overcome the illusion of our own alienation from one another, we will remain mesmerized by the clever magicians who have cast the spell of self-consciousness over our childish minds.

Dali recalls that he had much difficulty with arithmetic when in grade school, but when only nine years old he made a remarkable discovery: mimesis ......mimicry, charade, camouflage, masquerade, disguise, protective coloration ....all bordering on the power of Tolkien's ring: invisibility. Creatures in Nature, like chameleons or snakes, can change their looks so as to disappear into the background, only to strike out from nowhere to consume their prey. Some imitate the appearance of other creatures or even plants. Mimesis is fundamental to the evolution of Nature's own artistry, and this disappearing act by non-conscious Nature made quite an impression on the imagination of the young Dali. While wandering through the woods, he noticed something that would profoundly change his mind: he noticed some leaves. But these leaves could walk! And this discovery would make itself felt in a multitude of Dali's mimetic paintings. "The invisible image of Voltaire may be compared in every respect to the mimesis of the leaf-insect rendered invisible by the resemblance and confusion established between Figure and Background."64 He understood how Nature conceals and misrepresents Herself, and he transformed that vision into art. There is an urgency in recognizing that mimesis is the method by which the Jews infiltrated Western societies, and the technique they still use to deceive us.... for it is the Jews who are the Magicians of Tyranny concealed within the title-page of this book -- the chameleons with names like De France, Britain, Maxwell, Goodman, Goodfriend, Feynman and a legion of others. If we can come to understand Dali's use of illusion, we will also learn how the religious-good-Jew / atheist-revolutionary- bad-Jew game is played -- the con-game that has flown beneath western man�s radar for well over two thousand years.

Preach morality and instill this sense of social justice in the general population; encourage people to "love" and trust one another -- and when the sheep are all in the fold, fail to prevent the unacknowledged partner from fleecing them. The wolves of the commonwealth cannot make their fortunes if everyone is a barbarian or a crook; their prosperity relies on the morality of the tax paying majority ...and the necessity of crooked shepherds appearing to be moral models for common-folk. Like the Pharisees of the New Testament, the Jews as a group must simultaneously foster morality while subverting it ...Lead society from positions of honor, while supporting revolutionary kinsmen in secret. So you have upright bankers and communist revolutionaries, blessed by the media, working in collusion ....Joseph of Arimathea or Nicodemus steeling-into-the-darkest-Knight. This is one of the formulas for their success. But the underlying symmetry is complementarity: playing both sides in every game. As long as educated fools are thinking in terms of the mechanistic logic and morality in which they so devoutly believe, they will not stand a chance in this ancient shell-game of charades. The double-cross succeeds because the Jews operate collectively as a group, while the morality and legal system of society affirm that everyone is an individual. It is our morality and our common sense which are destroying us. We are arrested by our own reflections in this shell-tered world of ego-centrism, which is not so unlike the geo-centric universe which circumscribed the imaginations of Christians in their middle ages. The self is a kind of shell, which both protects the conscious human being who nurtures it, and serves as a mechanism for infiltrating the defenses of others, like the illusions created by a seductive woman. How are we to ever give up our "shell-game" in exchange for one with a greater pay-off: intimacy? Perhaps only by losing our minds ...collectively! But an emerging sensitivity to wholeness is vulnerable to paranoia as feelings of entrapment pervade a rapacious con-text of nations governed from the top down by smiling traitors who find compensation in selling-out those who trust them.... in effect, destroying the collective mind on which the sanity of millions depends.

The basic disorientation of the "mentally ill" appears to be the recognition that there really are no boundaries separating people; the polite distance between individuals, assured by the formality of distinct selves, loses its persuasive reality. The unstable personality, like the intoxicated one, appeals to intimacy which has not been established by the necessary cultural rituals -- and does so very clumsily, without understanding why such behavior upsets others. This unwanted closeness evokes feelings of terror in strangers, a fear which the hyper-sensitive "psycho" instantly recognizes at an emotional level. He may choose to flee, persist in this one-sided intimacy, or feign normality; but he cannot sense where the correct boundary is between himself and others. The source of fear at the core of schizophrenia is the uncertainty of everything ...this ambiguity. The media world that bombards him so intensely with images of intimacy-and-violence only heightens this entangling confusion. He is painfully aware of people who are racially and culturally different than himself, who may in fact feel real hostility toward him for no-good reason ....actually threatening his life. Real world fears become indistinguishable from paranoia. What is reality? he cries, -- and thus a true philosopher is born! Here we are at street level: thrown back upon our beginnings. You will understand such "deep philosophical ideas" only when the artificial reality in which you are so fully invested collapses on your head like a falling stock market.

Most people stick with the safe official fantasies of their culture and religion. Others take the dangerous path of describing a private hallucination, and they become trapped in isolation. The question of consequence is this: Is there a way back to stability for the unstable mind? Eventually -- through the same revolving doors of illusion through which one passes into unreality. How? By creating a verifiable world of the imagination, by trying to figure out if it is really as fearful as one has projected it to be. Try to interact with this dreadful realm in a rational way by testing the rules by which you believe it operates. You may find your understanding has not been totally insane -- for instance, the "real world" may actually be deceptive and oppressive. Was Solzhenitsyn insane because he had such a "paranoid" fear of the Stalinists? The task is this: to discover sanity in a threatening world, to sort out truth in a "high" society of "re�al politic". Paranoia is the premier sickness of this totalitarian world order. One must learn to understand the "Order" of an oppressive regime if escape from a very real madness is to become reality. One has retreated from the fearful actualities of this world into the fantasy-land of one's own dreams, feeling that it is safer to conceal oneself than to be exposed. The way to sanity is to step back through that frightful passageway ...that multi-dimensional mirror of distorted images -- into the cruel world one sought to flee. A language of multiple realities may appear to be "schizophrenic"; but unlike the letter of the law, it has the potential of leading confused minds beyond the laws of reason into genius. Genius is sane, and knows it, because there is awareness of concealed taboos in the forced associations of nations built upon repression and deception. One dreads real tyrants and not hallucinated devils. Given the entanglement of illusion, totalitarianism, and madness -- you can begin to appreciate why truth is so vital to one's mental coherence. We cannot deny the biological basis for mental instability; but this should not lead us to conclude that all profound human change is sickness. Consider the possibility that "mental illness" is a very natural and potentially valuable spiritual evolution we might think of as mysticism in search of genius. Isn't it time to grow up, and cease subscribing to an other-worldly reality, one which in fact is no stranger than the weirdness encountered in "this life"? Why are those so willing to abandon reason for faith so unable to believe that the inspiration they treasure will endure without the fairies or their tails?

We must have the tenacity to doubt the sacred images of past ages which are so firmly branded in our minds, so that we might begin understanding and solving the totality of our problems all at once --- by changing our entire way of looking at everything. Total perspective is recognizing intimacy with those around us, seeing the whole in each one of us. Those who rule value one-another in this way; however, it is their objective to prevent others from such a privileged insight into the value of collective identity -- so they fragment the outlook of those who are not insiders. The self is mesmerized by mirror images of narcissistic conceit, which are easily mistaken for reflections from Walden Pond. Self consciousness is the scar of slavery branded on the human mind by a totalitarian elite. It's all about knowing your place, and not stepping out of line. When looking into the "mirror" of the mind's --- "eye" must learn to see far more than just "my" own vain reflection -- entire worlds are there to be discovered if only we can outgrow this childish need to watch ourselves, and learn to see through the transparent self into an eternity of ideas. What is needed is a revolution in our way of thinking. When we re-create our minds, we will solve not only long standing problems, such as fusion reactions, but a multitude of other intractable difficulties as well. How we think determines what we are able to think. This book is more about how than what. Renaissance is the wide spread occurrence of genius. It will take something on the scale of a technical and cultural revolution to over-come the environmental disaster this State of our materialistic possession has produced. Renaissance is our objective, and I believe this book is but one indication that we are moving in that direction. When a person of such little promise can create a book like this, we ought to suspect something more than individuality is involved. We live in the shadow of apocalypse; and only the common occurrence of real genius, in the minds of free men and women, can save us, the White race, from the slavery that results when a civilization fails to solve its basic problems.

Our self-centered view of things leads us to identify "isolated" problems. We have failed to ask big enough questions. We have shied away from the mind bending paradoxes that threaten to demolish our "simple faith" completely. We have lacked the courage to realize that even if everything we believe is discredited, we will not be left with nothing, as atheism suggests .....but rather that we may discover something of greater value than that which we have lost. Look at your own Nature and the miracle of the universe itself! Do you really believe that an honest search for truth will disappoint you? You think spirituality is about belief in God. Spirituality is an ordeal whereby salvation is pursued in earnest, and in contemporary language that translates into creative vision, not social work in the third world slums.... of America. There is only one Soul to save, our collective Spirit... our common genius. Other peoples must have the freedom to save their own souls. Genius is a dangerous state of open-mindedness. One can be overwhelmed by too much awareness and the emotion that accompanies it. We trust our minds to one another. If we place our trust in those hostile to us, genius becomes vulnerable to destruction by a plague of totalitarian illnesses. It is our need for the intimacy based on trust which is stripped from us by the totalitarian State. Our common race is an attractive energy that can fuse us back together. You have to understand that what you are seeking is wholeness. However, this cohesion can be shattered by forced racial integration -- in that world, Bohm�s sense of the "whole" is fearful, hostile and oppressive, and your genius never has a chance to be born. These zealots of choice have not only murdered your unborn children, they have left you with a sterile body-mind incapable of Nature's own rapture. In place of everything, you have your self. Self importance is central to paranoid delusions of grandeur alternating with delusions of persecution. Both are rooted in experience of the self as the center of everyone's selfish concerns. As the artificial character of self-consciousness breaks down, all that is felt is a hostile collective intelligence stalking you from unseen shadows of your own fear. You don't realize that this fear which haunts your life drains everything from you. However affluent your possessions declare you to be, what has been ailing you is not well healed. Let me tell you this: you are not being adequately compensated for the price you pay for breaking our common trust -- for supporting the multi-racial Super State. That price is your own genius.

Should you, like Dali, lose yourself in this jungle of greed, your sensitivity to suggestion makes you vulnerable to those in whose "society" you live. You become dependent on the very ones whom you regularly betray, and fear. Your own choices leave you isolated on the top of a hill of self importance ....awaiting the fall. This is why the Jews must maintain their racial cohesion, their separateness from the "goys"; their strength is based on the trust they invest in one another. Without the trust of sworn kinsmen, genius degenerates into insanity. Trust is the foundation of our existence --- the ground from which all possibilities arise. Nature presents us with an evolutionary ultimatum: establish a community of trust or submit to others who have. Without this vital attractive force that holds a people together, there can be no genius, no sanity, and no survival. Something you should understand about Jews is this: however aggressive or apparently harmless a Jew may be, the most important quality about that person is that he or she is a Jew ....however much "good Jews" may protest the evil done by the bad-egg-heads of their clan. This means that there is a family that cares about each one of them, that there can be no isolated abandoned losers ...that they all benefit from and share in the guilt of this "Chosen People right or wrong" commitment to one another. If you attack or marry one individual, you are attacking or marrying all Jews -- and they will respond in kind, just as in the old days the Italian Mafia would "make things right" if their family was harmed or honored. This is collective identity in the flesh ...a blood loyalty unknown to socialized Americans of this multi-racial State. Why? Because collective identity is the primal attractive force of racism. Jews are always so concerned about what is best for Jews in general, and not simply thinking as isolated individuals. They know that belonging to a powerful group is the touchstone of their lives, a reality that is more urgent than their individual identities, or even personal well being. Likewise, a White belonging to an energized racist gang radiates the presence of that whole group, and his adversaries fear the courage of his clan�s fighting Spirit ...which he embodies. It is not some Lone Ranger they are worried about -- not simply an individual intoxicated by his own bravado, but rather by the brute instinct warning them that touching him will bring down a host of avenging angels upon them. These people do not need Ph.D.s in sociology to figure out that collective identity is dangerous -- they can feel the energy and presence of this White Breed ...its reality, and grudgingly show members of this clan the degree of respect they fear is necessary to avoid more chaos than they care to deal with. They can be forced to accept this reality because it is the very same law commanding the group loyalty structuring their own lives -- the law of the jungle ...But as you can imagine, Jews are determined to keep racist gangs from forming so they do not find themselves having to make such concessions -- After All, if one group can prove itself to be the equals of "The Chosen", then like virginity ..the aura ..the sacredness of the Jews is lost -- and the secret of common genius spreads to the unwashed. You should begin to see now that collective consciousness is linked to our primitive unconscious Nature collective identity, and that to advance to the genius of collective intelligence we must first recover the energy of the unreflective savage. To prevent this evolution, the established Zionist Order must consequently suppress genius in those outside their relativistic circle of relatives ....or assimilate those showing such potential into their own clan. But the many who are not chosen, who do not make the cut ...are type-cast into the ranks of the lonely losers. This is done by fragmenting a people in two ...individuals: a materialistic machine and/or an alienated bodiless soul -- a no-win choice resulting in mental illness. The mission of the creative arts and sciences is to put our Collective Body-Spirit together shatter this caste system that separates Whites from our own kindness. We must understand that the sanity of individuals depends on the cohesiveness of society as a whole. It is critical that middle class intellectuals discover the urgency of their bonding with our more energetic racial compatriots ....creating the integrity of our unique quantum-relativistic-Spirit of courage and intelligence: collective consciousness -- Spirituality! More than any people on the face of this Earth, the Jews understand the primitiveness of power that is prerequisite to the collective brilliance of "The Bund" ....understand that racism is at the foundation of spirituality -- which in turn is the source of the collective intelligence known as genius! But sometimes even genius is sacrificed to the God of their collective identity -- Bohm submitted his life to Oppenheimer�s judgement. Oppenheimer was not acting merely in terms of his own self interest when testifying against a friend, but rather for the collective good which Bohm understood took priority over his individual well-being ...and the personal feelings of his teacher. World mastery by these bombardiers was not gained without individual Jews paying the cost. If you think of the Jews as an international Mafia, you will have a better sense for why people fear them and their God.

Crime succeeds because it uses a total perspective to outwit the law and the "laws of reason" upon which legal systems are based. I am referring here particularly to organized crime, to Mafias... the mole in the organization, the man on the inside -- the spy, the double-agent, J. Edgar Hoover's Masters Of Deceit. The reason the cold war technique of the U.S.-USSR alliance, under the direct control of the Jewish Mafia, worked so well is that it was a total system -- it was on such a massive scale that it became invisible to rational common sense perception, like moving from two dimensional plane geometry to three dimensional spherical geometry. Many people cannot envision spatial images -- nor can they see through illusions. It is like a fear of heights. They get dizzy and confused. This is what makes advanced mathematics, the art of drawing ring structures in organic chemistry, and virtually all of physics so abstract and painfully difficult for many intelligent people to grasp ....especially for women. Researchers claim the female brain functions differently than the male in spatial perception. Many people are not seeing that third dimension. Those who can, have a very substantial advantage over the suckers who can not. Dali's mastery of illusion led him to become one of the magicians of tyranny ....a lord of wealth and fame, a wanna-be god! But as with the Jews, we can learn to see through the shifty eyes of men like Dali. As we shall soon see, the resolution to this paradox of corrupting genius is found in uniting against this ring of power.

The god-fathers are playing a time-worn game, but that hasn�t diminished the devotion with which die-hard souls kiss their rings. Christianity is a Trojan horse, created by the Jews, imported into the hearts of European people for the purpose of subverting our civilization. It is more than likely that even after all these years you still can't see this. But I must go on ....searching for a way out of your blindness, turning in a direction that to you may seem ungodly. There is deception buried deep within our culture, and it portrays itself as the greatest good... a gift from God ....our Jewish Savior. Simultaneously, our natural instincts are presented to us as alluring symbols of evil. This has resulted in our deepest intuitions becoming distorted. Our pious ancestors have not been without fault, although they did succeed in re-establishing the primacy of Greco-Roman civilization. They modified the mythology of the Jewish God, but fundamentally erred by choosing to enshrine deception as the highest possible truth. They bought into the technique of perverting our deepest values, corrupting the spirit of our race. The creative genius of heretical rebellion was represented by a satanic anti-hero. This fundamentalist error can be seen in our finest artistic creations, such as Lloyd Webber's Phantom of the Opera. Our own heroic hearts are imprisoned within the images of hateful men. And this same tactic is employed by the modern multi-racial Media-State to paint White-separatists in the most revolting colors imaginable. Heroic self-sacrifice is thrown up on the public screen as something vicious. Our most intense emotions, our deepest convictions, can only be expressed by the most evil of characters the weak-willed surrendering sentimentality of slaves assumes a godly form.

The issue of most significance is whether or not the creators of culture are actually hostile to the people whose hearts and minds they penetrate. As the poor Russians learned far too late, they had not been the heroes of what they thought was their own revolution. Zionist U.S.-USSR inc. claimed to be in conflict, engaged in a cold war. The rulers denied the unity of world power. Only after the breakdown of that hegemony was there an overt effort to create a "new world order" of multi-racial socialism, and this by force. Such action had its down-side since the reality of oneness was unveiled in a system based on the duplicity of concealed power. The recent past becomes visible. It is possible to see that the principle of oneness applied, even though the prevailing tyranny created the illusion of fragmented rule. Knowledge of the recent past makes it possible to understand the present because the same people, the Jews, hold command. Their cover has been blown. They are forced out of their magical closets into the field of battle for all to see. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy divulges that the ring, which has the magic to make anyone who wears it invisible, also corrupts not only the wearer, but the ring bearer if he submits to the temptation of unholy power. One might see the Jews in this light. It takes immense spiritual strength to use the ring wisely, or not use it at all. Wisdom is the understanding of one's own vulnerability to corruption. Deception leads to corruption, which in turn leads to chaos and rebellion. Hostility may be inherent to human Nature; and perhaps corruption is inevitable when a system begins failing to solve essential practical problems, such as pollution of the environment. Decay sets in everywhere. Those who rebel take upon themselves responsibility for solving the intransigent problems the existing system failed to confront. Success cannot be achieved without resorting to a considerable degree of honest thought. A society based on deception cannot stand for long, anymore than a bridge or building can endure which has been constructed by Mafia controlled companies that use inferior materials. The bribing of safety officials for the sake of maximizing profits may fool the laws of society, but not those of Nature. The laws of physics and chemistry just won't tolerate such blatant deception. Brute force may succeed in the short span of mortal life-times, but ultimately we are all compelled to confront the very physical and obvious consequences of corruption. Bridges collapse, gas pipelines explode, planes crash, nuclear power plants melt down ....weakening those who rule by decimating the infra-structure of their "evil empire". Tolkien solves this problem of power which corrupts by destroying the ring. We cannot escape the dangers that await us in the realm of inner space by simply repressing our own intelligence; only slaves equate ignorance with innocence. We must not close our minds because it is "the moral thing to do". Nature calls upon us to open our "eyes" to genius -- trusting that the reflections of others will remind us of the shadows we ourselves cast as we rise up to storm the heavens. As we come to share the intimacy of collective mind, we will not be invisible to one-another the Jews have been concealed by the power of their crime ring. This business of "no-self" and illusion is so abstract it may seem senseless. Anonymity is one thing, but identity is another. As with ambiguity, there is power in anonymity. Criminals generally prefer to mask their actions, so that the perpetrators of evil are unseen. This has been my complaint about the duplicity of the Jews. Those who govern cannot tolerate anonymity among the ruled; they force identity on everyone, whether as a personal self or the more precise impersonal numbers of automation. But a human identity is taking shape in the images of those we love, and in symbols we can truly feel. This openness to one-another serves as an obstacle to corruption. Crime will become a much more difficult activity because the primary weapon of illusion will be profoundly weakened. Criminal master-minds meet their match in the enlightened knights of a "thousand eyes", in the heroes with a thousand faces -- as we learn to defend ourselves collectively against our own vulnerability to evil by creating an open-minded society. A common genius is needed to guide us along this treacherous path to spiritual integrity. When uncorrupted, the Spirit of the creative arts is contagious, fanning the smoldering flame within the immortal Soul of our race into the wildfire of rebellion.

You might want to examine the words above more closely, and consider what they sound like. Recall that the self, I, is a shell. When the shell opens, the seed can begin to grow or the creature comes out of hiding. Opening the "I" is mystical awakening. Do you see how "eyes", "ring", and "open-minded" sometimes function in the above paragraphs? At first, it was puzzling to write, but there was a feeling that not only was it correct as written, but that it was.... just write! Only later did the rational meaning materialize. The point is that one can sometimes express more complex ideas than "I" know. There is an intelligence, which is central to our most creative thoughts, that is only incompletely understood at the time of creation -- that anticipates, guides the evolution of future-conscious thought. Try to hold this idea in mind, for it will recur in a multitude of self-similar variations throughout the spiraling pages ahead. Will you recognize it with each new revolution, as this book winds its way up to the ever more dizzying elevations of this mystical mountain? ...opening to us an energy great enough to topple tyrants. But what is that hidden strength? A confused person might wonder how he can even hope to resist the intimidating force of the totalitarian State, for as it becomes weaker it must enforce its authority with greater brutality. What the angry men among us must realize is that the more ruthless our oppressors become, the more sensitivity we must express ...placing deception in clear relief ...laying open truth to all those with an eye for beauty -- and continuing to do long as we live ....knowing full well that this struggle is not limited to the length of any individual's lifetime -- having faith that truth will not die when the energy of solitary souls is spent ...when your life and mine are complete -- upon a time and once again ..our generation has the honor to spread the flame of immortal courage and kindness to those with the heart to stand together.

To some, talk of the common genius of collective consciousness sounds offensive, as reminiscent of nazi dreams of a "master-race"; but if we are to overcome the horrendous problems confronting us, this is our best and only hope. Assuredly the Jews have sought to be a race of geniuses, and this has been their greatest strength and the secret of their power, not the popular idol of their tribal "God" which serves to intimidate all those outside their relativistic circle of friends. Genius is a collective awareness, and if living in a hostile environment senses it very deeply. The open state of mind characteristic of the visionary lacks the defenses of self-consciousness; there is a vulnerability to suggestion, much like the experience of a person under the influence of drugs or hypnosis. Mental instability is a fundamental reality of creativity, but insanity need not be. The collective identity of the Jews is essential not only to their survival as a group, but to their capacity to sustain sanity. Too many gifted people of European ancestry make the same mistake as Dali; they betray their natural allies and try to survive on their own in a dog eat dog game that�s always a Party. For the creative mind, that kind of decision is suicidal. The intimacy of our collective Nature is more powerful than we anticipate. Genius is the shattering of self-consciousness and an authentic opening into the minds and hearts of others. Because of the sensitivity, the vulnerability of the unsheltered open mind, it is imperative that the community with which one entrusts this intelligence be compatible. The question becomes: with whom can you share the intimacy of your mind? With whom can you entrust your sanity? Your local Jewish psychiatrist? I think not! The answer for man is woman. We build trust upon our own race, we choose to follow our instincts because all formal institutions have betrayed us. The more advanced we become technologically and culturally, the more forcefully our biological Nature emerges. As the reality of artificial environments becomes linked to our survival, we will be drawn together in ever intensifying intimacy. We have entered an electronic age of collective intelligence. What we yearn for is the intimacy of an organic society; what we have today is the hybrid Machine-State of the old and new physics, a predatory totalitarian system Hammered together by a mentality corrupted by revenge and greed. The new physics is a very powerful and beautiful set of ideas ...useful for thinking about exceedingly abstract phenomena, such as the qualities of energy, virtual reality, electronic and collective intelligences ...and most of all: shared human feelings. It was an inevitability that quantum relativistic theory would penetrate culture as a humanizing-metaphysics, and help us deal with the entanglements of an apparently chaotic world. A dehumanizing mechanics has been the established unreality for close to a century. You cannot see through the illusions of today's media manipulating democracies if you play by the rules of their rigged game, if you look through the classical "eyes" of common sense.

Our professional ideal is mental stability. A person should be even-tempered and consistently reasonable. This is just common sense normality which should be accepted without question. However, a creative mind is not stable. The many heroes and villains created by Shakespeare indicate that he was not locked into a rigid self identity, if he had one at all. It would be well worth your while to read Labyrinths by the blind Argentinean writer Jorge Luis Borges. I would particularly recommend two parables: the first is titled Borges and I, and the second Everything and Nothing.65 The conventional idea of self assumes an enduring, unchanging personality -- like a radio station that can always be reached by dialing the assigned frequency. The mystical mind is an alternative way of viewing one's own human awareness. Such consciousness allows awareness to fluctuate along a wide range of frequencies, to exist at remarkably different energy levels, ranging from sleeping to waking, confusion to enlightenment, madness to genius. The fundamental error people make is belief in a constant reality, a predictable future; we concretize this common sense world in the minds of human beings as a self. Yet our experience is a tug-of-war between futuristic technology of collective awareness in our homes and teeming aliens on our doorsteps ...both shredding this brittle identity of individuality inherited from a bygone era. Modern scientific thinking, like chaos, quantum theory and relativity introduces uncertainty and chance to such a degree that "reality" changes. We are left without a credible Mind! The brain has an extraordinary information processing capacity; this is an instrument of primary consequence to science. However, political power requires that human intelligence be defined in a narrow range it calls "reality". Science advances a kind of uniform, standardized, testable, state of mind. Society demands equality from a mass of remarkably unequal people. This "equality" translates into an artificial mental state which restricts the development of human creative potential. Nature is characterized by variation, chance, and not by uniform predictability. The way out of these mechanical minds and the way into the intuitive genius we naturally aspire to is -- rebellion, a total rejection of the communist dogma of mental equality, and the scientific straight-jacket of a uniform mechanical intelligence. The aim of this book is revolutionary: to change your mind about everything. Just as the Church blocked the way of scientific thought by censoring outspoken scientists such as Galileo, today the Jews block freedom of thought and scientific investigation in the name of racial equality. But even before the State gets around to restricting ideas, it is human identity that is constrained. All our battles boil down to who "we" are. Once "we" are identified, our collective reality is a forgone conclusion. If "we" are Bohm's multi-racial mass of undifferentiated humanity numbering in the billions, our reality will be entirely different than if "we" define ourselves more narrowly, on the basis of our White race. Ultimately, the most complex philosophical and scientific paradoxes are reduced to differences as simple as black and white. It is always the same ultimatum: distinguishing inside from outside. In pursuit of ends to justify means, it is always power that defines reality. All philosophy is merely apologetics: the sanctification of absolute authority.

Why are Blacks and Whites not seen as complementary members of one race? More basically, why are not all things complementary? How can there be an inside and an outside to everything? Two sides to the same coin? How can anything differentiate itself from everything, and yet still be part of the whole? Not all complementary relationships are personal ...sexual. There is a complementarity of groups. We are back to the issue of limits ...once again: the problem of quantum vector reduction. What is it that enables the undifferentiated state of quantum messiness to collapse into a limited reality of relativistic order? ....Not observer consciousness, but a more primitive instinct --- a collective pre-conscious sense of direction. This limiting process results not in the mechanical classical reality of machines with fixed possibilities, nor does it maintain the non-conscious quantum state of chaotic possibilities. What comes into being is an organic quantum relativistic stereoscopic vision-of-collective-identity: differentiated group-feelings. Quantum potentiality is preserved within this relativistic band in the form of a complementarity-of-individuals ...we recognize as sexuality. Look to the absolute value that human beings hold; there you will find their greatest strength and weakness. Does it shock your sensibilities that an intelligent creature should choose his own Nature as his highest value .... that he should choose to be what he is? But what "I am" is also my potential, my missing better half. The male and female belong to each other .....they are a pair; they are sexually complementary. It is critical to understand that what is being appealed to here is not the metaphysical self, but rather biological identity. The self at a deeper level is the Christian soul -- a disembodied spirit without physical characteristics. Thus, once we have all shed this mortal flesh we are no longer distinguishable by such superficial physical characteristics as race. However, if what I am is my own human Nature -- then my race is indeed an essential dimension to my spirituality. I am not a disembodied spirit; one's physical qualities are inextricably inter-twined with one's spirituality -- there is only one reality. Collective mind is the heart of our inner most Being. We are called not by "conscience", the State, or "God", but by our own Nature to simply be what we are. Our most profound insight and greatest difficulty is seeing the obvious: I-am-We-are! But the Multi-Racial State seeks to force us to be what we are not, and this is genocide -- in the beginning, at an emotional and intellectual level, and only a generation or two later the flesh. Rebellion against such tyranny is not only justified, it is the duty of every honorable man and woman. The State seeks to change our offspring into something alien to us and to themselves. What distance is there between parents and children who are not the same race? We must not allow that racial bond between ourselves and our children to be broken, for if we do -- we lose not only cohesion as a people, but the collective mind of our race, which is our potential ...the source of our intuition into the hearts and intelligence of others like ourselves. To whom am I writing? I write to my own Nature --- this collective Spirit of our people. Do these words touch you? Why? I feel a closeness to others of my race you perhaps have not yet noticed in your own experience, but you will! Walking in a shopping mall, one sees a young woman with her husband and their little blond girl; the joy these parents feel for their child fills the whole place everyone can see --- our shared experience. One encounters this family only for an instant, and without a word, yet they have become a part of us; they have persuaded "me" that there is an instinct to procreate those like ourselves, to perpetuate our own kind. You may want to disagree with any biological appeal to race here, but you cannot disagree with the essential need to preserve racial identity as a means of protecting human freedom --- unless you accept slavery for your children, or mine ...if you choose abortion. But I cannot accept slavery as a permissible price for your affluence and privilege today. If you think only in terms of your "self", it makes no sense to resist the power of the multi-racial State; joining the Party of multi-culturalism brings a lot more benefits than being an "enemy of The People". Only when you start thinking about the future of your own children does rebellion take root in your soul. I suspect you cannot hear these words if you have a lot to lose ....if wealth is your highest value. Only when you go beyond yourself, through your children, can you encounter our collective identity -- our Race. If parents and children are different racially, there is no collective identity to discover. Yet this instinct to preserve racial cohesion is a crime against "The State" of which only Whites can be guilty ...fearing that some "victim" will point "the finger" ....make the call -- racist! No White man can "come out" clean from this spin cycle, for we are all being media-washed by Zionist lords well versed in collective guilt: poetic justice -- for giving the sins of eons of fathers children not even their own. The Catholic Church once used sex as a means of labeling everyone as an original sinner, and therefore in need of forgiveness in the secrecy of the confessional. This is how the minds of men are enslaved! Equality in this new Soviet American Union means intense racial conflict, yet forced co-operation. The objective is to establish the new "citizen of the world" in this multi-racial system, a mixed race people who have no bonds of tribal loyalty. Such "individuals" can be isolated and made weak in their separateness, for they have lost their racial identity. They belong to no group, and in their helplessness can do little more than identify with the political machine that created them. Once absorbed into the multi-racial mix, there is no escape; there can be no rising up from this caste of non-entities.

The survival of the Jews depends on preserving their group cohesion. It is for others to mix with the Africans, Indians, and Asians -- not the Chosen... they will pick and choose partners from the educated White middle class when demonstrating how they do the multi-cultural mix; but this, pushed to extremes, would have serious consequences for them and us. In a few generations, Jews in America would cease to be. The survival of the Jewish Diaspora over the course of thousands of years argues against this happening. Their intent is to assimilate the most creative among us into their clan, not to disappear into ours. In time, this loss of talent from our gene pool will result in a profound impoverishment of our race. Some ambitious Whites are loyal to their material aspirations above all else. They side with the Jews who can enrich their lives at the cost of their souls. But these opportunists are looking to wealth and privilege, failing to see the implications of their betrayal ....believing it virtuous to deny the reality of their own kind. Their "idealistic" vision is indeed short-sighted, and something only inexperienced youth could believe. The Jews and those who join them hold an unacknowledged belief in their own supremacy. They believe in the expendable Nature of their inferiors, particularly troublesome Whites who don't yet know their place. The weapon used to attack those who would challenge the power of the Chosen is race. In the name of every Christian virtue, the Zionists import alien peoples into Western heart-lands. And when the Whites seek to defend themselves and the open spaces in which they live, media-elected democratic governments charge them with the low crime of racism. Self-defense is no crime, but rather a heroic virtue. The criminals are the invaders and those "patriotic" Pharisees who stand against them in every compromising position imaginable. Racism is a natural instinct which we only vaguely understand. We have the experience, we just don't realize what it means. As our emotional encounters become more intense, our closeness to others becomes more evident. Racism introduces the theme of collective feelings ...of belonging....together, and plugs into a network of immensely powerful ideas. As should be apparent by now, racism is first cousin to mysticism. A unifying racism is mystical in that it transcends individualism within a clearly defined limit. Collective identity is both an expansive quantum mysticism and the limiting relativistic perspective of one's own biology�s own race. Our strength comes through loyalty to one another. Ours is a common struggle toward collective genius, and this revelation cannot be based upon the betrayal of the collective Spirit one is seeking. Enlightenment can be sustained only through the nurturing of creativity at every level of our society sharing the limitless wealth and variety of our compatible intelligences. This is not a "White communism" denying human differences and abilities -- this is White Separatism; but Our racial cohesion depends on the willingness of Whites of all classes and all nationalities to look with kindness on one another that together we might resist those tyrants who look down on all of us. There can be no White nationality abandoned to merciless invaders. White camaraderie is judged by our "betters" to be parochial and excessively discriminatory, if not down-right criminal. More than that, bonding mysticism and racism seems contradictory -- strangely out of place, since mysticism is expansive ....emphasizing integration and a "meeting of minds". But a mysticism that is non-discriminatory must ultimately detach practitioners from "this world" -- forcing them into increasingly pacifist life styles. At some point, a limit must be established as to where the mystical mind distinguishes itself from that which it is not. Taken beyond limits, surrendering Tibetan monks were unwilling to distinguish themselves from communist Chinese soldiers who were murdering them. Confusion has its roots in our failing to recognize what this sensational transcendence is. Intelligence reminds us of our human Nature ...that Choice ...Will --- Matter. Mysticism has by and large been characterized as thoughtless non-assertiveness; but as you might guess, Nature has something far more astonishing in mind for us than Christian or Buddhist piety. An imported wisdom, such as Zen Buddhism, can take a Westerner only so far. But all visions have their short comings because ultimately we are mortal and not divine; the challenge is to create discover that revelation disclosing the secrets of our own Nature, and not to fall back on an off-the-wall reflection that is not our own. We must be creative like the diamond cutter who chisels the best stone possible from the rough diamond mined from the hollows of good fortune. It is necessary that he make his break along natural fault lines. It is possible to refine only the stone that is already there. Admittedly, race is a quantum-relativistic-cohesion and not an absolute identity, but it will seem that way in the coming years of classical certainties, as we struggle with such finality to affirm our right to exist. In time, and under different circumstances, new worlds will open before our "eyes"; we must hope that the wisdom of our day will not dishonor us by crushing the genius of tomorrow. Humanity must ascend many twists of this spiral evolution before the transcendence of racial differences enhances awareness and freedom for us. While such dreams are not impossible, they are out of our time, and out of the question ...for they are imposed upon us against our will and at the cost of our lives those who pride themselves on preserving their own unique identity over the course of timeless centuries. Today, our Nature calls upon us, in 14 words, to survive as a race, the White Race. The spiritual journey to discover one's "original face" must lead to the revelation of one's own deepest reflection. Only you can claim your own birthright, and that birthright is the collective mind --the genius-- of your own people .....our common history, and not that of an alien Soul. This is the sickness at the heart of our culture: an alien soul; but it is not the noble Spirit of the Japanese.

Thousands of years ago, a complementarity of trust was twisted into an unnatural double-play, whereby two-timing Jews stand-in as their own opposition ....apparently for, but actually against us. It is this dislocated spirit which has occupied our fragmented souls for ages. What is being done here is to twist the lens, through which we see everything, back into its natural form.... thus allowing complementarity to be represented as it actually is. If you cannot distinguish this appeal for Whites to be what we are from Bohm�s imperative that "we" return to "our" original mixed race identity, then the limits of rational discourse have already been reached. Its all about face, and turning coats inside out in order to disappear into the multi-colored foliage of a premature fall. Thus, unsatisfied with ruling mere nations of men manipulated by ignorant women, the Jews take upon themselves the unholy task of being lords of the Earth. But Mother Nature will never be enslaved, She will die under such artificial conditions. We are not so different than the once fierce lions and tigers, who today face extinction at the hands of merciless hunters --- destroying the equilibrium of this world�s eco-system ...emptying the Earth of its potential and producing a wasteland which cannot long support the idolized multitudes in their squalor ....unless indirect goals and side-kicks are the intent of those skilled in the art of killing kindness. It is this inverted thought which has split Europe through an illusory cold war, and massacred tens of millions, only to enforce our silent grief while demanding a public outpouring of money as repentance for resisting the long standing Jewish invaders of Western nations. Those count-less wiped-out Europeans were an immeasurable human loss, but the enormity of this holocaust is not clear until one understands that these were the most productive members of society; they were the aristocracy, the middle classes, and the land owning farmers. The Russian collaborators who assisted in murdering them lacked their ability. These communists solved environmental problems with the same brutality they used in slaughtering their countrymen. Look at a map and try to grasp the magnitude of what has happened. That area of the world could have been one of the most developed and cultured centers on the planet, had not the revenge of the Jews necessitated such an unholy "justice". You can perhaps understand why it is so essential for Western governments, media, Churches, and universities to keep silent about their roles in concealing this unforgivable crime. Moral arguments by Jews for bombing Europe again in 1999 have left me cold. We face a situation much like that Stalinist period today in the West, just as Solzhenitsyn warned back in the 1970s -- a warning you were unable to hear. Perhaps you still have not heard the bombs falling over Belgrade. These enforcers of multi-culturalism show an uncommon dedication to war on White Europeans. Should they succeed in becoming our executioners, then the long term consequences of their "idealism�" will be the same as can be seen today among the decimated peoples and territories of the former Soviet Union. These unrepentant saviors of humanity need our ability for their multi-racial mix. It is their best hope of success, but for us ...a fate worse than death. Behind the savagery of these party hacks, there is a collective intelligence of another kind. Such a mind seems so desolate and merciless that, as "the Borg" or Darth Vader would say: "opposition is futile". But resist them we must. What can be done to make this staggering idea become visible to our understanding? Consider how the IBM computer defeated the Jewish world chess master Gary Kasparov. All Kasparov's games were programmed into the computer so his every move was anticipated by the programmers; thus, his brilliance failed him because he could not surprise the machine with some dazzling new strategy. The many nations of the world can become the "Big Blue" computer for our common Jewish masters. By disclosing how Jews play their games, we weaken them because not only are they unable to deceive us, but the peoples of many nations can anticipate their future moves. It is not any easy matter for the Jews to recover once such fundamental insight into their thinking becomes common knowledge around "The Village". If we can force them into the open, out from behind pawns that run interference for them, then they can be "made" take their own falls. Once speculators realize that the land-lords of Hollywood are losing their make-up, those playing the margins will figure that it is time to call these pawn brokers ...cover their own poles to account for unexpected up-risings. Cowardly to a man, these amoral allies of Zion will desert their duty stations -- betray their wounded lords before the battle is barely undertaken.

The strange attractor is best conceptualized as its computer generated image of a butterfly, as duality in motion -- not two halves of one thing, but the destructive and creative potential of the chaotic butterfly effect. This leads to the understanding that creativity is the struggle of opposing but somehow complementary forces. To become what we are, we must face adversity. There is no rest. Affluence without anguish leads to decay. Our survival is always in the balance; this is the meaning of mortality, the inevitability of death which overhangs all our lives. We and the Jews, along with the varied races of humanity, all need one another ....not as sexual partners but as rivals in a common struggle. Winning this competition is not measured in terms of exterminating one another, but in transcending the unconscious rage that blindly drives all of us to destruction. The mission of civilization never changes: to pull humanity back from the brink of cannibalism. Remarkably, civilization actually succeeds from time to time. There seem to be no permanent victors, although there always are multitudes of the vanquished. The Jews have succeeded, to a limited degree, in approximating adversity within their own model pursuit of world supremacy. They do this by presenting themselves as the victims of those whom they are mercilessly attacking. But there are only so many holocaust memorials and movie "specials" some of us will stomach. Con-artists may fool all of the people some of the time; but the chaotic principles penetrating this galaxy have an uncanny style ...putting an unwanted spin on complimentary turn-coats. In one way or another, chaos always finds out how to toss up authentic opposition which forever exerts the necessary pressure to test the mettle of even those brandishing the sharpest of blades. The Jews themselves are corrupted by their efforts to subvert other peoples. There is a down-side to twisting the imagination into madness, just as there is contamination from the production of nuclear weapons. A ruling class that uses deception as the primary method for controlling society becomes utterly perverse -- evil, and so do the institutions they have created. Black magic no longer works when heroic hearts cast doubt upon the power of hell; we fail to recognize the weakness of blatant evil because we fear it so much. When truly challenged, the Jews must resort to overt repression, as they do in the Middle East ...or to the extermination of their enemies, as they orchestrated in their "Stalinist" Soviet Union. With a population of about 17.8 million world wide, the Jews are in trouble when they can rely only on fear and terror because they engage massive populations in real conflict. Our mission is to bring Whites to understand the lesson the Russian middle class never learned: we have nothing to lose by fighting a system that has our own destruction already in the pipeline.

With enough rebellion world-wide, it is possible the Jews will lose control in a nation, such as Russia, which has not been stripped of all Her potential; should that happen, the totalitarian uniformity of world opinion would be broken. Real opposition could materialize. They would no longer be able to play their own adversaries. Real battles could be fought with real casualties. As revolutionaries of every race start fingering those who pull the strings instead of the puppet personalities and proxy armies set-up to conceal the international "victims" who rule by markets and media, the people of the world can reach a common consensus and understanding. The greatest threat to Jewish power is world-wide co-operation in resisting them. Divide and conquer has been their rule. The State creates racial division so as to prevent unified opposition. In order to bring about racial separation we must do the unexpected: co-operate with other racial groups so that together we might overthrow the Jews. Religious fire-brands from the Arab world, Black Soul-Men, Japanese loyalists, White Separatists from Europe and America, and who knows, perhaps the entire anti-Israel block at the United Nations -- all of us must put our racial hatreds aside and find common cause in preaching the same message: solidarity in opposition to Zionist oppression --- confederates in a global revolution.

So many of us affirm our own "racist" beliefs in the terms defined by the Media-State. We don't want to live with the Africans, Asians, or Indians of any continent because they are "inferior", and besides: we "hate" them. We debate with Christians about moral responsibility for helping "the poor" among us and throughout the world, while failing to focus on the massive wealth of the Jews. We engage in heated arguments about whether or not the Holocaust ever actually took place on the scale that the Jews have claimed. As long as we allow our adversaries to establish the terms by which our world is structured, they will control us --- spotlighting working-class Whites as "supremacists", as dangerous extremists not to be taken seriously by normal people, except to the extent that "they" must be guarded closely for fear that these "Wackos" may fly off into a mad rage of racist hate and terrorism. Those Whites who play the role of supremacists are being set-up, type-cast in a rigged game of madness they cannot win. It is essential for us to define our own convictions, to think past the simple-minded bigotry of bygone days. First of all, our unwillingness to live in a multi-racial society is not based on any illusions of superiority over others. A realistic racism of White Separatism, grounded in an honest appraisal of human abilities, is far more powerful than an ideology that distorts our perception of peoples unlike ourselves. Declaring independence from tyrannical over-Lords and their mercenaries is a very American tradition, and does not require that we portray others as evil or subhuman, only that we clearly recognize an assault upon us ...and a compelling duty to protect our race from extermination by means that are no longer subtle. Objection to living in a mixed-race "utopia" not of our choosing is rooted in an honorable rebellion against a totalitarian one world duplicity: capitalist/socialism; we reject a society that aggressively attacks our people with drug and abortion campaigns -- we declare that this government not only completely fails to represent us, but dedicates itself to destroying what constitutional liberties we still have remaining. No "leaders" ever ask us if we want a multi-racial society because they know full well we do not -- our choice on that matter was removed when George Wallace was shot. Martin Luther "King�s dream" was imposed upon us from Washington by force -- but we refuse to be the subjects of any king of spades. While opposing the forced mixing of the races, we must never-the-less acknowledge that the idealism of the American melting pot did actually succeed remarkably well among people of European origin. We are obligated to recognize the positive achievements of the Jews, as well as the talents of other racial groups -- painful as that may be for some to do. But respect for those at odds with us must not be re-Stated in terms of Las Vegas wedding vows. An inverted-morality-of-subversion was inherent to the Christian "idealism" instrumental in the ruin of the Roman Empire -- and those same ideals of "love" and "equality" have forced open the borders and bed-room doors of White nations to tropical invaders dead-set on laying siege to our once honored tribe ...converting us into their equals.

Those who refuse to confront the evidence of hostile Jewish dominance in our societies dishonor their own intelligence and integrity by siding with an oppressive regime that enriches their bottom line at the cost of our collective Soul. Their television evangelism is a disgrace to spirituality. Debating with them in the logic of their treasonous "morality" is offensive to us. Our task is to define new inquisitions we are willing to examine, and not to entertain any-more Holywood morality plays on "racism" and "The Holocaust". The thought of receiving moral instruction from the Bad Apple, Hollywood, or those AC/DC Feds disgusts us. We want to discuss the multitudes murdered in communist Gulags, and the death of justice -- More specifically, the role of Jews in this holocaust, and the reparations they are going to pay the Eastern Europeans for this immeasurable atrocity committed against them and their environment. But we have seen the bombs falling on Serbia, and know the kind of reparations the Jewish war-lords of Defense-Federal Reserve, State, and National Security plan on paying. However corrupt "voters" understand the media and Clintonesque Jewish administrations to be, Christians do not question either this same media or impeachable presidents when a war is launched on Christian Europe. We want to know where the conscience of these devout bombers was when satanic mass murders were being carried out in the multi-cultural Soviet Union -- and why Christians never remember these many millions of dearly departed souls ...Why there is no "Holocaust Memorial Day" for them. Such are the kinds of burning issues we are willing to discuss and no others, until the repressed realities of our history are finally acknowledged. In our eyes, most Christians are intellectually and morally corrupted by ministers that are indistinguishable from politicians and politically correct university professors. We want to know when the enlightened people of the media will explain to us the loss of our freedom, and their role in the betrayal of White Christian America.

To be realistic, the most likely outcome of the present struggle is that people in Europe and North America will continue on the present course of passive support for the multi-racial society, and that the last of courageous Whites, mainly men, will be imprisoned or executed. We have the horrifying events of the Soviet Union, and now the lately befriended-foe communist/capitalist China ....disclosing our past and foretelling our future. The reason I have emphasized the tens of millions of Eastern Europeans who died in communist Gulags is this: we in the West both the Albanians and the Serbs, face the same fate if we do not have the courage to stand together and fight those two-faced charmers so skilled in turning our opposition to their new world order into ancient hostilities with each other. Those who wish to exercise their Media-State conscience, or indulge in our "collective guilt" feelings, should ponder this: are you willing to support a State of irresistible force that systematically hunts down and "neutralizes" large numbers of White patriots who are trying to save Europe and North America from turning into non-white-majority multi-national corporations? Those, out of fear of being red-lined as anti-Semitic and racist, who would stand by and watch the most honorable members of their race be slaughtered are morally superior to no one. And you are so puzzled as to how anyone could call your well-healed Christian integrity into question, could see into the blindness of your double-crossing faith, and expose the stylized scar of slavery that adorns your disfigured soul.

A matter that is depressing to confront, but essential to understand centers on this question: why do knowledgeable, worldly people, accept the painfully obvious pro-Jewish bias of modern day societies, particularly in America and Europe? For run of the mill folk, it seems to be a simple acceptance of the system. They understand, with no possible doubt, that they must conform to certain rules if they are to advance or even keep their jobs. But there is more to the support for this Jewish led system then fear of losing one's employment. While Jesus may save the meek, more ambitious Americans have chosen to side with Moses -- to invest ....for that�s where the real prophets raise their heads and cover their tails. Shrewd market players are not going to challenge the integrity or wisdom of a system that is making them rich. The bottom line for most Christians is unmistakable: the good life. Everything is seen as a kind of game, where all that matters is making the right moves, saying the right things, backing the right boss -- being a politician, like Bill or Hillary. The important thing is the "game", the "moves", and not abstractions such as truth, loyalty and integrity ....although Clintonesque motions must be made to keep up appearances. Those who do not play the game properly are losers. The "winners" are saved by their profits. Their multi-cultural faith is preached by cross-dressing-ministers of inverted values. Those who are not able to appreciate a society that brings them wealth and moral righteousness are merely fools. Any intelligent person who does not buy into the "American dream" is unpatriotic, and deserves the lower standard of living his contrariness imposes upon him. Successful Whites have accepted the materialistic values of the Jews as their own; and will fight those who threaten the political, economic, and social structure upon which their prosperity is based. Racists are haters envious of God�s Chosen, many of whom are Jews. Christians don't acknowledge being materialistic -- they go to the best Churches and belong to the most politically correct multi-racial social clubs in town. Amazingly, these rich folks behave very much like the Jews, who conceal their wealth behind a mask of "love" and aggressive social activism. The trick is to make the "losers" feel guilty for not "loving" those who are still more repressed than themselves -- as opposed to rebelling against the "winners". In addition, society's multi-cultural barbarians are persuaded by the Media-State to direct their aggression toward these washed-out White "racists", and not toward those players enjoying the economic and social favor bestowed by party "high" and holy rollers from L.A., NYC, and D.C.. It is never an easy call telling the Holy Rollers from the high rollers when the good timers are rocking and rolling in their joints. What is truly depressing is that this game works, and it is primarily for this reason that racist groups preaching the virtue of sacrifice have so little popular support. Resistance ...when everyone else is making a killing no sell-out in a consumer society. It would seem that as long as the Jews can keep their supporters fat and happy, they will preserve their own wealth and power, while weakening any unified opposition. America and Britain can keep bombing until the United Kingdom comes long as "the goods" Times keeps rolling. After all: war does have a half-track record of greasing the big wheels of Wall Street with the blood of the common man. But an empire can not endure forever based only on a wing and a prayer; chances are that something like reality eventually comes to call, necessitating that players confront the bombed-out minds of poor relations not adequately represented by this unreal House of games to which the elect and the elite have sworn our allegiance.

"We are but players...." ....upstaged by the pilgrim in Dante's Divine Comedy, who discovers that midway through the course of his life he stumbles upon himself ..lost in Holy Woods. Those who find themselves mislaid ascertain they have too much free-way. Our worth as human beings is measured by our response to feelings of loss. Loss of faith in totalitarianism marks the beginning of our return to promised lands. Not until we become obsessed with endings will we learn how to create an authentic beginning. Only out of despair with our own corruption, can we take the first authentic steps toward redemptive genius. This dark night of despair leads us back to the depth of our collective loyalties. We can be healed of these ungodly wounds inflicted upon us by a materialistic culture of greed only by reclaiming authentic sensitivity committing ourselves to that which is most human about us: caring for one another. We never allow ourselves to feel the real evil we witness, the indirect harm resulting from our inaction ...for our not caring to get involved. Such matters are always relegated to the status of non-events in our lives. But human awareness cannot be compromised without becoming corrupted, any more than the natural world can be plundered without being polluted. Pragmatism works in the short term but is destructive in the ends it hastens. Pragmatists don't worry about future generations; to do so would raise concerns about those being left to inherit the debts incurred by current windfalls. As prophets, programmers, mathematicians, and chaos theorists know so well, there are no "small" errors minor concessions. We must allow ourselves to withstand these initial conditions which are of far greater consequence than we can believe. How can we tune our awareness to the fine details of chaos ????Feel the rhythms, the timing of our own paradoxical Nature which is governed by principles of both oneness and complementarity ...coming into and going out of existence --- rocking back and forth like some plumb pendulum spell bound by the swinging doors of perception .... a hidden organizing principle which shapes all the world around us, filtering out the hype and the chutzpah confusing and corrupting our native intelligence.

We are not machines, and a system that treats us as though we are, must be vulnerable to attack by appealing to the organic instincts of human Nature. It is through the creation of beauty that feelings can be touched, and people moved in unexpected directions. Beauty is something which can be shared; it is an organizing principle like nuclear energy which fuses a people together, rather than splitting them into pockets of prosperity and destitution. The aim then is to become a creative culture, rather than one based on consumption. Over time, it is the creators who will prevail over the consumers ....the materialists. Spirituality is a creative introversion, a confronting of human Nature in the reflective solitude of imaginative thought. In spite of all the discussion of race and the Jews, this book is about deeper matters. It centers on totalitarianism and the struggle of the human Spirit for freedom. There is a high price to pay not only for challenging Jewish domination, but for offending the blindly held faith of apocalyptic Christians who cannot see the immeasurable harm that has been done to Western civilization by their willingness to compromise our common intelligence their conviction that surrendering our children�s future is something more lofty than cowardice.

But it is not only the devout who have lost faith in the future. Something even more ominous than the fall of nations is upon us. There is a Darwinian view of man as an animal in this world who faces extinction. Whatever ideology replaces Judeo-Christian Democracy must deal with the decline of White America, the sickness of the Earth, and the feelings of impending judgement such catastrophic events generate. A new secular apocalypse has shaken the faith of rational materialists in their scientific future. Perhaps the human race will destroy this planet through over-population, environmental degradation, and nuclear warfare. These are fears being expressed by intelligent people around the globe. Yet, not many believe that either government or industry has the will or the where-with-all to save us from this staggering fix. There are no profits to be made in atonement for our sins against Nature. The State will not fail to provide a solution to the new poverty which assaults our senses: drugs may be offered as a substitute for material possessions and the meaningful work lost in our fall from the good life... a pragmatic means of appeasing the Anglo members of society not yet accustomed to the bright lights, broad-ways and narrow alleys of street life. There is a growing loss of faith in scientific materialism, which will be held culpable for the devastating technologies of war and pacification ...responsible for this planet's self-destructive trajectory. Materialists, along with political party operatives, are being haunted by prophetic visions and long repressed revelations -- unseemly matters to occupy the attention of disbelievers. Secular messiahs are invariably created by a secular apocalypse; such heroic figures are not characterized by the love and forgiveness of Christianity, but rather by a rage for retribution -- in their own time, they are raised-up before men as gods ....bringing faith to those who believed in nothing. The aim here is not to appeal to some imagined integrity within upright Homo Sapiens, but to force into the open the spiritual dimensions of both tyranny and rebellion --- to turn our eyes toward the horrifying sight of evil: Jewish spirituality intimately engaged in a world-wide totalitarian power play that manipulates and terrorizes people of every race.

The primary objective of this book is to re-define introversion, to create an intelligent and fulfilling human identity that is capable of transcending the alienating madness that plagues life in the urban cellars of this modern day rat race --- To bare witness to a healthy and enduring quality of Mind that will persevere in the face of this corruption which has aged us beyond our years, like some worn out whore. The intent here has been to return spirituality to the center of our real concerns as a people. Christianity is on the fringes of our fragmented imitations of life. The withdrawn other-worldly character of mystics East and West is a spiritual retreat that must be recalled. This miss-perception is rooted in major religions, such as Christianity and Buddhism -- so much so that we must step beyond their symbolism. There is an expectation that when a responsible person writes on spiritual matters the outcome of his inner exploration will be a re-discovery of the loving divine nature of Jesus -- a new Imitation of Christ will be written for yet another generation of believers. But the intent here is to disclose a different spirituality, radically other than the Judeo-Christian mythology. The purpose is to re-define spirituality in Post-Christian terms. We must come to understand that religious experience is not something so different than what we poorly label "mental illness", nor so far removed from the creative brilliance we call genius. Such experience is far more accessible to us than we dare admit. Those who rule are permitted the essential luxuries of madness and genius. The submissive populations they dominate are not allowed to enter the sacred temple of their master's wide ranging intelligence. The creative growth of a fertile mind is isolated from "real world" responsibilities, and treated as the curious phenomena of religion or psychiatry -- and closely regulated by the uniquely uninspired priestly hierarchy, which obeys unseen lords who issue their commandments and prescriptions from lofty sanctuaries of integrity. The aspiring middle class is forced to labor in the mechanical drudgery of a pragmatic world, which offers them no hope of ever breaking free from either the shekels or the shackles of their own calculating minds ...enslaved by an intellectual discipline alienated from Nature -- they either reject spirituality as simple-minded superstition, or embrace a religious dogma that splits them in two: the in-human and non-human.

The most perilous tribulations of this world have been produced rather than resolved by the unduly respected men of science, whose minds are bound in the rags of rationality ...much as the feet of Asian women once conformed to the order of a very worn reality. Let us break the laws of reason without becoming committed to the unreasonable. We must turn to a higher intelligence, but this turning is an agonizing ordeal -- something we are prone to seeing as break-down and failure. From time to timelessness, we reflect upon the religious significance of this inner world of wounded hearts which brings so much torment and joy. But we lack the cohesion which winds all of life's experiences tightly together and blesses them with direction and meaning. Our traditional beliefs are wound about a fundamental betrayal. Loyalty to the religious and psychiatric symbols of our servitude reveals the depths to which the Spirit and collective intelligence of Western culture have been breached. Let us rise-up from our wounded knees and stand as men before the God of Moses, and turn the repression of Freud inside-out. Instead of speaking in ancient tongues of thoughtless prayers, let us dare to utter words of genius never before imagined. Spirituality will not be extinguished simply because we change the way in which we interpret our own Nature. Christianity did not create religious experience, any more than psychiatry invented madness. Spirituality is a fundamental dimension of what we are, and will manifest itself regardless of what orthodox dogma may be used to repress it. Spirituality, mysticism, nervous breakdown -- you name it: this is the long and winding road to genius. So let us re-examine the anguish we suffer, concentrating a life-time of sorrows into a sublime intelligence. The arts and sciences we love are able to give form to the super-abundance of energy that surges from the depths of our eternally mysterious human Nature. This potential within us is precious, and must be treated with respect, just as we must recover honor for this Earth from which all life springs. Out of ignorance and greed, we can contaminate Nature within us as efficiently as we have the Nature we are now without. We may already be committed to creating artificial worlds to shelter us from the unforgivable failures of modern science. Those unprepared to meet this planet's ultimatums will not fare well for long. We seem headed for a situation in which a select few begin living in artificial environments we mistakenly confuse with the trappings of wealth; the overwhelming majority of the Earth's population seems abandoned to struggle in the raw sewage of a used up planet. Perhaps out of this hell, fallen man will once again arise .... escaping into the heavens so that he might re-discover paradise now lost ....among the stars. We must take our eyes away from both the apocalyptic bibles and futuristic dreams of immortality, and concentrate our minds on mastering the unrelenting trials commanding our attention. We must shift our spiritual dedication away from heavenly mythologies of eternal reward to a clear reflection on a collective Soul of such sensitivity that it will allow us to home in on a more enduring paradise than this one wasted by the merciless hit-men from Hollywood and Madison Avenue. We must seek to free our Spirit from the compulsions of materialism and the superstitions of past indoctrinations. Look not to after-life, but to the future of our children. There is a collective Mind which endures beyond one individual lifetime, and this is where we seek our immortality -- in the hearts, intelligence, and collective Spirit of those who share in the feelings that mean the world to us. Our hearts can indeed go on if we but have the courage to create an irrepressible beauty visible even to those blind-sided by the petrifying gays of tyranny. Both after-thought and fore-sight are called for. A way of thinking is needed which leaves belief as open ended as some natural half-life, reserving a space between multiple universes of understanding and disbelief -- a dimension through which one can disappear.... into the emptiness of everything. Truth does not disclose itself with the directness of logic, but rather between the lines -- in bursts of revelation.... opening passages leading into and out of madness presence, and some measure of authentic inspiration -- amidst all this betrayal that so torments our lost innocence.

Corruption has become common place, and honor an oddity. Many people know that Mafias run societies around the world, East and West...North and South; but they can support tyranny because it enriches them -- even making them feel "good". Their fundamental belief is that everyone has his price, and that life is simply the ongoing saga of selling out to the highest bidder. The white collar criminals in charge of this Zionist wonderland of limitless wealth run casinos called stock markets, which allow all comers a chance to let the good times roll... and insiders odds that can�t be beat. The age old problem of markets has been the boom and bust cycle. Now, if there should be world markets, it is possible that while the developing sector is booming, the more mature economies are sluggish. As the booming markets of the East run their course, all that needs to be done is shift investments over to the complementary markets in the West ....causing them to begin their seven fat years. Real economies continue their cycles of prosperity and hard times, but speculators like George Soros are free to jump ship so they can always be on the winning side. Like in Vegas, the game never ends. The objective is to become immensely wealthy. This is the game the Jews have played for thousands of years as they would "flee" with the golden treasures of one country, such as Biblical Egypt, to a new promised land just waiting to be milked by honey tongued financial advisers. The multi-cultural society is a means of opening the wealth of nations to international movers and shakers.... a means of enriching a few die-hards at the expense of the many. This translates into the integration of all societies, much like some multi-national corporate merger ....such as the unifying of North America Inc. with South America Inc.; and we all know what happens to local workers when a Super-State take-over goes down. People out to make their fortunes do not give a damn about loyalties to either country or countrymen. It's the short term profits that count, and short term friendships that make life so exciting for those living in the fast lane. Ordinary people, who are not plugged-in players, end up on "The Street" only when the party is over; they are the tax players who bail out the "risk takers" from around the whole world when a hard reign falls. The winners can afford lawyers with the right connections, who enable these shrewd dudes to preserve their wealth, while those not on the take are left paying one world taxes. However, casino economies do have a way of creating discontent because they lead to large differences in wealth within society, which are not the result of greater contributions made to the common good. People do not mind doctors with integrity making a good living because they work hard producing recognizable benefits for society. But suppose those doctors make government subsidized fortunes killing babies, and then invest that blood money in the markets to make yet another killing? What people object to is a situation where criminal gamblers get rich quick at the expense of society's life blood. Eventually the losers catch on to what has been happening; they understand that the wealthy are not "better people", but actually predators. Workers lose respect for the institutions that have betrayed the social contract, which is supposed to guarantee fair compensation for honest work. You see the whole game depends on cheap labor and the acceptance of duty by those who do not necessarily get to share their voices with government buddies taking a toll on them every chance they get. Eventually, even these sports fans decide they will not shoulder the life long burden of world wide debt dumped on them by the corrupt politicians owned by the players. So its time for "The Players" to flee to non-local stages with pathetic tales of woe about how they have been persecuted again. However, this fleeing business is not playing out as easily today as it used to. It becomes necessary to establish a power-base and settle in. By having a world economy it is possible to create regional prosperity when needed by drawing on the resources of the rest of the world at the expense of those who can be held in check by force of alms. Regional rebellion is unlikely in those multi-national corporate States on a roll, so when fundamental social changes are to be implemented they are accompanied by a booming economy. When the desired social engineering is established and enforceable, the irresistible wealth of world resources can be shifted to other regions where long standing discontents are decisively addressed. A world federalism would make war impossible and resistance suicidal, much as it would not be possible for Idaho or Louisiana to end the multi-racial society in their states. The full weight of political and media pressure, combined with stunning Police-State fire-power, would physically and psychologically break the will of any "rogue state" to resist.

We hear so much of White "guilt" for slavery and the mistreatment of Blacks. Racists are the dispossessed of society ....losers, discontents and not the inheritors of fortunes. Our ancestors were not plantation owners or slave traders, anymore than we ourselves are owners of big companies or Mafia "businessmen" who operate the White slave trade of prostitution. But our ancestors were the men who fought and died like fools from both North and South in America's Civil War, two World Wars, too many managed wars to count ...all to further the interests and profits of internationalists who make war their business. It has always been the flesh of the common man that has been tolled to wipe the assets of big business, and today the media is among the biggest. Blacks are correct in recognizing that they have been abused in the past, but the media is no more willing to correctly identify their exploiters than they are to acknowledge the reality of our own torment today --- let alone defrost the history of still wandering ghosts soon to haunt guilty capitalist/socialist parties hanging over from yester-year�s forgotten good times. With the warming of these frozen memories, time will move again ....awakening the suffering cries of abandoned kinsmen so long silenced by the inverted morality of Christian-Democracy. The suggestion always in the forefront of made-for-TV-education is that ordinary White working folk are guilty, and now it is pay-back time. However, not all oppressed peoples turn to the working Whites of America and Europe when identifying the guilty. "Ten years ago, on 15 December 1980, Hazem Nuseibah, Jordan's Permanent Representative at the United Nations, told the General Assembly that 'the Zionists are the richest people in the world and control much of its destiny. People like Lord Rothschild everyday, in ironclad secrecy, decide and flash round the world how high the price of gold should be each particular day. And there is Mr. Oppenheimer of South Africa, who holds 15 million blacks in bondage in order to exploit and monopolize the diamonds, the uranium, and other precious resources which rightfully belong to the struggling African people of South Africa and Namibia.'".66 While prime investment properties, along with the names of key players, may change from decade to decade, it seems the Jews are always involved. In 1997, the Asians identified George Soros as 'the man who moves markets." The American-based world wide media represents him as a great philanthropist, much abused by Asian leaders who charge that his currency speculation set off the Asian economic crisis. When looking for the guilty, people of the third world might turn their eyes toward those with billions and not to the poor suckers in the West -- seek your reparations not from us for crimes we did not commit, but from Soros, Rothschild, Oppenheimer and the other great philanthropists and holocaust beneficiaries of our time. But don't be satisfied with loans from the IMF, require all that is justly yours! Demand the return of all that was stolen from you: not merely South Africa, but the entire African continent.

Each racial group has the right to a homeland and the natural wealth of that territory. This means, the oil of the Middle East belongs to all the peoples of that region, and not just to a few Mafia families in spread sheets who know how to make the J.R. Ewings of Dallas, London, and Amsterdam feel at home. Given their common wealth, the Arab peoples might even choose to establish a just order for sharing their abundance by creating a federal union, like the EU, which would include all nations of the Middle East, even Israel -- not as the master, but as an equal partner in a peace built upon a shared prosperity and the integrity of Arab justice. The enormous mineral resources of South Africa belong to the Black people of that continent. The Blacks of America and Europe can save that desperate land if they use their talents, ambitions, education, and experience to establish a stable middle class fully capable of administering those countries and bringing them to prosperity in a way military warlords never will. These American-Africans and Euro-Africans are sufficiently numerous and competent to manage the entire continent of Africa. Their common Western background would enable them to cooperate with one another and establish a unified Africa for the benefit of all her people. Why would Blacks living in America and Europe be interested in going to Africa? ....Because no other people on the face of the Earth can save their racial kinsmen but themselves --- perhaps also because they would share in the wealth and power of truly important and prosperous Black nations. Their power would be real, not cosmetic --- and the wealth as wide-spread as they would be willing to share it. They would control strategic metals vital to the rest of the world. They would indeed be equal as major players in world economics and power politics. Their common efforts throughout the whole continent could give all Africans the taste of freedom that only a society of caring in-laws can make a reality. There is a biblical dimension to Westernized Blacks, so long in exile from their roots, returning home to guide their people out of despair into a new millennium of hope. While unwilling to support endless welfare programs for corrupt third world police states ruled by billionaire Mafia families, prosperous nations would be entirely in favor of mutually advantageous trade, as well as scientific and cultural exchange with a united Africa in the hands of competent and honorable Black people. Righteous White folks have got to stop worrying about what "we" are going to do to save the poor Black folks. Let these guilt-stricken Christians and bleeding heart liberals see clearly the missions of mercy calling them to help those whom they have abandoned: the count-less millions of invisible people ... the barely surviving slaves of the former Soviet Union. Our obligations are no less soul-wrenching than those which confront the conscience of comfortable Blacks in the West. Nature has a purpose for the Blacks of this Earth which only they can discover. Our responsibility is to treat all peoples with respect, not to set ourselves up as their masters, benevolent or otherwise. We call on all people of color to peacefully leave Europe and North America, not as penniless Russians, but as honorable human beings with rightful homes ....entitled to what is justly theirs.

While long established in many areas of South America, it seems that a racial partitioning of the world would necessitate that Hispanic Whites from countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela, Uruguay, Columbia, and elsewhere from Central and South America would be called upon to move to North America or Europe. Spain, California and the American South West would be natural destinations, but their welcome would be unrestricted. Their departure would make the lion�s share of South America�s resources available to the native peoples of those regions, and serve as an incentive to non-white Hispanics, currently occupying North American and European homelands, to move into these newly vacated affluent areas. It seems evident that Australia, New Zealand, the Hawaiian Islands, and the Russian occupied Japanese islands are all Asian territory, and not outposts of some Western empire, just as South Africa cannot somehow be the homeland of any people other than the Black Africans. It is quite clear that if there is a generous will among departing White folks, then room can be made for close to a hundred million non-whites in South America (particularly Argentina and Brazil), Australia, New Zealand, and Africa; in turn, all Whites would be called upon by local authorities to find new homes in North America and Europe, where they would be assured of a welcome reserved for real patriots and a standard of living worthy of their sacrifices. The Whites of this planet have homelands of their own and will not be abandoned; let the Whites from all over the globe return to within these historically defensible borders, and all non-whites "go home" to their promised lands. The concession of land and wealth in South America, Asia, and Africa to the natives of these regions is not based on Christian morality, but on a much older common-sense of racial solidarity; the cost of preserving such outposts of a past century's empire is immeasurable in tomorrow's world. This land must be sacrificed to under-score the sanctity of the primary White nations -- foreign territory given-up to make the repatriation of South American Indians, Asians and African peoples more acceptable in the eyes of those who must absorb the tens of millions of their own people leaving North America and Europe. North American Indians deserve unreserved consideration in their choice of territories vacated by Whites, and should even be offered the independent nation of Florida if that is their collective choice. Without some sense of real fairness, we can never establish fundamental values such as justice, and an uncompromising respect for the truth. Educated members from every racial group leaving America and Europe could be encouraged to employ their leadership skills in co-operation with the established population to create functioning societies acceptable to the racial majority of each nation. Overall, there should be a clear benefit for every last person of color as they all make their historic journeys home. It is hard to imagine that any people would feel especially abused in being offered entire nations, with all the latest conveniences still in tact. This seems like a winnable situation all around, but somebody must be losing in a deal like this. Extremely wealthy families, with fortunes in the hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars, ultimately foot the bill. But I doubt that most people feel awfully guilty at the thought of dispossessing these war-lords of their empire-class manors. Let them return to their roots also and live among the people they are always claiming to serve. It's not all that bad, really; and they will have the chance to maintain reasonable wealth in shared homelands preserved from destruction by this blood-less revolution. Banks throughout the world could confiscate the ill-gotten gains of robber-barons like the Oppenheimers and return these looted billions to rightful owners, such as the people of Africa. Whites in North America and Europe would be encouraged to demonstrate all the virtues of Christian love, generosity and social welfare that might inspire them to assist millions of their own racial compatriots joining us from distant areas of a much battered Earth mercifully spared the horrors of another world war. Americans and Europeans might reflect less on the Book of Revelations and more on the Book of Job, seeing these new arrivals as a God-send ...reincarnations of loved ones lost to abortion, wars, and the communist Gulags of Eastern Europe. The only alternative to such peaceful change seems to be racially based civil wars within still majority White nations ...ultimately spreading South and East beyond the borders of civility -- and this would lead to immeasurably greater human hardship and material loss than the modest proposal spelled-out above.

Racist Whites are not the Jews! We are not the multi-national capitalist / communist power brokers and money lenders from the IMF. Nor do we imagine that we are any "master race" of divinely chosen people destined to save, own, or conquer the world. Like all other peoples on this planet of diminishing returns, we are simply determined to see that our children survive, what ever price we and our adversaries must pay to ensure that goal. It is difficult to believe that other peoples do not feel the same way about their own destiny. If we do not have the courage to confront the Jews together, we will be lost to the darkest of revelations in this age of nuclear proliferation ...confronting one another in Holy War. People of color, as well as the Jews, would do well to understand our common vulnerability; should any group threaten the physical-spiritual integrity of their racially cohesive neighbors, then such aggression should be met with a religious zeal of withering dimensions lacking all sense of restraint. We must respect that peoples of all races hold a murderous determination to survive. No love is assumed among alien tribes, but we can trust in a common instinct for survival and an uncompromising demand for fairness. It is vital to keep our intelligence alive, and not become blinded by the rage of racial hatred. It is self-evident that majority races of this Earth have a natural right to exist, but so also do we: the minority White Race. Our continued existence in a world 80% non-white, going on 90%, depends on our capacity to remain separate from an increasing majority-of-color in an over-crowded world. We must reach a just agreement with all people of color on how we will leave each other�s home-lands, without disparaging or minimizing the worth of our fellow human beings. We cannot base the separation of the races on good will, for in the real world, power is the only currency that is universally negotiable. The cohesiveness of each racial group is raw power that can be refined into the rare mettle of their own quantum relativistic collective consciousness. No constraints of Christian morality can be placed on any people, as we all struggle to solve the merciless ultimatums confronting us, not merely from each other, but from our common environment. Race, not politics, nationality, religion, economic status, or any other measure -- only race will be the final criteria for giving each man, woman and child that which is most fundamental to human integrity: identity. The age of communist, fascist, and Judeo-Christian world empires is over. The ultimate concern of all peoples on this distraught Earth must be survival, Separatism not supremacy.

Our position can only be to accept a reasonable stalemate, granting to all races their own historical territories and wealth ....including foreign disengagement from the domestic matters of sovereign continental powers. Somehow the poor pagans of the world will have to do without the saving grace of Christian missions. If the African and Arab peoples choose to return to their ancient traditions, their free choices must prevail not our faltering "idealism"; we must be done with converting people with natural cohesion into detached and alienated souls a cover for stealing the gold, diamonds, oil, and other natural resources belonging to peoples with their own cultures who do not need or want to be "saved". Their proper concern is saving the natural wealth that is rightfully theirs. We can no longer afford the twin luxuries of greed and guilt. Our race has an absolute right to exist, but we do not have a mandate to master all other races, anymore than the Jews or the Chinese do. People from across the globe have a right to force oppressors out of their territories; however, if there is a means of getting party crashers out permanently without war, then the rhythm of traditional steps should guide civilized swift kicks for honorable goals. There is no alternative to accepting the reality of sharing this world with our adversaries; but we cannot accept sharing our homelands with them. It is imperative that all peoples understand the difference. The Germans allied themselves with the Japanese in the Second World War; these two peoples respected each other, yet each held a strong sense of their own racial identity. It is this kind of mutual respect we must seek, finding co-belligerents among all peoples of the world. This is separatism, and not the genocidal racism of white supremacy. The media has linked opposition to the Jews with racial hatred. White racists have done their share to make that claim a reality. Our common objective must be to encourage racial co-operation in opposition to Zionist tyranny. There can be no concealed agendas to "gas the Jews"; everything must be up front, our aims unmistakable: to simply get them off our backs ...out of our stock markets, companies and currencies, out of our governments with their secret police and stealth bombers ...out of our Churches, schools, and most of all out of the media which is terrorizing us in our own homes.

Quantum theory made easy:  an introduction to the new physics               


                          END NOTES

1.Levy Richard S, Antisemitism in the Modern World: An Anthology of Texts  � 1991  D.C. Heath & Co. Lexington, MA. U.S.A., p.147

2.Wistrich, Robert S., Antisemitism: The Longest Hatred  � 1991 Thames
Mandarin, UK,  p.174

3.Sunday Times of London, 17 April 1988,p.1 Soviets Admit Stalin Killed 50m.

4.Ehrenwald, Jan, foreword by Jules H. Masserman, Anatomy of Genius  � 1984 Human Sciences Press, Inc., New York.,  p.218

5.Griffin, Roger, The Nature Of Fascism  � 1993  Routledge, London,

6.Ehrenwald, Jan, Anatomy of Genius,  p.219

7.Ehrenwald,  pp.242-43

8.Ehrenwald,  p.243

9.Ehrenwald,  pp.192-93

10.Ehrenwald,  p.194

11.Dali, Salvador, The Secret Life of Salvador Dali  � 1986 English edition, DASA Edicions, S.A. (original Spanish edition 1942)  Spain,  p.287

12.Ades, Dawn, Dali and Surrealism � 1982 Harper & Row Publishers Icon Editions, New York,  p. 121-122

13.Parinaud, Andre (Translated from the French by Harold J. Salemson), The Unspeakable Confessions of Salvador Dali (as told by Andre Parinaud) � 1973, 1976, 1981 Quill, New York,  p.125-6

14.Ades, Dawn, Dali and Surrealism,  p.106 

15.Ades,  p. 108

16.Parinaud,  p.146

17.Parinaud,  p.122

18.Ehrenwald,  p.219

19.Parinaud,  p.143

20.Gleick, James, Genius: Richard Feynman and Modern Physics  � 1992 Little, Brown and Company (UK) Limited, London,  p.435

21.Dali, Salvador, The Secret Life of Salvador Dali ,  pp.232-3  

22.Ades, Dawn, Dali and Surrealism,  p. 117

23.Ades,  p.178

24.Dali, Salvador, The Secret Life of Salvador Dali , p.248

25.Ibid. , p.302

26.Ades, Dawn, Dali and Surrealism,  pp.175-76

27.Ades p.178

28.Parinaud, Andre, The Unspeakable Confessions of Salvador Dali , p.228  

29.Dali, Salvador, The Secret Life of Salvador Dali ,  p. 371

30.Ibid.  p.360

31.Parinaud, Andre, The Unspeakable Confessions of Salvador Dali ,  p.207

32.Parinaud,  p.205

33.Parinaud,  pp.204-205

34.Parinaud,  p.162  

35.Descharnes, Robert and Gilles Neret, Salvador Dali: The Paintings Volume 2,1946-1989 � 1994 Benedikt Taschen Verlag,  K�ln Germany  pp.423-24

36.Parinaud, Andre, The Unspeakable Confessions of Salvador Dali ,

37.Parinaud,  p.246

38.Parinaud,  p.245  

39.Parinaud,  p.214

40.Parinaud,  p.284

41.Dali, Salvador, Diary of a Genius � 1964,  1975 Picador edition by Pan Books Ltd., London,  p.103

42.Parinaud,  pp. 221-26

43.Parinaud,  pp. 221-26

44.Parinaud,  p.224-5

45.Descharnes, Robert and Gilles Neret, Salvador Dali: The Paintings Volume 1,1904-1946   � 1994 Benedikt Taschen Verlag,  K�ln Germany,  p.207

46.Parinaud,  pp.222-3

47.Parinaud,  p.223

48.Parinaud,  pp.223-4

49.Descharnes, Robert and Gilles Neret, Salvador Dali: The Paintings Volume 2,1946-1989 � 1994 Benedikt Taschen Verlag,  K�ln Germany,  p.657

50.Rogerson, Mark, The Dali Scandal: An investigation  � 1987, Victor Gollancz LTD, London,  p.182

51.Griffin, Roger, The Nature of Fascism ,  pp. 232

52.Griffin,  pp. 232-233

53.Griffin,  pp. 232-233

54.Griffin,  pp.186-7

55.Dali, Salvador, Diary of a Genius � 1964,  1975 Picador edition by Pan Books Ltd.,  London,  pp. 137-8  

56.Gleick, Genius: Richard Feynman and Modern Physics , p.329

57.Einstein, Albert, Ideas and Opinions, Based on Mein Weltbild, edited by Carl Seelig, and other sources. New translations and revisions by Sonja Bargmann. � MCMLIV by Crown Publishers, Inc. New York. (First Laurel printing 1973), pp.47-48, Religion and Science (New York Times Magazine. Nov. 9,1930 pp.1-4.)

58.Parinaud, Andre (Translated from the French by Harold J. Salemson), The Unspeakable Confessions of Salvador Dali (as told by Andre Parinaud) � 1973,1976, 1981 Quill, New York, p.226.

59.Microsoft Bookshelf 1994, Hannah Arendt (1906-75), German-born U.S. political philosopher. The Origins of Totalitarianism, ch. 10, sct. 1 (1951).The Columbia Dictionary of Quotations is licensed from Columbia University Press.Copyright c1993 by Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. Caedmon recordings reproduced by arrangement with Harper Collins Publishers.

60.Rockwell, George Lincoln, White Power , no copyright, no publisher indicated, first edition 1967, later editions in 1977 and 1983, p. 242 -- quotation from You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel (Harcourt, Brace & Co., N.Y., 1924) Ch.1, p.21

61.Rockwell, George Lincoln, White Power , no copyright, no publisher indicated,first edition 1967, later editions in 1977 and 1983, p.242 -- quotation from You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel (Harcourt, Brace & Co., N.Y., 1924),Chapter III, p.65

62.Parinaud, The Unspeakable Confessions of Salvador Dali , pp.134-135

63.Parinaud, The Unspeakable Confessions of Salvador Dali , p.135

64.Dali, Salvador, The Secret Life of Salvador Dali � 1986 English edition, DASA Edicions, S.A. (original Spanish edition 1942) , Spain, pp.68-69

65.Borges, Jorge Luis, and Yates and Irby (Editors), Labyrinths, Selected Stories & Other Writings � 1964 by New Directions Pub.Co, New York, pp. 246-249.

66.Wistrich, Robert S., Antisemitism: The Longest Hatred � 1991 Thames Mandarin, UK, pp. 256-7

